;;;; This file provides a functional interface to global information ;;;; about named things in the system. Information is considered to be ;;;; global if it must persist between invocations of the compiler. The ;;;; use of a functional interface eliminates the need for the compiler ;;;; to worry about the actual representation. This is important, since ;;;; the information may well have several representations. ;;;; ;;;; The database contains arbitrary Lisp values, addressed by a ;;;; combination of Name, Class and Type. The Name is a EQUAL-thing ;;;; which is the name of the thing we are recording information ;;;; about. Class is the kind of object involved. Typical classes are ;;;; :FUNCTION, :VARIABLE, :TYPE, ... A Type names a particular piece ;;;; of information within a given class. Class and Type are keywords, ;;;; and are compared with EQ. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") (!begin-collecting-cold-init-forms) #!+sb-show (!cold-init-forms (/show0 "early in globaldb.lisp cold init")) ;;; The DEFVAR for this appears later. ;;; FIXME: centralize (declaim (special *universal-type*)) ;;; This is sorta semantically equivalent to SXHASH, but optimized for legal ;;; function names. Note: semantically equivalent does *not* mean that it ;;; always returns the same value as SXHASH, just that it satisfies the formal ;;; definition of SXHASH. The ``sorta'' is because SYMBOL-HASH will not ;;; necessarily return the same value in different lisp images. ;;; ;;; Why optimize? We want to avoid the fully-general TYPECASE in ordinary ;;; SXHASH, because ;;; 1. This hash function has to run when we're initializing the globaldb, ;;; so it has to run before the type system is initialized, and it's ;;; easier to make it do this if we don't try to do a general TYPECASE. ;;; 2. This function is in a potential bottleneck for the compiler, ;;; and avoiding the general TYPECASE lets us improve performance ;;; because ;;; 2a. the general TYPECASE is intrinsically slow, and ;;; 2b. the general TYPECASE is too big for us to easily afford ;;; to inline it, so it brings with it a full function call. ;;; ;;; Why not specialize instead of optimize? (I.e. why fall through to ;;; general SXHASH as a last resort?) Because the INFO database is used ;;; to hold all manner of things, e.g. (INFO :TYPE :BUILTIN ..) ;;; which is called on values like (UNSIGNED-BYTE 29). Falling through ;;; to SXHASH lets us support all manner of things (as long as they ;;; aren't used too early in cold boot). #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline globaldb-sxhashoid)) (defun globaldb-sxhashoid (x) (cond #-sb-xc-host ; (SYMBOL-HASH doesn't exist on cross-compilation host.) ((symbolp x) (symbol-hash x)) #-sb-xc-host ; (SYMBOL-HASH doesn't exist on cross-compilation host.) ((and (listp x) (eq (first x) 'setf) (let ((rest (rest x))) (and (symbolp (car rest)) (null (cdr rest))))) (logxor (symbol-hash (second x)) 110680597)) (t (sxhash x)))) ;;; Given any non-negative integer, return a prime number >= to it. ;;; ;;; FIXME: This logic should be shared with ALMOST-PRIMIFY in hash-table.lisp. ;;; Perhaps the merged logic should be PRIMIFY-HASH-TABLE-SIZE, implemented as ;;; a lookup table of primes after integral powers of two: ;;; #(17 37 67 131 ..) ;;; (Or, if that's too coarse, after half-integral powers of two.) By thus ;;; getting rid of any need for primality testing at runtime, we could ;;; punt POSITIVE-PRIMEP, too. (defun primify (x) (declare (type unsigned-byte x)) (do ((n (logior x 1) (+ n 2))) ((sb!sys:positive-primep n) n))) ;;;; info classes, info types, and type numbers, part I: what's needed not only ;;;; at compile time but also at run time ;;;; Note: This section is a blast from the past, a little trip down memory ;;;; lane to revisit the weird host/target interactions of the CMU CL build ;;;; process. Because of the way that the cross-compiler and target compiler ;;;; share stuff here, if you change anything in here, you'd be well-advised to ;;;; nuke all your fasl files and restart compilation from the very beginning ;;;; of the bootstrap process. ;;; Why do we suppress the :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL situation here when we're running ;;; the cross-compiler? The cross-compiler (which was built from these sources) ;;; has its version of these data and functions defined in the same places we'd ;;; be defining into. We're happy with its version, since it was compiled from ;;; the same sources, so there's no point in overwriting its nice compiled ;;; version of this stuff with our interpreted version. (And any time we're ;;; *not* happy with its version, perhaps because we've been editing the ;;; sources partway through bootstrapping, tch tch, overwriting its version ;;; with our version would be unlikely to help, because that would make the ;;; cross-compiler very confused.) (eval-when (#-sb-xc :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defstruct (class-info (:constructor make-class-info (name)) #-no-ansi-print-object (:print-object (lambda (x s) (print-unreadable-object (x s :type t) (prin1 (class-info-name x)))))) ;; name of this class (name nil :type keyword :read-only t) ;; List of Type-Info structures for each type in this class. (types () :type list)) ;;; At run time, we represent the type of info that we want by a small ;;; non-negative integer. (defconstant type-number-bits 6) (deftype type-number () `(unsigned-byte ,type-number-bits)) ;;; a map from type numbers to TYPE-INFO objects. There is one type ;;; number for each defined CLASS/TYPE pair. ;;; ;;; We build its value at compile time (with calls to DEFINE-INFO-TYPE), then ;;; generate code to recreate the compile time value, and arrange for that ;;; code to be called in cold load. (defvar *info-types*) (declaim (type simple-vector *info-types*)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (setf *info-types* (make-array (ash 1 type-number-bits) :initial-element nil))) (defstruct (type-info #-no-ansi-print-object (:print-object (lambda (x s) (print-unreadable-object (x s) (format s "~S ~S, Number = ~D" (class-info-name (type-info-class x)) (type-info-name x) (type-info-number x)))))) ;; the name of this type (name (required-argument) :type keyword) ;; this type's class (class (required-argument) :type class-info) ;; a number that uniquely identifies this type (and implicitly its class) (number (required-argument) :type type-number) ;; a type specifier which info of this type must satisfy (type nil :type t) ;; a function called when there is no information of this type (default (lambda () (error "type not defined yet")) :type function)) ;;; a map from class names to CLASS-INFO structures ;;; ;;; We build the value for this at compile time (with calls to ;;; DEFINE-INFO-CLASS), then generate code to recreate the compile time ;;; value, and arrange for that code to be called in cold load. (defvar *info-classes*) (declaim (hash-table *info-classes*)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (setf *info-classes* (make-hash-table))) ;;; If Name is the name of a type in Class, then return the TYPE-INFO, ;;; otherwise NIL. (defun find-type-info (name class) (declare (type keyword name) (type class-info class)) (dolist (type (class-info-types class) nil) (when (eq (type-info-name type) name) (return type)))) ;;; Return the info structure for an info class or type, or die trying. (declaim (ftype (function (keyword) class-info) class-info-or-lose)) (defun class-info-or-lose (class) (declare (type keyword class)) (or (gethash class *info-classes*) (error "~S is not a defined info class." class))) (declaim (ftype (function (keyword keyword) type-info) type-info-or-lose)) (defun type-info-or-lose (class type) (or (find-type-info type (class-info-or-lose class)) (error "~S is not a defined info type." type))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;;; info classes, info types, and type numbers, part II: what's needed only at ;;;; compile time, not at run time ;;; FIXME: Perhaps this stuff (the definition of DEFINE-INFO-CLASS ;;; and the calls to it) could/should go in a separate file, ;;; perhaps info-classes.lisp? (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) ;;; Set up the data structures to support an info class. We make sure that ;;; the class exists at compile time so that macros can use it, but don't ;;; actually store the init function until load time so that we don't break the ;;; running compiler. (#+sb-xc-host defmacro #-sb-xc-host sb!xc:defmacro define-info-class (class) #!+sb-doc "Define-Info-Class Class Define a new class of global information." (declare (type keyword class)) `(progn ;; (We don't need to evaluate this at load time, compile time is enough. ;; There's special logic elsewhere which deals with cold load ;; initialization by inspecting the info class data structures at compile ;; time and generating code to recreate those data structures.) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (unless (gethash ,class *info-classes*) (setf (gethash ,class *info-classes*) (make-class-info ,class)))) ,class)) ;;; Find a type number not already in use by looking for a null entry in ;;; *INFO-TYPES*. (defun find-unused-type-number () (or (position nil *info-types*) (error "no more INFO type numbers available"))) ;;; a list of forms for initializing the DEFAULT slots of TYPE-INFO objects, ;;; accumulated during compilation and eventually converted into a function to ;;; be called at cold load time after the appropriate TYPE-INFO objects have ;;; been created ;;; ;;; Note: This is quite similar to the !COLD-INIT-FORMS machinery, but ;;; we can't conveniently use the ordinary !COLD-INIT-FORMS machinery ;;; here. The problem is that the natural order in which the ;;; default-slot-initialization forms are generated relative to the ;;; order in which the TYPE-INFO-creation forms are generated doesn't ;;; match the relative order in which the forms need to be executed at ;;; cold load time. (defparameter *reversed-type-info-init-forms* nil) ;;; The main thing we do is determine the type's number. We need to do this ;;; at macroexpansion time, since both the COMPILE and LOAD time calls to ;;; %DEFINE-INFO-TYPE must use the same type number. (#+sb-xc-host defmacro #-sb-xc-host sb!xc:defmacro define-info-type (&key (class (required-argument)) (type (required-argument)) (type-spec (required-argument)) default) #!+sb-doc "Define-Info-Type Class Type default Type-Spec Define a new type of global information for Class. Type is the name of the type, Default is the value for that type when it hasn't been set, and Type-Spec is a type-specifier which values of the type must satisfy. The default expression is evaluated each time the information is needed, with Name bound to the name for which the information is being looked up. If the default evaluates to something with the second value true, then the second value of Info will also be true." (declare (type keyword class type)) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) ;; At compile time, ensure that the type number exists. It will need ;; to be forced to exist at cold load time, too, but that's not handled ;; here; it's handled by later code which looks at the compile time ;; state and generates code to replicate it at cold load time. (let* ((class-info (class-info-or-lose ',class)) (old-type-info (find-type-info ',type class-info))) (unless old-type-info (let* ((new-type-number (find-unused-type-number)) (new-type-info (make-type-info :name ',type :class class-info :number new-type-number))) (setf (aref *info-types* new-type-number) new-type-info) (push new-type-info (class-info-types class-info))))) ;; Arrange for TYPE-INFO-DEFAULT and TYPE-INFO-TYPE to be set at cold ;; load time. (They can't very well be set at cross-compile time, since ;; they differ between the cross-compiler and the target. The ;; DEFAULT slot values differ because they're compiled closures, and ;; the TYPE slot values differ in the use of SB!XC symbols instead ;; of CL symbols.) (push `(let ((type-info (type-info-or-lose ,',class ,',type))) (setf (type-info-default type-info) ;; FIXME: This code is sort of nasty. It would be ;; cleaner if DEFAULT accepted a real function, instead ;; of accepting a statement which will be turned into a ;; lambda assuming that the argument name is NAME. It ;; might even be more microefficient, too, since many ;; DEFAULTs could be implemented as (CONSTANTLY NIL) ;; instead of full-blown (LAMBDA (X) NIL). (lambda (name) (declare (ignorable name)) ,',default)) (setf (type-info-type type-info) ',',type-spec)) *reversed-type-info-init-forms*)) ',type)) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;;; generic info environments ;;; Note: the CACHE-NAME slot is deliberately not shared for bootstrapping ;;; reasons. If we access with accessors for the exact type, then the inline ;;; type check will win. If the inline check didn't win, we would try to use ;;; the type system before it was properly initialized. (defstruct (info-env (:constructor nil)) ;; Some string describing what is in this environment, for printing purposes ;; only. (name (required-argument) :type string)) (def!method print-object ((x info-env) stream) (print-unreadable-object (x stream :type t) (prin1 (info-env-name x) stream))) ;;;; generic interfaces ;;; FIXME: used only in this file, needn't be in runtime (defmacro do-info ((env &key (name (gensym)) (class (gensym)) (type (gensym)) (type-number (gensym)) (value (gensym)) known-volatile) &body body) #!+sb-doc "DO-INFO (Env &Key Name Class Type Value) Form* Iterate over all the values stored in the Info-Env Env. Name is bound to the entry's name, Class and Type are bound to the class and type (represented as keywords), and Value is bound to the entry's value." (once-only ((n-env env)) (if known-volatile (do-volatile-info name class type type-number value n-env body) `(if (typep ,n-env 'volatile-info-env) ,(do-volatile-info name class type type-number value n-env body) ,(do-compact-info name class type type-number value n-env body))))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;;; Return code to iterate over a compact info environment. (defun do-compact-info (name-var class-var type-var type-number-var value-var n-env body) (let ((n-index (gensym)) (n-type (gensym)) (punt (gensym))) (once-only ((n-table `(compact-info-env-table ,n-env)) (n-entries-index `(compact-info-env-index ,n-env)) (n-entries `(compact-info-env-entries ,n-env)) (n-entries-info `(compact-info-env-entries-info ,n-env)) (n-info-types '*info-types*)) `(dotimes (,n-index (length ,n-table)) (declare (type index ,n-index)) (block ,PUNT (let ((,name-var (svref ,n-table ,n-index))) (unless (eql ,name-var 0) (do-anonymous ((,n-type (aref ,n-entries-index ,n-index) (1+ ,n-type))) (nil) (declare (type index ,n-type)) ,(once-only ((n-info `(aref ,n-entries-info ,n-type))) `(let ((,type-number-var (logand ,n-info compact-info-entry-type-mask))) ,(once-only ((n-type-info `(svref ,n-info-types ,type-number-var))) `(let ((,type-var (type-info-name ,n-type-info)) (,class-var (class-info-name (type-info-class ,n-type-info))) (,value-var (svref ,n-entries ,n-type))) (declare (ignorable ,type-var ,class-var ,value-var)) ,@body (unless (zerop (logand ,n-info compact-info-entry-last)) (return-from ,PUNT)))))))))))))) ;;; Return code to iterate over a volatile info environment. (defun do-volatile-info (name-var class-var type-var type-number-var value-var n-env body) (let ((n-index (gensym)) (n-names (gensym)) (n-types (gensym))) (once-only ((n-table `(volatile-info-env-table ,n-env)) (n-info-types '*info-types*)) `(dotimes (,n-index (length ,n-table)) (declare (type index ,n-index)) (do-anonymous ((,n-names (svref ,n-table ,n-index) (cdr ,n-names))) ((null ,n-names)) (let ((,name-var (caar ,n-names))) (declare (ignorable ,name-var)) (do-anonymous ((,n-types (cdar ,n-names) (cdr ,n-types))) ((null ,n-types)) (let ((,type-number-var (caar ,n-types))) ,(once-only ((n-type `(svref ,n-info-types ,type-number-var))) `(let ((,type-var (type-info-name ,n-type)) (,class-var (class-info-name (type-info-class ,n-type))) (,value-var (cdar ,n-types))) (declare (ignorable ,type-var ,class-var ,value-var)) ,@body)))))))))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;;; INFO cache ;;;; We use a hash cache to cache name X type => value for the current ;;;; value of *INFO-ENVIRONMENT*. This is in addition to the ;;;; per-environment caching of name => types. ;;; The value of *INFO-ENVIRONMENT* that has cached values. ;;; *INFO-ENVIRONMENT* should never be destructively modified, so if ;;; it is EQ to this, then the cache is valid. (defvar *cached-info-environment*) (!cold-init-forms (setf *cached-info-environment* nil)) ;;; the hash function used for the INFO cache #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline info-cache-hash)) (defun info-cache-hash (name type) (logand (the fixnum (logxor (globaldb-sxhashoid name) (ash (the fixnum type) 7))) #x3FF)) (!cold-init-forms (/show0 "before initialization of INFO hash cache")) (define-hash-cache info ((name eq) (type eq)) :values 2 :hash-function info-cache-hash :hash-bits 10 :default (values nil :empty) :init-wrapper !cold-init-forms) (!cold-init-forms (/show0 "clearing INFO hash cache") (info-cache-clear) (/show0 "done clearing INFO hash cache")) ;;; If the info cache is invalid, then clear it. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline clear-invalid-info-cache)) (defun clear-invalid-info-cache () ;; Unless the cache is valid.. (unless (eq *info-environment* *cached-info-environment*) (;; In the target Lisp, this should be done without interrupts, but in the ;; host Lisp when cross-compiling, we don't need to sweat it, since no ;; affected-by-GC hashes should be used when running under the host Lisp ;; (since that's non-portable) and since only one thread should be used ;; when running under the host Lisp (because multiple threads are ;; non-portable too). #-sb-xc-host without-interrupts #+sb-xc-host progn (info-cache-clear) (setq *cached-info-environment* *info-environment*)))) ;;;; compact info environments ;;; The upper limit on the size of the ENTRIES vector in a COMPACT-INFO-ENV. (defconstant compact-info-env-entries-bits 16) (deftype compact-info-entries-index () `(unsigned-byte ,compact-info-env-entries-bits)) ;;; the type of the values in COMPACT-INFO-ENTRIES-INFO (deftype compact-info-entry () `(unsigned-byte ,(1+ type-number-bits))) ;;; This is an open hashtable with rehashing. Since modification is not ;;; allowed, we don't have to worry about deleted entries. We indirect through ;;; a parallel vector to find the index in the ENTRIES at which the entries for ;;; a given name starts. (defstruct (compact-info-env (:include info-env) #-sb-xc-host (:pure :substructure)) ;; If this value is EQ to the name we want to look up, then the cache hit ;; function can be called instead of the lookup function. (cache-name 0) ;; The index in ENTRIES for the CACHE-NAME, or NIL if that name has no ;; entries. (cache-index nil :type (or compact-info-entries-index null)) ;; Hashtable of the names in this environment. If a bucket is unused, it is ;; 0. (table (required-argument) :type simple-vector) ;; Indirection vector parallel to TABLE, translating indices in TABLE to the ;; start of the ENTRIES for that name. Unused entries are undefined. (index (required-argument) :type (simple-array compact-info-entries-index (*))) ;; Vector contining in contiguous ranges the values of for all the types of ;; info for each name. (entries (required-argument) :type simple-vector) ;; Vector parallel to ENTRIES, indicating the type number for the value ;; stored in that location and whether this location is the last type of info ;; stored for this name. The type number is in the low TYPE-NUMBER-BITS ;; bits, and the next bit is set if this is the last entry. (entries-info (required-argument) :type (simple-array compact-info-entry (*)))) (defconstant compact-info-entry-type-mask (ldb (byte type-number-bits 0) -1)) (defconstant compact-info-entry-last (ash 1 type-number-bits)) ;;; Return the value of the type corresponding to Number for the currently ;;; cached name in Env. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline compact-info-cache-hit)) (defun compact-info-cache-hit (env number) (declare (type compact-info-env env) (type type-number number)) (let ((entries-info (compact-info-env-entries-info env)) (index (compact-info-env-cache-index env))) (if index (do ((index index (1+ index))) (nil) (declare (type index index)) (let ((info (aref entries-info index))) (when (= (logand info compact-info-entry-type-mask) number) (return (values (svref (compact-info-env-entries env) index) t))) (unless (zerop (logand compact-info-entry-last info)) (return (values nil nil))))) (values nil nil)))) ;;; Encache Name in the compact environment Env. Hash is the ;;; GLOBALDB-SXHASHOID of Name. (defun compact-info-lookup (env name hash) (declare (type compact-info-env env) (type index hash)) (let* ((table (compact-info-env-table env)) (len (length table)) (len-2 (- len 2)) (hash2 (- len-2 (rem hash len-2)))) (declare (type index len-2 hash2)) (macrolet ((lookup (test) `(do ((probe (rem hash len) (let ((new (+ probe hash2))) (declare (type index new)) ;; same as (mod new len), but faster. (if (>= new len) (the index (- new len)) new)))) (nil) (let ((entry (svref table probe))) (when (eql entry 0) (return nil)) (when (,test entry name) (return (aref (compact-info-env-index env) probe))))))) (setf (compact-info-env-cache-index env) (if (symbolp name) (lookup eq) (lookup equal))) (setf (compact-info-env-cache-name env) name))) (values)) ;;; Exact density (modulo rounding) of the hashtable in a compact info ;;; environment in names/bucket. (defconstant compact-info-environment-density 65) ;;; Iterate over the environment once to find out how many names and entries ;;; it has, then build the result. This code assumes that all the entries for ;;; a name well be iterated over contiguously, which holds true for the ;;; implementation of iteration over both kinds of environments. ;;; ;;; When building the table, we sort the entries by POINTER< in an attempt ;;; to preserve any VM locality present in the original load order, rather than ;;; randomizing with the original hash function. (defun compact-info-environment (env &key (name (info-env-name env))) #!+sb-doc "Return a new compact info environment that holds the same information as Env." (let ((name-count 0) (prev-name 0) (entry-count 0)) (collect ((names)) (let ((types ())) (do-info (env :name name :type-number num :value value) (unless (eq name prev-name) (incf name-count) (unless (eql prev-name 0) (names (cons prev-name types))) (setq prev-name name) (setq types ())) (incf entry-count) (push (cons num value) types)) (unless (eql prev-name 0) (names (cons prev-name types)))) (let* ((table-size (primify (+ (truncate (* name-count 100) compact-info-environment-density) 3))) (table (make-array table-size :initial-element 0)) (index (make-array table-size :element-type 'compact-info-entries-index)) (entries (make-array entry-count)) (entries-info (make-array entry-count :element-type 'compact-info-entry)) (sorted (sort (names) #+sb-xc-host #'< #-sb-xc-host (lambda (x y) ;; FIXME: What's going on here? (< (%primitive make-fixnum x) (%primitive make-fixnum y)))))) (let ((entries-idx 0)) (dolist (types sorted) (let* ((name (first types)) (hash (globaldb-sxhashoid name)) (len-2 (- table-size 2)) (hash2 (- len-2 (rem hash len-2)))) (do ((probe (rem hash table-size) (rem (+ probe hash2) table-size))) (nil) (let ((entry (svref table probe))) (when (eql entry 0) (setf (svref table probe) name) (setf (aref index probe) entries-idx) (return)) (assert (not (equal entry name)))))) (unless (zerop entries-idx) (setf (aref entries-info (1- entries-idx)) (logior (aref entries-info (1- entries-idx)) compact-info-entry-last))) (loop for (num . value) in (rest types) do (setf (aref entries-info entries-idx) num) (setf (aref entries entries-idx) value) (incf entries-idx))) (unless (zerop entry-count) (setf (aref entries-info (1- entry-count)) (logior (aref entries-info (1- entry-count)) compact-info-entry-last))) (make-compact-info-env :name name :table table :index index :entries entries :entries-info entries-info)))))) ;;;; volatile environments ;;; This is a closed hashtable, with the bucket being computed by taking the ;;; GLOBALDB-SXHASHOID of the Name mod the table size. (defstruct (volatile-info-env (:include info-env)) ;; If this value is EQ to the name we want to look up, then the cache hit ;; function can be called instead of the lookup function. (cache-name 0) ;; The alist translating type numbers to values for the currently cached ;; name. (cache-types nil :type list) ;; Vector of alists of alists of the form: ;; ((Name . ((Type-Number . Value) ...) ...) (table (required-argument) :type simple-vector) ;; The number of distinct names currently in this table (each name may have ;; multiple entries, since there can be many types of info. (count 0 :type index) ;; The number of names at which we should grow the table and rehash. (threshold 0 :type index)) ;;; Just like COMPACT-INFO-CACHE-HIT, only do it on a volatile environment. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline volatile-info-cache-hit)) (defun volatile-info-cache-hit (env number) (declare (type volatile-info-env env) (type type-number number)) (dolist (type (volatile-info-env-cache-types env) (values nil nil)) (when (eql (car type) number) (return (values (cdr type) t))))) ;;; Just like COMPACT-INFO-LOOKUP, only do it on a volatile environment. (defun volatile-info-lookup (env name hash) (declare (type volatile-info-env env) (type index hash)) (let ((table (volatile-info-env-table env))) (macrolet ((lookup (test) `(dolist (entry (svref table (mod hash (length table))) ()) (when (,test (car entry) name) (return (cdr entry)))))) (setf (volatile-info-env-cache-types env) (if (symbolp name) (lookup eq) (lookup equal))) (setf (volatile-info-env-cache-name env) name))) (values)) ;;; Given a volatile environment Env, bind Table-Var the environment's table ;;; and Index-Var to the index of Name's bucket in the table. We also flush ;;; the cache so that things will be consistent if body modifies something. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (#+sb-xc-host cl:defmacro #-sb-xc-host sb!xc:defmacro with-info-bucket ((table-var index-var name env) &body body) (once-only ((n-name name) (n-env env)) `(progn (setf (volatile-info-env-cache-name ,n-env) 0) (let* ((,table-var (volatile-info-env-table ,n-env)) (,index-var (mod (globaldb-sxhashoid ,n-name) (length ,table-var)))) ,@body))))) ;;; Get the info environment that we use for write/modification operations. ;;; This is always the first environment in the list, and must be a ;;; VOLATILE-INFO-ENV. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline get-write-info-env)) (defun get-write-info-env (&optional (env-list *info-environment*)) (let ((env (car env-list))) (unless env (error "no info environment?")) (unless (typep env 'volatile-info-env) (error "cannot modify this environment: ~S" env)) (the volatile-info-env env))) ;;; If Name is already present in the table, then just create or ;;; modify the specified type. Otherwise, add the new name and type, ;;; checking for rehashing. ;;; ;;; We rehash by making a new larger environment, copying all of the ;;; entries into it, then clobbering the old environment with the new ;;; environment's table. We clear the old table to prevent it from ;;; holding onto garbage if it is statically allocated. ;;; ;;; We return the new value so that this can be conveniently used in a ;;; SETF function. (defun set-info-value (name0 type new-value &optional (env (get-write-info-env))) (declare (type type-number type) (type volatile-info-env env) (inline assoc)) (let ((name (uncross name0))) (when (eql name 0) (error "0 is not a legal INFO name.")) ;; We don't enter the value in the cache because we don't know that this ;; info-environment is part of *cached-info-environment*. (info-cache-enter name type nil :empty) (with-info-bucket (table index name env) (let ((types (if (symbolp name) (assoc name (svref table index) :test #'eq) (assoc name (svref table index) :test #'equal)))) (cond (types (let ((value (assoc type (cdr types)))) (if value (setf (cdr value) new-value) (push (cons type new-value) (cdr types))))) (t (push (cons name (list (cons type new-value))) (svref table index)) (let ((count (incf (volatile-info-env-count env)))) (when (>= count (volatile-info-env-threshold env)) (let ((new (make-info-environment :size (* count 2)))) (do-info (env :name entry-name :type-number entry-num :value entry-val :known-volatile t) (set-info-value entry-name entry-num entry-val new)) (fill (volatile-info-env-table env) nil) (setf (volatile-info-env-table env) (volatile-info-env-table new)) (setf (volatile-info-env-threshold env) (volatile-info-env-threshold new))))))))) new-value)) ;;; FIXME: It should be possible to eliminate the hairy compiler macros below ;;; by declaring INFO and (SETF INFO) inline and making a simple compiler macro ;;; for TYPE-INFO-OR-LOSE. (If we didn't worry about efficiency of the ;;; cross-compiler, we could even do it by just making TYPE-INFO-OR-LOSE ;;; foldable.) ;;; INFO is the standard way to access the database. It's settable. (defun info (class type name &optional (env-list nil env-list-p)) #!+sb-doc "Return the information of the specified TYPE and CLASS for NAME. The second value returned is true if there is any such information recorded. If there is no information, the first value returned is the default and the second value returned is NIL." ;; FIXME: At some point check systematically to make sure that the system ;; doesn't do any full calls to INFO or (SETF INFO), or at least none in any ;; inner loops. (let ((info (type-info-or-lose class type))) (if env-list-p (get-info-value name (type-info-number info) env-list) (get-info-value name (type-info-number info))))) #!-sb-fluid (define-compiler-macro info (&whole whole class type name &optional (env-list nil env-list-p)) ;; Constant CLASS and TYPE is an overwhelmingly common special case, and we ;; can resolve it much more efficiently than the general case. (if (and (constantp class) (constantp type)) (let ((info (type-info-or-lose class type))) `(the ,(type-info-type info) (get-info-value ,name ,(type-info-number info) ,@(when env-list-p `(,env-list))))) whole)) (defun (setf info) (new-value class type name &optional (env-list nil env-list-p)) (let* ((info (type-info-or-lose class type)) (tin (type-info-number info))) (if env-list-p (set-info-value name tin new-value (get-write-info-env env-list)) (set-info-value name tin new-value))) new-value) ;;; FIXME: We'd like to do this, but Python doesn't support ;;; compiler macros and it's hard to change it so that it does. ;;; It might make more sense to just convert INFO :FOO :BAR into ;;; an ordinary function, so that instead of calling INFO :FOO :BAR ;;; you call e.g. INFO%FOO%BAR. Then dynamic linking could be handled ;;; by the ordinary Lisp mechanisms and we wouldn't have to maintain ;;; all this cruft.. #| #!-sb-fluid (progn (define-compiler-macro (setf info) (&whole whole new-value class type name &optional (env-list nil env-list-p)) ;; Constant CLASS and TYPE is an overwhelmingly common special case, and we ;; can resolve it much more efficiently than the general case. (if (and (constantp class) (constantp type)) (let* ((info (type-info-or-lose class type)) (tin (type-info-number info))) (if env-list-p `(set-info-value ,name ,tin ,new-value (get-write-info-env ,env-list)) `(set-info-value ,name ,tin ,new-value))) whole))) |# ;;; the maximum density of the hashtable in a volatile env (in names/bucket) ;;; FIXME: actually seems to be measured in percent, should be converted ;;; to be measured in names/bucket (defconstant volatile-info-environment-density 50) ;;; Make a new volatile environment of the specified size. (defun make-info-environment (&key (size 42) (name "Unknown")) (declare (type (integer 1) size)) (let ((table-size (primify (truncate (* size 100) volatile-info-environment-density)))) (make-volatile-info-env :name name :table (make-array table-size :initial-element nil) :threshold size))) (defun clear-info (class type name) #!+sb-doc "Clear the information of the specified Type and Class for Name in the current environment, allowing any inherited info to become visible. We return true if there was any info." (let ((info (type-info-or-lose class type))) (clear-info-value name (type-info-number info)))) #!-sb-fluid (define-compiler-macro clear-info (&whole whole class type name) ;; Constant CLASS and TYPE is an overwhelmingly common special case, and ;; we can resolve it much more efficiently than the general case. (if (and (keywordp class) (keywordp type)) (let ((info (type-info-or-lose class type))) `(clear-info-value ,name ,(type-info-number info))) whole)) (defun clear-info-value (name type) (declare (type type-number type) (inline assoc)) (clear-invalid-info-cache) (info-cache-enter name type nil :empty) (with-info-bucket (table index name (get-write-info-env)) (let ((types (assoc name (svref table index) :test #'equal))) (when (and types (assoc type (cdr types))) (setf (cdr types) (delete type (cdr types) :key #'car)) t)))) ;;;; *INFO-ENVIRONMENT* ;;; We do info access relative to the current *INFO-ENVIRONMENT*, a ;;; list of INFO-ENVIRONMENT structures. (defvar *info-environment*) (declaim (type list *info-environment*)) (!cold-init-forms (setq *info-environment* (list (make-info-environment :name "initial global"))) (/show0 "done setting *INFO-ENVIRONMENT*")) ;;; FIXME: should perhaps be *INFO-ENV-LIST*. And rename ;;; all FOO-INFO-ENVIRONMENT-BAR stuff to FOO-INFO-ENV-BAR. ;;;; GET-INFO-VALUE ;;; Check whether the name and type is in our cache, if so return it. ;;; Otherwise, search for the value and encache it. ;;; ;;; Return the value from the first environment which has it defined, or ;;; return the default if none does. We have a cache for the last name looked ;;; up in each environment. We don't compute the hash until the first time the ;;; cache misses. When the cache does miss, we invalidate it before calling the ;;; lookup routine to eliminate the possiblity of the cache being partially ;;; updated if the lookup is interrupted. (defun get-info-value (name0 type &optional (env-list nil env-list-p)) (declare (type type-number type)) (let ((name (uncross name0))) (flet ((lookup-ignoring-global-cache (env-list) (let ((hash nil)) (dolist (env env-list (multiple-value-bind (val winp) (funcall (type-info-default (svref *info-types* type)) name) (values val winp))) (macrolet ((frob (lookup cache slot) `(progn (unless (eq name (,slot env)) (unless hash (setq hash (globaldb-sxhashoid name))) (setf (,slot env) 0) (,lookup env name hash)) (multiple-value-bind (value winp) (,cache env type) (when winp (return (values value t))))))) (if (typep env 'volatile-info-env) (frob volatile-info-lookup volatile-info-cache-hit volatile-info-env-cache-name) (frob compact-info-lookup compact-info-cache-hit compact-info-env-cache-name))))))) (cond (env-list-p (lookup-ignoring-global-cache env-list)) (t (clear-invalid-info-cache) (multiple-value-bind (val winp) (info-cache-lookup name type) (if (eq winp :empty) (multiple-value-bind (val winp) (lookup-ignoring-global-cache *info-environment*) (info-cache-enter name type val winp) (values val winp)) (values val winp)))))))) ;;;; definitions for function information (define-info-class :function) ;;; The kind of functional object being described. If null, Name isn't a known ;;; functional object. (define-info-type :class :function :type :kind :type-spec (member nil :function :macro :special-form) ;; I'm a little confused what the correct behavior of this default is. It's ;; not clear how to generalize the FBOUNDP expression to the cross-compiler. ;; As far as I can tell, NIL is a safe default -- it might keep the compiler ;; from making some valid optimization, but it shouldn't produce incorrect ;; code. -- WHN 19990330 :default #+sb-xc-host nil #-sb-xc-host (if (fboundp name) :function nil)) ;;; The type specifier for this function. (define-info-type :class :function :type :type :type-spec ctype ;; Again (as in DEFINE-INFO-TYPE :CLASS :FUNCTION :TYPE :KIND) it's not clear ;; how to generalize the FBOUNDP expression to the cross-compiler. ;; -- WHN 19990330 :default #+sb-xc-host (specifier-type 'function) #-sb-xc-host (if (fboundp name) (extract-function-type (fdefinition name)) (specifier-type 'function))) ;;; The Assumed-Type for this function, if we have to infer the type due to not ;;; having a declaration or definition. (define-info-type :class :function :type :assumed-type :type-spec (or approximate-function-type null)) ;;; Where this information came from: ;;; :DECLARED = from a declaration. ;;; :ASSUMED = from uses of the object. ;;; :DEFINED = from examination of the definition. ;;; FIXME: The :DEFINED assumption that the definition won't change isn't ANSI. ;;; KLUDGE: CMU CL uses function type information in a way which violates ;;; its "type declarations are assertions" principle, and SBCL has inherited ;;; that behavior. It would be really good to fix the compiler so that it ;;; tests the return types of functions.. -- WHN ca. 19990801 (define-info-type :class :function :type :where-from :type-spec (member :declared :assumed :defined) :default ;; Again (as in DEFINE-INFO-TYPE :CLASS :FUNCTION :TYPE :KIND) it's ;; not clear how to generalize the FBOUNDP expression to the ;; cross-compiler. -- WHN 19990606 #+sb-xc-host :assumed #-sb-xc-host (if (fboundp name) :defined :assumed)) ;;; Lambda used for inline expansion of this function. (define-info-type :class :function :type :inline-expansion :type-spec list) ;;; Specifies whether this function may be expanded inline. If null, we ;;; don't care. (define-info-type :class :function :type :inlinep :type-spec inlinep :default nil) ;;; A macro-like function which transforms a call to this function ;;; into some other Lisp form. This expansion is inhibited if inline ;;; expansion is inhibited. (define-info-type :class :function :type :source-transform :type-spec (or function null)) ;;; The macroexpansion function for this macro. (define-info-type :class :function :type :macro-function :type-spec (or function null) :default nil) ;;; The compiler-macroexpansion function for this macro. (define-info-type :class :function :type :compiler-macro-function :type-spec (or function null) :default nil) ;;; A function which converts this special form into IR1. (define-info-type :class :function :type :ir1-convert :type-spec (or function null)) ;;; A function which gets a chance to do stuff to the IR1 for any call to this ;;; function. (define-info-type :class :function :type :ir1-transform :type-spec (or function null)) ;;; If a function is a slot accessor or setter, then this is the class that it ;;; accesses slots of. (define-info-type :class :function :type :accessor-for :type-spec (or sb!xc:class null) :default nil) ;;; If a function is "known" to the compiler, then this is FUNCTION-INFO ;;; structure containing the info used to special-case compilation. (define-info-type :class :function :type :info :type-spec (or function-info null) :default nil) (define-info-type :class :function :type :documentation :type-spec (or string null) :default nil) (define-info-type :class :function :type :definition :type-spec t :default nil) ;;;; definitions for other miscellaneous information (define-info-class :variable) ;;; The kind of variable-like thing described. (define-info-type :class :variable :type :kind :type-spec (member :special :constant :global :alien) :default (if (or (eq (symbol-package name) *keyword-package*) (member name '(t nil))) :constant :global)) ;;; The declared type for this variable. (define-info-type :class :variable :type :type :type-spec ctype :default *universal-type*) ;;; Where this type and kind information came from. (define-info-type :class :variable :type :where-from :type-spec (member :declared :assumed :defined) :default :assumed) ;;; The lisp object which is the value of this constant, if known. (define-info-type :class :variable :type :constant-value :type-spec t :default (if (boundp name) (values (symbol-value name) t) (values nil nil))) (define-info-type :class :variable :type :alien-info :type-spec (or heap-alien-info null) :default nil) (define-info-type :class :variable :type :documentation :type-spec (or string null) :default nil) (define-info-class :type) ;;; The kind of type described. We return :INSTANCE for standard types that ;;; are implemented as structures. (define-info-type :class :type :type :kind :type-spec (member :primitive :defined :instance nil) :default nil) ;;; Expander function for a defined type. (define-info-type :class :type :type :expander :type-spec (or function null) :default nil) (define-info-type :class :type :type :documentation :type-spec (or string null)) ;;; Function that parses type specifiers into CTYPE structures. (define-info-type :class :type :type :translator :type-spec (or function null) :default nil) ;;; If true, then the type coresponding to this name. Note that if this is a ;;; built-in class with a translation, then this is the translation, not the ;;; class object. This info type keeps track of various atomic types (NIL etc.) ;;; and also serves as a cache to ensure that common standard types (atomic and ;;; otherwise) are only consed once. (define-info-type :class :type :type :builtin :type-spec (or ctype null) :default nil) ;;; If this is a class name, then the value is a cons (Name . Class), where ;;; Class may be null if the class hasn't been defined yet. Note that for ;;; built-in classes, the kind may be :PRIMITIVE and not :INSTANCE. The ;;; the name is in the cons so that we can signal a meaningful error if we only ;;; have the cons. (define-info-type :class :type :type :class :type-spec (or sb!kernel::class-cell null) :default nil) ;;; Layout for this type being used by the compiler. (define-info-type :class :type :type :compiler-layout :type-spec (or layout null) :default (let ((class (sb!xc:find-class name nil))) (when class (class-layout class)))) (define-info-class :typed-structure) (define-info-type :class :typed-structure :type :info :type-spec t :default nil) (define-info-class :declaration) (define-info-type :class :declaration :type :recognized :type-spec boolean) (define-info-class :alien-type) (define-info-type :class :alien-type :type :kind :type-spec (member :primitive :defined :unknown) :default :unknown) (define-info-type :class :alien-type :type :translator :type-spec (or function null) :default nil) (define-info-type :class :alien-type :type :definition :type-spec (or alien-type null) :default nil) (define-info-type :class :alien-type :type :struct :type-spec (or alien-type null) :default nil) (define-info-type :class :alien-type :type :union :type-spec (or alien-type null) :default nil) (define-info-type :class :alien-type :type :enum :type-spec (or alien-type null) :default nil) (define-info-class :setf) (define-info-type :class :setf :type :inverse :type-spec (or symbol null) :default nil) (define-info-type :class :setf :type :documentation :type-spec (or string null) :default nil) (define-info-type :class :setf :type :expander :type-spec (or function null) :default nil) ;;; Used for storing miscellaneous documentation types. The stuff is an alist ;;; translating documentation kinds to values. (define-info-class :random-documentation) (define-info-type :class :random-documentation :type :stuff :type-spec list :default ()) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (freeze-type info-env)) ;;; Now that we have finished initializing *INFO-CLASSES* and *INFO-TYPES* (at ;;; compile time), generate code to set them at cold load time to the same ;;; state they have currently. (!cold-init-forms (/show0 "beginning *INFO-CLASSES* init, calling MAKE-HASH-TABLE") (setf *info-classes* (make-hash-table :size #.(hash-table-size *info-classes*) ;; FIXME: These remaining arguments are only here ;; for debugging, to try track down weird cold ;; boot problems. #|:rehash-size 1.5 :rehash-threshold 1|#)) (/show0 "done with MAKE-HASH-TABLE in *INFO-CLASSES* init") (dolist (class-info-name '#.(let ((result nil)) (maphash (lambda (key value) (declare (ignore value)) (push key result)) *info-classes*) result)) (let ((class-info (make-class-info class-info-name))) (setf (gethash class-info-name *info-classes*) class-info))) (/show0 "done with *INFO-CLASSES* initialization") (/show0 "beginning *INFO-TYPES* initialization") (setf *info-types* (map 'vector (lambda (x) (when x (let* ((class-info (class-info-or-lose (second x))) (type-info (make-type-info :name (first x) :class class-info :number (third x) :type (fourth x)))) (push type-info (class-info-types class-info)) type-info))) '#.(map 'list (lambda (info-type) (when info-type (list (type-info-name info-type) (class-info-name (type-info-class info-type)) (type-info-number info-type) (type-info-type info-type)))) *info-types*))) (/show0 "done with *INFO-TYPES* initialization")) ;;; At cold load time, after the INFO-TYPE objects have been created, we can ;;; set their DEFAULT and TYPE slots. (macrolet ((frob () `(!cold-init-forms ,@(reverse *reversed-type-info-init-forms*)))) (frob)) ;;;; a hack for detecting ;;;; (DEFUN FOO (X Y) ;;;; .. ;;;; (SETF (BAR A FFH) 12) ; compiles to a call to #'(SETF BAR) ;;;; ..) ;;;; (DEFSETF BAR SET-BAR) ; can't influence previous compilation ;;;; ;;;; KLUDGE: Arguably it should be another class/type combination in the ;;;; globaldb. However, IMHO the whole globaldb/fdefinition treatment of setf ;;;; functions is a mess which ought to be rewritten, and I'm not inclined to ;;;; mess with it short of that. So I just put this bag on the side of it ;;;; instead.. ;;; true for symbols FOO which have been assumed to have '(SETF FOO) ;;; bound to a function (defvar *setf-assumed-fboundp*) (!cold-init-forms (setf *setf-assumed-fboundp* (make-hash-table))) (!defun-from-collected-cold-init-forms !globaldb-cold-init)