;;;; that part of the loader is only needed on the target system ;;;; (which is basically synonymous with "that part of the loader ;;;; which is not needed by GENESIS") ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!FASL") (defvar *load-source-default-type* "lisp" #!+sb-doc "The source file types which LOAD looks for by default.") (declaim (type (or pathname null) *load-truename* *load-pathname*)) (defvar *load-truename* nil #!+sb-doc "the TRUENAME of the file that LOAD is currently loading") (defvar *load-pathname* nil #!+sb-doc "the defaulted pathname that LOAD is currently loading") ;;;; LOAD-AS-SOURCE ;;; Load a text file. (Note that load-as-fasl is in another file.) (defun load-as-source (stream verbose print) (maybe-announce-load stream verbose) (do ((sexpr (read stream nil *eof-object*) (read stream nil *eof-object*))) ((eq sexpr *eof-object*) t) (if print (let ((results (multiple-value-list (eval sexpr)))) (load-fresh-line) (format t "~{~S~^, ~}~%" results)) (eval sexpr)))) ;;;; LOAD itself (define-condition fasl-header-missing (invalid-fasl) ((fhsss :reader invalid-fasl-fhsss :initarg :fhsss)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~@" (invalid-fasl-stream condition) (invalid-fasl-expected condition) (invalid-fasl-fhsss condition))))) ;; Pretty well any way of doing LOAD will expose race conditions: for ;; example, a file might get deleted or renamed after we open it but ;; before we find its truename. It seems useful to say that ;; detectible ways the file system can fail to be static are good ;; enough reason to stop loading, but to stop in a way that ;; distinguishes errors that occur mid-way through LOAD from the ;; initial failure to OPEN the file, so that handlers can try do ;; defaulting only when the file didn't exist at the start of LOAD, ;; while allowing race conditions to get through. (define-condition load-race-condition (error) ((pathname :reader load-race-condition-pathname :initarg :pathname)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~@" (load-race-condition-pathname condition))))) (defmacro resignal-race-condition (&body body) `(handler-case (progn ,@body) (file-error (error) (error 'load-race-condition :pathname (file-error-pathname error))))) ;;; The following comment preceded the pre definition of ;;; LOAD; it may no longer be accurate: ;; FIXME: Daniel Barlow's ilsb.tar ILISP-for-SBCL patches contain an ;; implementation of "DEFUN SOURCE-FILE" which claims, in a comment, ;; that CMU CL does not correctly record source file information when ;; LOADing a non-compiled file. Check whether this bug exists in SBCL ;; and fix it if so. ;;; This is our real LOAD. The LOAD below is just a wrapper that does ;;; some defaulting in case the user asks us to load a file that ;;; doesn't exist at the time we start. (defun %load (pathspec &key (verbose *load-verbose*) (print *load-print*) (if-does-not-exist t) (external-format :default)) (when (streamp pathspec) (let* (;; Bindings required by ANSI. (*readtable* *readtable*) (*package* (sane-package)) ;; FIXME: we should probably document the circumstances ;; where *LOAD-PATHNAME* and *LOAD-TRUENAME* aren't ;; pathnames during LOAD. ANSI makes no exceptions here. (*load-pathname* (handler-case (pathname pathspec) ;; FIXME: it should probably be a type ;; error to try to get a pathname for a ;; stream that doesn't have one, but I ;; don't know if we guarantee that. (error () nil))) (*load-truename* (when *load-pathname* (handler-case (truename *load-pathname*) (file-error () nil)))) ;; Bindings used internally. (*load-depth* (1+ *load-depth*)) ;; KLUDGE: I can't find in the ANSI spec where it says ;; that DECLAIM/PROCLAIM of optimization policy should ;; have file scope. CMU CL did this, and it seems ;; reasonable, but it might not be right; after all, ;; things like (PROCLAIM '(TYPE ..)) don't have file ;; scope, and I can't find anything under PROCLAIM or ;; COMPILE-FILE or LOAD or OPTIMIZE which justifies this ;; behavior. Hmm. -- WHN 2001-04-06 (sb!c::*policy* sb!c::*policy*)) (return-from %load (if (equal (stream-element-type pathspec) '(unsigned-byte 8)) (load-as-fasl pathspec verbose print) (load-as-source pathspec verbose print))))) ;; If we're here, PATHSPEC isn't a stream, so must be some other ;; kind of pathname designator. (with-open-file (stream pathspec :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :if-does-not-exist (if if-does-not-exist :error nil)) (unless stream (return-from %load nil)) (let* ((header-line (make-array (length *fasl-header-string-start-string*) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (read-sequence header-line stream) (if (mismatch header-line *fasl-header-string-start-string* :test #'(lambda (code char) (= code (char-code char)))) (let ((truename (resignal-race-condition (probe-file stream)))) (when (and truename (string= (pathname-type truename) *fasl-file-type*)) (error 'fasl-header-missing :stream (namestring truename) :fhsss header-line :expected *fasl-header-string-start-string*))) (progn (file-position stream :start) (return-from %load (%load stream :verbose verbose :print print)))))) (resignal-race-condition (with-open-file (stream pathspec :external-format external-format) (%load stream :verbose verbose :print print)))) ;; Given a simple %LOAD like the above, one can implement any ;; particular defaulting strategy with a wrapper like this one: (defun load (pathspec &key (verbose *load-verbose*) (print *load-print*) (if-does-not-exist :error) (external-format :default)) #!+sb-doc "Load the file given by FILESPEC into the Lisp environment, returning T on success." (handler-bind ((file-error #'(lambda (error) ;; This handler will run if %LOAD failed to OPEN ;; the file to look for a fasl header. (let ((pathname (file-error-pathname error))) ;; As PROBE-FILE returned NIL, the file ;; doesn't exist. If the filename we tried to ;; open lacked a type, try loading a filename ;; determined by our defaulting. (when (null (handler-case (probe-file pathname) (file-error (error) error))) (when (null (pathname-type pathname)) (let ((default (probe-load-defaults pathname))) (when default (return-from load (resignal-race-condition (%load default :verbose verbose :print print :external-format external-format :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist)))))))) ;; If we're here, one of three things happened: ;; (1) %LOAD errored and PROBE-FILE succeeded, ;; in which case the file must be a bad symlink, ;; unreadable, or it was created between %LOAD ;; and PROBE-FILE; (2) %LOAD errored and ;; PROBE-FILE errored, and so things are amiss ;; in the file system (albeit possibly ;; differently now than when OPEN errored); (3) ;; our defaulting did not find a file. In any ;; of these cases, decline to handle the ;; original error or return NIL, depending on ;; IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST. (if if-does-not-exist nil (return-from load nil))))) (%load pathspec :verbose verbose :print print :external-format external-format))) ;; This implements the defaulting SBCL seems to have inherited from ;; CMU. This routine does not try to perform any loading; all it does ;; is return the pathname (not the truename) of a file to be loaded, ;; or NIL if no such file can be found. This routine is supposed to ;; signal an error if a fasl's timestamp is older than its source ;; file, but we protect against errors in PROBE-FILE, because any of ;; the ways that we might fail to find a defaulted file are reasons ;; not to load it, but not worth exposing to the user who didn't ;; expicitly ask us to load a file with a made-up name (e.g., the ;; defaulted filename might exceed filename length limits). (defun probe-load-defaults (pathname) (destructuring-bind (defaulted-source-pathname defaulted-source-truename defaulted-fasl-pathname defaulted-fasl-truename) (loop for type in (list *load-source-default-type* *fasl-file-type*) as probe-pathname = (make-pathname :type type :defaults pathname) collect probe-pathname collect (handler-case (probe-file probe-pathname) (file-error () nil))) (cond ((and defaulted-fasl-truename defaulted-source-truename (> (resignal-race-condition (file-write-date defaulted-source-truename)) (resignal-race-condition (file-write-date defaulted-fasl-truename)))) (restart-case (error "The object file ~A is~@ older than the presumed source:~% ~A." defaulted-fasl-truename defaulted-source-truename) (source () :report "load source file" defaulted-source-pathname) (object () :report "load object file" defaulted-fasl-pathname))) (defaulted-fasl-truename defaulted-fasl-pathname) (defaulted-source-truename defaulted-source-pathname)))) ;;; Load a code object. BOX-NUM objects are popped off the stack for ;;; the boxed storage section, then SIZE bytes of code are read in. #!-x86 (defun load-code (box-num code-length) (declare (fixnum box-num code-length)) (with-fop-stack t (let ((code (%primitive sb!c:allocate-code-object box-num code-length)) (index (+ sb!vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot box-num))) (declare (type index index)) (setf (%code-debug-info code) (pop-stack)) (dotimes (i box-num) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (code-header-ref code (decf index)) (pop-stack))) (sb!sys:without-gcing (read-n-bytes *fasl-input-stream* (code-instructions code) 0 code-length)) code))) ;;; Moving native code during a GC or purify is not so trivial on the ;;; x86 port. ;;; ;;; Our strategy for allowing the loading of x86 native code into the ;;; dynamic heap requires that the addresses of fixups be saved for ;;; all these code objects. After a purify these fixups can be ;;; dropped. In CMU CL, this policy was enabled with ;;; *ENABLE-DYNAMIC-SPACE-CODE*; in SBCL it's always used. #!+x86 (defun load-code (box-num code-length) (declare (fixnum box-num code-length)) (with-fop-stack t (let ((stuff (list (pop-stack)))) (dotimes (i box-num) (declare (fixnum i)) (push (pop-stack) stuff)) (let* ((dbi (car (last stuff))) ; debug-info (tto (first stuff))) ; trace-table-offset (setq stuff (nreverse stuff)) ;; FIXME: *LOAD-CODE-VERBOSE* should probably be #!+SB-SHOW. (when *load-code-verbose* (format t "stuff: ~S~%" stuff) (format t " : ~S ~S ~S ~S~%" (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-p dbi) (sb!c::debug-info-p dbi) (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-name dbi) tto) (format t " loading to the dynamic space~%")) (let ((code (%primitive sb!c:allocate-code-object box-num code-length)) (index (+ sb!vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot box-num))) (declare (type index index)) (when *load-code-verbose* (format t " obj addr=~X~%" (sb!kernel::get-lisp-obj-address code))) (setf (%code-debug-info code) (pop stuff)) (dotimes (i box-num) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (code-header-ref code (decf index)) (pop stuff))) (sb!sys:without-gcing (read-n-bytes *fasl-input-stream* (code-instructions code) 0 code-length)) code))))) ;;;; linkage fixups ;;; how we learn about assembler routines at startup (defvar *!initial-assembler-routines*) (defun !loader-cold-init () (/show0 "/!loader-cold-init") (dolist (routine *!initial-assembler-routines*) (setf (gethash (car routine) *assembler-routines*) (cdr routine))))