;;;; Environment query functions, DOCUMENTATION and DRIBBLE. ;;;; ;;;; FIXME: If there are exactly three things in here, it could be ;;;; exactly three files named e.g. equery.lisp, doc.lisp, and dribble.lisp. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") ;;; cobbled from stuff in describe.lisp. (defun function-doc (x) (let ((name (case (get-type x) (#.sb!vm:closure-header-type (%function-name (%closure-function x))) ((#.sb!vm:function-header-type #.sb!vm:closure-function-header-type) (%function-name x)) (#.sb!vm:funcallable-instance-header-type (typecase x (byte-function (sb!c::byte-function-name x)) (byte-closure (sb!c::byte-function-name (byte-closure-function x))) #!+sb-interpreter (sb!eval:interpreted-function (multiple-value-bind (exp closure-p dname) (sb!eval:interpreted-function-lambda-expression x) (declare (ignore exp closure-p)) dname)) (t ;; funcallable-instance (%function-name (funcallable-instance-function x)))))))) (when (and name (typep name '(or symbol cons))) (values (info :function :documentation name))))) (defvar *features* '#.sb-cold:*shebang-features* #!+sb-doc "a list of symbols that describe features provided by the implementation") ;;; various environment inquiries (defun machine-instance () #!+sb-doc "Return a string giving the name of the local machine." (sb!unix:unix-gethostname)) ;;; FIXME: Don't forget to set these in a sample site-init file. ;;; FIXME: Perhaps the functions could be SETFable instead of having the ;;; interface be through special variables? As far as I can tell ;;; from ANSI "Constraints on the COMMON-LISP Package ;;; for Conforming Implementations" it is kosher to add a SETF function for ;;; a symbol in COMMON-LISP.. (defvar *short-site-name* nil #!+sb-doc "The value of SHORT-SITE-NAME.") (defvar *long-site-name* nil #!+sb-doc "the value of LONG-SITE-NAME") (defun short-site-name () #!+sb-doc "Returns a string with the abbreviated site name, or NIL if not known." *short-site-name*) (defun long-site-name () #!+sb-doc "Returns a string with the long form of the site name, or NIL if not known." *long-site-name*) ;;;; dribble stuff ;;; Each time we start dribbling to a new stream, we put it in ;;; *DRIBBLE-STREAM*, and push a list of *DRIBBLE-STREAM*, *STANDARD-INPUT*, ;;; *STANDARD-OUTPUT* and *ERROR-OUTPUT* in *PREVIOUS-DRIBBLE-STREAMS*. ;;; *STANDARD-OUTPUT* and *ERROR-OUTPUT* is changed to a broadcast stream that ;;; broadcasts to *DRIBBLE-STREAM* and to the old values of the variables. ;;; *STANDARD-INPUT* is changed to an echo stream that echos input from the old ;;; value of standard input to *DRIBBLE-STREAM*. ;;; ;;; When dribble is called with no arguments, *DRIBBLE-STREAM* is closed, ;;; and the values of *DRIBBLE-STREAM*, *STANDARD-INPUT*, and ;;; *STANDARD-OUTPUT* are popped from *PREVIOUS-DRIBBLE-STREAMS*. (defvar *previous-dribble-streams* nil) (defvar *dribble-stream* nil) (defun dribble (&optional pathname &key (if-exists :append)) #!+sb-doc "With a file name as an argument, dribble opens the file and sends a record of further I/O to that file. Without an argument, it closes the dribble file, and quits logging." (cond (pathname (let* ((new-dribble-stream (open pathname :direction :output :if-exists if-exists :if-does-not-exist :create)) (new-standard-output (make-broadcast-stream *standard-output* new-dribble-stream)) (new-error-output (make-broadcast-stream *error-output* new-dribble-stream)) (new-standard-input (make-echo-stream *standard-input* new-dribble-stream))) (push (list *dribble-stream* *standard-input* *standard-output* *error-output*) *previous-dribble-streams*) (setf *dribble-stream* new-dribble-stream) (setf *standard-input* new-standard-input) (setf *standard-output* new-standard-output) (setf *error-output* new-error-output))) ((null *dribble-stream*) (error "not currently dribbling")) (t (let ((old-streams (pop *previous-dribble-streams*))) (close *dribble-stream*) (setf *dribble-stream* (first old-streams)) (setf *standard-input* (second old-streams)) (setf *standard-output* (third old-streams)) (setf *error-output* (fourth old-streams))))) (values)) (defun %byte-blt (src src-start dst dst-start dst-end) (%byte-blt src src-start dst dst-start dst-end))