;;;; machinery for reporting errors/warnings/notes/whatnot from ;;;; the compiler ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") ;;;; compiler error context determination (declaim (special *current-path*)) ;;; We bind print level and length when printing out messages so that ;;; we don't dump huge amounts of garbage. ;;; ;;; FIXME: It's not possible to get the defaults right for everyone. ;;; So: Should these variables be in the SB-EXT package? Or should we ;;; just get rid of them completely and just use the bare ;;; CL:*PRINT-FOO* variables instead? (declaim (type (or unsigned-byte null) *compiler-error-print-level* *compiler-error-print-length* *compiler-error-print-lines*)) (defvar *compiler-error-print-level* 5 #!+sb-doc "the value for *PRINT-LEVEL* when printing compiler error messages") (defvar *compiler-error-print-length* 10 #!+sb-doc "the value for *PRINT-LENGTH* when printing compiler error messages") (defvar *compiler-error-print-lines* 12 #!+sb-doc "the value for *PRINT-LINES* when printing compiler error messages") (defvar *enclosing-source-cutoff* 1 #!+sb-doc "The maximum number of enclosing non-original source forms (i.e. from macroexpansion) that we print in full. For additional enclosing forms, we print only the CAR.") (declaim (type unsigned-byte *enclosing-source-cutoff*)) ;;; We separate the determination of compiler error contexts from the ;;; actual signalling of those errors by objectifying the error ;;; context. This allows postponement of the determination of how (and ;;; if) to signal the error. ;;; ;;; We take care not to reference any of the IR1 so that pending ;;; potential error messages won't prevent the IR1 from being GC'd. To ;;; this end, we convert source forms to strings so that source forms ;;; that contain IR1 references (e.g. %DEFUN) don't hold onto the IR. (defstruct (compiler-error-context #-no-ansi-print-object (:print-object (lambda (x stream) (print-unreadable-object (x stream :type t)))) (:copier nil)) ;; a list of the stringified CARs of the enclosing non-original source forms ;; exceeding the *enclosing-source-cutoff* (enclosing-source nil :type list) ;; a list of stringified enclosing non-original source forms (source nil :type list) ;; the stringified form in the original source that expanded into SOURCE (original-source (missing-arg) :type simple-string) ;; a list of prefixes of "interesting" forms that enclose original-source (context nil :type list) ;; the FILE-INFO-NAME for the relevant FILE-INFO (file-name (missing-arg) :type (or pathname (member :lisp :stream))) ;; the file position at which the top level form starts, if applicable (file-position nil :type (or index null)) ;; the original source part of the source path (original-source-path nil :type list)) ;;; If true, this is the node which is used as context in compiler warning ;;; messages. (declaim (type (or null compiler-error-context node) *compiler-error-context*)) (defvar *compiler-error-context* nil) ;;; a hashtable mapping macro names to source context parsers. Each parser ;;; function returns the source-context list for that form. (defvar *source-context-methods* (make-hash-table)) ;;; documentation originally from cmu-user.tex: ;;; This macro defines how to extract an abbreviated source context from ;;; the \var{name}d form when it appears in the compiler input. ;;; \var{lambda-list} is a \code{defmacro} style lambda-list used to ;;; parse the arguments. The \var{body} should return a list of ;;; subforms that can be printed on about one line. There are ;;; predefined methods for \code{defstruct}, \code{defmethod}, etc. If ;;; no method is defined, then the first two subforms are returned. ;;; Note that this facility implicitly determines the string name ;;; associated with anonymous functions. ;;; So even though SBCL itself only uses this macro within this file, ;;; it's a reasonable thing to put in SB-EXT in case some dedicated ;;; user wants to do some heavy tweaking to make SBCL give more ;;; informative output about his code. (defmacro define-source-context (name lambda-list &body body) #!+sb-doc "DEFINE-SOURCE-CONTEXT Name Lambda-List Form* This macro defines how to extract an abbreviated source context from the Named form when it appears in the compiler input. Lambda-List is a DEFMACRO style lambda-list used to parse the arguments. The Body should return a list of subforms suitable for a \"~{~S ~}\" format string." (let ((n-whole (gensym))) `(setf (gethash ',name *source-context-methods*) #'(lambda (,n-whole) (destructuring-bind ,lambda-list ,n-whole ,@body))))) (defmacro def-source-context (&rest rest) (deprecation-warning 'def-source-context 'define-source-context) `(define-source-context ,@rest)) (define-source-context defstruct (name-or-options &rest slots) (declare (ignore slots)) `(defstruct ,(if (consp name-or-options) (car name-or-options) name-or-options))) (define-source-context function (thing) (if (and (consp thing) (eq (first thing) 'lambda) (consp (rest thing))) `(lambda ,(second thing)) `(function ,thing))) ;;; Return the first two elements of FORM if FORM is a list. Take the ;;; CAR of the second form if appropriate. (defun source-form-context (form) (cond ((atom form) nil) ((>= (length form) 2) (funcall (gethash (first form) *source-context-methods* #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (list (first form) (second form)))) (rest form))) (t form))) ;;; Given a source path, return the original source form and a ;;; description of the interesting aspects of the context in which it ;;; appeared. The context is a list of lists, one sublist per context ;;; form. The sublist is a list of some of the initial subforms of the ;;; context form. ;;; ;;; For now, we use the first two subforms of each interesting form. A ;;; form is interesting if the first element is a symbol beginning ;;; with "DEF" and it is not the source form. If there is no ;;; DEF-mumble, then we use the outermost containing form. If the ;;; second subform is a list, then in some cases we return the CAR of ;;; that form rather than the whole form (i.e. don't show DEFSTRUCT ;;; options, etc.) (defun find-original-source (path) (declare (list path)) (let* ((rpath (reverse (source-path-original-source path))) (tlf (first rpath)) (root (find-source-root tlf *source-info*))) (collect ((context)) (let ((form root) (current (rest rpath))) (loop (when (atom form) (aver (null current)) (return)) (let ((head (first form))) (when (symbolp head) (let ((name (symbol-name head))) (when (and (>= (length name) 3) (string= name "DEF" :end1 3)) (context (source-form-context form)))))) (when (null current) (return)) (setq form (nth (pop current) form))) (cond ((context) (values form (context))) ((and path root) (let ((c (source-form-context root))) (values form (if c (list c) nil)))) (t (values '(unable to locate source) '((some strange place))))))))) ;;; Convert a source form to a string, suitably formatted for use in ;;; compiler warnings. (defun stringify-form (form &optional (pretty t)) (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*print-readably* nil) (*print-pretty* pretty) (*print-level* *compiler-error-print-level*) (*print-length* *compiler-error-print-length*) (*print-lines* *compiler-error-print-lines*)) (if pretty (format nil "~<~@; ~S~:>" (list form)) (prin1-to-string form))))) ;;; shorthand for creating debug names from source names or other ;;; stems, e.g. ;;; (DEBUG-NAMIFY "FLET ~S" SOURCE-NAME) ;;; (DEBUG-NAMIFY "top level form ~S" FORM) ;;; ;;; FIXME: This function seems to have a lot in common with ;;; STRINGIFY-FORM, and perhaps there's some way to merge the two ;;; functions. (defun debug-namify (format-string &rest format-arguments) (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*print-readably* nil) (*package* *cl-package*) (*print-length* 3) (*print-level* 2)) (apply #'format nil format-string format-arguments)))) ;;; Return a COMPILER-ERROR-CONTEXT structure describing the current ;;; error context, or NIL if we can't figure anything out. ARGS is a ;;; list of things that are going to be printed out in the error ;;; message, and can thus be blown off when they appear in the source ;;; context. (defun find-error-context (args) (let ((context *compiler-error-context*)) (if (compiler-error-context-p context) context (let ((path (or (and (boundp '*current-path*) *current-path*) (if context (node-source-path context) nil)))) (when (and *source-info* path) (multiple-value-bind (form src-context) (find-original-source path) (collect ((full nil cons) (short nil cons)) (let ((forms (source-path-forms path)) (n 0)) (dolist (src (if (member (first forms) args) (rest forms) forms)) (if (>= n *enclosing-source-cutoff*) (short (stringify-form (if (consp src) (car src) src) nil)) (full (stringify-form src))) (incf n))) (let* ((tlf (source-path-tlf-number path)) (file-info (source-info-file-info *source-info*))) (make-compiler-error-context :enclosing-source (short) :source (full) :original-source (stringify-form form) :context src-context :file-name (file-info-name file-info) :file-position (multiple-value-bind (ignore pos) (find-source-root tlf *source-info*) (declare (ignore ignore)) pos) :original-source-path (source-path-original-source path)))))))))) ;;;; printing error messages ;;; We save the context information that we printed out most recently ;;; so that we don't print it out redundantly. ;;; The last COMPILER-ERROR-CONTEXT that we printed. (defvar *last-error-context* nil) (declaim (type (or compiler-error-context null) *last-error-context*)) ;;; The format string and args for the last error we printed. (defvar *last-format-string* nil) (defvar *last-format-args* nil) (declaim (type (or string null) *last-format-string*)) (declaim (type list *last-format-args*)) ;;; The number of times that the last error message has been emitted, ;;; so that we can compress duplicate error messages. (defvar *last-message-count* 0) (declaim (type index *last-message-count*)) ;;; If the last message was given more than once, then print out an ;;; indication of how many times it was repeated. We reset the message ;;; count when we are done. (defun note-message-repeats (&optional (terpri t)) (cond ((= *last-message-count* 1) (when terpri (terpri *error-output*))) ((> *last-message-count* 1) (format *error-output* "~&; [Last message occurs ~W times.]~2%" *last-message-count*))) (setq *last-message-count* 0)) ;;; Print out the message, with appropriate context if we can find it. ;;; If the context is different from the context of the last message ;;; we printed, then we print the context. If the original source is ;;; different from the source we are working on, then we print the ;;; current source in addition to the original source. ;;; ;;; We suppress printing of messages identical to the previous, but ;;; record the number of times that the message is repeated. (defun print-compiler-message (format-string format-args) (declare (type simple-string format-string)) (declare (type list format-args)) (let ((stream *error-output*) (context (find-error-context format-args))) (cond (context (let ((file (compiler-error-context-file-name context)) (in (compiler-error-context-context context)) (form (compiler-error-context-original-source context)) (enclosing (compiler-error-context-enclosing-source context)) (source (compiler-error-context-source context)) (last *last-error-context*)) (unless (and last (equal file (compiler-error-context-file-name last))) (when (pathnamep file) (note-message-repeats) (setq last nil) (format stream "~2&; file: ~A~%" (namestring file)))) (unless (and last (equal in (compiler-error-context-context last))) (note-message-repeats) (setq last nil) (format stream "~&") (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :per-line-prefix "; ") (format stream "in:~{~<~% ~4:;~{ ~S~}~>~^ =>~}" in)) (format stream "~%")) (unless (and last (string= form (compiler-error-context-original-source last))) (note-message-repeats) (setq last nil) (format stream "~&") (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :per-line-prefix "; ") (format stream " ~A" form)) (format stream "~&")) (unless (and last (equal enclosing (compiler-error-context-enclosing-source last))) (when enclosing (note-message-repeats) (setq last nil) (format stream "~&; --> ~{~<~%; --> ~1:;~A~> ~}~%" enclosing))) (unless (and last (equal source (compiler-error-context-source last))) (setq *last-format-string* nil) (when source (note-message-repeats) (dolist (src source) (format stream "~&") (write-string "; ==>" stream) (format stream "~&") (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :per-line-prefix "; ") (write-string src stream))))))) (t (format stream "~&") (note-message-repeats) (setq *last-format-string* nil) (format stream "~&"))) (setq *last-error-context* context) (unless (and (equal format-string *last-format-string*) (tree-equal format-args *last-format-args*)) (note-message-repeats nil) (setq *last-format-string* format-string) (setq *last-format-args* format-args) (let ((*print-level* *compiler-error-print-level*) (*print-length* *compiler-error-print-length*) (*print-lines* *compiler-error-print-lines*)) (format stream "~&") (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :per-line-prefix "; ") (format stream "~&~?" format-string format-args)) (format stream "~&")))) (incf *last-message-count*) (values)) (defun print-compiler-condition (condition) (declare (type condition condition)) (let (;; These different classes of conditions have different ;; effects on the return codes of COMPILE-FILE, so it's nice ;; for users to be able to pick them out by lexical search ;; through the output. (what (etypecase condition (style-warning 'style-warning) (warning 'warning) (error 'error)))) (multiple-value-bind (format-string format-args) (if (typep condition 'simple-condition) (values (simple-condition-format-control condition) (simple-condition-format-arguments condition)) (values "~A" (list (with-output-to-string (s) (princ condition s))))) (print-compiler-message (format nil "caught ~S:~% ~A" what format-string) format-args))) (values)) ;;; COMPILER-NOTE is vaguely like COMPILER-ERROR and the other ;;; condition-signalling functions, but it just writes some output ;;; instead of signalling. (In CMU CL, it did signal a condition, but ;;; this didn't seem to work all that well; it was weird to have ;;; COMPILE-FILE return with WARNINGS-P set when the only problem was ;;; that the compiler couldn't figure out how to compile something as ;;; efficiently as it liked.) (defun compiler-note (format-string &rest format-args) (unless (if *compiler-error-context* (policy *compiler-error-context* (= inhibit-warnings 3)) (policy *lexenv* (= inhibit-warnings 3))) (incf *compiler-note-count*) (print-compiler-message (format nil "note: ~A" format-string) format-args)) (values)) ;;; Issue a note when we might or might not be in the compiler. (defun maybe-compiler-note (&rest rest) (if (boundp '*lexenv*) ; if we're in the compiler (apply #'compiler-note rest) (let ((stream *error-output*)) (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :per-line-prefix ";") (format stream " note: ~3I~_") (pprint-logical-block (stream nil) (apply #'format stream rest))) (fresh-line stream)))) ; (outside logical block, no per-line-prefix) ;;; The politically correct way to print out progress messages and ;;; such like. We clear the current error context so that we know that ;;; it needs to be reprinted, and we also FORCE-OUTPUT so that the ;;; message gets seen right away. (declaim (ftype (function (string &rest t) (values)) compiler-mumble)) (defun compiler-mumble (format-string &rest format-args) (note-message-repeats) (setq *last-error-context* nil) (apply #'format *error-output* format-string format-args) (force-output *error-output*) (values)) ;;; Return a string that somehow names the code in COMPONENT. We use ;;; the source path for the bind node for an arbitrary entry point to ;;; find the source context, then return that as a string. (declaim (ftype (function (component) simple-string) find-component-name)) (defun find-component-name (component) (let ((ep (first (block-succ (component-head component))))) (aver ep) ; else no entry points?? (multiple-value-bind (form context) (find-original-source (node-source-path (continuation-next (block-start ep)))) (declare (ignore form)) (let ((*print-level* 2) (*print-pretty* nil)) (format nil "~{~{~S~^ ~}~^ => ~}" context))))) ;;;; condition system interface ;;; Keep track of how many times each kind of condition happens. (defvar *compiler-error-count*) (defvar *compiler-warning-count*) (defvar *compiler-style-warning-count*) (defvar *compiler-note-count*) ;;; Keep track of whether any surrounding COMPILE or COMPILE-FILE call ;;; should return WARNINGS-P or FAILURE-P. (defvar *failure-p*) (defvar *warnings-p*) ;;; condition handlers established by the compiler. We re-signal the ;;; condition, then if it isn't handled, we increment our warning ;;; counter and print the error message. (defun compiler-error-handler (condition) (signal condition) (incf *compiler-error-count*) (setf *warnings-p* t *failure-p* t) (print-compiler-condition condition) (continue condition)) (defun compiler-warning-handler (condition) (signal condition) (incf *compiler-warning-count*) (setf *warnings-p* t *failure-p* t) (print-compiler-condition condition) (muffle-warning condition)) (defun compiler-style-warning-handler (condition) (signal condition) (incf *compiler-style-warning-count*) (setf *warnings-p* t) (print-compiler-condition condition) (muffle-warning condition)) ;;;; undefined warnings (defvar *undefined-warning-limit* 3 #!+sb-doc "If non-null, then an upper limit on the number of unknown function or type warnings that the compiler will print for any given name in a single compilation. This prevents excessive amounts of output when the real problem is a missing definition (as opposed to a typo in the use.)") ;;; Make an entry in the *UNDEFINED-WARNINGS* describing a reference ;;; to NAME of the specified KIND. If we have exceeded the warning ;;; limit, then just increment the count, otherwise note the current ;;; error context. ;;; ;;; Undefined types are noted by a condition handler in ;;; WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT, which can potentially be invoked outside ;;; the compiler, hence the BOUNDP check. (defun note-undefined-reference (name kind) (unless (and ;; Check for boundness so we don't blow up if we're called ;; when IR1 conversion isn't going on. (boundp '*lexenv*) ;; FIXME: I'm pretty sure the INHIBIT-WARNINGS test below ;; isn't a good idea; we should have INHIBIT-WARNINGS ;; affect compiler notes, not STYLE-WARNINGs. And I'm not ;; sure what the BOUNDP '*LEXENV* test above is for; it's ;; likely a good idea, but it probably deserves an ;; explanatory comment. (policy *lexenv* (= inhibit-warnings 3))) (let* ((found (dolist (warning *undefined-warnings* nil) (when (and (equal (undefined-warning-name warning) name) (eq (undefined-warning-kind warning) kind)) (return warning)))) (res (or found (make-undefined-warning :name name :kind kind)))) (unless found (push res *undefined-warnings*)) (when (or (not *undefined-warning-limit*) (< (undefined-warning-count res) *undefined-warning-limit*)) (push (find-error-context (list name)) (undefined-warning-warnings res))) (incf (undefined-warning-count res)))) (values))