;;;; machine/filesystem-independent pathname functions ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") #!-sb-fluid (declaim (freeze-type logical-pathname logical-host)) ;;; host methods (def!method print-object ((host host) stream) (print-unreadable-object (host stream :type t :identity t))) ;;; pathname methods (def!method print-object ((pathname pathname) stream) (let ((namestring (handler-case (namestring pathname) (error nil)))) (if namestring (format stream "#P~S" namestring) ;; FIXME: This code was rewritten and should be tested. (How does ;; control get to this case anyhow? Perhaps we could just punt it?) (print-unreadable-object (pathname stream :type t) (format stream "(with no namestring) :HOST ~S :DEVICE ~S :DIRECTORY ~S ~ :NAME ~S :TYPE ~S :VERSION ~S" (%pathname-host pathname) (%pathname-device pathname) (%pathname-directory pathname) (%pathname-name pathname) (%pathname-type pathname) (%pathname-version pathname)))))) (def!method make-load-form ((pathname pathname) &optional environment) (make-load-form-saving-slots pathname :environment environment)) ;;; The potential conflict with search lists requires isolating the ;;; printed representation to use the i/o macro #.(logical-pathname ;;; ). ;;; ;;; FIXME: We don't use search lists any more, so that comment is ;;; stale, right? (def!method print-object ((pathname logical-pathname) stream) (let ((namestring (handler-case (namestring pathname) (error nil)))) (if namestring (format stream "#.(CL:LOGICAL-PATHNAME ~S)" namestring) (print-unreadable-object (pathname stream :type t) (format stream "~_:HOST ~S ~_:DIRECTORY ~S ~_:FILE ~S ~_:NAME ~S ~_:VERSION ~S" (%pathname-host pathname) (%pathname-directory pathname) (%pathname-name pathname) (%pathname-type pathname) (%pathname-version pathname)))))) ;;; A pathname is logical if the host component is a logical host. ;;; This constructor is used to make an instance of the correct type ;;; from parsed arguments. (defun %make-maybe-logical-pathname (host device directory name type version) ;; We canonicalize logical pathname components to uppercase. ANSI ;; doesn't strictly require this, leaving it up to the implementor; ;; but the arguments given in the X3J13 cleanup issue ;; PATHNAME-LOGICAL:ADD seem compelling: we should canonicalize the ;; case, and uppercase is the ordinary way to do that. (flet ((upcase-maybe (x) (typecase x (string (logical-word-or-lose x)) (t x)))) (if (typep host 'logical-host) (%make-logical-pathname host :unspecific (mapcar #'upcase-maybe directory) (upcase-maybe name) (upcase-maybe type) version) (%make-pathname host device directory name type version)))) ;;; Hash table searching maps a logical pathname's host to its ;;; physical pathname translation. (defvar *logical-hosts* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ;;;; patterns (def!method make-load-form ((pattern pattern) &optional environment) (make-load-form-saving-slots pattern :environment environment)) (def!method print-object ((pattern pattern) stream) (print-unreadable-object (pattern stream :type t) (if *print-pretty* (let ((*print-escape* t)) (pprint-fill stream (pattern-pieces pattern) nil)) (prin1 (pattern-pieces pattern) stream)))) (defun pattern= (pattern1 pattern2) (declare (type pattern pattern1 pattern2)) (let ((pieces1 (pattern-pieces pattern1)) (pieces2 (pattern-pieces pattern2))) (and (= (length pieces1) (length pieces2)) (every #'(lambda (piece1 piece2) (typecase piece1 (simple-string (and (simple-string-p piece2) (string= piece1 piece2))) (cons (and (consp piece2) (eq (car piece1) (car piece2)) (string= (cdr piece1) (cdr piece2)))) (t (eq piece1 piece2)))) pieces1 pieces2)))) ;;; If the string matches the pattern returns the multiple values T and a ;;; list of the matched strings. (defun pattern-matches (pattern string) (declare (type pattern pattern) (type simple-string string)) (let ((len (length string))) (labels ((maybe-prepend (subs cur-sub chars) (if cur-sub (let* ((len (length chars)) (new (make-string len)) (index len)) (dolist (char chars) (setf (schar new (decf index)) char)) (cons new subs)) subs)) (matches (pieces start subs cur-sub chars) (if (null pieces) (if (= start len) (values t (maybe-prepend subs cur-sub chars)) (values nil nil)) (let ((piece (car pieces))) (etypecase piece (simple-string (let ((end (+ start (length piece)))) (and (<= end len) (string= piece string :start2 start :end2 end) (matches (cdr pieces) end (maybe-prepend subs cur-sub chars) nil nil)))) (list (ecase (car piece) (:character-set (and (< start len) (let ((char (schar string start))) (if (find char (cdr piece) :test #'char=) (matches (cdr pieces) (1+ start) subs t (cons char chars)))))))) ((member :single-char-wild) (and (< start len) (matches (cdr pieces) (1+ start) subs t (cons (schar string start) chars)))) ((member :multi-char-wild) (multiple-value-bind (won new-subs) (matches (cdr pieces) start subs t chars) (if won (values t new-subs) (and (< start len) (matches pieces (1+ start) subs t (cons (schar string start) chars))))))))))) (multiple-value-bind (won subs) (matches (pattern-pieces pattern) 0 nil nil nil) (values won (reverse subs)))))) ;;; PATHNAME-MATCH-P for directory components (defun directory-components-match (thing wild) (or (eq thing wild) (eq wild :wild) ;; If THING has a null directory, assume that it matches ;; (:ABSOLUTE :WILD-INFERIORS) or (:RELATIVE :WILD-INFERIORS). (and (consp wild) (null thing) (member (first wild) '(:absolute :relative)) (eq (second wild) :wild-inferiors)) (and (consp wild) (let ((wild1 (first wild))) (if (eq wild1 :wild-inferiors) (let ((wild-subdirs (rest wild))) (or (null wild-subdirs) (loop (when (directory-components-match thing wild-subdirs) (return t)) (pop thing) (unless thing (return nil))))) (and (consp thing) (components-match (first thing) wild1) (directory-components-match (rest thing) (rest wild)))))))) ;;; Return true if pathname component THING is matched by WILD. (not ;;; commutative) (defun components-match (thing wild) (declare (type (or pattern symbol simple-string integer) thing wild)) (or (eq thing wild) (eq wild :wild) (typecase thing (simple-base-string ;; String is matched by itself, a matching pattern or :WILD. (typecase wild (pattern (values (pattern-matches wild thing))) (simple-base-string (string= thing wild)))) (pattern ;; A pattern is only matched by an identical pattern. (and (pattern-p wild) (pattern= thing wild))) (integer ;; An integer (version number) is matched by :WILD or the ;; same integer. This branch will actually always be NIL as ;; long as the version is a fixnum. (eql thing wild))))) ;;; a predicate for comparing two pathname slot component sub-entries (defun compare-component (this that) (or (eql this that) (typecase this (simple-string (and (simple-string-p that) (string= this that))) (pattern (and (pattern-p that) (pattern= this that))) (cons (and (consp that) (compare-component (car this) (car that)) (compare-component (cdr this) (cdr that))))))) ;;;; pathname functions (defun pathname= (pathname1 pathname2) (declare (type pathname pathname1) (type pathname pathname2)) (and (eq (%pathname-host pathname1) (%pathname-host pathname2)) (compare-component (%pathname-device pathname1) (%pathname-device pathname2)) (compare-component (%pathname-directory pathname1) (%pathname-directory pathname2)) (compare-component (%pathname-name pathname1) (%pathname-name pathname2)) (compare-component (%pathname-type pathname1) (%pathname-type pathname2)) (compare-component (%pathname-version pathname1) (%pathname-version pathname2)))) ;;; Convert PATHNAME-DESIGNATOR (a pathname, or string, or ;;; stream), into a pathname in pathname. ;;; ;;; FIXME: was rewritten, should be tested (or rewritten again, this ;;; time using ONCE-ONLY, *then* tested) ;;; FIXME: become SB!XC:DEFMACRO inside EVAL-WHEN (COMPILE EVAL)? (defmacro with-pathname ((pathname pathname-designator) &body body) (let ((pd0 (gensym))) `(let* ((,pd0 ,pathname-designator) (,pathname (etypecase ,pd0 (pathname ,pd0) (string (parse-namestring ,pd0)) (stream (file-name ,pd0))))) ,@body))) ;;; Convert the var, a host or string name for a host, into a ;;; LOGICAL-HOST structure or nil if not defined. ;;; ;;; pw notes 1/12/97 this potentially useful macro is not used anywhere ;;; and 'find-host' is not defined. 'find-logical-host' seems to be needed. #| (defmacro with-host ((var expr) &body body) `(let ((,var (let ((,var ,expr)) (typecase ,var (logical-host ,var) (string (find-logical-host ,var nil)) (t nil))))) ,@body)) |# (defun pathname (thing) #!+sb-doc "Convert thing (a pathname, string or stream) into a pathname." (declare (type pathname-designator thing)) (with-pathname (pathname thing) pathname)) ;;; Change the case of thing if DIDDLE-P. (defun maybe-diddle-case (thing diddle-p) (if (and diddle-p (not (or (symbolp thing) (integerp thing)))) (labels ((check-for (pred in) (typecase in (pattern (dolist (piece (pattern-pieces in)) (when (typecase piece (simple-string (check-for pred piece)) (cons (case (car in) (:character-set (check-for pred (cdr in)))))) (return t)))) (list (dolist (x in) (when (check-for pred x) (return t)))) (simple-base-string (dotimes (i (length in)) (when (funcall pred (schar in i)) (return t)))) (t nil))) (diddle-with (fun thing) (typecase thing (pattern (make-pattern (mapcar #'(lambda (piece) (typecase piece (simple-base-string (funcall fun piece)) (cons (case (car piece) (:character-set (cons :character-set (funcall fun (cdr piece)))) (t piece))) (t piece))) (pattern-pieces thing)))) (list (mapcar fun thing)) (simple-base-string (funcall fun thing)) (t thing)))) (let ((any-uppers (check-for #'upper-case-p thing)) (any-lowers (check-for #'lower-case-p thing))) (cond ((and any-uppers any-lowers) ;; Mixed case, stays the same. thing) (any-uppers ;; All uppercase, becomes all lower case. (diddle-with #'(lambda (x) (if (stringp x) (string-downcase x) x)) thing)) (any-lowers ;; All lowercase, becomes all upper case. (diddle-with #'(lambda (x) (if (stringp x) (string-upcase x) x)) thing)) (t ;; No letters? I guess just leave it. thing)))) thing)) (defun merge-directories (dir1 dir2 diddle-case) (if (or (eq (car dir1) :absolute) (null dir2)) dir1 (let ((results nil)) (flet ((add (dir) (if (and (eq dir :back) results (not (eq (car results) :back))) (pop results) (push dir results)))) (dolist (dir (maybe-diddle-case dir2 diddle-case)) (add dir)) (dolist (dir (cdr dir1)) (add dir))) (reverse results)))) (defun merge-pathnames (pathname &optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*) (default-version :newest)) #!+sb-doc "Construct a filled in pathname by completing the unspecified components from the defaults." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (type pathname-designator defaults) (values pathname)) (with-pathname (defaults defaults) (let ((pathname (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* defaults)) (pathname pathname)))) (let* ((default-host (%pathname-host defaults)) (pathname-host (%pathname-host pathname)) (diddle-case (and default-host pathname-host (not (eq (host-customary-case default-host) (host-customary-case pathname-host)))))) (%make-maybe-logical-pathname (or pathname-host default-host) (or (%pathname-device pathname) (maybe-diddle-case (%pathname-device defaults) diddle-case)) (merge-directories (%pathname-directory pathname) (%pathname-directory defaults) diddle-case) (or (%pathname-name pathname) (maybe-diddle-case (%pathname-name defaults) diddle-case)) (or (%pathname-type pathname) (maybe-diddle-case (%pathname-type defaults) diddle-case)) (or (%pathname-version pathname) default-version)))))) (defun import-directory (directory diddle-case) (etypecase directory (null nil) ((member :wild) '(:absolute :wild-inferiors)) ((member :unspecific) '(:relative)) (list (collect ((results)) (ecase (pop directory) (:absolute (results :absolute) (when (search-list-p (car directory)) (results (pop directory)))) (:relative (results :relative))) (dolist (piece directory) (cond ((member piece '(:wild :wild-inferiors :up :back)) (results piece)) ((or (simple-string-p piece) (pattern-p piece)) (results (maybe-diddle-case piece diddle-case))) ((stringp piece) (results (maybe-diddle-case (coerce piece 'simple-string) diddle-case))) (t (error "~S is not allowed as a directory component." piece)))) (results))) (simple-string `(:absolute ,(maybe-diddle-case directory diddle-case))) (string `(:absolute ,(maybe-diddle-case (coerce directory 'simple-string) diddle-case))))) (defun make-pathname (&key host (device nil devp) (directory nil dirp) (name nil namep) (type nil typep) (version nil versionp) defaults (case :local)) #!+sb-doc "Makes a new pathname from the component arguments. Note that host is a host-structure or string." (declare (type (or string host pathname-component-tokens) host) (type (or string pathname-component-tokens) device) (type (or list string pattern pathname-component-tokens) directory) (type (or string pattern pathname-component-tokens) name type) (type (or integer pathname-component-tokens (member :newest)) version) (type (or pathname-designator null) defaults) (type (member :common :local) case)) (let* ((defaults (when defaults (with-pathname (defaults defaults) defaults))) (default-host (if defaults (%pathname-host defaults) (pathname-host *default-pathname-defaults*))) ;; toy@rtp.ericsson.se: CLHS says make-pathname can take a ;; string (as a logical-host) for the host part. We map that ;; string into the corresponding logical host structure. ;; ;; pw@snoopy.mv.com: ;; HyperSpec says for the arg to MAKE-PATHNAME; ;; "host---a valid physical pathname host. ..." ;; where it probably means -- a valid pathname host. ;; "valid pathname host n. a valid physical pathname host or ;; a valid logical pathname host." ;; and defines ;; "valid physical pathname host n. any of a string, ;; a list of strings, or the symbol :unspecific, ;; that is recognized by the implementation as the name of a host." ;; "valid logical pathname host n. a string that has been defined ;; as the name of a logical host. ..." ;; HS is silent on what happens if the :HOST arg is NOT one of these. ;; It seems an error message is appropriate. (host (typecase host (host host) ; A valid host, use it. (string (find-logical-host host t)) ; logical-host or lose. (t default-host))) ; unix-host (diddle-args (and (eq (host-customary-case host) :lower) (eq case :common))) (diddle-defaults (not (eq (host-customary-case host) (host-customary-case default-host)))) (dev (if devp device (if defaults (%pathname-device defaults)))) (dir (import-directory directory diddle-args)) (ver (cond (versionp version) (defaults (%pathname-version defaults)) (t nil)))) (when (and defaults (not dirp)) (setf dir (merge-directories dir (%pathname-directory defaults) diddle-defaults))) (macrolet ((pick (var varp field) `(cond ((or (simple-string-p ,var) (pattern-p ,var)) (maybe-diddle-case ,var diddle-args)) ((stringp ,var) (maybe-diddle-case (coerce ,var 'simple-string) diddle-args)) (,varp (maybe-diddle-case ,var diddle-args)) (defaults (maybe-diddle-case (,field defaults) diddle-defaults)) (t nil)))) (%make-maybe-logical-pathname host dev ; forced to :UNSPECIFIC when logical dir (pick name namep %pathname-name) (pick type typep %pathname-type) ver)))) (defun pathname-host (pathname &key (case :local)) #!+sb-doc "Return PATHNAME's host." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (type (member :local :common) case) (values host) (ignore case)) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (%pathname-host pathname))) (defun pathname-device (pathname &key (case :local)) #!+sb-doc "Return PATHNAME's device." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (type (member :local :common) case)) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (maybe-diddle-case (%pathname-device pathname) (and (eq case :common) (eq (host-customary-case (%pathname-host pathname)) :lower))))) (defun pathname-directory (pathname &key (case :local)) #!+sb-doc "Return PATHNAME's directory." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (type (member :local :common) case)) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (maybe-diddle-case (%pathname-directory pathname) (and (eq case :common) (eq (host-customary-case (%pathname-host pathname)) :lower))))) (defun pathname-name (pathname &key (case :local)) #!+sb-doc "Return PATHNAME's name." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (type (member :local :common) case)) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (maybe-diddle-case (%pathname-name pathname) (and (eq case :common) (eq (host-customary-case (%pathname-host pathname)) :lower))))) (defun pathname-type (pathname &key (case :local)) #!+sb-doc "Return PATHNAME's type." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (type (member :local :common) case)) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (maybe-diddle-case (%pathname-type pathname) (and (eq case :common) (eq (host-customary-case (%pathname-host pathname)) :lower))))) (defun pathname-version (pathname) #!+sb-doc "Return PATHNAME's version." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname)) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (%pathname-version pathname))) ;;;; namestrings ;;; Handle the case where PARSE-NAMESTRING is actually parsing a ;;; namestring. We pick off the :JUNK-ALLOWED case then find a host to ;;; use for parsing, call the parser, then check whether the host matches. (defun %parse-namestring (namestr host defaults start end junk-allowed) (declare (type (or host null) host) (type string namestr) (type index start) (type (or index null) end)) (if junk-allowed (handler-case (%parse-namestring namestr host defaults start end nil) (namestring-parse-error (condition) (values nil (namestring-parse-error-offset condition)))) (let* ((end (or end (length namestr))) (parse-host (or host (extract-logical-host-prefix namestr start end) (pathname-host defaults)))) (unless parse-host (error "When no HOST argument is supplied, the DEFAULTS argument ~ must have a non-null PATHNAME-HOST.")) (multiple-value-bind (new-host device directory file type version) (funcall (host-parse parse-host) namestr start end) (when (and host new-host (not (eq new-host host))) (error 'simple-type-error :datum new-host ;; Note: ANSI requires that this be a TYPE-ERROR, ;; but there seems to be no completely correct ;; value to use for TYPE-ERROR-EXPECTED-TYPE. ;; Instead, we return a sort of "type error allowed ;; type", trying to say "it would be OK if you ;; passed NIL as the host value" but not mentioning ;; that a matching string would be OK too. :expected-type 'null :format-control "The host in the namestring, ~S,~@ does not match the explicit HOST argument, ~S." :format-arguments (list new-host host))) (let ((pn-host (or new-host parse-host))) (values (%make-maybe-logical-pathname pn-host device directory file type version) end)))))) ;;; If NAMESTR begins with a colon-terminated, defined, logical host, ;;; then return that host, otherwise return NIL. (defun extract-logical-host-prefix (namestr start end) (declare (type simple-base-string namestr) (type index start end) (values (or logical-host null))) (let ((colon-pos (position #\: namestr :start start :end end))) (if colon-pos (values (gethash (nstring-upcase (subseq namestr start colon-pos)) *logical-hosts*)) nil))) (defun parse-namestring (thing &optional host (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*) &key (start 0) end junk-allowed) (declare (type pathname-designator thing) (type (or list host string (member :unspecific)) host) (type pathname defaults) (type index start) (type (or index null) end) (type (or t null) junk-allowed) (values (or null pathname) (or null index))) ;; Generally, redundant specification of information in software, ;; whether in code or in comments, is bad. However, the ANSI spec ;; for this is messy enough that it's hard to hold in short-term ;; memory, so I've recorded these redundant notes on the ;; implications of the ANSI spec. ;; ;; According to the ANSI spec, HOST can be a valid pathname host, or ;; a logical host, or NIL. ;; ;; A valid pathname host can be a valid physical pathname host or a ;; valid logical pathname host. ;; ;; A valid physical pathname host is "any of a string, a list of ;; strings, or the symbol :UNSPECIFIC, that is recognized by the ;; implementation as the name of a host". In SBCL as of, ;; that means :UNSPECIFIC: though someday we might want to ;; generalize it to allow strings like "RTFM.MIT.EDU" or lists like ;; '("RTFM" "MIT" "EDU"), that's not supported now. ;; ;; A valid logical pathname host is a string which has been defined as ;; the name of a logical host, as with LOAD-LOGICAL-PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS. ;; ;; A logical host is an object of implementation-dependent nature. In ;; SBCL, it's a member of the HOST class (a subclass of STRUCTURE-OBJECT). (let ((found-host (etypecase host (string ;; In general ANSI-compliant Common Lisps, a ;; string might also be a physical pathname host, ;; but ANSI leaves this up to the implementor, ;; and in SBCL we don't do it, so it must be a ;; logical host. (find-logical-host host)) ((or null (member :unspecific)) ;; CLHS says that HOST=:UNSPECIFIC has ;; implementation-defined behavior. We ;; just turn it into NIL. nil) (list ;; ANSI also allows LISTs to designate hosts, ;; but leaves its interpretation ;; implementation-defined. Our interpretation ;; is that it's unsupported.:-| (error "A LIST representing a pathname host is not ~ supported in this implementation:~% ~S" host)) (host host)))) (declare (type (or null host) found-host)) (etypecase thing (simple-string (%parse-namestring thing found-host defaults start end junk-allowed)) (string (%parse-namestring (coerce thing 'simple-string) found-host defaults start end junk-allowed)) (pathname (let ((defaulted-host (or found-host (%pathname-host defaults)))) (declare (type host defaulted-host)) (unless (eq defaulted-host (%pathname-host thing)) (error "The HOST argument doesn't match the pathname host:~% ~ ~S and ~S." defaulted-host (%pathname-host thing)))) (values thing start)) (stream (let ((name (file-name thing))) (unless name (error "can't figure out the file associated with stream:~% ~S" thing)) (values name nil)))))) (defun namestring (pathname) #!+sb-doc "Construct the full (name)string form of the pathname." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (values (or null simple-base-string))) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (when pathname (let ((host (%pathname-host pathname))) (unless host (error "can't determine the namestring for pathnames with no ~ host:~% ~S" pathname)) (funcall (host-unparse host) pathname))))) (defun host-namestring (pathname) #!+sb-doc "Returns a string representation of the name of the host in the pathname." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (values (or null simple-base-string))) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (let ((host (%pathname-host pathname))) (if host (funcall (host-unparse-host host) pathname) (error "can't determine the namestring for pathnames with no host:~% ~S" pathname))))) (defun directory-namestring (pathname) #!+sb-doc "Returns a string representation of the directories used in the pathname." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (values (or null simple-base-string))) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (let ((host (%pathname-host pathname))) (if host (funcall (host-unparse-directory host) pathname) (error "can't determine the namestring for pathnames with no host:~% ~S" pathname))))) (defun file-namestring (pathname) #!+sb-doc "Returns a string representation of the name used in the pathname." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (values (or null simple-base-string))) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (let ((host (%pathname-host pathname))) (if host (funcall (host-unparse-file host) pathname) (error "can't determine the namestring for pathnames with no host:~% ~S" pathname))))) (defun enough-namestring (pathname &optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)) #!+sb-doc "Returns an abbreviated pathname sufficent to identify the pathname relative to the defaults." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname)) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (let ((host (%pathname-host pathname))) (if host (with-pathname (defaults defaults) (funcall (host-unparse-enough host) pathname defaults)) (error "can't determine the namestring for pathnames with no host:~% ~S" pathname))))) ;;;; wild pathnames (defun wild-pathname-p (pathname &optional field-key) #!+sb-doc "Predicate for determining whether pathname contains any wildcards." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (type (member nil :host :device :directory :name :type :version) field-key)) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (flet ((frob (x) (or (pattern-p x) (member x '(:wild :wild-inferiors))))) (ecase field-key ((nil) (or (wild-pathname-p pathname :host) (wild-pathname-p pathname :device) (wild-pathname-p pathname :directory) (wild-pathname-p pathname :name) (wild-pathname-p pathname :type) (wild-pathname-p pathname :version))) (:host (frob (%pathname-host pathname))) (:device (frob (%pathname-host pathname))) (:directory (some #'frob (%pathname-directory pathname))) (:name (frob (%pathname-name pathname))) (:type (frob (%pathname-type pathname))) (:version (frob (%pathname-version pathname))))))) (defun pathname-match-p (in-pathname in-wildname) #!+sb-doc "Pathname matches the wildname template?" (declare (type pathname-designator in-pathname)) (with-pathname (pathname in-pathname) (with-pathname (wildname in-wildname) (macrolet ((frob (field &optional (op 'components-match )) `(or (null (,field wildname)) (,op (,field pathname) (,field wildname))))) (and (or (null (%pathname-host wildname)) (eq (%pathname-host wildname) (%pathname-host pathname))) (frob %pathname-device) (frob %pathname-directory directory-components-match) (frob %pathname-name) (frob %pathname-type) (frob %pathname-version)))))) ;;; Place the substitutions into the pattern and return the string or pattern ;;; that results. If DIDDLE-CASE is true, we diddle the result case as well, ;;; in case we are translating between hosts with difference conventional case. ;;; The second value is the tail of subs with all of the values that we used up ;;; stripped off. Note that PATTERN-MATCHES matches all consecutive wildcards ;;; as a single string, so we ignore subsequent contiguous wildcards. (defun substitute-into (pattern subs diddle-case) (declare (type pattern pattern) (type list subs) (values (or simple-base-string pattern) list)) (let ((in-wildcard nil) (pieces nil) (strings nil)) (dolist (piece (pattern-pieces pattern)) (cond ((simple-string-p piece) (push piece strings) (setf in-wildcard nil)) (in-wildcard) (t (setf in-wildcard t) (unless subs (error "not enough wildcards in FROM pattern to match ~ TO pattern:~% ~S" pattern)) (let ((sub (pop subs))) (typecase sub (pattern (when strings (push (apply #'concatenate 'simple-string (nreverse strings)) pieces)) (dolist (piece (pattern-pieces sub)) (push piece pieces))) (simple-string (push sub strings)) (t (error "can't substitute this into the middle of a word:~ ~% ~S" sub))))))) (when strings (push (apply #'concatenate 'simple-string (nreverse strings)) pieces)) (values (maybe-diddle-case (if (and pieces (simple-string-p (car pieces)) (null (cdr pieces))) (car pieces) (make-pattern (nreverse pieces))) diddle-case) subs))) ;;; Called when we can't see how source and from matched. (defun didnt-match-error (source from) (error "Pathname components from SOURCE and FROM args to TRANSLATE-PATHNAME~@ did not match:~% ~S ~S" source from)) ;;; Do TRANSLATE-COMPONENT for all components except host and directory. (defun translate-component (source from to diddle-case) (typecase to (pattern (typecase from (pattern (typecase source (pattern (if (pattern= from source) source (didnt-match-error source from))) (simple-string (multiple-value-bind (won subs) (pattern-matches from source) (if won (values (substitute-into to subs diddle-case)) (didnt-match-error source from)))) (t (maybe-diddle-case source diddle-case)))) ((member :wild) (values (substitute-into to (list source) diddle-case))) (t (if (components-match source from) (maybe-diddle-case source diddle-case) (didnt-match-error source from))))) ((member nil :wild) (maybe-diddle-case source diddle-case)) (t (if (components-match source from) to (didnt-match-error source from))))) ;;; Return a list of all the things that we want to substitute into the TO ;;; pattern (the things matched by from on source.) When From contains ;;; :WILD-INFERIORS, the result contains a sublist of the matched source ;;; subdirectories. (defun compute-directory-substitutions (orig-source orig-from) (let ((source orig-source) (from orig-from)) (collect ((subs)) (loop (unless source (unless (every #'(lambda (x) (eq x :wild-inferiors)) from) (didnt-match-error orig-source orig-from)) (subs ()) (return)) (unless from (didnt-match-error orig-source orig-from)) (let ((from-part (pop from)) (source-part (pop source))) (typecase from-part (pattern (typecase source-part (pattern (if (pattern= from-part source-part) (subs source-part) (didnt-match-error orig-source orig-from))) (simple-string (multiple-value-bind (won new-subs) (pattern-matches from-part source-part) (if won (dolist (sub new-subs) (subs sub)) (didnt-match-error orig-source orig-from)))) (t (didnt-match-error orig-source orig-from)))) ((member :wild) (subs source-part)) ((member :wild-inferiors) (let ((remaining-source (cons source-part source))) (collect ((res)) (loop (when (directory-components-match remaining-source from) (return)) (unless remaining-source (didnt-match-error orig-source orig-from)) (res (pop remaining-source))) (subs (res)) (setq source remaining-source)))) (simple-string (unless (and (simple-string-p source-part) (string= from-part source-part)) (didnt-match-error orig-source orig-from))) (t (didnt-match-error orig-source orig-from))))) (subs)))) ;;; This is called by TRANSLATE-PATHNAME on the directory components ;;; of its argument pathnames to produce the result directory ;;; component. If this leaves the directory NIL, we return the source ;;; directory. The :RELATIVE or :ABSOLUTE is taken from the source ;;; directory, except if TO is :ABSOLUTE, in which case the result ;;; will be :ABSOLUTE. (defun translate-directories (source from to diddle-case) (if (not (and source to from)) (or (and to (null source) (remove :wild-inferiors to)) (mapcar (lambda (x) (maybe-diddle-case x diddle-case)) source)) (collect ((res)) ;; If TO is :ABSOLUTE, the result should still be :ABSOLUTE. (res (if (eq (first to) :absolute) :absolute (first source))) (let ((subs-left (compute-directory-substitutions (rest source) (rest from)))) (dolist (to-part (rest to)) (typecase to-part ((member :wild) (aver subs-left) (let ((match (pop subs-left))) (when (listp match) (error ":WILD-INFERIORS is not paired in from and to ~ patterns:~% ~S ~S" from to)) (res (maybe-diddle-case match diddle-case)))) ((member :wild-inferiors) (aver subs-left) (let ((match (pop subs-left))) (unless (listp match) (error ":WILD-INFERIORS not paired in from and to ~ patterns:~% ~S ~S" from to)) (dolist (x match) (res (maybe-diddle-case x diddle-case))))) (pattern (multiple-value-bind (new new-subs-left) (substitute-into to-part subs-left diddle-case) (setf subs-left new-subs-left) (res new))) (t (res to-part))))) (res)))) (defun translate-pathname (source from-wildname to-wildname &key) #!+sb-doc "Use the source pathname to translate the from-wildname's wild and unspecified elements into a completed to-pathname based on the to-wildname." (declare (type pathname-designator source from-wildname to-wildname)) (with-pathname (source source) (with-pathname (from from-wildname) (with-pathname (to to-wildname) (let* ((source-host (%pathname-host source)) (to-host (%pathname-host to)) (diddle-case (and source-host to-host (not (eq (host-customary-case source-host) (host-customary-case to-host)))))) (macrolet ((frob (field &optional (op 'translate-component)) `(let ((result (,op (,field source) (,field from) (,field to) diddle-case))) (if (eq result :error) (error "~S doesn't match ~S." source from) result)))) (%make-maybe-logical-pathname (or to-host source-host) (frob %pathname-device) (frob %pathname-directory translate-directories) (frob %pathname-name) (frob %pathname-type) (frob %pathname-version)))))))) ;;;; search lists (def!struct (search-list (:make-load-form-fun (lambda (s) (values `(intern-search-list ',(search-list-name s)) nil)))) ;; The name of this search-list. Always stored in lowercase. (name (required-argument) :type simple-string) ;; T if this search-list has been defined. Otherwise NIL. (defined nil :type (member t nil)) ;; the list of expansions for this search-list. Each expansion is ;; the list of directory components to use in place of this ;; search-list. (expansions nil :type list)) (def!method print-object ((sl search-list) stream) (print-unreadable-object (sl stream :type t) (write-string (search-list-name sl) stream))) ;;; a hash table mapping search-list names to search-list structures (defvar *search-lists* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ;;; When search-lists are encountered in namestrings, they are ;;; converted to search-list structures right then, instead of waiting ;;; until the search list used. This allows us to verify ahead of time ;;; that there are no circularities and makes expansion much quicker. (defun intern-search-list (name) (let ((name (string-downcase name))) (or (gethash name *search-lists*) (let ((new (make-search-list :name name))) (setf (gethash name *search-lists*) new) new)))) ;;; Clear the definition. Note: we can't remove it from the hash-table ;;; because there may be pathnames still refering to it. So we just ;;; clear out the expansions and ste defined to NIL. (defun clear-search-list (name) #!+sb-doc "Clear the current definition for the search-list NAME. Returns T if such a definition existed, and NIL if not." (let* ((name (string-downcase name)) (search-list (gethash name *search-lists*))) (when (and search-list (search-list-defined search-list)) (setf (search-list-defined search-list) nil) (setf (search-list-expansions search-list) nil) t))) ;;; As in CLEAR-SEARCH-LIST, we can't actually remove the entries from ;;; the hash-table, so we just mark them as being undefined. (defun clear-all-search-lists () #!+sb-doc "Clear the definition for all search-lists. Only use this if you know what you are doing." (maphash #'(lambda (name search-list) (declare (ignore name)) (setf (search-list-defined search-list) nil) (setf (search-list-expansions search-list) nil)) *search-lists*) nil) ;;; Extract the search-list from PATHNAME and return it. If PATHNAME ;;; doesn't start with a search-list, then either error (if ;;; FLAME-IF-NONE is true) or return NIL (if FLAME-IF-NONE is false). (defun extract-search-list (pathname flame-if-none) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (let* ((directory (%pathname-directory pathname)) (search-list (cadr directory))) (cond ((search-list-p search-list) search-list) (flame-if-none (error "~S doesn't start with a search-list." pathname)) (t nil))))) ;;; We have to convert the internal form of the search-list back into ;;; a bunch of pathnames. (defun search-list (pathname) #!+sb-doc "Return the expansions for the search-list starting PATHNAME. If PATHNAME does not start with a search-list, then an error is signaled. If the search-list has not been defined yet, then an error is signaled. The expansion for a search-list can be set with SETF." (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (let ((search-list (extract-search-list pathname t)) (host (pathname-host pathname))) (if (search-list-defined search-list) (mapcar #'(lambda (directory) (make-pathname :host host :directory (cons :absolute directory))) (search-list-expansions search-list)) (error "Search list ~S has not been defined yet." pathname))))) (defun search-list-defined-p (pathname) #!+sb-doc "Returns T if the search-list starting PATHNAME is currently defined, and NIL otherwise. An error is signaled if PATHNAME does not start with a search-list." (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (search-list-defined (extract-search-list pathname t)))) ;;; Set the expansion for the search list in PATHNAME. If this would ;;; result in any circularities, we flame out. If anything goes wrong, ;;; we leave the old definition intact. (defun %set-search-list (pathname values) (let ((search-list (extract-search-list pathname t))) (labels ((check (target-list path) (when (eq search-list target-list) (error "That would result in a circularity:~% ~ ~A~{ -> ~A~} -> ~A" (search-list-name search-list) (reverse path) (search-list-name target-list))) (when (search-list-p target-list) (push (search-list-name target-list) path) (dolist (expansion (search-list-expansions target-list)) (check (car expansion) path)))) (convert (pathname) (with-pathname (pathname pathname) (when (or (pathname-name pathname) (pathname-type pathname) (pathname-version pathname)) (error "Search-lists cannot expand into pathnames that have ~ a name, type, or ~%version specified:~% ~S" pathname)) (let ((directory (pathname-directory pathname))) (let ((expansion (if directory (ecase (car directory) (:absolute (cdr directory)) (:relative (cons (intern-search-list "default") (cdr directory)))) (list (intern-search-list "default"))))) (check (car expansion) nil) expansion))))) (setf (search-list-expansions search-list) (if (listp values) (mapcar #'convert values) (list (convert values))))) (setf (search-list-defined search-list) t)) values) (defun %enumerate-search-list (pathname function) (let* ((pathname (if (typep pathname 'logical-pathname) (translate-logical-pathname pathname) pathname)) (search-list (extract-search-list pathname nil))) (cond ((not search-list) (funcall function pathname)) ((not (search-list-defined search-list)) (error "undefined search list: ~A" (search-list-name search-list))) (t (let ((tail (cddr (pathname-directory pathname)))) (dolist (expansion (search-list-expansions search-list)) (%enumerate-search-list (make-pathname :defaults pathname :directory (cons :absolute (append expansion tail))) function))))))) ;;;; logical pathname support. ANSI 92-102 specification. ;;;; ;;;; As logical-pathname translations are loaded they are ;;;; canonicalized as patterns to enable rapid efficent translation ;;;; into physical pathnames. ;;;; utilities ;;; Canonicalize a logical pathname word by uppercasing it checking that it ;;; contains only legal characters. (defun logical-word-or-lose (word) (declare (string word)) (let ((word (string-upcase word))) (dotimes (i (length word)) (let ((ch (schar word i))) (unless (or (alpha-char-p ch) (digit-char-p ch) (char= ch #\-)) (error 'namestring-parse-error :complaint "logical namestring character which ~ is not alphanumeric or hyphen:~% ~S" :arguments (list ch) :namestring word :offset i)))) word)) ;;; Given a logical host or string, return a logical host. If ERROR-P ;;; is NIL, then return NIL when no such host exists. (defun find-logical-host (thing &optional (errorp t)) (etypecase thing (string (let ((found (gethash (logical-word-or-lose thing) *logical-hosts*))) (if (or found (not errorp)) found ;; This is the error signalled from e.g. ;; LOGICAL-PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS when host is not a defined ;; host, and ANSI specifies that that's a TYPE-ERROR. (error 'simple-type-error :datum thing ;; God only knows what ANSI expects us to use for ;; the EXPECTED-TYPE here. Maybe this will be OK.. :expected-type '(and string (satisfies logical-pathname-translations)) :format-control "logical host not yet defined: ~S" :format-arguments (list thing))))) (logical-host thing))) ;;; Given a logical host name or host, return a logical host, creating ;;; a new one if necessary. (defun intern-logical-host (thing) (declare (values logical-host)) (or (find-logical-host thing nil) (let* ((name (logical-word-or-lose thing)) (new (make-logical-host :name name))) (setf (gethash name *logical-hosts*) new) new))) ;;;; logical pathname parsing ;;; Deal with multi-char wildcards in a logical pathname token. (defun maybe-make-logical-pattern (namestring chunks) (let ((chunk (caar chunks))) (collect ((pattern)) (let ((last-pos 0) (len (length chunk))) (declare (fixnum last-pos)) (loop (when (= last-pos len) (return)) (let ((pos (or (position #\* chunk :start last-pos) len))) (if (= pos last-pos) (when (pattern) (error 'namestring-parse-error :complaint "double asterisk inside of logical ~ word: ~S" :arguments (list chunk) :namestring namestring :offset (+ (cdar chunks) pos))) (pattern (subseq chunk last-pos pos))) (if (= pos len) (return) (pattern :multi-char-wild)) (setq last-pos (1+ pos))))) (aver (pattern)) (if (cdr (pattern)) (make-pattern (pattern)) (let ((x (car (pattern)))) (if (eq x :multi-char-wild) :wild x)))))) ;;; Return a list of conses where the CDR is the start position and ;;; the CAR is a string (token) or character (punctuation.) (defun logical-chunkify (namestr start end) (collect ((chunks)) (do ((i start (1+ i)) (prev 0)) ((= i end) (when (> end prev) (chunks (cons (nstring-upcase (subseq namestr prev end)) prev)))) (let ((ch (schar namestr i))) (unless (or (alpha-char-p ch) (digit-char-p ch) (member ch '(#\- #\*))) (when (> i prev) (chunks (cons (nstring-upcase (subseq namestr prev i)) prev))) (setq prev (1+ i)) (unless (member ch '(#\; #\: #\.)) (error 'namestring-parse-error :complaint "illegal character for logical pathname:~% ~S" :arguments (list ch) :namestring namestr :offset i)) (chunks (cons ch i))))) (chunks))) ;;; Break up a logical-namestring, always a string, into its ;;; constituent parts. (defun parse-logical-namestring (namestr start end) (declare (type simple-base-string namestr) (type index start end)) (collect ((directory)) (let ((host nil) (name nil) (type nil) (version nil)) (labels ((expecting (what chunks) (unless (and chunks (simple-string-p (caar chunks))) (error 'namestring-parse-error :complaint "expecting ~A, got ~:[nothing~;~S~]." :arguments (list what (caar chunks) (caar chunks)) :namestring namestr :offset (if chunks (cdar chunks) end))) (caar chunks)) (parse-host (chunks) (case (caadr chunks) (#\: (setq host (find-logical-host (expecting "a host name" chunks))) (parse-relative (cddr chunks))) (t (parse-relative chunks)))) (parse-relative (chunks) (case (caar chunks) (#\; (directory :relative) (parse-directory (cdr chunks))) (t (directory :absolute) ; Assumption! Maybe revoked later. (parse-directory chunks)))) (parse-directory (chunks) (case (caadr chunks) (#\; (directory (let ((res (expecting "a directory name" chunks))) (cond ((string= res "..") :up) ((string= res "**") :wild-inferiors) (t (maybe-make-logical-pattern namestr chunks))))) (parse-directory (cddr chunks))) (t (parse-name chunks)))) (parse-name (chunks) (when chunks (expecting "a file name" chunks) (setq name (maybe-make-logical-pattern namestr chunks)) (expecting-dot (cdr chunks)))) (expecting-dot (chunks) (when chunks (unless (eql (caar chunks) #\.) (error 'namestring-parse-error :complaint "expecting a dot, got ~S." :arguments (list (caar chunks)) :namestring namestr :offset (cdar chunks))) (if type (parse-version (cdr chunks)) (parse-type (cdr chunks))))) (parse-type (chunks) (expecting "a file type" chunks) (setq type (maybe-make-logical-pattern namestr chunks)) (expecting-dot (cdr chunks))) (parse-version (chunks) (let ((str (expecting "a positive integer, * or NEWEST" chunks))) (cond ((string= str "*") (setq version :wild)) ((string= str "NEWEST") (setq version :newest)) (t (multiple-value-bind (res pos) (parse-integer str :junk-allowed t) (unless (and res (plusp res)) (error 'namestring-parse-error :complaint "expected a positive integer, ~ got ~S" :arguments (list str) :namestring namestr :offset (+ pos (cdar chunks)))) (setq version res))))) (when (cdr chunks) (error 'namestring-parse-error :complaint "extra stuff after end of file name" :namestring namestr :offset (cdadr chunks))))) (parse-host (logical-chunkify namestr start end))) (values host :unspecific (and (not (equal (directory)'(:absolute))) (directory)) name type version)))) ;;; We can't initialize this yet because not all host methods are loaded yet. (defvar *logical-pathname-defaults*) (defun logical-pathname (pathspec) #!+sb-doc "Converts the pathspec argument to a logical-pathname and returns it." (declare (type (or logical-pathname string stream) pathspec) (values logical-pathname)) (if (typep pathspec 'logical-pathname) pathspec (let ((res (parse-namestring pathspec nil *logical-pathname-defaults*))) (when (eq (%pathname-host res) (%pathname-host *logical-pathname-defaults*)) (error "This logical namestring does not specify a host:~% ~S" pathspec)) res))) ;;;; logical pathname unparsing (defun unparse-logical-directory (pathname) (declare (type pathname pathname)) (collect ((pieces)) (let ((directory (%pathname-directory pathname))) (when directory (ecase (pop directory) (:absolute) ; nothing special (:relative (pieces ";"))) (dolist (dir directory) (cond ((or (stringp dir) (pattern-p dir)) (pieces (unparse-logical-piece dir)) (pieces ";")) ((eq dir :wild) (pieces "*;")) ((eq dir :wild-inferiors) (pieces "**;")) (t (error "invalid directory component: ~S" dir)))))) (apply #'concatenate 'simple-string (pieces)))) (defun unparse-logical-piece (thing) (etypecase thing (simple-string thing) (pattern (collect ((strings)) (dolist (piece (pattern-pieces thing)) (etypecase piece (simple-string (strings piece)) (keyword (cond ((eq piece :wild-inferiors) (strings "**")) ((eq piece :multi-char-wild) (strings "*")) (t (error "invalid keyword: ~S" piece)))))) (apply #'concatenate 'simple-string (strings)))))) ;;; Unparse a logical pathname string. (defun unparse-enough-namestring (pathname defaults) (let* ((path-directory (pathname-directory pathname)) (def-directory (pathname-directory defaults)) (enough-directory ;; Go down the directory lists to see what matches. What's ;; left is what we want, more or less. (cond ((and (eq (first path-directory) (first def-directory)) (eq (first path-directory) :absolute)) ;; Both paths are :ABSOLUTE, so find where the ;; common parts end and return what's left (do* ((p (rest path-directory) (rest p)) (d (rest def-directory) (rest d))) ((or (endp p) (endp d) (not (equal (first p) (first d)))) `(:relative ,@p)))) (t ;; At least one path is :RELATIVE, so just return the ;; original path. If the original path is :RELATIVE, ;; then that's the right one. If PATH-DIRECTORY is ;; :ABSOLUTE, we want to return that except when ;; DEF-DIRECTORY is :ABSOLUTE, as handled above. so return ;; the original directory. path-directory)))) (make-pathname :host (pathname-host pathname) :directory enough-directory :name (pathname-name pathname) :type (pathname-type pathname) :version (pathname-version pathname)))) (defun unparse-logical-namestring (pathname) (declare (type logical-pathname pathname)) (concatenate 'simple-string (logical-host-name (%pathname-host pathname)) ":" (unparse-logical-directory pathname) (unparse-unix-file pathname))) ;;;; logical pathname translations ;;; Verify that the list of translations consists of lists and prepare ;;; canonical translations. (Parse pathnames and expand out wildcards ;;; into patterns.) (defun canonicalize-logical-pathname-translations (translation-list host) (declare (type list translation-list) (type host host) (values list)) (mapcar (lambda (translation) (destructuring-bind (from to) translation (list (if (typep from 'logical-pathname) from (parse-namestring from host)) (pathname to)))) translation-list)) (defun logical-pathname-translations (host) #!+sb-doc "Return the (logical) host object argument's list of translations." (declare (type (or string logical-host) host) (values list)) (logical-host-translations (find-logical-host host))) (defun (setf logical-pathname-translations) (translations host) #!+sb-doc "Set the translations list for the logical host argument. Return translations." (declare (type (or string logical-host) host) (type list translations) (values list)) (let ((host (intern-logical-host host))) (setf (logical-host-canon-transls host) (canonicalize-logical-pathname-translations translations host)) (setf (logical-host-translations host) translations))) (defun translate-logical-pathname (pathname &key) #!+sb-doc "Translate PATHNAME to a physical pathname, which is returned." (declare (type pathname-designator pathname) (values (or null pathname))) (typecase pathname (logical-pathname (dolist (x (logical-host-canon-transls (%pathname-host pathname)) (error 'simple-file-error :pathname pathname :format-control "no translation for ~S" :format-arguments (list pathname))) (destructuring-bind (from to) x (when (pathname-match-p pathname from) (return (translate-logical-pathname (translate-pathname pathname from to))))))) (pathname pathname) (stream (translate-logical-pathname (pathname pathname))) (t (translate-logical-pathname (logical-pathname pathname))))) (defvar *logical-pathname-defaults* (%make-logical-pathname (make-logical-host :name "BOGUS") :unspecific nil nil nil nil)) (defun load-logical-pathname-translations (host) #!+sb-doc (declare (type string host) (values (member t nil))) (if (find-logical-host host nil) ;; This host is already defined, all is well and good. t ;; ANSI: "The specific nature of the search is ;; implementation-defined." SBCL: doesn't search at all (error "logical host ~S not found" host)))