;;;; This file contains utilities for debugging the compiler -- ;;;; currently only stuff for checking the consistency of the IR1. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") (defvar *args* () #!+sb-doc "This variable is bound to the format arguments when an error is signalled by BARF or BURP.") (defvar *ignored-errors* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ;;; A definite inconsistency has been detected. Signal an error with ;;; *args* bound to the list of the format args. (declaim (ftype (function (string &rest t) (values)) barf)) (defun barf (string &rest *args*) (unless (gethash string *ignored-errors*) (restart-case (apply #'error string *args*) (continue () :report "Ignore this error.") (ignore-all () :report "Ignore this and all future occurrences of this error." (setf (gethash string *ignored-errors*) t)))) (values)) (defvar *burp-action* :warn #!+sb-doc "Action taken by the BURP function when a possible compiler bug is detected. One of :WARN, :ERROR or :NONE.") (declaim (type (member :warn :error :none) *burp-action*)) ;;; Called when something funny but possibly correct is noticed. ;;; Otherwise similar to BARF. (declaim (ftype (function (string &rest t) (values)) burp)) (defun burp (string &rest *args*) (ecase *burp-action* (:warn (apply #'warn string *args*)) (:error (apply #'cerror "press on anyway." string *args*)) (:none)) (values)) ;;; *SEEN-BLOCKS* is a hashtable with true values for all blocks which ;;; appear in the DFO for one of the specified components. ;;; ;;; *SEEN-FUNCTIONS* is similar, but records all the lambdas we ;;; reached by recursing on top level functions. (defvar *seen-blocks* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defvar *seen-functions* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) ;;; Barf if NODE is in a block which wasn't reached during the graph ;;; walk. (declaim (ftype (function (node) (values)) check-node-reached)) (defun check-node-reached (node) (unless (gethash (continuation-block (node-prev node)) *seen-blocks*) (barf "~S was not reached." node)) (values)) ;;; Check everything that we can think of for consistency. When a ;;; definite inconsistency is detected, we BARF. Possible problems ;;; just cause us to BURP. Our argument is a list of components, but ;;; we also look at the *FREE-VARIABLES*, *FREE-FUNCTIONS* and ;;; *CONSTANTS*. ;;; ;;; First we do a pre-pass which finds all the CBLOCKs and CLAMBDAs, ;;; testing that they are linked together properly and entering them ;;; in hashtables. Next, we iterate over the blocks again, looking at ;;; the actual code and control flow. Finally, we scan the global leaf ;;; hashtables, looking for lossage. (declaim (ftype (function (list) (values)) check-ir1-consistency)) (defun check-ir1-consistency (components) (clrhash *seen-blocks*) (clrhash *seen-functions*) (dolist (c components) (let* ((head (component-head c)) (tail (component-tail c))) (unless (and (null (block-pred head)) (null (block-succ tail))) (barf "~S is malformed." c)) (do ((prev nil block) (block head (block-next block))) ((null block) (unless (eq prev tail) (barf "wrong Tail for DFO, ~S in ~S" prev c))) (setf (gethash block *seen-blocks*) t) (unless (eq (block-prev block) prev) (barf "bad PREV for ~S, should be ~S" block prev)) (unless (or (eq block tail) (eq (block-component block) c)) (barf "~S is not in ~S." block c))) #| (when (or (loop-blocks c) (loop-inferiors c)) (do-blocks (block c :both) (setf (block-flag block) nil)) (check-loop-consistency c nil) (do-blocks (block c :both) (unless (block-flag block) (barf "~S was not in any loop." block)))) |# )) (check-fun-consistency components) (dolist (c components) (do ((block (block-next (component-head c)) (block-next block))) ((null (block-next block))) (check-block-consistency block))) (maphash (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (unless (or (constant-p v) (and (global-var-p v) (member (global-var-kind v) '(:global :special)))) (barf "strange *FREE-VARIABLES* entry: ~S" v)) (dolist (n (leaf-refs v)) (check-node-reached n)) (when (basic-var-p v) (dolist (n (basic-var-sets v)) (check-node-reached n)))) *free-variables*) (maphash (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (unless (constant-p v) (barf "strange *CONSTANTS* entry: ~S" v)) (dolist (n (leaf-refs v)) (check-node-reached n))) *constants*) (maphash (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (unless (or (functional-p v) (and (global-var-p v) (eq (global-var-kind v) :global-function))) (barf "strange *FREE-FUNCTIONS* entry: ~S" v)) (dolist (n (leaf-refs v)) (check-node-reached n))) *free-functions*) (clrhash *seen-functions*) (clrhash *seen-blocks*) (values)) ;;;; function consistency checking (defun observe-functional (x) (declare (type functional x)) (when (gethash x *seen-functions*) (barf "~S was seen more than once." x)) (unless (eq (functional-kind x) :deleted) (setf (gethash x *seen-functions*) t))) ;;; Check that the specified function has been seen. (defun check-fun-reached (fun where) (declare (type functional fun)) (unless (gethash fun *seen-functions*) (barf "unseen function ~S in ~S" fun where))) ;;; In a CLAMBDA, check that the associated nodes are in seen blocks. ;;; In an OPTIONAL-DISPATCH, check that the entry points were seen. If ;;; the function is deleted, ignore it. (defun check-fun-stuff (functional) (ecase (functional-kind functional) (:external (let ((fun (functional-entry-fun functional))) (check-fun-reached fun functional) (when (functional-kind fun) (barf "The function for XEP ~S has kind." functional)) (unless (eq (functional-entry-fun fun) functional) (barf "bad back-pointer in function for XEP ~S" functional)))) ((:let :mv-let :assignment) (check-fun-reached (lambda-home functional) functional) (when (functional-entry-fun functional) (barf "The LET ~S has entry function." functional)) (unless (member functional (lambda-lets (lambda-home functional))) (barf "The LET ~S is not in LETs for HOME." functional)) (unless (eq (functional-kind functional) :assignment) (when (rest (leaf-refs functional)) (barf "The LET ~S has multiple references." functional))) (when (lambda-lets functional) (barf "LETs in a LET: ~S" functional))) (:optional (when (functional-entry-fun functional) (barf ":OPTIONAL ~S has an ENTRY-FUN." functional)) (let ((ef (lambda-optional-dispatch functional))) (check-fun-reached ef functional) (unless (or (member functional (optional-dispatch-entry-points ef)) (eq functional (optional-dispatch-more-entry ef)) (eq functional (optional-dispatch-main-entry ef))) (barf ":OPTIONAL ~S is not an e-p for its OPTIONAL-DISPATCH ~S." functional ef)))) (:toplevel (unless (eq (functional-entry-fun functional) functional) (barf "The ENTRY-FUN in ~S isn't a self-pointer." functional))) ((nil :escape :cleanup) (let ((ef (functional-entry-fun functional))) (when ef (check-fun-reached ef functional) (unless (eq (functional-kind ef) :external) (barf "The ENTRY-FUN in ~S isn't an XEP: ~S." functional ef))))) (:deleted (return-from check-fun-stuff))) (case (functional-kind functional) ((nil :optional :external :toplevel :escape :cleanup) (when (lambda-p functional) (dolist (fun (lambda-lets functional)) (unless (eq (lambda-home fun) functional) (barf "The home in ~S is not ~S." fun functional)) (check-fun-reached fun functional)) (unless (eq (lambda-home functional) functional) (barf "home not self-pointer in ~S" functional))))) (etypecase functional (clambda (when (lambda-bind functional) (check-node-reached (lambda-bind functional))) (when (lambda-return functional) (check-node-reached (lambda-return functional))) (dolist (var (lambda-vars functional)) (dolist (ref (leaf-refs var)) (check-node-reached ref)) (dolist (set (basic-var-sets var)) (check-node-reached set)) (unless (eq (lambda-var-home var) functional) (barf "HOME in ~S should be ~S." var functional)))) (optional-dispatch (dolist (ep (optional-dispatch-entry-points functional)) (check-fun-reached ep functional)) (let ((more (optional-dispatch-more-entry functional))) (when more (check-fun-reached more functional))) (check-fun-reached (optional-dispatch-main-entry functional) functional)))) (defun check-fun-consistency (components) (dolist (c components) (dolist (new-fun (component-new-funs c)) (observe-functional new-fun)) (dolist (fun (component-lambdas c)) (when (eq (functional-kind fun) :external) (let ((ef (functional-entry-fun fun))) (when (optional-dispatch-p ef) (observe-functional ef)))) (observe-functional fun) (dolist (let (lambda-lets fun)) (observe-functional let)))) (dolist (c components) (dolist (new-fun (component-new-funs c)) (check-fun-stuff new-fun)) (dolist (fun (component-lambdas c)) (when (eq (functional-kind fun) :deleted) (barf "deleted lambda ~S in Lambdas for ~S" fun c)) (check-fun-stuff fun) (dolist (let (lambda-lets fun)) (check-fun-stuff let))))) ;;;; loop consistency checking #| ;;; Descend through the loop nesting and check that the tree is well-formed ;;; and that all blocks in the loops are known blocks. We also mark each block ;;; that we see so that we can do a check later to detect blocks that weren't ;;; in any loop. (declaim (ftype (function (loop (or loop null)) (values)) check-loop-consistency)) (defun check-loop-consistency (loop superior) (unless (eq (loop-superior loop) superior) (barf "wrong superior in ~S, should be ~S" loop superior)) (when (and superior (/= (loop-depth loop) (1+ (loop-depth superior)))) (barf "wrong depth in ~S" loop)) (dolist (tail (loop-tail loop)) (check-loop-block tail loop)) (dolist (exit (loop-exits loop)) (check-loop-block exit loop)) (check-loop-block (loop-head loop) loop) (unless (eq (block-loop (loop-head loop)) loop) (barf "The head of ~S is not directly in the loop." loop)) (do ((block (loop-blocks loop) (block-loop-next block))) ((null block)) (setf (block-flag block) t) (unless (gethash block *seen-blocks*) (barf "unseen block ~S in Blocks for ~S" block loop)) (unless (eq (block-loop block) loop) (barf "wrong loop in ~S, should be ~S" block loop))) (dolist (inferior (loop-inferiors loop)) (check-loop-consistency inferior loop)) (values)) ;;; Check that Block is either in Loop or an inferior. (declaim (ftype (function (block loop) (values)) check-loop-block)) (defun check-loop-block (block loop) (unless (gethash block *seen-blocks*) (barf "unseen block ~S in loop info for ~S" block loop)) (labels ((walk (l) (if (eq (block-loop block) l) t (dolist (inferior (loop-inferiors l) nil) (when (walk inferior) (return t)))))) (unless (walk loop) (barf "~S is in loop info for ~S but not in the loop." block loop))) (values)) |# ;;; Check a block for consistency at the general flow-graph level, and ;;; call CHECK-NODE-CONSISTENCY on each node to locally check for ;;; semantic consistency. (declaim (ftype (function (cblock) (values)) check-block-consistency)) (defun check-block-consistency (block) (dolist (pred (block-pred block)) (unless (gethash pred *seen-blocks*) (barf "unseen predecessor ~S in ~S" pred block)) (unless (member block (block-succ pred)) (barf "bad predecessor link ~S in ~S" pred block))) (let* ((fun (block-home-lambda block)) (fun-deleted (eq (functional-kind fun) :deleted)) (this-cont (block-start block)) (last (block-last block))) (unless fun-deleted (check-fun-reached fun block)) (when (not this-cont) (barf "~S has no START." block)) (when (not last) (barf "~S has no LAST." block)) (unless (eq (continuation-kind this-cont) :block-start) (barf "The START of ~S has the wrong kind." block)) (let ((use (continuation-use this-cont)) (uses (block-start-uses block))) (when (and (null use) (= (length uses) 1)) (barf "~S has a unique use, but no USE." this-cont)) (dolist (node uses) (unless (eq (node-cont node) this-cont) (barf "The USE ~S for START in ~S has wrong CONT." node block)) (check-node-reached node))) (let* ((last-cont (node-cont last)) (cont-block (continuation-block last-cont)) (dest (continuation-dest last-cont))) (ecase (continuation-kind last-cont) (:deleted) (:deleted-block-start (let ((dest (continuation-dest last-cont))) (when dest (check-node-reached dest))) (unless (member last (block-start-uses cont-block)) (barf "LAST in ~S is missing from uses of its Cont." block))) (:block-start (check-node-reached (continuation-next last-cont)) (unless (member last (block-start-uses cont-block)) (barf "LAST in ~S is missing from uses of its Cont." block))) (:inside-block (unless (eq cont-block block) (barf "CONT of LAST in ~S is in a different BLOCK." block)) (unless (eq (continuation-use last-cont) last) (barf "USE is not LAST in CONT of LAST in ~S." block)) (when (continuation-next last-cont) (barf "CONT of LAST has a NEXT in ~S." block)))) (when dest (check-node-reached dest))) (loop (unless (eq (continuation-block this-cont) block) (barf "BLOCK in ~S should be ~S." this-cont block)) (let ((dest (continuation-dest this-cont))) (when dest (check-node-reached dest))) (let ((node (continuation-next this-cont))) (unless (node-p node) (barf "~S has strange NEXT." this-cont)) (unless (eq (node-prev node) this-cont) (barf "PREV in ~S should be ~S." node this-cont)) (unless fun-deleted (check-node-consistency node)) (let ((cont (node-cont node))) (when (not cont) (barf "~S has no CONT." node)) (when (eq node last) (return)) (unless (eq (continuation-kind cont) :inside-block) (barf "The interior continuation ~S in ~S has the wrong kind." cont block)) (unless (continuation-next cont) (barf "~S has no NEXT." cont)) (unless (eq (continuation-use cont) node) (barf "USE in ~S should be ~S." cont node)) (setq this-cont cont)))) (check-block-successors block)) (values)) ;;; Check that BLOCK is properly terminated. Each successor must be ;;; accounted for by the type of the last node. (declaim (ftype (function (cblock) (values)) check-block-successors)) (defun check-block-successors (block) (let ((last (block-last block)) (succ (block-succ block))) (let* ((comp (block-component block))) (dolist (b succ) (unless (gethash b *seen-blocks*) (barf "unseen successor ~S in ~S" b block)) (unless (member block (block-pred b)) (barf "bad successor link ~S in ~S" b block)) (unless (eq (block-component b) comp) (barf "The successor ~S in ~S is in a different component." b block)))) (typecase last (cif (unless (proper-list-of-length-p succ 1 2) (barf "~S ends in an IF, but doesn't have one or two succesors." block)) (unless (member (if-consequent last) succ) (barf "The CONSEQUENT for ~S isn't in SUCC for ~S." last block)) (unless (member (if-alternative last) succ) (barf "The ALTERNATIVE for ~S isn't in SUCC for ~S." last block))) (creturn (unless (if (eq (functional-kind (return-lambda last)) :deleted) (null succ) (and (= (length succ) 1) (eq (first succ) (component-tail (block-component block))))) (barf "strange successors for RETURN in ~S" block))) (exit (unless (proper-list-of-length-p succ 0 1) (barf "EXIT node with strange number of successors: ~S" last))) (t (unless (or (= (length succ) 1) (node-tail-p last) (and (block-delete-p block) (null succ))) (barf "~S ends in normal node, but doesn't have one successor." block))))) (values)) ;;;; node consistency checking ;;; Check that the DEST for CONT is the specified NODE. We also mark ;;; the block CONT is in as SEEN. (declaim (ftype (function (continuation node) (values)) check-dest)) (defun check-dest (cont node) (let ((kind (continuation-kind cont))) (ecase kind (:deleted (unless (block-delete-p (node-block node)) (barf "DEST ~S of deleted continuation ~S is not DELETE-P." cont node))) (:deleted-block-start (unless (eq (continuation-dest cont) node) (barf "DEST for ~S should be ~S." cont node))) ((:inside-block :block-start) (unless (gethash (continuation-block cont) *seen-blocks*) (barf "~S receives ~S, which is in an unknown block." node cont)) (unless (eq (continuation-dest cont) node) (barf "DEST for ~S should be ~S." cont node))))) (values)) ;;; This function deals with checking for consistency of the ;;; type-dependent information in a node. (defun check-node-consistency (node) (declare (type node node)) (etypecase node (ref (let ((leaf (ref-leaf node))) (when (functional-p leaf) (if (eq (functional-kind leaf) :toplevel-xep) (unless (eq (component-kind (block-component (node-block node))) :toplevel) (barf ":TOPLEVEL-XEP ref in non-top-level component: ~S" node)) (check-fun-reached leaf node))))) (basic-combination (check-dest (basic-combination-fun node) node) (dolist (arg (basic-combination-args node)) (cond (arg (check-dest arg node)) ((not (and (eq (basic-combination-kind node) :local) (combination-p node))) (barf "flushed arg not in local call: ~S" node)) (t (locally ;; KLUDGE: In sbcl-, the compiler doesn't like ;; (DECLARE (TYPE INDEX POS)) after the inline expansion of ;; POSITION. It compiles it correctly, but it issues a type ;; mismatch warning because it can't eliminate the ;; possibility that control will flow through the ;; NIL-returning branch. So we punt here. -- WHN 2001-04-15 (declare (notinline position)) (let ((fun (ref-leaf (continuation-use (basic-combination-fun node)))) (pos (position arg (basic-combination-args node)))) (declare (type index pos)) (when (leaf-refs (elt (lambda-vars fun) pos)) (barf "flushed arg for referenced var in ~S" node))))))) (let ((dest (continuation-dest (node-cont node)))) (when (and (return-p dest) (eq (basic-combination-kind node) :local) (not (eq (lambda-tail-set (combination-lambda node)) (lambda-tail-set (return-lambda dest))))) (barf "tail local call to function with different tail set:~% ~S" node)))) (cif (check-dest (if-test node) node) (unless (eq (block-last (node-block node)) node) (barf "IF not at block end: ~S" node))) (cset (check-dest (set-value node) node)) (bind (check-fun-reached (bind-lambda node) node)) (creturn (check-fun-reached (return-lambda node) node) (check-dest (return-result node) node) (unless (eq (block-last (node-block node)) node) (barf "RETURN not at block end: ~S" node))) (entry (unless (member node (lambda-entries (node-home-lambda node))) (barf "~S is not in ENTRIES for its home LAMBDA." node)) (dolist (exit (entry-exits node)) (unless (node-deleted exit) (check-node-reached node)))) (exit (let ((entry (exit-entry node)) (value (exit-value node))) (cond (entry (check-node-reached entry) (unless (member node (entry-exits entry)) (barf "~S is not in its ENTRY's EXITS." node)) (when value (check-dest value node))) (t (when value (barf "~S has VALUE but no ENTRY." node))))))) (values)) ;;;; IR2 consistency checking ;;; Check for some kind of consistency in some Refs linked together by ;;; TN-Ref-Across. VOP is the VOP that the references are in. Write-P is the ;;; value of Write-P that should be present. Count is the minimum number of ;;; operands expected. If More-P is true, then any larger number will also be ;;; accepted. What is a string describing the kind of operand in error ;;; messages. (defun check-tn-refs (refs vop write-p count more-p what) (let ((vop-refs (vop-refs vop))) (do ((ref refs (tn-ref-across ref)) (num 0 (1+ num))) ((null ref) (when (< num count) (barf "There should be at least ~W ~A in ~S, but there are only ~W." count what vop num)) (when (and (not more-p) (> num count)) (barf "There should be ~W ~A in ~S, but are ~W." count what vop num))) (unless (eq (tn-ref-vop ref) vop) (barf "VOP is ~S isn't ~S." ref vop)) (unless (eq (tn-ref-write-p ref) write-p) (barf "The WRITE-P in ~S isn't ~S." vop write-p)) (unless (find-in #'tn-ref-next-ref ref vop-refs) (barf "~S not found in REFS for ~S" ref vop)) (unless (find-in #'tn-ref-next ref (if (tn-ref-write-p ref) (tn-writes (tn-ref-tn ref)) (tn-reads (tn-ref-tn ref)))) (barf "~S not found in reads/writes for its TN" ref)) (let ((target (tn-ref-target ref))) (when target (unless (eq (tn-ref-write-p target) (not (tn-ref-write-p ref))) (barf "The target for ~S isn't complementary WRITE-P." ref)) (unless (find-in #'tn-ref-next-ref target vop-refs) (barf "The target for ~S isn't in REFS for ~S." ref vop))))))) ;;; Verify the sanity of the VOP-Refs slot in VOP. This involves checking ;;; that each referenced TN appears as an argument, result or temp, and also ;;; basic checks for the plausibility of the specified ordering of the refs. (defun check-vop-refs (vop) (declare (type vop vop)) (do ((ref (vop-refs vop) (tn-ref-next-ref ref))) ((null ref)) (cond ((find-in #'tn-ref-across ref (vop-args vop))) ((find-in #'tn-ref-across ref (vop-results vop))) ((not (eq (tn-ref-vop ref) vop)) (barf "VOP in ~S isn't ~S." ref vop)) ((find-in #'tn-ref-across ref (vop-temps vop))) ((tn-ref-write-p ref) (barf "stray ref that isn't a READ: ~S" ref)) (t (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn ref)) (temp (find-in #'tn-ref-across tn (vop-temps vop) :key #'tn-ref-tn))) (unless temp (barf "stray ref with no corresponding temp write: ~S" ref)) (unless (find-in #'tn-ref-next-ref temp (tn-ref-next-ref ref)) (barf "Read is after write for temp ~S in refs of ~S." tn vop)))))) (values)) ;;; Check the basic sanity of the VOP linkage, then call some other ;;; functions to check on the TN-Refs. We grab some info out of the VOP-Info ;;; to tell us what to expect. ;;; ;;; [### Check that operand type restrictions are met?] (defun check-ir2-block-consistency (2block) (declare (type ir2-block 2block)) (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop 2block) (vop-next vop)) (prev nil vop)) ((null vop) (unless (eq prev (ir2-block-last-vop 2block)) (barf "The last VOP in ~S should be ~S." 2block prev))) (unless (eq (vop-prev vop) prev) (barf "PREV in ~S should be ~S." vop prev)) (unless (eq (vop-block vop) 2block) (barf "BLOCK in ~S should be ~S." vop 2block)) (check-vop-refs vop) (let* ((info (vop-info vop)) (atypes (template-arg-types info)) (rtypes (template-result-types info))) (check-tn-refs (vop-args vop) vop nil (count-if-not (lambda (x) (and (consp x) (eq (car x) :constant))) atypes) (template-more-args-type info) "args") (check-tn-refs (vop-results vop) vop t (if (eq rtypes :conditional) 0 (length rtypes)) (template-more-results-type info) "results") (check-tn-refs (vop-temps vop) vop t 0 t "temps") (unless (= (length (vop-codegen-info vop)) (template-info-arg-count info)) (barf "wrong number of codegen info args in ~S" vop)))) (values)) ;;; Check stuff about the IR2 representation of Component. This assumes the ;;; sanity of the basic flow graph. ;;; ;;; [### Also grovel global TN data structures? Assume pack not ;;; done yet? Have separate check-tn-consistency for pre-pack and ;;; check-pack-consistency for post-pack?] (defun check-ir2-consistency (component) (declare (type component component)) (do-ir2-blocks (block component) (check-ir2-block-consistency block)) (values)) ;;;; lifetime analysis checking ;;; Dump some info about how many TNs there, and what the conflicts data ;;; structures are like. (defun pre-pack-tn-stats (component &optional (stream *error-output*)) (declare (type component component)) (let ((wired 0) (global 0) (local 0) (confs 0) (unused 0) (const 0) (temps 0) (environment 0) (comp 0)) (do-packed-tns (tn component) (let ((reads (tn-reads tn)) (writes (tn-writes tn))) (when (and reads writes (not (tn-ref-next reads)) (not (tn-ref-next writes)) (eq (tn-ref-vop reads) (tn-ref-vop writes))) (incf temps))) (when (tn-offset tn) (incf wired)) (unless (or (tn-reads tn) (tn-writes tn)) (incf unused)) (cond ((eq (tn-kind tn) :component) (incf comp)) ((tn-global-conflicts tn) (case (tn-kind tn) ((:environment :debug-environment) (incf environment)) (t (incf global))) (do ((conf (tn-global-conflicts tn) (global-conflicts-tn-next conf))) ((null conf)) (incf confs))) (t (incf local)))) (do ((tn (ir2-component-constant-tns (component-info component)) (tn-next tn))) ((null tn)) (incf const)) (format stream "~%TNs: ~W local, ~W temps, ~W constant, ~W env, ~W comp, ~W global.~@ Wired: ~W, Unused: ~W. ~W block~:P, ~W global conflict~:P.~%" local temps const environment comp global wired unused (ir2-block-count component) confs)) (values)) ;;; If the entry in Local-TNs for TN in Block is :More, then do some checks ;;; for the validity of the usage. (defun check-more-tn-entry (tn block) (let* ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block)) (info (vop-info vop))) (macrolet ((frob (more-p ops) `(and (,more-p info) (find-in #'tn-ref-across tn (,ops vop) :key #'tn-ref-tn)))) (unless (and (eq vop (ir2-block-last-vop block)) (or (frob template-more-args-type vop-args) (frob template-more-results-type vop-results))) (barf "strange :MORE LTN entry for ~S in ~S" tn block)))) (values)) (defun check-tn-conflicts (component) (do-packed-tns (tn component) (unless (or (not (eq (tn-kind tn) :normal)) (tn-reads tn) (tn-writes tn)) (barf "no references to ~S" tn)) (unless (tn-sc tn) (barf "~S has no SC." tn)) (let ((conf (tn-global-conflicts tn)) (kind (tn-kind tn))) (cond ((eq kind :component) (unless (member tn (ir2-component-component-tns (component-info component))) (barf "~S not in Component-TNs for ~S" tn component))) (conf (do ((conf conf (global-conflicts-tn-next conf)) (prev nil conf)) ((null conf)) (unless (eq (global-conflicts-tn conf) tn) (barf "TN in ~S should be ~S." conf tn)) (unless (eq (global-conflicts-kind conf) :live) (let* ((block (global-conflicts-block conf)) (ltn (svref (ir2-block-local-tns block) (global-conflicts-number conf)))) (cond ((eq ltn tn)) ((eq ltn :more) (check-more-tn-entry tn block)) (t (barf "~S wrong in LTN map for ~S" conf tn))))) (when prev (unless (> (ir2-block-number (global-conflicts-block conf)) (ir2-block-number (global-conflicts-block prev))) (barf "~s and ~s out of order" prev conf))))) ((member (tn-kind tn) '(:constant :specified-save))) (t (let ((local (tn-local tn))) (unless local (barf "~S has no global conflicts, but isn't local either." tn)) (unless (eq (svref (ir2-block-local-tns local) (tn-local-number tn)) tn) (barf "~S wrong in LTN map" tn)) (do ((ref (tn-reads tn) (tn-ref-next ref))) ((null ref)) (unless (eq (vop-block (tn-ref-vop ref)) local) (barf "~S has references in blocks other than its LOCAL block." tn))) (do ((ref (tn-writes tn) (tn-ref-next ref))) ((null ref)) (unless (eq (vop-block (tn-ref-vop ref)) local) (barf "~S has references in blocks other than its LOCAL block." tn)))))))) (values)) (defun check-block-conflicts (component) (do-ir2-blocks (block component) (do ((conf (ir2-block-global-tns block) (global-conflicts-next conf)) (prev nil conf)) ((null conf)) (when prev (unless (> (tn-number (global-conflicts-tn conf)) (tn-number (global-conflicts-tn prev))) (barf "~S and ~S out of order in ~S" prev conf block))) (unless (find-in #'global-conflicts-tn-next conf (tn-global-conflicts (global-conflicts-tn conf))) (barf "~S missing from global conflicts of its TN" conf))) (let ((map (ir2-block-local-tns block))) (dotimes (i (ir2-block-local-tn-count block)) (let ((tn (svref map i))) (unless (or (eq tn :more) (null tn) (tn-global-conflicts tn) (eq (tn-local tn) block)) (barf "strange TN ~S in LTN map for ~S" tn block))))))) ;;; All TNs live at the beginning of an environment must be passing ;;; locations associated with that environment. We make an exception ;;; for wired TNs in XEP functions, since we randomly reference wired ;;; TNs to access the full call passing locations. (defun check-environment-lifetimes (component) (dolist (fun (component-lambdas component)) (let* ((env (lambda-physenv fun)) (2env (physenv-info env)) (vars (lambda-vars fun)) (closure (ir2-physenv-closure 2env)) (pc (ir2-physenv-return-pc-pass 2env)) (fp (ir2-physenv-old-fp 2env)) (2block (block-info (lambda-block (physenv-lambda env))))) (do ((conf (ir2-block-global-tns 2block) (global-conflicts-next conf))) ((null conf)) (let ((tn (global-conflicts-tn conf))) (unless (or (eq (global-conflicts-kind conf) :write) (eq tn pc) (eq tn fp) (and (xep-p fun) (tn-offset tn)) (member (tn-kind tn) '(:environment :debug-environment)) (member tn vars :key #'leaf-info) (member tn closure :key #'cdr)) (barf "strange TN live at head of ~S: ~S" env tn)))))) (values)) ;;; Check for some basic sanity in the TN conflict data structures, ;;; and also check that no TNs are unexpectedly live at environment ;;; entry. (defun check-life-consistency (component) (check-tn-conflicts component) (check-block-conflicts component) (check-environment-lifetimes component)) ;;;; pack consistency checking (defun check-pack-consistency (component) (flet ((check (scs ops) (do ((scs scs (cdr scs)) (op ops (tn-ref-across op))) ((null scs)) (let ((load-tn (tn-ref-load-tn op))) (unless (eq (svref (car scs) (sc-number (tn-sc (or load-tn (tn-ref-tn op))))) t) (barf "operand restriction not satisfied: ~S" op)))))) (do-ir2-blocks (block component) (do ((vop (ir2-block-last-vop block) (vop-prev vop))) ((null vop)) (let ((info (vop-info vop))) (check (vop-info-result-load-scs info) (vop-results vop)) (check (vop-info-arg-load-scs info) (vop-args vop)))))) (values)) ;;;; data structure dumping routines ;;; When we print Continuations and TNs, we assign them small numeric IDs so ;;; that we can get a handle on anonymous objects given a printout. (macrolet ((def-frob (counter vto vfrom fto ffrom) `(progn (defvar ,vto (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defvar ,vfrom (make-hash-table :test 'eql)) (proclaim '(hash-table ,vto ,vfrom)) (defvar ,counter 0) (proclaim '(fixnum ,counter)) (defun ,fto (x) (or (gethash x ,vto) (let ((num (incf ,counter))) (setf (gethash num ,vfrom) x) (setf (gethash x ,vto) num)))) (defun ,ffrom (num) (values (gethash num ,vfrom)))))) (def-frob *continuation-number* *continuation-numbers* *number-continuations* cont-num num-cont) (def-frob *tn-id* *tn-ids* *id-tns* tn-id id-tn) (def-frob *label-id* *id-labels* *label-ids* label-id id-label)) ;;; Print a terse one-line description of LEAF. (defun print-leaf (leaf &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (declare (type leaf leaf) (type stream stream)) (etypecase leaf (lambda-var (prin1 (leaf-debug-name leaf) stream)) (constant (format stream "'~S" (constant-value leaf))) (global-var (format stream "~S {~A}" (leaf-debug-name leaf) (global-var-kind leaf))) (functional (format stream "~S ~S" (type-of leaf) (functional-debug-name leaf))))) ;;; Attempt to find a block given some thing that has to do with it. (declaim (ftype (function (t) cblock) block-or-lose)) (defun block-or-lose (thing) (ctypecase thing (cblock thing) (ir2-block (ir2-block-block thing)) (vop (block-or-lose (vop-block thing))) (tn-ref (block-or-lose (tn-ref-vop thing))) (continuation (continuation-block thing)) (node (node-block thing)) (component (component-head thing)) #| (cloop (loop-head thing))|# (integer (continuation-block (num-cont thing))) (functional (lambda-block (main-entry thing))) (null (error "Bad thing: ~S." thing)) (symbol (block-or-lose (gethash thing *free-functions*))))) ;;; Print cN. (defun print-continuation (cont) (declare (type continuation cont)) (format t " c~D" (cont-num cont)) (values)) ;;; Print out the nodes in BLOCK in a format oriented toward ;;; representing what the code does. (defun print-nodes (block) (setq block (block-or-lose block)) (format t "~%block start c~D" (cont-num (block-start block))) (let ((last (block-last block))) (terpri) (do ((cont (block-start block) (node-cont (continuation-next cont)))) (()) (let ((node (continuation-next cont))) (format t "~3D: " (cont-num (node-cont node))) (etypecase node (ref (print-leaf (ref-leaf node))) (basic-combination (let ((kind (basic-combination-kind node))) (format t "~(~A ~A~) c~D" (if (function-info-p kind) "known" kind) (type-of node) (cont-num (basic-combination-fun node))) (dolist (arg (basic-combination-args node)) (if arg (print-continuation arg) (format t " "))))) (cset (write-string "set ") (print-leaf (set-var node)) (print-continuation (set-value node))) (cif (format t "if c~D" (cont-num (if-test node))) (print-continuation (block-start (if-consequent node))) (print-continuation (block-start (if-alternative node)))) (bind (write-string "bind ") (print-leaf (bind-lambda node))) (creturn (format t "return c~D " (cont-num (return-result node))) (print-leaf (return-lambda node))) (entry (format t "entry ~S" (entry-exits node))) (exit (let ((value (exit-value node))) (cond (value (format t "exit c~D" (cont-num value))) ((exit-entry node) (format t "exit ")) (t (format t "exit ")))))) (terpri) (when (eq node last) (return))))) (let ((succ (block-succ block))) (format t "successors~{ c~D~}~%" (mapcar (lambda (x) (cont-num (block-start x))) succ))) (values)) ;;; Print a useful representation of a TN. If the TN has a leaf, then do a ;;; Print-Leaf on that, otherwise print a generated ID. (defun print-tn (tn &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (declare (type tn tn)) (let ((leaf (tn-leaf tn))) (cond (leaf (print-leaf leaf stream) (format stream "!~D" (tn-id tn))) (t (format stream "t~D" (tn-id tn)))) (when (and (tn-sc tn) (tn-offset tn)) (format stream "[~A]" (location-print-name tn))))) ;;; Print the TN-Refs representing some operands to a VOP, linked by ;;; TN-Ref-Across. (defun print-operands (refs) (declare (type (or tn-ref null) refs)) (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil) (do ((ref refs (tn-ref-across ref))) ((null ref)) (let ((tn (tn-ref-tn ref)) (ltn (tn-ref-load-tn ref))) (cond ((not ltn) (print-tn tn)) (t (print-tn tn) (princ (if (tn-ref-write-p ref) #\< #\>)) (print-tn ltn))) (princ #\space) (pprint-newline :fill))))) ;;; Print the vop, putting args, info and results on separate lines, if ;;; necessary. (defun print-vop (vop) (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil) (princ (vop-info-name (vop-info vop))) (princ #\space) (pprint-indent :current 0) (print-operands (vop-args vop)) (pprint-newline :linear) (when (vop-codegen-info vop) (princ (with-output-to-string (stream) (let ((*print-level* 1) (*print-length* 3)) (format stream "{~{~S~^ ~}} " (vop-codegen-info vop))))) (pprint-newline :linear)) (when (vop-results vop) (princ "=> ") (print-operands (vop-results vop)))) (terpri)) ;;; Print the VOPs in the specified IR2 block. (defun print-ir2-block (block) (declare (type ir2-block block)) (cond ((eq (block-info (ir2-block-block block)) block) (format t "~%IR2 block start c~D~%" (cont-num (block-start (ir2-block-block block)))) (let ((label (ir2-block-%label block))) (when label (format t "L~D:~%" (label-id label))))) (t (format t "~%"))) (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop)) (number 0 (1+ number))) ((null vop)) (format t "~W: " number) (print-vop vop))) ;;; This is like PRINT-NODES, but dumps the IR2 representation of the ;;; code in BLOCK. (defun print-vops (block) (setq block (block-or-lose block)) (let ((2block (block-info block))) (print-ir2-block 2block) (do ((b (ir2-block-next 2block) (ir2-block-next b))) ((not (eq (ir2-block-block b) block))) (print-ir2-block b))) (values)) ;;; Scan the IR2 blocks in emission order. (defun print-ir2-blocks (thing) (do-ir2-blocks (block (block-component (block-or-lose thing))) (print-ir2-block block)) (values)) ;;; Do a PRINT-NODES on BLOCK and all blocks reachable from it by ;;; successor links. (defun print-blocks (block) (setq block (block-or-lose block)) (do-blocks (block (block-component block) :both) (setf (block-flag block) nil)) (labels ((walk (block) (unless (block-flag block) (setf (block-flag block) t) (when (block-start block) (print-nodes block)) (dolist (block (block-succ block)) (walk block))))) (walk block)) (values)) ;;; Print all blocks in BLOCK's component in DFO. (defun print-all-blocks (thing) (do-blocks (block (block-component (block-or-lose thing))) (handler-case (print-nodes block) (error (condition) (format t "~&~A...~%" condition)))) (values)) (defvar *list-conflicts-table* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) ;;; Add all ALWAYS-LIVE TNs in Block to the conflicts. TN is ignored when ;;; it appears in the global conflicts. (defun add-always-live-tns (block tn) (declare (type ir2-block block) (type tn tn)) (do ((conf (ir2-block-global-tns block) (global-conflicts-next conf))) ((null conf)) (when (eq (global-conflicts-kind conf) :live) (let ((btn (global-conflicts-tn conf))) (unless (eq btn tn) (setf (gethash btn *list-conflicts-table*) t))))) (values)) ;;; Add all local TNs in block to the conflicts. (defun add-all-local-tns (block) (declare (type ir2-block block)) (let ((ltns (ir2-block-local-tns block))) (dotimes (i (ir2-block-local-tn-count block)) (setf (gethash (svref ltns i) *list-conflicts-table*) t))) (values)) ;;; Make a list out of all of the recorded conflicts. (defun listify-conflicts-table () (collect ((res)) (maphash (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore v)) (when k (res k))) *list-conflicts-table*) (clrhash *list-conflicts-table*) (res))) ;;; Return a list of a the TNs that conflict with TN. Sort of, kind ;;; of. For debugging use only. Probably doesn't work on :COMPONENT TNs. (defun list-conflicts (tn) (aver (member (tn-kind tn) '(:normal :environment :debug-environment))) (let ((confs (tn-global-conflicts tn))) (cond (confs (clrhash *list-conflicts-table*) (do ((conf confs (global-conflicts-tn-next conf))) ((null conf)) (let ((block (global-conflicts-block conf))) (add-always-live-tns block tn) (if (eq (global-conflicts-kind conf) :live) (add-all-local-tns block) (let ((bconf (global-conflicts-conflicts conf)) (ltns (ir2-block-local-tns block))) (dotimes (i (ir2-block-local-tn-count block)) (when (/= (sbit bconf i) 0) (setf (gethash (svref ltns i) *list-conflicts-table*) t))))))) (listify-conflicts-table)) (t (let* ((block (tn-local tn)) (ltns (ir2-block-local-tns block)) (confs (tn-local-conflicts tn))) (collect ((res)) (dotimes (i (ir2-block-local-tn-count block)) (when (/= (sbit confs i) 0) (let ((tn (svref ltns i))) (when (and tn (not (eq tn :more)) (not (tn-global-conflicts tn))) (res tn))))) (do ((gtn (ir2-block-global-tns block) (global-conflicts-next gtn))) ((null gtn)) (when (or (eq (global-conflicts-kind gtn) :live) (/= (sbit confs (global-conflicts-number gtn)) 0)) (res (global-conflicts-tn gtn)))) (res))))))) (defun nth-vop (thing n) #!+sb-doc "Return the Nth VOP in the IR2-Block pointed to by Thing." (let ((block (block-info (block-or-lose thing)))) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop))) ((= i n) vop))))