;;;; This file implements the constraint propagation phase of the ;;;; compiler, which uses global flow analysis to obtain dynamic type ;;;; information. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") (defstruct (constraint (:include sset-element) (:constructor make-constraint (number kind x y not-p)) (:copier nil)) ;; the kind of constraint we have: ;; ;; TYPEP ;; X is a LAMBDA-VAR and Y is a CTYPE. The value of X is ;; constrained to be of type Y. ;; ;; > or < ;; X is a lambda-var and Y is a CTYPE. The relation holds ;; between X and some object of type Y. ;; ;; EQL ;; X is a LAMBDA-VAR Y is a LAMBDA-VAR or a CONSTANT. The ;; relation is asserted to hold. (kind nil :type (member typep < > eql)) ;; The operands to the relation. (x nil :type lambda-var) (y nil :type (or ctype lambda-var constant)) ;; If true, negates the sense of the constraint, so the relation ;; does *not* hold. (not-p nil :type boolean)) (defvar *constraint-number*) ;;; Return a constraint for the specified arguments. We only create a ;;; new constraint if there isn't already an equivalent old one, ;;; guaranteeing that all equivalent constraints are EQ. This ;;; shouldn't be called on LAMBDA-VARs with no CONSTRAINTS set. (defun find-constraint (kind x y not-p) (declare (type lambda-var x) (type (or constant lambda-var ctype) y) (type boolean not-p)) (or (etypecase y (ctype (do-sset-elements (con (lambda-var-constraints x) nil) (when (and (eq (constraint-kind con) kind) (eq (constraint-not-p con) not-p) (type= (constraint-y con) y)) (return con)))) (constant (do-sset-elements (con (lambda-var-constraints x) nil) (when (and (eq (constraint-kind con) kind) (eq (constraint-not-p con) not-p) (eq (constraint-y con) y)) (return con)))) (lambda-var (do-sset-elements (con (lambda-var-constraints x) nil) (when (and (eq (constraint-kind con) kind) (eq (constraint-not-p con) not-p) (let ((cx (constraint-x con))) (eq (if (eq cx x) (constraint-y con) cx) y))) (return con))))) (let ((new (make-constraint (incf *constraint-number*) kind x y not-p))) (sset-adjoin new (lambda-var-constraints x)) (when (lambda-var-p y) (sset-adjoin new (lambda-var-constraints y))) new))) ;;; If REF is to a LAMBDA-VAR with CONSTRAINTs (i.e. we can do flow ;;; analysis on it), then return the LAMBDA-VAR, otherwise NIL. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline ok-ref-lambda-var)) (defun ok-ref-lambda-var (ref) (declare (type ref ref)) (let ((leaf (ref-leaf ref))) (when (and (lambda-var-p leaf) (lambda-var-constraints leaf)) leaf))) ;;; If CONT's USE is a REF, then return OK-REF-LAMBDA-VAR of the USE, ;;; otherwise NIL. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline ok-cont-lambda-var)) (defun ok-cont-lambda-var (cont) (declare (type continuation cont)) (let ((use (continuation-use cont))) (when (ref-p use) (ok-ref-lambda-var use)))) ;;; Add the indicated test constraint to BLOCK, marking the block as ;;; having a new assertion when the constriant was not already ;;; present. We don't add the constraint if the block has multiple ;;; predecessors, since it only holds on this particular path. (defun add-test-constraint (block fun x y not-p) (unless (rest (block-pred block)) (let ((con (find-constraint fun x y not-p)) (old (or (block-test-constraint block) (setf (block-test-constraint block) (make-sset))))) (when (sset-adjoin con old) (setf (block-type-asserted block) t)))) (values)) ;;; Add complementary constraints to the consequent and alternative ;;; blocks of IF. We do nothing if X is NIL. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline add-complement-constraints)) (defun add-complement-constraints (if fun x y not-p) (when x (add-test-constraint (if-consequent if) fun x y not-p) (add-test-constraint (if-alternative if) fun x y (not not-p))) (values)) ;;; Add test constraints to the consequent and alternative blocks of ;;; the test represented by USE. (defun add-test-constraints (use if) (declare (type node use) (type cif if)) (typecase use (ref (add-complement-constraints if 'typep (ok-ref-lambda-var use) (specifier-type 'null) t)) (combination (let ((name (continuation-function-name (basic-combination-fun use))) (args (basic-combination-args use))) (case name ((%typep %instance-typep) (let ((type (second args))) (when (constant-continuation-p type) (let ((val (continuation-value type))) (add-complement-constraints if 'typep (ok-cont-lambda-var (first args)) (if (ctype-p val) val (specifier-type val)) nil))))) ((eq eql) (let* ((var1 (ok-cont-lambda-var (first args))) (arg2 (second args)) (var2 (ok-cont-lambda-var arg2))) (cond ((not var1)) (var2 (add-complement-constraints if 'eql var1 var2 nil)) ((constant-continuation-p arg2) (add-complement-constraints if 'eql var1 (ref-leaf (continuation-use arg2)) nil))))) ((< >) (let* ((arg1 (first args)) (var1 (ok-cont-lambda-var arg1)) (arg2 (second args)) (var2 (ok-cont-lambda-var arg2))) (when var1 (add-complement-constraints if name var1 (continuation-type arg2) nil)) (when var2 (add-complement-constraints if (if (eq name '<) '> '<) var2 (continuation-type arg1) nil)))) (t (let ((ptype (gethash name *backend-predicate-types*))) (when ptype (add-complement-constraints if 'typep (ok-cont-lambda-var (first args)) ptype nil)))))))) (values)) ;;; Set the TEST-CONSTRAINT in the successors of BLOCK according to ;;; the condition it tests. (defun find-test-constraints (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (let ((last (block-last block))) (when (if-p last) (let ((use (continuation-use (if-test last)))) (when use (add-test-constraints use last))))) (setf (block-test-modified block) nil) (values)) ;;; Compute the initial flow analysis sets for BLOCK: ;;; -- For any lambda-var ref with a type check, add that constraint. ;;; -- For any lambda-var set, delete all constraints on that var, and add ;;; those constraints to the set nuked by this block. (defun find-block-type-constraints (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (let ((gen (make-sset))) (collect ((kill nil adjoin)) (let ((test (block-test-constraint block))) (when test (sset-union gen test))) (do-nodes (node cont block) (typecase node (ref (when (continuation-type-check cont) (let ((var (ok-ref-lambda-var node))) (when var (let* ((atype (continuation-derived-type cont)) (con (find-constraint 'typep var atype nil))) (sset-adjoin con gen)))))) (cset (let ((var (set-var node))) (when (lambda-var-p var) (kill var) (let ((cons (lambda-var-constraints var))) (when cons (sset-difference gen cons)))))))) (setf (block-in block) nil) (setf (block-gen block) gen) (setf (block-kill block) (kill)) (setf (block-out block) (copy-sset gen)) (setf (block-type-asserted block) nil) (values)))) ;;; Return true if X is an integer NUMERIC-TYPE. (defun integer-type-p (x) (declare (type ctype x)) (and (numeric-type-p x) (eq (numeric-type-class x) 'integer) (eq (numeric-type-complexp x) :real))) ;;; Given that an inequality holds on values of type X and Y, return a ;;; new type for X. If GREATER is true, then X was greater than Y, ;;; otherwise less. If OR-EQUAL is true, then the inequality was ;;; inclusive, i.e. >=. ;;; ;;; If GREATER (or not), then we max (or min) in Y's lower (or upper) ;;; bound into X and return that result. If not OR-EQUAL, we can go ;;; one greater (less) than Y's bound. (defun constrain-integer-type (x y greater or-equal) (declare (type numeric-type x y)) (flet ((exclude (x) (cond ((not x) nil) (or-equal x) (greater (1+ x)) (t (1- x)))) (bound (x) (if greater (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-high x))) (validate (x) (if (and (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-high x) (> (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-high x))) *empty-type* x))) (let* ((x-bound (bound x)) (y-bound (exclude (bound y))) (new-bound (cond ((not x-bound) y-bound) ((not y-bound) x-bound) (greater (max x-bound y-bound)) (t (min x-bound y-bound)))) (res (copy-numeric-type x))) (if greater (setf (numeric-type-low res) new-bound) (setf (numeric-type-high res) new-bound)) (validate res)))) ;;; Return true if X is a float NUMERIC-TYPE. (defun float-type-p (x) (declare (type ctype x)) (and (numeric-type-p x) (eq (numeric-type-class x) 'float) (eq (numeric-type-complexp x) :real))) ;;; Exactly the same as CONSTRAIN-INTEGER-TYPE, but for float numbers. (defun constrain-float-type (x y greater or-equal) (declare (type numeric-type x y)) ;; Unless :PROPAGATE-FLOAT-TYPE is in target features, then ;; SB!C::BOUND-VALUE (used in the code below) is not defined, so we ;; just return X without trying to calculate additional constraints. #!-propagate-float-type (declare (ignore y greater or-equal)) #!-propagate-float-type x #!+propagate-float-type (labels ((exclude (x) (cond ((not x) nil) (or-equal x) (greater (if (consp x) (car x) x)) (t (if (consp x) x (list x))))) (bound (x) (if greater (numeric-type-low x) (numeric-type-high x))) (max-lower-bound (x y) ;; Both x and y are not null. Find the max. (let ((res (max (bound-value x) (bound-value y)))) ;; An open lower bound is greater than a close ;; lower bound because the open bound doesn't ;; contain the bound, so choose an open lower ;; bound. (set-bound res (or (consp x) (consp y))))) (min-upper-bound (x y) ;; Same as above, but for the min of upper bounds ;; Both x and y are not null. Find the min. (let ((res (min (bound-value x) (bound-value y)))) ;; An open upper bound is less than a closed ;; upper bound because the open bound doesn't ;; contain the bound, so choose an open lower ;; bound. (set-bound res (or (consp x) (consp y))))) (validate (x) (let ((x-lo (numeric-type-low x)) (x-hi (numeric-type-high x))) (if (and x-lo x-hi (> (bound-value x-lo) (bound-value x-hi))) *empty-type* x)))) (let* ((x-bound (bound x)) (y-bound (exclude (bound y))) (new-bound (cond ((not x-bound) y-bound) ((not y-bound) x-bound) (greater (max-lower-bound x-bound y-bound)) (t (min-upper-bound x-bound y-bound)))) (res (copy-numeric-type x))) (if greater (setf (numeric-type-low res) new-bound) (setf (numeric-type-high res) new-bound)) (validate res)))) ;;; Given the set of CONSTRAINTS for a variable and the current set of ;;; restrictions from flow analysis IN, set the type for REF ;;; accordingly. (defun constrain-ref-type (ref constraints in) (declare (type ref ref) (type sset constraints in)) (let ((var-cons (copy-sset constraints))) (sset-intersection var-cons in) (let ((res (single-value-type (node-derived-type ref))) (not-res *empty-type*) (leaf (ref-leaf ref))) (do-sset-elements (con var-cons) (let* ((x (constraint-x con)) (y (constraint-y con)) (not-p (constraint-not-p con)) (other (if (eq x leaf) y x)) (kind (constraint-kind con))) (case kind (typep (if not-p (setq not-res (type-union not-res other)) (setq res (type-approx-intersection2 res other)))) (eql (let ((other-type (leaf-type other))) (if not-p (when (and (constant-p other) (member-type-p other-type)) (setq not-res (type-union not-res other-type))) (let ((leaf-type (leaf-type leaf))) (when (or (constant-p other) (and (csubtypep other-type leaf-type) (not (type= other-type leaf-type)))) (change-ref-leaf ref other) (when (constant-p other) (return))))))) ((< >) (cond ((and (integer-type-p res) (integer-type-p y)) (let ((greater (eq kind '>))) (let ((greater (if not-p (not greater) greater))) (setq res (constrain-integer-type res y greater not-p))))) #!+constrain-float-type ((and (float-type-p res) (float-type-p y)) (let ((greater (eq kind '>))) (let ((greater (if not-p (not greater) greater))) (setq res (constrain-float-type res y greater not-p))))) ))))) (let* ((cont (node-cont ref)) (dest (continuation-dest cont))) (cond ((and (if-p dest) (csubtypep (specifier-type 'null) not-res) (eq (continuation-asserted-type cont) *wild-type*)) (setf (node-derived-type ref) *wild-type*) (change-ref-leaf ref (find-constant 't))) (t (derive-node-type ref (or (type-difference res not-res) res))))))) (values)) ;;; Deliver the results of constraint propagation to REFs in BLOCK. ;;; During this pass, we also do local constraint propagation by ;;; adding in constraints as we seem them during the pass through the ;;; block. (defun use-result-constraints (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (let ((in (block-in block))) (let ((test (block-test-constraint block))) (when test (sset-union in test))) (do-nodes (node cont block) (typecase node (ref (let ((var (ref-leaf node))) (when (lambda-var-p var) (let ((con (lambda-var-constraints var))) (when con (constrain-ref-type node con in) (when (continuation-type-check cont) (sset-adjoin (find-constraint 'typep var (continuation-asserted-type cont) nil) in))))))) (cset (let ((var (set-var node))) (when (lambda-var-p var) (let ((cons (lambda-var-constraints var))) (when cons (sset-difference in cons)))))))))) ;;; Return true if VAR would have to be closed over if environment ;;; analysis ran now (i.e. if there are any uses that have a different ;;; home lambda than VAR's home.) (defun closure-var-p (var) (declare (type lambda-var var)) (let ((home (lambda-home (lambda-var-home var)))) (flet ((frob (l) (dolist (node l nil) (unless (eq (node-home-lambda node) home) (return t))))) (or (frob (leaf-refs var)) (frob (basic-var-sets var)))))) ;;; Give an empty constraints set to any var that doesn't have one and ;;; isn't a set closure var. Since a var that we previously rejected ;;; looks identical to one that is new, so we optimistically keep ;;; hoping that vars stop being closed over or lose their sets. (defun init-var-constraints (component) (declare (type component component)) (dolist (fun (component-lambdas component)) (flet ((frob (x) (dolist (var (lambda-vars x)) (unless (lambda-var-constraints var) (when (or (null (lambda-var-sets var)) (not (closure-var-p var))) (setf (lambda-var-constraints var) (make-sset))))))) (frob fun) (dolist (let (lambda-lets fun)) (frob let))))) ;;; BLOCK-IN becomes the intersection of the OUT of the prececessors. ;;; Our OUT is: ;;; out U (in - kill) ;;; ;;; BLOCK-KILL is just a list of the lambda-vars killed, so we must ;;; compute the kill set when there are any vars killed. We bum this a ;;; bit by special-casing when only one var is killed, and just using ;;; that var's constraints as the kill set. This set could possibly be ;;; precomputed, but it would have to be invalidated whenever any ;;; constraint is added, which would be a pain. (defun flow-propagate-constraints (block) (let* ((pred (block-pred block)) (in (cond (pred (let ((res (copy-sset (block-out (first pred))))) (dolist (b (rest pred)) (sset-intersection res (block-out b))) res)) (t (when *check-consistency* (let ((*compiler-error-context* (block-last block))) (compiler-warning "*** Unreachable code in constraint ~ propagation... Bug?"))) (make-sset)))) (kill (block-kill block)) (out (block-out block))) (setf (block-in block) in) (cond ((null kill) (sset-union (block-out block) in)) ((null (rest kill)) (let ((con (lambda-var-constraints (first kill)))) (if con (sset-union-of-difference out in con) (sset-union out in)))) (t (let ((kill-set (make-sset))) (dolist (var kill) (let ((con (lambda-var-constraints var))) (when con (sset-union kill-set con)))) (sset-union-of-difference (block-out block) in kill-set)))))) (defun constraint-propagate (component) (declare (type component component)) (init-var-constraints component) (do-blocks (block component) (when (block-test-modified block) (find-test-constraints block))) (do-blocks (block component) (cond ((block-type-asserted block) (find-block-type-constraints block)) (t (setf (block-in block) nil) (setf (block-out block) (copy-sset (block-gen block)))))) (setf (block-out (component-head component)) (make-sset)) (let ((did-something nil)) (loop (do-blocks (block component) (when (flow-propagate-constraints block) (setq did-something t))) (unless did-something (return)) (setq did-something nil))) (do-blocks (block component) (use-result-constraints block)) (values))