(in-package "SB!THREAD") ;;; FIXME it would be good to define what a thread id is or isn't (our ;;; current assumption is that it's a fixnum). It so happens that on ;;; Linux it's a pid, but it might not be on posix thread implementations (sb!alien::define-alien-routine ("create_thread" %create-thread) sb!alien:unsigned-long (lisp-fun-address sb!alien:unsigned-long)) (sb!alien::define-alien-routine "signal_thread_to_dequeue" sb!alien:unsigned-int (thread-pid sb!alien:unsigned-long)) (defun make-thread (function) (let ((real-function (coerce function 'function))) (%create-thread (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address (lambda () ;; in time we'll move some of the binding presently done in C ;; here too (let ((sb!kernel::*restart-clusters* nil) (sb!impl::*descriptor-handlers* nil); serve-event (sb!impl::*available-buffers* nil)) ;for fd-stream ;; can't use handling-end-of-the-world, because that flushes ;; output streams, and we don't necessarily have any (or we ;; could be sharing them) (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint :ignore) (sb!unix:unix-exit (catch 'sb!impl::%end-of-the-world (with-simple-restart (destroy-thread (format nil "~~@" (current-thread-id))) (funcall real-function)) 0)))))))) ;;; Really, you don't want to use these: they'll get into trouble with ;;; garbage collection. Use a lock or a waitqueue instead (defun suspend-thread (thread-id) (sb!unix:unix-kill thread-id sb!unix:sigstop)) (defun resume-thread (thread-id) (sb!unix:unix-kill thread-id sb!unix:sigcont)) ;;; Note warning about cleanup forms (defun destroy-thread (thread-id) "Destroy the thread identified by THREAD-ID abruptly, without running cleanup forms" (sb!unix:unix-kill thread-id sb!unix:sigterm) ;; may have been stopped for some reason, so now wake it up to ;; deliver the TERM (sb!unix:unix-kill thread-id sb!unix:sigcont)) ;;; a moderate degree of care is expected for use of interrupt-thread, ;;; due to its nature: if you interrupt a thread that was holding ;;; important locks then do something that turns out to need those ;;; locks, you probably won't like the effect. Used with thought ;;; though, it's a good deal gentler than the last-resort functions above (defun interrupt-thread (thread function) "Interrupt THREAD and make it run FUNCTION. " (sb!unix::syscall* ("interrupt_thread" sb!alien:unsigned-long sb!alien:unsigned-long) thread thread (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address (coerce function 'function)))) (defun terminate-thread (thread-id) "Terminate the thread identified by THREAD-ID, by causing it to run SB-EXT:QUIT - the usual cleanup forms will be evaluated" (interrupt-thread thread-id 'sb!ext:quit)) (declaim (inline current-thread-id)) (defun current-thread-id () (logand (sb!sys:sap-int (sb!vm::current-thread-offset-sap sb!vm::thread-pid-slot)) ;; KLUDGE pids are 16 bit really. Avoid boxing the return value (1- (ash 1 16)))) ;;;; iterate over the in-memory threads (defun mapcar-threads (function) "Call FUNCTION once for each known thread, giving it the thread structure as argument" (let ((function (coerce function 'function))) (loop for thread = (alien-sap (extern-alien "all_threads" (* t))) then (sb!sys:sap-ref-sap thread (* 4 sb!vm::thread-next-slot)) until (sb!sys:sap= thread (sb!sys:int-sap 0)) collect (funcall function thread)))) ;;;; queues, locks ;; spinlocks use 0 as "free" value: higher-level locks use NIL (declaim (inline get-spinlock release-spinlock)) (defun get-spinlock (lock offset new-value) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (loop until (eql (sb!vm::%instance-set-conditional lock offset 0 new-value) 0))) ;; this should do nothing if we didn't own the lock, so safe to use in ;; unwind-protect cleanups when lock acquisition failed for some reason (defun release-spinlock (lock offset our-value) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (sb!vm::%instance-set-conditional lock offset our-value 0)) (defmacro with-spinlock ((queue) &body body) (with-unique-names (pid) `(let ((,pid (current-thread-id))) (unwind-protect (progn (get-spinlock ,queue 2 ,pid) ,@body) (release-spinlock ,queue 2 ,pid))))) ;;;; the higher-level locking operations are based on waitqueues (declaim (inline waitqueue-data-address mutex-value-address)) (defstruct waitqueue (name nil :type (or null simple-base-string)) (lock 0) (data nil)) ;;; The bare 4 here and 5 below are offsets of the slots in the struct. ;;; There ought to be some better way to get these numbers (defun waitqueue-data-address (lock) (declare (optimize (speed 3))) (sb!ext:truly-the (unsigned-byte 32) (+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address lock) (- (* 4 sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:instance-pointer-lowtag)))) (defstruct (mutex (:include waitqueue)) (value nil)) (defun mutex-value-address (lock) (declare (optimize (speed 3))) (sb!ext:truly-the (unsigned-byte 32) (+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address lock) (- (* 5 sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:instance-pointer-lowtag)))) (sb!alien:define-alien-routine "block_sigcont" void) (sb!alien:define-alien-routine "unblock_sigcont_and_sleep" void) #!+sb-futex (declaim (inline futex-wait futex-wake)) #!+sb-futex (sb!alien:define-alien-routine "futex_wait" int (word unsigned-long) (old-value unsigned-long)) #!+sb-futex (sb!alien:define-alien-routine "futex_wake" int (word unsigned-long) (n unsigned-long)) ;;; this should only be called while holding the queue spinlock. ;;; it releases the spinlock before sleeping (defun wait-on-queue (queue &optional lock) (let ((pid (current-thread-id))) (block-sigcont) (when lock (release-mutex lock)) (sb!sys:without-interrupts (pushnew pid (waitqueue-data queue))) (setf (waitqueue-lock queue) 0) (unblock-sigcont-and-sleep))) ;;; this should only be called while holding the queue spinlock. It doesn't ;;; release it (defun dequeue (queue) (let ((pid (current-thread-id))) (sb!sys:without-interrupts (setf (waitqueue-data queue) (delete pid (waitqueue-data queue)))))) ;;; this should only be called while holding the queue spinlock. (defun signal-queue-head (queue) (let ((p (car (waitqueue-data queue)))) (when p (signal-thread-to-dequeue p)))) ;;;; mutex ;;; i suspect there may be a race still in this: the futex version requires ;;; the old mutex value before sleeping, so how do we get away without it (defun get-mutex (lock &optional new-value (wait-p t)) (declare (type mutex lock) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pid (current-thread-id))) (unless new-value (setf new-value pid)) (assert (not (eql new-value (mutex-value lock)))) (get-spinlock lock 2 pid) (loop (unless ;; args are object slot-num old-value new-value (sb!vm::%instance-set-conditional lock 4 nil new-value) (dequeue lock) (setf (waitqueue-lock lock) 0) (return t)) (unless wait-p (setf (waitqueue-lock lock) 0) (return nil)) (wait-on-queue lock nil)))) #!+sb-futex (defun get-mutex/futex (lock &optional new-value (wait-p t)) (declare (type mutex lock) (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((pid (current-thread-id)) old) (unless new-value (setf new-value pid)) (assert (not (eql new-value (mutex-value lock)))) (loop (unless (setf old (sb!vm::%instance-set-conditional lock 4 nil new-value)) (return t)) (unless wait-p (return nil)) (futex-wait (mutex-value-address lock) (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address old))))) (defun release-mutex (lock &optional (new-value nil)) (declare (type mutex lock)) ;; we assume the lock is ours to release (with-spinlock (lock) (setf (mutex-value lock) new-value) (signal-queue-head lock))) #!+sb-futex (defun release-mutex/futex (lock) (declare (type mutex lock)) (setf (mutex-value lock) nil) (futex-wake (mutex-value-address lock) 1)) (defmacro with-mutex ((mutex &key value (wait-p t)) &body body) (with-unique-names (got) `(let ((,got (get-mutex ,mutex ,value ,wait-p))) (when ,got (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (release-mutex ,mutex)))))) ;;;; condition variables (defun condition-wait (queue lock) "Atomically release LOCK and enqueue ourselves on QUEUE. Another thread may subsequently notify us using CONDITION-NOTIFY, at which time we reacquire LOCK and return to the caller." (assert lock) (let ((value (mutex-value lock))) (unwind-protect (progn (get-spinlock queue 2 (current-thread-id)) (wait-on-queue queue lock)) ;; If we are interrupted while waiting, we should do these things ;; before returning. Ideally, in the case of an unhandled signal, ;; we should do them before entering the debugger, but this is ;; better than nothing. (with-spinlock (queue) (dequeue queue)) (get-mutex lock value)))) #!+sb-futex (defun condition-wait/futex (queue lock) (assert lock) (let ((value (mutex-value lock))) (unwind-protect (let ((me (current-thread-id))) ;; XXX we should do something to ensure that the result of this setf ;; is visible to all CPUs (setf (waitqueue-data queue) me) (release-mutex lock) ;; Now we go to sleep using futex-wait. If anyone else ;; manages to grab LOCK and call CONDITION-NOTIFY during ;; this comment, it will change queue->data, and so ;; futex-wait returns immediately instead of sleeping. ;; Ergo, no lost wakeup (futex-wait (waitqueue-data-address queue) (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address me))) ;; If we are interrupted while waiting, we should do these things ;; before returning. Ideally, in the case of an unhandled signal, ;; we should do them before entering the debugger, but this is ;; better than nothing. (get-mutex lock value)))) (defun condition-notify (queue) "Notify one of the processes waiting on QUEUE" (with-spinlock (queue) (signal-queue-head queue))) #!+sb-futex (defun condition-notify/futex (queue) "Notify one of the processes waiting on QUEUE." (let ((me (current-thread-id))) ;; no problem if >1 thread notifies during the comment in ;; condition-wait: as long as the value in queue-data isn't the ;; waiting thread's id, it matters not what it is ;; XXX we should do something to ensure that the result of this setf ;; is visible to all CPUs (setf (waitqueue-data queue) me) (futex-wake (waitqueue-data-address queue) 1))) #!+sb-futex (defun condition-broadcast/futex (queue) (let ((me (current-thread-id))) (setf (waitqueue-data queue) me) (futex-wake (waitqueue-data-address queue) (ash 1 30)))) (defun condition-broadcast (queue) "Notify all of the processes waiting on QUEUE." (with-spinlock (queue) (map nil #'signal-thread-to-dequeue (waitqueue-data queue)))) ;;; Futexes may be available at compile time but not runtime, so we ;;; default to not using them unless os_init says they're available (defun maybe-install-futex-functions () #!+sb-futex (unless (zerop (extern-alien "linux_supports_futex" int)) (setf (fdefinition 'get-mutex) #'get-mutex/futex (fdefinition 'release-mutex) #'release-mutex/futex (fdefinition 'condition-wait) #'condition-wait/futex (fdefinition 'condition-broadcast) #'condition-broadcast/futex (fdefinition 'condition-notify) #'condition-notify/futex) t)) ;;;; multiple independent listeners (defvar *session-lock* nil) (defun make-listener-thread (tty-name) (assert (probe-file tty-name)) ;; FIXME probably still need to do some tty stuff to get signals ;; delivered correctly. ;; FIXME (let* ((in (sb!unix:unix-open (namestring tty-name) sb!unix:o_rdwr #o666)) (out (sb!unix:unix-dup in)) (err (sb!unix:unix-dup in))) (labels ((thread-repl () (sb!unix::unix-setsid) (let* ((*session-lock* (make-mutex :name (format nil "lock for ~A" tty-name))) (sb!impl::*stdin* (sb!sys:make-fd-stream in :input t :buffering :line)) (sb!impl::*stdout* (sb!sys:make-fd-stream out :output t :buffering :line)) (sb!impl::*stderr* (sb!sys:make-fd-stream err :output t :buffering :line)) (sb!impl::*tty* (sb!sys:make-fd-stream err :input t :output t :buffering :line)) (sb!impl::*descriptor-handlers* nil)) (get-mutex *session-lock*) (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint #'sb!unix::sigint-handler) (unwind-protect (sb!impl::toplevel-repl nil) (sb!int:flush-standard-output-streams))))) (make-thread #'thread-repl)))) ;;;; job control (defvar *interactive-threads-lock* (make-mutex :name "*interactive-threads* lock")) (defvar *interactive-threads* nil) (defvar *interactive-threads-queue* (make-waitqueue :name "All threads that need the terminal. First ID on this list is running, the others are waiting")) (defun init-job-control () (with-mutex (*interactive-threads-lock*) (setf *interactive-threads* (list (current-thread-id))) (return-from init-job-control t))) ;;; called from top of invoke-debugger (defun debugger-wait-until-foreground-thread (stream) "Returns T if thread had been running in background, NIL if it was interactive." (prog1 (with-mutex (*interactive-threads-lock*) (not (member (current-thread-id) *interactive-threads*))) (get-foreground))) (defun thread-repl-prompt-fun (out-stream) (get-foreground) (let ((stopped-threads (cdr *interactive-threads*))) (when stopped-threads (format out-stream "~{~&Thread ~A suspended~}~%" stopped-threads)) (sb!impl::repl-prompt-fun out-stream))) (defun get-foreground () (loop (with-mutex (*interactive-threads-lock*) (let ((tid (current-thread-id))) (when (eql (car *interactive-threads*) tid) (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint #'sb!unix::sigint-handler) (return-from get-foreground t)) (unless (member tid *interactive-threads*) (setf (cdr (last *interactive-threads*)) (list tid))) (condition-wait *interactive-threads-queue* *interactive-threads-lock* ))))) (defun release-foreground (&optional next) "Background this thread. If NEXT is supplied, arrange for it to have the foreground next" (with-mutex (*interactive-threads-lock*) (let ((tid (current-thread-id))) (setf *interactive-threads* (delete tid *interactive-threads*)) (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint :ignore) (when next (setf *interactive-threads* (list* next (delete next *interactive-threads*)))) (condition-broadcast *interactive-threads-queue*))))