;;;; stuff that creates debugger information from the compiler's ;;;; internal data structures ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") (deftype byte-buffer () '(vector (unsigned-byte 8))) (defvar *byte-buffer*) (declaim (type byte-buffer *byte-buffer*)) ;;;; debug blocks (deftype location-kind () '(member :unknown-return :known-return :internal-error :non-local-exit :block-start :call-site :single-value-return :non-local-entry)) ;;; The LOCATION-INFO structure holds the information what we need ;;; about locations which code generation decided were "interesting". (defstruct (location-info (:constructor make-location-info (kind label vop)) (:copier nil)) ;; The kind of location noted. (kind nil :type location-kind) ;; The label pointing to the interesting code location. (label nil :type (or label index null)) ;; The VOP that emitted this location (for node, save-set, ir2-block, etc.) (vop nil :type vop)) ;;; This is called during code generation in places where there is an ;;; "interesting" location: someplace where we are likely to end up ;;; in the debugger, and thus want debug info. (defun note-debug-location (vop label kind) (declare (type vop vop) (type (or label null) label) (type location-kind kind)) (let ((location (make-location-info kind label vop))) (setf (ir2-block-locations (vop-block vop)) (nconc (ir2-block-locations (vop-block vop)) (list location))) location)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline ir2-block-physenv)) (defun ir2-block-physenv (2block) (declare (type ir2-block 2block)) (block-physenv (ir2-block-block 2block))) ;;; Given a local conflicts vector and an IR2 block to represent the ;;; set of live TNs, and the VAR-LOCS hash-table representing the ;;; variables dumped, compute a bit-vector representing the set of ;;; live variables. If the TN is environment-live, we only mark it as ;;; live when it is in scope at NODE. (defun compute-live-vars (live node block var-locs vop) (declare (type ir2-block block) (type local-tn-bit-vector live) (type hash-table var-locs) (type node node) (type (or vop null) vop)) (let ((res (make-array (logandc2 (+ (hash-table-count var-locs) 7) 7) :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0)) (spilled (gethash vop (ir2-component-spilled-vops (component-info *component-being-compiled*))))) (do-live-tns (tn live block) (let ((leaf (tn-leaf tn))) (when (and (lambda-var-p leaf) (or (not (member (tn-kind tn) '(:environment :debug-environment))) (rassoc leaf (lexenv-variables (node-lexenv node)))) (or (null spilled) (not (member tn spilled)))) (let ((num (gethash leaf var-locs))) (when num (setf (sbit res num) 1)))))) res)) ;;; The PC for the location most recently dumped. (defvar *previous-location*) (declaim (type index *previous-location*)) ;;; Dump a compiled debug-location into *BYTE-BUFFER* that describes ;;; the code/source map and live info. If true, VOP is the VOP ;;; associated with this location, for use in determining whether TNs ;;; are spilled. (defun dump-1-location (node block kind tlf-num label live var-locs vop) (declare (type node node) (type ir2-block block) (type local-tn-bit-vector live) (type (or label index) label) (type location-kind kind) (type (or index null) tlf-num) (type hash-table var-locs) (type (or vop null) vop)) (vector-push-extend (dpb (position-or-lose kind *compiled-code-location-kinds*) compiled-code-location-kind-byte 0) *byte-buffer*) (let ((loc (if (fixnump label) label (label-position label)))) (write-var-integer (- loc *previous-location*) *byte-buffer*) (setq *previous-location* loc)) (let ((path (node-source-path node))) (unless tlf-num (write-var-integer (source-path-tlf-number path) *byte-buffer*)) (write-var-integer (source-path-form-number path) *byte-buffer*)) (write-packed-bit-vector (compute-live-vars live node block var-locs vop) *byte-buffer*) (values)) ;;; Extract context info from a Location-Info structure and use it to ;;; dump a compiled code-location. (defun dump-location-from-info (loc tlf-num var-locs) (declare (type location-info loc) (type (or index null) tlf-num) (type hash-table var-locs)) (let ((vop (location-info-vop loc))) (dump-1-location (vop-node vop) (vop-block vop) (location-info-kind loc) tlf-num (location-info-label loc) (vop-save-set vop) var-locs vop)) (values)) ;;; Scan all the blocks, determining if all locations are in the same ;;; TLF, and returning it or NIL. (defun find-tlf-number (fun) (declare (type clambda fun)) (let ((res (source-path-tlf-number (node-source-path (lambda-bind fun))))) (declare (type (or index null) res)) (do-physenv-ir2-blocks (2block (lambda-physenv fun)) (let ((block (ir2-block-block 2block))) (when (eq (block-info block) 2block) (unless (eql (source-path-tlf-number (node-source-path (continuation-next (block-start block)))) res) (setq res nil))) (dolist (loc (ir2-block-locations 2block)) (unless (eql (source-path-tlf-number (node-source-path (vop-node (location-info-vop loc)))) res) (setq res nil))))) res)) ;;; Dump out the number of locations and the locations for Block. (defun dump-block-locations (block locations tlf-num var-locs) (declare (type cblock block) (list locations)) (if (and locations (eq (location-info-kind (first locations)) :non-local-entry)) (write-var-integer (length locations) *byte-buffer*) (let ((2block (block-info block))) (write-var-integer (+ (length locations) 1) *byte-buffer*) (dump-1-location (continuation-next (block-start block)) 2block :block-start tlf-num (ir2-block-%label 2block) (ir2-block-live-out 2block) var-locs nil))) (dolist (loc locations) (dump-location-from-info loc tlf-num var-locs)) (values)) ;;; Dump the successors of Block, being careful not to fly into space ;;; on weird successors. (defun dump-block-successors (block env) (declare (type cblock block) (type physenv env)) (let* ((tail (component-tail (block-component block))) (succ (block-succ block)) (valid-succ (if (and succ (or (eq (car succ) tail) (not (eq (block-physenv (car succ)) env)))) () succ))) (vector-push-extend (dpb (length valid-succ) compiled-debug-block-nsucc-byte 0) *byte-buffer*) (let ((base (block-number (node-block (lambda-bind (physenv-function env)))))) (dolist (b valid-succ) (write-var-integer (the index (- (block-number b) base)) *byte-buffer*)))) (values)) ;;; Return a vector and an integer (or null) suitable for use as the ;;; BLOCKS and TLF-NUMBER in FUN's DEBUG-FUN. This requires two ;;; passes to compute: ;;; -- Scan all blocks, dumping the header and successors followed ;;; by all the non-elsewhere locations. ;;; -- Dump the elsewhere block header and all the elsewhere ;;; locations (if any.) (defun compute-debug-blocks (fun var-locs) (declare (type clambda fun) (type hash-table var-locs)) (setf (fill-pointer *byte-buffer*) 0) (let ((*previous-location* 0) (tlf-num (find-tlf-number fun)) (env (lambda-physenv fun)) (prev-locs nil) (prev-block nil)) (collect ((elsewhere)) (do-physenv-ir2-blocks (2block env) (let ((block (ir2-block-block 2block))) (when (eq (block-info block) 2block) (when prev-block (dump-block-locations prev-block prev-locs tlf-num var-locs)) (setq prev-block block prev-locs ()) (dump-block-successors block env))) (collect ((here prev-locs)) (dolist (loc (ir2-block-locations 2block)) (if (label-elsewhere-p (location-info-label loc)) (elsewhere loc) (here loc))) (setq prev-locs (here)))) (dump-block-locations prev-block prev-locs tlf-num var-locs) (when (elsewhere) (vector-push-extend compiled-debug-block-elsewhere-p *byte-buffer*) (write-var-integer (length (elsewhere)) *byte-buffer*) (dolist (loc (elsewhere)) (dump-location-from-info loc tlf-num var-locs)))) (values (copy-seq *byte-buffer*) tlf-num))) ;;; Return a list of DEBUG-SOURCE structures containing information ;;; derived from INFO. Unless :BYTE-COMPILE T was specified, we always ;;; dump the Start-Positions, since it is too hard figure out whether ;;; we need them or not. (defun debug-source-for-info (info) (declare (type source-info info)) (let* ((file-info (source-info-file-info info)) (res (make-debug-source :from :file :created (file-info-write-date file-info) :compiled (source-info-start-time info) :source-root (file-info-source-root file-info) :start-positions (coerce-to-smallest-eltype (file-info-positions file-info)))) (name (file-info-name file-info))) (etypecase name ((member :lisp) (setf (debug-source-from res) name) (setf (debug-source-name res) (coerce (file-info-forms file-info) 'simple-vector))) (pathname (let* ((untruename (file-info-untruename file-info)) (dir (pathname-directory untruename))) (setf (debug-source-name res) (namestring (if (and dir (eq (first dir) :absolute)) untruename name)))))) (list res))) ;;; Given an arbitrary sequence, coerce it to an unsigned vector if ;;; possible. Ordinarily we coerce it to the smallest specialized ;;; vector we can. However, we also have a special hack for ;;; cross-compiling at bootstrap time, when arbitrarily-specialized ;;; vectors aren't fully supported: in that case, we coerce it only to ;;; a vector whose element size is an integer multiple of output byte ;;; size. (defun coerce-to-smallest-eltype (seq) (let ((maxoid #-sb-xc-host 0 ;; An initial value of 255 prevents us from ;; specializing the array to anything smaller than ;; (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8), which keeps the cross-compiler's ;; portable specialized array output functions happy. #+sb-xc-host 255)) (flet ((frob (x) (if (typep x 'unsigned-byte) (when (>= x maxoid) (setf maxoid x)) (return-from coerce-to-smallest-eltype (coerce seq 'simple-vector))))) (if (listp seq) (dolist (i seq) (frob i)) (dovector (i seq) (frob i))) (coerce seq `(simple-array (integer 0 ,maxoid) (*)))))) ;;;; variables ;;; Return a SC-OFFSET describing TN's location. (defun tn-sc-offset (tn) (declare (type tn tn)) (make-sc-offset (sc-number (tn-sc tn)) (tn-offset tn))) ;;; Dump info to represent Var's location being TN. ID is an integer ;;; that makes Var's name unique in the function. Buffer is the vector ;;; we stick the result in. If Minimal is true, we suppress name ;;; dumping, and set the minimal flag. ;;; ;;; The debug-var is only marked as always-live if the TN is ;;; environment live and is an argument. If a :debug-environment TN, ;;; then we also exclude set variables, since the variable is not ;;; guaranteed to be live everywhere in that case. (defun dump-1-variable (fun var tn id minimal buffer) (declare (type lambda-var var) (type (or tn null) tn) (type index id) (type clambda fun)) (let* ((name (leaf-debug-name var)) (save-tn (and tn (tn-save-tn tn))) (kind (and tn (tn-kind tn))) (flags 0)) (declare (type index flags)) (when minimal (setq flags (logior flags compiled-debug-var-minimal-p)) (unless tn (setq flags (logior flags compiled-debug-var-deleted-p)))) (when (and (or (eq kind :environment) (and (eq kind :debug-environment) (null (basic-var-sets var)))) (not (gethash tn (ir2-component-spilled-tns (component-info *component-being-compiled*)))) (eq (lambda-var-home var) fun)) (setq flags (logior flags compiled-debug-var-environment-live))) (when save-tn (setq flags (logior flags compiled-debug-var-save-loc-p))) (unless (or (zerop id) minimal) (setq flags (logior flags compiled-debug-var-id-p))) (vector-push-extend flags buffer) (unless minimal (vector-push-extend name buffer) (unless (zerop id) (vector-push-extend id buffer))) (if tn (vector-push-extend (tn-sc-offset tn) buffer) (aver minimal)) (when save-tn (vector-push-extend (tn-sc-offset save-tn) buffer))) (values)) ;;; Return a vector suitable for use as the DEBUG-FUN-VARIABLES ;;; of FUN. LEVEL is the current DEBUG-INFO quality. VAR-LOCS is a ;;; hash table in which we enter the translation from LAMBDA-VARS to ;;; the relative position of that variable's location in the resulting ;;; vector. (defun compute-variables (fun level var-locs) (declare (type clambda fun) (type hash-table var-locs)) (collect ((vars)) (labels ((frob-leaf (leaf tn gensym-p) (let ((name (leaf-debug-name leaf))) (when (and name (leaf-refs leaf) (tn-offset tn) (or gensym-p (symbol-package name))) (vars (cons leaf tn))))) (frob-lambda (x gensym-p) (dolist (leaf (lambda-vars x)) (frob-leaf leaf (leaf-info leaf) gensym-p)))) (frob-lambda fun t) (when (>= level 2) (dolist (x (ir2-physenv-environment (physenv-info (lambda-physenv fun)))) (let ((thing (car x))) (when (lambda-var-p thing) (frob-leaf thing (cdr x) (= level 3))))) (dolist (let (lambda-lets fun)) (frob-lambda let (= level 3))))) (let ((sorted (sort (vars) #'string< :key #'(lambda (x) (symbol-name (leaf-debug-name (car x)))))) (prev-name nil) (id 0) (i 0) (buffer (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))) (declare (type (or simple-string null) prev-name) (type index id i)) (dolist (x sorted) (let* ((var (car x)) (name (symbol-name (leaf-debug-name var)))) (cond ((and prev-name (string= prev-name name)) (incf id)) (t (setq id 0 prev-name name))) (dump-1-variable fun var (cdr x) id nil buffer) (setf (gethash var var-locs) i)) (incf i)) (coerce buffer 'simple-vector)))) ;;; Return a vector suitable for use as the DEBUG-FUN-VARIABLES of ;;; FUN, representing the arguments to FUN in minimal variable format. (defun compute-minimal-variables (fun) (declare (type clambda fun)) (let ((buffer (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))) (dolist (var (lambda-vars fun)) (dump-1-variable fun var (leaf-info var) 0 t buffer)) (coerce buffer 'simple-vector))) ;;; Return VAR's relative position in the function's variables (determined ;;; from the VAR-LOCS hashtable). If VAR is deleted, then return DELETED. (defun debug-location-for (var var-locs) (declare (type lambda-var var) (type hash-table var-locs)) (let ((res (gethash var var-locs))) (cond (res) (t (aver (or (null (leaf-refs var)) (not (tn-offset (leaf-info var))))) 'deleted)))) ;;;; arguments/returns ;;; Return a vector to be used as the ;;; COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN-ARGUMENTS for Fun. If fun is the ;;; MAIN-ENTRY for an optional dispatch, then look at the ARGLIST to ;;; determine the syntax, otherwise pretend all arguments are fixed. ;;; ;;; ### This assumption breaks down in EPs other than the main-entry, ;;; since they may or may not have supplied-p vars, etc. (defun compute-arguments (fun var-locs) (declare (type clambda fun) (type hash-table var-locs)) (collect ((res)) (let ((od (lambda-optional-dispatch fun))) (if (and od (eq (optional-dispatch-main-entry od) fun)) (let ((actual-vars (lambda-vars fun)) (saw-optional nil)) (dolist (arg (optional-dispatch-arglist od)) (let ((info (lambda-var-arg-info arg)) (actual (pop actual-vars))) (cond (info (case (arg-info-kind info) (:keyword (res (arg-info-key info))) (:rest (res 'rest-arg)) (:more-context (res 'more-arg)) (:optional (unless saw-optional (res 'optional-args) (setq saw-optional t)))) (res (debug-location-for actual var-locs)) (when (arg-info-supplied-p info) (res 'supplied-p) (res (debug-location-for (pop actual-vars) var-locs)))) (t (res (debug-location-for actual var-locs))))))) (dolist (var (lambda-vars fun)) (res (debug-location-for var var-locs))))) (coerce-to-smallest-eltype (res)))) ;;; Return a vector of SC offsets describing FUN's return locations. ;;; (Must be known values return...) (defun compute-debug-returns (fun) (coerce-to-smallest-eltype (mapcar #'(lambda (loc) (tn-sc-offset loc)) (return-info-locations (tail-set-info (lambda-tail-set fun)))))) ;;;; debug functions ;;; Return a C-D-F structure with all the mandatory slots filled in. (defun dfun-from-fun (fun) (declare (type clambda fun)) (let* ((2env (physenv-info (lambda-physenv fun))) (dispatch (lambda-optional-dispatch fun)) (main-p (and dispatch (eq fun (optional-dispatch-main-entry dispatch))))) (make-compiled-debug-fun :name (leaf-debug-name fun) :kind (if main-p nil (functional-kind fun)) :return-pc (tn-sc-offset (ir2-physenv-return-pc 2env)) :old-fp (tn-sc-offset (ir2-physenv-old-fp 2env)) :start-pc (label-position (ir2-physenv-environment-start 2env)) :elsewhere-pc (label-position (ir2-physenv-elsewhere-start 2env))))) ;;; Return a complete C-D-F structure for FUN. This involves ;;; determining the DEBUG-INFO level and filling in optional slots as ;;; appropriate. (defun compute-1-debug-fun (fun var-locs) (declare (type clambda fun) (type hash-table var-locs)) (let* ((dfun (dfun-from-fun fun)) (actual-level (policy (lambda-bind fun) debug)) (level (if #!+sb-dyncount *collect-dynamic-statistics* #!-sb-dyncount nil (max actual-level 2) actual-level))) (cond ((zerop level)) ((and (<= level 1) (let ((od (lambda-optional-dispatch fun))) (or (not od) (not (eq (optional-dispatch-main-entry od) fun))))) (setf (compiled-debug-fun-variables dfun) (compute-minimal-variables fun)) (setf (compiled-debug-fun-arguments dfun) :minimal)) (t (setf (compiled-debug-fun-variables dfun) (compute-variables fun level var-locs)) (setf (compiled-debug-fun-arguments dfun) (compute-arguments fun var-locs)))) (when (>= level 2) (multiple-value-bind (blocks tlf-num) (compute-debug-blocks fun var-locs) (setf (compiled-debug-fun-tlf-number dfun) tlf-num) (setf (compiled-debug-fun-blocks dfun) blocks))) (if (external-entry-point-p fun) (setf (compiled-debug-fun-returns dfun) :standard) (let ((info (tail-set-info (lambda-tail-set fun)))) (when info (cond ((eq (return-info-kind info) :unknown) (setf (compiled-debug-fun-returns dfun) :standard)) ((/= level 0) (setf (compiled-debug-fun-returns dfun) (compute-debug-returns fun))))))) dfun)) ;;;; full component dumping ;;; Compute the full form (simple-vector) function map. (defun compute-debug-fun-map (sorted) (declare (list sorted)) (let* ((len (1- (* (length sorted) 2))) (funs-vec (make-array len))) (do ((i -1 (+ i 2)) (sorted sorted (cdr sorted))) ((= i len)) (declare (fixnum i)) (let ((dfun (car sorted))) (unless (minusp i) (setf (svref funs-vec i) (car dfun))) (setf (svref funs-vec (1+ i)) (cdr dfun)))) funs-vec)) ;;; Return a DEBUG-INFO structure describing COMPONENT. This has to be ;;; called after assembly so that source map information is available. (defun debug-info-for-component (component) (declare (type component component)) (collect ((dfuns)) (let ((var-locs (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (*byte-buffer* (make-array 10 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))) (dolist (fun (component-lambdas component)) (clrhash var-locs) (dfuns (cons (label-position (block-label (node-block (lambda-bind fun)))) (compute-1-debug-fun fun var-locs)))) (let* ((sorted (sort (dfuns) #'< :key #'car)) (fun-map (compute-debug-fun-map sorted))) (make-compiled-debug-info :name (component-name component) :fun-map fun-map))))) ;;; Write BITS out to BYTE-BUFFER in backend byte order. The length of ;;; BITS must be evenly divisible by eight. (defun write-packed-bit-vector (bits byte-buffer) (declare (type simple-bit-vector bits) (type byte-buffer byte-buffer)) (multiple-value-bind (initial step done) (ecase *backend-byte-order* (:little-endian (values 0 1 8)) (:big-endian (values 7 -1 -1))) (let ((shift initial) (byte 0)) (dotimes (i (length bits)) (let ((int (aref bits i))) (setf byte (logior byte (ash int shift))) (incf shift step)) (when (= shift done) (vector-push-extend byte byte-buffer) (setf shift initial byte 0))) (unless (= shift initial) (vector-push-extend byte byte-buffer)))) (values))