;;;; "warm initialization": initialization which comes after cold init ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") ;;;; general warm init compilation policy (proclaim '(optimize (compilation-speed 1) (debug #+sb-show 2 #-sb-show 1) (inhibit-warnings 2) (safety 2) (space 1) (speed 2))) ;;;; package hacking ;;; Our cross-compilation host is out of the picture now, so we no ;;; longer need to worry about collisions between our package names ;;; and cross-compilation host package names, so now is a good time to ;;; rename any package with a bootstrap-only name SB!FOO to its ;;; permanent name SB-FOO. ;;; ;;; (In principle it might be tidier to do this when dumping the cold ;;; image in genesis, but in practice the logic might be a little ;;; messier because genesis dumps both symbols and packages, and we'd ;;; need to make sure that dumped symbols were renamed in the same way ;;; as dumped packages. Or we could do it in cold init, but it's ;;; easier to experiment with and debug things here in warm init than ;;; in cold init, so we do it here instead.) (let ((boot-prefix "SB!") (perm-prefix "SB-")) (dolist (package (list-all-packages)) (let ((old-package-name (package-name package))) (when (and (>= (length old-package-name) (length boot-prefix)) (string= boot-prefix old-package-name :end2 (length boot-prefix))) (let ((new-package-name (concatenate 'string perm-prefix (subseq old-package-name (length boot-prefix))))) (rename-package package new-package-name (package-nicknames package))))))) ;;; FIXME: This nickname is a deprecated hack for backwards ;;; compatibility with code which assumed the CMU-CL-style ;;; SB-ALIEN/SB-C-CALL split. That split went away and was deprecated ;;; in 0.7.0, so we should get rid of this nickname after a while. (let ((package (find-package "SB-ALIEN"))) (rename-package package (package-name package) (cons "SB-C-CALL" (package-nicknames package)))) ;;;; compiling and loading more of the system ;;; KLUDGE: In SBCL, almost all in-the-flow-of-control package hacking has ;;; gone away in favor of package setup controlled by tables. However, that ;;; mechanism isn't smart enough to handle shadowing, and since this shadowing ;;; is inherently a non-ANSI KLUDGE anyway (i.e. there ought to be no ;;; difference between e.g. CL:CLASS and SB-PCL:CLASS) there's not much ;;; point in trying to polish it by implementing a non-KLUDGEy way of ;;; setting it up. -- WHN 19991203 (let ((*package* (the package (find-package "SB-PCL")))) (shadow '(;; CLASS itself and operations thereon "CLASS" "CLASS-NAME" "CLASS-OF" "FIND-CLASS" ;; some system classes "BUILT-IN-CLASS" "STANDARD-CLASS" "STRUCTURE-CLASS")) ;; Of the shadowing symbols above, these are external symbols in CMU CL ca. ;; 19991203. I'm not sure what's the basis of the decision to export some and ;; not others; we'll just follow along.. (export (mapcar #'intern '("CLASS-NAME" "CLASS-OF" "FIND-CLASS")))) ;;; FIXME: CMU CL's pclcom.lisp had extra optional stuff wrapped around ;;; COMPILE-PCL, at least some of which we should probably have too: ;;; ;;; (with-compilation-unit ;;; (:optimize '(optimize (debug #+(and (not high-security) small) .5 ;;; #-(or high-security small) 2 ;;; #+high-security 3) ;;; (speed 2) (safety #+(and (not high-security) small) 0 ;;; #-(or high-security small) 2 ;;; #+high-security 3) ;;; (inhibit-warnings 2)) ;;; :optimize-interface '(optimize-interface #+(and (not high-security) small) ;;; (safety 1) ;;; #+high-security (safety 3)) ;;; :context-declarations ;;; '((:external (declare (optimize-interface (safety #-high-security 2 #+high- ;;; security 3) ;;; (debug #-high-security 1 #+high-s ;;; ecurity 3)))) ;;; ((:or :macro (:match "$EARLY-") (:match "$BOOT-")) ;;; (declare (optimize (speed 0)))))) ;;; ;;; FIXME: This has mutated into a hack which crudely duplicates ;;; functionality from the existing mechanism to load files from ;;; build-order.lisp-expr, without being quite parallel. (E.g. object ;;; files end up alongside the source files instead of ending up in ;;; parallel directory trees.) Maybe we could merge the filenames here ;;; into build-order.lisp-expr with some new flag (perhaps :WARM) to ;;; indicate that the files should be handled not in cold load but ;;; afterwards. (dolist (stem '(;; CLOS, derived from the PCL reference implementation ;; ;; This PCL build order is based on a particular ;; (arbitrary) linearization of the declared build ;; order dependencies from the old PCL defsys.lisp ;; dependency database. #+nil "src/pcl/walk" ; #+NIL = moved to build-order.lisp-expr "src/pcl/early-low" "src/pcl/macros" "src/pcl/compiler-support" "src/pcl/low" "src/pcl/slot-name" "src/pcl/defclass" "src/pcl/defs" "src/pcl/fngen" "src/pcl/cache" "src/pcl/dlisp" "src/pcl/dlisp2" "src/pcl/boot" "src/pcl/vector" "src/pcl/slots-boot" "src/pcl/combin" "src/pcl/dfun" "src/pcl/ctor" "src/pcl/braid" "src/pcl/dlisp3" "src/pcl/generic-functions" "src/pcl/slots" "src/pcl/init" "src/pcl/std-class" "src/pcl/cpl" "src/pcl/fsc" "src/pcl/methods" "src/pcl/fixup" "src/pcl/defcombin" "src/pcl/ctypes" "src/pcl/env" "src/pcl/documentation" "src/pcl/print-object" "src/pcl/precom1" "src/pcl/precom2" ;; miscellaneous functionality which depends on CLOS "src/code/force-delayed-defbangmethods" ;; CLOS-level support for the Gray OO streams ;; extension (which is also supported by various ;; lower-level hooks elsewhere in the code) "src/pcl/gray-streams-class" "src/pcl/gray-streams" ;; other functionality not needed for cold init, moved ;; to warm init to reduce peak memory requirement in ;; cold init "src/code/describe" "src/code/describe-policy" "src/code/inspect" "src/code/profile" "src/code/ntrace" "src/code/foreign" "src/code/run-program" ;; Code derived from PCL's pre-ANSI DESCRIBE-OBJECT ;; facility is still used in our ANSI DESCRIBE ;; facility, and should be compiled and loaded after ;; our DESCRIBE facility is compiled and loaded. "src/pcl/describe")) (let ((fullname (concatenate 'string stem ".lisp"))) (sb-int:/show "about to compile" fullname) (multiple-value-bind (compiled-truename compilation-warnings-p compilation-failure-p) (compile-file fullname) (declare (ignore compilation-warnings-p)) (sb-int:/show "done compiling" fullname) (cond (compilation-failure-p (error "COMPILE-FILE of ~S failed." fullname)) (t (unless (load compiled-truename) (error "LOAD of ~S failed." compiled-truename)) (sb-int:/show "done loading" compiled-truename)))))) ;;;; setting package documentation ;;; While we were running on the cross-compilation host, we tried to ;;; be portable and not overwrite the doc strings for the standard ;;; packages. But now the cross-compilation host is only a receding ;;; memory, and we can have our way with the doc strings. (sb-int:/show "setting package documentation") #+sb-doc (setf (documentation (find-package "COMMON-LISP") t) "public: home of symbols defined by the ANSI language specification") #+sb-doc (setf (documentation (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") t) "public: the default package for user code and data") #+sb-doc (setf (documentation (find-package "KEYWORD") t) "public: home of keywords") ;;; KLUDGE: It'd be nicer to do this in the table with the other ;;; non-standard packages. -- WHN 19991206 #+sb-doc (setf (documentation (find-package "SB-SLOT-ACCESSOR-NAME") t) "private: home of CLOS slot accessor internal names") ;;; FIXME: There doesn't seem to be any easy way to get package doc strings ;;; through the cold boot process. They need to be set somewhere. Maybe the ;;; easiest thing to do is to read them out of package-data-list.lisp-expr ;;; now?