;;;; This file contains some parameterizations of various VM ;;;; attributes common to all architectures. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") (defparameter *c-callable-static-symbols* '(sub-gc sb!kernel::internal-error sb!kernel::control-stack-exhausted-error sb!kernel::heap-exhausted-error sb!kernel::undefined-alien-variable-error sb!kernel::undefined-alien-function-error sb!kernel::memory-fault-error sb!kernel::unhandled-trap-error sb!di::handle-breakpoint sb!di::handle-single-step-trap fdefinition-object #!+sb-thread sb!thread::run-interruption #!+win32 sb!kernel::handle-win32-exception)) (defparameter *common-static-symbols* '(t ;; filled in by the C code to propagate to Lisp *posix-argv* *core-string* ;; free pointers. Note that these are FIXNUM word counts, not (as ;; one might expect) byte counts or SAPs. The reason seems to be ;; that by representing them this way, we can avoid consing ;; bignums. -- WHN 2000-10-02 *read-only-space-free-pointer* *static-space-free-pointer* ;; things needed for non-local-exit *current-catch-block* *current-unwind-protect-block* #!+hpux *c-lra* ;; stack pointers *binding-stack-start* *control-stack-start* *control-stack-end* ;; interrupt handling *alloc-signal* *free-interrupt-context-index* sb!unix::*allow-with-interrupts* sb!unix::*interrupts-enabled* sb!unix::*interrupt-pending* *gc-inhibit* *gc-pending* #!-sb-thread *stepping* ;; Dispatch tables for generic array access sb!impl::*data-vector-reffers* sb!impl::*data-vector-setters* sb!impl::*data-vector-reffers/check-bounds* sb!impl::*data-vector-setters/check-bounds* ;; hash table weaknesses :key :value :key-and-value :key-or-value)) ;;; Number of entries in the thread local storage. Limits the number ;;; of symbols with thread local bindings. (def!constant tls-size 4096)