;;;; This file implements the copy propagation phase of the compiler, ;;;; which uses global flow analysis to eliminate unnecessary copying ;;;; of variables. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") (file-comment "$Header$") ;;; In copy propagation, we manipulate sets of TNs. We only consider TNs whose ;;; sole write is by a MOVE VOP. This allows us to use a degenerate version of ;;; reaching definitions: since each such TN has only one definition, the TN ;;; can stand for the definition. We can get away with this simplification, ;;; since the TNs that would be subject to copy propagation are nearly always ;;; single-writer (mostly temps allocated to ensure evaluation order is ;;; perserved). Only TNs written by MOVEs are interesting, since all we do ;;; with this information is delete spurious MOVEs. ;;; ;;; There are additional semantic constraints on whether a TN can be considered ;;; to be a copy. See TN-IS-A-COPY-OF. ;;; ;;; If a TN is in the IN set for a block, that TN is a copy of a TN which still ;;; has the same value it had at the time the move was done. Any reference ;;; to a TN in the IN set can be replaced with a reference to the TN moved ;;; from. When we delete all reads of such a TN, we can delete the MOVE VOP. ;;; IN is computed as the intersection of OUT for all the predecessor blocks. ;;; ;;; In this flow analysis scheme, the KILL set is the set of all interesting ;;; TNs where the copied TN is modified by the block (in any way.) ;;; ;;; GEN is the set of all interesting TNs that are copied in the block (whose ;;; write appears in the block.) ;;; ;;; OUT is (union (difference IN KILL) GEN) ;;; If TN is subject to copy propagation, then return the TN it is a copy ;;; of, otherwise NIL. ;;; ;;; We also only consider TNs where neither the TN nor the copied TN are wired ;;; or restricted. If we extended the life of a wired or restricted TN, ;;; register allocation might fail, and we can't substitute arbitrary things ;;; for references to wired or restricted TNs, since the reader may be ;;; expencting the argument to be in a particular place (as in a passing ;;; location.) ;;; ;;; The TN must be a :NORMAL TN. Other TNs might have hidden references or be ;;; otherwise bizarre. ;;; ;;; A TN is also inelegible if it has interned name, policy is such that we ;;; would dump it in the debug vars, and speed is not 3. ;;; ;;; The SCs of the TN's primitive types is a subset of the SCs of the copied ;;; TN. Moves between TNs of different primitive type SCs may need to be ;;; changed into coercions, so we can't squeeze them out. The reason for ;;; testing for subset of the SCs instead of the same primitive type is ;;; that this test lets T be substituted for LIST, POSITIVE-FIXNUM for FIXNUM, ;;; etc. Note that more SCs implies fewer possible values, or a subtype ;;; relationship, since more SCs implies more possible representations. (defun tn-is-copy-of (tn) (declare (type tn tn)) (declare (inline subsetp)) (let ((writes (tn-writes tn))) (and (eq (tn-kind tn) :normal) (not (tn-sc tn)) ; Not wired or restricted. (and writes (null (tn-ref-next writes))) (let ((vop (tn-ref-vop writes))) (and (eq (vop-info-name (vop-info vop)) 'move) (let ((arg-tn (tn-ref-tn (vop-args vop)))) (and (or (not (tn-sc arg-tn)) (eq (tn-kind arg-tn) :constant)) (subsetp (primitive-type-scs (tn-primitive-type tn)) (primitive-type-scs (tn-primitive-type arg-tn))) (let ((leaf (tn-leaf tn))) (or (not leaf) (not (symbol-package (leaf-name leaf))) (policy (vop-node vop) (or (= speed 3) (< debug 2))))) arg-tn))))))) ;;; Init the sets in Block for copy propagation. To find Gen, we just look ;;; for MOVE vops, and then see whether the result is a eligible copy TN. To ;;; find Kill, we must look at all VOP results, seeing whether any of the ;;; reads of the written TN are copies for eligible TNs. (defun init-copy-sets (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (let ((kill (make-sset)) (gen (make-sset))) (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop (block-info block)) (vop-next vop))) ((null vop)) (unless (and (eq (vop-info-name (vop-info vop)) 'move) (let ((y (tn-ref-tn (vop-results vop)))) (when (tn-is-copy-of y) (sset-adjoin y gen) t))) (do ((res (vop-results vop) (tn-ref-across res))) ((null res)) (let ((res-tn (tn-ref-tn res))) (do ((read (tn-reads res-tn) (tn-ref-next read))) ((null read)) (let ((read-vop (tn-ref-vop read))) (when (eq (vop-info-name (vop-info read-vop)) 'move) (let ((y (tn-ref-tn (vop-results read-vop)))) (when (tn-is-copy-of y) (sset-delete y gen) (sset-adjoin y kill)))))))))) (setf (block-out block) (copy-sset gen)) (setf (block-kill block) kill) (setf (block-gen block) gen)) (values)) ;;; Do the flow analysis step for copy propagation on Block. We rely on OUT ;;; being initialized to GEN, and use SSET-UNION-OF-DIFFERENCE to incrementally ;;; build the union in OUT, rather than replacing OUT each time. (defun copy-flow-analysis (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (let* ((pred (block-pred block)) (in (copy-sset (block-out (first pred))))) (dolist (pred-block (rest pred)) (sset-intersection in (block-out pred-block))) (setf (block-in block) in) (sset-union-of-difference (block-out block) in (block-kill block)))) (defevent copy-deleted-move "Copy propagation deleted a move.") ;;; Return true if Arg is a reference to a TN that we can copy propagate to. ;;; In addition to dealing with copy chains (as discussed below), we also throw ;;; out references that are arguments to a local call, since IR2tran introduces ;;; tempes in that context to preserve parallel assignment semantics. (defun ok-copy-ref (vop arg in original-copy-of) (declare (type vop vop) (type tn arg) (type sset in) (type hash-table original-copy-of)) (and (sset-member arg in) (do ((original (gethash arg original-copy-of) (gethash original original-copy-of))) ((not original) t) (unless (sset-member original in) (return nil))) (let ((info (vop-info vop))) (not (and (eq (vop-info-move-args info) :local-call) (>= (or (position-in #'tn-ref-across arg (vop-args vop) :key #'tn-ref-tn) (error "Couldn't find REF?")) (length (template-arg-types info)))))))) ;;; Make use of the result of flow analysis to eliminate copies. We scan ;;; the VOPs in block, propagating copies and keeping our IN set in sync. ;;; ;;; Original-Copy-Of is an EQ hash table that we use to keep track of ;;; renamings when there are copy chains, i.e. copies of copies. When we see ;;; copy of a copy, we enter the first copy in the table with the second copy ;;; as a key. When we see a reference to a TN in a copy chain, we can only ;;; substitute the first copied TN for the reference when all intervening ;;; copies in the copy chain are also available. Otherwise, we just leave the ;;; reference alone. It is possible that we might have been able to reference ;;; one of the intermediate copies instead, but that copy might have already ;;; been deleted, since we delete the move immediately when the references go ;;; to zero. ;;; ;;; To understand why we always can to the substitution when the copy chain ;;; recorded in the Original-Copy-Of table hits NIL, note that we make an entry ;;; in the table iff we change the arg of a copy. If an entry is not in the ;;; table, it must be that we hit a move which *originally* referenced our ;;; Copy-Of TN. If all the intervening copies reach our reference, then ;;; Copy-Of must reach the reference. ;;; ;;; Note that due to our restricting copies to single-writer TNs, it will ;;; always be the case that when the first copy in a chain reaches the ;;; reference, all intervening copies reach also reach the reference. We ;;; don't exploit this, since we have to work backward from the last copy. ;;; ;;; In this discussion, we are really only playing with the tail of the true ;;; copy chain for which all of the copies have already had PROPAGATE-COPIES ;;; done on them. But, because we do this pass in DFO, it is virtually always ;;; the case that we will process earlier copies before later ones. In ;;; perverse cases (non-reducible flow graphs), we just miss some optimization ;;; opportinities. (defun propagate-copies (block original-copy-of) (declare (type cblock block) (type hash-table original-copy-of)) (let ((in (block-in block))) (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop (block-info block)) (vop-next vop))) ((null vop)) (let ((this-copy (and (eq (vop-info-name (vop-info vop)) 'move) (let ((y (tn-ref-tn (vop-results vop)))) (when (tn-is-copy-of y) y))))) ;; Substitute copied TN for copy when we find a reference to a copy. ;; If the copy is left with no reads, delete the move to the copy. (do ((arg-ref (vop-args vop) (tn-ref-across arg-ref))) ((null arg-ref)) (let* ((arg (tn-ref-tn arg-ref)) (copy-of (tn-is-copy-of arg))) (when (and copy-of (ok-copy-ref vop arg in original-copy-of)) (when this-copy (setf (gethash this-copy original-copy-of) arg)) (change-tn-ref-tn arg-ref copy-of) (when (null (tn-reads arg)) (event copy-deleted-move) (delete-vop (tn-ref-vop (tn-writes arg))))))) ;; Kill any elements in IN that are copies of a TN we are clobbering. (do ((res-ref (vop-results vop) (tn-ref-across res-ref))) ((null res-ref)) (do-sset-elements (tn in) (when (eq (tn-is-copy-of tn) (tn-ref-tn res-ref)) (sset-delete tn in)))) ;; If this VOP is a copy, add the copy TN to IN. (when this-copy (sset-adjoin this-copy in))))) (values)) ;;; Do copy propagation on Component by initializing the flow analysis sets, ;;; doing flow analysis, and then propagating copies using the results. (defun copy-propagate (component) (setf (block-out (component-head component)) (make-sset)) (do-blocks (block component) (init-copy-sets block)) (loop (let ((did-something nil)) (do-blocks (block component) (when (copy-flow-analysis block) (setq did-something t))) (unless did-something (return)))) (let ((original-copies (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (do-blocks (block component) (propagate-copies block original-copies))) (values))