;;;; target-only code that knows how to load compiled code directly ;;;; into core ;;;; ;;;; FIXME: The filename here is confusing because "core" here means ;;;; "main memory", while elsewhere in the system it connotes a ;;;; ".core" file dumping the contents of main memory. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") ;;; Make a function entry, filling in slots from the ENTRY-INFO. (defun make-function-entry (entry code-obj object) (declare (type entry-info entry) (type core-object object)) (let ((offset (label-position (entry-info-offset entry)))) (declare (type index offset)) (unless (zerop (logand offset sb!vm:lowtag-mask)) (error "Unaligned function object, offset = #X~X." offset)) (let ((res (%primitive compute-function code-obj offset))) (setf (%simple-fun-self res) res) (setf (%simple-fun-next res) (%code-entry-points code-obj)) (setf (%code-entry-points code-obj) res) (setf (%simple-fun-name res) (entry-info-name entry)) (setf (%simple-fun-arglist res) (entry-info-arguments entry)) (setf (%simple-fun-type res) (entry-info-type entry)) (note-function entry res object)))) ;;; Dump a component to core. We pass in the assembler fixups, code vector ;;; and node info. (defun make-core-component (component segment length trace-table fixups object) (declare (type component component) (type sb!assem:segment segment) (type index length) (list trace-table fixups) (type core-object object)) (without-gcing (let* ((2comp (component-info component)) (constants (ir2-component-constants 2comp)) (trace-table (pack-trace-table trace-table)) (trace-table-len (length trace-table)) (trace-table-bits (* trace-table-len tt-bits-per-entry)) (total-length (+ length (ceiling trace-table-bits sb!vm:byte-bits))) (box-num (- (length constants) sb!vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot)) (code-obj ;; FIXME: In CMU CL the X86 behavior here depended on ;; *ENABLE-DYNAMIC-SPACE-CODE*, but in SBCL we always use ;; dynamic space code, so we could make ;; ALLOCATE-DYNAMIC-CODE-OBJECT more parallel with ;; ALLOCATE-CODE-OBJECT and remove this confusing ;; read-macro conditionalization. #!+x86 (%primitive allocate-dynamic-code-object box-num total-length) #!-x86 (%primitive allocate-code-object box-num total-length)) (fill-ptr (code-instructions code-obj))) (declare (type index box-num total-length)) (sb!assem:on-segment-contents-vectorly segment (lambda (v) (declare (type (simple-array sb!assem:assembly-unit 1) v)) (copy-byte-vector-to-system-area v fill-ptr) (setf fill-ptr (sap+ fill-ptr (length v))))) (do-core-fixups code-obj fixups) (dolist (entry (ir2-component-entries 2comp)) (make-function-entry entry code-obj object)) (sb!vm:sanctify-for-execution code-obj) (let ((info (debug-info-for-component component))) (push info (core-object-debug-info object)) (setf (%code-debug-info code-obj) info)) (setf (code-header-ref code-obj sb!vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot) length) (copy-to-system-area trace-table (* sb!vm:vector-data-offset sb!vm:n-word-bits) fill-ptr 0 trace-table-bits) (do ((index sb!vm:code-constants-offset (1+ index))) ((>= index (length constants))) (let ((const (aref constants index))) (etypecase const (null) (constant (setf (code-header-ref code-obj index) (constant-value const))) (list (ecase (car const) (:entry (reference-core-function code-obj index (cdr const) object)) (:fdefinition (setf (code-header-ref code-obj index) (fdefinition-object (cdr const) t)))))))))) (values))