;;;; This file contains Win32 support routines that SBCL needs to ;;;; implement itself, in addition to those that apply to Win32 in ;;;; unix.lisp. In theory, some of these functions might someday be ;;;; useful to the end user. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!WIN32") ;;; Alien definitions for commonly used Win32 types. Woe unto whoever ;;; tries to untangle this someday for 64-bit Windows. ;;; ;;; FIXME: There used to be many more here, which are now groveled, ;;; but groveling HANDLE makes it unsigned, which currently breaks the ;;; build. --NS 2006-06-18 (define-alien-type handle int-ptr) (define-alien-type system-string #!-sb-unicode c-string #!+sb-unicode (c-string :external-format :ucs-2)) (defconstant default-environment-length 1024) ;;; HANDLEs are actually pointers, but an invalid handle is -1 cast ;;; to a pointer. (defconstant invalid-handle -1) ;;;; Error Handling ;;; Retrieve the calling thread's last-error code value. The ;;; last-error code is maintained on a per-thread basis. (define-alien-routine ("GetLastError@0" get-last-error) dword) ;;; Flag constants for FORMAT-MESSAGE. (defconstant format-message-from-system #x1000) ;;; Format an error message based on a lookup table. See MSDN for the ;;; full meaning of the all options---most are not used when getting ;;; system error codes. (define-alien-routine ("FormatMessageA@28" format-message) dword (flags dword) (source (* t)) (message-id dword) (language-id dword) (buffer c-string) (size dword) (arguments (* t))) ;;;; File Handles ;;; Get the operating system handle for a C file descriptor. Returns ;;; INVALID-HANDLE on failure. (define-alien-routine ("_get_osfhandle" get-osfhandle) handle (fd int)) ;;; Read data from a file handle into a buffer. This may be used ;;; synchronously or with "overlapped" (asynchronous) I/O. (define-alien-routine ("ReadFile@20" read-file) bool (file handle) (buffer (* t)) (bytes-to-read dword) (bytes-read (* dword)) (overlapped (* t))) ;;; Write data from a buffer to a file handle. This may be used ;;; synchronously or with "overlapped" (asynchronous) I/O. (define-alien-routine ("WriteFile@20" write-file) bool (file handle) (buffer (* t)) (bytes-to-write dword) (bytes-written (* dword)) (overlapped (* t))) ;;; Copy data from a named or anonymous pipe into a buffer without ;;; removing it from the pipe. BUFFER, BYTES-READ, BYTES-AVAIL, and ;;; BYTES-LEFT-THIS-MESSAGE may be NULL if no data is to be read. ;;; Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. (define-alien-routine ("PeekNamedPipe@24" peek-named-pipe) bool (pipe handle) (buffer (* t)) (buffer-size dword) (bytes-read (* dword)) (bytes-avail (* dword)) (bytes-left-this-message (* dword))) ;;; Flush the console input buffer if HANDLE is a console handle. ;;; Returns true on success, false if the handle does not refer to a ;;; console. (define-alien-routine ("FlushConsoleInputBuffer@4" flush-console-input-buffer) bool (handle handle)) ;;; Read data from the console input buffer without removing it, ;;; without blocking. Buffer should be large enough for LENGTH * ;;; INPUT-RECORD-SIZE bytes. (define-alien-routine ("PeekConsoleInputA@16" peek-console-input) bool (handle handle) (buffer (* t)) (length dword) (nevents (* dword))) ;;; Listen for input on a Windows file handle. Unlike UNIX, there ;;; isn't a unified interface to do this---we have to know what sort ;;; of handle we have. Of course, there's no way to actually ;;; introspect it, so we have to try various things until we find ;;; something that works. Returns true if there could be input ;;; available, or false if there is not. (defun handle-listen (handle) (with-alien ((avail dword) (buf (array char #.input-record-size))) (unless (zerop (peek-named-pipe handle nil 0 nil (addr avail) nil)) (return-from handle-listen (plusp avail))) (unless (zerop (peek-console-input handle (cast buf (* t)) 1 (addr avail))) (return-from handle-listen (plusp avail))) ;; FIXME-SOCKETS: Try again here with WSAEventSelect in case ;; HANDLE is a socket. t)) ;;; Listen for input on a C runtime file handle. Returns true if ;;; there could be input available, or false if there is not. (defun fd-listen (fd) (let ((handle (get-osfhandle fd))) (if handle (handle-listen handle) t))) ;;; Clear all available input from a file handle. (defun handle-clear-input (handle) (flush-console-input-buffer handle) (with-alien ((buf (array char 1024)) (count dword)) (loop (unless (handle-listen handle) (return)) (when (zerop (read-file handle (cast buf (* t)) 1024 (addr count) nil)) (return)) (when (< count 1024) (return))))) ;;; Clear all available input from a C runtime file handle. (defun fd-clear-input (fd) (let ((handle (get-osfhandle fd))) (when handle (handle-clear-input handle)))) ;;;; System Functions ;;; Sleep for MILLISECONDS milliseconds. (define-alien-routine ("Sleep@4" millisleep) void (milliseconds dword)) #!+sb-unicode (progn (defvar *ansi-codepage* nil) (defvar *oem-codepage* nil) (defvar *codepage-to-external-format* (make-hash-table))) #!+sb-unicode (dolist (cp '(;;037 IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (437 :CP437) ;; OEM - United States ;;500 IBM EBCDIC - International ;;708 Arabic - ASMO 708 ;;709 Arabic - ASMO 449+, BCON V4 ;;710 Arabic - Transparent Arabic ;;720 Arabic - Transparent ASMO ;;737 OEM - Greek (formerly 437G) ;;775 OEM - Baltic (850 :CP850) ;; OEM - Multilingual Latin I (852 :CP852) ;; OEM - Latin II (855 :CP855) ;; OEM - Cyrillic (primarily Russian) (857 :CP857) ;; OEM - Turkish ;;858 OEM - Multilingual Latin I + Euro symbol (860 :CP860) ;; OEM - Portuguese (861 :CP861) ;; OEM - Icelandic (862 :CP862) ;; OEM - Hebrew (863 :CP863) ;; OEM - Canadian-French (864 :CP864) ;; OEM - Arabic (865 :CP865) ;; OEM - Nordic (866 :CP866) ;; OEM - Russian (869 :CP869) ;; OEM - Modern Greek ;;870 IBM EBCDIC - Multilingual/ROECE (Latin-2) (874 :CP874) ;; ANSI/OEM - Thai (same as 28605, ISO 8859-15) ;;875 IBM EBCDIC - Modern Greek (932 :CP932) ;; ANSI/OEM - Japanese, Shift-JIS ;;936 ANSI/OEM - Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore) ;;949 ANSI/OEM - Korean (Unified Hangul Code) ;;950 ANSI/OEM - Traditional Chinese (Taiwan; Hong Kong SAR, PRC) ;;1026 IBM EBCDIC - Turkish (Latin-5) ;;1047 IBM EBCDIC - Latin 1/Open System ;;1140 IBM EBCDIC - U.S./Canada (037 + Euro symbol) ;;1141 IBM EBCDIC - Germany (20273 + Euro symbol) ;;1142 IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway (20277 + Euro symbol) ;;1143 IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden (20278 + Euro symbol) ;;1144 IBM EBCDIC - Italy (20280 + Euro symbol) ;;1145 IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain (20284 + Euro symbol) ;;1146 IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom (20285 + Euro symbol) ;;1147 IBM EBCDIC - France (20297 + Euro symbol) ;;1148 IBM EBCDIC - International (500 + Euro symbol) ;;1149 IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic (20871 + Euro symbol) (1200 :UCS-2LE) ;; Unicode UCS-2 Little-Endian (BMP of ISO 10646) (1201 :UCS-2BE) ;; Unicode UCS-2 Big-Endian (1250 :CP1250) ;; ANSI - Central European (1251 :CP1251) ;; ANSI - Cyrillic (1252 :CP1252) ;; ANSI - Latin I (1253 :CP1253) ;; ANSI - Greek (1254 :CP1254) ;; ANSI - Turkish (1255 :CP1255) ;; ANSI - Hebrew (1256 :CP1256) ;; ANSI - Arabic (1257 :CP1257) ;; ANSI - Baltic (1258 :CP1258) ;; ANSI/OEM - Vietnamese ;;1361 Korean (Johab) ;;10000 MAC - Roman ;;10001 MAC - Japanese ;;10002 MAC - Traditional Chinese (Big5) ;;10003 MAC - Korean ;;10004 MAC - Arabic ;;10005 MAC - Hebrew ;;10006 MAC - Greek I (10007 :X-MAC-CYRILLIC) ;; MAC - Cyrillic ;;10008 MAC - Simplified Chinese (GB 2312) ;;10010 MAC - Romania ;;10017 MAC - Ukraine ;;10021 MAC - Thai ;;10029 MAC - Latin II ;;10079 MAC - Icelandic ;;10081 MAC - Turkish ;;10082 MAC - Croatia ;;12000 Unicode UCS-4 Little-Endian ;;12001 Unicode UCS-4 Big-Endian ;;20000 CNS - Taiwan ;;20001 TCA - Taiwan ;;20002 Eten - Taiwan ;;20003 IBM5550 - Taiwan ;;20004 TeleText - Taiwan ;;20005 Wang - Taiwan ;;20105 IA5 IRV International Alphabet No. 5 (7-bit) ;;20106 IA5 German (7-bit) ;;20107 IA5 Swedish (7-bit) ;;20108 IA5 Norwegian (7-bit) ;;20127 US-ASCII (7-bit) ;;20261 T.61 ;;20269 ISO 6937 Non-Spacing Accent ;;20273 IBM EBCDIC - Germany ;;20277 IBM EBCDIC - Denmark/Norway ;;20278 IBM EBCDIC - Finland/Sweden ;;20280 IBM EBCDIC - Italy ;;20284 IBM EBCDIC - Latin America/Spain ;;20285 IBM EBCDIC - United Kingdom ;;20290 IBM EBCDIC - Japanese Katakana Extended ;;20297 IBM EBCDIC - France ;;20420 IBM EBCDIC - Arabic ;;20423 IBM EBCDIC - Greek ;;20424 IBM EBCDIC - Hebrew ;;20833 IBM EBCDIC - Korean Extended ;;20838 IBM EBCDIC - Thai (20866 :KOI8-R) ;; Russian - KOI8-R ;;20871 IBM EBCDIC - Icelandic ;;20880 IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Russian) ;;20905 IBM EBCDIC - Turkish ;;20924 IBM EBCDIC - Latin-1/Open System (1047 + Euro symbol) ;;20932 JIS X 0208-1990 & 0121-1990 ;;20936 Simplified Chinese (GB2312) ;;21025 IBM EBCDIC - Cyrillic (Serbian, Bulgarian) ;;21027 (deprecated) (21866 :KOI8-U) ;; Ukrainian (KOI8-U) (28591 :LATIN-1) ;; ISO 8859-1 Latin I (28592 :ISO-8859-2) ;; ISO 8859-2 Central Europe (28593 :ISO-8859-3) ;; ISO 8859-3 Latin 3 (28594 :ISO-8859-4) ;; ISO 8859-4 Baltic (28595 :ISO-8859-5) ;; ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic (28596 :ISO-8859-6) ;; ISO 8859-6 Arabic (28597 :ISO-8859-7) ;; ISO 8859-7 Greek (28598 :ISO-8859-8) ;; ISO 8859-8 Hebrew (28599 :ISO-8859-9) ;; ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 (28605 :LATIN-9) ;; ISO 8859-15 Latin 9 ;;29001 Europa 3 (38598 :ISO-8859-8) ;; ISO 8859-8 Hebrew ;;50220 ISO 2022 Japanese with no halfwidth Katakana ;;50221 ISO 2022 Japanese with halfwidth Katakana ;;50222 ISO 2022 Japanese JIS X 0201-1989 ;;50225 ISO 2022 Korean ;;50227 ISO 2022 Simplified Chinese ;;50229 ISO 2022 Traditional Chinese ;;50930 Japanese (Katakana) Extended ;;50931 US/Canada and Japanese ;;50933 Korean Extended and Korean ;;50935 Simplified Chinese Extended and Simplified Chinese ;;50936 Simplified Chinese ;;50937 US/Canada and Traditional Chinese ;;50939 Japanese (Latin) Extended and Japanese (51932 :EUC-JP) ;; EUC - Japanese ;;51936 EUC - Simplified Chinese ;;51949 EUC - Korean ;;51950 EUC - Traditional Chinese ;;52936 HZ-GB2312 Simplified Chinese ;;54936 Windows XP: GB18030 Simplified Chinese (4 Byte) ;;57002 ISCII Devanagari ;;57003 ISCII Bengali ;;57004 ISCII Tamil ;;57005 ISCII Telugu ;;57006 ISCII Assamese ;;57007 ISCII Oriya ;;57008 ISCII Kannada ;;57009 ISCII Malayalam ;;57010 ISCII Gujarati ;;57011 ISCII Punjabi ;;65000 Unicode UTF-7 (65001 :UTF8))) ;; Unicode UTF-8 (setf (gethash (car cp) *codepage-to-external-format*) (cadr cp))) #!+sb-unicode ;; FIXME: Something odd here: why are these two #+SB-UNICODE, whereas ;; the console just behave differently? (progn (declaim (ftype (function () keyword) ansi-codepage)) (defun ansi-codepage () (or *ansi-codepage* (setq *ansi-codepage* (gethash (alien-funcall (extern-alien "GetACP@0" (function UINT))) *codepage-to-external-format* :latin-1)))) (declaim (ftype (function () keyword) oem-codepage)) (defun oem-codepage () (or *oem-codepage* (setq *oem-codepage* (gethash (alien-funcall (extern-alien "GetOEMCP@0" (function UINT))) *codepage-to-external-format* :latin-1))))) ;; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dllproc/base/getconsolecp.asp (declaim (ftype (function () keyword) console-input-codepage)) (defun console-input-codepage () (or #!+sb-unicode (gethash (alien-funcall (extern-alien "GetConsoleCP@0" (function UINT))) *codepage-to-external-format*) :latin-1)) ;; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dllproc/base/getconsoleoutputcp.asp (declaim (ftype (function () keyword) console-output-codepage)) (defun console-output-codepage () (or #!+sb-unicode (gethash (alien-funcall (extern-alien "GetConsoleOutputCP@0" (function UINT))) *codepage-to-external-format*) :latin-1)) (define-alien-routine ("LocalFree@4" local-free) void (lptr (* t))) (defmacro cast-and-free (value &key (type 'system-string) (free-function 'free-alien)) `(prog1 (cast ,value ,type) (,free-function ,value))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defmacro with-funcname ((name description) &body body) `(let ((,name (etypecase ,description (string ,description) (cons (destructuring-bind (s &optional (l 0) c) ,description (format nil "~A~A~A" s (if c #!-sb-unicode "A@" #!+sb-unicode "W@" "@") l)))))) ,@body))) (defmacro make-system-buffer (x) `(make-alien char #!+sb-unicode (ash ,x 1) #!-sb-unicode ,x)) ;;; FIXME: The various FOO-SYSCALL-BAR macros, and perhaps some other ;;; macros in this file, are only used in this file, and could be ;;; implemented using SB!XC:DEFMACRO wrapped in EVAL-WHEN. (defmacro syscall ((name ret-type &rest arg-types) success-form &rest args) (with-funcname (sname name) `(locally (declare (optimize (sb!c::float-accuracy 0))) (let ((result (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,sname (function ,ret-type ,@arg-types)) ,@args))) (declare (ignorable result)) ,success-form)))) ;;; This is like SYSCALL, but if it fails, signal an error instead of ;;; returning error codes. Should only be used for syscalls that will ;;; never really get an error. (defmacro syscall* ((name &rest arg-types) success-form &rest args) (with-funcname (sname name) `(locally (declare (optimize (sb!c::float-accuracy 0))) (let ((result (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,sname (function bool ,@arg-types)) ,@args))) (when (zerop result) (win32-error ,sname)) ,success-form)))) (defmacro with-sysfun ((func name ret-type &rest arg-types) &body body) (with-funcname (sname name) `(with-alien ((,func (function ,ret-type ,@arg-types) :extern ,sname)) ,@body))) (defmacro void-syscall* ((name &rest arg-types) &rest args) `(syscall* (,name ,@arg-types) (values t 0) ,@args)) (defun get-last-error-message (err) "http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/debug/base/retrieving_the_last_error_code.asp" (with-alien ((amsg (* char))) (syscall (("FormatMessage" 28 t) dword dword dword dword dword (* (* char)) dword dword) (cast-and-free amsg :free-function local-free) (logior FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM) 0 err 0 (addr amsg) 0 0))) (defmacro win32-error (func-name &optional err) `(let ((err-code ,(or err `(get-last-error)))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) err-code)) (error "~%Win32 Error [~A] - ~A~%~A" ,func-name err-code (get-last-error-message err-code)))) (defun get-folder-namestring (csidl) "http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/shell/reference/functions/shgetfolderpath.asp" (with-alien ((apath (* char) (make-system-buffer (1+ max_path)))) (syscall (("SHGetFolderPath" 20 t) int handle int handle dword (* char)) (concatenate 'string (cast-and-free apath) "\\") 0 csidl 0 0 apath))) (defun get-folder-pathname (csidl) (parse-native-namestring (get-folder-namestring csidl))) (defun sb!unix:posix-getcwd () (with-alien ((apath (* char) (make-system-buffer (1+ max_path)))) (with-sysfun (afunc ("GetCurrentDirectory" 8 t) dword dword (* char)) (let ((ret (alien-funcall afunc (1+ max_path) apath))) (when (zerop ret) (win32-error "GetCurrentDirectory")) (when (> ret (1+ max_path)) (free-alien apath) (setf apath (make-system-buffer ret)) (alien-funcall afunc ret apath)) (cast-and-free apath))))) (defun sb!unix:unix-mkdir (name mode) (declare (type sb!unix:unix-pathname name) (type sb!unix:unix-file-mode mode) (ignore mode)) (void-syscall* (("CreateDirectory" 8 t) system-string dword) name 0)) (defun sb!unix:unix-rename (name1 name2) (declare (type sb!unix:unix-pathname name1 name2)) (void-syscall* (("MoveFile" 8 t) system-string system-string) name1 name2)) (defun sb!unix::posix-getenv (name) (declare (type simple-string name)) (with-alien ((aenv (* char) (make-system-buffer default-environment-length))) (with-sysfun (afunc ("GetEnvironmentVariable" 12 t) dword system-string (* char) dword) (let ((ret (alien-funcall afunc name aenv default-environment-length))) (when (> ret default-environment-length) (free-alien aenv) (setf aenv (make-system-buffer ret)) (alien-funcall afunc name aenv ret)) (if (> ret 0) (cast-and-free aenv) (free-alien aenv)))))) ;; GET-CURRENT-PROCESS ;; The GetCurrentProcess function retrieves a pseudo handle for the current ;; process. ;; ;; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dllproc/base/getcurrentprocess.asp (declaim (inline get-current-process)) (define-alien-routine ("GetCurrentProcess@0" get-current-process) handle) ;;;; Process time information (defconstant 100ns-per-internal-time-unit (/ 10000000 sb!xc:internal-time-units-per-second)) ;; FILETIME ;; The FILETIME structure is a 64-bit value representing the number of ;; 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC). ;; ;; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/filetime_str.asp? (define-alien-type FILETIME (sb!alien:unsigned 64)) (defmacro with-process-times ((creation-time exit-time kernel-time user-time) &body forms) `(with-alien ((,creation-time filetime) (,exit-time filetime) (,kernel-time filetime) (,user-time filetime)) (syscall* (("GetProcessTimes" 20) handle (* filetime) (* filetime) (* filetime) (* filetime)) (progn ,@forms) (get-current-process) (addr ,creation-time) (addr ,exit-time) (addr ,kernel-time) (addr ,user-time)))) (declaim (inline system-internal-real-time)) (let ((epoch 0)) (declare (unsigned-byte epoch)) ;; FIXME: For optimization ideas see the unix implementation. (defun reinit-internal-real-time () (setf epoch 0 epoch (get-internal-real-time))) (defun get-internal-real-time () (- (with-alien ((system-time filetime)) (syscall (("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime" 4) void (* filetime)) (values (floor system-time 100ns-per-internal-time-unit)) (addr system-time))) epoch))) (defun system-internal-run-time () (with-process-times (creation-time exit-time kernel-time user-time) (values (floor (+ user-time kernel-time) 100ns-per-internal-time-unit)))) (define-alien-type hword (unsigned 16)) (define-alien-type systemtime (struct systemtime (year hword) (month hword) (weekday hword) (day hword) (hour hword) (minute hword) (second hword) (millisecond hword))) ;; Obtained with, but the XC can't deal with that -- but ;; it's not like the value is ever going to change... ;; (with-alien ((filetime filetime) ;; (epoch systemtime)) ;; (setf (slot epoch 'year) 1970 ;; (slot epoch 'month) 1 ;; (slot epoch 'day) 1 ;; (slot epoch 'hour) 0 ;; (slot epoch 'minute) 0 ;; (slot epoch 'second) 0 ;; (slot epoch 'millisecond) 0) ;; (syscall (("SystemTimeToFileTime" 8) void ;; (* systemtime) (* filetime)) ;; filetime ;; (addr epoch) ;; (addr filetime))) (defconstant +unix-epoch-filetime+ 116444736000000000) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline get-time-of-day)) (defun get-time-of-day () "Return the number of seconds and microseconds since the beginning of the UNIX epoch: January 1st 1970." (with-alien ((system-time filetime)) (syscall (("GetSystemTimeAsFileTime" 4) void (* filetime)) (multiple-value-bind (sec 100ns) (floor (- system-time +unix-epoch-filetime+) (* 100ns-per-internal-time-unit internal-time-units-per-second)) (values sec (floor 100ns 10))) (addr system-time)))) ;; SETENV ;; The SetEnvironmentVariable function sets the contents of the specified ;; environment variable for the current process. ;; ;; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dllproc/base/setenvironmentvariable.asp (defun setenv (name value) (declare (type simple-string name value)) (void-syscall* (("SetEnvironmentVariable" 8 t) system-string system-string) name value)) (defmacro c-sizeof (s) "translate alien size (in bits) to c-size (in bytes)" `(/ (alien-size ,s) 8)) ;; OSVERSIONINFO ;; The OSVERSIONINFO data structure contains operating system version ;; information. The information includes major and minor version numbers, ;; a build number, a platform identifier, and descriptive text about ;; the operating system. This structure is used with the GetVersionEx function. ;; ;; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/osversioninfo_str.asp (define-alien-type nil (struct OSVERSIONINFO (dwOSVersionInfoSize dword) (dwMajorVersion dword) (dwMinorVersion dword) (dwBuildNumber dword) (dwPlatformId dword) (szCSDVersion (array char #!-sb-unicode 128 #!+sb-unicode 256)))) (defun get-version-ex () (with-alien ((info (struct OSVERSIONINFO))) (setf (slot info 'dwOSVersionInfoSize) (c-sizeof (struct OSVERSIONINFO))) (syscall* (("GetVersionEx" 4 t) (* (struct OSVERSIONINFO))) (values (slot info 'dwMajorVersion) (slot info 'dwMinorVersion) (slot info 'dwBuildNumber) (slot info 'dwPlatformId) (cast (slot info 'szCSDVersion) system-string)) (addr info)))) ;; GET-COMPUTER-NAME ;; The GetComputerName function retrieves the NetBIOS name of the local ;; computer. This name is established at system startup, when the system ;; reads it from the registry. ;; ;; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sysinfo/base/getcomputername.asp (declaim (ftype (function () simple-string) get-computer-name)) (defun get-computer-name () (with-alien ((aname (* char) (make-system-buffer (1+ MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH))) (length dword (1+ MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH))) (with-sysfun (afunc ("GetComputerName" 8 t) bool (* char) (* dword)) (when (zerop (alien-funcall afunc aname (addr length))) (let ((err (get-last-error))) (unless (= err ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) (win32-error "GetComputerName" err)) (free-alien aname) (setf aname (make-system-buffer length)) (alien-funcall afunc aname (addr length)))) (cast-and-free aname)))) ;; File mapping support routines (define-alien-routine (#!+sb-unicode "CreateFileMappingW" #!-sb-unicode "CreateFileMappingA" create-file-mapping) handle (handle handle) (security-attributes (* t)) (protection dword) (maximum-size-high dword) (maximum-size-low dword) (name (c-string #!+sb-unicode #!+sb-unicode :external-format :ucs-2))) (define-alien-routine ("MapViewOfFile" map-view-of-file) system-area-pointer (file-mapping handle) (desired-access dword) (offset-high dword) (offset-low dword) (size dword)) (define-alien-routine ("UnmapViewOfFile" unmap-view-of-file) bool (address (* t))) (define-alien-routine ("FlushViewOfFile" flush-view-of-file) bool (address (* t)) (length dword)) (define-alien-routine ("CloseHandle" close-handle) bool (handle handle))