;;;; transforms and other stuff used to compile ALIEN operations ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") ;;;; DEFKNOWNs (defknown %sap-alien (system-area-pointer alien-type) alien-value (flushable movable)) (defknown alien-sap (alien-value) system-area-pointer (flushable movable)) (defknown slot (alien-value symbol) t (flushable recursive)) (defknown %set-slot (alien-value symbol t) t (recursive)) (defknown %slot-addr (alien-value symbol) (alien (* t)) (flushable movable recursive)) (defknown deref (alien-value &rest index) t (flushable)) (defknown %set-deref (alien-value t &rest index) t ()) (defknown %deref-addr (alien-value &rest index) (alien (* t)) (flushable movable)) (defknown %heap-alien (heap-alien-info) t (flushable)) (defknown %set-heap-alien (heap-alien-info t) t ()) (defknown %heap-alien-addr (heap-alien-info) (alien (* t)) (flushable movable)) (defknown make-local-alien (local-alien-info) t ()) (defknown note-local-alien-type (local-alien-info t) null ()) (defknown local-alien (local-alien-info t) t (flushable)) (defknown %local-alien-forced-to-memory-p (local-alien-info) (member t nil) (movable)) (defknown %set-local-alien (local-alien-info t t) t ()) (defknown %local-alien-addr (local-alien-info t) (alien (* t)) (flushable movable)) (defknown dispose-local-alien (local-alien-info t) t ()) (defknown %cast (alien-value alien-type) alien (flushable movable)) (defknown naturalize (t alien-type) alien (flushable movable)) (defknown deport (alien alien-type) t (flushable movable)) (defknown extract-alien-value (system-area-pointer index alien-type) t (flushable)) (defknown deposit-alien-value (system-area-pointer index alien-type t) t ()) (defknown alien-funcall (alien-value &rest *) * (any recursive)) (defknown %alien-funcall (system-area-pointer alien-type &rest *) *) ;;;; cosmetic transforms (deftransform slot ((object slot) ((alien (* t)) symbol)) '(slot (deref object) slot)) (deftransform %set-slot ((object slot value) ((alien (* t)) symbol t)) '(%set-slot (deref object) slot value)) (deftransform %slot-addr ((object slot) ((alien (* t)) symbol)) '(%slot-addr (deref object) slot)) ;;;; SLOT support (defun find-slot-offset-and-type (alien slot) (unless (constant-continuation-p slot) (give-up-ir1-transform "The slot is not constant, so access cannot be open coded.")) (let ((type (continuation-type alien))) (unless (alien-type-type-p type) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let ((alien-type (alien-type-type-alien-type type))) (unless (alien-record-type-p alien-type) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let* ((slot-name (continuation-value slot)) (field (find slot-name (alien-record-type-fields alien-type) :key #'alien-record-field-name))) (unless field (abort-ir1-transform "~S doesn't have a slot named ~S" alien slot-name)) (values (alien-record-field-offset field) (alien-record-field-type field)))))) #+nil ;; Shouldn't be necessary. (defoptimizer (slot derive-type) ((alien slot)) (block nil (catch 'give-up-ir1-transform (multiple-value-bind (slot-offset slot-type) (find-slot-offset-and-type alien slot) (declare (ignore slot-offset)) (return (make-alien-type-type slot-type)))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform slot ((alien slot) * * :important t) (multiple-value-bind (slot-offset slot-type) (find-slot-offset-and-type alien slot) `(extract-alien-value (alien-sap alien) ,slot-offset ',slot-type))) #+nil ;; ### But what about coercions? (defoptimizer (%set-slot derive-type) ((alien slot value)) (block nil (catch 'give-up-ir1-transform (multiple-value-bind (slot-offset slot-type) (find-slot-offset-and-type alien slot) (declare (ignore slot-offset)) (let ((type (make-alien-type-type slot-type))) (assert-continuation-type value type) (return type)))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform %set-slot ((alien slot value) * * :important t) (multiple-value-bind (slot-offset slot-type) (find-slot-offset-and-type alien slot) `(deposit-alien-value (alien-sap alien) ,slot-offset ',slot-type value))) (defoptimizer (%slot-addr derive-type) ((alien slot)) (block nil (catch 'give-up-ir1-transform (multiple-value-bind (slot-offset slot-type) (find-slot-offset-and-type alien slot) (declare (ignore slot-offset)) (return (make-alien-type-type (make-alien-pointer-type :to slot-type))))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform %slot-addr ((alien slot) * * :important t) (multiple-value-bind (slot-offset slot-type) (find-slot-offset-and-type alien slot) (/noshow "in DEFTRANSFORM %SLOT-ADDR, creating %SAP-ALIEN") `(%sap-alien (sap+ (alien-sap alien) (/ ,slot-offset sb!vm:n-byte-bits)) ',(make-alien-pointer-type :to slot-type)))) ;;;; DEREF support (defun find-deref-alien-type (alien) (let ((alien-type (continuation-type alien))) (unless (alien-type-type-p alien-type) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let ((alien-type (alien-type-type-alien-type alien-type))) (if (alien-type-p alien-type) alien-type (give-up-ir1-transform))))) (defun find-deref-element-type (alien) (let ((alien-type (find-deref-alien-type alien))) (typecase alien-type (alien-pointer-type (alien-pointer-type-to alien-type)) (alien-array-type (alien-array-type-element-type alien-type)) (t (give-up-ir1-transform))))) (defun compute-deref-guts (alien indices) (let ((alien-type (find-deref-alien-type alien))) (typecase alien-type (alien-pointer-type (when (cdr indices) (abort-ir1-transform "too many indices for pointer deref: ~W" (length indices))) (let ((element-type (alien-pointer-type-to alien-type))) (if indices (let ((bits (alien-type-bits element-type)) (alignment (alien-type-alignment element-type))) (unless bits (abort-ir1-transform "unknown element size")) (unless alignment (abort-ir1-transform "unknown element alignment")) (values '(offset) `(* offset ,(align-offset bits alignment)) element-type)) (values nil 0 element-type)))) (alien-array-type (let* ((element-type (alien-array-type-element-type alien-type)) (bits (alien-type-bits element-type)) (alignment (alien-type-alignment element-type)) (dims (alien-array-type-dimensions alien-type))) (unless (= (length indices) (length dims)) (give-up-ir1-transform "incorrect number of indices")) (unless bits (give-up-ir1-transform "Element size is unknown.")) (unless alignment (give-up-ir1-transform "Element alignment is unknown.")) (if (null dims) (values nil 0 element-type) (let* ((arg (gensym)) (args (list arg)) (offsetexpr arg)) (dolist (dim (cdr dims)) (let ((arg (gensym))) (push arg args) (setf offsetexpr `(+ (* ,offsetexpr ,dim) ,arg)))) (values (reverse args) `(* ,offsetexpr ,(align-offset bits alignment)) element-type))))) (t (abort-ir1-transform "~S not either a pointer or array type." alien-type))))) #+nil ;; Shouldn't be necessary. (defoptimizer (deref derive-type) ((alien &rest noise)) (declare (ignore noise)) (block nil (catch 'give-up-ir1-transform (return (make-alien-type-type (find-deref-element-type alien)))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform deref ((alien &rest indices) * * :important t) (multiple-value-bind (indices-args offset-expr element-type) (compute-deref-guts alien indices) `(lambda (alien ,@indices-args) (extract-alien-value (alien-sap alien) ,offset-expr ',element-type)))) #+nil ;; ### Again, the value might be coerced. (defoptimizer (%set-deref derive-type) ((alien value &rest noise)) (declare (ignore noise)) (block nil (catch 'give-up-ir1-transform (let ((type (make-alien-type-type (make-alien-pointer-type :to (find-deref-element-type alien))))) (assert-continuation-type value type) (return type))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform %set-deref ((alien value &rest indices) * * :important t) (multiple-value-bind (indices-args offset-expr element-type) (compute-deref-guts alien indices) `(lambda (alien value ,@indices-args) (deposit-alien-value (alien-sap alien) ,offset-expr ',element-type value)))) (defoptimizer (%deref-addr derive-type) ((alien &rest noise)) (declare (ignore noise)) (block nil (catch 'give-up-ir1-transform (return (make-alien-type-type (make-alien-pointer-type :to (find-deref-element-type alien))))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform %deref-addr ((alien &rest indices) * * :important t) (multiple-value-bind (indices-args offset-expr element-type) (compute-deref-guts alien indices) (/noshow "in DEFTRANSFORM %DEREF-ADDR, creating (LAMBDA .. %SAP-ALIEN)") `(lambda (alien ,@indices-args) (%sap-alien (sap+ (alien-sap alien) (/ ,offset-expr sb!vm:n-byte-bits)) ',(make-alien-pointer-type :to element-type))))) ;;;; support for aliens on the heap (defun heap-alien-sap-and-type (info) (unless (constant-continuation-p info) (give-up-ir1-transform "info not constant; can't open code")) (let ((info (continuation-value info))) (values (heap-alien-info-sap-form info) (heap-alien-info-type info)))) #+nil ; shouldn't be necessary (defoptimizer (%heap-alien derive-type) ((info)) (block nil (catch 'give-up (multiple-value-bind (sap type) (heap-alien-sap-and-type info) (declare (ignore sap)) (return (make-alien-type-type type)))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform %heap-alien ((info) * * :important t) (multiple-value-bind (sap type) (heap-alien-sap-and-type info) `(extract-alien-value ,sap 0 ',type))) #+nil ;; ### Again, deposit value might change the type. (defoptimizer (%set-heap-alien derive-type) ((info value)) (block nil (catch 'give-up-ir1-transform (multiple-value-bind (sap type) (heap-alien-sap-and-type info) (declare (ignore sap)) (let ((type (make-alien-type-type type))) (assert-continuation-type value type) (return type)))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform %set-heap-alien ((info value) (heap-alien-info *) * :important t) (multiple-value-bind (sap type) (heap-alien-sap-and-type info) `(deposit-alien-value ,sap 0 ',type value))) (defoptimizer (%heap-alien-addr derive-type) ((info)) (block nil (catch 'give-up-ir1-transform (multiple-value-bind (sap type) (heap-alien-sap-and-type info) (declare (ignore sap)) (return (make-alien-type-type (make-alien-pointer-type :to type))))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform %heap-alien-addr ((info) * * :important t) (multiple-value-bind (sap type) (heap-alien-sap-and-type info) (/noshow "in DEFTRANSFORM %HEAP-ALIEN-ADDR, creating %SAP-ALIEN") `(%sap-alien ,sap ',type))) ;;;; support for local (stack or register) aliens (deftransform make-local-alien ((info) * * :important t) (unless (constant-continuation-p info) (abort-ir1-transform "Local alien info isn't constant?")) (let* ((info (continuation-value info)) (alien-type (local-alien-info-type info)) (bits (alien-type-bits alien-type))) (unless bits (abort-ir1-transform "unknown size: ~S" (unparse-alien-type alien-type))) (/noshow "in DEFTRANSFORM MAKE-LOCAL-ALIEN" info) (/noshow (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info)) (/noshow alien-type (unparse-alien-type alien-type) (alien-type-bits alien-type)) (if (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info) #!+x86 `(truly-the system-area-pointer (%primitive alloc-alien-stack-space ,(ceiling (alien-type-bits alien-type) sb!vm:n-byte-bits))) #!-x86 `(truly-the system-area-pointer (%primitive alloc-number-stack-space ,(ceiling (alien-type-bits alien-type) sb!vm:n-byte-bits))) (let* ((alien-rep-type-spec (compute-alien-rep-type alien-type)) (alien-rep-type (specifier-type alien-rep-type-spec))) (cond ((csubtypep (specifier-type 'system-area-pointer) alien-rep-type) '(int-sap 0)) ((ctypep 0 alien-rep-type) 0) ((ctypep 0.0f0 alien-rep-type) 0.0f0) ((ctypep 0.0d0 alien-rep-type) 0.0d0) (t (compiler-error "Aliens of type ~S cannot be represented immediately." (unparse-alien-type alien-type)))))))) (deftransform note-local-alien-type ((info var) * * :important t) ;; FIXME: This test and error occur about a zillion times. They ;; could be factored into a function. (unless (constant-continuation-p info) (abort-ir1-transform "Local alien info isn't constant?")) (let ((info (continuation-value info))) (/noshow "in DEFTRANSFORM NOTE-LOCAL-ALIEN-TYPE" info) (/noshow (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info)) (unless (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info) (let ((var-node (continuation-use var))) (/noshow var-node (ref-p var-node)) (when (ref-p var-node) (propagate-to-refs (ref-leaf var-node) (specifier-type (compute-alien-rep-type (local-alien-info-type info)))))))) nil) (deftransform local-alien ((info var) * * :important t) (unless (constant-continuation-p info) (abort-ir1-transform "Local alien info isn't constant?")) (let* ((info (continuation-value info)) (alien-type (local-alien-info-type info))) (/noshow "in DEFTRANSFORM LOCAL-ALIEN" info alien-type) (/noshow (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info)) (if (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info) `(extract-alien-value var 0 ',alien-type) `(naturalize var ',alien-type)))) (deftransform %local-alien-forced-to-memory-p ((info) * * :important t) (unless (constant-continuation-p info) (abort-ir1-transform "Local alien info isn't constant?")) (let ((info (continuation-value info))) (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info))) (deftransform %set-local-alien ((info var value) * * :important t) (unless (constant-continuation-p info) (abort-ir1-transform "Local alien info isn't constant?")) (let* ((info (continuation-value info)) (alien-type (local-alien-info-type info))) (if (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info) `(deposit-alien-value var 0 ',alien-type value) '(error "This should be eliminated as dead code.")))) (defoptimizer (%local-alien-addr derive-type) ((info var)) (if (constant-continuation-p info) (let* ((info (continuation-value info)) (alien-type (local-alien-info-type info))) (make-alien-type-type (make-alien-pointer-type :to alien-type))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform %local-alien-addr ((info var) * * :important t) (unless (constant-continuation-p info) (abort-ir1-transform "Local alien info isn't constant?")) (let* ((info (continuation-value info)) (alien-type (local-alien-info-type info))) (/noshow "in DEFTRANSFORM %LOCAL-ALIEN-ADDR, creating %SAP-ALIEN") (if (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info) `(%sap-alien var ',(make-alien-pointer-type :to alien-type)) (error "This shouldn't happen.")))) (deftransform dispose-local-alien ((info var) * * :important t) (unless (constant-continuation-p info) (abort-ir1-transform "Local alien info isn't constant?")) (let* ((info (continuation-value info)) (alien-type (local-alien-info-type info))) (if (local-alien-info-force-to-memory-p info) #!+x86 `(%primitive dealloc-alien-stack-space ,(ceiling (alien-type-bits alien-type) sb!vm:n-byte-bits)) #!-x86 `(%primitive dealloc-number-stack-space ,(ceiling (alien-type-bits alien-type) sb!vm:n-byte-bits)) nil))) ;;;; %CAST (defoptimizer (%cast derive-type) ((alien type)) (or (when (constant-continuation-p type) (let ((alien-type (continuation-value type))) (when (alien-type-p alien-type) (make-alien-type-type alien-type)))) *wild-type*)) (deftransform %cast ((alien target-type) * * :important t) (unless (constant-continuation-p target-type) (give-up-ir1-transform "The alien type is not constant, so access cannot be open coded.")) (let ((target-type (continuation-value target-type))) (cond ((or (alien-pointer-type-p target-type) (alien-array-type-p target-type) (alien-fun-type-p target-type)) `(naturalize (alien-sap alien) ',target-type)) (t (abort-ir1-transform "cannot cast to alien type ~S" target-type))))) ;;;; ALIEN-SAP, %SAP-ALIEN, %ADDR, etc. (deftransform alien-sap ((alien) * * :important t) (let ((alien-node (continuation-use alien))) (typecase alien-node (combination (extract-function-args alien '%sap-alien 2) '(lambda (sap type) (declare (ignore type)) sap)) (t (give-up-ir1-transform))))) (defoptimizer (%sap-alien derive-type) ((sap type)) (declare (ignore sap)) (if (constant-continuation-p type) (make-alien-type-type (continuation-value type)) *wild-type*)) (deftransform %sap-alien ((sap type) * * :important t) (give-up-ir1-transform ;; FIXME: The hardcoded newline here causes more-than-usually ;; screwed-up formatting of the optimization note output. "could not optimize away %SAP-ALIEN: forced to do runtime ~@ allocation of alien-value structure")) ;;;; NATURALIZE/DEPORT/EXTRACT/DEPOSIT magic (flet ((%computed-lambda (compute-lambda type) (declare (type function compute-lambda)) (unless (constant-continuation-p type) (give-up-ir1-transform "The type is not constant at compile time; can't open code.")) (handler-case (let ((result (funcall compute-lambda (continuation-value type)))) (/noshow "in %COMPUTED-LAMBDA" (continuation-value type) result) result) (error (condition) (compiler-error "~A" condition))))) (deftransform naturalize ((object type) * * :important t) (%computed-lambda #'compute-naturalize-lambda type)) (deftransform deport ((alien type) * * :important t) (%computed-lambda #'compute-deport-lambda type)) (deftransform extract-alien-value ((sap offset type) * * :important t) (%computed-lambda #'compute-extract-lambda type)) (deftransform deposit-alien-value ((sap offset type value) * * :important t) (%computed-lambda #'compute-deposit-lambda type))) ;;;; a hack to clean up divisions (defun count-low-order-zeros (thing) (typecase thing (continuation (if (constant-continuation-p thing) (count-low-order-zeros (continuation-value thing)) (count-low-order-zeros (continuation-use thing)))) (combination (case (continuation-fun-name (combination-fun thing)) ((+ -) (let ((min most-positive-fixnum) (itype (specifier-type 'integer))) (dolist (arg (combination-args thing) min) (if (csubtypep (continuation-type arg) itype) (setf min (min min (count-low-order-zeros arg))) (return 0))))) (* (let ((result 0) (itype (specifier-type 'integer))) (dolist (arg (combination-args thing) result) (if (csubtypep (continuation-type arg) itype) (setf result (+ result (count-low-order-zeros arg))) (return 0))))) (ash (let ((args (combination-args thing))) (if (= (length args) 2) (let ((amount (second args))) (if (constant-continuation-p amount) (max (+ (count-low-order-zeros (first args)) (continuation-value amount)) 0) 0)) 0))) (t 0))) (integer (if (zerop thing) most-positive-fixnum (do ((result 0 (1+ result)) (num thing (ash num -1))) ((logbitp 0 num) result)))) (t 0))) (deftransform / ((numerator denominator) (integer integer)) (unless (constant-continuation-p denominator) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let* ((denominator (continuation-value denominator)) (bits (1- (integer-length denominator)))) (unless (= (ash 1 bits) denominator) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let ((alignment (count-low-order-zeros numerator))) (unless (>= alignment bits) (give-up-ir1-transform)) `(ash numerator ,(- bits))))) (deftransform ash ((value amount)) (let ((value-node (continuation-use value))) (unless (and (combination-p value-node) (eq (continuation-fun-name (combination-fun value-node)) 'ash)) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let ((inside-args (combination-args value-node))) (unless (= (length inside-args) 2) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let ((inside-amount (second inside-args))) (unless (and (constant-continuation-p inside-amount) (not (minusp (continuation-value inside-amount)))) (give-up-ir1-transform))))) (extract-function-args value 'ash 2) '(lambda (value amount1 amount2) (ash value (+ amount1 amount2)))) ;;;; ALIEN-FUNCALL support (deftransform alien-funcall ((function &rest args) ((alien (* t)) &rest *) * :important t) (let ((names (make-gensym-list (length args)))) (/noshow "entering first DEFTRANSFORM ALIEN-FUNCALL" function args) `(lambda (function ,@names) (alien-funcall (deref function) ,@names)))) (deftransform alien-funcall ((function &rest args) * * :important t) (let ((type (continuation-type function))) (unless (alien-type-type-p type) (give-up-ir1-transform "can't tell function type at compile time")) (/noshow "entering second DEFTRANSFORM ALIEN-FUNCALL" function) (let ((alien-type (alien-type-type-alien-type type))) (unless (alien-fun-type-p alien-type) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let ((arg-types (alien-fun-type-arg-types alien-type))) (unless (= (length args) (length arg-types)) (abort-ir1-transform "wrong number of arguments; expected ~W, got ~W" (length arg-types) (length args))) (collect ((params) (deports)) (dolist (arg-type arg-types) (let ((param (gensym))) (params param) (deports `(deport ,param ',arg-type)))) (let ((return-type (alien-fun-type-result-type alien-type)) (body `(%alien-funcall (deport function ',alien-type) ',alien-type ,@(deports)))) (if (alien-values-type-p return-type) (collect ((temps) (results)) (dolist (type (alien-values-type-values return-type)) (let ((temp (gensym))) (temps temp) (results `(naturalize ,temp ',type)))) (setf body `(multiple-value-bind ,(temps) ,body (values ,@(results))))) (setf body `(naturalize ,body ',return-type))) (/noshow "returning from DEFTRANSFORM ALIEN-FUNCALL" (params) body) `(lambda (function ,@(params)) ,body))))))) (defoptimizer (%alien-funcall derive-type) ((function type &rest args)) (declare (ignore function args)) (unless (constant-continuation-p type) (error "Something is broken.")) (let ((type (continuation-value type))) (unless (alien-fun-type-p type) (error "Something is broken.")) (specifier-type (compute-alien-rep-type (alien-fun-type-result-type type))))) (defoptimizer (%alien-funcall ltn-annotate) ((function type &rest args) node ltn-policy) (setf (basic-combination-info node) :funny) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) (annotate-ordinary-continuation function ltn-policy) (dolist (arg args) (annotate-ordinary-continuation arg ltn-policy))) (defoptimizer (%alien-funcall ir2-convert) ((function type &rest args) call block) (let ((type (if (constant-continuation-p type) (continuation-value type) (error "Something is broken."))) (cont (node-cont call)) (args args)) (multiple-value-bind (nsp stack-frame-size arg-tns result-tns) (make-call-out-tns type) (vop alloc-number-stack-space call block stack-frame-size nsp) (dolist (tn arg-tns) (let* ((arg (pop args)) (sc (tn-sc tn)) (scn (sc-number sc)) #!-x86 (temp-tn (make-representation-tn (tn-primitive-type tn) scn)) (move-arg-vops (svref (sc-move-arg-vops sc) scn))) (aver arg) (unless (= (length move-arg-vops) 1) (error "no unique move-arg-vop for moves in SC ~S" (sc-name sc))) #!+x86 (emit-move-arg-template call block (first move-arg-vops) (continuation-tn call block arg) nsp tn) #!-x86 (progn (emit-move call block (continuation-tn call block arg) temp-tn) (emit-move-arg-template call block (first move-arg-vops) temp-tn nsp tn)))) (aver (null args)) (unless (listp result-tns) (setf result-tns (list result-tns))) (vop* call-out call block ((continuation-tn call block function) (reference-tn-list arg-tns nil)) ((reference-tn-list result-tns t))) (vop dealloc-number-stack-space call block stack-frame-size) (move-continuation-result call block result-tns cont))))