;;;; implementation of CONSTANTP, needs both INFO and IR1-ATTRIBUTES ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") (!begin-collecting-cold-init-forms) (defvar *special-form-constantp-funs*) (declaim (type hash-table *special-form-constantp-funs*)) (!cold-init-forms (setf *special-form-constantp-funs* (make-hash-table))) (defvar *special-form-constant-form-value-funs*) (declaim (type hash-table *special-form-constant-form-value-funs*)) (!cold-init-forms (setf *special-form-constant-form-value-funs* (make-hash-table))) (defvar *special-constant-variables*) (!cold-init-forms (setf *special-constant-variables* nil)) (defun %constantp (form environment envp) (let ((form (if envp (sb!xc:macroexpand form environment) form))) (typecase form ;; This INFO test catches KEYWORDs as well as explicitly ;; DEFCONSTANT symbols. (symbol (or (eq (info :variable :kind form) :constant) (constant-special-variable-p form))) (list (or (constant-special-form-p form environment envp) #-sb-xc-host (constant-function-call-p form environment envp))) (t t)))) (defun %constant-form-value (form environment envp) (let ((form (if envp (sb!xc:macroexpand form environment) form))) (typecase form (symbol (symbol-value form)) (list (if (special-operator-p (car form)) (constant-special-form-value form environment envp) #-sb-xc-host (constant-function-call-value form environment envp))) (t form)))) (defun constant-special-form-p (form environment envp) (let ((fun (gethash (car form) *special-form-constantp-funs*))) (when fun (funcall fun form environment envp)))) (defun constant-special-form-value (form environment envp) (let ((fun (gethash (car form) *special-form-constant-form-value-funs*))) (if fun (funcall fun form environment envp) (error "Not a constant-foldable special form: ~S" form)))) (defun constant-special-variable-p (name) (and (member name *special-constant-variables*) t)) ;;; FIXME: It would be nice to deal with inline functions ;;; too. (defun constant-function-call-p (form environment envp) (let ((name (car form))) (and (legal-fun-name-p name) (eq :function (info :function :kind name)) (let ((info (info :function :info name))) (and info (ir1-attributep (fun-info-attributes info) foldable))) (every (lambda (arg) (%constantp arg environment envp)) (cdr form))))) (defun constant-function-call-value (form environment envp) (apply (fdefinition (car form)) (mapcar (lambda (arg) (%constant-form-value arg environment envp)) (cdr form)))) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline sb!xc:constantp)) (defun sb!xc:constantp (form &optional (environment nil envp)) #!+sb-doc "True of any FORM that has a constant value: self-evaluating objects, keywords, defined constants, quote forms. Additionally the constant-foldability of some function calls special forms is recognized. If ENVIRONMENT is provided the FORM is first macroexpanded in it." (%constantp form environment envp)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline constant-form-value)) (defun constant-form-value (form &optional (environment nil envp)) #!+sb-doc "Returns the value of the constant FORM in ENVIRONMENT. Behaviour is undefined unless CONSTANTP has been first used to determine the constantness of the FORM in ENVIRONMENT." (%constant-form-value form environment envp)) (declaim (inline constant-typep)) (defun constant-typep (form type &optional (environment nil envp)) (and (%constantp form environment envp) ;; FIXME: We probably should be passing the environment to ;; TYPEP too, but (1) our XC version of typep AVERs that the ;; environment is null (2) our real version ignores it anyhow. (sb!xc:typep (%constant-form-value form environment envp) type))) ;;;; NOTE!!! ;;;; ;;;; If you add new special forms, check that they do not ;;;; alter the logic of existing ones: eg, currently ;;;; CONSTANT-FORM-VALUE directly evaluates the last expression ;;;; of a PROGN, as no assignment is allowed. If you extend ;;;; analysis to assignments then other forms must take this ;;;; into account. (defmacro defconstantp (operator lambda-list &key test eval) (with-unique-names (form environment envp) (flet ((frob (body) `(flet ((constantp* (x) (%constantp x ,environment ,envp)) (constant-form-value* (x) (%constant-form-value x ,environment ,envp))) (declare (ignorable #'constantp* #'constant-form-value*)) (destructuring-bind ,lambda-list (cdr ,form) ;; KLUDGE: is all we need, so we keep it simple ;; instead of general (not handling cases like &key (x y)) (declare (ignorable ,@(remove-if (lambda (arg) (member arg lambda-list-keywords)) lambda-list))) ,body)))) `(progn (setf (gethash ',operator *special-form-constantp-funs*) (lambda (,form ,environment ,envp) ,(frob test))) (setf (gethash ',operator *special-form-constant-form-value-funs*) (lambda (,form ,environment ,envp) ,(frob eval))))))) (!cold-init-forms (defconstantp quote (value) :test t :eval value) (defconstantp if (test then &optional else) :test (and (constantp* test) (constantp* (if (constant-form-value* test) then else))) :eval (if (constant-form-value* test) (constant-form-value* then) (constant-form-value* else))) (defconstantp progn (&body forms) :test (every #'constantp* forms) :eval (constant-form-value* (car (last forms)))) (defconstantp unwind-protect (protected-form &body cleanup-forms) :test (every #'constantp* (cons protected-form cleanup-forms)) :eval (constant-form-value* protected-form)) (defconstantp the (value-type form) :test (constantp* form) :eval (let ((value (constant-form-value* form))) (if (typep value value-type) value (error 'type-error :datum value :expected-type value-type)))) (defconstantp block (name &body forms) ;; We currently fail to detect cases like ;; ;; (BLOCK FOO ;; ...CONSTANT-FORMS... ;; (RETURN-FROM FOO CONSTANT-VALUE) ;; ...ANYTHING...) ;; ;; Right now RETURN-FROM kills the constantness unequivocally. :test (every #'constantp* forms) :eval (constant-form-value* (car (last forms)))) (defconstantp multiple-value-prog1 (first-form &body forms) :test (every #'constantp* (cons first-form forms)) :test (constant-form-value* first-form)) (defconstantp progv (symbols values &body forms) :test (and (constantp* symbols) (constantp* values) (let* ((symbol-values (constant-form-value* symbols)) (*special-constant-variables* (append symbol-values *special-constant-variables*))) (progv symbol-values (constant-form-value* values) (every #'constantp* forms)))) :eval (progv (constant-form-value* symbols) (constant-form-value* values) (constant-form-value* (car (last forms)))))) (!defun-from-collected-cold-init-forms !constantp-cold-init)