;;;; PACKAGEs and stuff like that ;;;; ;;;; Note: The code in this file signals many correctable errors. This ;;;; is not just an arbitrary aesthetic decision on the part of the ;;;; implementor -- many of these are specified by ANSI, ;;;; "Prevention of Name Conflicts in Packages": ;;;; Within one package, any particular name can refer to at most one ;;;; symbol. A name conflict is said to occur when there would be more ;;;; than one candidate symbol. Any time a name conflict is about to ;;;; occur, a correctable error is signaled. ;;;; ;;;; FIXME: The code contains a lot of type declarations. Are they ;;;; all really necessary? ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") (!begin-collecting-cold-init-forms) (!cold-init-forms (/show0 "entering !PACKAGE-COLD-INIT")) ;;;; PACKAGE-HASHTABLE stuff (def!method print-object ((table package-hashtable) stream) (declare (type stream stream)) (print-unreadable-object (table stream :type t) (format stream ":SIZE ~S :FREE ~S :DELETED ~S" (package-hashtable-size table) (package-hashtable-free table) (package-hashtable-deleted table)))) ;;; the maximum load factor we allow in a package hashtable (defconstant +package-rehash-threshold+ 0.75) ;;; the load factor desired for a package hashtable when writing a ;;; core image (defconstant +package-hashtable-image-load-factor+ 0.5) ;;; Make a package hashtable having a prime number of entries at least ;;; as great as (/ SIZE +PACKAGE-REHASH-THRESHOLD+). If RES is supplied, ;;; then it is destructively modified to produce the result. This is ;;; useful when changing the size, since there are many pointers to ;;; the hashtable. ;;; Actually, the smallest table built here has three entries. This ;;; is necessary because the double hashing step size is calculated ;;; using a division by the table size minus two. (defun make-or-remake-package-hashtable (size &optional res) (flet ((actual-package-hashtable-size (size) (loop for n of-type fixnum from (logior (ceiling size +package-rehash-threshold+) 1) by 2 when (positive-primep n) return n))) (let* ((n (actual-package-hashtable-size size)) (size (truncate (* n +package-rehash-threshold+))) (table (make-array n)) (hash (make-array n :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element 0))) (if res (setf (package-hashtable-table res) table (package-hashtable-hash res) hash (package-hashtable-size res) size (package-hashtable-free res) size (package-hashtable-deleted res) 0) (setf res (%make-package-hashtable table hash size))) res))) ;;; Destructively resize TABLE to have room for at least SIZE entries ;;; and rehash its existing entries. (defun resize-package-hashtable (table size) (let* ((vec (package-hashtable-table table)) (hash (package-hashtable-hash table)) (len (length vec))) (make-or-remake-package-hashtable size table) (dotimes (i len) (when (> (aref hash i) 1) (add-symbol table (svref vec i)))))) ;;;; package locking operations, built conditionally on :sb-package-locks #!+sb-package-locks (progn (defun package-locked-p (package) #!+sb-doc "Returns T when PACKAGE is locked, NIL otherwise. Signals an error if PACKAGE doesn't designate a valid package." (package-lock (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package))) (defun lock-package (package) #!+sb-doc "Locks PACKAGE and returns T. Has no effect if PACKAGE was already locked. Signals an error if PACKAGE is not a valid package designator" (setf (package-lock (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package)) t)) (defun unlock-package (package) #!+sb-doc "Unlocks PACKAGE and returns T. Has no effect if PACKAGE was already unlocked. Signals an error if PACKAGE is not a valid package designator." (setf (package-lock (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package)) nil) t) (defun package-implemented-by-list (package) #!+sb-doc "Returns a list containing the implementation packages of PACKAGE. Signals an error if PACKAGE is not a valid package designator." (package-%implementation-packages (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package))) (defun package-implements-list (package) #!+sb-doc "Returns the packages that PACKAGE is an implementation package of. Signals an error if PACKAGE is not a valid package designator." (let ((package (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package))) (loop for x in (list-all-packages) when (member package (package-%implementation-packages x)) collect x))) (defun add-implementation-package (packages-to-add &optional (package *package*)) #!+sb-doc "Adds PACKAGES-TO-ADD as implementation packages of PACKAGE. Signals an error if PACKAGE or any of the PACKAGES-TO-ADD is not a valid package designator." (let ((package (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package)) (packages-to-add (package-listify packages-to-add))) (setf (package-%implementation-packages package) (union (package-%implementation-packages package) (mapcar #'find-undeleted-package-or-lose packages-to-add))))) (defun remove-implementation-package (packages-to-remove &optional (package *package*)) #!+sb-doc "Removes PACKAGES-TO-REMOVE from the implementation packages of PACKAGE. Signals an error if PACKAGE or any of the PACKAGES-TO-REMOVE is not a valid package designator." (let ((package (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package)) (packages-to-remove (package-listify packages-to-remove))) (setf (package-%implementation-packages package) (nset-difference (package-%implementation-packages package) (mapcar #'find-undeleted-package-or-lose packages-to-remove))))) (defmacro with-unlocked-packages ((&rest packages) &body forms) #!+sb-doc "Unlocks PACKAGES for the dynamic scope of the body. Signals an error if any of PACKAGES is not a valid package designator." (with-unique-names (unlocked-packages) `(let (,unlocked-packages) (unwind-protect (progn (dolist (p ',packages) (when (package-locked-p p) (push p ,unlocked-packages) (unlock-package p))) ,@forms) (dolist (p ,unlocked-packages) (when (find-package p) (lock-package p))))))) (defun package-lock-violation (package &key (symbol nil symbol-p) format-control format-arguments) (let* ((restart :continue) (cl-violation-p (eq package *cl-package*)) (error-arguments (append (list (if symbol-p 'symbol-package-locked-error 'package-locked-error) :package package :format-control format-control :format-arguments format-arguments) (when symbol-p (list :symbol symbol)) (list :references (append '((:sbcl :node "Package Locks")) (when cl-violation-p '((:ansi-cl :section (11 1 2 1 2))))))))) (restart-case (apply #'cerror "Ignore the package lock." error-arguments) (:ignore-all () :report "Ignore all package locks in the context of this operation." (setf restart :ignore-all)) (:unlock-package () :report "Unlock the package." (setf restart :unlock-package))) (ecase restart (:continue (pushnew package *ignored-package-locks*)) (:ignore-all (setf *ignored-package-locks* t)) (:unlock-package (unlock-package package))))) (defun package-lock-violation-p (package &optional (symbol nil symbolp)) ;; KLUDGE: (package-lock package) needs to be before ;; comparison to *package*, since during cold init this gets ;; called before *package* is bound -- but no package should ;; be locked at that point. (and package (package-lock package) ;; In package or implementation package (not (or (eq package *package*) (member *package* (package-%implementation-packages package)))) ;; Runtime disabling (not (eq t *ignored-package-locks*)) (or (eq :invalid *ignored-package-locks*) (not (member package *ignored-package-locks*))) ;; declarations for symbols (not (and symbolp (member symbol (disabled-package-locks)))))) (defun disabled-package-locks () (if (boundp 'sb!c::*lexenv*) (sb!c::lexenv-disabled-package-locks sb!c::*lexenv*) sb!c::*disabled-package-locks*)) ) ; progn ;;;; more package-locking these are NOPs unless :sb-package-locks is ;;;; in target features. Cross-compiler NOPs for these are in cross-misc. ;;; The right way to establish a package lock context is ;;; WITH-SINGLE-PACKAGE-LOCKED-ERROR, defined in early-package.lisp ;;; ;;; Must be used inside the dynamic contour established by ;;; WITH-SINGLE-PACKAGE-LOCKED-ERROR (defun assert-package-unlocked (package &optional format-control &rest format-arguments) #!-sb-package-locks (declare (ignore format-control format-arguments)) #!+sb-package-locks (when (package-lock-violation-p package) (package-lock-violation package :format-control format-control :format-arguments format-arguments)) package) ;;; Must be used inside the dynamic contour established by ;;; WITH-SINGLE-PACKAGE-LOCKED-ERROR. ;;; ;;; FIXME: Maybe we should establish such contours for he toplevel ;;; and others, so that %set-fdefinition and others could just use ;;; this. (defun assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked (name format) #!-sb-package-locks (declare (ignore format)) #!+sb-package-locks (let* ((symbol (etypecase name (symbol name) (list (if (and (consp (cdr name)) (eq 'setf (first name))) (second name) ;; Skip lists of length 1, single conses and ;; (class-predicate foo), etc. ;; FIXME: MOP and package-lock ;; interaction needs to be thought about. (return-from assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked name))))) (package (symbol-package symbol))) (when (package-lock-violation-p package symbol) (package-lock-violation package :symbol symbol :format-control format :format-arguments (list name)))) name) ;;;; miscellaneous PACKAGE operations (def!method print-object ((package package) stream) (let ((name (package-%name package))) (if name (print-unreadable-object (package stream :type t) (prin1 name stream)) (print-unreadable-object (package stream :type t :identity t) (write-string "(deleted)" stream))))) ;;; ANSI says (in the definition of DELETE-PACKAGE) that these, and ;;; most other operations, are unspecified for deleted packages. We ;;; just do the easy thing and signal errors in that case. (macrolet ((def (ext real) `(defun ,ext (x) (,real (find-undeleted-package-or-lose x))))) (def package-nicknames package-%nicknames) (def package-use-list package-%use-list) (def package-used-by-list package-%used-by-list) (def package-shadowing-symbols package-%shadowing-symbols)) (defun %package-hashtable-symbol-count (table) (let ((size (the fixnum (- (package-hashtable-size table) (package-hashtable-deleted table))))) (the fixnum (- size (package-hashtable-free table))))) (defun package-internal-symbol-count (package) (%package-hashtable-symbol-count (package-internal-symbols package))) (defun package-external-symbol-count (package) (%package-hashtable-symbol-count (package-external-symbols package))) (defvar *package* (error "*PACKAGE* should be initialized in cold load!") #!+sb-doc "the current package") ;;; FIXME: should be declared of type PACKAGE, with no NIL init form, ;;; after I get around to cleaning up DOCUMENTATION ;;; a map from package names to packages (defvar *package-names*) (declaim (type hash-table *package-names*)) (!cold-init-forms (setf *package-names* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) ;;; This magical variable is T during initialization so that ;;; USE-PACKAGE's of packages that don't yet exist quietly win. Such ;;; packages are thrown onto the list *DEFERRED-USE-PACKAGES* so that ;;; this can be fixed up later. ;;; ;;; FIXME: This could be cleaned up the same way I do it in my package ;;; hacking when setting up the cross-compiler. Then we wouldn't have ;;; this extraneous global variable and annoying runtime tests on ;;; package operations. (*DEFERRED-USE-PACKAGES* would also go away.) (defvar *in-package-init*) ;;; pending USE-PACKAGE arguments saved up while *IN-PACKAGE-INIT* is true (defvar *!deferred-use-packages*) (!cold-init-forms (setf *!deferred-use-packages* nil)) (define-condition bootstrap-package-not-found (condition) ((name :initarg :name :reader bootstrap-package-name))) (defun debootstrap-package (&optional condition) (invoke-restart (find-restart-or-control-error 'debootstrap-package condition))) (defun find-package (package-designator) (flet ((find-package-from-string (string) (declare (type string string)) (let ((packageoid (gethash string *package-names*))) (when (and (null packageoid) (not *in-package-init*) ; KLUDGE (let ((mismatch (mismatch "SB!" string))) (and mismatch (= mismatch 3)))) (restart-case (signal 'bootstrap-package-not-found :name string) (debootstrap-package () (return-from find-package (if (string= string "SB!XC") (find-package "COMMON-LISP") (find-package (substitute #\- #\! string :count 1))))))) packageoid))) (typecase package-designator (package package-designator) (symbol (find-package-from-string (symbol-name package-designator))) (string (find-package-from-string package-designator)) (character (find-package-from-string (string package-designator))) (t (error 'type-error :datum package-designator :expected-type '(or character package string symbol)))))) ;;; Return a list of packages given a package designator or list of ;;; package designators, or die trying. (defun package-listify (thing) (let ((res ())) (dolist (thing (if (listp thing) thing (list thing)) res) (push (find-undeleted-package-or-lose thing) res)))) ;;; Make a package name into a simple-string. (defun package-namify (n) (stringify-name n "package")) ;;; ANSI specifies (in the definition of DELETE-PACKAGE) that PACKAGE-NAME ;;; returns NIL (not an error) for a deleted package, so this is a special ;;; case where we want to use bare %FIND-PACKAGE-OR-LOSE instead of ;;; FIND-UNDELETED-PACKAGE-OR-LOSE. (defun package-name (package-designator) (package-%name (%find-package-or-lose package-designator))) ;;;; operations on package hashtables ;;; Compute a number from the sxhash of the pname and the length which ;;; must be between 2 and 255. (defmacro entry-hash (length sxhash) `(the fixnum (+ (the fixnum (rem (the fixnum (logxor ,length ,sxhash (the fixnum (ash ,sxhash -8)) (the fixnum (ash ,sxhash -16)) (the fixnum (ash ,sxhash -19)))) 254)) 2))) ;;; FIXME: should be wrapped in EVAL-WHEN (COMPILE EXECUTE) ;;; Add a symbol to a package hashtable. The symbol is assumed ;;; not to be present. (defun add-symbol (table symbol) (when (zerop (package-hashtable-free table)) ;; The hashtable is full. Resize it to be able to hold twice the ;; amount of symbols than it currently contains. The actual new size ;; can be smaller than twice the current size if the table contained ;; deleted entries. (resize-package-hashtable table (* (- (package-hashtable-size table) (package-hashtable-deleted table)) 2))) (let* ((vec (package-hashtable-table table)) (hash (package-hashtable-hash table)) (len (length vec)) (sxhash (%sxhash-simple-string (symbol-name symbol))) (h2 (1+ (rem sxhash (- len 2))))) (declare (fixnum sxhash h2)) (do ((i (rem sxhash len) (rem (+ i h2) len))) ((< (the fixnum (aref hash i)) 2) (if (zerop (the fixnum (aref hash i))) (decf (package-hashtable-free table)) (decf (package-hashtable-deleted table))) (setf (svref vec i) symbol) (setf (aref hash i) (entry-hash (length (symbol-name symbol)) sxhash))) (declare (fixnum i))))) ;;; Resize the package hashtables of all packages so that their load ;;; factor is +PACKAGE-HASHTABLE-IMAGE-LOAD-FACTOR+. Called from ;;; SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE to optimize space usage in the image. (defun tune-hashtable-sizes-of-all-packages () (flet ((tune-table-size (table) (resize-package-hashtable table (round (* (/ +package-rehash-threshold+ +package-hashtable-image-load-factor+) (- (package-hashtable-size table) (package-hashtable-free table) (package-hashtable-deleted table))))))) (dolist (package (list-all-packages)) (tune-table-size (package-internal-symbols package)) (tune-table-size (package-external-symbols package))))) ;;; Find where the symbol named STRING is stored in TABLE. INDEX-VAR ;;; is bound to the index, or NIL if it is not present. SYMBOL-VAR ;;; is bound to the symbol. LENGTH and HASH are the length and sxhash ;;; of STRING. ENTRY-HASH is the entry-hash of the string and length. (defmacro with-symbol ((index-var symbol-var table string length sxhash entry-hash) &body forms) (let ((vec (gensym)) (hash (gensym)) (len (gensym)) (h2 (gensym)) (name (gensym)) (name-len (gensym)) (ehash (gensym))) `(let* ((,vec (package-hashtable-table ,table)) (,hash (package-hashtable-hash ,table)) (,len (length ,vec)) (,h2 (1+ (the index (rem (the index ,sxhash) (the index (- ,len 2))))))) (declare (type index ,len ,h2)) (prog ((,index-var (rem (the index ,sxhash) ,len)) ,symbol-var ,ehash) (declare (type (or index null) ,index-var)) LOOP (setq ,ehash (aref ,hash ,index-var)) (cond ((eql ,ehash ,entry-hash) (setq ,symbol-var (svref ,vec ,index-var)) (let* ((,name (symbol-name ,symbol-var)) (,name-len (length ,name))) (declare (type index ,name-len)) (when (and (= ,name-len ,length) (string= ,string ,name :end1 ,length :end2 ,name-len)) (go DOIT)))) ((zerop ,ehash) (setq ,index-var nil) (go DOIT))) (setq ,index-var (+ ,index-var ,h2)) (when (>= ,index-var ,len) (setq ,index-var (- ,index-var ,len))) (go LOOP) DOIT (return (progn ,@forms)))))) ;;; Delete the entry for STRING in TABLE. The entry must exist. (defun nuke-symbol (table string) (declare (simple-string string)) (let* ((length (length string)) (hash (%sxhash-simple-string string)) (ehash (entry-hash length hash))) (declare (type index length hash)) (with-symbol (index symbol table string length hash ehash) (setf (aref (package-hashtable-hash table) index) 1) (setf (aref (package-hashtable-table table) index) nil) (incf (package-hashtable-deleted table)))) ;; If the table is less than one quarter full, halve its size and ;; rehash the entries. (let* ((size (package-hashtable-size table)) (deleted (package-hashtable-deleted table)) (used (- size (package-hashtable-free table) deleted))) (declare (type fixnum size deleted used)) (when (< used (truncate size 4)) (resize-package-hashtable table (* used 2))))) ;;; Enter any new NICKNAMES for PACKAGE into *PACKAGE-NAMES*. ;;; If there is a conflict then give the user a chance to do ;;; something about it. (defun enter-new-nicknames (package nicknames) (declare (type list nicknames)) (dolist (n nicknames) (let* ((n (package-namify n)) (found (gethash n *package-names*))) (cond ((not found) (setf (gethash n *package-names*) package) (push n (package-%nicknames package))) ((eq found package)) ((string= (the string (package-%name found)) n) (cerror "Ignore this nickname." 'simple-package-error :package package :format-control "~S is a package name, so it cannot be a nickname for ~S." :format-arguments (list n (package-%name package)))) (t (cerror "Leave this nickname alone." 'simple-package-error :package package :format-control "~S is already a nickname for ~S." :format-arguments (list n (package-%name found)))))))) (defun make-package (name &key (use '#.*default-package-use-list*) nicknames (internal-symbols 10) (external-symbols 10)) #!+sb-doc #.(format nil "Make a new package having the specified NAME, NICKNAMES, and USE list. :INTERNAL-SYMBOLS and :EXTERNAL-SYMBOLS are estimates for the number of internal and external symbols which will ultimately be present in the package. The default value of USE is implementation-dependent, and in this implementation it is ~S." *default-package-use-list*) ;; Check for package name conflicts in name and nicknames, then ;; make the package. (when (find-package name) ;; ANSI specifies that this error is correctable. (cerror "Leave existing package alone." "A package named ~S already exists" name)) (let* ((name (package-namify name)) (package (internal-make-package :%name name :internal-symbols (make-or-remake-package-hashtable internal-symbols) :external-symbols (make-or-remake-package-hashtable external-symbols)))) ;; Do a USE-PACKAGE for each thing in the USE list so that checking for ;; conflicting exports among used packages is done. (if *in-package-init* (push (list use package) *!deferred-use-packages*) (use-package use package)) ;; FIXME: ENTER-NEW-NICKNAMES can fail (ERROR) if nicknames are illegal, ;; which would leave us with possibly-bad side effects from the earlier ;; USE-PACKAGE (e.g. this package on the used-by lists of other packages, ;; but not in *PACKAGE-NAMES*, and possibly import side effects too?). ;; Perhaps this can be solved by just moving ENTER-NEW-NICKNAMES before ;; USE-PACKAGE, but I need to check what kinds of errors can be caused by ;; USE-PACKAGE, too. (enter-new-nicknames package nicknames) (setf (gethash name *package-names*) package))) ;;; Change the name if we can, blast any old nicknames and then ;;; add in any new ones. ;;; ;;; FIXME: ANSI claims that NAME is a package designator (not just a ;;; string designator -- weird). Thus, NAME could ;;; be a package instead of a string. Presumably then we should not change ;;; the package name if NAME is the same package that's referred to by PACKAGE. ;;; If it's a *different* package, we should probably signal an error. ;;; (perhaps (ERROR 'ANSI-WEIRDNESS ..):-) (defun rename-package (package name &optional (nicknames ())) #!+sb-doc "Changes the name and nicknames for a package." (let* ((package (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package)) (name (package-namify name)) (found (find-package name)) (nicks (mapcar #'string nicknames))) (unless (or (not found) (eq found package)) (error 'simple-package-error :package name :format-control "A package named ~S already exists." :format-arguments (list name))) (with-single-package-locked-error () (unless (and (string= name (package-name package)) (null (set-difference nicks (package-nicknames package) :test #'string=))) (assert-package-unlocked package "rename as ~A~@[ with nickname~P ~ ~{~A~^, ~}~]" name (length nicks) nicks)) ;; do the renaming (remhash (package-%name package) *package-names*) (dolist (n (package-%nicknames package)) (remhash n *package-names*)) (setf (package-%name package) name (gethash name *package-names*) package (package-%nicknames package) ()) (enter-new-nicknames package nicknames)) package)) (defun delete-package (package-designator) #!+sb-doc "Delete the package designated by PACKAGE-DESIGNATOR from the package system data structures." (let ((package (if (packagep package-designator) package-designator (find-package package-designator)))) (cond ((not package) ;; This continuable error is required by ANSI. (cerror "Return ~S." (make-condition 'simple-package-error :package package-designator :format-control "There is no package named ~S." :format-arguments (list package-designator)) nil)) ((not (package-name package)) ; already deleted nil) (t (with-single-package-locked-error (:package package "deleting package ~A" package) (let ((use-list (package-used-by-list package))) (when use-list ;; This continuable error is specified by ANSI. (cerror "Remove dependency in other packages." (make-condition 'simple-package-error :package package :format-control "~@" :format-arguments (list (package-name package) (length use-list) (mapcar #'package-name use-list)))) (dolist (p use-list) (unuse-package package p)))) (dolist (used (package-use-list package)) (unuse-package used package)) (do-symbols (sym package) (unintern sym package)) (remhash (package-name package) *package-names*) (dolist (nick (package-nicknames package)) (remhash nick *package-names*)) (setf (package-%name package) nil ;; Setting PACKAGE-%NAME to NIL is required in order to ;; make PACKAGE-NAME return NIL for a deleted package as ;; ANSI requires. Setting the other slots to NIL ;; and blowing away the PACKAGE-HASHTABLES is just done ;; for tidiness and to help the GC. (package-%nicknames package) nil (package-%use-list package) nil (package-tables package) nil (package-%shadowing-symbols package) nil (package-internal-symbols package) (make-or-remake-package-hashtable 0) (package-external-symbols package) (make-or-remake-package-hashtable 0)) t))))) (defun list-all-packages () #!+sb-doc "Return a list of all existing packages." (let ((res ())) (maphash (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (pushnew v res)) *package-names*) res)) (defun intern (name &optional (package (sane-package))) #!+sb-doc "Return a symbol in PACKAGE having the specified NAME, creating it if necessary." ;; We just simple-stringify the name and call INTERN*, where the real ;; logic is. (let ((name (if (simple-string-p name) name (coerce name 'simple-string))) (package (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package))) (declare (simple-string name)) (intern* name (length name) package))) (defun find-symbol (name &optional (package (sane-package))) #!+sb-doc "Return the symbol named STRING in PACKAGE. If such a symbol is found then the second value is :INTERNAL, :EXTERNAL or :INHERITED to indicate how the symbol is accessible. If no symbol is found then both values are NIL." ;; We just simple-stringify the name and call FIND-SYMBOL*, where the ;; real logic is. (let ((name (if (simple-string-p name) name (coerce name 'simple-string)))) (declare (simple-string name)) (find-symbol* name (length name) (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package)))) ;;; If the symbol named by the first LENGTH characters of NAME doesn't exist, ;;; then create it, special-casing the keyword package. (defun intern* (name length package) (declare (simple-string name)) (multiple-value-bind (symbol where) (find-symbol* name length package) (cond (where (values symbol where)) (t (let ((symbol-name (subseq name 0 length))) (with-single-package-locked-error (:package package "interning ~A" symbol-name) (let ((symbol (make-symbol symbol-name))) (%set-symbol-package symbol package) (cond ((eq package *keyword-package*) (add-symbol (package-external-symbols package) symbol) (%set-symbol-value symbol symbol)) (t (add-symbol (package-internal-symbols package) symbol))) (values symbol nil)))))))) ;;; Check internal and external symbols, then scan down the list ;;; of hashtables for inherited symbols. (defun find-symbol* (string length package) (declare (simple-string string) (type index length)) (let* ((hash (%sxhash-simple-substring string length)) (ehash (entry-hash length hash))) (declare (type index hash ehash)) (with-symbol (found symbol (package-internal-symbols package) string length hash ehash) (when found (return-from find-symbol* (values symbol :internal)))) (with-symbol (found symbol (package-external-symbols package) string length hash ehash) (when found (return-from find-symbol* (values symbol :external)))) (let ((head (package-tables package))) (do ((prev head table) (table (cdr head) (cdr table))) ((null table) (values nil nil)) (with-symbol (found symbol (car table) string length hash ehash) (when found ;; At this point we used to move the table to the ;; beginning of the list, probably on the theory that we'd ;; soon be looking up further items there. Unfortunately ;; that was very much non-thread safe. Since the failure ;; mode was nasty (corruption of the package in a way ;; which would make symbol lookups loop infinitely) and it ;; would be triggered just by doing reads to a resource ;; that users can't do their own locking on, that code has ;; been removed. If we ever add locking to packages, ;; resurrecting that code might make sense, even though it ;; didn't seem to have much of an performance effect in ;; normal use. ;; ;; -- JES, 2006-09-13 (return-from find-symbol* (values symbol :inherited)))))))) ;;; Similar to FIND-SYMBOL, but only looks for an external symbol. ;;; This is used for fast name-conflict checking in this file and symbol ;;; printing in the printer. (defun find-external-symbol (string package) (declare (simple-string string)) (let* ((length (length string)) (hash (%sxhash-simple-string string)) (ehash (entry-hash length hash))) (declare (type index length hash)) (with-symbol (found symbol (package-external-symbols package) string length hash ehash) (values symbol found)))) (define-condition name-conflict (reference-condition package-error) ((function :initarg :function :reader name-conflict-function) (datum :initarg :datum :reader name-conflict-datum) (symbols :initarg :symbols :reader name-conflict-symbols)) (:default-initargs :references (list '(:ansi-cl :section (11 1 1 2 5)))) (:report (lambda (c s) (format s "~@<~S ~S causes name-conflicts in ~S between the ~ following symbols:~2I~@:_~{~S~^, ~}~:@>" (name-conflict-function c) (name-conflict-datum c) (package-error-package c) (name-conflict-symbols c))))) (defun name-conflict (package function datum &rest symbols) (restart-case (error 'name-conflict :package package :symbols symbols :function function :datum datum) (resolve-conflict (s) :report "Resolve conflict." :interactive (lambda () (let* ((len (length symbols)) (nlen (length (write-to-string len :base 10))) (*print-pretty* t)) (format *query-io* "~&~@