;;;; stuff that knows about dumping FASL files ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!FASL") ;;; KLUDGE: Even though we're IN-PACKAGE SB!FASL, some of the code in ;;; here is awfully chummy with the SB!C package. CMU CL didn't have ;;; any separation between the two packages, and a lot of tight ;;; coupling remains. -- WHN 2001-06-04 ;;;; fasl dumper state ;;; The FASL-OUTPUT structure represents everything we need to ;;; know about dumping to a fasl file. (We need to objectify the ;;; state because the fasdumper must be reentrant.) (defstruct (fasl-output #-no-ansi-print-object (:print-object (lambda (x s) (print-unreadable-object (x s :type t) (prin1 (namestring (fasl-output-stream x)) s)))) (:copier nil)) ;; the stream we dump to (stream (required-argument) :type stream) ;; hashtables we use to keep track of dumped constants so that we ;; can get them from the table rather than dumping them again. The ;; EQUAL-TABLE is used for lists and strings, and the EQ-TABLE is ;; used for everything else. We use a separate EQ table to avoid ;; performance patholigies with objects for which EQUAL degnerates ;; to EQL. Everything entered in the EQUAL table is also entered in ;; the EQ table. (equal-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :type hash-table) (eq-table (make-hash-table :test 'eq) :type hash-table) ;; the table's current free pointer: the next offset to be used (table-free 0 :type index) ;; an alist (PACKAGE . OFFSET) of the table offsets for each package ;; we have currently located. (packages () :type list) ;; a table mapping from the Entry-Info structures for dumped XEPs to ;; the table offsets of the corresponding code pointers (entry-table (make-hash-table :test 'eq) :type hash-table) ;; a table holding back-patching info for forward references to XEPs. ;; The key is the Entry-Info structure for the XEP, and the value is ;; a list of conses ( . ), where ;; is the offset in the table of the code object needing to be ;; patched, and is the offset that must be patched. (patch-table (make-hash-table :test 'eq) :type hash-table) ;; a list of the table handles for all of the DEBUG-INFO structures ;; dumped in this file. These structures must be back-patched with ;; source location information when the compilation is complete. (debug-info () :type list) ;; This is used to keep track of objects that we are in the process ;; of dumping so that circularities can be preserved. The key is the ;; object that we have previously seen, and the value is the object ;; that we reference in the table to find this previously seen ;; object. (The value is never NIL.) ;; ;; Except with list objects, the key and the value are always the ;; same. In a list, the key will be some tail of the value. (circularity-table (make-hash-table :test 'eq) :type hash-table) ;; a hash table of structures that are allowed to be dumped. If we ;; try to dump a structure that isn't in this hash table, we lose. (valid-structures (make-hash-table :test 'eq) :type hash-table)) ;;; This structure holds information about a circularity. (defstruct (circularity (:copier nil)) ;; the kind of modification to make to create circularity (type (required-argument) :type (member :rplaca :rplacd :svset :struct-set)) ;; the object containing circularity object ;; index in object for circularity (index (required-argument) :type index) ;; the object to be stored at INDEX in OBJECT. This is that the key ;; that we were using when we discovered the circularity. value ;; the value that was associated with VALUE in the ;; CIRCULARITY-TABLE. This is the object that we look up in the ;; EQ-TABLE to locate VALUE. enclosing-object) ;;; a list of the CIRCULARITY structures for all of the circularities ;;; detected in the current top-level call to DUMP-OBJECT. Setting ;;; this lobotomizes circularity detection as well, since circular ;;; dumping uses the table. (defvar *circularities-detected*) ;;; used to inhibit table access when dumping forms to be read by the ;;; cold loader (defvar *cold-load-dump* nil) ;;; used to turn off the structure validation during dumping of source ;;; info (defvar *dump-only-valid-structures* t) ;;;; utilities ;;; Write the byte B to the specified FASL-OUTPUT stream. (defun dump-byte (b fasl-output) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) b) (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (write-byte b (fasl-output-stream fasl-output))) ;;; Dump a 4 byte unsigned integer. (defun dump-unsigned-32 (num fasl-output) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) num)) (declare (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (let ((stream (fasl-output-stream fasl-output))) (dotimes (i 4) (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 i)) num) stream)))) ;;; Dump NUM to the fasl stream, represented by N bytes. This works ;;; for either signed or unsigned integers. There's no range checking ;;; -- if you don't specify enough bytes for the number to fit, this ;;; function cheerfully outputs the low bytes. (defun dump-integer-as-n-bytes (num bytes fasl-output) (declare (integer num) (type index bytes)) (declare (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (do ((n num (ash n -8)) (i bytes (1- i))) ((= i 0)) (declare (type index i)) (dump-byte (logand n #xff) fasl-output)) (values)) ;;; Setting this variable to an (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32) value causes ;;; DUMP-FOP to use it as a counter and emit a FOP-NOP4 with the ;;; counter value before every ordinary fop. This can make it easier ;;; to follow the progress of LOAD-AS-FASL when ;;; debugging/testing/experimenting. #!+sb-show (defvar *fop-nop4-count* nil) #!+sb-show (declaim (type (or (unsigned-byte 32) null) *fop-nop4-count*)) ;;; Dump the FOP code for the named FOP to the specified FASL-OUTPUT. ;;; ;;; FIXME: This should be a function, with a compiler macro expansion ;;; for the common constant-FS case. (Among other things, that'll stop ;;; it from EVALing ,FILE multiple times.) ;;; ;;; FIXME: Compiler macros, frozen classes, inlining, and similar ;;; optimizations should be conditional on #!+SB-FROZEN. (defmacro dump-fop (fs file) (let* ((fs (eval fs)) (val (get fs 'fop-code))) (if val `(progn #!+sb-show (when *fop-nop4-count* (dump-byte ,(get 'fop-nop4 'fop-code) ,file) (dump-unsigned-32 (mod (incf *fop-nop4-count*) (expt 2 32)) ,file)) (dump-byte ',val ,file)) (error "compiler bug: ~S is not a legal fasload operator." fs)))) ;;; Dump a FOP-Code along with an integer argument, choosing the FOP ;;; based on whether the argument will fit in a single byte. ;;; ;;; FIXME: This, like DUMP-FOP, should be a function with a ;;; compiler-macro expansion. (defmacro dump-fop* (n byte-fop word-fop file) (once-only ((n-n n) (n-file file)) `(cond ((< ,n-n 256) (dump-fop ',byte-fop ,n-file) (dump-byte ,n-n ,n-file)) (t (dump-fop ',word-fop ,n-file) (dump-unsigned-32 ,n-n ,n-file))))) ;;; Push the object at table offset Handle on the fasl stack. (defun dump-push (handle fasl-output) (declare (type index handle) (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (dump-fop* handle fop-byte-push fop-push fasl-output) (values)) ;;; Pop the object currently on the fasl stack top into the table, and ;;; return the table index, incrementing the free pointer. (defun dump-pop (fasl-output) (prog1 (fasl-output-table-free fasl-output) (dump-fop 'fop-pop fasl-output) (incf (fasl-output-table-free fasl-output)))) ;;; If X is in File's EQUAL-TABLE, then push the object and return T, ;;; otherwise NIL. If *COLD-LOAD-DUMP* is true, then do nothing and ;;; return NIL. (defun equal-check-table (x fasl-output) (declare (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (unless *cold-load-dump* (let ((handle (gethash x (fasl-output-equal-table fasl-output)))) (cond (handle (dump-push handle fasl-output) t) (t nil))))) ;;; These functions are called after dumping an object to save the ;;; object in the table. The object (also passed in as X) must already ;;; be on the top of the FOP stack. If *COLD-LOAD-DUMP* is true, then ;;; we don't do anything. (defun eq-save-object (x fasl-output) (declare (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (unless *cold-load-dump* (let ((handle (dump-pop fasl-output))) (setf (gethash x (fasl-output-eq-table fasl-output)) handle) (dump-push handle fasl-output))) (values)) (defun equal-save-object (x fasl-output) (declare (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (unless *cold-load-dump* (let ((handle (dump-pop fasl-output))) (setf (gethash x (fasl-output-equal-table fasl-output)) handle) (setf (gethash x (fasl-output-eq-table fasl-output)) handle) (dump-push handle fasl-output))) (values)) ;;; Record X in File's CIRCULARITY-TABLE unless *COLD-LOAD-DUMP* is ;;; true. This is called on objects that we are about to dump might ;;; have a circular path through them. ;;; ;;; The object must not currently be in this table, since the dumper ;;; should never be recursively called on a circular reference. ;;; Instead, the dumping function must detect the circularity and ;;; arrange for the dumped object to be patched. (defun note-potential-circularity (x fasl-output) (unless *cold-load-dump* (let ((circ (fasl-output-circularity-table fasl-output))) (aver (not (gethash x circ))) (setf (gethash x circ) x))) (values)) ;;; Dump FORM to a fasl file so that it evaluated at load time in normal ;;; load and at cold-load time in cold load. This is used to dump package ;;; frobbing forms. (defun fasl-dump-cold-load-form (form fasl-output) (declare (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (dump-fop 'fop-normal-load fasl-output) (let ((*cold-load-dump* t)) (dump-object form fasl-output)) (dump-fop 'fop-eval-for-effect fasl-output) (dump-fop 'fop-maybe-cold-load fasl-output) (values)) ;;;; opening and closing fasl files ;;; Open a fasl file, write its header, and return a FASL-OUTPUT ;;; object for dumping to it. Some human-readable information about ;;; the source code is given by the string WHERE. If BYTE-P is true, ;;; this file will contain no native code, and is thus largely ;;; implementation independent. (defun open-fasl-output (name where &optional byte-p) (declare (type pathname name)) (let* ((stream (open name :direction :output :if-exists :new-version :element-type 'sb!assem:assembly-unit)) (res (make-fasl-output :stream stream))) ;; Begin the header with the constant machine-readable (and ;; semi-human-readable) string which is used to identify fasl files. (write-string *fasl-header-string-start-string* stream) ;; The constant string which begins the header is followed by ;; arbitrary human-readable text, terminated by a special ;; character code. (with-standard-io-syntax (format stream "~% ~ compiled from ~S~% ~ at ~A~% ~ on ~A~% ~ using ~A version ~A~%" where (format-universal-time nil (get-universal-time)) (machine-instance) (sb!xc:lisp-implementation-type) (sb!xc:lisp-implementation-version))) (dump-byte +fasl-header-string-stop-char-code+ res) ;; Finish the header by outputting fasl file implementation and ;; version in machine-readable form. (let ((implementation (if byte-p (backend-byte-fasl-file-implementation) +backend-fasl-file-implementation+))) (dump-unsigned-32 (length (symbol-name implementation)) res) (dotimes (i (length (symbol-name implementation))) (dump-byte (char-code (aref (symbol-name implementation) i)) res))) (dump-unsigned-32 +fasl-file-version+ res) res)) ;;; Close the specified FASL-OUTPUT, aborting the write if ABORT-P. (defun close-fasl-output (fasl-output abort-p) (declare (type fasl-output fasl-output)) ;; sanity checks (aver (zerop (hash-table-count (fasl-output-patch-table fasl-output)))) ;; End the group. (dump-fop 'fop-verify-empty-stack fasl-output) (dump-fop 'fop-verify-table-size fasl-output) (dump-unsigned-32 (fasl-output-table-free fasl-output) fasl-output) (dump-fop 'fop-end-group fasl-output) ;; That's all, folks. (close (fasl-output-stream fasl-output) :abort abort-p) (values)) ;;;; main entries to object dumping ;;; This function deals with dumping objects that are complex enough ;;; so that we want to cache them in the table, rather than repeatedly ;;; dumping them. If the object is in the EQ-TABLE, then we push it, ;;; otherwise, we do a type dispatch to a type specific dumping ;;; function. The type specific branches do any appropriate ;;; EQUAL-TABLE check and table entry. ;;; ;;; When we go to dump the object, we enter it in the CIRCULARITY-TABLE. (defun dump-non-immediate-object (x file) (let ((index (gethash x (fasl-output-eq-table file)))) (cond ((and index (not *cold-load-dump*)) (dump-push index file)) (t (typecase x (symbol (dump-symbol x file)) (list ;; KLUDGE: The code in this case has been hacked ;; to match Douglas Crosher's quick fix to CMU CL ;; (on cmucl-imp 1999-12-27), applied in sbcl- ;; with help from Martin Atzmueller. This is not an ;; ideal solution; to quote DTC, ;; The compiler locks up trying to coalesce the ;; constant lists. The hack below will disable the ;; coalescing of lists while dumping and allows ;; the code to compile. The real fix would be to ;; take a little more care while dumping these. ;; So if better list coalescing is needed, start here. ;; -- WHN 2000-11-07 (if (circular-list-p x) (progn (dump-list x file) (eq-save-object x file)) (unless (equal-check-table x file) (dump-list x file) (equal-save-object x file)))) (layout (dump-layout x file) (eq-save-object x file)) (instance (dump-structure x file) (eq-save-object x file)) (array ;; FIXME: The comment at the head of ;; DUMP-NON-IMMEDIATE-OBJECT says it's for objects which ;; we want to save, instead of repeatedly dumping them. ;; But then we dump arrays here without doing anything ;; like EQUAL-SAVE-OBJECT. What gives? (dump-array x file)) (number (unless (equal-check-table x file) (etypecase x (ratio (dump-ratio x file)) (complex (dump-complex x file)) (float (dump-float x file)) (integer (dump-integer x file))) (equal-save-object x file))) (t ;; This probably never happens, since bad things tend to ;; be detected during IR1 conversion. (error "This object cannot be dumped into a fasl file:~% ~S" x)))))) (values)) ;;; Dump an object of any type by dispatching to the correct ;;; type-specific dumping function. We pick off immediate objects, ;;; symbols and and magic lists here. Other objects are handled by ;;; DUMP-NON-IMMEDIATE-OBJECT. ;;; ;;; This is the function used for recursive calls to the fasl dumper. ;;; We don't worry about creating circularities here, since it is ;;; assumed that there is a top-level call to DUMP-OBJECT. (defun sub-dump-object (x file) (cond ((listp x) (if x (dump-non-immediate-object x file) (dump-fop 'fop-empty-list file))) ((symbolp x) (if (eq x t) (dump-fop 'fop-truth file) (dump-non-immediate-object x file))) ((fixnump x) (dump-integer x file)) ((characterp x) (dump-character x file)) (t (dump-non-immediate-object x file)))) ;;; Dump stuff to backpatch already dumped objects. INFOS is the list ;;; of CIRCULARITY structures describing what to do. The patching FOPs ;;; take the value to store on the stack. We compute this value by ;;; fetching the enclosing object from the table, and then CDR'ing it ;;; if necessary. (defun dump-circularities (infos file) (let ((table (fasl-output-eq-table file))) (dolist (info infos) (let* ((value (circularity-value info)) (enclosing (circularity-enclosing-object info))) (dump-push (gethash enclosing table) file) (unless (eq enclosing value) (do ((current enclosing (cdr current)) (i 0 (1+ i))) ((eq current value) (dump-fop 'fop-nthcdr file) (dump-unsigned-32 i file)) (declare (type index i))))) (ecase (circularity-type info) (:rplaca (dump-fop 'fop-rplaca file)) (:rplacd (dump-fop 'fop-rplacd file)) (:svset (dump-fop 'fop-svset file)) (:struct-set (dump-fop 'fop-structset file))) (dump-unsigned-32 (gethash (circularity-object info) table) file) (dump-unsigned-32 (circularity-index info) file)))) ;;; Set up stuff for circularity detection, then dump an object. All ;;; shared and circular structure will be exactly preserved within a ;;; single call to DUMP-OBJECT. Sharing between objects dumped by ;;; separate calls is only preserved when convenient. ;;; ;;; We peek at the object type so that we only pay the circular ;;; detection overhead on types of objects that might be circular. (defun dump-object (x file) (if (or (array-header-p x) (simple-vector-p x) (consp x) (typep x 'instance)) (let ((*circularities-detected* ()) (circ (fasl-output-circularity-table file))) (clrhash circ) (sub-dump-object x file) (when *circularities-detected* (dump-circularities *circularities-detected* file) (clrhash circ))) (sub-dump-object x file))) ;;;; LOAD-TIME-VALUE and MAKE-LOAD-FORM support ;;; Emit a funcall of the function and return the handle for the ;;; result. (defun fasl-dump-load-time-value-lambda (fun file) (declare (type sb!c::clambda fun) (type fasl-output file)) (let ((handle (gethash (sb!c::leaf-info fun) (fasl-output-entry-table file)))) (aver handle) (dump-push handle file) (dump-fop 'fop-funcall file) (dump-byte 0 file)) (dump-pop file)) ;;; Return T iff CONSTANT has not already been dumped. It's been ;;; dumped if it's in the EQ table. (defun fasl-constant-already-dumped-p (constant file) (if (or (gethash constant (fasl-output-eq-table file)) (gethash constant (fasl-output-valid-structures file))) t nil)) ;;; Use HANDLE whenever we try to dump CONSTANT. HANDLE should have been ;;; returned earlier by FASL-DUMP-LOAD-TIME-VALUE-LAMBDA. (defun fasl-note-handle-for-constant (constant handle file) (let ((table (fasl-output-eq-table file))) (when (gethash constant table) (error "~S already dumped?" constant)) (setf (gethash constant table) handle)) (values)) ;;; Note that the specified structure can just be dumped by ;;; enumerating the slots. (defun fasl-validate-structure (structure file) (setf (gethash structure (fasl-output-valid-structures file)) t) (values)) ;;;; number dumping ;;; Dump a ratio. (defun dump-ratio (x file) (sub-dump-object (numerator x) file) (sub-dump-object (denominator x) file) (dump-fop 'fop-ratio file)) ;;; Dump an integer. (defun dump-integer (n file) (typecase n ((signed-byte 8) (dump-fop 'fop-byte-integer file) (dump-byte (logand #xFF n) file)) ((unsigned-byte 31) (dump-fop 'fop-word-integer file) (dump-unsigned-32 n file)) ((signed-byte 32) (dump-fop 'fop-word-integer file) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes n 4 file)) (t (let ((bytes (ceiling (1+ (integer-length n)) 8))) (dump-fop* bytes fop-small-integer fop-integer file) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes n bytes file))))) (defun dump-float (x file) (etypecase x (single-float (dump-fop 'fop-single-float file) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes (single-float-bits x) 4 file)) (double-float (dump-fop 'fop-double-float file) (let ((x x)) (declare (double-float x)) ;; FIXME: Why sometimes DUMP-UNSIGNED-32 and sometimes ;; DUMP-INTEGER-AS-N-BYTES .. 4? (dump-unsigned-32 (double-float-low-bits x) file) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes (double-float-high-bits x) 4 file))) #!+long-float (long-float (dump-fop 'fop-long-float file) (dump-long-float x file)))) (defun dump-complex (x file) (typecase x #-sb-xc-host ((complex single-float) (dump-fop 'fop-complex-single-float file) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes (single-float-bits (realpart x)) 4 file) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes (single-float-bits (imagpart x)) 4 file)) #-sb-xc-host ((complex double-float) (dump-fop 'fop-complex-double-float file) (let ((re (realpart x))) (declare (double-float re)) (dump-unsigned-32 (double-float-low-bits re) file) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes (double-float-high-bits re) 4 file)) (let ((im (imagpart x))) (declare (double-float im)) (dump-unsigned-32 (double-float-low-bits im) file) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes (double-float-high-bits im) 4 file))) #!+long-float ((complex long-float) ;; (There's no easy way to mix #!+LONG-FLOAT and #-SB-XC-HOST ;; conditionalization at read time, so we do this SB-XC-HOST ;; conditional at runtime instead.) #+sb-xc-host (error "can't dump COMPLEX-LONG-FLOAT in cross-compiler") (dump-fop 'fop-complex-long-float file) (dump-long-float (realpart x) file) (dump-long-float (imagpart x) file)) (t (sub-dump-object (realpart x) file) (sub-dump-object (imagpart x) file) (dump-fop 'fop-complex file)))) ;;;; symbol dumping ;;; Return the table index of PKG, adding the package to the table if ;;; necessary. During cold load, we read the string as a normal string ;;; so that we can do the package lookup at cold load time. ;;; ;;; FIXME: Despite the parallelism in names, the functionality of ;;; this function is not parallel to other functions DUMP-FOO, e.g. ;;; DUMP-SYMBOL and DUMP-LIST. The mapping between names and behavior ;;; should be made more consistent. (defun dump-package (pkg file) (declare (type package pkg) (type fasl-output file)) (declare (values index)) (declare (inline assoc)) (cond ((cdr (assoc pkg (fasl-output-packages file) :test #'eq))) (t (unless *cold-load-dump* (dump-fop 'fop-normal-load file)) (dump-simple-string (package-name pkg) file) (dump-fop 'fop-package file) (unless *cold-load-dump* (dump-fop 'fop-maybe-cold-load file)) (let ((entry (dump-pop file))) (push (cons pkg entry) (fasl-output-packages file)) entry)))) ;;; dumper for lists ;;; Dump a list, setting up patching information when there are ;;; circularities. We scan down the list, checking for CDR and CAR ;;; circularities. ;;; ;;; If there is a CDR circularity, we terminate the list with NIL and ;;; make a CIRCULARITY notation for the CDR of the previous cons. ;;; ;;; If there is no CDR circularity, then we mark the current cons and ;;; check for a CAR circularity. When there is a CAR circularity, we ;;; make the CAR NIL initially, arranging for the current cons to be ;;; patched later. ;;; ;;; Otherwise, we recursively call the dumper to dump the current ;;; element. ;;; ;;; Marking of the conses is inhibited when *COLD-LOAD-DUMP* is true. ;;; This inhibits all circularity detection. (defun dump-list (list file) (aver (and list (not (gethash list (fasl-output-circularity-table file))))) (do* ((l list (cdr l)) (n 0 (1+ n)) (circ (fasl-output-circularity-table file))) ((atom l) (cond ((null l) (terminate-undotted-list n file)) (t (sub-dump-object l file) (terminate-dotted-list n file)))) (declare (type index n)) (let ((ref (gethash l circ))) (when ref (push (make-circularity :type :rplacd :object list :index (1- n) :value l :enclosing-object ref) *circularities-detected*) (terminate-undotted-list n file) (return))) (unless *cold-load-dump* (setf (gethash l circ) list)) (let* ((obj (car l)) (ref (gethash obj circ))) (cond (ref (push (make-circularity :type :rplaca :object list :index n :value obj :enclosing-object ref) *circularities-detected*) (sub-dump-object nil file)) (t (sub-dump-object obj file)))))) (defun terminate-dotted-list (n file) (declare (type index n) (type fasl-output file)) (case n (1 (dump-fop 'fop-list*-1 file)) (2 (dump-fop 'fop-list*-2 file)) (3 (dump-fop 'fop-list*-3 file)) (4 (dump-fop 'fop-list*-4 file)) (5 (dump-fop 'fop-list*-5 file)) (6 (dump-fop 'fop-list*-6 file)) (7 (dump-fop 'fop-list*-7 file)) (8 (dump-fop 'fop-list*-8 file)) (T (do ((nn n (- nn 255))) ((< nn 256) (dump-fop 'fop-list* file) (dump-byte nn file)) (declare (type index nn)) (dump-fop 'fop-list* file) (dump-byte 255 file))))) ;;; If N > 255, must build list with one LIST operator, then LIST* ;;; operators. (defun terminate-undotted-list (n file) (declare (type index n) (type fasl-output file)) (case n (1 (dump-fop 'fop-list-1 file)) (2 (dump-fop 'fop-list-2 file)) (3 (dump-fop 'fop-list-3 file)) (4 (dump-fop 'fop-list-4 file)) (5 (dump-fop 'fop-list-5 file)) (6 (dump-fop 'fop-list-6 file)) (7 (dump-fop 'fop-list-7 file)) (8 (dump-fop 'fop-list-8 file)) (T (cond ((< n 256) (dump-fop 'fop-list file) (dump-byte n file)) (t (dump-fop 'fop-list file) (dump-byte 255 file) (do ((nn (- n 255) (- nn 255))) ((< nn 256) (dump-fop 'fop-list* file) (dump-byte nn file)) (declare (type index nn)) (dump-fop 'fop-list* file) (dump-byte 255 file))))))) ;;;; array dumping ;;; Dump the array thing. (defun dump-array (x file) (if (vectorp x) (dump-vector x file) (dump-multi-dim-array x file))) ;;; Dump the vector object. If it's not simple, then actually dump a ;;; simple version of it. But we enter the original in the EQ or EQUAL ;;; tables. (defun dump-vector (x file) (let ((simple-version (if (array-header-p x) (coerce x 'simple-array) x))) (typecase simple-version (simple-base-string (unless (equal-check-table x file) (dump-simple-string simple-version file) (equal-save-object x file))) (simple-vector (dump-simple-vector simple-version file) (eq-save-object x file)) ((simple-array single-float (*)) (dump-single-float-vector simple-version file) (eq-save-object x file)) ((simple-array double-float (*)) (dump-double-float-vector simple-version file) (eq-save-object x file)) #!+long-float ((simple-array long-float (*)) (dump-long-float-vector simple-version file) (eq-save-object x file)) ((simple-array (complex single-float) (*)) (dump-complex-single-float-vector simple-version file) (eq-save-object x file)) ((simple-array (complex double-float) (*)) (dump-complex-double-float-vector simple-version file) (eq-save-object x file)) #!+long-float ((simple-array (complex long-float) (*)) (dump-complex-long-float-vector simple-version file) (eq-save-object x file)) (t (dump-i-vector simple-version file) (eq-save-object x file))))) ;;; Dump a SIMPLE-VECTOR, handling any circularities. (defun dump-simple-vector (v file) (declare (type simple-vector v) (type fasl-output file)) (note-potential-circularity v file) (do ((index 0 (1+ index)) (length (length v)) (circ (fasl-output-circularity-table file))) ((= index length) (dump-fop* length fop-small-vector fop-vector file)) (let* ((obj (aref v index)) (ref (gethash obj circ))) (cond (ref (push (make-circularity :type :svset :object v :index index :value obj :enclosing-object ref) *circularities-detected*) (sub-dump-object nil file)) (t (sub-dump-object obj file)))))) (defun dump-i-vector (vec file &key data-only) (declare (type (simple-array * (*)) vec)) (let ((len (length vec))) (labels ((dump-unsigned-vector (size bytes) (unless data-only (dump-fop 'fop-int-vector file) (dump-unsigned-32 len file) (dump-byte size file)) ;; The case which is easy to handle in a portable way is when ;; the element size is a multiple of the output byte size, and ;; happily that's the only case we need to be portable. (The ;; cross-compiler has to output debug information (including ;; (SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) *).) The other cases are only ;; needed in the target SBCL, so we let them be handled with ;; unportable bit bashing. (cond ((>= size 8) ; easy cases (multiple-value-bind (floor rem) (floor size 8) (aver (zerop rem)) (dovector (i vec) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes i floor file)))) (t ; harder cases, not supported in cross-compiler (dump-raw-bytes vec bytes file)))) (dump-signed-vector (size bytes) ;; Note: Dumping specialized signed vectors isn't ;; supported in the cross-compiler. (All cases here end ;; up trying to call DUMP-RAW-BYTES, which isn't ;; provided in the cross-compilation host, only on the ;; target machine.) (unless data-only (dump-fop 'fop-signed-int-vector file) (dump-unsigned-32 len file) (dump-byte size file)) (dump-raw-bytes vec bytes file))) (etypecase vec ;; KLUDGE: What exactly does the (ASH .. -3) stuff do? -- WHN 19990902 (simple-bit-vector (dump-unsigned-vector 1 (ash (+ (the index len) 7) -3))) ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 2) (*)) (dump-unsigned-vector 2 (ash (+ (the index (ash len 1)) 7) -3))) ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 4) (*)) (dump-unsigned-vector 4 (ash (+ (the index (ash len 2)) 7) -3))) ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) (dump-unsigned-vector 8 len)) ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 16) (*)) (dump-unsigned-vector 16 (* 2 len))) ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (*)) (dump-unsigned-vector 32 (* 4 len))) ((simple-array (signed-byte 8) (*)) (dump-signed-vector 8 len)) ((simple-array (signed-byte 16) (*)) (dump-signed-vector 16 (* 2 len))) ((simple-array (signed-byte 30) (*)) (dump-signed-vector 30 (* 4 len))) ((simple-array (signed-byte 32) (*)) (dump-signed-vector 32 (* 4 len))))))) ;;; Dump characters and string-ish things. (defun dump-character (ch file) (dump-fop 'fop-short-character file) (dump-byte (char-code ch) file)) ;;; a helper function shared by DUMP-SIMPLE-STRING and DUMP-SYMBOL (defun dump-characters-of-string (s fasl-output) (declare (type string s) (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (dovector (c s) (dump-byte (char-code c) fasl-output)) (values)) ;;; Dump a SIMPLE-BASE-STRING. ;;; FIXME: should be called DUMP-SIMPLE-BASE-STRING then (defun dump-simple-string (s file) (declare (type simple-base-string s)) (dump-fop* (length s) fop-small-string fop-string file) (dump-characters-of-string s file) (values)) ;;; If we get here, it is assumed that the symbol isn't in the table, ;;; but we are responsible for putting it there when appropriate. To ;;; avoid too much special-casing, we always push the symbol in the ;;; table, but don't record that we have done so if *COLD-LOAD-DUMP* ;;; is true. (defun dump-symbol (s file) (declare (type fasl-output file)) (let* ((pname (symbol-name s)) (pname-length (length pname)) (pkg (symbol-package s))) (cond ((null pkg) (dump-fop* pname-length fop-uninterned-small-symbol-save fop-uninterned-symbol-save file)) ;; CMU CL had FOP-SYMBOL-SAVE/FOP-SMALL-SYMBOL-SAVE fops which ;; used the current value of *PACKAGE*. Unfortunately that's ;; broken w.r.t. ANSI Common Lisp semantics, so those are gone ;; from SBCL. ;;((eq pkg *package*) ;; (dump-fop* pname-length ;; fop-small-symbol-save ;; fop-symbol-save file)) ((eq pkg sb!int:*cl-package*) (dump-fop* pname-length fop-lisp-small-symbol-save fop-lisp-symbol-save file)) ((eq pkg sb!int:*keyword-package*) (dump-fop* pname-length fop-keyword-small-symbol-save fop-keyword-symbol-save file)) ((< pname-length 256) (dump-fop* (dump-package pkg file) fop-small-symbol-in-byte-package-save fop-small-symbol-in-package-save file) (dump-byte pname-length file)) (t (dump-fop* (dump-package pkg file) fop-symbol-in-byte-package-save fop-symbol-in-package-save file) (dump-unsigned-32 pname-length file))) (dump-characters-of-string pname file) (unless *cold-load-dump* (setf (gethash s (fasl-output-eq-table file)) (fasl-output-table-free file))) (incf (fasl-output-table-free file))) (values)) ;;;; component (function) dumping (defun dump-segment (segment code-length fasl-output) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (let* ((stream (fasl-output-stream fasl-output)) (nwritten (write-segment-contents segment stream))) ;; In CMU CL there was no enforced connection between the CODE-LENGTH ;; argument and the number of bytes actually written. I added this ;; assertion while trying to debug portable genesis. -- WHN 19990902 (unless (= code-length nwritten) (error "internal error, code-length=~D, nwritten=~D" code-length nwritten))) (values)) ;;; Dump all the fixups. Currently there are three flavors of fixup: ;;; - assembly routines: named by a symbol ;;; - foreign (C) symbols: named by a string ;;; - code object references: don't need a name. (defun dump-fixups (fixups fasl-output) (declare (list fixups) (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (dolist (info fixups) ;; FIXME: Packing data with LIST in NOTE-FIXUP and unpacking them ;; with FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD here is hard to follow and ;; maintain. Perhaps we could define a FIXUP-INFO structure to use ;; instead, and rename *FIXUPS* to *FIXUP-INFO-LIST*? (let* ((kind (first info)) (fixup (second info)) (name (fixup-name fixup)) (flavor (fixup-flavor fixup)) (offset (third info))) ;; FIXME: This OFFSET is not what's called OFFSET in the FIXUP ;; structure, it's what's called POSN in NOTE-FIXUP. (As far as ;; I can tell, FIXUP-OFFSET is not actually an offset, it's an ;; internal label used instead of NAME for :CODE-OBJECT fixups. ;; Notice that in the :CODE-OBJECT case, NAME is ignored.) (dump-fop 'fop-normal-load fasl-output) (let ((*cold-load-dump* t)) (dump-object kind fasl-output)) (dump-fop 'fop-maybe-cold-load fasl-output) ;; Depending on the flavor, we may have various kinds of ;; noise before the offset. (ecase flavor (:assembly-routine (aver (symbolp name)) (dump-fop 'fop-normal-load fasl-output) (let ((*cold-load-dump* t)) (dump-object name fasl-output)) (dump-fop 'fop-maybe-cold-load fasl-output) (dump-fop 'fop-assembler-fixup fasl-output)) (:foreign (aver (stringp name)) (dump-fop 'fop-foreign-fixup fasl-output) (let ((len (length name))) (aver (< len 256)) ; (limit imposed by fop definition) (dump-byte len fasl-output) (dotimes (i len) (dump-byte (char-code (schar name i)) fasl-output)))) (:code-object (aver (null name)) (dump-fop 'fop-code-object-fixup fasl-output))) ;; No matter what the flavor, we'll always dump the offset. (dump-unsigned-32 offset fasl-output))) (values)) ;;; Dump out the constant pool and code-vector for component, push the ;;; result in the table, and return the offset. ;;; ;;; The only tricky thing is handling constant-pool references to ;;; functions. If we have already dumped the function, then we just ;;; push the code pointer. Otherwise, we must create back-patching ;;; information so that the constant will be set when the function is ;;; eventually dumped. This is a bit awkward, since we don't have the ;;; handle for the code object being dumped while we are dumping its ;;; constants. ;;; ;;; We dump trap objects in any unused slots or forward referenced slots. (defun dump-code-object (component code-segment code-length trace-table-as-list fixups fasl-output) (declare (type component component) (list trace-table-as-list) (type index code-length) (type fasl-output fasl-output)) (let* ((2comp (component-info component)) (constants (sb!c::ir2-component-constants 2comp)) (header-length (length constants)) (packed-trace-table (pack-trace-table trace-table-as-list)) (total-length (+ code-length (* (length packed-trace-table) sb!c::tt-bytes-per-entry)))) (collect ((patches)) ;; Dump the offset of the trace table. (dump-object code-length fasl-output) ;; FIXME: As long as we don't have GENGC, the trace table is ;; hardwired to be empty. So we might be able to get rid of ;; trace tables? However, we should probably wait for the first ;; port to a system where CMU CL uses GENGC to see whether GENGC ;; is really gone. (I.e. maybe other non-X86 ports will want to ;; use it, just as in CMU CL.) ;; Dump the constants, noting any :entries that have to be fixed up. (do ((i sb!vm:code-constants-offset (1+ i))) ((>= i header-length)) (let ((entry (aref constants i))) (etypecase entry (constant (dump-object (sb!c::constant-value entry) fasl-output)) (cons (ecase (car entry) (:entry (let* ((info (sb!c::leaf-info (cdr entry))) (handle (gethash info (fasl-output-entry-table fasl-output)))) (cond (handle (dump-push handle fasl-output)) (t (patches (cons info i)) (dump-fop 'fop-misc-trap fasl-output))))) (:load-time-value (dump-push (cdr entry) fasl-output)) (:fdefinition (dump-object (cdr entry) fasl-output) (dump-fop 'fop-fdefinition fasl-output)))) (null (dump-fop 'fop-misc-trap fasl-output))))) ;; Dump the debug info. (let ((info (sb!c::debug-info-for-component component)) (*dump-only-valid-structures* nil)) (dump-object info fasl-output) (let ((info-handle (dump-pop fasl-output))) (dump-push info-handle fasl-output) (push info-handle (fasl-output-debug-info fasl-output)))) (let ((num-consts (- header-length sb!vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot))) (cond ((and (< num-consts #x100) (< total-length #x10000)) (dump-fop 'fop-small-code fasl-output) (dump-byte num-consts fasl-output) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes total-length 2 fasl-output)) (t (dump-fop 'fop-code fasl-output) (dump-unsigned-32 num-consts fasl-output) (dump-unsigned-32 total-length fasl-output)))) ;; These two dumps are only ones which contribute to our ;; TOTAL-LENGTH value. (dump-segment code-segment code-length fasl-output) (dump-i-vector packed-trace-table fasl-output :data-only t) ;; DUMP-FIXUPS does its own internal DUMP-FOPs: the bytes it ;; dumps aren't included in the TOTAL-LENGTH passed to our ;; FOP-CODE/FOP-SMALL-CODE fop. (dump-fixups fixups fasl-output) (dump-fop 'fop-sanctify-for-execution fasl-output) (let ((handle (dump-pop fasl-output))) (dolist (patch (patches)) (push (cons handle (cdr patch)) (gethash (car patch) (fasl-output-patch-table fasl-output)))) handle)))) (defun dump-assembler-routines (code-segment length fixups routines file) (dump-fop 'fop-assembler-code file) (dump-unsigned-32 #!+gengc (ceiling length 4) #!-gengc length file) (write-segment-contents code-segment (fasl-output-stream file)) (dolist (routine routines) (dump-fop 'fop-normal-load file) (let ((*cold-load-dump* t)) (dump-object (car routine) file)) (dump-fop 'fop-maybe-cold-load file) (dump-fop 'fop-assembler-routine file) (dump-unsigned-32 (label-position (cdr routine)) file)) (dump-fixups fixups file) (dump-fop 'fop-sanctify-for-execution file) (dump-pop file)) ;;; Dump a function-entry data structure corresponding to ENTRY to ;;; FILE. CODE-HANDLE is the table offset of the code object for the ;;; component. (defun dump-one-entry (entry code-handle file) (declare (type sb!c::entry-info entry) (type index code-handle) (type fasl-output file)) (let ((name (sb!c::entry-info-name entry))) (dump-push code-handle file) (dump-object name file) (dump-object (sb!c::entry-info-arguments entry) file) (dump-object (sb!c::entry-info-type entry) file) (dump-fop 'fop-function-entry file) (dump-unsigned-32 (label-position (sb!c::entry-info-offset entry)) file) (dump-pop file))) ;;; Alter the code object referenced by CODE-HANDLE at the specified ;;; OFFSET, storing the object referenced by ENTRY-HANDLE. (defun dump-alter-code-object (code-handle offset entry-handle file) (declare (type index code-handle entry-handle offset)) (declare (type fasl-output file)) (dump-push code-handle file) (dump-push entry-handle file) (dump-fop* offset fop-byte-alter-code fop-alter-code file) (values)) ;;; Dump the code, constants, etc. for component. We pass in the ;;; assembler fixups, code vector and node info. (defun fasl-dump-component (component code-segment code-length trace-table fixups file) (declare (type component component) (list trace-table)) (declare (type fasl-output file)) (dump-fop 'fop-verify-empty-stack file) (dump-fop 'fop-verify-table-size file) (dump-unsigned-32 (fasl-output-table-free file) file) #!+sb-dyncount (let ((info (sb!c::ir2-component-dyncount-info (component-info component)))) (when info (fasl-validate-structure info file))) (let ((code-handle (dump-code-object component code-segment code-length trace-table fixups file)) (2comp (component-info component))) (dump-fop 'fop-verify-empty-stack file) (dolist (entry (sb!c::ir2-component-entries 2comp)) (let ((entry-handle (dump-one-entry entry code-handle file))) (setf (gethash entry (fasl-output-entry-table file)) entry-handle) (let ((old (gethash entry (fasl-output-patch-table file)))) ;; FIXME: All this code is shared with ;; FASL-DUMP-BYTE-COMPONENT, and should probably be gathered ;; up into a named function (DUMP-PATCHES?) called from both ;; functions. (when old (dolist (patch old) (dump-alter-code-object (car patch) (cdr patch) entry-handle file)) (remhash entry (fasl-output-patch-table file))))))) (values)) (defun dump-byte-code-object (segment code-length constants file) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type index code-length) (type vector constants) (type fasl-output file)) (collect ((entry-patches)) ;; Dump the debug info. #!+gengc (let ((info (sb!c::make-debug-info :name (sb!c::component-name *component-being-compiled*))) (*dump-only-valid-structures* nil)) (dump-object info file) (let ((info-handle (dump-pop file))) (dump-push info-handle file) (push info-handle (fasl-output-debug-info file)))) ;; The "trace table" is initialized by loader to hold a list of ;; all byte functions in this code object (for debug info.) (dump-object nil file) ;; Dump the constants. ;; ;; FIXME: There's a family resemblance between this and the ;; corresponding code in DUMP-CODE-OBJECT. Could some be shared? (dotimes (i (length constants)) (let ((entry (aref constants i))) (etypecase entry (constant (dump-object (sb!c::constant-value entry) file)) (null (dump-fop 'fop-misc-trap file)) (list (ecase (car entry) (:entry (let* ((info (sb!c::leaf-info (cdr entry))) (handle (gethash info (fasl-output-entry-table file)))) (cond (handle (dump-push handle file)) (t (entry-patches (cons info (+ i sb!vm:code-constants-offset))) (dump-fop 'fop-misc-trap file))))) (:load-time-value (dump-push (cdr entry) file)) (:fdefinition (dump-object (cdr entry) file) (dump-fop 'fop-fdefinition file)) (:type-predicate (dump-object 'load-type-predicate file) (let ((*unparse-function-type-simplify* t)) (dump-object (type-specifier (cdr entry)) file)) (dump-fop 'fop-funcall file) (dump-byte 1 file))))))) ;; Dump the debug info. #!-gengc (let ((info (sb!c::make-debug-info :name (sb!c::component-name *component-being-compiled*))) (*dump-only-valid-structures* nil)) (dump-object info file) (let ((info-handle (dump-pop file))) (dump-push info-handle file) (push info-handle (fasl-output-debug-info file)))) (let ((num-consts #!+gengc (+ (length constants) 2) #!-gengc (1+ (length constants))) (code-length #!+gengc (ceiling code-length 4) #!-gengc code-length)) (cond ((and (< num-consts #x100) (< code-length #x10000)) (dump-fop 'fop-small-code file) (dump-byte num-consts file) (dump-integer-as-n-bytes code-length 2 file)) (t (dump-fop 'fop-code file) (dump-unsigned-32 num-consts file) (dump-unsigned-32 code-length file)))) (dump-segment segment code-length file) (let ((code-handle (dump-pop file)) (patch-table (fasl-output-patch-table file))) (dolist (patch (entry-patches)) (push (cons code-handle (cdr patch)) (gethash (car patch) patch-table))) code-handle))) ;;; Dump a byte-component. This is similar to FASL-DUMP-COMPONENT, but ;;; different. (defun fasl-dump-byte-component (segment length constants xeps file) (declare (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type index length) (type vector constants) (type list xeps) (type fasl-output file)) (let ((code-handle (dump-byte-code-object segment length constants file))) (dolist (noise xeps) (let* ((lambda (car noise)) (info (sb!c::lambda-info lambda)) (xep (cdr noise))) (dump-byte-function xep code-handle file) (let* ((entry-handle (dump-pop file)) (patch-table (fasl-output-patch-table file)) (old (gethash info patch-table))) (setf (gethash info (fasl-output-entry-table file)) entry-handle) (when old (dolist (patch old) (dump-alter-code-object (car patch) (cdr patch) entry-handle file)) (remhash info patch-table)))))) (values)) (defun dump-push-previously-dumped-fun (fun fasl-output) (declare (type sb!c::clambda fun)) (let ((handle (gethash (sb!c::leaf-info fun) (fasl-output-entry-table fasl-output)))) (aver handle) (dump-push handle fasl-output)) (values)) ;;; Dump a FOP-FUNCALL to call an already-dumped top-level lambda at ;;; load time. (defun fasl-dump-top-level-lambda-call (fun fasl-output) (declare (type sb!c::clambda fun)) (dump-push-previously-dumped-fun fun fasl-output) (dump-fop 'fop-funcall-for-effect fasl-output) (dump-byte 0 fasl-output) (values)) ;;; Dump a FOP-FSET to arrange static linkage (at cold init) between ;;; FUN-NAME and the already-dumped function whose dump handle is ;;; FUN-DUMP-HANDLE. #+sb-xc-host (defun fasl-dump-cold-fset (fun-name fun-dump-handle fasl-output) (declare (type fixnum fun-dump-handle)) (aver (legal-function-name-p fun-name)) (dump-non-immediate-object fun-name fasl-output) (dump-push fun-dump-handle fasl-output) (dump-fop 'fop-fset fasl-output) (values)) ;;; Compute the correct list of DEBUG-SOURCE structures and backpatch ;;; all of the dumped DEBUG-INFO structures. We clear the ;;; FASL-OUTPUT-DEBUG-INFO, so that subsequent components with ;;; different source info may be dumped. (defun fasl-dump-source-info (info fasl-output) (declare (type sb!c::source-info info)) (let ((res (sb!c::debug-source-for-info info)) (*dump-only-valid-structures* nil)) (dump-object res fasl-output) (let ((res-handle (dump-pop fasl-output))) (dolist (info-handle (fasl-output-debug-info fasl-output)) (dump-push res-handle fasl-output) (dump-fop 'fop-structset fasl-output) (dump-unsigned-32 info-handle fasl-output) (dump-unsigned-32 2 fasl-output)))) (setf (fasl-output-debug-info fasl-output) nil) (values)) ;;;; dumping structures (defun dump-structure (struct file) (when *dump-only-valid-structures* (unless (gethash struct (fasl-output-valid-structures file)) (error "attempt to dump invalid structure:~% ~S~%How did this happen?" struct))) (note-potential-circularity struct file) (do ((index 0 (1+ index)) (length (%instance-length struct)) (circ (fasl-output-circularity-table file))) ((= index length) (dump-fop* length fop-small-struct fop-struct file)) (let* ((obj (%instance-ref struct index)) (ref (gethash obj circ))) (cond (ref (push (make-circularity :type :struct-set :object struct :index index :value obj :enclosing-object ref) *circularities-detected*) (sub-dump-object nil file)) (t (sub-dump-object obj file)))))) (defun dump-layout (obj file) (when (layout-invalid obj) (compiler-error "attempt to dump reference to obsolete class: ~S" (layout-class obj))) (let ((name (sb!xc:class-name (layout-class obj)))) (unless name (compiler-error "dumping anonymous layout: ~S" obj)) (dump-fop 'fop-normal-load file) (let ((*cold-load-dump* t)) (dump-object name file)) (dump-fop 'fop-maybe-cold-load file)) (sub-dump-object (layout-inherits obj) file) (sub-dump-object (layout-depthoid obj) file) (sub-dump-object (layout-length obj) file) (dump-fop 'fop-layout file))