;;;; This file contains backend-specific data. The original intent, in ;;;; CMU CL, was to allow compilation using different backends, as a ;;;; way of mutating a running CMU CL into a hybrid system which could ;;;; emit code for a different architecture. In SBCL, this is not ;;;; needed, since we have a cross-compiler which runs as an ordinary ;;;; Lisp program under SBCL or other Lisps. However, it still seems ;;;; reasonable to have all backendish things here in a single file. ;;;; ;;;; FIXME: Perhaps someday the vmdef.lisp and/or meta-vmdef.lisp stuff can ;;;; merged into this file, and/or the metaness can go away or at least be ;;;; radically simplified. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") ;;;; miscellaneous backend properties ;;; the number of references that a TN must have to offset the ;;; overhead of saving the TN across a call (defvar *backend-register-save-penalty* 0) (declaim (type index *backend-register-save-penalty*)) ;;; the byte order of the target machine. :BIG-ENDIAN has the MSB first (e.g. ;;; IBM RT), :LITTLE-ENDIAN has the MSB last (e.g. DEC VAX). (defvar *backend-byte-order*) (declaim (type (member nil :little-endian :big-endian) *backend-byte-order*)) ;;; translation from SC numbers to SC info structures. SC numbers are always ;;; used instead of names at run time, so changing this vector changes all the ;;; references. (defvar *backend-sc-numbers* (make-array sc-number-limit :initial-element nil)) (declaim (type sc-vector *backend-sc-numbers*)) ;;; a list of all the SBs defined, so that we can easily iterate over them (defvar *backend-sb-list* ()) (declaim (type list *backend-sb-list*)) ;;; translation from template names to template structures (defvar *backend-template-names* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (declaim (type hash-table *backend-template-names*)) ;;; hashtables mapping from SC and SB names to the corresponding structures ;;; ;;; CMU CL comment: ;;; The META versions are only used at meta-compile and load times, ;;; so the defining macros can change these at meta-compile time ;;; without breaking the compiler. ;;; FIXME: Couldn't the META versions go away in SBCL now that we don't ;;; have to worry about metacompiling and breaking the compiler? (defvar *backend-sc-names* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defvar *backend-sb-names* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defvar *backend-meta-sc-names* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defvar *backend-meta-sb-names* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (declaim (type hash-table *backend-sc-names* *backend-sb-names* *backend-meta-sc-names* *backend-meta-sb-names*)) ;;; like *SC-NUMBERS*, but updated at meta-compile time ;;; ;;; FIXME: As per *BACKEND-META-SC-NAMES* and *BACKEND-META-SB-NAMES*, ;;; couldn't we get rid of this in SBCL? (defvar *backend-meta-sc-numbers* (make-array sc-number-limit :initial-element nil)) (declaim (type sc-vector *backend-meta-sc-numbers*)) ;;; translations from primitive type names to the corresponding ;;; primitive-type structure. (defvar *backend-primitive-type-names* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (declaim (type hash-table *backend-primitive-type-names*)) ;;; This establishes a convenient handle on primitive type unions, or ;;; whatever. These names can only be used as the :ARG-TYPES or ;;; :RESULT-TYPES for VOPs and can map to anything else that can be ;;; used as :ARG-TYPES or :RESULT-TYPES (e.g. :OR, :CONSTANT). (defvar *backend-primitive-type-aliases* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (declaim (type hash-table *backend-primitive-type-aliases*)) ;;; meta-compile time translation from names to primitive types ;;; ;;; FIXME: As per *BACKEND-META-SC-NAMES* and *BACKEND-META-SB-NAMES*, ;;; couldn't we get rid of this in SBCL? (defvar *backend-meta-primitive-type-names* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (declaim (type hash-table *meta-primitive-type-names*)) ;;; The primitive type T is somewhat magical, in that it is the only ;;; primitive type that overlaps with other primitive types. An object ;;; of primitive-type T is in the canonical descriptor (boxed or pointer) ;;; representation. ;;; ;;; The T primitive-type is kept in this variable so that people who ;;; have to special-case it can get at it conveniently. This variable ;;; has to be set by the machine-specific VM definition, since the ;;; !DEF-PRIMITIVE-TYPE for T must specify the SCs that boxed objects ;;; can be allocated in. (defvar *backend-t-primitive-type*) (declaim (type primitive-type *backend-t-primitive-type*)) ;;; a hashtable translating from VOP names to the corresponding VOP-Parse ;;; structures. This information is only used at meta-compile time. (defvar *backend-parsed-vops* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (declaim (type hash-table *backend-parsed-vops*)) ;;; support for the assembler (defvar *backend-instruction-formats* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defvar *backend-instruction-flavors* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (defvar *backend-special-arg-types* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (declaim (type hash-table *backend-instruction-formats* *backend-instruction-flavors* *backend-special-arg-types*)) ;;; mappings between CTYPE structures and the corresponding predicate. ;;; The type->predicate mapping is implemented as an alist because ;;; there is no such thing as a TYPE= hash table. (defvar *backend-predicate-types* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defvar *backend-type-predicates* nil) (declaim (type hash-table *backend-predicate-types*)) (declaim (type list *backend-type-predicates*)) ;;; a vector of the internal errors defined for this backend, or NIL if ;;; they haven't been installed yet (defvar *backend-internal-errors* nil) (declaim (type (or simple-vector null) *backend-internal-errors*)) ;;; the maximum number of bytes per page on this system (used by GENESIS) (defvar *backend-page-size* 0) (declaim (type index *backend-page-size*)) ;;;; VM support routines ;;; FIXME: Do we need this kind of indirection for the VM support ;;; routines any more? ;;; forward declaration (defvar *backend-support-routines*) (macrolet ((def-vm-support-routines (&rest routines) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *vm-support-routines* ',routines)) (defstruct (vm-support-routines (:copier nil)) ,@(mapcar (lambda (routine) `(,routine nil :type (or function null))) routines)) ,@(mapcar (lambda (name) `(defun ,name (&rest args) (apply (or (,(symbolicate "VM-SUPPORT-ROUTINES-" name) *backend-support-routines*) (error "machine-specific support ~S ~ routine undefined" ',name)) args))) routines)))) (def-vm-support-routines ;; from vm.lisp immediate-constant-sc location-print-name ;; from primtype.lisp primitive-type-of primitive-type ;; from c-call.lisp make-call-out-tns ;; from call.lisp standard-argument-location make-return-pc-passing-location make-old-fp-passing-location make-old-fp-save-location make-return-pc-save-location make-arg-count-location make-nfp-tn make-stack-pointer-tn make-number-stack-pointer-tn make-unknown-values-locations select-component-format ;; from nlx.lisp make-nlx-sp-tn make-dynamic-state-tns make-nlx-entry-argument-start-location ;; from support.lisp generate-call-sequence generate-return-sequence ;; for use with scheduler emit-nop location-number)) (defprinter (vm-support-routines)) (defmacro !def-vm-support-routine (name ll &body body) (unless (member (intern (string name) (find-package "SB!C")) *vm-support-routines*) (warn "unknown VM support routine: ~A" name)) (let ((local-name (symbolicate "IMPL-OF-VM-SUPPORT-ROUTINE-" name))) `(progn (defun ,local-name ,ll ,@body) (setf (,(intern (concatenate 'simple-string "VM-SUPPORT-ROUTINES-" (string name)) (find-package "SB!C")) *backend-support-routines*) #',local-name)))) ;;; the VM support routines (defvar *backend-support-routines* (make-vm-support-routines)) (declaim (type vm-support-routines *backend-support-routines*)) ;;;; This is a prototype interface to support Christophe Rhodes' new ;;;; (sbcl-0.pre7.57) VOP :GUARD clauses for implementations which ;;;; depend on CPU variants, e.g. the differences between I486, ;;;; Pentium, and Pentium Pro, or the differences between different ;;;; SPARC versions. ;;;; Christophe Rhodes' longer explanation (cut and pasted ;;;; from CLiki SBCL internals site 2001-10-12): #| In CMUCL, the :guard argument to VOPs provided a way of disallowing the use of a particular VOP in compiled code. As an example, from the SPARC code in CMUCL, (DEFINE-VOP? (FAST-V8-TRUNCATE/SIGNED=>SIGNED? FAST-SAFE-ARITH-OP?) (:TRANSLATE TRUNCATE?) ... (:GUARD (OR (BACKEND-FEATUREP :SPARC-V8) (AND (BACKEND-FEATUREP :SPARC-V9) (NOT (BACKEND-FEATUREP :SPARC-64))))) ...) and at the IR2 translation stage, the function #'`(LAMBDA () ,GUARD) would be called. Until SBCL-0.7pre57, this is translated as (:GUARD #!+(OR :SPARC-V8 (AND :SPARC-V9 (NOT :SPARC-64))) T #!-(OR :SPARC-V8 (AND :SPARC-V9 (NOT :SPARC-64))) NIL) which means that whether this VOP will ever be used is determined at compiler compile-time depending on the contents of *SHEBANG-FEATURES*?. As of SBCL-0.7pre57, a new special variable, SB-C:*BACKEND-SUBFEATURES*?, is introduced. As of that version, only VOPs translating %log1p? query it, and :PENTIUM-STYLE-FYL2XP1 is the only useful value to be pushed onto that list, for x86. This is not yet an ideal interface, but it does allow for compile-time conditionalization. |# ;;; The default value of NIL means use only unguarded VOPs. (defvar *backend-subfeatures* nil) ;;; possible *BACKEND-SUBFEATURES* values: ;;; ;;; :PENTIUM-STYLE-FYL2XP1 is a useful value for x86 SBCLs to have on ;;; SB-C:*BACKEND-SUBFEATURES*?; it enables the use of the ;;; %flog1p-pentium? VOP rather than the %flog1p? VOP, which is a few ;;; instructions longer.