;;;; This file contains Unix support that SBCL needs to implement ;;;; itself. It's derived from Peter Van Eynde's unix-glibc2.lisp for ;;;; CMU CL, which was derived from CMU CL unix.lisp 1.56. But those ;;;; files aspired to be complete Unix interfaces exported to the end ;;;; user, while this file aims to be as simple as possible and is not ;;;; intended for the end user. ;;;; ;;;; FIXME: The old CMU CL unix.lisp code was implemented as hand ;;;; transcriptions from Unix headers into Lisp. It appears that this was as ;;;; unmaintainable in practice as you'd expect in theory, so I really really ;;;; don't want to do that. It'd be good to implement the various system calls ;;;; as C code implemented using the Unix header files, and have their ;;;; interface back to SBCL code be characterized by things like "32-bit-wide ;;;; int" which are already in the interface between the runtime ;;;; executable and the SBCL lisp code. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!UNIX") (/show0 "unix.lisp 21") (defmacro def-enum (inc cur &rest names) (flet ((defform (name) (prog1 (when name `(defconstant ,name ,cur)) (setf cur (funcall inc cur 1))))) `(progn ,@(mapcar #'defform names)))) ;;; Given a C-level zero-terminated array of C strings, return a ;;; corresponding Lisp-level list of SIMPLE-STRINGs. (defun c-strings->string-list (c-strings) (declare (type (alien (* c-string)) c-strings)) (let ((reversed-result nil)) (dotimes (i most-positive-fixnum (error "argh! can't happen")) (declare (type index i)) (let ((c-string (deref c-strings i))) (if c-string (push c-string reversed-result) (return (nreverse reversed-result))))))) ;;;; Lisp types used by syscalls (deftype unix-pathname () 'simple-string) (deftype unix-fd () `(integer 0 ,most-positive-fixnum)) (deftype unix-file-mode () '(unsigned-byte 32)) (deftype unix-pid () '(unsigned-byte 32)) (deftype unix-uid () '(unsigned-byte 32)) (deftype unix-gid () '(unsigned-byte 32)) ;;;; system calls (/show0 "unix.lisp 74") ;;; FIXME: The various FOO-SYSCALL-BAR macros, and perhaps some other ;;; macros in this file, are only used in this file, and could be ;;; implemented using SB!XC:DEFMACRO wrapped in EVAL-WHEN. (defmacro syscall ((name &rest arg-types) success-form &rest args) `(let ((result (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,name (function int ,@arg-types)) ,@args))) (if (minusp result) (values nil (get-errno)) ,success-form))) ;;; This is like SYSCALL, but if it fails, signal an error instead of ;;; returning error codes. Should only be used for syscalls that will ;;; never really get an error. (defmacro syscall* ((name &rest arg-types) success-form &rest args) `(let ((result (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,name (function int ,@arg-types)) ,@args))) (if (minusp result) (error "Syscall ~A failed: ~A" ,name (strerror)) ,success-form))) (/show0 "unix.lisp 109") (defmacro void-syscall ((name &rest arg-types) &rest args) `(syscall (,name ,@arg-types) (values t 0) ,@args)) (defmacro int-syscall ((name &rest arg-types) &rest args) `(syscall (,name ,@arg-types) (values result 0) ,@args)) ;;;; hacking the Unix environment (define-alien-routine ("getenv" posix-getenv) c-string "Return the \"value\" part of the environment string \"name=value\" which corresponds to NAME, or NIL if there is none." (name c-string)) ;;; from stdio.h ;;; Rename the file with string NAME1 to the string NAME2. NIL and an ;;; error code is returned if an error occurs. (defun unix-rename (name1 name2) (declare (type unix-pathname name1 name2)) (void-syscall ("rename" c-string c-string) name1 name2)) ;;; from sys/types.h and gnu/types.h (/show0 "unix.lisp 220") ;;; FIXME: We shouldn't hand-copy types from header files into Lisp ;;; like this unless we have extreme provocation. Reading directories ;;; is not extreme enough, since it doesn't need to be blindingly ;;; fast: we can just implement those functions in C as a wrapper ;;; layer. (define-alien-type fd-mask unsigned-long) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defconstant fd-setsize 1024)) (define-alien-type nil (struct fd-set (fds-bits (array fd-mask #.(/ fd-setsize 32))))) (/show0 "unix.lisp 304") ;;;; fcntl.h ;;;; ;;;; POSIX Standard: 6.5 File Control Operations ;;; Open the file whose pathname is specified by PATH for reading ;;; and/or writing as specified by the FLAGS argument. Various FLAGS ;;; masks (O_RDONLY etc.) are defined in fcntlbits.h. ;;; ;;; If the O_CREAT flag is specified, then the file is created with a ;;; permission of argument MODE if the file doesn't exist. An integer ;;; file descriptor is returned by UNIX-OPEN. (defun unix-open (path flags mode) (declare (type unix-pathname path) (type fixnum flags) (type unix-file-mode mode)) (int-syscall ("open" c-string int int) path flags mode)) ;;; UNIX-CLOSE accepts a file descriptor and attempts to close the file ;;; associated with it. (/show0 "unix.lisp 391") (defun unix-close (fd) (declare (type unix-fd fd)) (void-syscall ("close" int) fd)) ;;;; timebits.h ;; A time value that is accurate to the nearest ;; microsecond but also has a range of years. (define-alien-type nil (struct timeval (tv-sec time-t) ; seconds (tv-usec time-t))) ; and microseconds ;;;; resourcebits.h (defconstant rusage_self 0) ; the calling process (defconstant rusage_children -1) ; terminated child processes (defconstant rusage_both -2) (define-alien-type nil (struct rusage (ru-utime (struct timeval)) ; user time used (ru-stime (struct timeval)) ; system time used. (ru-maxrss long) ; maximum resident set size (in kilobytes) (ru-ixrss long) ; integral shared memory size (ru-idrss long) ; integral unshared data size (ru-isrss long) ; integral unshared stack size (ru-minflt long) ; page reclaims (ru-majflt long) ; page faults (ru-nswap long) ; swaps (ru-inblock long) ; block input operations (ru-oublock long) ; block output operations (ru-msgsnd long) ; messages sent (ru-msgrcv long) ; messages received (ru-nsignals long) ; signals received (ru-nvcsw long) ; voluntary context switches (ru-nivcsw long))) ; involuntary context switches ;;;; unistd.h ;;; Given a file path (a string) and one of four constant modes, ;;; return T if the file is accessible with that mode and NIL if not. ;;; When NIL, also return an errno value with NIL which tells why the ;;; file was not accessible. ;;; ;;; The access modes are: ;;; r_ok Read permission. ;;; w_ok Write permission. ;;; x_ok Execute permission. ;;; f_ok Presence of file. (defun unix-access (path mode) (declare (type unix-pathname path) (type (mod 8) mode)) (void-syscall ("access" c-string int) path mode)) ;;; values for the second argument to UNIX-LSEEK (defconstant l_set 0) ; to set the file pointer (defconstant l_incr 1) ; to increment the file pointer (defconstant l_xtnd 2) ; to extend the file size ;;; Accept a file descriptor and move the file pointer ahead ;;; a certain offset for that file. WHENCE can be any of the following: ;;; L_SET Set the file pointer. ;;; L_INCR Increment the file pointer. ;;; L_XTND Extend the file size. (defun unix-lseek (fd offset whence) (declare (type unix-fd fd) (type (unsigned-byte 32) offset) (type (integer 0 2) whence)) #!-(and x86 bsd) (int-syscall ("lseek" int off-t int) fd offset whence) ;; Need a 64-bit return value type for this. TBD. For now, ;; don't use this with any 2G+ partitions. #!+(and x86 bsd) (int-syscall ("lseek" int unsigned-long unsigned-long int) fd offset 0 whence)) ;;; UNIX-READ accepts a file descriptor, a buffer, and the length to read. ;;; It attempts to read len bytes from the device associated with fd ;;; and store them into the buffer. It returns the actual number of ;;; bytes read. (defun unix-read (fd buf len) (declare (type unix-fd fd) (type (unsigned-byte 32) len)) (int-syscall ("read" int (* char) int) fd buf len)) ;;; UNIX-WRITE accepts a file descriptor, a buffer, an offset, and the ;;; length to write. It attempts to write len bytes to the device ;;; associated with fd from the the buffer starting at offset. It returns ;;; the actual number of bytes written. (defun unix-write (fd buf offset len) (declare (type unix-fd fd) (type (unsigned-byte 32) offset len)) (int-syscall ("write" int (* char) int) fd (with-alien ((ptr (* char) (etypecase buf ((simple-array * (*)) (vector-sap buf)) (system-area-pointer buf)))) (addr (deref ptr offset))) len)) ;;; Set up a unix-piping mechanism consisting of an input pipe and an ;;; output pipe. Return two values: if no error occurred the first ;;; value is the pipe to be read from and the second is can be written ;;; to. If an error occurred the first value is NIL and the second the ;;; unix error code. (defun unix-pipe () (with-alien ((fds (array int 2))) (syscall ("pipe" (* int)) (values (deref fds 0) (deref fds 1)) (cast fds (* int))))) (defun unix-mkdir (name mode) (declare (type unix-pathname name) (type unix-file-mode mode)) (void-syscall ("mkdir" c-string int) name mode)) ;;; Given a C char* pointer allocated by malloc(), free it and return a ;;; corresponding Lisp string (or return NIL if the pointer is a C NULL). (defun newcharstar-string (newcharstar) (declare (type (alien (* char)) newcharstar)) (if (null-alien newcharstar) nil (prog1 (cast newcharstar c-string) (free-alien newcharstar)))) ;;; Return the Unix current directory as a SIMPLE-STRING, in the ;;; style returned by getcwd() (no trailing slash character). (defun posix-getcwd () ;; This implementation relies on a BSD/Linux extension to getcwd() ;; behavior, automatically allocating memory when a null buffer ;; pointer is used. On a system which doesn't support that ;; extension, it'll have to be rewritten somehow. ;; ;; SunOS and OSF/1 provide almost as useful an extension: if given a null ;; buffer pointer, it will automatically allocate size space. The ;; KLUDGE in this solution arises because we have just read off ;; PATH_MAX+1 from the Solaris header files and stuck it in here as ;; a constant. Going the grovel_headers route doesn't seem to be ;; helpful, either, as Solaris doesn't export PATH_MAX from ;; unistd.h. #!-(or linux openbsd freebsd sunos osf1) (,stub,) #!+(or linux openbsd freebsd sunos osf1) (or (newcharstar-string (alien-funcall (extern-alien "getcwd" (function (* char) (* char) size-t)) nil #!+(or linux openbsd freebsd) 0 #!+(or sunos osf1) 1025)) (simple-perror "getcwd"))) ;;; Return the Unix current directory as a SIMPLE-STRING terminated ;;; by a slash character. (defun posix-getcwd/ () (concatenate 'string (posix-getcwd) "/")) ;;; Convert at the UNIX level from a possibly relative filename to ;;; an absolute filename. ;;; ;;; FIXME: Do we still need this even as we switch to ;;; *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*? I think maybe we do, since it seems ;;; to be valid for the user to set *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* to ;;; have a NIL directory component, and then this'd be the only way to ;;; interpret a relative directory specification. But I don't find the ;;; ANSI pathname documentation to be a model of clarity. Maybe ;;; someone who understands it better can take a look at this.. -- WHN (defun unix-maybe-prepend-current-directory (name) (declare (simple-string name)) (if (and (> (length name) 0) (char= (schar name 0) #\/)) name (concatenate 'simple-string (posix-getcwd/) name))) ;;; Duplicate an existing file descriptor (given as the argument) and ;;; return it. If FD is not a valid file descriptor, NIL and an error ;;; number are returned. (defun unix-dup (fd) (declare (type unix-fd fd)) (int-syscall ("dup" int) fd)) ;;; Terminate the current process with an optional error code. If ;;; successful, the call doesn't return. If unsuccessful, the call ;;; returns NIL and an error number. (defun unix-exit (&optional (code 0)) (declare (type (signed-byte 32) code)) (void-syscall ("exit" int) code)) ;;; Return the process id of the current process. (define-alien-routine ("getpid" unix-getpid) int) ;;; Return the real user id associated with the current process. (define-alien-routine ("getuid" unix-getuid) int) ;;; Translate a user id into a login name. (defun uid-username (uid) (or (newcharstar-string (alien-funcall (extern-alien "uid_username" (function (* char) int)) uid)) (error "found no match for Unix uid=~S" uid))) ;;; Return the namestring of the home directory, being careful to ;;; include a trailing #\/ (defun uid-homedir (uid) (or (newcharstar-string (alien-funcall (extern-alien "uid_homedir" (function (* char) int)) uid)) (error "failed to resolve home directory for Unix uid=~S" uid))) ;;; Invoke readlink(2) on the file name specified by PATH. Return ;;; (VALUES LINKSTRING NIL) on success, or (VALUES NIL ERRNO) on ;;; failure. (defun unix-readlink (path) (declare (type unix-pathname path)) (with-alien ((ptr (* char) (alien-funcall (extern-alien "wrapped_readlink" (function (* char) c-string)) path))) (if (null-alien ptr) (values nil (get-errno)) (multiple-value-prog1 (values (with-alien ((c-string c-string ptr)) c-string) nil) (free-alien ptr))))) ;;; UNIX-UNLINK accepts a name and deletes the directory entry for that ;;; name and the file if this is the last link. (defun unix-unlink (name) (declare (type unix-pathname name)) (void-syscall ("unlink" c-string) name)) ;;; Return the name of the host machine as a string. (defun unix-gethostname () (with-alien ((buf (array char 256))) (syscall ("gethostname" (* char) int) (cast buf c-string) (cast buf (* char)) 256))) ;;; Write the core image of the file described by FD to disk. (defun unix-fsync (fd) (declare (type unix-fd fd)) (void-syscall ("fsync" int) fd)) ;;;; sys/ioctl.h ;;; UNIX-IOCTL performs a variety of operations on open i/o ;;; descriptors. See the UNIX Programmer's Manual for more ;;; information. (defun unix-ioctl (fd cmd arg) (declare (type unix-fd fd) (type (unsigned-byte 32) cmd)) (void-syscall ("ioctl" int unsigned-int (* char)) fd cmd arg)) ;;;; sys/resource.h ;;; FIXME: All we seem to need is the RUSAGE_SELF version of this. ;;; ;;; This is like getrusage(2), except it returns only the system and ;;; user time, and returns the seconds and microseconds as separate ;;; values. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline unix-fast-getrusage)) (defun unix-fast-getrusage (who) (declare (values (member t) (unsigned-byte 31) (integer 0 1000000) (unsigned-byte 31) (integer 0 1000000))) (with-alien ((usage (struct rusage))) (syscall* ("getrusage" int (* (struct rusage))) (values t (slot (slot usage 'ru-utime) 'tv-sec) (slot (slot usage 'ru-utime) 'tv-usec) (slot (slot usage 'ru-stime) 'tv-sec) (slot (slot usage 'ru-stime) 'tv-usec)) who (addr usage)))) ;;; Return information about the resource usage of the process ;;; specified by WHO. WHO can be either the current process ;;; (rusage_self) or all of the terminated child processes ;;; (rusage_children). NIL and an error number is returned if the call ;;; fails. (defun unix-getrusage (who) (with-alien ((usage (struct rusage))) (syscall ("getrusage" int (* (struct rusage))) (values t (+ (* (slot (slot usage 'ru-utime) 'tv-sec) 1000000) (slot (slot usage 'ru-utime) 'tv-usec)) (+ (* (slot (slot usage 'ru-stime) 'tv-sec) 1000000) (slot (slot usage 'ru-stime) 'tv-usec)) (slot usage 'ru-maxrss) (slot usage 'ru-ixrss) (slot usage 'ru-idrss) (slot usage 'ru-isrss) (slot usage 'ru-minflt) (slot usage 'ru-majflt) (slot usage 'ru-nswap) (slot usage 'ru-inblock) (slot usage 'ru-oublock) (slot usage 'ru-msgsnd) (slot usage 'ru-msgrcv) (slot usage 'ru-nsignals) (slot usage 'ru-nvcsw) (slot usage 'ru-nivcsw)) who (addr usage)))) ;;;; sys/select.h ;;;; FIXME: Why have both UNIX-SELECT and UNIX-FAST-SELECT? ;;; Perform the UNIX select(2) system call. (declaim (inline unix-fast-select)) ; (used to be a macro in CMU CL) (defun unix-fast-select (num-descriptors read-fds write-fds exception-fds timeout-secs &optional (timeout-usecs 0)) (declare (type (integer 0 #.fd-setsize) num-descriptors) (type (or (alien (* (struct fd-set))) null) read-fds write-fds exception-fds) (type (or null (unsigned-byte 31)) timeout-secs) (type (unsigned-byte 31) timeout-usecs)) ;; FIXME: CMU CL had ;; (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (inhibit-warnings 3))) ;; here. Is that important for SBCL? If so, why? Profiling might tell us.. (with-alien ((tv (struct timeval))) (when timeout-secs (setf (slot tv 'tv-sec) timeout-secs) (setf (slot tv 'tv-usec) timeout-usecs)) (int-syscall ("select" int (* (struct fd-set)) (* (struct fd-set)) (* (struct fd-set)) (* (struct timeval))) num-descriptors read-fds write-fds exception-fds (if timeout-secs (alien-sap (addr tv)) (int-sap 0))))) ;;; UNIX-SELECT accepts sets of file descriptors and waits for an event ;;; to happen on one of them or to time out. (defmacro num-to-fd-set (fdset num) `(if (fixnump ,num) (progn (setf (deref (slot ,fdset 'fds-bits) 0) ,num) ,@(loop for index upfrom 1 below (/ fd-setsize 32) collect `(setf (deref (slot ,fdset 'fds-bits) ,index) 0))) (progn ,@(loop for index upfrom 0 below (/ fd-setsize 32) collect `(setf (deref (slot ,fdset 'fds-bits) ,index) (ldb (byte 32 ,(* index 32)) ,num)))))) (defmacro fd-set-to-num (nfds fdset) `(if (<= ,nfds 32) (deref (slot ,fdset 'fds-bits) 0) (+ ,@(loop for index upfrom 0 below (/ fd-setsize 32) collect `(ash (deref (slot ,fdset 'fds-bits) ,index) ,(* index 32)))))) ;;; Examine the sets of descriptors passed as arguments to see whether ;;; they are ready for reading and writing. See the UNIX Programmer's ;;; Manual for more information. (defun unix-select (nfds rdfds wrfds xpfds to-secs &optional (to-usecs 0)) (declare (type (integer 0 #.FD-SETSIZE) nfds) (type unsigned-byte rdfds wrfds xpfds) (type (or (unsigned-byte 31) null) to-secs) (type (unsigned-byte 31) to-usecs) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (inhibit-warnings 3))) (with-alien ((tv (struct timeval)) (rdf (struct fd-set)) (wrf (struct fd-set)) (xpf (struct fd-set))) (when to-secs (setf (slot tv 'tv-sec) to-secs) (setf (slot tv 'tv-usec) to-usecs)) (num-to-fd-set rdf rdfds) (num-to-fd-set wrf wrfds) (num-to-fd-set xpf xpfds) (macrolet ((frob (lispvar alienvar) `(if (zerop ,lispvar) (int-sap 0) (alien-sap (addr ,alienvar))))) (syscall ("select" int (* (struct fd-set)) (* (struct fd-set)) (* (struct fd-set)) (* (struct timeval))) (values result (fd-set-to-num nfds rdf) (fd-set-to-num nfds wrf) (fd-set-to-num nfds xpf)) nfds (frob rdfds rdf) (frob wrfds wrf) (frob xpfds xpf) (if to-secs (alien-sap (addr tv)) (int-sap 0)))))) ;;;; sys/stat.h ;;; This is a structure defined in src/runtime/wrap.c, to look ;;; basically like "struct stat" according to stat(2). It may not ;;; actually correspond to the real in-memory stat structure that the ;;; syscall uses, and that's OK. Linux in particular is packed full of ;;; stat macros, and trying to keep Lisp code in correspondence with ;;; it is more pain than it's worth, so we just let our C runtime ;;; synthesize a nice consistent structure for us. ;;; ;;; Note that st-dev is a long, not a dev-t. This is because dev-t on ;;; linux 32 bit archs is a 64 bit quantity, but alien doesn's support ;;; those. We don't actually access that field anywhere, though, so ;;; until we can get 64 bit alien support it'll do. Also note that ;;; st_size is a long, not an off-t, because off-t is a 64-bit ;;; quantity on Alpha. And FIXME: "No one would want a file length ;;; longer than 32 bits anyway, right?":-| (define-alien-type nil (struct wrapped_stat (st-dev unsigned-long) ; would be dev-t in a real stat (st-ino ino-t) (st-mode mode-t) (st-nlink nlink-t) (st-uid uid-t) (st-gid gid-t) (st-rdev unsigned-long) ; would be dev-t in a real stat (st-size unsigned-long) ; would be off-t in a real stat (st-blksize unsigned-long) (st-blocks unsigned-long) (st-atime time-t) (st-mtime time-t) (st-ctime time-t))) ;;; shared C-struct-to-multiple-VALUES conversion for the stat(2) ;;; family of Unix system calls ;;; ;;; FIXME: I think this should probably not be INLINE. However, when ;;; this was not inline, it seemed to cause memory corruption ;;; problems. My first guess is that it's a bug in the FFI code, where ;;; the WITH-ALIEN expansion doesn't deal well with being wrapped ;;; around a call to a function returning >10 values. But I didn't try ;;; to figure it out, just inlined it as a quick fix. Perhaps someone ;;; who's motivated to debug the FFI code can go over the DISASSEMBLE ;;; output in the not-inlined case and see whether there's a problem, ;;; and maybe even find a fix.. (declaim (inline %extract-stat-results)) (defun %extract-stat-results (wrapped-stat) (declare (type (alien (* (struct wrapped_stat))) wrapped-stat)) (values t (slot wrapped-stat 'st-dev) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-ino) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-mode) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-nlink) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-uid) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-gid) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-rdev) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-size) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-atime) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-mtime) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-ctime) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-blksize) (slot wrapped-stat 'st-blocks))) ;;; Unix system calls in the stat(2) family are handled by calls to ;;; C-level wrapper functions which copy all the raw "struct stat" ;;; slots into the system-independent wrapped_stat format. ;;; stat(2) <-> stat_wrapper() ;;; fstat(2) <-> fstat_wrapper() ;;; lstat(2) <-> lstat_wrapper() (defun unix-stat (name) (declare (type unix-pathname name)) (with-alien ((buf (struct wrapped_stat))) (syscall ("stat_wrapper" c-string (* (struct wrapped_stat))) (%extract-stat-results (addr buf)) name (addr buf)))) (defun unix-lstat (name) (declare (type unix-pathname name)) (with-alien ((buf (struct wrapped_stat))) (syscall ("lstat_wrapper" c-string (* (struct wrapped_stat))) (%extract-stat-results (addr buf)) name (addr buf)))) (defun unix-fstat (fd) (declare (type unix-fd fd)) (with-alien ((buf (struct wrapped_stat))) (syscall ("fstat_wrapper" int (* (struct wrapped_stat))) (%extract-stat-results (addr buf)) fd (addr buf)))) ;;;; time.h ;; the POSIX.4 structure for a time value. This is like a "struct ;; timeval" but has nanoseconds instead of microseconds. (define-alien-type nil (struct timespec (tv-sec long) ; seconds (tv-nsec long))) ; nanoseconds ;; used by other time functions (define-alien-type nil (struct tm (tm-sec int) ; Seconds. [0-60] (1 leap second) (tm-min int) ; Minutes. [0-59] (tm-hour int) ; Hours. [0-23] (tm-mday int) ; Day. [1-31] (tm-mon int) ; Month. [0-11] (tm-year int) ; Year - 1900. (tm-wday int) ; Day of week. [0-6] (tm-yday int) ; Days in year. [0-365] (tm-isdst int) ; DST. [-1/0/1] (tm-gmtoff long) ; Seconds east of UTC. (tm-zone c-string))) ; Timezone abbreviation. (define-alien-routine get-timezone sb!alien:void (when sb!alien:long :in) (minutes-west sb!alien:int :out) (daylight-savings-p sb!alien:boolean :out)) (defun unix-get-minutes-west (secs) (multiple-value-bind (ignore minutes dst) (get-timezone secs) (declare (ignore ignore) (ignore dst)) (values minutes))) (defun unix-get-timezone (secs) (multiple-value-bind (ignore minutes dst) (get-timezone secs) (declare (ignore ignore) (ignore minutes)) (values (deref unix-tzname (if dst 1 0))))) ;;;; sys/time.h ;;; Structure crudely representing a timezone. KLUDGE: This is ;;; obsolete and should never be used. (define-alien-type nil (struct timezone (tz-minuteswest int) ; minutes west of Greenwich (tz-dsttime int))) ; type of dst correction ;;; If it works, UNIX-GETTIMEOFDAY returns 5 values: T, the seconds ;;; and microseconds of the current time of day, the timezone (in ;;; minutes west of Greenwich), and a daylight-savings flag. If it ;;; doesn't work, it returns NIL and the errno. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline unix-gettimeofday)) (defun unix-gettimeofday () (with-alien ((tv (struct timeval)) (tz (struct timezone))) (syscall* ("gettimeofday" (* (struct timeval)) (* (struct timezone))) (values T (slot tv 'tv-sec) (slot tv 'tv-usec) (slot tz 'tz-minuteswest) (slot tz 'tz-dsttime)) (addr tv) (addr tz)))) ;; Type of the second argument to `getitimer' and ;; the second and third arguments `setitimer'. (define-alien-type nil (struct itimerval (it-interval (struct timeval)) ; timer interval (it-value (struct timeval)))) ; current value (defconstant ITIMER-REAL 0) (defconstant ITIMER-VIRTUAL 1) (defconstant ITIMER-PROF 2) (defun unix-getitimer(which) "Unix-getitimer returns the INTERVAL and VALUE slots of one of three system timers (:real :virtual or :profile). On success, unix-getitimer returns 5 values, T, it-interval-secs, it-interval-usec, it-value-secs, it-value-usec." (declare (type (member :real :virtual :profile) which) (values t (unsigned-byte 29) (mod 1000000) (unsigned-byte 29) (mod 1000000))) (let ((which (ecase which (:real ITIMER-REAL) (:virtual ITIMER-VIRTUAL) (:profile ITIMER-PROF)))) (with-alien ((itv (struct itimerval))) (syscall* ("getitimer" int (* (struct itimerval))) (values T (slot (slot itv 'it-interval) 'tv-sec) (slot (slot itv 'it-interval) 'tv-usec) (slot (slot itv 'it-value) 'tv-sec) (slot (slot itv 'it-value) 'tv-usec)) which (alien-sap (addr itv)))))) (defun unix-setitimer (which int-secs int-usec val-secs val-usec) " Unix-setitimer sets the INTERVAL and VALUE slots of one of three system timers (:real :virtual or :profile). A SIGALRM signal will be delivered VALUE from now. INTERVAL, when non-zero, is to be loaded each time the timer expires. Setting INTERVAL and VALUE to zero disables the timer. See the Unix man page for more details. On success, unix-setitimer returns the old contents of the INTERVAL and VALUE slots as in unix-getitimer." (declare (type (member :real :virtual :profile) which) (type (unsigned-byte 29) int-secs val-secs) (type (integer 0 (1000000)) int-usec val-usec) (values t (unsigned-byte 29) (mod 1000000) (unsigned-byte 29) (mod 1000000))) (let ((which (ecase which (:real ITIMER-REAL) (:virtual ITIMER-VIRTUAL) (:profile ITIMER-PROF)))) (with-alien ((itvn (struct itimerval)) (itvo (struct itimerval))) (setf (slot (slot itvn 'it-interval) 'tv-sec ) int-secs (slot (slot itvn 'it-interval) 'tv-usec) int-usec (slot (slot itvn 'it-value ) 'tv-sec ) val-secs (slot (slot itvn 'it-value ) 'tv-usec) val-usec) (syscall* ("setitimer" int (* (struct timeval))(* (struct timeval))) (values T (slot (slot itvo 'it-interval) 'tv-sec) (slot (slot itvo 'it-interval) 'tv-usec) (slot (slot itvo 'it-value) 'tv-sec) (slot (slot itvo 'it-value) 'tv-usec)) which (alien-sap (addr itvn))(alien-sap (addr itvo)))))) (defmacro with-timeout (expires &body body) "Execute the body, interrupting it with a SIGALRM after at least EXPIRES seconds have passed. Uses Unix setitimer(), restoring any previous timer after the body has finished executing" (let ((saved-seconds (gensym "SAVED-SECONDS")) (saved-useconds (gensym "SAVED-USECONDS")) (s (gensym "S")) (u (gensym "U"))) `(let (- ,saved-seconds ,saved-useconds) (multiple-value-setq (- - - ,saved-seconds ,saved-useconds) (unix-getitimer :real)) (multiple-value-bind (,s ,u) (floor ,expires) (setf ,u (floor (* ,u 1000000))) (if (and (> ,expires 0) (or (and (zerop ,saved-seconds) (zerop ,saved-useconds)) (> ,saved-seconds ,s) (and (= ,saved-seconds ,s) (> ,saved-useconds ,u)))) (unwind-protect (progn (unix-setitimer :real 0 0 ,s ,u) ,@body) (unix-setitimer :real 0 0 ,saved-seconds ,saved-useconds)) ,@body))))) (defconstant ENOENT 2) ; Unix error code, "No such file or directory" (defconstant EINTR 4) ; Unix error code, "Interrupted system call" (defconstant EIO 5) ; Unix error code, "I/O error" (defconstant EEXIST 17) ; Unix error code, "File exists" (defconstant ESPIPE 29) ; Unix error code, "Illegal seek" (defconstant EWOULDBLOCK 11) ; Unix error code, "Operation would block" ;;; FIXME: Many Unix error code definitions were deleted from the old ;;; CMU CL source code here, but not in the exports of SB-UNIX. I ;;; (WHN) hope that someday I'll figure out an automatic way to detect ;;; unused symbols in package exports, but if I don't, there are ;;; enough of them all in one place here that they should probably be ;;; removed by hand. ;;;; support routines for dealing with Unix pathnames (defun unix-file-kind (name &optional check-for-links) #!+sb-doc "Return either :FILE, :DIRECTORY, :LINK, :SPECIAL, or NIL." (declare (simple-string name)) (multiple-value-bind (res dev ino mode) (if check-for-links (unix-lstat name) (unix-stat name)) (declare (type (or fixnum null) mode) (ignore dev ino)) (when res (let ((kind (logand mode s-ifmt))) (cond ((eql kind s-ifdir) :directory) ((eql kind s-ifreg) :file) ((eql kind s-iflnk) :link) (t :special)))))) ;;; Is the Unix pathname PATHNAME relative, instead of absolute? (E.g. ;;; "passwd" or "etc/passwd" instead of "/etc/passwd"?) (defun relative-unix-pathname? (pathname) (declare (type simple-string pathname)) (or (zerop (length pathname)) (char/= (schar pathname 0) #\/))) ;;; Return PATHNAME with all symbolic links resolved. PATHNAME should ;;; already be a complete absolute Unix pathname, since at least in ;;; sbcl- we're called only from TRUENAME, and only after ;;; paths have been converted to absolute paths, so we don't need to ;;; try to handle any more generality than that. (defun unix-resolve-links (pathname) (declare (type simple-string pathname)) (aver (not (relative-unix-pathname? pathname))) (/noshow "entering UNIX-RESOLVE-LINKS") (loop with previous-pathnames = nil do (/noshow pathname previous-pathnames) (let ((link (unix-readlink pathname))) (/noshow link) ;; Unlike the old CMU CL code, we handle a broken symlink by ;; returning the link itself. That way, CL:TRUENAME on a ;; broken link returns the link itself, so that CL:DIRECTORY ;; can return broken links, so that even without ;; Unix-specific extensions to do interesting things with ;; them, at least Lisp programs can see them and, if ;; necessary, delete them. (This is handy e.g. when your ;; managed-by-Lisp directories are visited by Emacs, which ;; creates broken links as notes to itself.) (if (null link) (return pathname) (let ((new-pathname (unix-simplify-pathname (if (relative-unix-pathname? link) (let* ((dir-len (1+ (position #\/ pathname :from-end t))) (dir (subseq pathname 0 dir-len))) (/noshow dir) (concatenate 'string dir link)) link)))) (if (unix-file-kind new-pathname) (setf pathname new-pathname) (return pathname))))) ;; To generalize the principle that even if portable Lisp code ;; can't do anything interesting with a broken symlink, at ;; least it should be able to see and delete it, when we ;; detect a cyclic link, we return the link itself. (So even ;; though portable Lisp code can't do anything interesting ;; with a cyclic link, at least it can see it and delete it.) (if (member pathname previous-pathnames :test #'string=) (return pathname) (push pathname previous-pathnames)))) (defun unix-simplify-pathname (src) (declare (type simple-string src)) (let* ((src-len (length src)) (dst (make-string src-len)) (dst-len 0) (dots 0) (last-slash nil)) (macrolet ((deposit (char) `(progn (setf (schar dst dst-len) ,char) (incf dst-len)))) (dotimes (src-index src-len) (let ((char (schar src src-index))) (cond ((char= char #\.) (when dots (incf dots)) (deposit char)) ((char= char #\/) (case dots (0 ;; either ``/...' or ``...//...' (unless last-slash (setf last-slash dst-len) (deposit char))) (1 ;; either ``./...'' or ``..././...'' (decf dst-len)) (2 ;; We've found .. (cond ((and last-slash (not (zerop last-slash))) ;; There is something before this .. (let ((prev-prev-slash (position #\/ dst :end last-slash :from-end t))) (cond ((and (= (+ (or prev-prev-slash 0) 2) last-slash) (char= (schar dst (- last-slash 2)) #\.) (char= (schar dst (1- last-slash)) #\.)) ;; The something before this .. is another .. (deposit char) (setf last-slash dst-len)) (t ;; The something is some directory or other. (setf dst-len (if prev-prev-slash (1+ prev-prev-slash) 0)) (setf last-slash prev-prev-slash))))) (t ;; There is nothing before this .., so we need to keep it (setf last-slash dst-len) (deposit char)))) (t ;; something other than a dot between slashes (setf last-slash dst-len) (deposit char))) (setf dots 0)) (t (setf dots nil) (setf (schar dst dst-len) char) (incf dst-len)))))) (when (and last-slash (not (zerop last-slash))) (case dots (1 ;; We've got ``foobar/.'' (decf dst-len)) (2 ;; We've got ``foobar/..'' (unless (and (>= last-slash 2) (char= (schar dst (1- last-slash)) #\.) (char= (schar dst (- last-slash 2)) #\.) (or (= last-slash 2) (char= (schar dst (- last-slash 3)) #\/))) (let ((prev-prev-slash (position #\/ dst :end last-slash :from-end t))) (if prev-prev-slash (setf dst-len (1+ prev-prev-slash)) (return-from unix-simplify-pathname "./"))))))) (cond ((zerop dst-len) "./") ((= dst-len src-len) dst) (t (subseq dst 0 dst-len))))) ;;;; A magic constant for wait3(). ;;;; ;;;; FIXME: This used to be defined in run-program.lisp as ;;;; (defconstant wait-wstopped #-svr4 #o177 #+svr4 wait-wuntraced) ;;;; According to some of the man pages, the #o177 is part of the API ;;;; for wait3(); that said, under SunOS there is a WSTOPPED thing in ;;;; the headers that may or may not be the same thing. To be ;;;; investigated. -- CSR, 2002-03-25 (defconstant wstopped #o177) ;;;; stuff not yet found in the header files ;;;; ;;;; Abandon all hope who enters here... ;;; not checked for linux... (defmacro fd-set (offset fd-set) (let ((word (gensym)) (bit (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,word ,bit) (floor ,offset 32) (setf (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,word) (logior (truly-the (unsigned-byte 32) (ash 1 ,bit)) (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,word)))))) ;;; not checked for linux... (defmacro fd-clr (offset fd-set) (let ((word (gensym)) (bit (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,word ,bit) (floor ,offset 32) (setf (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,word) (logand (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,word) (sb!kernel:32bit-logical-not (truly-the (unsigned-byte 32) (ash 1 ,bit)))))))) ;;; not checked for linux... (defmacro fd-isset (offset fd-set) (let ((word (gensym)) (bit (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,word ,bit) (floor ,offset 32) (logbitp ,bit (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,word))))) ;;; not checked for linux... (defmacro fd-zero (fd-set) `(progn ,@(loop for index upfrom 0 below (/ fd-setsize 32) collect `(setf (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,index) 0))))