;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!KERNEL") (/show0 "target-defstruct.lisp 12") ;;;; structure frobbing primitives (defun %make-instance (length) #!+sb-doc "Allocate a new instance with LENGTH data slots." (declare (type index length)) (%make-instance length)) (defun %instance-length (instance) #!+sb-doc "Given an instance, return its length." (declare (type instance instance)) (%instance-length instance)) (defun %instance-ref (instance index) #!+sb-doc "Return the value from the INDEXth slot of INSTANCE. This is SETFable." (%instance-ref instance index)) (defun %instance-set (instance index new-value) #!+sb-doc "Set the INDEXth slot of INSTANCE to NEW-VALUE." (setf (%instance-ref instance index) new-value)) (defun %raw-ref-single (vec index) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-ref-single vec index)) (defun %raw-ref-double (vec index) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-ref-double vec index)) #!+long-float (defun %raw-ref-long (vec index) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-ref-long vec index)) (defun %raw-set-single (vec index val) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-set-single vec index val)) (defun %raw-set-double (vec index val) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-set-double vec index val)) #!+long-float (defun %raw-set-long (vec index val) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-set-long vec index val)) (defun %raw-ref-complex-single (vec index) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-ref-complex-single vec index)) (defun %raw-ref-complex-double (vec index) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-ref-complex-double vec index)) #!+long-float (defun %raw-ref-complex-long (vec index) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-ref-complex-long vec index)) (defun %raw-set-complex-single (vec index val) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-set-complex-single vec index val)) (defun %raw-set-complex-double (vec index val) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-set-complex-double vec index val)) #!+long-float (defun %raw-set-complex-long (vec index val) (declare (type index index)) (%raw-set-complex-long vec index val)) (defun %instance-layout (instance) (%instance-layout instance)) (defun %set-instance-layout (instance new-value) (%set-instance-layout instance new-value)) (defun %make-funcallable-instance (len layout) (%make-funcallable-instance len layout)) (defun funcallable-instance-p (x) (funcallable-instance-p x)) (defun %funcallable-instance-info (fin i) (%funcallable-instance-info fin i)) (defun %set-funcallable-instance-info (fin i new-value) (%set-funcallable-instance-info fin i new-value)) (defun funcallable-instance-function (fin) (%funcallable-instance-lexenv fin)) ;;; The heart of the magic of funcallable instances ("FINs"). The ;;; function for a FIN must be a magical INSTANCE-LAMBDA form. When ;;; called (as with any other function), we grab the code pointer, and ;;; call it, leaving the original function object in LEXENV (in case ;;; it was a closure). If it is actually a FIN, then we need to do an ;;; extra indirection with funcallable-instance-lexenv to get at any ;;; closure environment. This extra indirection is set up when ;;; accessing the closure environment of an INSTANCE-LAMBDA. Note that ;;; the original FIN pointer is lost, so if the called function wants ;;; to get at the original object to do some slot accesses, it must ;;; close over the FIN object. ;;; ;;; If we set the FIN function to be a FIN, we directly copy across ;;; both the code pointer and the lexenv, since that code pointer (for ;;; an instance-lambda) is expecting that lexenv to be accessed. This ;;; effectively pre-flattens what would otherwise be a chain of ;;; indirections. Lest this sound like an excessively obscure case, ;;; note that it happens when PCL dispatch functions are ;;; byte-compiled. ;;; ;;; The only loss is that if someone accesses the ;;; FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-FUNCTION, then won't get a FIN back. This ;;; probably doesn't matter, since PCL only sets the FIN function. And ;;; the only reason that interpreted functions are FINs instead of ;;; bare closures is for debuggability. (defun (setf funcallable-instance-function) (new-value fin) (setf (%funcallable-instance-function fin) (%closure-function new-value)) (setf (%funcallable-instance-lexenv fin) (if (funcallable-instance-p new-value) (%funcallable-instance-lexenv new-value) new-value))) ;;; Copy any old kind of structure. (defun copy-structure (structure) #!+sb-doc "Return a copy of STRUCTURE with the same (EQL) slot values." (declare (type structure-object structure)) (let* ((len (%instance-length structure)) (res (%make-instance len)) (layout (%instance-layout structure))) (declare (type index len)) (when (layout-invalid layout) (error "attempt to copy an obsolete structure:~% ~S" structure)) ;; Copy ordinary slots. (dotimes (i len) (declare (type index i)) (setf (%instance-ref res i) (%instance-ref structure i))) ;; Copy raw slots. (let ((raw-index (dd-raw-index (layout-info layout)))) (when raw-index (let* ((data (%instance-ref structure raw-index)) (raw-len (length data)) (new (make-array raw-len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))) (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (*)) data)) (setf (%instance-ref res raw-index) new) (dotimes (i raw-len) (setf (aref new i) (aref data i)))))) res)) ;;; default PRINT and MAKE-LOAD-FORM methods (defun default-structure-print (structure stream depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (if (funcallable-instance-p structure) (print-unreadable-object (structure stream :identity t :type t)) (let* ((type (%instance-layout structure)) (name (sb!xc:class-name (layout-class type))) (dd (layout-info type))) (if *print-pretty* (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "#S(" :suffix ")") (prin1 name stream) (let ((slots (dd-slots dd))) (when slots (write-char #\space stream) ;; CMU CL had (PPRINT-INDENT :BLOCK 2 STREAM) here, ;; but I can't see why. -- WHN 20000205 (pprint-newline :linear stream) (loop (pprint-pop) (let ((slot (pop slots))) (write-char #\: stream) (output-symbol-name (dsd-%name slot) stream) (write-char #\space stream) (pprint-newline :miser stream) (output-object (funcall (fdefinition (dsd-accessor slot)) structure) stream) (when (null slots) (return)) (write-char #\space stream) (pprint-newline :linear stream)))))) (descend-into (stream) (write-string "#S(" stream) (prin1 name stream) (do ((index 0 (1+ index)) (slots (dd-slots dd) (cdr slots))) ((or (null slots) (and (not *print-readably*) *print-length* (>= index *print-length*))) (if (null slots) (write-string ")" stream) (write-string " ...)" stream))) (declare (type index index)) (write-char #\space stream) (write-char #\: stream) (let ((slot (first slots))) (output-symbol-name (dsd-%name slot) stream) (write-char #\space stream) (output-object (funcall (fdefinition (dsd-accessor slot)) structure) stream)))))))) (def!method print-object ((x structure-object) stream) (default-structure-print x stream *current-level*)) (defun make-load-form-saving-slots (object &key slot-names environment) (declare (ignore object environment)) (if slot-names (error "stub: MAKE-LOAD-FORM-SAVING-SLOTS :SLOT-NAMES not implemented") ; KLUDGE :just-dump-it-normally)) ;;; Return true if OBJ is an object of the structure type ;;; corresponding to LAYOUT. This is called by the accessor closures, ;;; which have a handle on the type's layout. ;;; ;;; FIXME: This is fairly big, so it should probably become ;;; MAYBE-INLINE instead of INLINE. Or else we could fix things up so ;;; that the things which call it are all closures, so that it's ;;; expanded only in a small number of places. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline typep-to-layout)) (defun typep-to-layout (obj layout) (declare (type layout layout) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (when (layout-invalid layout) (error "An obsolete structure accessor function was called.")) ;; FIXME: CMU CL used (%INSTANCEP OBJ) here. Check that ;; (TYPEP OBJ 'INSTANCE) is optimized to equally efficient code. (and (typep obj 'instance) (let ((obj-layout (%instance-layout obj))) (cond ((eq obj-layout layout) t) ;; FIXME: Does the test for LAYOUT-INVALID really belong ;; after the test for EQ LAYOUT? Either explain why this ;; is, or change the order. ((layout-invalid obj-layout) (error 'layout-invalid :expected-type (layout-class obj-layout) :datum obj)) (t (let ((depthoid (layout-depthoid layout))) (and (> (layout-depthoid obj-layout) depthoid) (eq (svref (layout-inherits obj-layout) depthoid) layout)))))))) ;;;; implementing structure slot accessors as closures ;;; In the normal case of structures that have a real type (i.e. no ;;; :TYPE option was specified), we want to optimize things for space ;;; as well as speed, since there can be thousands of defined slot ;;; accessors. ;;; ;;; What we do is define the accessors and copier as closures over ;;; general-case code. Since the compiler will normally open-code ;;; accessors, the (minor) extra speed penalty for full calls is not a ;;; concern. ;;; ;;; KLUDGE: This is a minor headache at cold init time, since genesis ;;; doesn't know how to create the closures in the cold image, so the ;;; function definitions aren't done until the appropriate top level ;;; forms are executed, so any forward references to structure slots ;;; (which are compiled into full calls) fail. The headache can be ;;; treated by using SB!XC:DEFSTRUCT on the relevant structure at ;;; build-the-cross-compiler time, so that the compiler is born ;;; knowing how to inline accesses to the relevant structure, so no ;;; full calls are made. This can be achieved by calling ;;; SB!XC:DEFSTRUCT directly, or by using DEF!STRUCT, which (among ;;; other things) calls SB!XC:DEFSTRUCT for you. ;;; Return closures to do slot access according to Layout and DSD. We check ;;; types, then do the access. This is only used for normal slots, not raw ;;; slots. (defun structure-slot-getter (layout dsd) (let ((class (layout-class layout))) (if (typep class 'basic-structure-class) #'(lambda (structure) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (flet ((structure-test (structure) (typep-to-layout structure layout))) (unless (structure-test structure) (error 'simple-type-error :datum structure :expected-type (class-name (layout-class layout)) :format-control "Structure for accessor ~S is not a ~S:~% ~S" :format-arguments (list (dsd-accessor dsd) (sb!xc:class-name (layout-class layout)) structure)))) (%instance-ref structure (dsd-index dsd))) #'(lambda (structure) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (unless (%typep structure class) (error 'simple-type-error :datum structure :expected-type 'class :format-control "The structure for accessor ~S is not a ~S:~% ~S" :format-arguments (list (dsd-accessor dsd) class structure))) (%instance-ref structure (dsd-index dsd)))))) (defun structure-slot-setter (layout dsd) (let ((class (layout-class layout))) (if (typep class 'basic-structure-class) #'(lambda (new-value structure) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (flet ((structure-test (structure) (typep-to-layout structure layout)) (typep-test (new-value) (%typep new-value (dsd-type dsd)))) (unless (structure-test structure) (error 'simple-type-error :datum structure :expected-type (class-name (layout-class layout)) :format-control "The structure for setter ~S is not a ~S:~% ~S" :format-arguments (list `(setf ,(dsd-accessor dsd)) (sb!xc:class-name (layout-class layout)) structure))) (unless (typep-test new-value) (error 'simple-type-error :datum new-value :expected-type (class-name (layout-class layout)) :format-control "The new value for setter ~S is not a ~S:~% ~S" :format-arguments (list `(setf ,(dsd-accessor dsd)) (dsd-type dsd) new-value)))) (setf (%instance-ref structure (dsd-index dsd)) new-value)) #'(lambda (new-value structure) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (flet ((structure-test (structure) (sb!xc:typep structure class)) (typep-test (new-value) (%typep new-value (dsd-type dsd)))) (unless (structure-test structure) (error 'simple-type-error :datum structure :expected-type (class-name (layout-class layout)) :format-control "The structure for setter ~S is not a ~S:~% ~S" :format-arguments (list `(setf ,(dsd-accessor dsd)) (sb!xc:class-name class) structure))) (unless (typep-test new-value) (error 'simple-type-error :datum new-value :expected-type (class-name (layout-class layout)) :format-control "The new value for setter ~S is not a ~S:~% ~S" :format-arguments (list `(setf ,(dsd-accessor dsd)) (dsd-type dsd) new-value)))) (setf (%instance-ref structure (dsd-index dsd)) new-value))))) (/show0 "target-defstruct.lisp end of file")