;;;; that part of the byte compiler which exists not only in the ;;;; target Lisp, but also in the cross-compilation host Lisp ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") (file-comment "$Header$") ;;;; the fasl file format that we use (defconstant byte-fasl-file-version 1) ;;; ### remaining work: ;;; ;;; - add more inline operations. ;;; - Breakpoints/debugging info. ;;;; stuff to emit noise ;;; Note: We use the regular assembler, but we don't use any ;;; ``instructions'' because there is no way to keep our byte-code ;;; instructions separate from the instructions used by the native ;;; backend. Besides, we don't want to do any scheduling or anything ;;; like that, anyway. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline output-byte)) (defun output-byte (segment byte) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)) (sb!assem:emit-byte segment byte)) ;;; Output OPERAND as 1 or 4 bytes, using #xFF as the extend code. (defun output-extended-operand (segment operand) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 24) operand)) (cond ((<= operand 254) (output-byte segment operand)) (t (output-byte segment #xFF) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 16) operand)) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 8) operand)) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 0) operand))))) ;;; Output a byte, logior'ing in a 4 bit immediate constant. If that ;;; immediate won't fit, then emit it as the next 1-4 bytes. (defun output-byte-with-operand (segment byte operand) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte) (type (unsigned-byte 24) operand)) (cond ((<= operand 14) (output-byte segment (logior byte operand))) (t (output-byte segment (logior byte 15)) (output-extended-operand segment operand))) (values)) (defun output-label (segment label) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type sb!assem:label label)) (sb!assem:assemble (segment) (sb!assem:emit-label label))) ;;; Output a reference to LABEL. (defun output-reference (segment label) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type sb!assem:label label)) (sb!assem:emit-back-patch segment 3 #'(lambda (segment posn) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (ignore posn)) (let ((target (sb!assem:label-position label))) (assert (<= 0 target (1- (ash 1 24)))) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 16) target)) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 8) target)) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 0) target)))))) ;;; Output some branch byte-sequence. (defun output-branch (segment kind label) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type (unsigned-byte 8) kind) (type sb!assem:label label)) (sb!assem:emit-chooser segment 4 1 #'(lambda (segment posn delta) (when (<= (- (ash 1 7)) (- (sb!assem:label-position label posn delta) posn 2) (1- (ash 1 7))) (sb!assem:emit-chooser segment 2 1 #'(lambda (segment posn delta) (declare (ignore segment) (type index posn delta)) (when (zerop (- (sb!assem:label-position label posn delta) posn 2)) ;; Don't emit anything, because the branch is to the following ;; instruction. t)) #'(lambda (segment posn) ;; We know that we fit in one byte. (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type index posn)) (output-byte segment (logior kind 1)) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 0) (- (sb!assem:label-position label) posn 2))))) t)) #'(lambda (segment posn) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (ignore posn)) (let ((target (sb!assem:label-position label))) (assert (<= 0 target (1- (ash 1 24)))) (output-byte segment kind) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 16) target)) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 8) target)) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 0) target)))))) ;;;; system constants, Xops, and inline functions ;;; If (%FDEFINITION-MARKER% . NAME) is a key in the table, then the ;;; corresponding value is the byte code fdefinition. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar *system-constant-codes* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (flet ((def-system-constant (index form) (setf (gethash form *system-constant-codes*) index))) (def-system-constant 0 nil) (def-system-constant 1 t) (def-system-constant 2 :start) (def-system-constant 3 :end) (def-system-constant 4 :test) (def-system-constant 5 :count) (def-system-constant 6 :test-not) (def-system-constant 7 :key) (def-system-constant 8 :from-end) (def-system-constant 9 :type) (def-system-constant 10 '(%fdefinition-marker% . error)) (def-system-constant 11 '(%fdefinition-marker% . format)) (def-system-constant 12 '(%fdefinition-marker% . %typep)) (def-system-constant 13 '(%fdefinition-marker% . eql)) (def-system-constant 14 '(%fdefinition-marker% . %negate)) (def-system-constant 15 '(%fdefinition-marker% . %%defun)) (def-system-constant 16 '(%fdefinition-marker% . %%defmacro)) (def-system-constant 17 '(%fdefinition-marker% . %%defconstant)) (def-system-constant 18 '(%fdefinition-marker% . length)) (def-system-constant 19 '(%fdefinition-marker% . equal)) (def-system-constant 20 '(%fdefinition-marker% . append)) (def-system-constant 21 '(%fdefinition-marker% . reverse)) (def-system-constant 22 '(%fdefinition-marker% . nreverse)) (def-system-constant 23 '(%fdefinition-marker% . nconc)) (def-system-constant 24 '(%fdefinition-marker% . list)) (def-system-constant 25 '(%fdefinition-marker% . list*)) (def-system-constant 26 '(%fdefinition-marker% . %coerce-name-to-function)) (def-system-constant 27 '(%fdefinition-marker% . values-list)))) (eval-when (#+sb-xc :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *xop-names* '(breakpoint; 0 dup; 1 type-check; 2 fdefn-function-or-lose; 3 default-unknown-values; 4 push-n-under; 5 xop6 xop7 merge-unknown-values make-closure throw catch breakup return-from tagbody go unwind-protect)) (defun xop-index-or-lose (name) (or (position name *xop-names* :test #'eq) (error "unknown XOP ~S" name))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;; FIXME: The hardwired 32 here (found also in (MOD 32) above, and in ;;; the number of bits tested in EXPAND-INTO-INLINES, and perhaps ;;; elsewhere) is ugly. There should be some symbolic constant for the ;;; number of bits devoted to coding byte-inline functions. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defstruct inline-function-info ;; the name of the function that we convert into calls to this (function (required-argument) :type symbol) ;; the name of the function that the interpreter should call to ;; implement this. This may not be the same as the FUNCTION slot ;; value if extra safety checks are required. (interpreter-function (required-argument) :type symbol) ;; the inline operation number, i.e. the byte value actually ;; written into byte-compiled code (number (required-argument) :type (mod 32)) ;; the type that calls must satisfy (type (required-argument) :type function-type) ;; Can we skip type checking of the arguments? (safe (required-argument) :type boolean)) (defparameter *inline-functions* (make-array 32 :initial-element nil)) (defparameter *inline-function-table* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (let ((number 0)) (dolist (stuff '((+ (fixnum fixnum) fixnum) (- (fixnum fixnum) fixnum) (make-value-cell (t) t) (value-cell-ref (t) t) (value-cell-setf (t t) (values)) (symbol-value (symbol) t :interpreter-function %byte-symbol-value) (setf-symbol-value (t symbol) (values)) (%byte-special-bind (t symbol) (values)) (%byte-special-unbind () (values)) (cons-unique-tag () t) ; obsolete... (%negate (fixnum) fixnum) (< (fixnum fixnum) t) (> (fixnum fixnum) t) (car (t) t :interpreter-function %byte-car :safe t) (cdr (t) t :interpreter-function %byte-cdr :safe t) (length (list) t) (cons (t t) t) (list (t t) t) (list* (t t t) t) (%instance-ref (t t) t) (%setf-instance-ref (t t t) (values)))) (destructuring-bind (name arg-types result-type &key (interpreter-function name) alias safe) stuff (let ((info (make-inline-function-info :function name :number number :interpreter-function interpreter-function :type (specifier-type `(function ,arg-types ,result-type)) :safe safe))) (setf (svref *inline-functions* number) info) (setf (gethash name *inline-function-table*) info)) (unless alias (incf number)))))) (defun inline-function-number-or-lose (function) (let ((info (gethash function *inline-function-table*))) (if info (inline-function-info-number info) (error "unknown inline function: ~S" function)))) ;;;; transforms which are specific to byte code ;;; It appears that the idea here is that in byte code, EQ is more ;;; efficient than CHAR=. -- WHN 199910 (deftransform eql ((x y) ((or fixnum character) (or fixnum character)) * :when :byte) '(eq x y)) (deftransform char= ((x y) * * :when :byte) '(eq x y)) ;;;; annotations hung off the IR1 while compiling (defstruct byte-component-info (constants (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (defstruct byte-lambda-info (label nil :type (or null label)) (stack-size 0 :type index) ;; FIXME: should be INTERESTING-P T :TYPE BOOLEAN (interesting t :type (member t nil))) (defun block-interesting (block) (byte-lambda-info-interesting (lambda-info (block-home-lambda block)))) (defstruct byte-lambda-var-info (argp nil :type (member t nil)) (offset 0 :type index)) (defstruct byte-nlx-info (stack-slot nil :type (or null index)) (label (sb!assem:gen-label) :type sb!assem:label) (duplicate nil :type (member t nil))) (defstruct (byte-block-info (:include block-annotation) (:constructor make-byte-block-info (block &key produces produces-sset consumes total-consumes nlx-entries nlx-entry-p))) (label (sb!assem:gen-label) :type sb!assem:label) ;; A list of the CONTINUATIONs describing values that this block ;; pushes onto the stack. Note: PRODUCES and CONSUMES can contain ;; the keyword :NLX-ENTRY marking the place on the stack where a ;; non-local-exit frame is added or removed. Since breaking up a NLX ;; restores the stack, we don't have to about (and in fact must not) ;; discard values underneath a :NLX-ENTRY marker evern though they ;; appear to be dead (since they might not be.) (produces nil :type list) ;; An SSET of the produces for faster set manipulations. The ;; elements are the BYTE-CONTINUATION-INFO objects. :NLX-ENTRY ;; markers are not represented. (produces-sset (make-sset) :type sset) ;; A list of the continuations that this block pops from the stack. ;; See PRODUCES. (consumes nil :type list) ;; The transitive closure of what this block and all its successors ;; consume. After stack-analysis, that is. (total-consumes (make-sset) :type sset) ;; Set to T whenever the consumes lists of a successor changes and ;; the block is queued for re-analysis so we can easily avoid ;; queueing the same block several times. (already-queued nil :type (member t nil)) ;; The continuations and :NLX-ENTRY markers on the stack (in order) ;; when this block starts. (start-stack :unknown :type (or (member :unknown) list)) ;; The continuations and :NLX-ENTRY markers on the stack (in order) ;; when this block ends. (end-stack nil :type list) ;; List of ((nlx-info*) produces consumes) for each ENTRY in this ;; block that is a NLX target. (nlx-entries nil :type list) ;; T if this is an %nlx-entry point, and we shouldn't just assume we ;; know what is going to be on the stack. (nlx-entry-p nil :type (member t nil))) (defprinter (byte-block-info) block) (defstruct (byte-continuation-info (:include sset-element) (:constructor make-byte-continuation-info (continuation results placeholders))) (continuation (required-argument) :type continuation) (results (required-argument) :type (or (member :fdefinition :eq-test :unknown) index)) ;; If the DEST is a local non-MV call, then we may need to push some ;; number of placeholder args corresponding to deleted ;; (unreferenced) args. If PLACEHOLDERS /= 0, then RESULTS is ;; PLACEHOLDERS + 1. (placeholders (required-argument) :type index)) (defprinter (byte-continuation-info) continuation results (placeholders :test (/= placeholders 0))) ;;;; Annotate the IR1. (defun annotate-continuation (cont results &optional (placeholders 0)) ;; For some reason, DO-NODES does the same return node multiple ;; times, which causes ANNOTATE-CONTINUATION to be called multiple ;; times on the same continuation. So we can't assert that we ;; haven't done it. #+nil (assert (null (continuation-info cont))) (setf (continuation-info cont) (make-byte-continuation-info cont results placeholders)) (values)) (defun annotate-set (set) ;; Annotate the value for one value. (annotate-continuation (set-value set) 1)) ;;; We do different stack magic for non-MV and MV calls to figure out ;;; how many values should be pushed during compilation of each arg. ;;; ;;; Since byte functions are directly caller by the interpreter (there ;;; is no XEP), and it doesn't know which args are actually used, byte ;;; functions must allow unused args to be passed. But this creates a ;;; problem with local calls, because these unused args would not ;;; otherwise be pushed (since the continuation has been deleted.) So, ;;; in this function, we count up placeholders for any unused args ;;; contiguously preceding this one. These placeholders are inserted ;;; under the referenced arg by CHECKED-CANONICALIZE-VALUES. ;;; ;;; With MV calls, we try to figure out how many values are actually ;;; generated. We allow initial args to supply a fixed number of ;;; values, but everything after the first :unknown arg must also be ;;; unknown. This picks off most of the standard uses (i.e. calls to ;;; apply), but still is easy to implement. (defun annotate-basic-combination-args (call) (declare (type basic-combination call)) (etypecase call (combination (if (and (eq (basic-combination-kind call) :local) (member (functional-kind (combination-lambda call)) '(nil :optional :cleanup))) (let ((placeholders 0)) (declare (type index placeholders)) (dolist (arg (combination-args call)) (cond (arg (annotate-continuation arg (1+ placeholders) placeholders) (setq placeholders 0)) (t (incf placeholders))))) (dolist (arg (combination-args call)) (when arg (annotate-continuation arg 1))))) (mv-combination (labels ((allow-fixed (remaining) (when remaining (let* ((cont (car remaining)) (values (nth-value 1 (values-types (continuation-derived-type cont))))) (cond ((eq values :unknown) (force-to-unknown remaining)) (t (annotate-continuation cont values) (allow-fixed (cdr remaining))))))) (force-to-unknown (remaining) (when remaining (let ((cont (car remaining))) (when cont (annotate-continuation cont :unknown))) (force-to-unknown (cdr remaining))))) (allow-fixed (mv-combination-args call))))) (values)) (defun annotate-local-call (call) (cond ((mv-combination-p call) (annotate-continuation (first (basic-combination-args call)) (length (lambda-vars (combination-lambda call))))) (t (annotate-basic-combination-args call) (when (member (functional-kind (combination-lambda call)) '(nil :optional :cleanup)) (dolist (arg (basic-combination-args call)) (when arg (setf (continuation-%type-check arg) nil)))))) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun call) 0) (when (node-tail-p call) (set-tail-local-call-successor call))) ;;; Annotate the values for any :full combination. This includes ;;; inline functions, multiple value calls & throw. If a real full ;;; call or a safe inline operation, then clear any type-check ;;; annotations. When we are done, remove jump to return for tail ;;; calls. ;;; ;;; Also, we annotate slot accessors as inline if no type check is ;;; needed and (for setters) no value needs to be left on the stack. (defun annotate-full-call (call) (let* ((fun (basic-combination-fun call)) (args (basic-combination-args call)) (name (continuation-function-name fun)) (info (gethash name *inline-function-table*))) (flet ((annotate-args () (annotate-basic-combination-args call) (dolist (arg args) (when (continuation-type-check arg) (setf (continuation-%type-check arg) :deleted))) (annotate-continuation fun (if (continuation-function-name fun) :fdefinition 1)))) (cond ((mv-combination-p call) (cond ((eq name '%throw) (assert (= (length args) 2)) (annotate-continuation (first args) 1) (annotate-continuation (second args) :unknown) (setf (node-tail-p call) nil) (annotate-continuation fun 0)) (t (annotate-args)))) ((and info (valid-function-use call (inline-function-info-type info))) (annotate-basic-combination-args call) (setf (node-tail-p call) nil) (setf (basic-combination-info call) info) (annotate-continuation fun 0) (when (inline-function-info-safe info) (dolist (arg args) (when (continuation-type-check arg) (setf (continuation-%type-check arg) :deleted))))) ((and name (let ((leaf (ref-leaf (continuation-use fun)))) (and (slot-accessor-p leaf) (or (policy call (zerop safety)) (not (find 't args :key #'continuation-type-check))) (if (consp name) (not (continuation-dest (node-cont call))) t)))) (setf (basic-combination-info call) (gethash (if (consp name) '%setf-instance-ref '%instance-ref) *inline-function-table*)) (setf (node-tail-p call) nil) (annotate-continuation fun 0) (annotate-basic-combination-args call)) (t (annotate-args))))) ;; If this is (still) a tail-call, then blow away the return. (when (node-tail-p call) (node-ends-block call) (let ((block (node-block call))) (unlink-blocks block (first (block-succ block))) (link-blocks block (component-tail (block-component block))))) (values)) (defun annotate-known-call (call) (annotate-basic-combination-args call) (setf (node-tail-p call) nil) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun call) 0) t) (defun annotate-basic-combination (call) ;; Annotate the function. (let ((kind (basic-combination-kind call))) (case kind (:local (annotate-local-call call)) (:full (annotate-full-call call)) (:error (setf (basic-combination-kind call) :full) (annotate-full-call call)) (t (unless (and (function-info-byte-compile kind) (funcall (or (function-info-byte-annotate kind) #'annotate-known-call) call)) (setf (basic-combination-kind call) :full) (annotate-full-call call))))) (values)) (defun annotate-if (if) ;; Annotate the test. (let* ((cont (if-test if)) (use (continuation-use cont))) (annotate-continuation cont (if (and (combination-p use) (eq (continuation-function-name (combination-fun use)) 'eq) (= (length (combination-args use)) 2)) ;; If the test is a call to EQ, then we can use branch-if-eq ;; so don't need to actually funcall the test. :eq-test ;; Otherwise, funcall the test for 1 value. 1)))) (defun annotate-return (return) (let ((cont (return-result return))) (annotate-continuation cont (nth-value 1 (values-types (continuation-derived-type cont)))))) (defun annotate-exit (exit) (let ((cont (exit-value exit))) (when cont (annotate-continuation cont :unknown)))) (defun annotate-block (block) (do-nodes (node cont block) (etypecase node (bind) (ref) (cset (annotate-set node)) (basic-combination (annotate-basic-combination node)) (cif (annotate-if node)) (creturn (annotate-return node)) (entry) (exit (annotate-exit node)))) (values)) (defun annotate-ir1 (component) (do-blocks (block component) (when (block-interesting block) (annotate-block block))) (values)) ;;;; stack analysis (defvar *byte-continuation-counter*) ;;; Scan the nodes in BLOCK and compute the information that we will ;;; need to do flow analysis and our stack simulation walk. We simulate ;;; the stack within the block, reducing it to ordered lists ;;; representing the values we remove from the top of the stack and ;;; place on the stack (not considering values that are produced and ;;; consumed within the block.) A NLX entry point is considered to ;;; push a :NLX-ENTRY marker (can be though of as the run-time catch ;;; frame.) (defun compute-produces-and-consumes (block) (let ((stack nil) (consumes nil) (total-consumes (make-sset)) (nlx-entries nil) (nlx-entry-p nil)) (labels ((interesting (cont) (and cont (let ((info (continuation-info cont))) (and info (not (member (byte-continuation-info-results info) '(0 :eq-test))))))) (consume (cont) (cond ((not (or (eq cont :nlx-entry) (interesting cont)))) (stack (assert (eq (car stack) cont)) (pop stack)) (t (adjoin-cont cont total-consumes) (push cont consumes)))) (adjoin-cont (cont sset) (unless (eq cont :nlx-entry) (let ((info (continuation-info cont))) (unless (byte-continuation-info-number info) (setf (byte-continuation-info-number info) (incf *byte-continuation-counter*))) (sset-adjoin info sset))))) (do-nodes (node cont block) (etypecase node (bind) (ref) (cset (consume (set-value node))) (basic-combination (dolist (arg (reverse (basic-combination-args node))) (when arg (consume arg))) (consume (basic-combination-fun node)) (case (continuation-function-name (basic-combination-fun node)) (%nlx-entry (let ((nlx-info (continuation-value (first (basic-combination-args node))))) (ecase (cleanup-kind (nlx-info-cleanup nlx-info)) ((:catch :unwind-protect) (consume :nlx-entry)) ;; If for a lexical exit, we will see a breakup later, so ;; don't consume :NLX-ENTRY now. (:tagbody) (:block (let ((cont (nlx-info-continuation nlx-info))) (when (interesting cont) (push cont stack)))))) (setf nlx-entry-p t)) (%lexical-exit-breakup (unless (byte-nlx-info-duplicate (nlx-info-info (continuation-value (first (basic-combination-args node))))) (consume :nlx-entry))) ((%catch-breakup %unwind-protect-breakup) (consume :nlx-entry)))) (cif (consume (if-test node))) (creturn (consume (return-result node))) (entry (let* ((cup (entry-cleanup node)) (nlx-info (cleanup-nlx-info cup))) (when nlx-info (push :nlx-entry stack) (push (list nlx-info stack (reverse consumes)) nlx-entries)))) (exit (when (exit-value node) (consume (exit-value node))))) (when (and (not (exit-p node)) (interesting cont)) (push cont stack))) (setf (block-info block) (make-byte-block-info block :produces stack :produces-sset (let ((res (make-sset))) (dolist (product stack) (adjoin-cont product res)) res) :consumes (reverse consumes) :total-consumes total-consumes :nlx-entries nlx-entries :nlx-entry-p nlx-entry-p)))) (values)) (defun walk-successors (block stack) (let ((tail (component-tail (block-component block)))) (dolist (succ (block-succ block)) (unless (or (eq succ tail) (not (block-interesting succ)) (byte-block-info-nlx-entry-p (block-info succ))) (walk-block succ block stack))))) ;;; Take a stack and a consumes list, and remove the appropriate ;;; stuff. When we consume a :NLX-ENTRY, we just remove the top ;;; marker, and leave any values on top intact. This represents the ;;; desired effect of %CATCH-BREAKUP, etc., which don't affect any ;;; values on the stack. (defun consume-stuff (stack stuff) (let ((new-stack stack)) (dolist (cont stuff) (cond ((eq cont :nlx-entry) (assert (find :nlx-entry new-stack)) (setq new-stack (remove :nlx-entry new-stack :count 1))) (t (assert (eq (car new-stack) cont)) (pop new-stack)))) new-stack)) ;;; NLX-INFOS is the list of NLX-INFO structures for this ENTRY note. ;;; CONSUME and PRODUCE are the values from outside this block that ;;; were consumed and produced by this block before the ENTRY node. ;;; STACK is the globally simulated stack at the start of this block. (defun walk-nlx-entry (nlx-infos stack produce consume) (let ((stack (consume-stuff stack consume))) (dolist (nlx-info nlx-infos) (walk-block (nlx-info-target nlx-info) nil (append produce stack)))) (values)) ;;; Simulate the stack across block boundaries, discarding any values ;;; that are dead. A :NLX-ENTRY marker prevents values live at a NLX ;;; entry point from being discarded prematurely. (defun walk-block (block pred stack) ;; Pop everything off of stack that isn't live. (let* ((info (block-info block)) (live (byte-block-info-total-consumes info))) (collect ((pops)) (let ((fixed 0)) (flet ((flush-fixed () (unless (zerop fixed) (pops `(%byte-pop-stack ,fixed)) (setf fixed 0)))) (loop (unless stack (return)) (let ((cont (car stack))) (when (or (eq cont :nlx-entry) (sset-member (continuation-info cont) live)) (return)) (pop stack) (let ((results (byte-continuation-info-results (continuation-info cont)))) (case results (:unknown (flush-fixed) (pops `(%byte-pop-stack 0))) (:fdefinition (incf fixed)) (t (incf fixed results)))))) (flush-fixed))) (when (pops) (assert pred) (let ((cleanup-block (insert-cleanup-code pred block (continuation-next (block-start block)) `(progn ,@(pops))))) (annotate-block cleanup-block)))) (cond ((eq (byte-block-info-start-stack info) :unknown) ;; Record what the stack looked like at the start of this block. (setf (byte-block-info-start-stack info) stack) ;; Process any nlx entries that build off of our stack. (dolist (stuff (byte-block-info-nlx-entries info)) (walk-nlx-entry (first stuff) stack (second stuff) (third stuff))) ;; Remove whatever we consume. (setq stack (consume-stuff stack (byte-block-info-consumes info))) ;; Add whatever we produce. (setf stack (append (byte-block-info-produces info) stack)) (setf (byte-block-info-end-stack info) stack) ;; Pass that on to all our successors. (walk-successors block stack)) (t ;; We have already processed the successors of this block. Just ;; make sure we thing the stack is the same now as before. (assert (equal (byte-block-info-start-stack info) stack))))) (values)) ;;; Do lifetime flow analysis on values pushed on the stack, then call ;;; do the stack simulation walk to discard dead values. In addition ;;; to considering the obvious inputs from a block's successors, we ;;; must also consider %NLX-ENTRY targets to be successors in order to ;;; ensure that any values only used in the NLX entry stay alive until ;;; we reach the mess-up node. After then, we can keep the values from ;;; being discarded by placing a marker on the simulated stack. (defun byte-stack-analyze (component) (let ((head nil)) (let ((*byte-continuation-counter* 0)) (do-blocks (block component) (when (block-interesting block) (compute-produces-and-consumes block) (push block head) (setf (byte-block-info-already-queued (block-info block)) t)))) (let ((tail (last head))) (labels ((maybe-enqueue (block) (when (block-interesting block) (let ((info (block-info block))) (unless (byte-block-info-already-queued info) (setf (byte-block-info-already-queued info) t) (let ((new (list block))) (if head (setf (cdr tail) new) (setf head new)) (setf tail new)))))) (maybe-enqueue-predecessors (block) (when (byte-block-info-nlx-entry-p (block-info block)) (maybe-enqueue (node-block (cleanup-mess-up (nlx-info-cleanup (find block (environment-nlx-info (block-environment block)) :key #'nlx-info-target)))))) (dolist (pred (block-pred block)) (unless (eq pred (component-head (block-component block))) (maybe-enqueue pred))))) (loop (unless head (return)) (let* ((block (pop head)) (info (block-info block)) (total-consumes (byte-block-info-total-consumes info)) (produces-sset (byte-block-info-produces-sset info)) (did-anything nil)) (setf (byte-block-info-already-queued info) nil) (dolist (succ (block-succ block)) (unless (eq succ (component-tail component)) (let ((succ-info (block-info succ))) (when (sset-union-of-difference total-consumes (byte-block-info-total-consumes succ-info) produces-sset) (setf did-anything t))))) (dolist (nlx-list (byte-block-info-nlx-entries info)) (dolist (nlx-info (first nlx-list)) (when (sset-union-of-difference total-consumes (byte-block-info-total-consumes (block-info (nlx-info-target nlx-info))) produces-sset) (setf did-anything t)))) (when did-anything (maybe-enqueue-predecessors block))))))) (walk-successors (component-head component) nil) (values)) ;;;; Actually generate the byte code. (defvar *byte-component-info*) (eval-when (#+sb-xc :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defconstant byte-push-local #b00000000) (defconstant byte-push-arg #b00010000) (defconstant byte-push-constant #b00100000) (defconstant byte-push-system-constant #b00110000) (defconstant byte-push-int #b01000000) (defconstant byte-push-neg-int #b01010000) (defconstant byte-pop-local #b01100000) (defconstant byte-pop-n #b01110000) (defconstant byte-call #b10000000) (defconstant byte-tail-call #b10010000) (defconstant byte-multiple-call #b10100000) (defconstant byte-named #b00001000) (defconstant byte-local-call #b10110000) (defconstant byte-local-tail-call #b10111000) (defconstant byte-local-multiple-call #b11000000) (defconstant byte-return #b11001000) (defconstant byte-branch-always #b11010000) (defconstant byte-branch-if-true #b11010010) (defconstant byte-branch-if-false #b11010100) (defconstant byte-branch-if-eq #b11010110) (defconstant byte-xop #b11011000) (defconstant byte-inline-function #b11100000)) (defun output-push-int (segment int) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type (integer #.(- (ash 1 24)) #.(1- (ash 1 24))))) (if (minusp int) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-neg-int (- (1+ int))) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-int int))) (defun output-push-constant-leaf (segment constant) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type constant constant)) (let ((info (constant-info constant))) (if info (output-byte-with-operand segment (ecase (car info) (:system-constant byte-push-system-constant) (:local-constant byte-push-constant)) (cdr info)) (let ((const (constant-value constant))) (if (and (integerp const) (< (- (ash 1 24)) const (ash 1 24))) ;; It can be represented as an immediate. (output-push-int segment const) ;; We need to store it in the constants pool. (let* ((posn (unless (and (consp const) (eq (car const) '%fdefinition-marker%)) (gethash const *system-constant-codes*))) (new-info (if posn (cons :system-constant posn) (cons :local-constant (vector-push-extend constant (byte-component-info-constants *byte-component-info*)))))) (setf (constant-info constant) new-info) (output-push-constant-leaf segment constant))))))) (defun output-push-constant (segment value) (if (and (integerp value) (< (- (ash 1 24)) value (ash 1 24))) (output-push-int segment value) (output-push-constant-leaf segment (find-constant value)))) ;;; Return the offset of a load-time constant in the constant pool, ;;; adding it if absent. (defun byte-load-time-constant-index (kind datum) (let ((constants (byte-component-info-constants *byte-component-info*))) (or (position-if #'(lambda (x) (and (consp x) (eq (car x) kind) (typecase datum (cons (equal (cdr x) datum)) (ctype (type= (cdr x) datum)) (t (eq (cdr x) datum))))) constants) (vector-push-extend (cons kind datum) constants)))) (defun output-push-load-time-constant (segment kind datum) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-constant (byte-load-time-constant-index kind datum)) (values)) (defun output-do-inline-function (segment function) ;; Note: we don't annotate this as a call site, because it is used ;; for internal stuff. Functions that get inlined have code ;; locations added byte generate-byte-code-for-full-call below. (output-byte segment (logior byte-inline-function (inline-function-number-or-lose function)))) (defun output-do-xop (segment xop) (let ((index (xop-index-or-lose xop))) (cond ((< index 7) (output-byte segment (logior byte-xop index))) (t (output-byte segment (logior byte-xop 7)) (output-byte segment index))))) (defun closure-position (var env) (or (position var (environment-closure env)) (error "Can't find ~S" var))) (defun output-ref-lambda-var (segment var env &optional (indirect-value-cells t)) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type lambda-var var) (type environment env)) (if (eq (lambda-environment (lambda-var-home var)) env) (let ((info (leaf-info var))) (output-byte-with-operand segment (if (byte-lambda-var-info-argp info) byte-push-arg byte-push-local) (byte-lambda-var-info-offset info))) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-arg (closure-position var env))) (when (and indirect-value-cells (lambda-var-indirect var)) (output-do-inline-function segment 'value-cell-ref))) (defun output-ref-nlx-info (segment info env) (if (eq (node-environment (cleanup-mess-up (nlx-info-cleanup info))) env) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-local (byte-nlx-info-stack-slot (nlx-info-info info))) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-arg (closure-position info env)))) (defun output-set-lambda-var (segment var env &optional make-value-cells) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type lambda-var var) (type environment env)) (let ((indirect (lambda-var-indirect var))) (cond ((not (eq (lambda-environment (lambda-var-home var)) env)) ;; This is not this guy's home environment. So we need to ;; get it the value cell out of the closure, and fill it in. (assert indirect) (assert (not make-value-cells)) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-arg (closure-position var env)) (output-do-inline-function segment 'value-cell-setf)) (t (let* ((pushp (and indirect (not make-value-cells))) (byte-code (if pushp byte-push-local byte-pop-local)) (info (leaf-info var))) (assert (not (byte-lambda-var-info-argp info))) (when (and indirect make-value-cells) ;; Replace the stack top with a value cell holding the ;; stack top. (output-do-inline-function segment 'make-value-cell)) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-code (byte-lambda-var-info-offset info)) (when pushp (output-do-inline-function segment 'value-cell-setf))))))) ;;; Output whatever noise is necessary to canonicalize the values on ;;; the top of the stack. DESIRED is the number we want, and SUPPLIED ;;; is the number we have. Either push NIL or pop-n to make them ;;; balanced. Note: either desired or supplied can be :unknown, in ;;; which case it means use the ``unknown-values'' convention (which ;;; is the stack values followed by the number of values). (defun canonicalize-values (segment desired supplied) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type (or (member :unknown) index) desired supplied)) (cond ((eq desired :unknown) (unless (eq supplied :unknown) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-int supplied))) ((eq supplied :unknown) (unless (eq desired :unknown) (output-push-int segment desired) (output-do-xop segment 'default-unknown-values))) ((< supplied desired) (dotimes (i (- desired supplied)) (output-push-constant segment nil))) ((> supplied desired) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-pop-n (- supplied desired)))) (values)) (defparameter *byte-type-weakenings* (mapcar #'specifier-type '(fixnum single-float double-float simple-vector simple-bit-vector bit-vector))) ;;; Emit byte code to check that the value on top of the stack is of ;;; the specified TYPE. NODE is used for policy information. We weaken ;;; or entirely omit the type check whether speed is more important ;;; than safety. (defun byte-generate-type-check (segment type node) (declare (type ctype type) (type node node)) (unless (or (policy node (zerop safety)) (csubtypep *universal-type* type)) (let ((type (if (policy node (> speed safety)) (dolist (super *byte-type-weakenings* type) (when (csubtypep type super) (return super))) type))) (output-do-xop segment 'type-check) (output-extended-operand segment (byte-load-time-constant-index :type-predicate type))))) ;;; This function is used when we are generating code which delivers ;;; values to a continuation. If this continuation needs a type check, ;;; and has a single value, then we do a type check. We also ;;; CANONICALIZE-VALUES for the continuation's desired number of ;;; values (w/o the placeholders.) ;;; ;;; Somewhat unrelatedly, we also push placeholders for deleted ;;; arguments to local calls. Although we check first, the actual ;;; PUSH-N-UNDER is done afterward, since then the single value we ;;; want is stack top. (defun checked-canonicalize-values (segment cont supplied) (let ((info (continuation-info cont))) (if info (let ((desired (byte-continuation-info-results info)) (placeholders (byte-continuation-info-placeholders info))) (unless (zerop placeholders) (assert (eql desired (1+ placeholders))) (setq desired 1)) (flet ((do-check () (byte-generate-type-check segment (single-value-type (continuation-asserted-type cont)) (continuation-dest cont)))) (cond ((member (continuation-type-check cont) '(nil :deleted)) (canonicalize-values segment desired supplied)) ((eql supplied 1) (do-check) (canonicalize-values segment desired supplied)) ((eql desired 1) (canonicalize-values segment desired supplied) (do-check)) (t (canonicalize-values segment desired supplied)))) (unless (zerop placeholders) (output-do-xop segment 'push-n-under) (output-extended-operand segment placeholders))) (canonicalize-values segment 0 supplied)))) ;;; Emit prologue for non-LET functions. Assigned arguments must be ;;; copied into locals, and argument type checking may need to be done. (defun generate-byte-code-for-bind (segment bind cont) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type bind bind) (ignore cont)) (let ((lambda (bind-lambda bind)) (env (node-environment bind))) (ecase (lambda-kind lambda) ((nil :top-level :escape :cleanup :optional) (let* ((info (lambda-info lambda)) (type-check (policy (lambda-bind lambda) (not (zerop safety)))) (frame-size (byte-lambda-info-stack-size info))) (cond ((< frame-size (* 255 2)) (output-byte segment (ceiling frame-size 2))) (t (output-byte segment 255) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 16) frame-size)) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 8) frame-size)) (output-byte segment (ldb (byte 8 0) frame-size)))) (do ((argnum (1- (+ (length (lambda-vars lambda)) (length (environment-closure (lambda-environment lambda))))) (1- argnum)) (vars (lambda-vars lambda) (cdr vars)) (pops 0)) ((null vars) (unless (zerop pops) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-pop-n pops))) (declare (fixnum argnum pops)) (let* ((var (car vars)) (info (lambda-var-info var)) (type (leaf-type var))) (cond ((not info)) ((byte-lambda-var-info-argp info) (when (and type-check (not (csubtypep *universal-type* type))) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-arg argnum) (byte-generate-type-check segment type bind) (incf pops))) (t (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-arg argnum) (when type-check (byte-generate-type-check segment type bind)) (output-set-lambda-var segment var env t))))))) ;; Everything has been taken care of in the combination node. ((:let :mv-let :assignment)))) (values)) ;;; This hashtable translates from n-ary function names to the ;;; two-arg-specific versions which we call to avoid &REST-arg consing. (defvar *two-arg-functions* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (dolist (fun '((sb!kernel:two-arg-ior logior) (sb!kernel:two-arg-* *) (sb!kernel:two-arg-+ +) (sb!kernel:two-arg-/ /) (sb!kernel:two-arg-- -) (sb!kernel:two-arg-> >) (sb!kernel:two-arg-< <) (sb!kernel:two-arg-= =) (sb!kernel:two-arg-lcm lcm) (sb!kernel:two-arg-and logand) (sb!kernel:two-arg-gcd gcd) (sb!kernel:two-arg-xor logxor) (two-arg-char= char=) (two-arg-char< char<) (two-arg-char> char>) (two-arg-char-equal char-equal) (two-arg-char-lessp char-lessp) (two-arg-char-greaterp char-greaterp) (two-arg-string= string=) (two-arg-string< string<) (two-arg-string> string>))) (setf (gethash (second fun) *two-arg-functions*) (first fun))) ;;; If a system constant, push that, otherwise use a load-time constant. (defun output-push-fdefinition (segment name) (let ((offset (gethash `(%fdefinition-marker% . ,name) *system-constant-codes*))) (if offset (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-system-constant offset) (output-push-load-time-constant segment :fdefinition name)))) (defun generate-byte-code-for-ref (segment ref cont) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type ref ref) (type continuation cont)) (let ((info (continuation-info cont))) ;; If there is no info, then nobody wants the result. (when info (let ((values (byte-continuation-info-results info)) (leaf (ref-leaf ref))) (cond ((eq values :fdefinition) (assert (and (global-var-p leaf) (eq (global-var-kind leaf) :global-function))) (let* ((name (global-var-name leaf)) (found (gethash name *two-arg-functions*))) (output-push-fdefinition segment (if (and found (= (length (combination-args (continuation-dest cont))) 2)) found name)))) ((eql values 0) ;; Real easy! nil) (t (etypecase leaf (constant (output-push-constant-leaf segment leaf)) (clambda (let* ((refered-env (lambda-environment leaf)) (closure (environment-closure refered-env))) (if (null closure) (output-push-load-time-constant segment :entry leaf) (let ((my-env (node-environment ref))) (output-push-load-time-constant segment :entry leaf) (dolist (thing closure) (etypecase thing (lambda-var (output-ref-lambda-var segment thing my-env nil)) (nlx-info (output-ref-nlx-info segment thing my-env)))) (output-push-int segment (length closure)) (output-do-xop segment 'make-closure))))) (functional (output-push-load-time-constant segment :entry leaf)) (lambda-var (output-ref-lambda-var segment leaf (node-environment ref))) (global-var (ecase (global-var-kind leaf) ((:special :global :constant) (output-push-constant segment (global-var-name leaf)) (output-do-inline-function segment 'symbol-value)) (:global-function (output-push-fdefinition segment (global-var-name leaf)) (output-do-xop segment 'fdefn-function-or-lose))))) (checked-canonicalize-values segment cont 1)))))) (values)) (defun generate-byte-code-for-set (segment set cont) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type cset set) (type continuation cont)) (let* ((leaf (set-var set)) (info (continuation-info cont)) (values (if info (byte-continuation-info-results info) 0))) (unless (eql values 0) ;; Someone wants the value, so copy it. (output-do-xop segment 'dup)) (etypecase leaf (global-var (ecase (global-var-kind leaf) ((:special :global) (output-push-constant segment (global-var-name leaf)) (output-do-inline-function segment 'setf-symbol-value)))) (lambda-var (output-set-lambda-var segment leaf (node-environment set)))) (unless (eql values 0) (checked-canonicalize-values segment cont 1))) (values)) (defun generate-byte-code-for-local-call (segment call cont num-args) (let* ((lambda (combination-lambda call)) (vars (lambda-vars lambda)) (env (lambda-environment lambda))) (ecase (functional-kind lambda) ((:let :assignment) (dolist (var (reverse vars)) (when (lambda-var-refs var) (output-set-lambda-var segment var env t)))) (:mv-let (let ((do-check (member (continuation-type-check (first (basic-combination-args call))) '(t :error)))) (dolist (var (reverse vars)) (when do-check (byte-generate-type-check segment (leaf-type var) call)) (output-set-lambda-var segment var env t)))) ((nil :optional :cleanup) ;; We got us a local call. (assert (not (eq num-args :unknown))) ;; Push any trailing placeholder args... (dolist (x (reverse (basic-combination-args call))) (when x (return)) (output-push-int segment 0)) ;; Then push closure vars. (let ((closure (environment-closure env))) (when closure (let ((my-env (node-environment call))) (dolist (thing (reverse closure)) (etypecase thing (lambda-var (output-ref-lambda-var segment thing my-env nil)) (nlx-info (output-ref-nlx-info segment thing my-env))))) (incf num-args (length closure)))) (let ((results (let ((info (continuation-info cont))) (if info (byte-continuation-info-results info) 0)))) ;; Emit the op for whatever flavor of call we are using. (let ((operand (cond ((> num-args 6) (output-push-int segment num-args) 7) (t num-args)))) (multiple-value-bind (opcode ret-vals) (cond ((node-tail-p call) (values byte-local-tail-call 0)) ((member results '(0 1)) (values byte-local-call 1)) (t (values byte-local-multiple-call :unknown))) ;; ### :call-site (output-byte segment (logior opcode operand)) ;; Emit a reference to the label. (output-reference segment (byte-lambda-info-label (lambda-info lambda))) ;; ### :unknown-return ;; Fix up the results. (unless (node-tail-p call) (checked-canonicalize-values segment cont ret-vals)))))))) (values)) (defun generate-byte-code-for-full-call (segment call cont num-args) (let ((info (basic-combination-info call)) (results (let ((info (continuation-info cont))) (if info (byte-continuation-info-results info) 0)))) (cond (info ;; It's an inline function. (assert (not (node-tail-p call))) (let* ((type (inline-function-info-type info)) (desired-args (function-type-nargs type)) (supplied-results (nth-value 1 (values-types (function-type-returns type)))) (leaf (ref-leaf (continuation-use (basic-combination-fun call))))) (cond ((slot-accessor-p leaf) (assert (= num-args (1- desired-args))) (output-push-int segment (dsd-index (slot-accessor-slot leaf)))) (t (canonicalize-values segment desired-args num-args))) ;; ### :call-site (output-byte segment (logior byte-inline-function (inline-function-info-number info))) ;; ### :known-return (checked-canonicalize-values segment cont supplied-results))) (t (let ((operand (cond ((eq num-args :unknown) 7) ((> num-args 6) (output-push-int segment num-args) 7) (t num-args)))) (when (eq (byte-continuation-info-results (continuation-info (basic-combination-fun call))) :fdefinition) (setf operand (logior operand byte-named))) ;; ### :call-site (cond ((node-tail-p call) (output-byte segment (logior byte-tail-call operand))) (t (multiple-value-bind (opcode ret-vals) (case results (:unknown (values byte-multiple-call :unknown)) ((0 1) (values byte-call 1)) (t (values byte-multiple-call :unknown))) (output-byte segment (logior opcode operand)) ;; ### :unknown-return (checked-canonicalize-values segment cont ret-vals))))))))) (defun generate-byte-code-for-known-call (segment call cont num-args) (block nil (catch 'give-up-ir1-transform (funcall (function-info-byte-compile (basic-combination-kind call)) call (let ((info (continuation-info cont))) (if info (byte-continuation-info-results info) 0)) num-args segment) (return)) (assert (member (byte-continuation-info-results (continuation-info (basic-combination-fun call))) '(1 :fdefinition))) (generate-byte-code-for-full-call segment call cont num-args)) (values)) (defun generate-byte-code-for-generic-combination (segment call cont) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type basic-combination call) (type continuation cont)) (labels ((examine (args num-fixed) (cond ((null args) ;; None of the arugments supply :UNKNOWN values, so ;; we know exactly how many there are. num-fixed) (t (let* ((vals (byte-continuation-info-results (continuation-info (car args))))) (cond ((eq vals :unknown) (unless (null (cdr args)) ;; There are (LENGTH ARGS) :UNKNOWN value blocks on ;; the top of the stack. We need to combine them. (output-push-int segment (length args)) (output-do-xop segment 'merge-unknown-values)) (unless (zerop num-fixed) ;; There are num-fixed fixed args above the unknown ;; values block that want in on the action also. ;; So add num-fixed to the count. (output-push-int segment num-fixed) (output-do-inline-function segment '+)) :unknown) (t (examine (cdr args) (+ num-fixed vals))))))))) (let* ((args (basic-combination-args call)) (kind (basic-combination-kind call)) (num-args (if (and (eq kind :local) (combination-p call)) (length args) (examine args 0)))) (case kind (:local (generate-byte-code-for-local-call segment call cont num-args)) (:full (generate-byte-code-for-full-call segment call cont num-args)) (t (generate-byte-code-for-known-call segment call cont num-args)))))) (defun generate-byte-code-for-basic-combination (segment call cont) (cond ((and (mv-combination-p call) (eq (continuation-function-name (basic-combination-fun call)) '%throw)) ;; ### :internal-error (output-do-xop segment 'throw)) (t (generate-byte-code-for-generic-combination segment call cont)))) (defun generate-byte-code-for-if (segment if cont) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type cif if) (ignore cont)) (let* ((next-info (byte-block-info-next (block-info (node-block if)))) (consequent-info (block-info (if-consequent if))) (alternate-info (block-info (if-alternative if)))) (cond ((eq (byte-continuation-info-results (continuation-info (if-test if))) :eq-test) (output-branch segment byte-branch-if-eq (byte-block-info-label consequent-info)) (unless (eq next-info alternate-info) (output-branch segment byte-branch-always (byte-block-info-label alternate-info)))) ((eq next-info consequent-info) (output-branch segment byte-branch-if-false (byte-block-info-label alternate-info))) (t (output-branch segment byte-branch-if-true (byte-block-info-label consequent-info)) (unless (eq next-info alternate-info) (output-branch segment byte-branch-always (byte-block-info-label alternate-info))))))) (defun generate-byte-code-for-return (segment return cont) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type creturn return) (ignore cont)) (let* ((result (return-result return)) (info (continuation-info result)) (results (byte-continuation-info-results info))) (cond ((eq results :unknown) (setf results 7)) ((> results 6) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-int results) (setf results 7))) (output-byte segment (logior byte-return results))) (values)) (defun generate-byte-code-for-entry (segment entry cont) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type entry entry) (ignore cont)) (dolist (exit (entry-exits entry)) (let ((nlx-info (find-nlx-info entry (node-cont exit)))) (when nlx-info (let ((kind (cleanup-kind (nlx-info-cleanup nlx-info)))) (when (member kind '(:block :tagbody)) ;; Generate a unique tag. (output-push-constant segment (format nil "tag for ~A" (component-name *component-being-compiled*))) (output-push-constant segment nil) (output-do-inline-function segment 'cons) ;; Save it so people can close over it. (output-do-xop segment 'dup) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-pop-local (byte-nlx-info-stack-slot (nlx-info-info nlx-info))) ;; Now do the actual XOP. (ecase kind (:block (output-do-xop segment 'catch) (output-reference segment (byte-nlx-info-label (nlx-info-info nlx-info)))) (:tagbody (output-do-xop segment 'tagbody))) (return)))))) (values)) (defun generate-byte-code-for-exit (segment exit cont) (declare (ignore cont)) (let ((nlx-info (find-nlx-info (exit-entry exit) (node-cont exit)))) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-push-arg (closure-position nlx-info (node-environment exit))) (ecase (cleanup-kind (nlx-info-cleanup nlx-info)) (:block ;; ### :internal-error (output-do-xop segment 'return-from)) (:tagbody ;; ### :internal-error (output-do-xop segment 'go) (output-reference segment (byte-nlx-info-label (nlx-info-info nlx-info))))))) (defun generate-byte-code (segment component) (let ((*byte-component-info* (component-info component))) (do* ((info (byte-block-info-next (block-info (component-head component))) next) (block (byte-block-info-block info) (byte-block-info-block info)) (next (byte-block-info-next info) (byte-block-info-next info))) ((eq block (component-tail component))) (when (block-interesting block) (output-label segment (byte-block-info-label info)) (do-nodes (node cont block) (etypecase node (bind (generate-byte-code-for-bind segment node cont)) (ref (generate-byte-code-for-ref segment node cont)) (cset (generate-byte-code-for-set segment node cont)) (basic-combination (generate-byte-code-for-basic-combination segment node cont)) (cif (generate-byte-code-for-if segment node cont)) (creturn (generate-byte-code-for-return segment node cont)) (entry (generate-byte-code-for-entry segment node cont)) (exit (when (exit-entry node) (generate-byte-code-for-exit segment node cont))))) (let* ((succ (block-succ block)) (first-succ (car succ)) (last (block-last block))) (unless (or (cdr succ) (eq (byte-block-info-block next) first-succ) (eq (component-tail component) first-succ) (and (basic-combination-p last) (node-tail-p last) ;; Tail local calls that have been ;; converted to an assignment need the ;; branch. (not (and (eq (basic-combination-kind last) :local) (member (functional-kind (combination-lambda last)) '(:let :assignment)))))) (output-branch segment byte-branch-always (byte-block-info-label (block-info first-succ)))))))) (values)) ;;;; special purpose annotate/compile optimizers (defoptimizer (eq byte-annotate) ((this that) node) (declare (ignore this that)) (when (if-p (continuation-dest (node-cont node))) (annotate-known-call node) t)) (defoptimizer (eq byte-compile) ((this that) call results num-args segment) (progn segment) ; ignorable. ;; We don't have to do anything, because everything is handled by ;; the IF byte-generator. (assert (eq results :eq-test)) (assert (eql num-args 2)) (values)) (defoptimizer (values byte-compile) ((&rest values) node results num-args segment) (canonicalize-values segment results num-args)) (defknown %byte-pop-stack (index) (values)) (defoptimizer (%byte-pop-stack byte-annotate) ((count) node) (assert (constant-continuation-p count)) (annotate-continuation count 0) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun node) 0) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) t) (defoptimizer (%byte-pop-stack byte-compile) ((count) node results num-args segment) (assert (and (zerop num-args) (zerop results))) (output-byte-with-operand segment byte-pop-n (continuation-value count))) (defoptimizer (%special-bind byte-annotate) ((var value) node) (annotate-continuation var 0) (annotate-continuation value 1) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun node) 0) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) t) (defoptimizer (%special-bind byte-compile) ((var value) node results num-args segment) (assert (and (eql num-args 1) (zerop results))) (output-push-constant segment (leaf-name (continuation-value var))) (output-do-inline-function segment '%byte-special-bind)) (defoptimizer (%special-unbind byte-annotate) ((var) node) (annotate-continuation var 0) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun node) 0) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) t) (defoptimizer (%special-unbind byte-compile) ((var) node results num-args segment) (assert (and (zerop num-args) (zerop results))) (output-do-inline-function segment '%byte-special-unbind)) (defoptimizer (%catch byte-annotate) ((nlx-info tag) node) (annotate-continuation nlx-info 0) (annotate-continuation tag 1) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun node) 0) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) t) (defoptimizer (%catch byte-compile) ((nlx-info tag) node results num-args segment) (progn node) ; ignore (assert (and (= num-args 1) (zerop results))) (output-do-xop segment 'catch) (let ((info (nlx-info-info (continuation-value nlx-info)))) (output-reference segment (byte-nlx-info-label info)))) (defoptimizer (%cleanup-point byte-compile) (() node results num-args segment) (progn node segment) ; ignore (assert (and (zerop num-args) (zerop results)))) (defoptimizer (%catch-breakup byte-compile) (() node results num-args segment) (progn node) ; ignore (assert (and (zerop num-args) (zerop results))) (output-do-xop segment 'breakup)) (defoptimizer (%lexical-exit-breakup byte-annotate) ((nlx-info) node) (annotate-continuation nlx-info 0) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun node) 0) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) t) (defoptimizer (%lexical-exit-breakup byte-compile) ((nlx-info) node results num-args segment) (assert (and (zerop num-args) (zerop results))) (let ((nlx-info (continuation-value nlx-info))) (when (ecase (cleanup-kind (nlx-info-cleanup nlx-info)) (:block ;; We only want to do this for the fall-though case. (not (eq (car (block-pred (node-block node))) (nlx-info-target nlx-info)))) (:tagbody ;; Only want to do it once per tagbody. (not (byte-nlx-info-duplicate (nlx-info-info nlx-info))))) (output-do-xop segment 'breakup)))) (defoptimizer (%nlx-entry byte-annotate) ((nlx-info) node) (annotate-continuation nlx-info 0) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun node) 0) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) t) (defoptimizer (%nlx-entry byte-compile) ((nlx-info) node results num-args segment) (progn node results) ; ignore (assert (eql num-args 0)) (let* ((info (continuation-value nlx-info)) (byte-info (nlx-info-info info))) (output-label segment (byte-nlx-info-label byte-info)) ;; ### :non-local-entry (ecase (cleanup-kind (nlx-info-cleanup info)) ((:catch :block) (checked-canonicalize-values segment (nlx-info-continuation info) :unknown)) ((:tagbody :unwind-protect))))) (defoptimizer (%unwind-protect byte-annotate) ((nlx-info cleanup-fun) node) (annotate-continuation nlx-info 0) (annotate-continuation cleanup-fun 0) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun node) 0) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) t) (defoptimizer (%unwind-protect byte-compile) ((nlx-info cleanup-fun) node results num-args segment) (assert (and (zerop num-args) (zerop results))) (output-do-xop segment 'unwind-protect) (output-reference segment (byte-nlx-info-label (nlx-info-info (continuation-value nlx-info))))) (defoptimizer (%unwind-protect-breakup byte-compile) (() node results num-args segment) (progn node) ; ignore (assert (and (zerop num-args) (zerop results))) (output-do-xop segment 'breakup)) (defoptimizer (%continue-unwind byte-annotate) ((a b c) node) (annotate-continuation a 0) (annotate-continuation b 0) (annotate-continuation c 0) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun node) 0) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) t) (defoptimizer (%continue-unwind byte-compile) ((a b c) node results num-args segment) (progn node) ; ignore (assert (member results '(0 nil))) (assert (eql num-args 0)) (output-do-xop segment 'breakup)) (defoptimizer (%load-time-value byte-annotate) ((handle) node) (annotate-continuation handle 0) (annotate-continuation (basic-combination-fun node) 0) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) t) (defoptimizer (%load-time-value byte-compile) ((handle) node results num-args segment) (progn node) ; ignore (assert (zerop num-args)) (output-push-load-time-constant segment :load-time-value (continuation-value handle)) (canonicalize-values segment results 1)) ;;; Make a byte-function for LAMBDA. (defun make-xep-for (lambda) (flet ((entry-point-for (entry) (let ((info (lambda-info entry))) (assert (byte-lambda-info-interesting info)) (sb!assem:label-position (byte-lambda-info-label info))))) (let ((entry (lambda-entry-function lambda))) (etypecase entry (optional-dispatch (let ((rest-arg-p nil) (num-more 0)) (declare (type index num-more)) (collect ((keywords)) (dolist (var (nthcdr (optional-dispatch-max-args entry) (optional-dispatch-arglist entry))) (let ((arg-info (lambda-var-arg-info var))) (assert arg-info) (ecase (arg-info-kind arg-info) (:rest (assert (not rest-arg-p)) (incf num-more) (setf rest-arg-p t)) (:keyword (let ((s-p (arg-info-supplied-p arg-info)) (default (arg-info-default arg-info))) (incf num-more (if s-p 2 1)) (keywords (list (arg-info-keyword arg-info) (if (constantp default) (eval default) nil) (if s-p t nil)))))))) (make-hairy-byte-function :name (leaf-name entry) :min-args (optional-dispatch-min-args entry) :max-args (optional-dispatch-max-args entry) :entry-points (mapcar #'entry-point-for (optional-dispatch-entry-points entry)) :more-args-entry-point (entry-point-for (optional-dispatch-main-entry entry)) :num-more-args num-more :rest-arg-p rest-arg-p :keywords-p (if (optional-dispatch-keyp entry) (if (optional-dispatch-allowp entry) :allow-others t)) :keywords (keywords))))) (clambda (let ((args (length (lambda-vars entry)))) (make-simple-byte-function :name (leaf-name entry) :num-args args :entry-point (entry-point-for entry)))))))) (defun generate-xeps (component) (let ((xeps nil)) (dolist (lambda (component-lambdas component)) (when (member (lambda-kind lambda) '(:external :top-level)) (push (cons lambda (make-xep-for lambda)) xeps))) xeps)) ;;;; noise to actually do the compile (defun assign-locals (component) ;; Process all of the lambdas in component, and assign stack frame ;; locations for all the locals. (dolist (lambda (component-lambdas component)) ;; We don't generate any code for :external lambdas, so we don't need ;; to allocate stack space. Also, we don't use the ``more'' entry, ;; so we don't need code for it. (cond ((or (eq (lambda-kind lambda) :external) (and (eq (lambda-kind lambda) :optional) (eq (optional-dispatch-more-entry (lambda-optional-dispatch lambda)) lambda))) (setf (lambda-info lambda) (make-byte-lambda-info :interesting nil))) (t (let ((num-locals 0)) (let* ((vars (lambda-vars lambda)) (arg-num (+ (length vars) (length (environment-closure (lambda-environment lambda)))))) (dolist (var vars) (decf arg-num) (cond ((or (lambda-var-sets var) (lambda-var-indirect var)) (setf (leaf-info var) (make-byte-lambda-var-info :offset num-locals)) (incf num-locals)) ((leaf-refs var) (setf (leaf-info var) (make-byte-lambda-var-info :argp t :offset arg-num)))))) (dolist (let (lambda-lets lambda)) (dolist (var (lambda-vars let)) (setf (leaf-info var) (make-byte-lambda-var-info :offset num-locals)) (incf num-locals))) (let ((entry-nodes-already-done nil)) (dolist (nlx-info (environment-nlx-info (lambda-environment lambda))) (ecase (cleanup-kind (nlx-info-cleanup nlx-info)) (:block (setf (nlx-info-info nlx-info) (make-byte-nlx-info :stack-slot num-locals)) (incf num-locals)) (:tagbody (let* ((entry (cleanup-mess-up (nlx-info-cleanup nlx-info))) (cruft (assoc entry entry-nodes-already-done))) (cond (cruft (setf (nlx-info-info nlx-info) (make-byte-nlx-info :stack-slot (cdr cruft) :duplicate t))) (t (push (cons entry num-locals) entry-nodes-already-done) (setf (nlx-info-info nlx-info) (make-byte-nlx-info :stack-slot num-locals)) (incf num-locals))))) ((:catch :unwind-protect) (setf (nlx-info-info nlx-info) (make-byte-nlx-info)))))) (setf (lambda-info lambda) (make-byte-lambda-info :stack-size num-locals)))))) (values)) (defun byte-compile-component (component) (setf (component-info component) (make-byte-component-info)) (maybe-mumble "ByteAnn ") ;; Assign offsets for all the locals, and figure out which args can ;; stay in the argument area and which need to be moved into locals. (assign-locals component) ;; Annotate every continuation with information about how we want the ;; values. (annotate-ir1 component) ;; Determine what stack values are dead, and emit cleanup code to pop ;; them. (byte-stack-analyze component) ;; Make sure any newly added blocks have a block-number. (dfo-as-needed component) ;; Assign an ordering of the blocks. (control-analyze component #'make-byte-block-info) ;; Find the start labels for the lambdas. (dolist (lambda (component-lambdas component)) (let ((info (lambda-info lambda))) (when (byte-lambda-info-interesting info) (setf (byte-lambda-info-label info) (byte-block-info-label (block-info (node-block (lambda-bind lambda)))))))) ;; Delete any blocks that we are not going to emit from the emit order. (do-blocks (block component) (unless (block-interesting block) (let* ((info (block-info block)) (prev (byte-block-info-prev info)) (next (byte-block-info-next info))) (setf (byte-block-info-next prev) next) (setf (byte-block-info-prev next) prev)))) (maybe-mumble "ByteGen ") (let ((segment nil)) (unwind-protect (progn (setf segment (sb!assem:make-segment :name "Byte Output")) (generate-byte-code segment component) (let ((code-length (sb!assem:finalize-segment segment)) (xeps (generate-xeps component)) (constants (byte-component-info-constants (component-info component)))) #!+sb-show (when *compiler-trace-output* (describe-component component *compiler-trace-output*) (describe-byte-component component xeps segment *compiler-trace-output*)) (etypecase *compile-object* (fasl-file (maybe-mumble "FASL") (fasl-dump-byte-component segment code-length constants xeps *compile-object*)) (core-object (maybe-mumble "Core") (make-core-byte-component segment code-length constants xeps *compile-object*)) (null)))))) (values)) ;;;; extra stuff for debugging #!+sb-show (defun dump-stack-info (component) (do-blocks (block component) (when (block-interesting block) (print-nodes block) (let ((info (block-info block))) (cond (info (format t "start-stack ~S~%consume ~S~%produce ~S~%end-stack ~S~%~ total-consume ~S~%~@[nlx-entries ~S~%~]~@[nlx-entry-p ~S~%~]" (byte-block-info-start-stack info) (byte-block-info-consumes info) (byte-block-info-produces info) (byte-block-info-end-stack info) (byte-block-info-total-consumes info) (byte-block-info-nlx-entries info) (byte-block-info-nlx-entry-p info))) (t (format t "no info~%")))))))