;;;; type testing and checking VOPs for the Alpha VM ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;;;; test generation utilities (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *immediate-types* (list unbound-marker-widetag base-char-widetag)) (defparameter *fun-header-widetags* (list funcallable-instance-header-widetag simple-fun-header-widetag closure-fun-header-widetag closure-header-widetag)) (defun canonicalize-headers (headers) (collect ((results)) (let ((start nil) (prev nil) (delta (- other-immediate-1-lowtag other-immediate-0-lowtag))) (flet ((emit-test () (results (if (= start prev) start (cons start prev))))) (dolist (header (sort headers #'<)) (cond ((null start) (setf start header) (setf prev header)) ((= header (+ prev delta)) (setf prev header)) (t (emit-test) (setf start header) (setf prev header)))) (emit-test))) (results))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN (macrolet ((test-type (value temp target not-p &rest type-codes) ;; Determine what interesting combinations we need to test for. (let* ((type-codes (mapcar #'eval type-codes)) (fixnump (and (member even-fixnum-lowtag type-codes) (member odd-fixnum-lowtag type-codes) t)) (lowtags (remove lowtag-limit type-codes :test #'<)) (extended (remove lowtag-limit type-codes :test #'>)) (immediates (intersection extended *immediate-types* :test #'eql)) (headers (set-difference extended *immediate-types* :test #'eql)) (function-p (if (intersection headers *fun-header-widetags*) (if (subsetp headers *fun-header-widetags*) t (error "can't test for mix of function subtypes ~ and normal header types.")) nil))) (unless type-codes (error "must supply at least one type for test-type")) (cond (fixnump (when (remove-if (lambda (x) (or (= x even-fixnum-lowtag) (= x odd-fixnum-lowtag))) lowtags) (error "can't mix fixnum testing with other lowtags")) (when function-p (error "can't mix fixnum testing with function subtype testing")) (when immediates (error "can't mix fixnum testing with other immediates")) (if headers `(%test-fixnum-and-headers ,value ,temp ,target ,not-p ',(canonicalize-headers headers)) `(%test-fixnum ,value ,temp ,target ,not-p))) (immediates (when headers (error "can't mix testing of immediates with testing of headers")) (when lowtags (error "can't mix testing of immediates with testing of lowtags")) (when (cdr immediates) (error "can't test multiple immediates at the same time")) `(%test-immediate ,value ,temp ,target ,not-p ,(car immediates))) (lowtags (when (cdr lowtags) (error "can't test multiple lowtags at the same time")) (if headers `(%test-lowtag-and-headers ,value ,temp ,target ,not-p ,(car lowtags) ,function-p ',(canonicalize-headers headers)) `(%test-lowtag ,value ,temp ,target ,not-p ,(car lowtags)))) (headers `(%test-headers ,value ,temp ,target ,not-p ,function-p ',(canonicalize-headers headers))) (t (error "nothing to test?")))))) (defun %test-fixnum (value temp target not-p) (assemble () (inst and value 3 temp) (if not-p (inst bne temp target) (inst beq temp target)))) (defun %test-fixnum-and-headers (value temp target not-p headers) (let ((drop-through (gen-label))) (assemble () (inst and value 3 temp) (inst beq temp (if not-p drop-through target))) (%test-headers value temp target not-p nil headers drop-through))) (defun %test-immediate (value temp target not-p immediate) (assemble () (inst and value 255 temp) (inst xor temp immediate temp) (if not-p (inst bne temp target) (inst beq temp target)))) (defun %test-lowtag (value temp target not-p lowtag) (assemble () (inst and value lowtag-mask temp) (inst xor temp lowtag temp) (if not-p (inst bne temp target) (inst beq temp target)))) (defun %test-lowtag-and-headers (value temp target not-p lowtag function-p headers) (let ((drop-through (gen-label))) (%test-lowtag value temp (if not-p drop-through target) nil lowtag) (%test-headers value temp target not-p function-p headers drop-through))) (defun %test-headers (value temp target not-p function-p headers &optional (drop-through (gen-label))) (let ((lowtag (if function-p fun-pointer-lowtag other-pointer-lowtag))) (multiple-value-bind (when-true when-false) ;; WHEN-TRUE and WHEN-FALSE are the labels to branch to when ;; we know it's true and when we know it's false respectively. (if not-p (values drop-through target) (values target drop-through)) (assemble () (%test-lowtag value temp when-false t lowtag) (load-type temp value (- lowtag)) (let ((delta 0)) (do ((remaining headers (cdr remaining))) ((null remaining)) (let ((header (car remaining)) (last (null (cdr remaining)))) (cond ((atom header) (inst subq temp (- header delta) temp) (setf delta header) (if last (if not-p (inst bne temp target) (inst beq temp target)) (inst beq temp when-true))) (t (let ((start (car header)) (end (cdr header))) (unless (= start bignum-widetag) (inst subq temp (- start delta) temp) (setf delta start) (inst blt temp when-false)) (inst subq temp (- end delta) temp) (setf delta end) (if last (if not-p (inst bgt temp target) (inst ble temp target)) (inst ble temp when-true)))))))) (emit-label drop-through))))) ;;;; Type checking and testing: (define-vop (check-type) (:args (value :target result :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:results (result :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg) :to (:result 0)) temp) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only)) (define-vop (type-predicate) (:args (value :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:conditional) (:info target not-p) (:policy :fast-safe)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (defun cost-to-test-types (type-codes) (+ (* 2 (length type-codes)) (if (> (apply #'max type-codes) lowtag-limit) 7 2))) ) (defmacro def-type-vops (pred-name check-name ptype error-code &rest type-codes) (let ((cost #+sb-xc-host (cost-to-test-types (mapcar #'eval type-codes)) #-sb-xc-host 10)) `(progn ,@(when pred-name `((define-vop (,pred-name type-predicate) (:translate ,pred-name) (:generator ,cost (test-type value temp target not-p ,@type-codes))))) ,@(when check-name `((define-vop (,check-name check-type) (:generator ,cost (let ((err-lab (generate-error-code vop ,error-code value))) (test-type value temp err-lab t ,@type-codes) (move value result)))))) ,@(when ptype `((primitive-type-vop ,check-name (:check) ,ptype)))))) (def-type-vops fixnump check-fixnum fixnum object-not-fixnum-error even-fixnum-lowtag odd-fixnum-lowtag) (def-type-vops functionp check-function function object-not-function-error fun-pointer-lowtag) (def-type-vops listp check-list list object-not-list-error list-pointer-lowtag) (def-type-vops %instancep check-instance instance object-not-instance-error instance-pointer-lowtag) (def-type-vops bignump check-bignum bignum object-not-bignum-error bignum-widetag) (def-type-vops ratiop check-ratio ratio object-not-ratio-error ratio-widetag) (def-type-vops complexp check-complex complex object-not-complex-error complex-widetag complex-single-float-widetag complex-double-float-widetag) (def-type-vops complex-rational-p check-complex-rational nil object-not-complex-rational-error complex-widetag) (def-type-vops complex-float-p check-complex-float nil object-not-complex-float-error complex-single-float-widetag complex-double-float-widetag) (def-type-vops complex-single-float-p check-complex-single-float complex-single-float object-not-complex-single-float-error complex-single-float-widetag) (def-type-vops complex-double-float-p check-complex-double-float complex-double-float object-not-complex-double-float-error complex-double-float-widetag) (def-type-vops single-float-p check-single-float single-float object-not-single-float-error single-float-widetag) (def-type-vops double-float-p check-double-float double-float object-not-double-float-error double-float-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-string-p check-simple-string simple-string object-not-simple-string-error simple-string-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-bit-vector-p check-simple-bit-vector simple-bit-vector object-not-simple-bit-vector-error simple-bit-vector-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-vector-p check-simple-vector simple-vector object-not-simple-vector-error simple-vector-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-p check-simple-array-unsigned-byte-2 simple-array-unsigned-byte-2 object-not-simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-error simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-p check-simple-array-unsigned-byte-4 simple-array-unsigned-byte-4 object-not-simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-error simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-p check-simple-array-unsigned-byte-8 simple-array-unsigned-byte-8 object-not-simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-error simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-p check-simple-array-unsigned-byte-16 simple-array-unsigned-byte-16 object-not-simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-error simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-p check-simple-array-unsigned-byte-32 simple-array-unsigned-byte-32 object-not-simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-error simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-signed-byte-8-p check-simple-array-signed-byte-8 simple-array-signed-byte-8 object-not-simple-array-signed-byte-8-error simple-array-signed-byte-8-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-signed-byte-16-p check-simple-array-signed-byte-16 simple-array-signed-byte-16 object-not-simple-array-signed-byte-16-error simple-array-signed-byte-16-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-signed-byte-30-p check-simple-array-signed-byte-30 simple-array-signed-byte-30 object-not-simple-array-signed-byte-30-error simple-array-signed-byte-30-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-signed-byte-32-p check-simple-array-signed-byte-32 simple-array-signed-byte-32 object-not-simple-array-signed-byte-32-error simple-array-signed-byte-32-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-single-float-p check-simple-array-single-float simple-array-single-float object-not-simple-array-single-float-error simple-array-single-float-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-double-float-p check-simple-array-double-float simple-array-double-float object-not-simple-array-double-float-error simple-array-double-float-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-complex-single-float-p check-simple-array-complex-single-float simple-array-complex-single-float object-not-simple-array-complex-single-float-error simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-complex-double-float-p check-simple-array-complex-double-float simple-array-complex-double-float object-not-simple-array-complex-double-float-error simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag) (def-type-vops base-char-p check-base-char base-char object-not-base-char-error base-char-widetag) (def-type-vops system-area-pointer-p check-system-area-pointer system-area-pointer object-not-sap-error sap-widetag) (def-type-vops weak-pointer-p check-weak-pointer weak-pointer object-not-weak-pointer-error weak-pointer-widetag) ;;; XXX #| (def-type-vops scavenger-hook-p nil nil nil #-gengc 0 #+gengc scavenger-hook-type) |# (def-type-vops code-component-p nil nil nil code-header-widetag) (def-type-vops lra-p nil nil nil #-gengc return-pc-header-widetag #+gengc 0) (def-type-vops fdefn-p nil nil nil fdefn-widetag) (def-type-vops funcallable-instance-p nil nil nil funcallable-instance-header-widetag) (def-type-vops array-header-p nil nil nil simple-array-widetag complex-string-widetag complex-bit-vector-widetag complex-vector-widetag complex-array-widetag) (def-type-vops stringp check-string nil object-not-string-error simple-string-widetag complex-string-widetag) ;;; XXX surely just sticking this in here is not all that's required ;;; to create the vop? But I can't find out any other info (def-type-vops complex-vector-p check-complex-vector nil object-not-complex-vector-error complex-vector-widetag) (def-type-vops bit-vector-p check-bit-vector nil object-not-bit-vector-error simple-bit-vector-widetag complex-bit-vector-widetag) (def-type-vops vectorp check-vector nil object-not-vector-error simple-string-widetag simple-bit-vector-widetag simple-vector-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-8-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-16-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-30-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-32-widetag simple-array-single-float-widetag simple-array-double-float-widetag simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag complex-string-widetag complex-bit-vector-widetag complex-vector-widetag) (def-type-vops simple-array-p check-simple-array nil object-not-simple-array-error simple-array-widetag simple-string-widetag simple-bit-vector-widetag simple-vector-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-8-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-16-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-30-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-32-widetag simple-array-single-float-widetag simple-array-double-float-widetag simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag) (def-type-vops arrayp check-array nil object-not-array-error simple-array-widetag simple-string-widetag simple-bit-vector-widetag simple-vector-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-widetag simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-8-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-16-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-30-widetag simple-array-signed-byte-32-widetag simple-array-single-float-widetag simple-array-double-float-widetag simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag complex-string-widetag complex-bit-vector-widetag complex-vector-widetag complex-array-widetag) (def-type-vops numberp check-number nil object-not-number-error even-fixnum-lowtag odd-fixnum-lowtag bignum-widetag ratio-widetag single-float-widetag double-float-widetag complex-widetag complex-single-float-widetag complex-double-float-widetag) (def-type-vops rationalp check-rational nil object-not-rational-error even-fixnum-lowtag odd-fixnum-lowtag ratio-widetag bignum-widetag) (def-type-vops integerp check-integer nil object-not-integer-error even-fixnum-lowtag odd-fixnum-lowtag bignum-widetag) (def-type-vops floatp check-float nil object-not-float-error single-float-widetag double-float-widetag) (def-type-vops realp check-real nil object-not-real-error even-fixnum-lowtag odd-fixnum-lowtag ratio-widetag bignum-widetag single-float-widetag double-float-widetag) ;;;; Other integer ranges. ;;; A (signed-byte 32) can be represented with either fixnum or a bignum with ;;; exactly one digit. (defun signed-byte-32-test (value temp temp1 not-p target not-target) (multiple-value-bind (yep nope) (if not-p (values not-target target) (values target not-target)) (assemble () (inst and value 3 temp) (inst beq temp yep) (inst and value lowtag-mask temp) (inst xor temp other-pointer-lowtag temp) (inst bne temp nope) (loadw temp value 0 other-pointer-lowtag) (inst li (+ (ash 1 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag) temp1) (inst xor temp temp1 temp) (if not-p (inst bne temp target) (inst beq temp target)))) (values)) (define-vop (signed-byte-32-p type-predicate) (:translate signed-byte-32-p) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp1) (:generator 45 (signed-byte-32-test value temp temp1 not-p target not-target) NOT-TARGET)) (define-vop (check-signed-byte-32 check-type) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp1) (:generator 45 (let ((loose (generate-error-code vop object-not-signed-byte-32-error value))) (signed-byte-32-test value temp temp1 t loose okay)) OKAY (move value result))) ;;; An (unsigned-byte 32) can be represented with either a positive fixnum, a ;;; bignum with exactly one positive digit, or a bignum with exactly two digits ;;; and the second digit all zeros. (defun unsigned-byte-32-test (value temp temp1 not-p target not-target) (multiple-value-bind (yep nope) (if not-p (values not-target target) (values target not-target)) (assemble () ;; Is it a fixnum? (inst and value 3 temp1) (inst move value temp) (inst beq temp1 fixnum) ;; If not, is it an other pointer? (inst and value lowtag-mask temp) (inst xor temp other-pointer-lowtag temp) (inst bne temp nope) ;; Get the header. (loadw temp value 0 other-pointer-lowtag) ;; Is it one? (inst li (+ (ash 1 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag) temp1) (inst xor temp temp1 temp) (inst beq temp single-word) ;; If it's other than two, we can't be an (unsigned-byte 32) (inst li (logxor (+ (ash 1 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag) (+ (ash 2 n-widetag-bits) bignum-widetag)) temp1) (inst xor temp temp1 temp) (inst bne temp nope) ;; Get the second digit. (loadw temp value (1+ bignum-digits-offset) other-pointer-lowtag) ;; All zeros, its an (unsigned-byte 32). (inst beq temp yep) (inst br zero-tn nope) SINGLE-WORD ;; Get the single digit. (loadw temp value bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag) ;; positive implies (unsigned-byte 32). FIXNUM (if not-p (inst blt temp target) (inst bge temp target)))) (values)) (define-vop (unsigned-byte-32-p type-predicate) (:translate unsigned-byte-32-p) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp1) (:generator 45 (unsigned-byte-32-test value temp temp1 not-p target not-target) NOT-TARGET)) (define-vop (check-unsigned-byte-32 check-type) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp1) (:generator 45 (let ((loose (generate-error-code vop object-not-unsigned-byte-32-error value))) (unsigned-byte-32-test value temp temp1 t loose okay)) OKAY (move value result))) ;;;; List/symbol types: ;;; ;;; symbolp (or symbol (eq nil)) ;;; consp (and list (not (eq nil))) (define-vop (symbolp type-predicate) (:translate symbolp) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:generator 12 (inst cmpeq value null-tn temp) (inst bne temp (if not-p drop-thru target)) (test-type value temp target not-p symbol-header-widetag) DROP-THRU)) (define-vop (check-symbol check-type) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:generator 12 (inst cmpeq value null-tn temp) (inst bne temp drop-thru) (let ((error (generate-error-code vop object-not-symbol-error value))) (test-type value temp error t symbol-header-widetag)) DROP-THRU (move value result))) (define-vop (consp type-predicate) (:translate consp) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:generator 8 (inst cmpeq value null-tn temp) (inst bne temp (if not-p target drop-thru)) (test-type value temp target not-p list-pointer-lowtag) DROP-THRU)) (define-vop (check-cons check-type) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:generator 8 (let ((error (generate-error-code vop object-not-cons-error value))) (inst cmpeq value null-tn temp) (inst bne temp error) (test-type value temp error t list-pointer-lowtag)) (move value result))) ) ; MACROLET