;;;; machine-independent aspects of the object representation ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;;;; the primitive objects themselves (define-primitive-object (cons :lowtag list-pointer-lowtag :alloc-trans cons) (car :ref-trans car :set-trans sb!c::%rplaca :init :arg) (cdr :ref-trans cdr :set-trans sb!c::%rplacd :init :arg)) (define-primitive-object (instance :lowtag instance-pointer-lowtag :header instance-header-widetag :alloc-trans %make-instance) (slots :rest-p t)) (define-primitive-object (bignum :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header bignum-widetag :alloc-trans sb!bignum::%allocate-bignum) (digits :rest-p t :c-type #!-alpha "long" #!+alpha "u32")) (define-primitive-object (ratio :type ratio :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header ratio-widetag :alloc-trans %make-ratio) (numerator :type integer :ref-known (flushable movable) :ref-trans %numerator :init :arg) (denominator :type integer :ref-known (flushable movable) :ref-trans %denominator :init :arg)) (define-primitive-object (single-float :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header single-float-widetag) (value :c-type "float")) (define-primitive-object (double-float :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header double-float-widetag) (filler) (value :c-type "double" :length 2)) #!+long-float (define-primitive-object (long-float :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header long-float-widetag) #!+sparc (filler) (value :c-type "long double" :length #!+x86 3 #!+sparc 4)) (define-primitive-object (complex :type complex :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header complex-widetag :alloc-trans %make-complex) (real :type real :ref-known (flushable movable) :ref-trans %realpart :init :arg) (imag :type real :ref-known (flushable movable) :ref-trans %imagpart :init :arg)) (define-primitive-object (array :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header t) (fill-pointer :type index :ref-trans %array-fill-pointer :ref-known (flushable foldable) :set-trans (setf %array-fill-pointer) :set-known (unsafe)) (fill-pointer-p :type (member t nil) :ref-trans %array-fill-pointer-p :ref-known (flushable foldable) :set-trans (setf %array-fill-pointer-p) :set-known (unsafe)) (elements :type index :ref-trans %array-available-elements :ref-known (flushable foldable) :set-trans (setf %array-available-elements) :set-known (unsafe)) (data :type array :ref-trans %array-data-vector :ref-known (flushable foldable) :set-trans (setf %array-data-vector) :set-known (unsafe)) (displacement :type (or index null) :ref-trans %array-displacement :ref-known (flushable foldable) :set-trans (setf %array-displacement) :set-known (unsafe)) (displaced-p :type (member t nil) :ref-trans %array-displaced-p :ref-known (flushable foldable) :set-trans (setf %array-displaced-p) :set-known (unsafe)) (dimensions :rest-p t)) (define-primitive-object (vector :type vector :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header t) (length :ref-trans sb!c::vector-length :type index) (data :rest-p t :c-type #!-alpha "unsigned long" #!+alpha "u32")) (define-primitive-object (code :type code-component :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header t) (code-size :type index :ref-known (flushable movable) :ref-trans %code-code-size) (entry-points :type (or function null) :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %code-entry-points :set-known (unsafe) :set-trans (setf %code-entry-points)) (debug-info :type t :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %code-debug-info :set-known (unsafe) :set-trans (setf %code-debug-info)) (trace-table-offset) (constants :rest-p t)) (define-primitive-object (fdefn :type fdefn :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header fdefn-widetag) (name :ref-trans fdefn-name) (fun :type (or function null) :ref-trans fdefn-fun) (raw-addr :c-type #!-alpha "char *" #!+alpha "u32")) ;;; a simple function (as opposed to hairier things like closures ;;; which are also subtypes of Common Lisp's FUNCTION type) (define-primitive-object (simple-fun :type function :lowtag fun-pointer-lowtag :header simple-fun-header-widetag) #!-x86 (self :ref-trans %simple-fun-self :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-self)) #!+x86 (self ;; KLUDGE: There's no :SET-KNOWN, :SET-TRANS, :REF-KNOWN, or ;; :REF-TRANS here in this case. Instead, there's separate ;; DEFKNOWN/DEFINE-VOP/DEFTRANSFORM stuff in ;; compiler/x86/system.lisp to define and declare them by ;; hand. I don't know why this is, but that's (basically) ;; the way it was done in CMU CL, and it works. (It's not ;; exactly the same way it was done in CMU CL in that CMU ;; CL's allows duplicate DEFKNOWNs, blithely overwriting any ;; previous data associated with the previous DEFKNOWN, and ;; that property was used to mask the definitions here. In ;; SBCL as of that's not allowed -- too confusing! ;; -- so we have to explicitly suppress the DEFKNOWNish ;; stuff here in order to allow this old hack to work in the ;; new world. -- WHN 2001-08-82 ) (next :type (or function null) :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %simple-fun-next :set-known (unsafe) :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-next)) (name :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %simple-fun-name :set-known (unsafe) :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-name)) (arglist :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %simple-fun-arglist :set-known (unsafe) :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-arglist)) (type :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %simple-fun-type :set-known (unsafe) :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-type)) (code :rest-p t :c-type "unsigned char")) (define-primitive-object (return-pc :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header t) (return-point :c-type "unsigned char" :rest-p t)) (define-primitive-object (closure :lowtag fun-pointer-lowtag :header closure-header-widetag) (fun :init :arg :ref-trans %closure-fun) (info :rest-p t)) (define-primitive-object (funcallable-instance :lowtag fun-pointer-lowtag :header funcallable-instance-header-widetag :alloc-trans %make-funcallable-instance) #!-x86 (fun :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %funcallable-instance-fun :set-known (unsafe) :set-trans (setf %funcallable-instance-fun)) #!+x86 (fun :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %funcallable-instance-fun ;; KLUDGE: There's no :SET-KNOWN or :SET-TRANS in this case. ;; Instead, later in compiler/x86/system.lisp there's a separate ;; DEFKNOWN for (SETF %FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-FUN), and a weird ;; unexplained DEFTRANSFORM from (SETF %SIMPLE-FUN-INSTANCE-FUN) ;; into (SETF %SIMPLE-FUN-SELF). The #!+X86 wrapped around this case ;; is a literal translation of the old CMU CL implementation into ;; the new world of sbcl-, where multiple DEFKNOWNs for ;; the same operator cause an error (instead of silently deleting ;; all information associated with the old DEFKNOWN, as before). ;; It's definitely not very clean, with too many #!+ conditionals and ;; too little documentation, but I have more urgent things to ;; clean up right now, so I've just left it as a literal ;; translation without trying to fix it. -- WHN 2001-08-02 ) (lexenv :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %funcallable-instance-lexenv :set-known (unsafe) :set-trans (setf %funcallable-instance-lexenv)) (layout :init :arg :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %funcallable-instance-layout :set-known (unsafe) :set-trans (setf %funcallable-instance-layout)) (info :rest-p t)) (define-primitive-object (value-cell :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header value-cell-header-widetag :alloc-trans make-value-cell) (value :set-trans value-cell-set :set-known (unsafe) :ref-trans value-cell-ref :ref-known (flushable) :init :arg)) #!+alpha (define-primitive-object (sap :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header sap-widetag) (padding) (pointer :c-type "char *" :length 2)) #!-alpha (define-primitive-object (sap :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header sap-widetag) (pointer :c-type "char *")) (define-primitive-object (weak-pointer :type weak-pointer :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header weak-pointer-widetag :alloc-trans make-weak-pointer) (value :ref-trans sb!c::%weak-pointer-value :ref-known (flushable) :init :arg) (broken :type (member t nil) :ref-trans sb!c::%weak-pointer-broken :ref-known (flushable) :init :null) (next :c-type #!-alpha "struct weak_pointer *" #!+alpha "u32")) ;;;; other non-heap data blocks (define-primitive-object (binding) value symbol) (define-primitive-object (unwind-block) (current-uwp :c-type #!-alpha "struct unwind_block *" #!+alpha "u32") (current-cont :c-type #!-alpha "lispobj *" #!+alpha "u32") #!-x86 current-code entry-pc) (define-primitive-object (catch-block) (current-uwp :c-type #!-alpha "struct unwind_block *" #!+alpha "u32") (current-cont :c-type #!-alpha "lispobj *" #!+alpha "u32") #!-x86 current-code entry-pc tag (previous-catch :c-type #!-alpha "struct catch_block *" #!+alpha "u32") size) ;;; (For an explanation of this, see the comments at the definition of ;;; KLUDGE-NONDETERMINISTIC-CATCH-BLOCK-SIZE.) (aver (= sb!vm::kludge-nondeterministic-catch-block-size catch-block-size)) ;;;; symbols #!+x86 (defknown symbol-hash (symbol) (integer 0 #.*target-most-positive-fixnum*) (flushable movable)) (define-primitive-object (symbol :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header symbol-header-widetag #!-x86 :alloc-trans #!-x86 make-symbol) (value :set-trans %set-symbol-value :init :unbound) #!+x86 (hash) (plist :ref-trans symbol-plist :set-trans %set-symbol-plist :init :null) (name :ref-trans symbol-name :init :arg) (package :ref-trans symbol-package :set-trans %set-symbol-package :init :null)) (define-primitive-object (complex-single-float :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header complex-single-float-widetag) (real :c-type "float") (imag :c-type "float")) (define-primitive-object (complex-double-float :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header complex-double-float-widetag) (filler) (real :c-type "double" :length 2) (imag :c-type "double" :length 2)) #!+long-float (define-primitive-object (complex-long-float :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :header complex-long-float-widetag) #!+sparc (filler) (real :c-type "long double" :length #!+x86 3 #!+sparc 4) (imag :c-type "long double" :length #!+x86 3 #!+sparc 4))