;;;; the VM definition of various primitive memory access VOPs for ;;;; HPPA ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;;;; Data object ref/set stuff. (define-vop (slot) (:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:info name offset lowtag) (:ignore name) (:results (result :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg))) (:generator 1 (loadw result object offset lowtag))) (define-vop (set-slot) (:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg)) (value :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg))) (:info name offset lowtag) (:ignore name) (:results) (:generator 1 (storew value object offset lowtag))) ;;;; Symbol hacking VOPs: ;;; The compiler likes to be able to directly SET symbols. (define-vop (set cell-set) (:variant symbol-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag)) ;;; Do a cell ref with an error check for being unbound. (define-vop (checked-cell-ref) (:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg) :target obj-temp)) (:results (value :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg))) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:temporary (:type random :scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:temporary (:scs (descriptor-reg) :from (:argument 0)) obj-temp)) ;;; With Symbol-Value, we check that the value isn't the trap object. So ;;; Symbol-Value of NIL is NIL. (define-vop (symbol-value checked-cell-ref) (:translate symbol-value) (:generator 9 (move object obj-temp) (loadw value obj-temp symbol-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (let ((err-lab (generate-error-code vop unbound-symbol-error obj-temp))) (inst li unbound-marker-widetag temp) (inst bc := nil value temp err-lab)))) ;;; Like CHECKED-CELL-REF, only we are a predicate to see if the cell is bound. (define-vop (boundp-frob) (:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:conditional) (:info target not-p) (:policy :fast-safe) (:temporary (:scs (descriptor-reg)) value) (:temporary (:type random :scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp)) (define-vop (boundp boundp-frob) (:translate boundp) (:generator 9 (loadw value object symbol-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (inst li unbound-marker-widetag temp) (inst bc :<> not-p value temp target))) (define-vop (fast-symbol-value cell-ref) (:variant symbol-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (:policy :fast) (:translate symbol-value)) (define-vop (symbol-hash) (:policy :fast-safe) (:translate symbol-hash) (:args (symbol :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (res :scs (any-reg))) (:result-types positive-fixnum) (:generator 2 ;; The symbol-hash slot of NIL holds NIL because it is also the ;; cdr slot, so we have to strip off the two low bits to make sure ;; it is a fixnum. The lowtag selection magic that is required to ;; ensure this is explained in the comment in objdef.lisp (loadw res symbol symbol-hash-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (inst andcm res #b11 res))) ;;;; Fdefinition (fdefn) objects. (define-vop (fdefn-fun cell-ref) (:variant fdefn-fun-slot other-pointer-lowtag)) (define-vop (safe-fdefn-fun) (:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg) :target obj-temp)) (:results (value :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg))) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:temporary (:scs (descriptor-reg) :from (:argument 0)) obj-temp) (:generator 10 (move obj-temp object) (loadw value obj-temp fdefn-fun-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (let ((err-lab (generate-error-code vop undefined-fun-error obj-temp))) (inst bc := nil value null-tn err-lab)))) (define-vop (set-fdefn-fun) (:policy :fast-safe) (:translate (setf fdefn-fun)) (:args (function :scs (descriptor-reg) :target result) (fdefn :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (interior-reg)) lip) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) type) (:results (result :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:generator 38 (load-type type function (- fun-pointer-lowtag)) (inst addi (- simple-fun-header-widetag) type type) (inst comb := type zero-tn normal-fn) (inst addi (- (ash simple-fun-code-offset word-shift) fun-pointer-lowtag) function lip) (inst li (make-fixup "closure_tramp" :foreign) lip) NORMAL-FN (storew function fdefn fdefn-fun-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (storew lip fdefn fdefn-raw-addr-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (move function result))) (define-vop (fdefn-makunbound) (:policy :fast-safe) (:translate fdefn-makunbound) (:args (fdefn :scs (descriptor-reg) :target result)) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:results (result :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:generator 38 (storew null-tn fdefn fdefn-fun-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (inst li (make-fixup "undefined_tramp" :foreign) temp) (storew temp fdefn fdefn-raw-addr-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (move fdefn result))) ;;;; Binding and Unbinding. ;;; BIND -- Establish VAL as a binding for SYMBOL. Save the old value and ;;; the symbol on the binding stack and stuff the new value into the ;;; symbol. (define-vop (bind) (:args (val :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg)) (symbol :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (descriptor-reg)) temp) (:generator 5 (loadw temp symbol symbol-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (inst addi (* binding-size n-word-bytes) bsp-tn bsp-tn) (storew temp bsp-tn (- binding-value-slot binding-size)) (storew symbol bsp-tn (- binding-symbol-slot binding-size)) (storew val symbol symbol-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag))) (define-vop (unbind) (:temporary (:scs (descriptor-reg)) symbol value) (:generator 0 (loadw symbol bsp-tn (- binding-symbol-slot binding-size)) (loadw value bsp-tn (- binding-value-slot binding-size)) (storew value symbol symbol-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (storew zero-tn bsp-tn (- binding-symbol-slot binding-size)) (storew zero-tn bsp-tn (- binding-value-slot binding-size)) (inst addi (- (* binding-size n-word-bytes)) bsp-tn bsp-tn))) (define-vop (unbind-to-here) (:args (where :scs (descriptor-reg any-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (descriptor-reg)) symbol value) (:generator 0 (inst comb := where bsp-tn done :nullify t) (loadw symbol bsp-tn (- binding-symbol-slot binding-size)) LOOP (inst comb := symbol zero-tn skip) (loadw value bsp-tn (- binding-value-slot binding-size)) (storew value symbol symbol-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag) (storew zero-tn bsp-tn (- binding-symbol-slot binding-size)) SKIP (storew zero-tn bsp-tn (- binding-value-slot binding-size)) (inst addi (* -2 n-word-bytes) bsp-tn bsp-tn) (inst comb :<> where bsp-tn loop :nullify t) (loadw symbol bsp-tn (- binding-symbol-slot binding-size)) DONE)) ;;;; Closure indexing. (define-full-reffer closure-index-ref * closure-info-offset fun-pointer-lowtag (descriptor-reg any-reg) * %closure-index-ref) (define-full-setter set-funcallable-instance-info * funcallable-instance-info-offset fun-pointer-lowtag (descriptor-reg any-reg) * %set-funcallable-instance-info) (define-full-reffer funcallable-instance-info * funcallable-instance-info-offset fun-pointer-lowtag (descriptor-reg any-reg) * %funcallable-instance-info) (define-vop (closure-ref slot-ref) (:variant closure-info-offset fun-pointer-lowtag)) (define-vop (closure-init slot-set) (:variant closure-info-offset fun-pointer-lowtag)) ;;;; Value Cell hackery. (define-vop (value-cell-ref cell-ref) (:variant value-cell-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag)) (define-vop (value-cell-set cell-set) (:variant value-cell-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag)) ;;;; Instance hackery: (define-vop (instance-length) (:policy :fast-safe) (:translate %instance-length) (:args (struct :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (res :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types positive-fixnum) (:generator 4 (loadw res struct 0 instance-pointer-lowtag) (inst srl res n-widetag-bits res))) (define-full-reffer instance-index-ref * instance-slots-offset instance-pointer-lowtag (descriptor-reg any-reg) * %instance-ref) (define-full-setter instance-index-set * instance-slots-offset instance-pointer-lowtag (descriptor-reg any-reg) * %instance-set) ;;;; Code object frobbing. (define-full-reffer code-header-ref * 0 other-pointer-lowtag (descriptor-reg any-reg) * code-header-ref) (define-full-setter code-header-set * 0 other-pointer-lowtag (descriptor-reg any-reg) * code-header-set) ;;;; raw instance slot accessors (macrolet ((fix-storage (inc-offset-by) `(progn (loadw offset object 0 instance-pointer-lowtag) (inst srl offset n-widetag-bits offset) (inst sll offset 2 offset) (inst sub offset index offset) (inst addi ,inc-offset-by offset offset) (inst add offset object lip))) (raw-instance ((type inc-offset-by set &optional complex) &body body) (let ((name (symbolicate "RAW-INSTANCE-" (if set "SET/" "REF/") (if (eq type 'unsigned) "WORD" (or complex type)))) (type-num (cond ((eq type 'single) (if complex 'complex-single-float 'single-float)) ((eq type 'double) (if complex 'complex-double-float 'double-float)) (t (symbolicate type "-NUM")))) (type-reg (symbolicate (or complex type) "-REG"))) `(define-vop (,name) (:translate ,(symbolicate "%" name)) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg)) (index :scs (any-reg)) ,@(if set `((value :scs (,type-reg) :target result)))) (:arg-types * positive-fixnum ,@(if set `(,type-num))) (:results (,(if set 'result 'value) :scs (,type-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) offset) (:temporary (:scs (interior-reg)) lip) (:result-types ,type-num) (:generator 5 (loadw offset object 0 instance-pointer-lowtag) (inst srl offset n-widetag-bits offset) (inst sll offset 2 offset) (inst sub offset index offset) (inst addi ,(* inc-offset-by n-word-bytes) offset offset) (inst add offset object lip) ,@body))))) (raw-instance (unsigned -1 nil) (inst ldw (- (* instance-slots-offset n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag) lip value)) (raw-instance (unsigned -1 t) (inst stw value (- (* instance-slots-offset n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag) lip) (move value result)) (raw-instance (single -1 nil) (inst li (- (* instance-slots-offset n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag) offset) (inst fldx offset lip value)) (raw-instance (single -1 t) (inst li (- (* instance-slots-offset n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag) offset) (inst fstx value offset lip) (unless (location= result value) (inst funop :copy value result))) (raw-instance (double -2 nil) (inst fldx object index value) (inst fldx offset lip value)) (raw-instance (double -2 t) (inst fldx offset lip value) (inst fldx index object value) (inst funop :copy value result)) (raw-instance (single -2 nil complex-single) (inst li (- (* instance-slots-offset n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag) offset) (inst fldx offset lip (complex-single-reg-real-tn value)) (inst li (- (* (1+ instance-slots-offset) n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag) offset) (inst fldx offset lip (complex-single-reg-imag-tn value))) (raw-instance (single -2 t complex-single) (let ((value-real (complex-single-reg-real-tn value)) (result-real (complex-single-reg-real-tn result))) (inst li (- (* instance-slots-offset n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag) offset) (inst fstx value-real offset lip) (unless (location= result-real value-real) (inst funop :copy value-real result-real))) (let ((value-imag (complex-single-reg-imag-tn value)) (result-imag (complex-single-reg-imag-tn result))) (inst li (- (* (1+ instance-slots-offset) n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag) offset) (inst fstx value-imag offset lip) (unless (location= result-imag value-imag) (inst funop :copy value-imag result-imag)))) (raw-instance (double -4 nil complex-double) (let ((immediate-offset (- (* instance-slots-offset n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag))) (inst li immediate-offset offset) (inst fldx offset lip (complex-double-reg-real-tn value))) (let ((immediate-offset (+ 4 (- (* (1+ instance-slots-offset) n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag)))) (inst li immediate-offset offset) (inst fldx offset lip (complex-double-reg-real-tn value))) (let ((immediate-offset (- (* (+ instance-slots-offset 2) n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag))) (inst li immediate-offset offset) (inst fldx offset lip (complex-double-reg-imag-tn value))) (let ((immediate-offset (+ 4 (- (* (+ instance-slots-offset 3) n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag)))) (inst li immediate-offset offset) (inst fldx offset lip (complex-double-reg-imag-tn value)))) (raw-instance (double -4 t complex-double) (let ((value-real (complex-double-reg-real-tn value)) (result-real (complex-double-reg-real-tn result))) (let ((immediate-offset (- (* instance-slots-offset n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag))) (inst li immediate-offset offset) (inst fldx offset lip value-real)) (let ((immediate-offset (+ 4 (- (* (1+ instance-slots-offset) n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag)))) (inst li immediate-offset offset) (inst fldx offset lip value-real)) (unless (location= result-real value-real) (inst funop :copy value-real result-real))) (let ((value-imag (complex-double-reg-imag-tn value)) (result-imag (complex-double-reg-imag-tn result))) (let ((immediate-offset (- (* (+ instance-slots-offset 2) n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag))) (inst li immediate-offset offset) (inst fldx offset lip value-imag)) (let ((immediate-offset (+ 4 (- (* (+ instance-slots-offset 3) n-word-bytes) instance-pointer-lowtag)))) (inst li immediate-offset offset) (inst fldx offset lip value-imag)) (unless (location= result-imag value-imag) (inst funop :copy value-imag result-imag)))))