;;;; support for threads needed at cross-compile time ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!THREAD") (def!type thread-name () 'simple-string) (def!struct (thread (:constructor %make-thread)) #!+sb-doc "Thread type. Do not rely on threads being structs as it may change in future versions." (name nil :type (or thread-name null)) (%alive-p nil :type boolean) (os-thread nil :type (or integer null)) (interruptions nil :type list) (result nil :type list) (interruptions-lock (make-mutex :name "thread interruptions lock") :type mutex) (result-lock (make-mutex :name "thread result lock") :type mutex) waiting-for) (def!struct mutex #!+sb-doc "Mutex type." (name nil :type (or null thread-name)) (%owner nil :type (or null thread)) #!+(and sb-thread sb-futex) (state 0 :type fixnum)) (defun mutex-value (mutex) "Current owner of the mutex, NIL if the mutex is free. May return a stale value, use MUTEX-OWNER instead." (mutex-%owner mutex)) (defun holding-mutex-p (mutex) "Test whether the current thread is holding MUTEX." ;; This is about the only use for which a stale value of owner is ;; sufficient. (eq sb!thread:*current-thread* (mutex-%owner mutex))) (defsetf mutex-value set-mutex-value) (declaim (inline set-mutex-value)) (defun set-mutex-value (mutex value) (declare (ignore mutex value)) (error "~S is no longer supported." '(setf mutex-value))) (define-compiler-macro set-mutex-value (&whole form mutex value) (declare (ignore mutex value)) (warn "~S is no longer supported, and will signal an error at runtime." '(setf mutex-value)) form) ;;; SPINLOCK no longer exists as a type -- provided for backwards compatibility. (deftype spinlock () "Spinlock type." (deprecation-warning :early "" 'spinlock 'mutex) 'mutex) (define-deprecated-function :early "" make-spinlock make-mutex (&key name) (make-mutex :name name)) (define-deprecated-function :early "" spinlock-name mutex-name (lock) (mutex-name lock)) (define-deprecated-function :early "" (setf spinlock-name) (setf mutex-name) (name lock) (setf (mutex-name lock) name)) (define-deprecated-function :early "" spinlock-value mutex-owner (lock) (mutex-owner lock)) (define-deprecated-function :early "" get-spinlock grab-mutex (lock) (grab-mutex lock)) (define-deprecated-function :early "" release-spinlock release-mutex (lock) (release-mutex lock)) (sb!xc:defmacro with-recursive-spinlock ((lock) &body body) (deprecation-warning :early "" 'with-recursive-spinlock 'with-recursive-lock) `(with-recursive-lock (,lock) ,@body)) (sb!xc:defmacro with-spinlock ((lock) &body body) (deprecation-warning :early "" 'with-recursive-spinlock 'with-mutex) `(with-lock (,lock) ,@body)) (sb!xc:defmacro without-thread-waiting-for ((&key already-without-interrupts) &body body) (with-unique-names (thread prev) (let ((without (if already-without-interrupts 'progn 'without-interrupts)) (with (if already-without-interrupts 'progn 'with-local-interrupts))) `(let* ((,thread *current-thread*) (,prev (progn (barrier (:read)) (thread-waiting-for ,thread)))) (flet ((exec () ,@body)) (if ,prev (,without (unwind-protect (progn (setf (thread-waiting-for ,thread) nil) (barrier (:write)) (,with (exec))) (setf (thread-waiting-for ,thread) ,prev) (barrier (:write)))) (exec))))))) (sb!xc:defmacro with-mutex ((mutex &key (value '*current-thread*) (wait-p t)) &body body) #!+sb-doc "Acquire MUTEX for the dynamic scope of BODY, setting it to VALUE or some suitable default value if NIL. If WAIT-P is non-NIL and the mutex is in use, sleep until it is available" `(dx-flet ((with-mutex-thunk () ,@body)) (call-with-mutex #'with-mutex-thunk ,mutex ,value ,wait-p))) (sb!xc:defmacro with-system-mutex ((mutex &key without-gcing allow-with-interrupts) &body body) `(dx-flet ((with-system-mutex-thunk () ,@body)) (,(cond (without-gcing 'call-with-system-mutex/without-gcing) (allow-with-interrupts 'call-with-system-mutex/allow-with-interrupts) (t 'call-with-system-mutex)) #'with-system-mutex-thunk ,mutex))) (sb!xc:defmacro with-recursive-lock ((mutex) &body body) #!+sb-doc "Acquires MUTEX for the dynamic scope of BODY. Within that scope further recursive lock attempts for the same mutex succeed. It is allowed to mix WITH-MUTEX and WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK for the same mutex provided the default value is used for the mutex." `(dx-flet ((with-recursive-lock-thunk () ,@body)) (call-with-recursive-lock #'with-recursive-lock-thunk ,mutex))) (sb!xc:defmacro with-recursive-system-lock ((lock &key without-gcing) &body body) `(dx-flet ((with-recursive-system-lock-thunk () ,@body)) (,(cond (without-gcing 'call-with-recursive-system-lock/without-gcing) (t 'call-with-recursive-system-lock)) #'with-recursive-system-lock-thunk ,lock))) (macrolet ((def (name &optional variant) `(defun ,(if variant (symbolicate name "/" variant) name) (function mutex) (declare (function function)) (flet ((%call-with-system-mutex () (dx-let (got-it) (unwind-protect (when (setf got-it (get-mutex mutex)) (funcall function)) (when got-it (release-mutex mutex)))))) (declare (inline %call-with-system-mutex)) ,(ecase variant (:without-gcing `(without-gcing (%call-with-system-mutex))) (:allow-with-interrupts `(without-interrupts (allow-with-interrupts (%call-with-system-mutex)))) ((nil) `(without-interrupts (%call-with-system-mutex)))))))) (def call-with-system-mutex) (def call-with-system-mutex :without-gcing) (def call-with-system-mutex :allow-with-interrupts)) #!-sb-thread (progn (defun call-with-mutex (function mutex value waitp) (declare (ignore mutex value waitp) (function function)) (funcall function)) (defun call-with-recursive-lock (function mutex) (declare (ignore mutex) (function function)) (funcall function)) (defun call-with-recursive-system-lock (function lock) (declare (function function) (ignore lock)) (without-interrupts (funcall function))) (defun call-with-recursive-system-lock/without-gcing (function mutex) (declare (function function) (ignore mutex)) (without-gcing (funcall function)))) #!+sb-thread ;;; KLUDGE: These need to use DX-LET, because the cleanup form that ;;; closes over GOT-IT causes a value-cell to be allocated for it -- ;;; and we prefer that to go on the stack since it can. (progn (defun call-with-mutex (function mutex value waitp) (declare (function function)) (dx-let ((got-it nil)) (without-interrupts (unwind-protect (when (setq got-it (allow-with-interrupts (get-mutex mutex value waitp))) (with-local-interrupts (funcall function))) (when got-it (release-mutex mutex)))))) (defun call-with-recursive-lock (function mutex) (declare (function function)) (dx-let ((inner-lock-p (eq (mutex-%owner mutex) *current-thread*)) (got-it nil)) (without-interrupts (unwind-protect (when (or inner-lock-p (setf got-it (allow-with-interrupts (get-mutex mutex)))) (with-local-interrupts (funcall function))) (when got-it (release-mutex mutex)))))) (macrolet ((def (name &optional variant) `(defun ,(if variant (symbolicate name "/" variant) name) (function lock) (declare (function function)) (flet ((%call-with-recursive-system-lock () (dx-let ((inner-lock-p (eq *current-thread* (mutex-owner lock))) (got-it nil)) (unwind-protect (when (or inner-lock-p (setf got-it (grab-mutex lock))) (funcall function)) (when got-it (release-mutex lock)))))) (declare (inline %call-with-recursive-system-lock)) ,(ecase variant (:without-gcing `(without-gcing (%call-with-recursive-system-lock))) ((nil) `(without-interrupts (%call-with-recursive-system-lock)))))))) (def call-with-recursive-system-lock) (def call-with-recursive-system-lock :without-gcing)))