;;;; utility functions needed by the back end to generate code ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;;; Make a fixnum out of NUM. (I.e. shift by two bits if it will fit.) (defun fixnumize (num) (if (<= #x-20000000 num #x1fffffff) (ash num 2) (error "~D is too big for a fixnum." num))) ;;;; routines for dealing with static symbols (defun static-symbol-p (symbol) (or (null symbol) (and (member symbol *static-symbols*) t))) ;;; the byte offset of the static symbol SYMBOL (defun static-symbol-offset (symbol) (if symbol (let ((posn (position symbol *static-symbols*))) (unless posn (error "~S is not a static symbol." symbol)) (+ (* posn (pad-data-block symbol-size)) (pad-data-block (1- symbol-size)) other-pointer-lowtag (- list-pointer-lowtag))) 0)) ;;; Given a byte offset, OFFSET, return the appropriate static symbol. (defun offset-static-symbol (offset) (if (zerop offset) nil (multiple-value-bind (n rem) (truncate (+ offset list-pointer-lowtag (- other-pointer-lowtag) (- (pad-data-block (1- symbol-size)))) (pad-data-block symbol-size)) (unless (and (zerop rem) (<= 0 n (1- (length *static-symbols*)))) (error "The byte offset ~D is not valid." offset)) (elt *static-symbols* n)))) ;;; Return the (byte) offset from NIL to the start of the fdefn object ;;; for the static function NAME. (defun static-fun-offset (name) (let ((static-syms (length *static-symbols*)) (static-fun-index (position name *static-funs*))) (unless static-fun-index (error "~S isn't a static function." name)) (+ (* static-syms (pad-data-block symbol-size)) (pad-data-block (1- symbol-size)) (- list-pointer-lowtag) (* static-fun-index (pad-data-block fdefn-size)) (* fdefn-raw-addr-slot n-word-bytes))))