;;;; that part of the implementation of HASH-TABLE which lives solely ;;;; on the target system, not on the cross-compilation host ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") (file-comment "$Header$") ;;;; utilities (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defconstant max-hash most-positive-fixnum)) (deftype hash () `(integer 0 ,max-hash)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline pointer-hash)) (defun pointer-hash (key) (declare (values hash)) (truly-the hash (%primitive sb!c:make-fixnum key))) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline eq-hash)) (defun eq-hash (key) (declare (values hash (member t nil))) (values (pointer-hash key) (oddp (get-lisp-obj-address key)))) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline equal-hash)) (defun equal-hash (key) (declare (values hash (member t nil))) (values (sxhash key) nil)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline eql-hash)) (defun eql-hash (key) (declare (values hash (member t nil))) (if (numberp key) (equal-hash key) (eq-hash key))) (defun equalp-hash (key) (declare (values hash (member t nil))) (values (psxhash key) nil)) (defun almost-primify (num) (declare (type index num)) #!+sb-doc "Return an almost prime number greater than or equal to NUM." (if (= (rem num 2) 0) (setq num (+ 1 num))) (if (= (rem num 3) 0) (setq num (+ 2 num))) (if (= (rem num 7) 0) (setq num (+ 4 num))) num) ;;;; user-defined hash table tests (defvar *hash-table-tests* nil) (defun define-hash-table-test (name test-fun hash-fun) #!+sb-doc "Define a new kind of hash table test." (declare (type symbol name) (type function test-fun hash-fun)) (setf *hash-table-tests* (cons (list name test-fun hash-fun) (remove name *hash-table-tests* :test #'eq :key #'car))) name) ;;;; construction and simple accessors (defconstant +min-hash-table-size+ 16) (defun make-hash-table (&key (test 'eql) (size +min-hash-table-size+) (rehash-size 1.5) (rehash-threshold 1) (weak-p nil)) #!+sb-doc "Create and return a new hash table. The keywords are as follows: :TEST -- Indicates what kind of test to use. :SIZE -- A hint as to how many elements will be put in this hash table. :REHASH-SIZE -- Indicates how to expand the table when it fills up. If an integer, add space for that many elements. If a floating point number (which must be greater than 1.0), multiply the size by that amount. :REHASH-THRESHOLD -- Indicates how dense the table can become before forcing a rehash. Can be any positive number <=1, with density approaching zero as the threshold approaches 0. Density 1 means an average of one entry per bucket. :WEAK-P -- (This is an extension from CMU CL, not currently supported in SBCL 0.6.6, but perhaps supported in a future version.) If T, don't keep entries if the key would otherwise be garbage." (declare (type (or function symbol) test)) (declare (type unsigned-byte size)) (when weak-p (error "stub: unsupported WEAK-P option")) (multiple-value-bind (test test-fun hash-fun) (cond ((or (eq test #'eq) (eq test 'eq)) (values 'eq #'eq #'eq-hash)) ((or (eq test #'eql) (eq test 'eql)) (values 'eql #'eql #'eql-hash)) ((or (eq test #'equal) (eq test 'equal)) (values 'equal #'equal #'equal-hash)) ((or (eq test #'equalp) (eq test 'equalp)) (values 'equalp #'equalp #'equalp-hash)) (t ;; FIXME: I'd like to remove *HASH-TABLE-TESTS* stuff. ;; Failing that, I'd like to rename it to ;; *USER-HASH-TABLE-TESTS*. (dolist (info *hash-table-tests* (error "unknown :TEST for MAKE-HASH-TABLE: ~S" test)) (destructuring-bind (test-name test-fun hash-fun) info (when (or (eq test test-name) (eq test test-fun)) (return (values test-name test-fun hash-fun))))))) (let* ((size (max +min-hash-table-size+ (min size ;; SIZE is just a hint, so if the user asks ;; for a SIZE which'd be too big for us to ;; easily implement, we bump it down. (floor array-dimension-limit 16)))) (rehash-size (if (integerp rehash-size) rehash-size (float rehash-size 1.0))) ;; FIXME: Original REHASH-THRESHOLD default should be 1.0, ;; not 1, to make it easier for the compiler to avoid ;; boxing. (rehash-threshold (float rehash-threshold 1.0)) (size+1 (1+ size)) ; The first element is not usable. (scaled-size (round (/ (float size+1) rehash-threshold))) (length (almost-primify (max scaled-size (1+ +min-hash-table-size+)))) (index-vector (make-array length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32) :initial-element 0)) ;; needs to be the same length as the KV vector (next-vector (make-array size+1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))) (kv-vector (make-array (* 2 size+1) :initial-element +empty-ht-slot+)) (table (%make-hash-table :test test :test-fun test-fun :hash-fun hash-fun :rehash-size rehash-size :rehash-threshold rehash-threshold :rehash-trigger size :table kv-vector :weak-p weak-p :index-vector index-vector :next-vector next-vector :hash-vector (unless (eq test 'eq) (make-array size+1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32) :initial-element #x80000000))))) (declare (type index size+1 scaled-size length)) ;; Set up the free list, all free. These lists are 0 terminated. (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((>= i size)) (setf (aref next-vector i) (1+ i))) (setf (aref next-vector size) 0) (setf (hash-table-next-free-kv table) 1) (setf (hash-table-needing-rehash table) 0) (setf (aref kv-vector 0) table) table))) (defun hash-table-count (hash-table) #!+sb-doc "Returns the number of entries in the given HASH-TABLE." (declare (type hash-table hash-table) (values index)) (hash-table-number-entries hash-table)) #!+sb-doc (setf (fdocumentation 'hash-table-rehash-size 'function) "Return the rehash-size HASH-TABLE was created with.") #!+sb-doc (setf (fdocumentation 'hash-table-rehash-threshold 'function) "Return the rehash-threshold HASH-TABLE was created with.") (defun hash-table-size (hash-table) #!+sb-doc "Return a size that can be used with MAKE-HASH-TABLE to create a hash table that can hold however many entries HASH-TABLE can hold without having to be grown." (hash-table-rehash-trigger hash-table)) #!+sb-doc (setf (fdocumentation 'hash-table-test 'function) "Return the test HASH-TABLE was created with.") #!+sb-doc (setf (fdocumentation 'hash-table-weak-p 'function) "Return T if HASH-TABLE will not keep entries for keys that would otherwise be garbage, and NIL if it will.") ;;;; accessing functions ;;; Make new vectors for the table, extending the table based on the ;;; rehash-size. (defun rehash (table) (declare (type hash-table table)) (let* ((old-kv-vector (hash-table-table table)) (old-next-vector (hash-table-next-vector table)) (old-hash-vector (hash-table-hash-vector table)) (old-size (length old-next-vector)) (new-size (let ((rehash-size (hash-table-rehash-size table))) (etypecase rehash-size (fixnum (+ rehash-size old-size)) (float (the index (round (* rehash-size old-size))))))) (new-kv-vector (make-array (* 2 new-size) :initial-element +empty-ht-slot+)) (new-next-vector (make-array new-size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32) :initial-element 0)) (new-hash-vector (when old-hash-vector (make-array new-size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32) :initial-element #x80000000))) (old-index-vector (hash-table-index-vector table)) (new-length (almost-primify (round (/ (float new-size) (hash-table-rehash-threshold table))))) (new-index-vector (make-array new-length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32) :initial-element 0))) (declare (type index new-size new-length old-size)) ;; Disable GC tricks on the OLD-KV-VECTOR. (set-header-data old-kv-vector sb!vm:vector-normal-subtype) ;; Copy over the kv-vector. The element positions should not move ;; in case there are active scans. (dotimes (i (* old-size 2)) (declare (type index i)) (setf (aref new-kv-vector i) (aref old-kv-vector i))) ;; Copy over the hash-vector. (when old-hash-vector (dotimes (i old-size) (setf (aref new-hash-vector i) (aref old-hash-vector i)))) (setf (hash-table-next-free-kv table) 0) (setf (hash-table-needing-rehash table) 0) ;; Rehash all the entries; last to first so that after the pushes ;; the chains are first to last. (do ((i (1- new-size) (1- i))) ((zerop i)) (let ((key (aref new-kv-vector (* 2 i))) (value (aref new-kv-vector (1+ (* 2 i))))) (cond ((and (eq key +empty-ht-slot+) (eq value +empty-ht-slot+)) ;; Slot is empty, push it onto the free list. (setf (aref new-next-vector i) (hash-table-next-free-kv table)) (setf (hash-table-next-free-kv table) i)) ((and new-hash-vector (not (= (aref new-hash-vector i) #x80000000))) ;; Can use the existing hash value (not EQ based) (let* ((hashing (aref new-hash-vector i)) (index (rem hashing new-length)) (next (aref new-index-vector index))) (declare (type index index) (type hash hashing)) ;; Push this slot into the next chain. (setf (aref new-next-vector i) next) (setf (aref new-index-vector index) i))) (t ;; EQ base hash. ;; Enable GC tricks. (set-header-data new-kv-vector sb!vm:vector-valid-hashing-subtype) (let* ((hashing (pointer-hash key)) (index (rem hashing new-length)) (next (aref new-index-vector index))) (declare (type index index) (type hash hashing)) ;; Push this slot onto the next chain. (setf (aref new-next-vector i) next) (setf (aref new-index-vector index) i)))))) (setf (hash-table-table table) new-kv-vector) (setf (hash-table-index-vector table) new-index-vector) (setf (hash-table-next-vector table) new-next-vector) (setf (hash-table-hash-vector table) new-hash-vector) ;; Shrink the old vectors to 0 size to help the conservative GC. (shrink-vector old-kv-vector 0) (shrink-vector old-index-vector 0) (shrink-vector old-next-vector 0) (when old-hash-vector (shrink-vector old-hash-vector 0)) (setf (hash-table-rehash-trigger table) new-size)) (values)) ;;; Use the same size as before, re-using the vectors. (defun rehash-without-growing (table) (declare (type hash-table table)) (let* ((kv-vector (hash-table-table table)) (next-vector (hash-table-next-vector table)) (hash-vector (hash-table-hash-vector table)) (size (length next-vector)) (index-vector (hash-table-index-vector table)) (length (length index-vector))) (declare (type index size length) (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (*)))) ;; Disable GC tricks, they will be re-enabled during the re-hash ;; if necesary. (set-header-data kv-vector sb!vm:vector-normal-subtype) ;; Rehash all the entries. (setf (hash-table-next-free-kv table) 0) (setf (hash-table-needing-rehash table) 0) (dotimes (i size) (setf (aref next-vector i) 0)) (dotimes (i length) (setf (aref index-vector i) 0)) (do ((i (1- size) (1- i))) ((zerop i)) (let ((key (aref kv-vector (* 2 i))) (value (aref kv-vector (1+ (* 2 i))))) (cond ((and (eq key +empty-ht-slot+) (eq value +empty-ht-slot+)) ;; Slot is empty, push it onto free list. (setf (aref next-vector i) (hash-table-next-free-kv table)) (setf (hash-table-next-free-kv table) i)) ((and hash-vector (not (= (aref hash-vector i) #x80000000))) ;; Can use the existing hash value (not EQ based) (let* ((hashing (aref hash-vector i)) (index (rem hashing length)) (next (aref index-vector index))) (declare (type index index)) ;; Push this slot into the next chain. (setf (aref next-vector i) next) (setf (aref index-vector index) i))) (t ;; EQ base hash. ;; Enable GC tricks. (set-header-data kv-vector sb!vm:vector-valid-hashing-subtype) (let* ((hashing (pointer-hash key)) (index (rem hashing length)) (next (aref index-vector index))) (declare (type index index) (type hash hashing)) ;; Push this slot into the next chain. (setf (aref next-vector i) next) (setf (aref index-vector index) i))))))) (values)) (defun flush-needing-rehash (table) (let* ((kv-vector (hash-table-table table)) (index-vector (hash-table-index-vector table)) (next-vector (hash-table-next-vector table)) (length (length index-vector))) (do ((next (hash-table-needing-rehash table))) ((zerop next)) (declare (type index next)) (let* ((key (aref kv-vector (* 2 next))) (hashing (pointer-hash key)) (index (rem hashing length)) (temp (aref next-vector next))) (setf (aref next-vector next) (aref index-vector index)) (setf (aref index-vector index) next) (setf next temp)))) (setf (hash-table-needing-rehash table) 0) (values)) (defun gethash (key hash-table &optional default) #!+sb-doc "Finds the entry in HASH-TABLE whose key is KEY and returns the associated value and T as multiple values, or returns DEFAULT and NIL if there is no such entry. Entries can be added using SETF." (declare (type hash-table hash-table) (values t (member t nil))) (without-gcing (cond ((= (get-header-data (hash-table-table hash-table)) sb!vm:vector-must-rehash-subtype) (rehash-without-growing hash-table)) ((not (zerop (hash-table-needing-rehash hash-table))) (flush-needing-rehash hash-table))) ;; Search for key in the hash table. (multiple-value-bind (hashing eq-based) (funcall (hash-table-hash-fun hash-table) key) (declare (type hash hashing)) (let* ((index-vector (hash-table-index-vector hash-table)) (length (length index-vector)) (index (rem hashing length)) (next (aref index-vector index)) (table (hash-table-table hash-table)) (next-vector (hash-table-next-vector hash-table)) (hash-vector (hash-table-hash-vector hash-table)) (test-fun (hash-table-test-fun hash-table))) (declare (type index index)) ;; Search next-vector chain for a matching key. (if (or eq-based (not hash-vector)) (do ((next next (aref next-vector next))) ((zerop next) (values default nil)) (declare (type index next)) (when (eq key (aref table (* 2 next))) (return (values (aref table (1+ (* 2 next))) t)))) (do ((next next (aref next-vector next))) ((zerop next) (values default nil)) (declare (type index next)) (when (and (= hashing (aref hash-vector next)) (funcall test-fun key (aref table (* 2 next)))) ;; Found. (return (values (aref table (1+ (* 2 next))) t))))))))) ;;; so people can call #'(SETF GETHASH) (defun (setf gethash) (new-value key table &optional default) (declare (ignore default)) (%puthash key table new-value)) (defun %puthash (key hash-table value) (declare (type hash-table hash-table)) (assert (hash-table-index-vector hash-table)) (without-gcing ;; We need to rehash here so that a current key can be found if it ;; exists. Check that there is room for one more entry. May not be ;; needed if the key is already present. (cond ((zerop (hash-table-next-free-kv hash-table)) (rehash hash-table)) ((= (get-header-data (hash-table-table hash-table)) sb!vm:vector-must-rehash-subtype) (rehash-without-growing hash-table)) ((not (zerop (hash-table-needing-rehash hash-table))) (flush-needing-rehash hash-table))) ;; Search for key in the hash table. (multiple-value-bind (hashing eq-based) (funcall (hash-table-hash-fun hash-table) key) (declare (type hash hashing)) (let* ((index-vector (hash-table-index-vector hash-table)) (length (length index-vector)) (index (rem hashing length)) (next (aref index-vector index)) (kv-vector (hash-table-table hash-table)) (next-vector (hash-table-next-vector hash-table)) (hash-vector (hash-table-hash-vector hash-table)) (test-fun (hash-table-test-fun hash-table))) (declare (type index index)) (cond ((or eq-based (not hash-vector)) (when eq-based (set-header-data kv-vector sb!vm:vector-valid-hashing-subtype)) ;; Search next-vector chain for a matching key. (do ((next next (aref next-vector next))) ((zerop next)) (declare (type index next)) (when (eq key (aref kv-vector (* 2 next))) ;; Found, just replace the value. (setf (aref kv-vector (1+ (* 2 next))) value) (return-from %puthash value)))) (t ;; Search next-vector chain for a matching key. (do ((next next (aref next-vector next))) ((zerop next)) (declare (type index next)) (when (and (= hashing (aref hash-vector next)) (funcall test-fun key (aref kv-vector (* 2 next)))) ;; Found, just replace the value. (setf (aref kv-vector (1+ (* 2 next))) value) (return-from %puthash value))))) ;; Pop a KV slot off the free list (let ((free-kv-slot (hash-table-next-free-kv hash-table))) ;; Double-check for overflow. (assert (not (zerop free-kv-slot))) (setf (hash-table-next-free-kv hash-table) (aref next-vector free-kv-slot)) (incf (hash-table-number-entries hash-table)) (setf (aref kv-vector (* 2 free-kv-slot)) key) (setf (aref kv-vector (1+ (* 2 free-kv-slot))) value) ;; Setup the hash-vector if necessary. (when hash-vector (if (not eq-based) (setf (aref hash-vector free-kv-slot) hashing) (assert (= (aref hash-vector free-kv-slot) #x80000000)))) ;; Push this slot into the next chain. (setf (aref next-vector free-kv-slot) next) (setf (aref index-vector index) free-kv-slot))))) value) (defun remhash (key hash-table) #!+sb-doc "Remove the entry in HASH-TABLE associated with KEY. Returns T if there was such an entry, and NIL if not." (declare (type hash-table hash-table) (values (member t nil))) (without-gcing ;; We need to rehash here so that a current key can be found if it ;; exists. (cond ((= (get-header-data (hash-table-table hash-table)) sb!vm:vector-must-rehash-subtype) (rehash-without-growing hash-table)) ((not (zerop (hash-table-needing-rehash hash-table))) (flush-needing-rehash hash-table))) ;; Search for key in the hash table. (multiple-value-bind (hashing eq-based) (funcall (hash-table-hash-fun hash-table) key) (declare (type hash hashing)) (let* ((index-vector (hash-table-index-vector hash-table)) (length (length index-vector)) (index (rem hashing length)) (next (aref index-vector index)) (table (hash-table-table hash-table)) (next-vector (hash-table-next-vector hash-table)) (hash-vector (hash-table-hash-vector hash-table)) (test-fun (hash-table-test-fun hash-table))) (declare (type index index next)) (cond ((zerop next) nil) ((if (or eq-based (not hash-vector)) (eq key (aref table (* 2 next))) (and (= hashing (aref hash-vector next)) (funcall test-fun key (aref table (* 2 next))))) ;; FIXME: Substantially the same block of code seems to ;; appear in all three cases. (In the first case, it ;; appear bare; in the other two cases, it's wrapped in ;; DO.) It should be defined in a separate (possibly ;; inline) DEFUN or FLET. ;; Mark slot as empty. (setf (aref table (* 2 next)) +empty-ht-slot+ (aref table (1+ (* 2 next))) +empty-ht-slot+) ;; Update the index-vector pointer. (setf (aref index-vector index) (aref next-vector next)) ;; Push KV slot onto free chain. (setf (aref next-vector next) (hash-table-next-free-kv hash-table)) (setf (hash-table-next-free-kv hash-table) next) (when hash-vector (setf (aref hash-vector next) #x80000000)) (decf (hash-table-number-entries hash-table)) t) ;; Search next-vector chain for a matching key. ((or eq-based (not hash-vector)) ;; EQ based (do ((prior next next) (next (aref next-vector next) (aref next-vector next))) ((zerop next) nil) (declare (type index next)) (when (eq key (aref table (* 2 next))) ;; Mark slot as empty. (setf (aref table (* 2 next)) +empty-ht-slot+ (aref table (1+ (* 2 next))) +empty-ht-slot+) ;; Update the prior pointer in the chain to skip this. (setf (aref next-vector prior) (aref next-vector next)) ;; Push KV slot onto free chain. (setf (aref next-vector next) (hash-table-next-free-kv hash-table)) (setf (hash-table-next-free-kv hash-table) next) (when hash-vector (setf (aref hash-vector next) #x80000000)) (decf (hash-table-number-entries hash-table)) (return t)))) (t ;; not EQ based (do ((prior next next) (next (aref next-vector next) (aref next-vector next))) ((zerop next) nil) (declare (type index next)) (when (and (= hashing (aref hash-vector next)) (funcall test-fun key (aref table (* 2 next)))) ;; Mark slot as empty. (setf (aref table (* 2 next)) +empty-ht-slot+) (setf (aref table (1+ (* 2 next))) +empty-ht-slot+) ;; Update the prior pointer in the chain to skip this. (setf (aref next-vector prior) (aref next-vector next)) ;; Push KV slot onto free chain. (setf (aref next-vector next) (hash-table-next-free-kv hash-table)) (setf (hash-table-next-free-kv hash-table) next) (when hash-vector (setf (aref hash-vector next) #x80000000)) (decf (hash-table-number-entries hash-table)) (return t))))))))) (defun clrhash (hash-table) #!+sb-doc "This removes all the entries from HASH-TABLE and returns the hash table itself." (let* ((kv-vector (hash-table-table hash-table)) (kv-length (length kv-vector)) (next-vector (hash-table-next-vector hash-table)) (hash-vector (hash-table-hash-vector hash-table)) (size (length next-vector)) (index-vector (hash-table-index-vector hash-table)) (length (length index-vector))) ;; Disable GC tricks. (set-header-data kv-vector sb!vm:vector-normal-subtype) ;; Mark all slots as empty by setting all keys and values to magic ;; tag. (do ((i 2 (1+ i))) ((>= i kv-length)) (setf (aref kv-vector i) +empty-ht-slot+)) (assert (eq (aref kv-vector 0) hash-table)) ;; Set up the free list, all free. (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((>= i (1- size))) (setf (aref next-vector i) (1+ i))) (setf (aref next-vector (1- size)) 0) (setf (hash-table-next-free-kv hash-table) 1) (setf (hash-table-needing-rehash hash-table) 0) ;; Clear the index-vector. (dotimes (i length) (setf (aref index-vector i) 0)) ;; Clear the hash-vector. (when hash-vector (dotimes (i size) (setf (aref hash-vector i) #x80000000)))) (setf (hash-table-number-entries hash-table) 0) hash-table) ;;;; MAPHASH ;;; FIXME: This should be made into a compiler transform for two reasons: ;;; 1. It would then be available for compiling the entire system, ;;; not only parts of the system which are defined after DEFUN MAPHASH. ;;; 2. It could be conditional on compilation policy, so that ;;; it could be compiled as a full call instead of an inline ;;; expansion when SPACE>SPEED. (Not only would this save space, ;;; it might actually be faster when a call is made from byte-compiled ;;; code.) (declaim (inline maphash)) (defun maphash (function-designator hash-table) #!+sb-doc "For each entry in HASH-TABLE, call the designated function on the key and value of the entry. Return NIL." (let ((fun (coerce function-designator 'function)) (size (length (hash-table-next-vector hash-table)))) (declare (type function fun)) (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((>= i size)) (declare (type index i)) (let* ((kv-vector (hash-table-table hash-table)) (key (aref kv-vector (* 2 i))) (value (aref kv-vector (1+ (* 2 i))))) (unless (and (eq key +empty-ht-slot+) (eq value +empty-ht-slot+)) (funcall fun key value)))))) ;;;; methods on HASH-TABLE (def!method print-object ((ht hash-table) stream) (declare (type stream stream)) (print-unreadable-object (ht stream :type t :identity t) (format stream ":TEST ~S :COUNT ~D" (hash-table-test ht) (hash-table-number-entries ht)))) (def!method make-load-form ((hash-table hash-table) &optional environment) (declare (ignorable environment)) (values `(make-hash-table :test ',(hash-table-test hash-table) :size ',(hash-table-size hash-table) :rehash-size ',(hash-table-rehash-size hash-table) :rehash-threshold ',(hash-table-rehash-threshold hash-table)) (let ((alist nil)) (maphash (lambda (key value) (push (cons key value) alist)) hash-table) (if alist ;; FIXME: It'd probably be more efficient here to write the ;; hash table values as a SIMPLE-VECTOR rather than an alist. ;; (Someone dumping a huge hash table might well thank us..) `(stuff-hash-table ,hash-table ',alist) nil)))) (defun stuff-hash-table (table alist) (dolist (x alist) (setf (gethash (car x) table) (cdr x))))