;;;; that part of the loader is only needed on the target system ;;;; (which is basically synonymous with "that part of the loader ;;;; which is not needed by GENESIS") ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") (defvar *load-source-default-type* "lisp" #!+sb-doc "The source file types which LOAD looks for by default.") (defvar *load-truename* nil #!+sb-doc "the TRUENAME of the file that LOAD is currently loading") (defvar *load-pathname* nil #!+sb-doc "the defaulted pathname that LOAD is currently loading") (declaim (type (or pathname null) *load-truename* *load-pathname*)) ;;;; SLOLOAD ;;; Load a text file. (defun sloload (stream verbose print) (do-load-verbose stream verbose) (do ((sexpr (read stream nil *eof-object*) (read stream nil *eof-object*))) ((eq sexpr *eof-object*) t) (if print (let ((results (multiple-value-list (eval sexpr)))) (load-fresh-line) (format t "~{~S~^, ~}~%" results)) (eval sexpr)))) ;;;; LOAD itself ;;; a helper function for LOAD: Load the stuff in a file when we have the name. (defun internal-load (pathname truename if-does-not-exist verbose print &optional contents) (declare (type (member nil :error) if-does-not-exist)) (unless truename (if if-does-not-exist (error 'simple-file-error :pathname pathname :format-control "~S does not exist." :format-arguments (list (namestring pathname))) (return-from internal-load nil))) (let ((*load-truename* truename) (*load-pathname* pathname)) (case contents (:source (with-open-file (stream truename :direction :input :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist) (sloload stream verbose print))) (:binary (with-open-file (stream truename :direction :input :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (fasload stream verbose print))) (t (let ((first-line (with-open-file (stream truename :direction :input) (read-line stream nil))) (fhs sb!c:*fasl-header-string-start-string*)) (cond ((and first-line (>= (length (the simple-string first-line)) (length fhs)) (string= first-line fhs :end1 (length fhs))) (internal-load pathname truename if-does-not-exist verbose print :binary)) (t (when (string= (pathname-type truename) sb!c:*backend-fasl-file-type*) (error "File has a fasl file type, but no fasl file header:~% ~S" (namestring truename))) (internal-load pathname truename if-does-not-exist verbose print :source)))))))) ;;; a helper function for INTERNAL-LOAD-DEFAULT-TYPE: Try the default ;;; file type TYPE and return (VALUES PATHNAME TRUENAME) for a match, ;;; or (VALUES PATHNAME NIL) if the file doesn't exist. ;;; ;;; This is analogous to CMU CL's TRY-DEFAULT-TYPES, but we only try a ;;; single type. By avoiding CMU CL's generality here, we avoid having ;;; to worry about some annoying ambiguities. (E.g. what if the ;;; possible types are ".lisp" and ".cl", and both "foo.lisp" and ;;; "foo.cl" exist?) (defun try-default-type (pathname type) (let ((pn (make-pathname :type type :defaults pathname))) (values pn (probe-file pn)))) ;;; a helper function for LOAD: Handle the case of INTERNAL-LOAD where ;;; the file does not exist. (defun internal-load-default-type (pathname if-does-not-exist verbose print) (declare (type (member nil :error) if-does-not-exist)) (multiple-value-bind (src-pn src-tn) (try-default-type pathname *load-source-default-type*) (multiple-value-bind (obj-pn obj-tn) (try-default-type pathname sb!c:*backend-fasl-file-type*) (cond ((and obj-tn src-tn (> (file-write-date src-tn) (file-write-date obj-tn))) (restart-case (error "The object file ~A is~@ older than the presumed source:~% ~A." (namestring obj-tn) (namestring src-tn)) ;; FIXME: In CMU CL one of these was a CONTINUE case. ;; There's not one now. I don't remember how restart-case ;; works very well, make sure that it doesn't do anything ;; weird when we don't specify the CONTINUE case. (source () :report "load source file" (internal-load src-pn src-tn if-does-not-exist verbose print :source)) (object () :report "load object file" (internal-load src-pn obj-tn if-does-not-exist verbose print :binary)))) (obj-tn (internal-load obj-pn obj-tn if-does-not-exist verbose print :binary)) (src-pn (internal-load src-pn src-tn if-does-not-exist verbose print :source)) (t (internal-load pathname nil if-does-not-exist verbose print nil)))))) ;;; This function mainly sets up special bindings and then calls ;;; sub-functions. We conditionally bind the switches with PROGV so ;;; that people can set them in their init files and have the values ;;; take effect. If the compiler is loaded, we make the ;;; compiler-policy local to LOAD by binding it to itself. ;;; ;;; FIXME: ANSI specifies an EXTERNAL-FORMAT keyword argument. ;;; ;;; FIXME: Daniel Barlow's ilsb.tar ILISP-for-SBCL patches contain an ;;; implementation of "DEFUN SOURCE-FILE" which claims, in a comment, that CMU ;;; CL does not correctly record source file information when LOADing a ;;; non-compiled file. Check whether this bug exists in SBCL and fix it if so. (defun load (filespec &key (verbose *load-verbose*) (print *load-print*) (if-does-not-exist t)) #!+sb-doc "Loads the file given by FILESPEC into the Lisp environment, returning T on success. These options are defined: :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST What should we do if the file can't be located? If true (the default), signal an error. If NIL, simply return NIL. :VERBOSE If true, print a line describing each file loaded. The default is *LOAD-VERBOSE*. :PRINT If true, print information about loaded values. When loading the source, the result of evaluating each top-level form is printed. The default is *LOAD-PRINT*." (let ((sb!c::*default-policy* sb!c::*default-policy*) (sb!c::*default-interface-policy* sb!c::*default-interface-policy*) (*package* (sane-package)) (*readtable* *readtable*) (*load-depth* (1+ *load-depth*)) ;; The old CMU CL LOAD function used an IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST argument of ;; (MEMBER :ERROR NIL) type. ANSI constrains us to accept a generalized ;; boolean argument value for this externally-visible function, but the ;; internal functions still use the old convention. (internal-if-does-not-exist (if if-does-not-exist :error nil))) ;; FIXME: This VALUES wrapper is inherited from CMU CL. ;; Once SBCL gets function return type checking right, we can ;; achieve a similar effect better by adding FTYPE declarations. (values (if (streamp filespec) (if (or (equal (stream-element-type filespec) '(unsigned-byte 8))) (fasload filespec verbose print) (sloload filespec verbose print)) (let ((pn (merge-pathnames (pathname filespec) *default-pathname-defaults*))) (if (wild-pathname-p pn) (let ((files (directory pn))) #!+high-security (when (null files) (error 'file-error :pathname filespec)) (dolist (file files t) (internal-load pn file internal-if-does-not-exist verbose print))) (let ((tn (probe-file pn))) (if (or tn (pathname-type pn)) (internal-load pn tn internal-if-does-not-exist verbose print) (internal-load-default-type pn internal-if-does-not-exist verbose print))))))))) ;;; Load a code object. BOX-NUM objects are popped off the stack for ;;; the boxed storage section, then SIZE bytes of code are read in. #!-x86 (defun load-code (box-num code-length) (declare (fixnum box-num code-length)) (with-fop-stack t (let ((code (%primitive sb!c:allocate-code-object box-num code-length)) (index (+ #!-gengc sb!vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot #!+gengc sb!vm:code-debug-info-slot box-num))) (declare (type index index)) #!-gengc (setf (%code-debug-info code) (pop-stack)) (dotimes (i box-num) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (code-header-ref code (decf index)) (pop-stack))) (sb!sys:without-gcing (read-n-bytes *fasl-file* (code-instructions code) 0 #!-gengc code-length #!+gengc (* code-length sb!vm:word-bytes))) code))) #!+x86 (defun load-code (box-num code-length) (declare (fixnum box-num code-length)) (with-fop-stack t (let ((stuff (list (pop-stack)))) (dotimes (i box-num) (declare (fixnum i)) (push (pop-stack) stuff)) (let* ((dbi (car (last stuff))) ; debug-info (tto (first stuff)) ; trace-table-offset (load-to-dynamic-space (or *enable-dynamic-space-code* ;; definitely byte-compiled code? (and *load-byte-compiled-code-to-dynamic-space* (sb!c::debug-info-p dbi) (not (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-p dbi))) ;; or a x86 top level form? (and *load-x86-tlf-to-dynamic-space* (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-p dbi) (string= (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-name dbi) "top-level form")))) ) (setq stuff (nreverse stuff)) ;; Check that tto is always a list for byte-compiled ;; code. Could be used an alternate check. (when (and (typep tto 'list) (not (and (sb!c::debug-info-p dbi) (not (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-p dbi))))) ;; FIXME: What is this for? (format t "* tto list on non-bc code: ~S~% ~S ~S~%" stuff dbi tto)) ;; FIXME: *LOAD-CODE-VERBOSE* should probably be #!+SB-SHOW. (when *load-code-verbose* (format t "stuff: ~S~%" stuff) (format t " : ~S ~S ~S ~S~%" (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-p dbi) (sb!c::debug-info-p dbi) (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-name dbi) tto) (if load-to-dynamic-space (format t " loading to the dynamic space~%") (format t " loading to the static space~%"))) (let ((code (if load-to-dynamic-space (%primitive sb!c:allocate-dynamic-code-object box-num code-length) (%primitive sb!c:allocate-code-object box-num code-length))) (index (+ sb!vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot box-num))) (declare (type index index)) (when *load-code-verbose* (format t " obj addr=~X~%" (sb!kernel::get-lisp-obj-address code))) (setf (%code-debug-info code) (pop stuff)) (dotimes (i box-num) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (code-header-ref code (decf index)) (pop stuff))) (sb!sys:without-gcing (read-n-bytes *fasl-file* (code-instructions code) 0 code-length)) code))))) ;;;; linkage fixups ;;; how we learn about assembler routines and foreign symbols at startup (defvar *!initial-assembler-routines*) (defvar *!initial-foreign-symbols*) (defun !loader-cold-init () (dolist (routine *!initial-assembler-routines*) (setf (gethash (car routine) *assembler-routines*) (cdr routine))) (dolist (symbol *!initial-foreign-symbols*) (setf (gethash (car symbol) *static-foreign-symbols*) (cdr symbol)))) (declaim (ftype (function (string) sb!vm:word) foreign-symbol-address-as-integer)) (defun foreign-symbol-address-as-integer (foreign-symbol) (or (gethash foreign-symbol *static-foreign-symbols*) (gethash (concatenate 'simple-string #!+linux "ldso_stub__" #!+openbsd "_" #!+freebsd "ldso_stub__" foreign-symbol) *static-foreign-symbols*) (sb!sys:get-dynamic-foreign-symbol-address foreign-symbol) (error "unknown foreign symbol: ~S" foreign-symbol))) (defun foreign-symbol-address (symbol) (int-sap (foreign-symbol-address-as-integer (sb!vm:extern-alien-name symbol))))