;;;; This file contains miscellaneous utilities used for manipulating ;;;; the IR1 representation. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") ;;;; cleanup hackery ;;; Return the innermost cleanup enclosing NODE, or NIL if there is ;;; none in its function. If NODE has no cleanup, but is in a LET, ;;; then we must still check the environment that the call is in. (defun node-enclosing-cleanup (node) (declare (type node node)) (do ((lexenv (node-lexenv node) (lambda-call-lexenv (lexenv-lambda lexenv)))) ((null lexenv) nil) (let ((cup (lexenv-cleanup lexenv))) (when cup (return cup))))) ;;; Convert the FORM in a block inserted between BLOCK1 and BLOCK2 as ;;; an implicit MV-PROG1. The inserted block is returned. NODE is used ;;; for IR1 context when converting the form. Note that the block is ;;; not assigned a number, and is linked into the DFO at the ;;; beginning. We indicate that we have trashed the DFO by setting ;;; COMPONENT-REANALYZE. If CLEANUP is supplied, then convert with ;;; that cleanup. (defun insert-cleanup-code (block1 block2 node form &optional cleanup) (declare (type cblock block1 block2) (type node node) (type (or cleanup null) cleanup)) (setf (component-reanalyze (block-component block1)) t) (with-ir1-environment-from-node node (let* ((start (make-continuation)) (block (continuation-starts-block start)) (cont (make-continuation)) (*lexenv* (if cleanup (make-lexenv :cleanup cleanup) *lexenv*))) (change-block-successor block1 block2 block) (link-blocks block block2) (ir1-convert start cont form) (setf (block-last block) (continuation-use cont)) block))) ;;;; continuation use hacking ;;; Return a list of all the nodes which use Cont. (declaim (ftype (function (continuation) list) find-uses)) (defun find-uses (cont) (ecase (continuation-kind cont) ((:block-start :deleted-block-start) (block-start-uses (continuation-block cont))) (:inside-block (list (continuation-use cont))) (:unused nil) (:deleted nil))) ;;; Update continuation use information so that NODE is no longer a ;;; use of its CONT. If the old continuation doesn't start its block, ;;; then we don't update the BLOCK-START-USES, since it will be ;;; deleted when we are done. ;;; ;;; Note: if you call this function, you may have to do a ;;; REOPTIMIZE-CONTINUATION to inform IR1 optimization that something ;;; has changed. (declaim (ftype (function (node) (values)) delete-continuation-use)) (defun delete-continuation-use (node) (let* ((cont (node-cont node)) (block (continuation-block cont))) (ecase (continuation-kind cont) (:deleted) ((:block-start :deleted-block-start) (let ((uses (delete node (block-start-uses block)))) (setf (block-start-uses block) uses) (setf (continuation-use cont) (if (cdr uses) nil (car uses))))) (:inside-block (setf (continuation-kind cont) :unused) (setf (continuation-block cont) nil) (setf (continuation-use cont) nil) (setf (continuation-next cont) nil))) (setf (node-cont node) nil)) (values)) ;;; Update continuation use information so that NODE uses CONT. If ;;; CONT is :UNUSED, then we set its block to NODE's NODE-BLOCK (which ;;; must be set.) ;;; ;;; Note: if you call this function, you may have to do a ;;; REOPTIMIZE-CONTINUATION to inform IR1 optimization that something ;;; has changed. (declaim (ftype (function (node continuation) (values)) add-continuation-use)) (defun add-continuation-use (node cont) (aver (not (node-cont node))) (let ((block (continuation-block cont))) (ecase (continuation-kind cont) (:deleted) (:unused (aver (not block)) (let ((block (node-block node))) (aver block) (setf (continuation-block cont) block)) (setf (continuation-kind cont) :inside-block) (setf (continuation-use cont) node)) ((:block-start :deleted-block-start) (let ((uses (cons node (block-start-uses block)))) (setf (block-start-uses block) uses) (setf (continuation-use cont) (if (cdr uses) nil (car uses))))))) (setf (node-cont node) cont) (values)) ;;; Return true if CONT is the NODE-CONT for NODE and CONT is ;;; transferred to immediately after the evaluation of NODE. (defun immediately-used-p (cont node) (declare (type continuation cont) (type node node)) (and (eq (node-cont node) cont) (not (eq (continuation-kind cont) :deleted)) (let ((cblock (continuation-block cont)) (nblock (node-block node))) (or (eq cblock nblock) (let ((succ (block-succ nblock))) (and (= (length succ) 1) (eq (first succ) cblock))))))) ;;;; continuation substitution ;;; In OLD's DEST, replace OLD with NEW. NEW's DEST must initially be ;;; NIL. When we are done, we call FLUSH-DEST on OLD to clear its DEST ;;; and to note potential optimization opportunities. (defun substitute-continuation (new old) (declare (type continuation old new)) (aver (not (continuation-dest new))) (let ((dest (continuation-dest old))) (etypecase dest ((or ref bind)) (cif (setf (if-test dest) new)) (cset (setf (set-value dest) new)) (creturn (setf (return-result dest) new)) (exit (setf (exit-value dest) new)) (basic-combination (if (eq old (basic-combination-fun dest)) (setf (basic-combination-fun dest) new) (setf (basic-combination-args dest) (nsubst new old (basic-combination-args dest)))))) (flush-dest old) (setf (continuation-dest new) dest) (setf (continuation-%externally-checkable-type new) nil)) (values)) ;;; Replace all uses of OLD with uses of NEW, where NEW has an ;;; arbitary number of uses. If NEW will end up with more than one ;;; use, then we must arrange for it to start a block if it doesn't ;;; already. (defun substitute-continuation-uses (new old) (declare (type continuation old new)) (unless (and (eq (continuation-kind new) :unused) (eq (continuation-kind old) :inside-block)) (ensure-block-start new)) (do-uses (node old) (delete-continuation-use node) (add-continuation-use node new)) (dolist (lexenv-use (continuation-lexenv-uses old)) (setf (cadr lexenv-use) new)) (reoptimize-continuation new) (values)) ;;;; block starting/creation ;;; Return the block that CONT is the start of, making a block if ;;; necessary. This function is called by IR1 translators which may ;;; cause a continuation to be used more than once. Every continuation ;;; which may be used more than once must start a block by the time ;;; that anyone does a USE-CONTINUATION on it. ;;; ;;; We also throw the block into the next/prev list for the ;;; *CURRENT-COMPONENT* so that we keep track of which blocks we have ;;; made. (defun continuation-starts-block (cont) (declare (type continuation cont)) (ecase (continuation-kind cont) (:unused (aver (not (continuation-block cont))) (let* ((head (component-head *current-component*)) (next (block-next head)) (new-block (make-block cont))) (setf (block-next new-block) next (block-prev new-block) head (block-prev next) new-block (block-next head) new-block (continuation-block cont) new-block (continuation-use cont) nil (continuation-kind cont) :block-start) new-block)) (:block-start (continuation-block cont)))) ;;; Ensure that CONT is the start of a block (or deleted) so that ;;; the use set can be freely manipulated. ;;; -- If the continuation is :UNUSED or is :INSIDE-BLOCK and the ;;; CONT of LAST in its block, then we make it the start of a new ;;; deleted block. ;;; -- If the continuation is :INSIDE-BLOCK inside a block, then we ;;; split the block using Node-Ends-Block, which makes the ;;; continuation be a :BLOCK-START. (defun ensure-block-start (cont) (declare (type continuation cont)) (let ((kind (continuation-kind cont))) (ecase kind ((:deleted :block-start :deleted-block-start)) ((:unused :inside-block) (let ((block (continuation-block cont))) (cond ((or (eq kind :unused) (eq (node-cont (block-last block)) cont)) (setf (continuation-block cont) (make-block-key :start cont :component nil :start-uses (find-uses cont))) (setf (continuation-kind cont) :deleted-block-start)) (t (node-ends-block (continuation-use cont)))))))) (values)) ;;;; miscellaneous shorthand functions ;;; Return the home (i.e. enclosing non-LET) CLAMBDA for NODE. Since ;;; the LEXENV-LAMBDA may be deleted, we must chain up the ;;; LAMBDA-CALL-LEXENV thread until we find a CLAMBDA that isn't ;;; deleted, and then return its home. (defun node-home-lambda (node) (declare (type node node)) (do ((fun (lexenv-lambda (node-lexenv node)) (lexenv-lambda (lambda-call-lexenv fun)))) ((not (eq (functional-kind fun) :deleted)) (lambda-home fun)) (when (eq (lambda-home fun) fun) (return fun)))) (defun node-block (node) (declare (type node node)) (the cblock (continuation-block (node-prev node)))) (defun node-component (node) (declare (type node node)) (block-component (node-block node))) (defun node-physenv (node) (declare (type node node)) (the physenv (lambda-physenv (node-home-lambda node)))) (defun lambda-block (clambda) (declare (type clambda clambda)) (node-block (lambda-bind clambda))) (defun lambda-component (clambda) (block-component (lambda-block clambda))) ;;; Return the enclosing cleanup for environment of the first or last ;;; node in BLOCK. (defun block-start-cleanup (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (node-enclosing-cleanup (continuation-next (block-start block)))) (defun block-end-cleanup (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (node-enclosing-cleanup (block-last block))) ;;; Return the non-LET LAMBDA that holds BLOCK's code, or NIL ;;; if there is none. ;;; ;;; There can legitimately be no home lambda in dead code early in the ;;; IR1 conversion process, e.g. when IR1-converting the SETQ form in ;;; (BLOCK B (RETURN-FROM B) (SETQ X 3)) ;;; where the block is just a placeholder during parsing and doesn't ;;; actually correspond to code which will be written anywhere. (defun block-home-lambda-or-null (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (if (node-p (block-last block)) ;; This is the old CMU CL way of doing it. (node-home-lambda (block-last block)) ;; Now that SBCL uses this operation more aggressively than CMU ;; CL did, the old CMU CL way of doing it can fail in two ways. ;; 1. It can fail in a few cases even when a meaningful home ;; lambda exists, e.g. in IR1-CONVERT of one of the legs of ;; an IF. ;; 2. It can fail when converting a form which is born orphaned ;; so that it never had a meaningful home lambda, e.g. a form ;; which follows a RETURN-FROM or GO form. (let ((pred-list (block-pred block))) ;; To deal with case 1, we reason that ;; previous-in-target-execution-order blocks should be in the ;; same lambda, and that they seem in practice to be ;; previous-in-compilation-order blocks too, so we look back ;; to find one which is sufficiently initialized to tell us ;; what the home lambda is. (if pred-list ;; We could get fancy about this, flooding through the ;; graph of all the previous blocks, but in practice it ;; seems to work just to grab the first previous block and ;; use it. (node-home-lambda (block-last (first pred-list))) ;; In case 2, we end up with an empty PRED-LIST and ;; have to punt: There's no home lambda. nil)))) ;;; Return the non-LET LAMBDA that holds BLOCK's code. (defun block-home-lambda (block) (the clambda (block-home-lambda-or-null block))) ;;; Return the IR1 physical environment for BLOCK. (defun block-physenv (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (lambda-physenv (block-home-lambda block))) ;;; Return the Top Level Form number of PATH, i.e. the ordinal number ;;; of its original source's top level form in its compilation unit. (defun source-path-tlf-number (path) (declare (list path)) (car (last path))) ;;; Return the (reversed) list for the PATH in the original source ;;; (with the Top Level Form number last). (defun source-path-original-source (path) (declare (list path) (inline member)) (cddr (member 'original-source-start path :test #'eq))) ;;; Return the Form Number of PATH's original source inside the Top ;;; Level Form that contains it. This is determined by the order that ;;; we walk the subforms of the top level source form. (defun source-path-form-number (path) (declare (list path) (inline member)) (cadr (member 'original-source-start path :test #'eq))) ;;; Return a list of all the enclosing forms not in the original ;;; source that converted to get to this form, with the immediate ;;; source for node at the start of the list. (defun source-path-forms (path) (subseq path 0 (position 'original-source-start path))) ;;; Return the innermost source form for NODE. (defun node-source-form (node) (declare (type node node)) (let* ((path (node-source-path node)) (forms (source-path-forms path))) (if forms (first forms) (values (find-original-source path))))) ;;; Return NODE-SOURCE-FORM, T if continuation has a single use, ;;; otherwise NIL, NIL. (defun continuation-source (cont) (let ((use (continuation-use cont))) (if use (values (node-source-form use) t) (values nil nil)))) ;;; Return the LAMBDA that is CONT's home, or NIL if there is none. (defun continuation-home-lambda-or-null (cont) ;; KLUDGE: This function is a post-CMU-CL hack by WHN, and this ;; implementation might not be quite right, or might be uglier than ;; necessary. It appears that the original Python never found a need ;; to do this operation. The obvious things based on ;; NODE-HOME-LAMBDA of CONTINUATION-USE usually work; then if that ;; fails, BLOCK-HOME-LAMBDA of CONTINUATION-BLOCK works, given that ;; we generalize it enough to grovel harder when the simple CMU CL ;; approach fails, and furthermore realize that in some exceptional ;; cases it might return NIL. -- WHN 2001-12-04 (cond ((continuation-use cont) (node-home-lambda (continuation-use cont))) ((continuation-block cont) (block-home-lambda-or-null (continuation-block cont))) (t (bug "confused about home lambda for ~S")))) ;;; Return the LAMBDA that is CONT's home. (defun continuation-home-lambda (cont) (the clambda (continuation-home-lambda-or-null cont))) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline continuation-single-value-p)) (defun continuation-single-value-p (cont) (not (typep (continuation-dest cont) '(or creturn exit mv-combination)))) ;;; Return a new LEXENV just like DEFAULT except for the specified ;;; slot values. Values for the alist slots are NCONCed to the ;;; beginning of the current value, rather than replacing it entirely. (defun make-lexenv (&key (default *lexenv*) funs vars blocks tags type-restrictions weakend-type-restrictions (lambda (lexenv-lambda default)) (cleanup (lexenv-cleanup default)) (policy (lexenv-policy default))) (macrolet ((frob (var slot) `(let ((old (,slot default))) (if ,var (nconc ,var old) old)))) (internal-make-lexenv (frob funs lexenv-funs) (frob vars lexenv-vars) (frob blocks lexenv-blocks) (frob tags lexenv-tags) (frob type-restrictions lexenv-type-restrictions) (frob weakend-type-restrictions lexenv-weakend-type-restrictions) lambda cleanup policy))) ;;; Makes a LEXENV, suitable for using in a MACROLET introduced ;;; macroexpander (defun make-restricted-lexenv (lexenv) (flet ((fun-good-p (fun) (destructuring-bind (name . thing) fun (declare (ignore name)) (etypecase thing (functional nil) (global-var t) (cons (aver (eq (car thing) 'macro)) t)))) (var-good-p (var) (destructuring-bind (name . thing) var (declare (ignore name)) (etypecase thing (leaf nil) (cons (aver (eq (car thing) 'macro)) t) (heap-alien-info nil))))) (internal-make-lexenv (remove-if-not #'fun-good-p (lexenv-funs lexenv)) (remove-if-not #'var-good-p (lexenv-vars lexenv)) nil nil (lexenv-type-restrictions lexenv) ; XXX (lexenv-weakend-type-restrictions lexenv) nil nil (lexenv-policy lexenv)))) ;;;; flow/DFO/component hackery ;;; Join BLOCK1 and BLOCK2. (defun link-blocks (block1 block2) (declare (type cblock block1 block2)) (setf (block-succ block1) (if (block-succ block1) (%link-blocks block1 block2) (list block2))) (push block1 (block-pred block2)) (values)) (defun %link-blocks (block1 block2) (declare (type cblock block1 block2) (inline member)) (let ((succ1 (block-succ block1))) (aver (not (member block2 succ1 :test #'eq))) (cons block2 succ1))) ;;; This is like LINK-BLOCKS, but we separate BLOCK1 and BLOCK2. If ;;; this leaves a successor with a single predecessor that ends in an ;;; IF, then set BLOCK-TEST-MODIFIED so that any test constraint will ;;; now be able to be propagated to the successor. (defun unlink-blocks (block1 block2) (declare (type cblock block1 block2)) (let ((succ1 (block-succ block1))) (if (eq block2 (car succ1)) (setf (block-succ block1) (cdr succ1)) (do ((succ (cdr succ1) (cdr succ)) (prev succ1 succ)) ((eq (car succ) block2) (setf (cdr prev) (cdr succ))) (aver succ)))) (let ((new-pred (delq block1 (block-pred block2)))) (setf (block-pred block2) new-pred) (when (and new-pred (null (rest new-pred))) (let ((pred-block (first new-pred))) (when (if-p (block-last pred-block)) (setf (block-test-modified pred-block) t))))) (values)) ;;; Swing the succ/pred link between BLOCK and OLD to be between BLOCK ;;; and NEW. If BLOCK ends in an IF, then we have to fix up the ;;; consequent/alternative blocks to point to NEW. We also set ;;; BLOCK-TEST-MODIFIED so that any test constraint will be applied to ;;; the new successor. (defun change-block-successor (block old new) (declare (type cblock new old block) (inline member)) (unlink-blocks block old) (let ((last (block-last block)) (comp (block-component block))) (setf (component-reanalyze comp) t) (typecase last (cif (setf (block-test-modified block) t) (let* ((succ-left (block-succ block)) (new (if (and (eq new (component-tail comp)) succ-left) (first succ-left) new))) (unless (member new succ-left :test #'eq) (link-blocks block new)) (macrolet ((frob (slot) `(when (eq (,slot last) old) (setf (,slot last) new)))) (frob if-consequent) (frob if-alternative) (when (eq (if-consequent last) (if-alternative last)) (setf (component-reoptimize (block-component block)) t))))) (t (unless (member new (block-succ block) :test #'eq) (link-blocks block new))))) (values)) ;;; Unlink a block from the next/prev chain. We also null out the ;;; COMPONENT. (declaim (ftype (function (cblock) (values)) remove-from-dfo)) (defun remove-from-dfo (block) (let ((next (block-next block)) (prev (block-prev block))) (setf (block-component block) nil) (setf (block-next prev) next) (setf (block-prev next) prev)) (values)) ;;; Add BLOCK to the next/prev chain following AFTER. We also set the ;;; COMPONENT to be the same as for AFTER. (defun add-to-dfo (block after) (declare (type cblock block after)) (let ((next (block-next after)) (comp (block-component after))) (aver (not (eq (component-kind comp) :deleted))) (setf (block-component block) comp) (setf (block-next after) block) (setf (block-prev block) after) (setf (block-next block) next) (setf (block-prev next) block)) (values)) ;;; Set the FLAG for all the blocks in COMPONENT to NIL, except for ;;; the head and tail which are set to T. (declaim (ftype (function (component) (values)) clear-flags)) (defun clear-flags (component) (let ((head (component-head component)) (tail (component-tail component))) (setf (block-flag head) t) (setf (block-flag tail) t) (do-blocks (block component) (setf (block-flag block) nil))) (values)) ;;; Make a component with no blocks in it. The BLOCK-FLAG is initially ;;; true in the head and tail blocks. (declaim (ftype (function nil component) make-empty-component)) (defun make-empty-component () (let* ((head (make-block-key :start nil :component nil)) (tail (make-block-key :start nil :component nil)) (res (make-component :head head :tail tail))) (setf (block-flag head) t) (setf (block-flag tail) t) (setf (block-component head) res) (setf (block-component tail) res) (setf (block-next head) tail) (setf (block-prev tail) head) res)) ;;; Make NODE the LAST node in its block, splitting the block if necessary. ;;; The new block is added to the DFO immediately following NODE's block. (defun node-ends-block (node) (declare (type node node)) (let* ((block (node-block node)) (start (node-cont node)) (last (block-last block)) (last-cont (node-cont last))) (unless (eq last node) (aver (and (eq (continuation-kind start) :inside-block) (not (block-delete-p block)))) (let* ((succ (block-succ block)) (new-block (make-block-key :start start :component (block-component block) :start-uses (list (continuation-use start)) :succ succ :last last))) (setf (continuation-kind start) :block-start) (dolist (b succ) (setf (block-pred b) (cons new-block (remove block (block-pred b))))) (setf (block-succ block) ()) (setf (block-last block) node) (link-blocks block new-block) (add-to-dfo new-block block) (setf (component-reanalyze (block-component block)) t) (do ((cont start (node-cont (continuation-next cont)))) ((eq cont last-cont) (when (eq (continuation-kind last-cont) :inside-block) (setf (continuation-block last-cont) new-block))) (setf (continuation-block cont) new-block)) (setf (block-type-asserted block) t) (setf (block-test-modified block) t)))) (values)) ;;;; deleting stuff ;;; Deal with deleting the last (read) reference to a LAMBDA-VAR. (defun delete-lambda-var (leaf) (declare (type lambda-var leaf)) ;; Iterate over all local calls flushing the corresponding argument, ;; allowing the computation of the argument to be deleted. We also ;; mark the LET for reoptimization, since it may be that we have ;; deleted its last variable. (let* ((fun (lambda-var-home leaf)) (n (position leaf (lambda-vars fun)))) (dolist (ref (leaf-refs fun)) (let* ((cont (node-cont ref)) (dest (continuation-dest cont))) (when (and (combination-p dest) (eq (basic-combination-fun dest) cont) (eq (basic-combination-kind dest) :local)) (let* ((args (basic-combination-args dest)) (arg (elt args n))) (reoptimize-continuation arg) (flush-dest arg) (setf (elt args n) nil)))))) ;; The LAMBDA-VAR may still have some SETs, but this doesn't cause ;; too much difficulty, since we can efficiently implement ;; write-only variables. We iterate over the SETs, marking their ;; blocks for dead code flushing, since we can delete SETs whose ;; value is unused. (dolist (set (lambda-var-sets leaf)) (setf (block-flush-p (node-block set)) t)) (values)) ;;; Note that something interesting has happened to VAR. (defun reoptimize-lambda-var (var) (declare (type lambda-var var)) (let ((fun (lambda-var-home var))) ;; We only deal with LET variables, marking the corresponding ;; initial value arg as needing to be reoptimized. (when (and (eq (functional-kind fun) :let) (leaf-refs var)) (do ((args (basic-combination-args (continuation-dest (node-cont (first (leaf-refs fun))))) (cdr args)) (vars (lambda-vars fun) (cdr vars))) ((eq (car vars) var) (reoptimize-continuation (car args)))))) (values)) ;;; Delete a function that has no references. This need only be called ;;; on functions that never had any references, since otherwise ;;; DELETE-REF will handle the deletion. (defun delete-functional (fun) (aver (and (null (leaf-refs fun)) (not (functional-entry-fun fun)))) (etypecase fun (optional-dispatch (delete-optional-dispatch fun)) (clambda (delete-lambda fun))) (values)) ;;; Deal with deleting the last reference to a CLAMBDA. Since there is ;;; only one way into a CLAMBDA, deleting the last reference to a ;;; CLAMBDA ensures that there is no way to reach any of the code in ;;; it. So we just set the FUNCTIONAL-KIND for FUN and its LETs to ;;; :DELETED, causing IR1 optimization to delete blocks in that ;;; CLAMBDA. (defun delete-lambda (clambda) (declare (type clambda clambda)) (let ((original-kind (functional-kind clambda)) (bind (lambda-bind clambda))) (aver (not (member original-kind '(:deleted :optional :toplevel)))) (aver (not (functional-has-external-references-p clambda))) (setf (functional-kind clambda) :deleted) (setf (lambda-bind clambda) nil) (dolist (let (lambda-lets clambda)) (setf (lambda-bind let) nil) (setf (functional-kind let) :deleted)) ;; LET may be deleted if its BIND is unreachable. Autonomous ;; function may be deleted if it has no reachable references. (unless (member original-kind '(:let :mv-let :assignment)) (dolist (ref (lambda-refs clambda)) (mark-for-deletion (node-block ref)))) ;; (The IF test is (FUNCTIONAL-SOMEWHAT-LETLIKE-P CLAMBDA), except ;; that we're using the old value of the KIND slot, not the ;; current slot value, which has now been set to :DELETED.) (if (member original-kind '(:let :mv-let :assignment)) (let ((home (lambda-home clambda))) (setf (lambda-lets home) (delete clambda (lambda-lets home)))) ;; If the function isn't a LET, we unlink the function head ;; and tail from the component head and tail to indicate that ;; the code is unreachable. We also delete the function from ;; COMPONENT-LAMBDAS (it won't be there before local call ;; analysis, but no matter.) If the lambda was never ;; referenced, we give a note. (let* ((bind-block (node-block bind)) (component (block-component bind-block)) (return (lambda-return clambda)) (return-block (and return (node-block return)))) (unless (leaf-ever-used clambda) (let ((*compiler-error-context* bind)) (compiler-note "deleting unused function~:[.~;~:*~% ~S~]" (leaf-debug-name clambda)))) (unless (block-delete-p bind-block) (unlink-blocks (component-head component) bind-block)) (when (and return-block (not (block-delete-p return-block))) (mark-for-deletion return-block) (unlink-blocks return-block (component-tail component))) (setf (component-reanalyze component) t) (let ((tails (lambda-tail-set clambda))) (setf (tail-set-funs tails) (delete clambda (tail-set-funs tails))) (setf (lambda-tail-set clambda) nil)) (setf (component-lambdas component) (delete clambda (component-lambdas component))))) ;; If the lambda is an XEP, then we null out the ENTRY-FUN in its ;; ENTRY-FUN so that people will know that it is not an entry ;; point anymore. (when (eq original-kind :external) (let ((fun (functional-entry-fun clambda))) (setf (functional-entry-fun fun) nil) (when (optional-dispatch-p fun) (delete-optional-dispatch fun))))) (values)) ;;; Deal with deleting the last reference to an OPTIONAL-DISPATCH. We ;;; have to be a bit more careful than with lambdas, since DELETE-REF ;;; is used both before and after local call analysis. Afterward, all ;;; references to still-existing OPTIONAL-DISPATCHes have been moved ;;; to the XEP, leaving it with no references at all. So we look at ;;; the XEP to see whether an optional-dispatch is still really being ;;; used. But before local call analysis, there are no XEPs, and all ;;; references are direct. ;;; ;;; When we do delete the OPTIONAL-DISPATCH, we grovel all of its ;;; entry-points, making them be normal lambdas, and then deleting the ;;; ones with no references. This deletes any e-p lambdas that were ;;; either never referenced, or couldn't be deleted when the last ;;; reference was deleted (due to their :OPTIONAL kind.) ;;; ;;; Note that the last optional entry point may alias the main entry, ;;; so when we process the main entry, its KIND may have been changed ;;; to NIL or even converted to a LETlike value. (defun delete-optional-dispatch (leaf) (declare (type optional-dispatch leaf)) (let ((entry (functional-entry-fun leaf))) (unless (and entry (leaf-refs entry)) (aver (or (not entry) (eq (functional-kind entry) :deleted))) (setf (functional-kind leaf) :deleted) (flet ((frob (fun) (unless (eq (functional-kind fun) :deleted) (aver (eq (functional-kind fun) :optional)) (setf (functional-kind fun) nil) (let ((refs (leaf-refs fun))) (cond ((null refs) (delete-lambda fun)) ((null (rest refs)) (or (maybe-let-convert fun) (maybe-convert-to-assignment fun))) (t (maybe-convert-to-assignment fun))))))) (dolist (ep (optional-dispatch-entry-points leaf)) (frob ep)) (when (optional-dispatch-more-entry leaf) (frob (optional-dispatch-more-entry leaf))) (let ((main (optional-dispatch-main-entry leaf))) (when (eq (functional-kind main) :optional) (frob main)))))) (values)) ;;; Do stuff to delete the semantic attachments of a REF node. When ;;; this leaves zero or one reference, we do a type dispatch off of ;;; the leaf to determine if a special action is appropriate. (defun delete-ref (ref) (declare (type ref ref)) (let* ((leaf (ref-leaf ref)) (refs (delete ref (leaf-refs leaf)))) (setf (leaf-refs leaf) refs) (cond ((null refs) (typecase leaf (lambda-var (delete-lambda-var leaf)) (clambda (ecase (functional-kind leaf) ((nil :let :mv-let :assignment :escape :cleanup) (aver (null (functional-entry-fun leaf))) (delete-lambda leaf)) (:external (delete-lambda leaf)) ((:deleted :optional)))) (optional-dispatch (unless (eq (functional-kind leaf) :deleted) (delete-optional-dispatch leaf))))) ((null (rest refs)) (typecase leaf (clambda (or (maybe-let-convert leaf) (maybe-convert-to-assignment leaf))) (lambda-var (reoptimize-lambda-var leaf)))) (t (typecase leaf (clambda (maybe-convert-to-assignment leaf)))))) (values)) ;;; This function is called by people who delete nodes; it provides a ;;; way to indicate that the value of a continuation is no longer ;;; used. We null out the CONTINUATION-DEST, set FLUSH-P in the blocks ;;; containing uses of CONT and set COMPONENT-REOPTIMIZE. If the PREV ;;; of the use is deleted, then we blow off reoptimization. ;;; ;;; If the continuation is :DELETED, then we don't do anything, since ;;; all semantics have already been flushed. :DELETED-BLOCK-START ;;; start continuations are treated just like :BLOCK-START; it is ;;; possible that the continuation may be given a new dest (e.g. by ;;; SUBSTITUTE-CONTINUATION), so we don't want to delete it. (defun flush-dest (cont) (declare (type continuation cont)) (unless (eq (continuation-kind cont) :deleted) (aver (continuation-dest cont)) (setf (continuation-dest cont) nil) (setf (continuation-%externally-checkable-type cont) nil) (do-uses (use cont) (let ((prev (node-prev use))) (unless (eq (continuation-kind prev) :deleted) (let ((block (continuation-block prev))) (setf (component-reoptimize (block-component block)) t) (setf (block-attributep (block-flags block) flush-p type-asserted) t)))))) (setf (continuation-%type-check cont) nil) (values)) ;;; Do a graph walk backward from BLOCK, marking all predecessor ;;; blocks with the DELETE-P flag. (defun mark-for-deletion (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (let* ((component (block-component block)) (head (component-head component))) (labels ((helper (block) (setf (block-delete-p block) t) (dolist (pred (block-pred block)) (unless (or (block-delete-p pred) (eq pred head)) (helper pred))))) (unless (block-delete-p block) (helper block) (setf (component-reanalyze component) t)))) (values)) ;;; Delete CONT, eliminating both control and value semantics. We set ;;; FLUSH-P and COMPONENT-REOPTIMIZE similarly to in FLUSH-DEST. Here ;;; we must get the component from the use block, since the ;;; continuation may be a :DELETED-BLOCK-START. ;;; ;;; If CONT has DEST, then it must be the case that the DEST is ;;; unreachable, since we can't compute the value desired. In this ;;; case, we call MARK-FOR-DELETION to cause the DEST block and its ;;; predecessors to tell people to ignore them, and to cause them to ;;; be deleted eventually. (defun delete-continuation (cont) (declare (type continuation cont)) (aver (not (eq (continuation-kind cont) :deleted))) (do-uses (use cont) (let ((prev (node-prev use))) (unless (eq (continuation-kind prev) :deleted) (let ((block (continuation-block prev))) (setf (block-attributep (block-flags block) flush-p type-asserted) t) (setf (component-reoptimize (block-component block)) t))))) (let ((dest (continuation-dest cont))) (when dest (let ((prev (node-prev dest))) (when (and prev (not (eq (continuation-kind prev) :deleted))) (let ((block (continuation-block prev))) (unless (block-delete-p block) (mark-for-deletion block))))))) (setf (continuation-kind cont) :deleted) (setf (continuation-dest cont) nil) (setf (continuation-%externally-checkable-type cont) nil) (setf (continuation-next cont) nil) (setf (continuation-asserted-type cont) *empty-type*) (setf (continuation-%derived-type cont) *empty-type*) (setf (continuation-type-to-check cont) *empty-type*) (setf (continuation-use cont) nil) (setf (continuation-block cont) nil) (setf (continuation-reoptimize cont) nil) (setf (continuation-%type-check cont) nil) (setf (continuation-info cont) nil) (values)) ;;; This function does what is necessary to eliminate the code in it ;;; from the IR1 representation. This involves unlinking it from its ;;; predecessors and successors and deleting various node-specific ;;; semantic information. ;;; ;;; We mark the START as has having no next and remove the last node ;;; from its CONT's uses. We also flush the DEST for all continuations ;;; whose values are received by nodes in the block. (defun delete-block (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (aver (block-component block)) ; else block is already deleted! (note-block-deletion block) (setf (block-delete-p block) t) (let* ((last (block-last block)) (cont (node-cont last))) (delete-continuation-use last) (if (eq (continuation-kind cont) :unused) (delete-continuation cont) (reoptimize-continuation cont))) (dolist (b (block-pred block)) (unlink-blocks b block) ;; In bug 147 the almost-all-blocks-have-a-successor invariant was ;; broken when successors were deleted without setting the ;; BLOCK-DELETE-P flags of their predececessors. Make sure that ;; doesn't happen again. (aver (not (and (null (block-succ b)) (not (block-delete-p b)) (not (eq b (component-head (block-component b)))))))) (dolist (b (block-succ block)) (unlink-blocks block b)) (do-nodes (node cont block) (typecase node (ref (delete-ref node)) (cif (flush-dest (if-test node))) ;; The next two cases serve to maintain the invariant that a LET ;; always has a well-formed COMBINATION, REF and BIND. We delete ;; the lambda whenever we delete any of these, but we must be ;; careful that this LET has not already been partially deleted. (basic-combination (when (and (eq (basic-combination-kind node) :local) ;; Guards COMBINATION-LAMBDA agains the REF being deleted. (continuation-use (basic-combination-fun node))) (let ((fun (combination-lambda node))) ;; If our REF was the second-to-last ref, and has been ;; deleted, then FUN may be a LET for some other ;; combination. (when (and (functional-letlike-p fun) (eq (let-combination fun) node)) (delete-lambda fun)))) (flush-dest (basic-combination-fun node)) (dolist (arg (basic-combination-args node)) (when arg (flush-dest arg)))) (bind (let ((lambda (bind-lambda node))) (unless (eq (functional-kind lambda) :deleted) (delete-lambda lambda)))) (exit (let ((value (exit-value node)) (entry (exit-entry node))) (when value (flush-dest value)) (when entry (setf (entry-exits entry) (delete node (entry-exits entry)))))) (creturn (flush-dest (return-result node)) (delete-return node)) (cset (flush-dest (set-value node)) (let ((var (set-var node))) (setf (basic-var-sets var) (delete node (basic-var-sets var)))))) (delete-continuation (node-prev node))) (remove-from-dfo block) (values)) ;;; Do stuff to indicate that the return node Node is being deleted. ;;; We set the RETURN to NIL. (defun delete-return (node) (declare (type creturn node)) (let ((fun (return-lambda node))) (aver (lambda-return fun)) (setf (lambda-return fun) nil)) (values)) ;;; If any of the VARS in FUN was never referenced and was not ;;; declared IGNORE, then complain. (defun note-unreferenced-vars (fun) (declare (type clambda fun)) (dolist (var (lambda-vars fun)) (unless (or (leaf-ever-used var) (lambda-var-ignorep var)) (let ((*compiler-error-context* (lambda-bind fun))) (unless (policy *compiler-error-context* (= inhibit-warnings 3)) ;; ANSI section "3.2.5 Exceptional Situations in the Compiler" ;; requires this to be no more than a STYLE-WARNING. (compiler-style-warn "The variable ~S is defined but never used." (leaf-debug-name var))) (setf (leaf-ever-used var) t)))) ; to avoid repeated warnings? -- WHN (values)) (defvar *deletion-ignored-objects* '(t nil)) ;;; Return true if we can find OBJ in FORM, NIL otherwise. We bound ;;; our recursion so that we don't get lost in circular structures. We ;;; ignore the car of forms if they are a symbol (to prevent confusing ;;; function referencess with variables), and we also ignore anything ;;; inside ' or #'. (defun present-in-form (obj form depth) (declare (type (integer 0 20) depth)) (cond ((= depth 20) nil) ((eq obj form) t) ((atom form) nil) (t (let ((first (car form)) (depth (1+ depth))) (if (member first '(quote function)) nil (or (and (not (symbolp first)) (present-in-form obj first depth)) (do ((l (cdr form) (cdr l)) (n 0 (1+ n))) ((or (atom l) (> n 100)) nil) (declare (fixnum n)) (when (present-in-form obj (car l) depth) (return t))))))))) ;;; This function is called on a block immediately before we delete ;;; it. We check to see whether any of the code about to die appeared ;;; in the original source, and emit a note if so. ;;; ;;; If the block was in a lambda is now deleted, then we ignore the ;;; whole block, since this case is picked off in DELETE-LAMBDA. We ;;; also ignore the deletion of CRETURN nodes, since it is somewhat ;;; reasonable for a function to not return, and there is a different ;;; note for that case anyway. ;;; ;;; If the actual source is an atom, then we use a bunch of heuristics ;;; to guess whether this reference really appeared in the original ;;; source: ;;; -- If a symbol, it must be interned and not a keyword. ;;; -- It must not be an easily introduced constant (T or NIL, a fixnum ;;; or a character.) ;;; -- The atom must be "present" in the original source form, and ;;; present in all intervening actual source forms. (defun note-block-deletion (block) (let ((home (block-home-lambda block))) (unless (eq (functional-kind home) :deleted) (do-nodes (node cont block) (let* ((path (node-source-path node)) (first (first path))) (when (or (eq first 'original-source-start) (and (atom first) (or (not (symbolp first)) (let ((pkg (symbol-package first))) (and pkg (not (eq pkg (symbol-package :end)))))) (not (member first *deletion-ignored-objects*)) (not (typep first '(or fixnum character))) (every (lambda (x) (present-in-form first x 0)) (source-path-forms path)) (present-in-form first (find-original-source path) 0))) (unless (return-p node) (let ((*compiler-error-context* node)) (compiler-note "deleting unreachable code"))) (return)))))) (values)) ;;; Delete a node from a block, deleting the block if there are no ;;; nodes left. We remove the node from the uses of its CONT, but we ;;; don't deal with cleaning up any type-specific semantic ;;; attachments. If the CONT is :UNUSED after deleting this use, then ;;; we delete CONT. (Note :UNUSED is not the same as no uses. A ;;; continuation will only become :UNUSED if it was :INSIDE-BLOCK ;;; before.) ;;; ;;; If the node is the last node, there must be exactly one successor. ;;; We link all of our precedessors to the successor and unlink the ;;; block. In this case, we return T, otherwise NIL. If no nodes are ;;; left, and the block is a successor of itself, then we replace the ;;; only node with a degenerate exit node. This provides a way to ;;; represent the bodyless infinite loop, given the prohibition on ;;; empty blocks in IR1. (defun unlink-node (node) (declare (type node node)) (let* ((cont (node-cont node)) (next (continuation-next cont)) (prev (node-prev node)) (block (continuation-block prev)) (prev-kind (continuation-kind prev)) (last (block-last block))) (unless (eq (continuation-kind cont) :deleted) (delete-continuation-use node) (when (eq (continuation-kind cont) :unused) (aver (not (continuation-dest cont))) (delete-continuation cont))) (setf (block-type-asserted block) t) (setf (block-test-modified block) t) (cond ((or (eq prev-kind :inside-block) (and (eq prev-kind :block-start) (not (eq node last)))) (cond ((eq node last) (setf (block-last block) (continuation-use prev)) (setf (continuation-next prev) nil)) (t (setf (continuation-next prev) next) (setf (node-prev next) prev))) (setf (node-prev node) nil) nil) (t (aver (eq prev-kind :block-start)) (aver (eq node last)) (let* ((succ (block-succ block)) (next (first succ))) (aver (and succ (null (cdr succ)))) (cond ((member block succ) (with-ir1-environment-from-node node (let ((exit (make-exit)) (dummy (make-continuation))) (setf (continuation-next prev) nil) (link-node-to-previous-continuation exit prev) (add-continuation-use exit dummy) (setf (block-last block) exit))) (setf (node-prev node) nil) nil) (t (aver (eq (block-start-cleanup block) (block-end-cleanup block))) (unlink-blocks block next) (dolist (pred (block-pred block)) (change-block-successor pred block next)) (remove-from-dfo block) (cond ((continuation-dest prev) (setf (continuation-next prev) nil) (setf (continuation-kind prev) :deleted-block-start)) (t (delete-continuation prev))) (setf (node-prev node) nil) t))))))) ;;; Return true if NODE has been deleted, false if it is still a valid ;;; part of IR1. (defun node-deleted (node) (declare (type node node)) (let ((prev (node-prev node))) (not (and prev (not (eq (continuation-kind prev) :deleted)) (let ((block (continuation-block prev))) (and (block-component block) (not (block-delete-p block)))))))) ;;; Delete all the blocks and functions in COMPONENT. We scan first ;;; marking the blocks as DELETE-P to prevent weird stuff from being ;;; triggered by deletion. (defun delete-component (component) (declare (type component component)) (aver (null (component-new-functionals component))) (setf (component-kind component) :deleted) (do-blocks (block component) (setf (block-delete-p block) t)) (dolist (fun (component-lambdas component)) (setf (functional-kind fun) nil) (setf (functional-entry-fun fun) nil) (setf (leaf-refs fun) nil) (delete-functional fun)) (do-blocks (block component) (delete-block block)) (values)) ;;; Convert code of the form ;;; (FOO ... (FUN ...) ...) ;;; to ;;; (FOO ... ... ...). ;;; In other words, replace the function combination FUN by its ;;; arguments. If there are any problems with doing this, use GIVE-UP ;;; to blow out of whatever transform called this. Note, as the number ;;; of arguments changes, the transform must be prepared to return a ;;; lambda with a new lambda-list with the correct number of ;;; arguments. (defun extract-fun-args (cont fun num-args) #!+sb-doc "If CONT is a call to FUN with NUM-ARGS args, change those arguments to feed directly to the continuation-dest of CONT, which must be a combination." (declare (type continuation cont) (type symbol fun) (type index num-args)) (let ((outside (continuation-dest cont)) (inside (continuation-use cont))) (aver (combination-p outside)) (unless (combination-p inside) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let ((inside-fun (combination-fun inside))) (unless (eq (continuation-fun-name inside-fun) fun) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let ((inside-args (combination-args inside))) (unless (= (length inside-args) num-args) (give-up-ir1-transform)) (let* ((outside-args (combination-args outside)) (arg-position (position cont outside-args)) (before-args (subseq outside-args 0 arg-position)) (after-args (subseq outside-args (1+ arg-position)))) (dolist (arg inside-args) (setf (continuation-dest arg) outside) (setf (continuation-%externally-checkable-type arg) nil)) (setf (combination-args inside) nil) (setf (combination-args outside) (append before-args inside-args after-args)) (change-ref-leaf (continuation-use inside-fun) (find-free-fun 'list "???")) (setf (combination-kind inside) :full) (setf (node-derived-type inside) *wild-type*) (flush-dest cont) (setf (continuation-asserted-type cont) *wild-type*) (setf (continuation-type-to-check cont) *wild-type*) (values)))))) ;;;; leaf hackery ;;; Change the LEAF that a REF refers to. (defun change-ref-leaf (ref leaf) (declare (type ref ref) (type leaf leaf)) (unless (eq (ref-leaf ref) leaf) (push ref (leaf-refs leaf)) (delete-ref ref) (setf (ref-leaf ref) leaf) (setf (leaf-ever-used leaf) t) (let ((ltype (leaf-type leaf))) (if (fun-type-p ltype) (setf (node-derived-type ref) ltype) (derive-node-type ref ltype))) (reoptimize-continuation (node-cont ref))) (values)) ;;; Change all REFS for OLD-LEAF to NEW-LEAF. (defun substitute-leaf (new-leaf old-leaf) (declare (type leaf new-leaf old-leaf)) (dolist (ref (leaf-refs old-leaf)) (change-ref-leaf ref new-leaf)) (values)) ;;; like SUBSITUTE-LEAF, only there is a predicate on the REF to tell ;;; whether to substitute (defun substitute-leaf-if (test new-leaf old-leaf) (declare (type leaf new-leaf old-leaf) (type function test)) (dolist (ref (leaf-refs old-leaf)) (when (funcall test ref) (change-ref-leaf ref new-leaf))) (values)) ;;; Return a LEAF which represents the specified constant object. If ;;; the object is not in *CONSTANTS*, then we create a new constant ;;; LEAF and enter it. (defun find-constant (object) (if (typep object ;; FIXME: What is the significance of this test? ("things ;; that are worth uniquifying"?) '(or symbol number character instance)) (or (gethash object *constants*) (setf (gethash object *constants*) (make-constant :value object :%source-name '.anonymous. :type (ctype-of object) :where-from :defined))) (make-constant :value object :%source-name '.anonymous. :type (ctype-of object) :where-from :defined))) ;;; If there is a non-local exit noted in ENTRY's environment that ;;; exits to CONT in that entry, then return it, otherwise return NIL. (defun find-nlx-info (entry cont) (declare (type entry entry) (type continuation cont)) (let ((entry-cleanup (entry-cleanup entry))) (dolist (nlx (physenv-nlx-info (node-physenv entry)) nil) (when (and (eq (nlx-info-continuation nlx) cont) (eq (nlx-info-cleanup nlx) entry-cleanup)) (return nlx))))) ;;;; functional hackery (declaim (ftype (function (functional) clambda) main-entry)) (defun main-entry (functional) (etypecase functional (clambda functional) (optional-dispatch (optional-dispatch-main-entry functional)))) ;;; RETURN true if FUNCTIONAL is a thing that can be treated like ;;; MV-BIND when it appears in an MV-CALL. All fixed arguments must be ;;; optional with null default and no SUPPLIED-P. There must be a ;;; &REST arg with no references. (declaim (ftype (function (functional) boolean) looks-like-an-mv-bind)) (defun looks-like-an-mv-bind (functional) (and (optional-dispatch-p functional) (do ((arg (optional-dispatch-arglist functional) (cdr arg))) ((null arg) nil) (let ((info (lambda-var-arg-info (car arg)))) (unless info (return nil)) (case (arg-info-kind info) (:optional (when (or (arg-info-supplied-p info) (arg-info-default info)) (return nil))) (:rest (return (and (null (cdr arg)) (null (leaf-refs (car arg)))))) (t (return nil))))))) ;;; Return true if function is an external entry point. This is true ;;; of normal XEPs (:EXTERNAL kind) and also of top level lambdas ;;; (:TOPLEVEL kind.) (defun xep-p (fun) (declare (type functional fun)) (not (null (member (functional-kind fun) '(:external :toplevel))))) ;;; If CONT's only use is a non-notinline global function reference, ;;; then return the referenced symbol, otherwise NIL. If NOTINLINE-OK ;;; is true, then we don't care if the leaf is NOTINLINE. (defun continuation-fun-name (cont &optional notinline-ok) (declare (type continuation cont)) (let ((use (continuation-use cont))) (if (ref-p use) (let ((leaf (ref-leaf use))) (if (and (global-var-p leaf) (eq (global-var-kind leaf) :global-function) (or (not (defined-fun-p leaf)) (not (eq (defined-fun-inlinep leaf) :notinline)) notinline-ok)) (leaf-source-name leaf) nil)) nil))) ;;; Return the source name of a combination. (This is an idiom ;;; which was used in CMU CL. I gather it always works. -- WHN) (defun combination-fun-source-name (combination) (let ((ref (continuation-use (combination-fun combination)))) (leaf-source-name (ref-leaf ref)))) ;;; Return the COMBINATION node that is the call to the LET FUN. (defun let-combination (fun) (declare (type clambda fun)) (aver (functional-letlike-p fun)) (continuation-dest (node-cont (first (leaf-refs fun))))) ;;; Return the initial value continuation for a LET variable, or NIL ;;; if there is none. (defun let-var-initial-value (var) (declare (type lambda-var var)) (let ((fun (lambda-var-home var))) (elt (combination-args (let-combination fun)) (position-or-lose var (lambda-vars fun))))) ;;; Return the LAMBDA that is called by the local CALL. (defun combination-lambda (call) (declare (type basic-combination call)) (aver (eq (basic-combination-kind call) :local)) (ref-leaf (continuation-use (basic-combination-fun call)))) (defvar *inline-expansion-limit* 200 #!+sb-doc "an upper limit on the number of inline function calls that will be expanded in any given code object (single function or block compilation)") ;;; Check whether NODE's component has exceeded its inline expansion ;;; limit, and warn if so, returning NIL. (defun inline-expansion-ok (node) (let ((expanded (incf (component-inline-expansions (block-component (node-block node)))))) (cond ((> expanded *inline-expansion-limit*) nil) ((= expanded *inline-expansion-limit*) ;; FIXME: If the objective is to stop the recursive ;; expansion of inline functions, wouldn't it be more ;; correct to look back through surrounding expansions ;; (which are, I think, stored in the *CURRENT-PATH*, and ;; possibly stored elsewhere too) and suppress expansion ;; and print this warning when the function being proposed ;; for inline expansion is found there? (I don't like the ;; arbitrary numerical limit in principle, and I think ;; it'll be a nuisance in practice if we ever want the ;; compiler to be able to use WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT on ;; arbitrarily huge blocks of code. -- WHN) (let ((*compiler-error-context* node)) (compiler-note "*INLINE-EXPANSION-LIMIT* (~W) was exceeded, ~ probably trying to~% ~ inline a recursive function." *inline-expansion-limit*)) nil) (t t)))) ;;;; careful call ;;; Apply a function to some arguments, returning a list of the values ;;; resulting of the evaluation. If an error is signalled during the ;;; application, then we produce a warning message using WARN-FUN and ;;; return NIL as our second value to indicate this. NODE is used as ;;; the error context for any error message, and CONTEXT is a string ;;; that is spliced into the warning. (declaim (ftype (function ((or symbol function) list node function string) (values list boolean)) careful-call)) (defun careful-call (function args node warn-fun context) (values (multiple-value-list (handler-case (apply function args) (error (condition) (let ((*compiler-error-context* node)) (funcall warn-fun "Lisp error during ~A:~%~A" context condition) (return-from careful-call (values nil nil)))))) t)) ;;; Variations of SPECIFIER-TYPE for parsing possibly wrong ;;; specifiers. (macrolet ((deffrob (basic careful compiler transform) `(progn (defun ,careful (specifier) (handler-case (,basic specifier) (simple-error (condition) (values nil (list* (simple-condition-format-control condition) (simple-condition-format-arguments condition)))))) (defun ,compiler (specifier) (multiple-value-bind (type error-args) (,careful specifier) (or type (apply #'compiler-error error-args)))) (defun ,transform (specifier) (multiple-value-bind (type error-args) (,careful specifier) (or type (apply #'give-up-ir1-transform error-args))))))) (deffrob specifier-type careful-specifier-type compiler-specifier-type ir1-transform-specifier-type) (deffrob values-specifier-type careful-values-specifier-type compiler-values-specifier-type ir1-transform-values-specifier-type)) ;;;; utilities used at run-time for parsing &KEY args in IR1 ;;; This function is used by the result of PARSE-DEFTRANSFORM to find ;;; the continuation for the value of the &KEY argument KEY in the ;;; list of continuations ARGS. It returns the continuation if the ;;; keyword is present, or NIL otherwise. The legality and ;;; constantness of the keywords should already have been checked. (declaim (ftype (function (list keyword) (or continuation null)) find-keyword-continuation)) (defun find-keyword-continuation (args key) (do ((arg args (cddr arg))) ((null arg) nil) (when (eq (continuation-value (first arg)) key) (return (second arg))))) ;;; This function is used by the result of PARSE-DEFTRANSFORM to ;;; verify that alternating continuations in ARGS are constant and ;;; that there is an even number of args. (declaim (ftype (function (list) boolean) check-key-args-constant)) (defun check-key-args-constant (args) (do ((arg args (cddr arg))) ((null arg) t) (unless (and (rest arg) (constant-continuation-p (first arg))) (return nil)))) ;;; This function is used by the result of PARSE-DEFTRANSFORM to ;;; verify that the list of continuations ARGS is a well-formed &KEY ;;; arglist and that only keywords present in the list KEYS are ;;; supplied. (declaim (ftype (function (list list) boolean) check-transform-keys)) (defun check-transform-keys (args keys) (and (check-key-args-constant args) (do ((arg args (cddr arg))) ((null arg) t) (unless (member (continuation-value (first arg)) keys) (return nil))))) ;;;; miscellaneous ;;; Called by the expansion of the EVENT macro. (declaim (ftype (function (event-info (or node null)) *) %event)) (defun %event (info node) (incf (event-info-count info)) (when (and (>= (event-info-level info) *event-note-threshold*) (policy (or node *lexenv*) (= inhibit-warnings 0))) (let ((*compiler-error-context* node)) (compiler-note (event-info-description info)))) (let ((action (event-info-action info))) (when action (funcall action node))))