;;;; This file contains the LTN pass in the compiler. LTN allocates ;;;; expression evaluation TNs, makes nearly all the implementation ;;;; policy decisions, and also does a few other miscellaneous things. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") ;;;; utilities ;;; Return the LTN-POLICY indicated by the node policy. ;;; ;;; FIXME: It would be tidier to use an LTN-POLICY object (an instance ;;; of DEFSTRUCT LTN-POLICY) instead of a keyword, and have queries ;;; like LTN-POLICY-SAFE-P become slot accessors. If we do this, ;;; grep for and carefully review use of literal keywords, so that ;;; things like ;;; (EQ (TEMPLATE-LTN-POLICY TEMPLATE) :SAFE) ;;; don't get overlooked. ;;; ;;; FIXME: Classic CMU CL went to some trouble to cache LTN-POLICY ;;; values in LTN-ANALYZE so that they didn't have to be recomputed on ;;; every block. I stripped that out (the whole DEFMACRO FROB thing) ;;; because I found it too confusing. Thus, it might be that the ;;; new uncached code spends an unreasonable amount of time in ;;; this lookup function. This function should be profiled, and if ;;; it's a significant contributor to runtime, we can cache it in ;;; some more local way, e.g. by adding a CACHED-LTN-POLICY slot to ;;; the NODE structure, and doing something like ;;; (DEFUN NODE-LTN-POLICY (NODE) ;;; (OR (NODE-CACHED-LTN-POLICY NODE) ;;; (SETF (NODE-CACHED-LTN-POLICY NODE) ;;; (NODE-UNCACHED-LTN-POLICY NODE))) (defun node-ltn-policy (node) (declare (type node node)) (policy node (let ((eff-space (max space ;; on the theory that if the code is ;; smaller, it will take less time to ;; compile (could lose if the smallest ;; case is out of line, and must ;; allocate many linkage registers): compilation-speed))) (if (zerop safety) (if (>= speed eff-space) :fast :small) (if (>= speed eff-space) :fast-safe :safe))))) ;;; Return true if LTN-POLICY is a safe policy. (defun ltn-policy-safe-p (ltn-policy) (ecase ltn-policy ((:safe :fast-safe) t) ((:small :fast) nil))) ;;; an annotated continuation's primitive-type #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline lvar-ptype)) (defun lvar-ptype (lvar) (declare (type lvar lvar)) (ir2-lvar-primitive-type (lvar-info lvar))) ;;; Return true if a constant LEAF is of a type which we can legally ;;; directly reference in code. Named constants with arbitrary pointer ;;; values cannot, since we must preserve EQLness. (defun legal-immediate-constant-p (leaf) (declare (type constant leaf)) (or (not (leaf-has-source-name-p leaf)) (typecase (constant-value leaf) ((or number character) t) (symbol (symbol-package (constant-value leaf))) (t nil)))) ;;; If LVAR is used only by a REF to a leaf that can be delayed, then ;;; return the leaf, otherwise return NIL. (defun lvar-delayed-leaf (lvar) (declare (type lvar lvar)) (let ((use (lvar-uses lvar))) (and (ref-p use) (let ((leaf (ref-leaf use))) (etypecase leaf (lambda-var (if (null (lambda-var-sets leaf)) leaf nil)) (constant (if (legal-immediate-constant-p leaf) leaf nil)) ((or functional global-var) nil)))))) ;;; Annotate a normal single-value lvar. If its only use is a ref that ;;; we are allowed to delay the evaluation of, then we mark the lvar ;;; for delayed evaluation, otherwise we assign a TN to hold the ;;; lvar's value. (defun annotate-1-value-lvar (lvar) (declare (type lvar lvar)) (let ((info (lvar-info lvar))) (aver (eq (ir2-lvar-kind info) :fixed)) (cond ((lvar-delayed-leaf lvar) (setf (ir2-lvar-kind info) :delayed)) (t (setf (ir2-lvar-locs info) (list (make-normal-tn (ir2-lvar-primitive-type info))))))) (ltn-annotate-casts lvar) (values)) ;;; Make an IR2-LVAR corresponding to the lvar type and then do ;;; ANNOTATE-1-VALUE-LVAR. (defun annotate-ordinary-lvar (lvar) (declare (type lvar lvar)) (let ((info (make-ir2-lvar (primitive-type (lvar-type lvar))))) (setf (lvar-info lvar) info) (annotate-1-value-lvar lvar)) (values)) ;;; Annotate the function lvar for a full call. If the only reference ;;; is to a global function and DELAY is true, then we delay the ;;; reference, otherwise we annotate for a single value. (defun annotate-fun-lvar (lvar &optional (delay t)) (declare (type lvar lvar)) (let* ((tn-ptype (primitive-type (lvar-type lvar))) (info (make-ir2-lvar tn-ptype))) (setf (lvar-info lvar) info) (let ((name (lvar-fun-name lvar t))) (if (and delay name) (setf (ir2-lvar-kind info) :delayed) (setf (ir2-lvar-locs info) (list (make-normal-tn tn-ptype)))))) (ltn-annotate-casts lvar) (values)) ;;; If TAIL-P is true, then we check to see whether the call can ;;; really be a tail call by seeing if this function's return ;;; convention is :UNKNOWN. If so, we move the call block successor ;;; link from the return block to the component tail (after ensuring ;;; that they are in separate blocks.) This allows the return to be ;;; deleted when there are no non-tail uses. (defun flush-full-call-tail-transfer (call) (declare (type basic-combination call)) (let ((tails (and (node-tail-p call) (lambda-tail-set (node-home-lambda call))))) (when tails (cond ((eq (return-info-kind (tail-set-info tails)) :unknown) (node-ends-block call) (let ((block (node-block call))) (unlink-blocks block (first (block-succ block))) (link-blocks block (component-tail (block-component block))))) (t (setf (node-tail-p call) nil))))) (values)) ;;; We set the kind to :FULL or :FUNNY, depending on whether there is ;;; an IR2-CONVERT method. If a funny function, then we inhibit tail ;;; recursion normally, since the IR2 convert method is going to want ;;; to deliver values normally. We still annotate the function lvar, ;;; since IR2tran might decide to call after all. ;;; ;;; Note that args may already be annotated because template selection ;;; can bail out to here. (defun ltn-default-call (call) (declare (type combination call)) (let ((kind (basic-combination-kind call))) (annotate-fun-lvar (basic-combination-fun call)) (dolist (arg (basic-combination-args call)) (unless (lvar-info arg) (setf (lvar-info arg) (make-ir2-lvar (primitive-type (lvar-type arg))))) (annotate-1-value-lvar arg)) (cond ((and (fun-info-p kind) (fun-info-ir2-convert kind)) (setf (basic-combination-info call) :funny) (setf (node-tail-p call) nil)) (t (when (eq kind :error) (setf (basic-combination-kind call) :full)) (setf (basic-combination-info call) :full) (flush-full-call-tail-transfer call)))) (values)) ;;; Annotate an lvar for unknown multiple values: ;;; -- Add the lvar to the IR2-BLOCK-POPPED if it is used across a ;;; block boundary. ;;; -- Assign an :UNKNOWN IR2-LVAR. ;;; ;;; Note: it is critical that this be called only during LTN analysis ;;; of LVAR's DEST, and called in the order that the lvarss are ;;; received. Otherwise the IR2-BLOCK-POPPED and ;;; IR2-COMPONENT-VALUES-FOO would get all messed up. (defun annotate-unknown-values-lvar (lvar) (declare (type lvar lvar)) (let ((2lvar (make-ir2-lvar nil))) (setf (ir2-lvar-kind 2lvar) :unknown) (setf (ir2-lvar-locs 2lvar) (make-unknown-values-locations)) (setf (lvar-info lvar) 2lvar)) ;; The CAST chain with corresponding lvars constitute the same ;; "principal lvar", so we must preserve only inner annotation order ;; and the order of the whole p.l. with other lvars. -- APD, ;; 2003-02-27 (ltn-annotate-casts lvar) (let* ((block (node-block (lvar-dest lvar))) (use (lvar-uses lvar)) (2block (block-info block))) (unless (and (not (listp use)) (eq (node-block use) block)) (setf (ir2-block-popped 2block) (nconc (ir2-block-popped 2block) (list lvar))))) (values)) ;;; Annotate LVAR for a fixed, but arbitrary number of values, of the ;;; specified primitive TYPES. (defun annotate-fixed-values-lvar (lvar types) (declare (type lvar lvar) (list types)) (let ((res (make-ir2-lvar nil))) (setf (ir2-lvar-locs res) (mapcar #'make-normal-tn types)) (setf (lvar-info lvar) res)) (ltn-annotate-casts lvar) (values)) ;;;; node-specific analysis functions ;;; Annotate the result lvar for a function. We use the RETURN-INFO ;;; computed by GTN to determine how to represent the return values ;;; within the function: ;;; * If the TAIL-SET has a fixed values count, then use that many ;;; values. ;;; * If the actual uses of the result lvar in this function ;;; have a fixed number of values (after intersection with the ;;; assertion), then use that number. We throw out TAIL-P :FULL ;;; and :LOCAL calls, since we know they will truly end up as TR ;;; calls. We can use the BASIC-COMBINATION-INFO even though it ;;; is assigned by this phase, since the initial value NIL doesn't ;;; look like a TR call. ;;; If there are *no* non-tail-call uses, then it falls out ;;; that we annotate for one value (type is NIL), but the return ;;; will end up being deleted. ;;; In non-perverse code, the DFO walk will reach all uses of the ;;; result lvar before it reaches the RETURN. In perverse code, we ;;; may annotate for unknown values when we didn't have to. ;;; * Otherwise, we must annotate the lvar for unknown values. (defun ltn-analyze-return (node) (declare (type creturn node)) (let* ((lvar (return-result node)) (fun (return-lambda node)) (returns (tail-set-info (lambda-tail-set fun))) (types (return-info-types returns))) (if (eq (return-info-count returns) :unknown) (collect ((res *empty-type* values-type-union)) (do-uses (use (return-result node)) (unless (and (node-tail-p use) (basic-combination-p use) (member (basic-combination-info use) '(:local :full))) (res (node-derived-type use)))) (let ((int (res))) (multiple-value-bind (types kind) (if (eq int *empty-type*) (values nil :unknown) (values-types int)) (if (eq kind :unknown) (annotate-unknown-values-lvar lvar) (annotate-fixed-values-lvar lvar (mapcar #'primitive-type types)))))) (annotate-fixed-values-lvar lvar types))) (values)) ;;; Annotate the single argument lvar as a fixed-values lvar. We look ;;; at the called lambda to determine number and type of return values ;;; desired. It is assumed that only a function that ;;; LOOKS-LIKE-AN-MV-BIND will be converted to a local call. (defun ltn-analyze-mv-bind (call) (declare (type mv-combination call)) (setf (basic-combination-kind call) :local) (setf (node-tail-p call) nil) (annotate-fixed-values-lvar (first (basic-combination-args call)) (mapcar (lambda (var) (primitive-type (basic-var-type var))) (lambda-vars (ref-leaf (lvar-use (basic-combination-fun call)))))) (values)) ;;; We force all the argument lvars to use the unknown values ;;; convention. The lvars are annotated in reverse order, since the ;;; last argument is on top, thus must be popped first. We disallow ;;; delayed evaluation of the function lvar to simplify IR2 conversion ;;; of MV call. ;;; ;;; We could be cleverer when we know the number of values returned by ;;; the lvars, but optimizations of MV call are probably unworthwhile. ;;; ;;; We are also responsible for handling THROW, which is represented ;;; in IR1 as an MV call to the %THROW funny function. We annotate the ;;; tag lvar for a single value and the values lvar for unknown ;;; values. (defun ltn-analyze-mv-call (call) (declare (type mv-combination call)) (let ((fun (basic-combination-fun call)) (args (basic-combination-args call))) (cond ((eq (lvar-fun-name fun) '%throw) (setf (basic-combination-info call) :funny) (annotate-ordinary-lvar (first args)) (annotate-unknown-values-lvar (second args)) (setf (node-tail-p call) nil)) (t (setf (basic-combination-info call) :full) (annotate-fun-lvar (basic-combination-fun call) nil) (dolist (arg (reverse args)) (annotate-unknown-values-lvar arg)) (flush-full-call-tail-transfer call)))) (values)) ;;; Annotate the arguments as ordinary single-value lvars. And check ;;; the successor. (defun ltn-analyze-local-call (call) (declare (type combination call)) (setf (basic-combination-info call) :local) (dolist (arg (basic-combination-args call)) (when arg (annotate-ordinary-lvar arg))) (when (node-tail-p call) (set-tail-local-call-successor call)) (values)) ;;; Make sure that a tail local call is linked directly to the bind ;;; node. Usually it will be, but calls from XEPs and calls that might have ;;; needed a cleanup after them won't have been swung over yet, since we ;;; weren't sure they would really be TR until now. (defun set-tail-local-call-successor (call) (let ((caller (node-home-lambda call)) (callee (combination-lambda call))) (aver (eq (lambda-tail-set caller) (lambda-tail-set (lambda-home callee)))) (node-ends-block call) (let ((block (node-block call))) (unlink-blocks block (first (block-succ block))) (link-blocks block (lambda-block callee)))) (values)) ;;; Annotate the value lvar. (defun ltn-analyze-set (node) (declare (type cset node)) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) (annotate-ordinary-lvar (set-value node)) (values)) ;;; If the only use of the TEST lvar is a combination annotated with a ;;; conditional template, then don't annotate the lvar so that IR2 ;;; conversion knows not to emit any code, otherwise annotate as an ;;; ordinary lvar. Since we only use a conditional template if the ;;; call immediately precedes the IF node in the same block, we know ;;; that any predicate will already be annotated. (defun ltn-analyze-if (node) (declare (type cif node)) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) (let* ((test (if-test node)) (use (lvar-uses test))) (unless (and (combination-p use) (let ((info (basic-combination-info use))) (and (template-p info) (eq (template-result-types info) :conditional)))) (annotate-ordinary-lvar test))) (values)) ;;; If there is a value lvar, then annotate it for unknown values. In ;;; this case, the exit is non-local, since all other exits are ;;; deleted or degenerate by this point. (defun ltn-analyze-exit (node) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil) (let ((value (exit-value node))) (when value (annotate-unknown-values-lvar value))) (values)) ;;; We need a special method for %UNWIND-PROTECT that ignores the ;;; cleanup function. We don't annotate either arg, since we don't ;;; need them at run-time. ;;; ;;; (The default is o.k. for %CATCH, since environment analysis ;;; converted the reference to the escape function into a constant ;;; reference to the NLX-INFO.) (defoptimizer (%unwind-protect ltn-annotate) ((escape cleanup) node ltn-policy) ltn-policy ; a hack to effectively (DECLARE (IGNORE LTN-POLICY)) (setf (basic-combination-info node) :funny) (setf (node-tail-p node) nil)) ;;;; known call annotation ;;; Return true if RESTR is satisfied by TYPE. If T-OK is true, then a ;;; T restriction allows any operand type. This is also called by IR2 ;;; translation when it determines whether a result temporary needs to ;;; be made, and by representation selection when it is deciding which ;;; move VOP to use. CONT and TN are used to test for constant ;;; arguments. (defun operand-restriction-ok (restr type &key lvar tn (t-ok t)) (declare (type (or (member *) cons) restr) (type primitive-type type) (type (or lvar null) lvar) (type (or tn null) tn)) (if (eq restr '*) t (ecase (first restr) (:or (dolist (mem (rest restr) nil) (when (or (and t-ok (eq mem *backend-t-primitive-type*)) (eq mem type)) (return t)))) (:constant (cond (lvar (and (constant-lvar-p lvar) (funcall (second restr) (lvar-value lvar)))) (tn (and (eq (tn-kind tn) :constant) (funcall (second restr) (tn-value tn)))) (t (error "Neither LVAR nor TN supplied."))))))) ;;; Check that the argument type restriction for TEMPLATE are ;;; satisfied in call. If an argument's TYPE-CHECK is :NO-CHECK and ;;; our policy is safe, then only :SAFE templates are OK. (defun template-args-ok (template call safe-p) (declare (type template template) (type combination call)) (let ((mtype (template-more-args-type template))) (do ((args (basic-combination-args call) (cdr args)) (types (template-arg-types template) (cdr types))) ((null types) (cond ((null args) t) ((not mtype) nil) (t (dolist (arg args t) (unless (operand-restriction-ok mtype (lvar-ptype arg)) (return nil)))))) (when (null args) (return nil)) (let ((arg (car args)) (type (car types))) (unless (operand-restriction-ok type (lvar-ptype arg) :lvar arg) (return nil)))))) ;;; Check that TEMPLATE can be used with the specifed RESULT-TYPE. ;;; Result type checking is pretty different from argument type ;;; checking due to the relaxed rules for values count. We succeed if ;;; for each required result, there is a positional restriction on the ;;; value that is at least as good. If we run out of result types ;;; before we run out of restrictions, then we only succeed if the ;;; leftover restrictions are *. If we run out of restrictions before ;;; we run out of result types, then we always win. (defun template-results-ok (template result-type) (declare (type template template) (type ctype result-type)) (when (template-more-results-type template) (error "~S has :MORE results with :TRANSLATE." (template-name template))) (let ((types (template-result-types template))) (cond ((values-type-p result-type) (do ((ltypes (append (args-type-required result-type) (args-type-optional result-type)) (rest ltypes)) (types types (rest types))) ((null ltypes) (dolist (type types t) (unless (eq type '*) (return nil)))) (when (null types) (return t)) (let ((type (first types))) (unless (operand-restriction-ok type (primitive-type (first ltypes))) (return nil))))) (types (operand-restriction-ok (first types) (primitive-type result-type))) (t t)))) ;;; Return true if CALL is an ok use of TEMPLATE according to SAFE-P. ;;; -- If the template has a GUARD that isn't true, then we ignore the ;;; template, not even considering it to be rejected. ;;; -- If the argument type restrictions aren't satisfied, then we ;;; reject the template. ;;; -- If the template is :CONDITIONAL, then we accept it only when the ;;; destination of the value is an immediately following IF node. ;;; -- If either the template is safe or the policy is unsafe (i.e. we ;;; can believe output assertions), then we test against the ;;; intersection of the node derived type and the continuation ;;; asserted type. Otherwise, we just use the node type. If ;;; TYPE-CHECK is null, there is no point in doing the intersection, ;;; since the node type must be a subtype of the assertion. ;;; ;;; If the template is *not* ok, then the second value is a keyword ;;; indicating which aspect failed. (defun is-ok-template-use (template call safe-p) (declare (type template template) (type combination call)) (let* ((guard (template-guard template)) (lvar (node-lvar call)) (dtype (node-derived-type call))) (cond ((and guard (not (funcall guard))) (values nil :guard)) ((not (template-args-ok template call safe-p)) (values nil (if (and safe-p (template-args-ok template call nil)) :arg-check :arg-types))) ((eq (template-result-types template) :conditional) (let ((dest (lvar-dest lvar))) (if (and (if-p dest) (immediately-used-p (if-test dest) call)) (values t nil) (values nil :conditional)))) ((template-results-ok template dtype) (values t nil)) (t (values nil :result-types))))) ;;; Use operand type information to choose a template from the list ;;; TEMPLATES for a known CALL. We return three values: ;;; 1. The template we found. ;;; 2. Some template that we rejected due to unsatisfied type restrictions, or ;;; NIL if none. ;;; 3. The tail of Templates for templates we haven't examined yet. ;;; ;;; We just call IS-OK-TEMPLATE-USE until it returns true. (defun find-template (templates call safe-p) (declare (list templates) (type combination call)) (do ((templates templates (rest templates)) (rejected nil)) ((null templates) (values nil rejected nil)) (let ((template (first templates))) (when (is-ok-template-use template call safe-p) (return (values template rejected (rest templates)))) (setq rejected template)))) ;;; Given a partially annotated known call and a translation policy, ;;; return the appropriate template, or NIL if none can be found. We ;;; scan the templates (ordered by increasing cost) looking for a ;;; template whose restrictions are satisfied and that has our policy. ;;; ;;; If we find a template that doesn't have our policy, but has a ;;; legal alternate policy, then we also record that to return as a ;;; last resort. If our policy is safe, then only safe policies are ;;; O.K., otherwise anything goes. ;;; ;;; If we find a template with :SAFE policy, then we return it, or any ;;; cheaper fallback template. The theory behind this is that if it is ;;; cheapest, small and safe, we can't lose. If it is not cheapest, ;;; then we use the fallback, which won't have the desired policy, but ;;; :SAFE isn't desired either, so we might as well go with the ;;; cheaper one. The main reason for doing this is to make sure that ;;; cheap safe templates are used when they apply and the current ;;; policy is something else. This is useful because :SAFE has the ;;; additional semantics of implicit argument type checking, so we may ;;; be forced to define a template with :SAFE policy when it is really ;;; small and fast as well. (defun find-template-for-ltn-policy (call ltn-policy) (declare (type combination call) (type ltn-policy ltn-policy)) (let ((safe-p (ltn-policy-safe-p ltn-policy)) (current (fun-info-templates (basic-combination-kind call))) (fallback nil) (rejected nil)) (loop (multiple-value-bind (template this-reject more) (find-template current call safe-p) (unless rejected (setq rejected this-reject)) (setq current more) (unless template (return (values fallback rejected))) (let ((tcpolicy (template-ltn-policy template))) (cond ((eq tcpolicy ltn-policy) (return (values template rejected))) ((eq tcpolicy :safe) (return (values (or fallback template) rejected))) ((or (not safe-p) (eq tcpolicy :fast-safe)) (unless fallback (setq fallback template))))))))) (defvar *efficiency-note-limit* 2 #!+sb-doc "This is the maximum number of possible optimization alternatives will be mentioned in a particular efficiency note. NIL means no limit.") (declaim (type (or index null) *efficiency-note-limit*)) (defvar *efficiency-note-cost-threshold* 5 #!+sb-doc "This is the minumum cost difference between the chosen implementation and the next alternative that justifies an efficiency note.") (declaim (type index *efficiency-note-cost-threshold*)) ;;; This function is called by NOTE-REJECTED-TEMPLATES when it can't ;;; figure out any reason why TEMPLATE was rejected. Users should ;;; never see these messages, but they can happen in situations where ;;; the VM definition is messed up somehow. (defun strange-template-failure (template call ltn-policy frob) (declare (type template template) (type combination call) (type ltn-policy ltn-policy) (type function frob)) (funcall frob "This shouldn't happen! Bug?") (multiple-value-bind (win why) (is-ok-template-use template call (ltn-policy-safe-p ltn-policy)) (aver (not win)) (ecase why (:guard (funcall frob "template guard failed")) (:arg-check (funcall frob "The template isn't safe, yet we were counting on it.")) (:arg-types (funcall frob "argument types invalid") (funcall frob "argument primitive types:~% ~S" (mapcar (lambda (x) (primitive-type-name (lvar-ptype x))) (combination-args call))) (funcall frob "argument type assertions:~% ~S" (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (atom x) x (ecase (car x) (:or `(:or .,(mapcar #'primitive-type-name (cdr x)))) (:constant `(:constant ,(third x)))))) (template-arg-types template)))) (:conditional (funcall frob "conditional in a non-conditional context")) (:result-types (funcall frob "result types invalid"))))) ;;; This function emits efficiency notes describing all of the ;;; templates better (faster) than TEMPLATE that we might have been ;;; able to use if there were better type declarations. Template is ;;; null when we didn't find any template, and thus must do a full ;;; call. ;;; ;;; In order to be worth complaining about, a template must: ;;; -- be allowed by its guard, ;;; -- be safe if the current policy is safe, ;;; -- have argument/result type restrictions consistent with the ;;; known type information, e.g. we don't consider float templates ;;; when an operand is known to be an integer, ;;; -- be disallowed by the stricter operand subtype test (which ;;; resembles, but is not identical to the test done by ;;; FIND-TEMPLATE.) ;;; ;;; Note that there may not be any possibly applicable templates, ;;; since we are called whenever any template is rejected. That ;;; template might have the wrong policy or be inconsistent with the ;;; known type. ;;; ;;; We go to some trouble to make the whole multi-line output into a ;;; single call to COMPILER-NOTIFY so that repeat messages are ;;; suppressed, etc. (defun note-rejected-templates (call ltn-policy template) (declare (type combination call) (type ltn-policy ltn-policy) (type (or template null) template)) (collect ((losers)) (let ((safe-p (ltn-policy-safe-p ltn-policy)) (verbose-p (policy call (= inhibit-warnings 0))) (max-cost (- (template-cost (or template (template-or-lose 'call-named))) *efficiency-note-cost-threshold*))) (dolist (try (fun-info-templates (basic-combination-kind call))) (when (> (template-cost try) max-cost) (return)) ; FIXME: UNLESS'd be cleaner. (let ((guard (template-guard try))) (when (and (or (not guard) (funcall guard)) (or (not safe-p) (ltn-policy-safe-p (template-ltn-policy try))) (or verbose-p (and (template-note try) (valid-fun-use call (template-type try) :argument-test #'types-equal-or-intersect :result-test #'values-types-equal-or-intersect)))) (losers try))))) (when (losers) (collect ((messages) (count 0 +)) (flet ((lose1 (string &rest stuff) (messages string) (messages stuff))) (dolist (loser (losers)) (when (and *efficiency-note-limit* (>= (count) *efficiency-note-limit*)) (lose1 "etc.") (return)) (let* ((type (template-type loser)) (valid (valid-fun-use call type)) (strict-valid (valid-fun-use call type))) (lose1 "unable to do ~A (cost ~W) because:" (or (template-note loser) (template-name loser)) (template-cost loser)) (cond ((and valid strict-valid) (strange-template-failure loser call ltn-policy #'lose1)) ((not valid) (aver (not (valid-fun-use call type :lossage-fun #'lose1 :unwinnage-fun #'lose1)))) (t (aver (ltn-policy-safe-p ltn-policy)) (lose1 "can't trust output type assertion under safe policy"))) (count 1)))) (let ((*compiler-error-context* call)) (compiler-notify "~{~?~^~&~6T~}" (if template `("forced to do ~A (cost ~W)" (,(or (template-note template) (template-name template)) ,(template-cost template)) . ,(messages)) `("forced to do full call" nil . ,(messages)))))))) (values)) ;;; If a function has a special-case annotation method use that, ;;; otherwise annotate the argument lvars and try to find a template ;;; corresponding to the type signature. If there is none, convert a ;;; full call. (defun ltn-analyze-known-call (call) (declare (type combination call)) (let ((ltn-policy (node-ltn-policy call)) (method (fun-info-ltn-annotate (basic-combination-kind call))) (args (basic-combination-args call))) (when method (funcall method call ltn-policy) (return-from ltn-analyze-known-call (values))) (dolist (arg args) (setf (lvar-info arg) (make-ir2-lvar (primitive-type (lvar-type arg))))) (multiple-value-bind (template rejected) (find-template-for-ltn-policy call ltn-policy) ;; If we are unable to use some templates due to unsatisfied ;; operand type restrictions and our policy enables efficiency ;; notes, then we call NOTE-REJECTED-TEMPLATES. (when (and rejected (policy call (> speed inhibit-warnings))) (note-rejected-templates call ltn-policy template)) ;; If we are forced to do a full call, we check to see whether ;; the function called is the same as the current function. If ;; so, we give a warning, as this is probably a botched attempt ;; to implement an out-of-line version in terms of inline ;; transforms or VOPs or whatever. (unless template (when (let ((funleaf (physenv-lambda (node-physenv call)))) (and (leaf-has-source-name-p funleaf) (eq (lvar-fun-name (combination-fun call)) (leaf-source-name funleaf)) (let ((info (basic-combination-kind call))) (not (or (fun-info-ir2-convert info) (ir1-attributep (fun-info-attributes info) recursive)))))) (let ((*compiler-error-context* call)) (compiler-warn "~@" (lexenv-policy (node-lexenv call)) (mapcar (lambda (arg) (type-specifier (lvar-type arg))) args)))) (ltn-default-call call) (return-from ltn-analyze-known-call (values))) (setf (basic-combination-info call) template) (setf (node-tail-p call) nil) (dolist (arg args) (annotate-1-value-lvar arg)))) (values)) ;;; CASTs are merely lvar annotations than nodes. So we wait until ;;; value consumer deside how values should be passed, and after that ;;; we propagate this decision backwards through CAST chain. The ;;; exception is a dangling CAST with a type check, which we process ;;; immediately. (defun ltn-analyze-cast (cast) (declare (type cast cast)) (setf (node-tail-p cast) nil) (when (and (cast-type-check cast) (not (node-lvar cast))) ;; FIXME (bug "IR2 type checking of unused values in not implemented.") ) (values)) (defun ltn-annotate-casts (lvar) (declare (type lvar lvar)) (do-uses (node lvar) (when (cast-p node) (ltn-annotate-cast node)))) (defun ltn-annotate-cast (cast) (declare (type cast)) (let ((2lvar (lvar-info (node-lvar cast))) (value (cast-value cast))) (aver 2lvar) ;; XXX (ecase (ir2-lvar-kind 2lvar) (:unknown (annotate-unknown-values-lvar value)) (:fixed (let* ((count (length (ir2-lvar-locs 2lvar))) (ctype (lvar-derived-type value))) (multiple-value-bind (types rest) (values-type-types ctype (specifier-type 'null)) (annotate-fixed-values-lvar value (mapcar #'primitive-type (adjust-list types count rest)))))))) (values)) ;;;; interfaces ;;; most of the guts of the two interface functions: Compute the ;;; policy and dispatch to the appropriate node-specific function. ;;; ;;; Note: we deliberately don't use the DO-NODES macro, since the ;;; block can be split out from underneath us, and DO-NODES would scan ;;; past the block end in that case. (defun ltn-analyze-block (block) (do* ((node (block-start-node block) (ctran-next ctran)) (ctran (node-next node) (node-next node))) (nil) (let* ((lvar (when (valued-node-p node) (node-lvar node))) (dest (and lvar (lvar-dest lvar)))) (when (and (cast-p dest) (not (cast-type-check dest)) (immediately-used-p lvar node)) (derive-node-type node (cast-asserted-type dest)))) (etypecase node (ref) (combination (case (basic-combination-kind node) (:local (ltn-analyze-local-call node)) ((:full :error) (ltn-default-call node)) (t (ltn-analyze-known-call node)))) (cif (ltn-analyze-if node)) (creturn (ltn-analyze-return node)) ((or bind entry)) (exit (ltn-analyze-exit node)) (cset (ltn-analyze-set node)) (cast (ltn-analyze-cast node)) (mv-combination (ecase (basic-combination-kind node) (:local (ltn-analyze-mv-bind node)) ((:full :error) (ltn-analyze-mv-call node))))) (when (eq node (block-last block)) (return)))) ;;; Loop over the blocks in COMPONENT, doing stuff to nodes that ;;; receive values. In addition to the stuff done by FROB, we also see ;;; whether there are any unknown values receivers, making notations ;;; in the components' GENERATORS and RECEIVERS as appropriate. ;;; ;;; If any unknown-values lvars are received by this block (as ;;; indicated by IR2-BLOCK-POPPED), then we add the block to the ;;; IR2-COMPONENT-VALUES-RECEIVERS. ;;; ;;; This is where we allocate IR2 blocks because it is the first place ;;; we need them. (defun ltn-analyze (component) (declare (type component component)) (let ((2comp (component-info component))) (do-blocks (block component) (aver (not (block-info block))) (let ((2block (make-ir2-block block))) (setf (block-info block) 2block) (ltn-analyze-block block))) (do-blocks (block component) (let ((2block (block-info block))) (let ((popped (ir2-block-popped 2block))) (when popped (push block (ir2-component-values-receivers 2comp))))))) (values)) ;;; This function is used to analyze blocks that must be added to the ;;; flow graph after the normal LTN phase runs. Such code is ;;; constrained not to use weird unknown values (and probably in lots ;;; of other ways). (defun ltn-analyze-belated-block (block) (declare (type cblock block)) (ltn-analyze-block block) (aver (not (ir2-block-popped (block-info block)))) (values))