;;;; X86-specific runtime stuff ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") (file-comment "$Header$") ;;;; OS-CONTEXT-T ;;; a POSIX signal context, i.e. the type passed as the third ;;; argument to an SA_SIGACTION-style signal handler ;;; ;;; The real type does have slots, but at Lisp level, we never ;;; access them, or care about the size of the object. Instead, we ;;; always refer to these objects by pointers handed to us by the C ;;; runtime library, and ask the runtime library any time we need ;;; information about the contents of one of these objects. Thus, it ;;; works to represent this as an object with no slots. ;;; ;;; KLUDGE: It would be nice to have a type definition analogous to ;;; C's "struct os_context_t;", for an incompletely specified object ;;; which can only be referred to by reference, but I don't know how ;;; to do that in the FFI, so instead we just this bogus no-slots ;;; representation. -- WHN 20000730 ;;; ;;; FIXME: Since SBCL, unlike CMU CL, uses this as an opaque type, ;;; it's no longer architecture-dependent, and probably belongs in ;;; some other package, perhaps SB-KERNEL. (def-alien-type os-context-t (struct os-context-t-struct)) ;;;; MACHINE-TYPE and MACHINE-VERSION (defun machine-type () #!+sb-doc "Returns a string describing the type of the local machine." "X86") (defun machine-version () #!+sb-doc "Returns a string describing the version of the local machine." "X86") ;;;; :CODE-OBJECT fixups ;;; a counter to measure the storage overhead of these fixups (defvar *num-fixups* 0) ;;; FIXME: When the system runs, it'd be interesting to see what this is. ;;; This gets called by LOAD to resolve newly positioned objects ;;; with things (like code instructions) that have to refer to them. ;;; ;;; Add a fixup offset to the vector of fixup offsets for the given ;;; code object. (defun fixup-code-object (code offset fixup kind) (declare (type index offset)) (flet ((add-fixup (code offset) ;; Although this could check for and ignore fixups for code ;; objects in the read-only and static spaces, this should ;; only be the case when *enable-dynamic-space-code* is ;; True. (when sb!impl::*enable-dynamic-space-code* (incf *num-fixups*) (let ((fixups (code-header-ref code code-constants-offset))) (cond ((typep fixups '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (*))) (let ((new-fixups (adjust-array fixups (1+ (length fixups)) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))) (setf (aref new-fixups (length fixups)) offset) (setf (code-header-ref code code-constants-offset) new-fixups))) (t (unless (or (eq (get-type fixups) sb!vm:unbound-marker-type) (zerop fixups)) (format t "** Init. code FU = ~S~%" fixups)) ; FIXME (setf (code-header-ref code code-constants-offset) (make-specializable-array 1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32) :initial-element offset)))))))) (sb!sys:without-gcing (let* ((sap (truly-the system-area-pointer (sb!kernel:code-instructions code))) (obj-start-addr (logand (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address code) #xfffffff8)) #+nil (const-start-addr (+ obj-start-addr (* 5 4))) (code-start-addr (sb!sys:sap-int (sb!kernel:code-instructions code))) (ncode-words (sb!kernel:code-header-ref code 1)) (code-end-addr (+ code-start-addr (* ncode-words 4)))) (unless (member kind '(:absolute :relative)) (error "Unknown code-object-fixup kind ~S." kind)) (ecase kind (:absolute ;; Word at sap + offset contains a value to be replaced by ;; adding that value to fixup. (setf (sap-ref-32 sap offset) (+ fixup (sap-ref-32 sap offset))) ;; Record absolute fixups that point within the code object. (when (> code-end-addr (sap-ref-32 sap offset) obj-start-addr) (add-fixup code offset))) (:relative ;; Fixup is the actual address wanted. ;; ;; Record relative fixups that point outside the code ;; object. (when (or (< fixup obj-start-addr) (> fixup code-end-addr)) (add-fixup code offset)) ;; Replace word with value to add to that loc to get there. (let* ((loc-sap (+ (sap-int sap) offset)) (rel-val (- fixup loc-sap 4))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) loc-sap) (type (signed-byte 32) rel-val)) (setf (signed-sap-ref-32 sap offset) rel-val)))))) nil)) ;;; Add a code fixup to a code object generated by GENESIS. The fixup has ;;; already been applied, it's just a matter of placing the fixup in the code's ;;; fixup vector if necessary. ;;; ;;; KLUDGE: I'd like a good explanation of why this has to be done at ;;; load time instead of in GENESIS. It's probably simple, I just haven't ;;; figured it out, or found it written down anywhere. -- WHN 19990908 #!+gencgc (defun do-load-time-code-fixup (code offset fixup kind) (flet ((add-load-time-code-fixup (code offset) (let ((fixups (code-header-ref code sb!vm:code-constants-offset))) (cond ((typep fixups '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (*))) (let ((new-fixups (adjust-array fixups (1+ (length fixups)) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))) (setf (aref new-fixups (length fixups)) offset) (setf (code-header-ref code sb!vm:code-constants-offset) new-fixups))) (t ;; FIXME: This doesn't look like production code, and ;; should be a fatal error, not just a print. (unless (or (eq (get-type fixups) sb!vm:unbound-marker-type) (zerop fixups)) (%primitive print "** Init. code FU")) (setf (code-header-ref code sb!vm:code-constants-offset) (make-specializable-array 1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32) :initial-element offset))))))) (let* ((sap (truly-the system-area-pointer (sb!kernel:code-instructions code))) (obj-start-addr ;; FIXME: looks like (LOGANDC2 foo typebits) (logand (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address code) #xfffffff8)) (code-start-addr (sb!sys:sap-int (sb!kernel:code-instructions code))) (ncode-words (sb!kernel:code-header-ref code 1)) (code-end-addr (+ code-start-addr (* ncode-words 4)))) (ecase kind (:absolute ;; Record absolute fixups that point within the code object. (when (> code-end-addr (sap-ref-32 sap offset) obj-start-addr) (add-load-time-code-fixup code offset))) (:relative ;; Record relative fixups that point outside the code object. (when (or (< fixup obj-start-addr) (> fixup code-end-addr)) (add-load-time-code-fixup code offset))))))) ;;;; low-level signal context access functions ;;;; ;;;; Note: In CMU CL, similar functions were hardwired to access ;;;; BSD-style sigcontext structures defined as alien objects. Our ;;;; approach is different in two ways: ;;;; 1. We use POSIX SA_SIGACTION-style signals, so our context is ;;;; whatever the void pointer in the sigaction handler dereferences ;;;; to, not necessarily a sigcontext. ;;;; 2. We don't try to maintain alien definitions of the context ;;;; structure at Lisp level, but instead call alien C functions ;;;; which take care of access for us. (Since the C functions can ;;;; be defined in terms of system standard header files, they ;;;; should be easier to maintain; and since Lisp code uses signal ;;;; contexts only in interactive or exception code (like the debugger ;;;; and internal error handling) the extra runtime cost should be ;;;; negligible. (def-alien-routine ("os_context_pc_addr" context-pc-addr) (* unsigned-int) ;; (Note: Just as in CONTEXT-REGISTER-ADDR, we intentionally use an ;; 'unsigned *' interpretation for the 32-bit word passed to us by ;; the C code, even though the C code may think it's an 'int *'.) (context (* os-context-t))) (defun context-pc (context) (declare (type (alien (* os-context-t)) context)) (int-sap (deref (context-pc-addr context)))) (def-alien-routine ("os_context_register_addr" context-register-addr) (* unsigned-int) ;; (Note the mismatch here between the 'int *' value that the C code ;; may think it's giving us and the 'unsigned *' value that we ;; receive. It's intentional: the C header files may think of ;; register values as signed, but the CMU CL code tends to think of ;; register values as unsigned, and might get bewildered if we ask ;; it to work with signed values.) (context (* os-context-t)) (index int)) ;;; FIXME: Should this and CONTEXT-PC be INLINE to reduce consing? ;;; (Are they used in anything time-critical, or just the debugger?) (defun context-register (context index) (declare (type (alien (* os-context-t)) context)) (deref (context-register-addr context index))) (defun %set-context-register (context index new) (declare (type (alien (* os-context-t)) context)) (setf (deref (context-register-addr context index)) new)) ;;; Like CONTEXT-REGISTER, but returns the value of a float register. ;;; FORMAT is the type of float to return. ;;; ;;; As of sbcl-0.6.7, there is no working code which calls this code, ;;; so it's stubbed out. Someday, in order to make the debugger work ;;; better, it may be necessary to unstubify it. (defun context-float-register (context index format) (declare (ignore context index)) (warn "stub CONTEXT-FLOAT-REGISTER") (coerce 0.0 format)) (defun %set-context-float-register (context index format new-value) (declare (ignore context index)) (warn "stub %SET-CONTEXT-FLOAT-REGISTER") (coerce new-value format)) ;;; Given a signal context, return the floating point modes word in ;;; the same format as returned by FLOATING-POINT-MODES. (defun context-floating-point-modes (context) ;; FIXME: As of sbcl-0.6.7 and the big rewrite of signal handling for ;; POSIXness and (at the Lisp level) opaque signal contexts, ;; this is stubified. It needs to be rewritten as an ;; alien function. (warn "stub CONTEXT-FLOATING-POINT-MODES") ;; old code for Linux: #+nil (let ((cw (slot (deref (slot context 'fpstate) 0) 'cw)) (sw (slot (deref (slot context 'fpstate) 0) 'sw))) ;;(format t "cw = ~4X~%sw = ~4X~%" cw sw) ;; NOT TESTED -- Clear sticky bits to clear interrupt condition. (setf (slot (deref (slot context 'fpstate) 0) 'sw) (logandc2 sw #x3f)) ;;(format t "new sw = ~X~%" (slot (deref (slot context 'fpstate) 0) 'sw)) ;; Simulate floating-point-modes VOP. (logior (ash (logand sw #xffff) 16) (logxor (logand cw #xffff) #x3f))) 0) ;;;; INTERNAL-ERROR-ARGUMENTS ;;; Given a (POSIX) signal context, extract the internal error ;;; arguments from the instruction stream. (defun internal-error-arguments (context) (declare (type (alien (* os-context-t)) context)) (/show0 "entering INTERNAL-ERROR-ARGUMENTS, CONTEXT=..") #!+sb-show (sb!sys:%primitive print (sb!impl::hexstr context)) (let ((pc (context-pc context))) (declare (type system-area-pointer pc)) ;; using INT3 the pc is .. INT3 code length bytes... (let* ((length (sap-ref-8 pc 1)) (vector (make-array length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) length) (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) vector)) (/show0 "LENGTH,VECTOR,ERROR-NUMBER=..") #!+sb-show (sb!sys:%primitive print (sb!impl::hexstr length)) #!+sb-show (sb!sys:%primitive print (sb!impl::hexstr vector)) (copy-from-system-area pc (* sb!vm:byte-bits 2) vector (* sb!vm:word-bits sb!vm:vector-data-offset) (* length sb!vm:byte-bits)) (let* ((index 0) (error-number (sb!c::read-var-integer vector index))) #!+sb-show (sb!sys:%primitive print (sb!impl::hexstr error-number)) (collect ((sc-offsets)) (loop (/show0 "INDEX=..") #!+sb-show (sb!sys:%primitive print (sb!impl::hexstr index)) (when (>= index length) (return)) (let ((sc-offset (sb!c::read-var-integer vector index))) (/show0 "SC-OFFSET=..") #!+sb-show (sb!sys:%primitive print (sb!impl::hexstr sc-offset)) (sc-offsets sc-offset))) (values error-number (sc-offsets))))))) ;;; Do whatever is necessary to make the given code component ;;; executable. (This is a no-op on the x86.) (defun sanctify-for-execution (component) (declare (ignore component)) nil) ;;; FLOAT-WAIT ;;; ;;; This is used in error.lisp to insure that floating-point exceptions ;;; are properly trapped. The compiler translates this to a VOP. (defun float-wait () (float-wait)) ;;; FLOAT CONSTANTS ;;; ;;; These are used by the FP MOVE-FROM-{SINGLE|DOUBLE} VOPs rather than the ;;; i387 load constant instructions to avoid consing in some cases. Note these ;;; are initialized by GENESIS as they are needed early. (defvar *fp-constant-0s0*) (defvar *fp-constant-1s0*) (defvar *fp-constant-0d0*) (defvar *fp-constant-1d0*) ;;; The long-float constants. (defvar *fp-constant-0l0*) (defvar *fp-constant-1l0*) (defvar *fp-constant-pi*) (defvar *fp-constant-l2t*) (defvar *fp-constant-l2e*) (defvar *fp-constant-lg2*) (defvar *fp-constant-ln2*) ;;; Enable/disable scavenging of the read-only space. (defvar *scavenge-read-only-space* nil) ;;; FIXME: should be *SCAVENGE-READ-ONLY-SPACE-P* ;;; The current alien stack pointer; saved/restored for non-local exits. (defvar *alien-stack*) (defun sb!kernel::%instance-set-conditional (object slot test-value new-value) (declare (type instance object) (type index slot)) #!+sb-doc "Atomically compare object's slot value to test-value and if EQ store new-value in the slot. The original value of the slot is returned." (sb!kernel::%instance-set-conditional object slot test-value new-value)) ;;; Support for the MT19937 random number generator. The update ;;; function is implemented as an assembly routine. This definition is ;;; transformed to a call to the assembly routine allowing its use in byte ;;; compiled code. (defun random-mt19937 (state) (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (627)) state)) (random-mt19937 state))