;;;; This file contains compiler code and compiler-related stuff which ;;;; can be built early on. Some of the stuff may be here because it's ;;;; needed early on, some other stuff (e.g. constants) just because ;;;; it might as well be done early so we don't have to think about ;;;; whether it's done early enough. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") ;;; ANSI limits on compilation (def!constant sb!xc:call-arguments-limit sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum #!+sb-doc "The exclusive upper bound on the number of arguments which may be passed to a function, including &REST args.") (def!constant sb!xc:lambda-parameters-limit sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum #!+sb-doc "The exclusive upper bound on the number of parameters which may be specifed in a given lambda list. This is actually the limit on required and &OPTIONAL parameters. With &KEY and &AUX you can get more.") (def!constant sb!xc:multiple-values-limit sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum #!+sb-doc "The exclusive upper bound on the number of multiple VALUES that you can return.") (defconstant-eqx sb!xc:lambda-list-keywords '(&allow-other-keys &aux &body &environment &key &more &optional &rest &whole) #'equal #!+sb-doc "symbols which are magical in a lambda list") ;;;; cross-compiler-only versions of CL special variables, so that we ;;;; don't have weird interactions with the host compiler (defvar sb!xc:*compile-file-pathname*) (defvar sb!xc:*compile-file-truename*) (defvar sb!xc:*compile-print*) (defvar sb!xc:*compile-verbose*) ;;;; miscellaneous types used both in the cross-compiler and on the target ;;;; FIXME: The INDEX and LAYOUT-DEPTHOID definitions probably belong ;;;; somewhere else, not "early-c", since they're after all not part ;;;; of the compiler. ;;; the type of LAYOUT-DEPTHOID slot values (def!type sb!kernel::layout-depthoid () '(or index (integer -1 -1))) ;;; possible values for the INLINE-ness of a function. (deftype inlinep () '(member :inline :maybe-inline :notinline nil)) (defparameter *inlinep-translations* '((inline . :inline) (notinline . :notinline) (maybe-inline . :maybe-inline))) ;;; the lexical environment we are currently converting in (defvar *lexenv*) (declaim (type lexenv *lexenv*)) ;;; *FREE-VARS* translates from the names of variables referenced ;;; globally to the LEAF structures for them. *FREE-FUNS* is like ;;; *FREE-VARS*, only it deals with function names. (defvar *free-vars*) (defvar *free-funs*) (declaim (type hash-table *free-vars* *free-funs*)) ;;; We use the same CONSTANT structure to represent all equal anonymous ;;; constants. This hashtable translates from constants to the LEAFs that ;;; represent them. (defvar *constants*) (declaim (type hash-table *constants*)) ;;; *ALLOW-INSTRUMENTING* controls whether we should allow the ;;; insertion of instrumenting code (like a (CATCH ...)) around code ;;; to allow the debugger RETURN and STEP commands to function (we ;;; disallow it for internal stuff). (defvar *allow-instrumenting*) ;;; miscellaneous forward declarations (defvar *code-segment*) #!+sb-dyncount (defvar *collect-dynamic-statistics*) (defvar *component-being-compiled*) (defvar *compiler-error-context*) (defvar *compiler-error-count*) (defvar *compiler-warning-count*) (defvar *compiler-style-warning-count*) (defvar *compiler-note-count*) (defvar *compiler-trace-output*) (defvar *constraint-number*) (defvar *count-vop-usages*) (defvar *current-path*) (defvar *current-component*) (defvar *delayed-ir1-transforms*) (defvar *handled-conditions*) (defvar *disabled-package-locks*) (defvar *policy*) (defvar *dynamic-counts-tn*) (defvar *elsewhere*) (defvar *event-info*) (defvar *event-note-threshold*) (defvar *failure-p*) (defvar *fixup-notes*) (defvar *in-pack*) (defvar *info-environment*) (defvar *lexenv*) (defvar *source-info*) (defvar *trace-table*) (defvar *undefined-warnings*) (defvar *warnings-p*) (defvar *lambda-conversions*) ;;; This lock is seized in the compiler, and related areas: the ;;; compiler is not presently thread-safe (defvar *big-compiler-lock* (sb!thread:make-mutex :name "big compiler lock")) (declaim (type fixnum *compiler-sset-counter*)) (defvar *compiler-sset-counter* 0) ;;; unique ID for the next object created (to let us track object ;;; identity even across GC, useful for understanding weird compiler ;;; bugs where something is supposed to be unique but is instead ;;; exists as duplicate objects) #!+sb-show (progn (defvar *object-id-counter* 0) (defun new-object-id () (prog1 *object-id-counter* (incf *object-id-counter*)))) ;;;; miscellaneous utilities ;;; Delete any undefined warnings for NAME and KIND. This is for the ;;; benefit of the compiler, but it's sometimes called from stuff like ;;; type-defining code which isn't logically part of the compiler. (declaim (ftype (function ((or symbol cons) keyword) (values)) note-name-defined)) (defun note-name-defined (name kind) ;; We do this BOUNDP check because this function can be called when ;; not in a compilation unit (as when loading top level forms). (when (boundp '*undefined-warnings*) (setq *undefined-warnings* (delete-if (lambda (x) (and (equal (undefined-warning-name x) name) (eq (undefined-warning-kind x) kind))) *undefined-warnings*))) (values)) ;;; to be called when a variable is lexically bound (declaim (ftype (function (symbol) (values)) note-lexical-binding)) (defun note-lexical-binding (symbol) ;; This check is intended to protect us from getting silently ;; burned when we define ;; foo.lisp: ;; (DEFVAR *FOO* -3) ;; (DEFUN FOO (X) (+ X *FOO*)) ;; bar.lisp: ;; (DEFUN BAR (X) ;; (LET ((*FOO* X)) ;; (FOO 14))) ;; and then we happen to compile bar.lisp before foo.lisp. (when (looks-like-name-of-special-var-p symbol) ;; FIXME: should be COMPILER-STYLE-WARNING? (style-warn "using the lexical binding of the symbol ~S, not the~@ dynamic binding, even though the symbol name follows the usual naming~@ convention (names like *FOO*) for special variables" symbol)) (values)) (def!struct (debug-name-marker (:make-load-form-fun dump-debug-name-marker) (:print-function print-debug-name-marker))) (defvar *debug-name-level* 4) (defvar *debug-name-length* 12) (defvar *debug-name-punt*) (defvar *debug-name-sharp*) (defvar *debug-name-ellipsis*) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun dump-debug-name-marker (marker &optional env) (declare (ignore env)) (cond ((eq marker *debug-name-sharp*) `(if (boundp '*debug-name-sharp*) *debug-name-sharp* (make-debug-name-marker))) ((eq marker *debug-name-ellipsis*) `(if (boundp '*debug-name-ellipsis*) *debug-name-ellipsis* (make-debug-name-marker))) (t (warn "Dumping unknown debug-name marker.") '(make-debug-name-marker))))) (defun print-debug-name-marker (marker stream level) (declare (ignore level)) (cond ((eq marker *debug-name-sharp*) (write-char #\# stream)) ((eq marker *debug-name-ellipsis*) (write-string "..." stream)) (t (write-string "???" stream)))) (setf *debug-name-sharp* (make-debug-name-marker) *debug-name-ellipsis* (make-debug-name-marker)) (defun debug-name (type thing) (let ((*debug-name-punt* nil)) (labels ((walk (x) (typecase x (cons (if (plusp *debug-name-level*) (let ((*debug-name-level* (1- *debug-name-level*))) (do ((tail (cdr x) (cdr tail)) (name (cons (walk (car x)) nil) (cons (walk (car tail)) name)) (n (1- *debug-name-length*) (1- n))) ((or (not (consp tail)) (not (plusp n)) *debug-name-punt*) (cond (*debug-name-punt* (setf *debug-name-punt* nil) (nreverse name)) ((atom tail) (nconc (nreverse name) (walk tail))) (t (setf *debug-name-punt* t) (nconc (nreverse name) (list *debug-name-ellipsis*))))))) *debug-name-sharp*)) ((or symbol number string) x) (t (type-of x))))) (let ((name (list type (walk thing)))) (when (legal-fun-name-p name) (bug "~S is a legal function name, and cannot be used as a ~ debug name." name)) name))))