;;;; miscellaneous types and macros used in writing the compiler ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") (declaim (special *wild-type* *universal-type* *compiler-error-context*)) ;;; An INLINEP value describes how a function is called. The values ;;; have these meanings: ;;; NIL No declaration seen: do whatever you feel like, but don't ;;; dump an inline expansion. ;;; :NOTINLINE NOTINLINE declaration seen: always do full function call. ;;; :INLINE INLINE declaration seen: save expansion, expanding to it ;;; if policy favors. ;;; :MAYBE-INLINE ;;; Retain expansion, but only use it opportunistically. (deftype inlinep () '(member :inline :maybe-inline :notinline nil)) ;;;; source-hacking defining forms ;;; to be passed to PARSE-DEFMACRO when we want compiler errors ;;; instead of real errors #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline convert-condition-into-compiler-error)) (defun convert-condition-into-compiler-error (datum &rest stuff) (if (stringp datum) (apply #'compiler-error datum stuff) (compiler-error "~A" (if (symbolp datum) (apply #'make-condition datum stuff) datum)))) ;;; Parse a DEFMACRO-style lambda-list, setting things up so that a ;;; compiler error happens if the syntax is invalid. ;;; ;;; Define a function that converts a special form or other magical ;;; thing into IR1. LAMBDA-LIST is a defmacro style lambda list. ;;; START-VAR and CONT-VAR are bound to the start and result ;;; continuations for the resulting IR1. KIND is the function kind to ;;; associate with NAME. (defmacro def-ir1-translator (name (lambda-list start-var cont-var &key (kind :special-form)) &body body) (let ((fn-name (symbolicate "IR1-CONVERT-" name)) (n-form (gensym)) (n-env (gensym))) (multiple-value-bind (body decls doc) (parse-defmacro lambda-list n-form body name "special form" :environment n-env :error-fun 'convert-condition-into-compiler-error) `(progn (declaim (ftype (function (continuation continuation t) (values)) ,fn-name)) (defun ,fn-name (,start-var ,cont-var ,n-form) (let ((,n-env *lexenv*)) ,@decls ,body (values))) ,@(when doc `((setf (fdocumentation ',name 'function) ,doc))) ;; FIXME: Evidently "there can only be one!" -- we overwrite any ;; other :IR1-CONVERT value. This deserves a warning, I think. (setf (info :function :ir1-convert ',name) #',fn-name) (setf (info :function :kind ',name) ,kind) ;; It's nice to do this for error checking in the target ;; SBCL, but it's not nice to do this when we're running in ;; the cross-compilation host Lisp, which owns the ;; SYMBOL-FUNCTION of its COMMON-LISP symbols. #-sb-xc-host ,@(when (eq kind :special-form) `((setf (symbol-function ',name) (lambda (&rest rest) (declare (ignore rest)) (error 'special-form-function :name ',name))))))))) ;;; (This is similar to DEF-IR1-TRANSLATOR, except that we pass if the ;;; syntax is invalid.) ;;; ;;; Define a macro-like source-to-source transformation for the ;;; function NAME. A source transform may "pass" by returning a ;;; non-nil second value. If the transform passes, then the form is ;;; converted as a normal function call. If the supplied arguments are ;;; not compatible with the specified LAMBDA-LIST, then the transform ;;; automatically passes. ;;; ;;; Source transforms may only be defined for functions. Source ;;; transformation is not attempted if the function is declared ;;; NOTINLINE. Source transforms should not examine their arguments. ;;; If it matters how the function is used, then DEFTRANSFORM should ;;; be used to define an IR1 transformation. ;;; ;;; If the desirability of the transformation depends on the current ;;; OPTIMIZE parameters, then the POLICY macro should be used to ;;; determine when to pass. (defmacro define-source-transform (name lambda-list &body body) (let ((fn-name (if (listp name) (collect ((pieces)) (dolist (piece name) (pieces "-") (pieces piece)) (apply #'symbolicate "SOURCE-TRANSFORM" (pieces))) (symbolicate "SOURCE-TRANSFORM-" name))) (n-form (gensym)) (n-env (gensym))) (multiple-value-bind (body decls) (parse-defmacro lambda-list n-form body name "form" :environment n-env :error-fun `(lambda (&rest stuff) (declare (ignore stuff)) (return-from ,fn-name (values nil t)))) `(progn (defun ,fn-name (,n-form) (let ((,n-env *lexenv*)) ,@decls ,body)) (setf (info :function :source-transform ',name) #',fn-name))))) ;;;; boolean attribute utilities ;;;; ;;;; We need to maintain various sets of boolean attributes for known ;;;; functions and VOPs. To save space and allow for quick set ;;;; operations, we represent the attributes as bits in a fixnum. (deftype attributes () 'fixnum) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;;; Given a list of attribute names and an alist that translates them ;;; to masks, return the OR of the masks. (defun compute-attribute-mask (names alist) (collect ((res 0 logior)) (dolist (name names) (let ((mask (cdr (assoc name alist)))) (unless mask (error "unknown attribute name: ~S" name)) (res mask))) (res))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;; Define a new class of boolean attributes, with the attributes ;;; having the specified ATTRIBUTE-NAMES. NAME is the name of the ;;; class, which is used to generate some macros to manipulate sets of ;;; the attributes: ;;; ;;; NAME-attributep attributes attribute-name* ;;; Return true if one of the named attributes is present, false ;;; otherwise. When set with SETF, updates the place Attributes ;;; setting or clearing the specified attributes. ;;; ;;; NAME-attributes attribute-name* ;;; Return a set of the named attributes. #+sb-xc-host (progn (def!macro !def-boolean-attribute (name &rest attribute-names) (let ((translations-name (symbolicate "*" name "-ATTRIBUTE-TRANSLATIONS*")) (test-name (symbolicate name "-ATTRIBUTEP"))) (collect ((alist)) (do ((mask 1 (ash mask 1)) (names attribute-names (cdr names))) ((null names)) (alist (cons (car names) mask))) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter ,translations-name ',(alist))) (defmacro ,(symbolicate name "-ATTRIBUTES") (&rest attribute-names) "Automagically generated boolean attribute creation function. See !DEF-BOOLEAN-ATTRIBUTE." (compute-attribute-mask attribute-names ,translations-name)) (defmacro ,test-name (attributes &rest attribute-names) "Automagically generated boolean attribute test function. See !DEF-BOOLEAN-ATTRIBUTE." `(logtest ,(compute-attribute-mask attribute-names ,translations-name) (the attributes ,attributes))) ;; This definition transforms strangely under UNCROSS, in a ;; way that DEF!MACRO doesn't understand, so we delegate it ;; to a submacro then define the submacro differently when ;; building the xc and when building the target compiler. (!def-boolean-attribute-setter ,test-name ,translations-name ,@attribute-names))))) ;; It seems to be difficult to express in DEF!MACRO machinery what ;; to do with target-vs-host GET-SETF-EXPANSION in here, so we just ;; hack it by hand, passing a different GET-SETF-EXPANSION-FUN-NAME ;; in the host DEFMACRO and target DEFMACRO-MUNDANELY cases. (defun guts-of-!def-boolean-attribute-setter (test-name translations-name attribute-names get-setf-expansion-fun-name) `(define-setf-expander ,test-name (place &rest attributes &environment env) "Automagically generated boolean attribute setter. See !DEF-BOOLEAN-ATTRIBUTE." #-sb-xc-host (declare (type sb!c::lexenv env)) ;; FIXME: It would be better if &ENVIRONMENT arguments were ;; automatically declared to have type LEXENV by the ;; hairy-argument-handling code. (multiple-value-bind (temps values stores set get) (,get-setf-expansion-fun-name place env) (when (cdr stores) (error "multiple store variables for ~S" place)) (let ((newval (gensym)) (n-place (gensym)) (mask (compute-attribute-mask attributes ,translations-name))) (values `(,@temps ,n-place) `(,@values ,get) `(,newval) `(let ((,(first stores) (if ,newval (logior ,n-place ,mask) (logand ,n-place ,(lognot mask))))) ,set ,newval) `(,',test-name ,n-place ,@attributes)))))) ;; We define the host version here, and the just-like-it-but-different ;; target version later, after DEFMACRO-MUNDANELY has been defined. (defmacro !def-boolean-attribute-setter (test-name translations-name &rest attribute-names) (guts-of-!def-boolean-attribute-setter test-name translations-name attribute-names 'get-setf-expansion))) ;;; And now for some gratuitous pseudo-abstraction... ;;; ;;; ATTRIBUTES-UNION ;;; Return the union of all the sets of boolean attributes which are its ;;; arguments. ;;; ATTRIBUTES-INTERSECTION ;;; Return the intersection of all the sets of boolean attributes which ;;; are its arguments. ;;; ATTRIBUTES ;;; True if the attributes present in ATTR1 are identical to ;;; those in ATTR2. (defmacro attributes-union (&rest attributes) `(the attributes (logior ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(the attributes ,x)) attributes)))) (defmacro attributes-intersection (&rest attributes) `(the attributes (logand ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(the attributes ,x)) attributes)))) (declaim (ftype (function (attributes attributes) boolean) attributes=)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline attributes=)) (defun attributes= (attr1 attr2) (eql attr1 attr2)) ;;;; lambda-list parsing utilities ;;;; ;;;; IR1 transforms, optimizers and type inferencers need to be able ;;;; to parse the IR1 representation of a function call using a ;;;; standard function lambda-list. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;;; Given a DEFTRANSFORM-style lambda-list, generate code that parses ;;; the arguments of a combination with respect to that lambda-list. ;;; BODY is the the list of forms which are to be evaluated within the ;;; bindings. ARGS is the variable that holds list of argument ;;; continuations. ERROR-FORM is a form which is evaluated when the ;;; syntax of the supplied arguments is incorrect or a non-constant ;;; argument keyword is supplied. Defaults and other gunk are ignored. ;;; The second value is a list of all the arguments bound. We make the ;;; variables IGNORABLE so that we don't have to manually declare them ;;; Ignore if their only purpose is to make the syntax work. (defun parse-deftransform (lambda-list body args error-form) (multiple-value-bind (req opt restp rest keyp keys allowp) (parse-lambda-list lambda-list) (let* ((min-args (length req)) (max-args (+ min-args (length opt))) (n-keys (gensym))) (collect ((binds) (vars) (pos 0 +) (keywords)) (dolist (arg req) (vars arg) (binds `(,arg (nth ,(pos) ,args))) (pos 1)) (dolist (arg opt) (let ((var (if (atom arg) arg (first arg)))) (vars var) (binds `(,var (nth ,(pos) ,args))) (pos 1))) (when restp (vars rest) (binds `(,rest (nthcdr ,(pos) ,args)))) (dolist (spec keys) (if (or (atom spec) (atom (first spec))) (let* ((var (if (atom spec) spec (first spec))) (key (keywordicate var))) (vars var) (binds `(,var (find-keyword-continuation ,n-keys ,key))) (keywords key)) (let* ((head (first spec)) (var (second head)) (key (first head))) (vars var) (binds `(,var (find-keyword-continuation ,n-keys ,key))) (keywords key)))) (let ((n-length (gensym)) (limited-legal (not (or restp keyp)))) (values `(let ((,n-length (length ,args)) ,@(when keyp `((,n-keys (nthcdr ,(pos) ,args))))) (unless (and ;; FIXME: should be PROPER-LIST-OF-LENGTH-P ,(if limited-legal `(<= ,min-args ,n-length ,max-args) `(<= ,min-args ,n-length)) ,@(when keyp (if allowp `((check-key-args-constant ,n-keys)) `((check-transform-keys ,n-keys ',(keywords)))))) ,error-form) (let ,(binds) (declare (ignorable ,@(vars))) ,@body)) (vars))))))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;;; DEFTRANSFORM ;;; Define an IR1 transformation for NAME. An IR1 transformation ;;; computes a lambda that replaces the function variable reference ;;; for the call. A transform may pass (decide not to transform the ;;; call) by calling the GIVE-UP-IR1-TRANSFORM function. LAMBDA-LIST ;;; both determines how the current call is parsed and specifies the ;;; LAMBDA-LIST for the resulting lambda. ;;; ;;; We parse the call and bind each of the lambda-list variables to ;;; the continuation which represents the value of the argument. When ;;; parsing the call, we ignore the defaults, and always bind the ;;; variables for unsupplied arguments to NIL. If a required argument ;;; is missing, an unknown keyword is supplied, or an argument keyword ;;; is not a constant, then the transform automatically passes. The ;;; DECLARATIONS apply to the bindings made by DEFTRANSFORM at ;;; transformation time, rather than to the variables of the resulting ;;; lambda. Bound-but-not-referenced warnings are suppressed for the ;;; lambda-list variables. The DOC-STRING is used when printing ;;; efficiency notes about the defined transform. ;;; ;;; Normally, the body evaluates to a form which becomes the body of ;;; an automatically constructed lambda. We make LAMBDA-LIST the ;;; lambda-list for the lambda, and automatically insert declarations ;;; of the argument and result types. If the second value of the body ;;; is non-null, then it is a list of declarations which are to be ;;; inserted at the head of the lambda. Automatic lambda generation ;;; may be inhibited by explicitly returning a lambda from the body. ;;; ;;; The ARG-TYPES and RESULT-TYPE are used to create a function type ;;; which the call must satisfy before transformation is attempted. ;;; The function type specifier is constructed by wrapping (FUNCTION ;;; ...) around these values, so the lack of a restriction may be ;;; specified by omitting the argument or supplying *. The argument ;;; syntax specified in the ARG-TYPES need not be the same as that in ;;; the LAMBDA-LIST, but the transform will never happen if the ;;; syntaxes can't be satisfied simultaneously. If there is an ;;; existing transform for the same function that has the same type, ;;; then it is replaced with the new definition. ;;; ;;; These are the legal keyword options: ;;; :RESULT - A variable which is bound to the result continuation. ;;; :NODE - A variable which is bound to the combination node for the call. ;;; :POLICY - A form which is supplied to the POLICY macro to determine ;;; whether this transformation is appropriate. If the result ;;; is false, then the transform automatically gives up. ;;; :EVAL-NAME ;;; - The name and argument/result types are actually forms to be ;;; evaluated. Useful for getting closures that transform similar ;;; functions. ;;; :DEFUN-ONLY ;;; - Don't actually instantiate a transform, instead just DEFUN ;;; Name with the specified transform definition function. This ;;; may be later instantiated with %DEFTRANSFORM. ;;; :IMPORTANT ;;; - If supplied and non-NIL, note this transform as ``important,'' ;;; which means efficiency notes will be generated when this ;;; transform fails even if INHIBIT-WARNINGS=SPEED (but not if ;;; INHIBIT-WARNINGS>SPEED). (defmacro deftransform (name (lambda-list &optional (arg-types '*) (result-type '*) &key result policy node defun-only eval-name important) &body body-decls-doc) (when (and eval-name defun-only) (error "can't specify both DEFUN-ONLY and EVAL-NAME")) (multiple-value-bind (body decls doc) (parse-body body-decls-doc) (let ((n-args (gensym)) (n-node (or node (gensym))) (n-decls (gensym)) (n-lambda (gensym)) (decls-body `(,@decls ,@body))) (multiple-value-bind (parsed-form vars) (parse-deftransform lambda-list (if policy `((unless (policy ,n-node ,policy) (give-up-ir1-transform)) ,@decls-body) body) n-args '(give-up-ir1-transform)) (let ((stuff `((,n-node) (let* ((,n-args (basic-combination-args ,n-node)) ,@(when result `((,result (node-cont ,n-node))))) (multiple-value-bind (,n-lambda ,n-decls) ,parsed-form (if (and (consp ,n-lambda) (eq (car ,n-lambda) 'lambda)) ,n-lambda `(lambda ,',lambda-list (declare (ignorable ,@',vars)) ,@,n-decls ,,n-lambda))))))) (if defun-only `(defun ,name ,@(when doc `(,doc)) ,@stuff) `(%deftransform ,(if eval-name name `',name) ,(if eval-name ``(function ,,arg-types ,,result-type) `'(function ,arg-types ,result-type)) (lambda ,@stuff) ,doc ,(if important t nil)))))))) ;;;; DEFKNOWN and DEFOPTIMIZER ;;; This macro should be the way that all implementation independent ;;; information about functions is made known to the compiler. ;;; ;;; FIXME: The comment above suggests that perhaps some of my added ;;; FTYPE declarations are in poor taste. Should I change my ;;; declarations, or change the comment, or what? ;;; ;;; FIXME: DEFKNOWN is needed only at build-the-system time. Figure ;;; out some way to keep it from appearing in the target system. ;;; ;;; Declare the function NAME to be a known function. We construct a ;;; type specifier for the function by wrapping (FUNCTION ...) around ;;; the ARG-TYPES and RESULT-TYPE. ATTRIBUTES is an unevaluated list ;;; of boolean attributes of the function. See their description in ;;; (!DEF-BOOLEAN-ATTRIBUTE IR1). NAME may also be a list of names, in ;;; which case the same information is given to all the names. The ;;; keywords specify the initial values for various optimizers that ;;; the function might have. (defmacro defknown (name arg-types result-type &optional (attributes '(any)) &rest keys) (when (and (intersection attributes '(any call unwind)) (intersection attributes '(movable))) (error "function cannot have both good and bad attributes: ~S" attributes)) (when (member 'any attributes) (setf attributes (union '(call unsafe unwind) attributes))) (when (member 'flushable attributes) (pushnew 'unsafely-flushable attributes)) `(%defknown ',(if (and (consp name) (not (legal-fun-name-p name))) name (list name)) '(function ,arg-types ,result-type) (ir1-attributes ,@attributes) ,@keys)) ;;; Create a function which parses combination args according to WHAT ;;; and LAMBDA-LIST, where WHAT is either a function name or a list ;;; (FUN-NAME KIND) and does some KIND of optimization. ;;; ;;; The FUN-NAME must name a known function. LAMBDA-LIST is used ;;; to parse the arguments to the combination as in DEFTRANSFORM. If ;;; the argument syntax is invalid or there are non-constant keys, ;;; then we simply return NIL. ;;; ;;; The function is DEFUN'ed as FUNCTION-KIND-OPTIMIZER. Possible ;;; kinds are DERIVE-TYPE, OPTIMIZER, LTN-ANNOTATE and IR2-CONVERT. If ;;; a symbol is specified instead of a (FUNCTION KIND) list, then we ;;; just do a DEFUN with the symbol as its name, and don't do anything ;;; with the definition. This is useful for creating optimizers to be ;;; passed by name to DEFKNOWN. ;;; ;;; If supplied, NODE-VAR is bound to the combination node being ;;; optimized. If additional VARS are supplied, then they are used as ;;; the rest of the optimizer function's lambda-list. LTN-ANNOTATE ;;; methods are passed an additional POLICY argument, and IR2-CONVERT ;;; methods are passed an additional IR2-BLOCK argument. (defmacro defoptimizer (what (lambda-list &optional (n-node (gensym)) &rest vars) &body body) (let ((name (if (symbolp what) what (symbolicate (first what) "-" (second what) "-OPTIMIZER")))) (let ((n-args (gensym))) `(progn (defun ,name (,n-node ,@vars) (let ((,n-args (basic-combination-args ,n-node))) ,(parse-deftransform lambda-list body n-args `(return-from ,name nil)))) ,@(when (consp what) `((setf (,(symbolicate "FUN-INFO-" (second what)) (fun-info-or-lose ',(first what))) #',name))))))) ;;;; IR groveling macros ;;; Iterate over the blocks in a component, binding BLOCK-VAR to each ;;; block in turn. The value of ENDS determines whether to iterate ;;; over dummy head and tail blocks: ;;; NIL -- Skip Head and Tail (the default) ;;; :HEAD -- Do head but skip tail ;;; :TAIL -- Do tail but skip head ;;; :BOTH -- Do both head and tail ;;; ;;; If supplied, RESULT-FORM is the value to return. (defmacro do-blocks ((block-var component &optional ends result) &body body) (unless (member ends '(nil :head :tail :both)) (error "losing ENDS value: ~S" ends)) (let ((n-component (gensym)) (n-tail (gensym))) `(let* ((,n-component ,component) (,n-tail ,(if (member ends '(:both :tail)) nil `(component-tail ,n-component)))) (do ((,block-var ,(if (member ends '(:both :head)) `(component-head ,n-component) `(block-next (component-head ,n-component))) (block-next ,block-var))) ((eq ,block-var ,n-tail) ,result) ,@body)))) ;;; like DO-BLOCKS, only iterating over the blocks in reverse order (defmacro do-blocks-backwards ((block-var component &optional ends result) &body body) (unless (member ends '(nil :head :tail :both)) (error "losing ENDS value: ~S" ends)) (let ((n-component (gensym)) (n-head (gensym))) `(let* ((,n-component ,component) (,n-head ,(if (member ends '(:both :head)) nil `(component-head ,n-component)))) (do ((,block-var ,(if (member ends '(:both :tail)) `(component-tail ,n-component) `(block-prev (component-tail ,n-component))) (block-prev ,block-var))) ((eq ,block-var ,n-head) ,result) ,@body)))) ;;; Iterate over the uses of CONTINUATION, binding NODE to each one ;;; successively. ;;; ;;; XXX Could change it not to replicate the code someday perhaps... (defmacro do-uses ((node-var continuation &optional result) &body body) (once-only ((n-cont continuation)) `(ecase (continuation-kind ,n-cont) (:unused) (:inside-block (block nil (let ((,node-var (continuation-use ,n-cont))) ,@body ,result))) ((:block-start :deleted-block-start) (dolist (,node-var (block-start-uses (continuation-block ,n-cont)) ,result) ,@body))))) ;;; Iterate over the nodes in BLOCK, binding NODE-VAR to the each node ;;; and CONT-VAR to the node's CONT. The only keyword option is ;;; RESTART-P, which causes iteration to be restarted when a node is ;;; deleted out from under us. (If not supplied, this is an error.) ;;; ;;; In the forward case, we terminate on LAST-CONT so that we don't ;;; have to worry about our termination condition being changed when ;;; new code is added during the iteration. In the backward case, we ;;; do NODE-PREV before evaluating the body so that we can keep going ;;; when the current node is deleted. ;;; ;;; When RESTART-P is supplied to DO-NODES, we start iterating over ;;; again at the beginning of the block when we run into a ;;; continuation whose block differs from the one we are trying to ;;; iterate over, either because the block was split, or because a ;;; node was deleted out from under us (hence its block is NIL.) If ;;; the block start is deleted, we just punt. With RESTART-P, we are ;;; also more careful about termination, re-indirecting the BLOCK-LAST ;;; each time. (defmacro do-nodes ((node-var cont-var block &key restart-p) &body body) (let ((n-block (gensym)) (n-last-cont (gensym))) `(let* ((,n-block ,block) ,@(unless restart-p `((,n-last-cont (node-cont (block-last ,n-block)))))) (do* ((,node-var (continuation-next (block-start ,n-block)) ,(if restart-p `(cond ((eq (continuation-block ,cont-var) ,n-block) (aver (continuation-next ,cont-var)) (continuation-next ,cont-var)) (t (let ((start (block-start ,n-block))) (unless (eq (continuation-kind start) :block-start) (return nil)) (continuation-next start)))) `(continuation-next ,cont-var))) (,cont-var (node-cont ,node-var) (node-cont ,node-var))) (()) ,@body (when ,(if restart-p `(eq ,node-var (block-last ,n-block)) `(eq ,cont-var ,n-last-cont)) (return nil)))))) ;;; like DO-NODES, only iterating in reverse order (defmacro do-nodes-backwards ((node-var cont-var block) &body body) (let ((n-block (gensym)) (n-start (gensym)) (n-last (gensym)) (n-next (gensym))) `(let* ((,n-block ,block) (,n-start (block-start ,n-block)) (,n-last (block-last ,n-block))) (do* ((,cont-var (node-cont ,n-last) ,n-next) (,node-var ,n-last (continuation-use ,cont-var)) (,n-next (node-prev ,node-var) (node-prev ,node-var))) (()) ,@body (when (eq ,n-next ,n-start) (return nil)))))) ;;; Bind the IR1 context variables to the values associated with NODE, ;;; so that new, extra IR1 conversion related to NODE can be done ;;; after the original conversion pass has finished. (defmacro with-ir1-environment-from-node (node &rest forms) `(flet ((closure-needing-ir1-environment-from-node () ,@forms)) (%with-ir1-environment-from-node ,node #'closure-needing-ir1-environment-from-node))) (defun %with-ir1-environment-from-node (node fun) (declare (type node node) (type function fun)) (let ((*current-component* (node-component node)) (*lexenv* (node-lexenv node)) (*current-path* (node-source-path node))) (aver-live-component *current-component*) (funcall fun))) ;;; Bind the hashtables used for keeping track of global variables, ;;; functions, etc. Also establish condition handlers. (defmacro with-ir1-namespace (&body forms) `(let ((*free-vars* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (*free-funs* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (*constants* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (*source-paths* (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (handler-bind ((compiler-error #'compiler-error-handler) (style-warning #'compiler-style-warning-handler) (warning #'compiler-warning-handler)) ,@forms))) ;;; Look up NAME in the lexical environment namespace designated by ;;; SLOT, returning the , or if no entry. The ;;; :TEST keyword may be used to determine the name equality ;;; predicate. (defmacro lexenv-find (name slot &key test) (once-only ((n-res `(assoc ,name (,(let ((*package* (symbol-package 'lexenv-funs))) (symbolicate "LEXENV-" slot)) *lexenv*) :test ,(or test '#'eq)))) `(if ,n-res (values (cdr ,n-res) t) (values nil nil)))) ;;; (defmacro with-continuation-type-assertion ((cont ctype context) &body body) `(let ((*lexenv* (ir1ize-the-or-values ,ctype ,cont *lexenv* ,context))) ,@body)) ;;;; the EVENT statistics/trace utility ;;; FIXME: This seems to be useful for troubleshooting and ;;; experimentation, not for ordinary use, so it should probably ;;; become conditional on SB-SHOW. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defstruct (event-info (:copier nil)) ;; The name of this event. (name (missing-arg) :type symbol) ;; The string rescribing this event. (description (missing-arg) :type string) ;; The name of the variable we stash this in. (var (missing-arg) :type symbol) ;; The number of times this event has happened. (count 0 :type fixnum) ;; The level of significance of this event. (level (missing-arg) :type unsigned-byte) ;; If true, a function that gets called with the node that the event ;; happened to. (action nil :type (or function null))) ;;; A hashtable from event names to event-info structures. (defvar *event-info* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) ;;; Return the event info for Name or die trying. (declaim (ftype (function (t) event-info) event-info-or-lose)) (defun event-info-or-lose (name) (let ((res (gethash name *event-info*))) (unless res (error "~S is not the name of an event." name)) res)) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;; Return the number of times that EVENT has happened. (declaim (ftype (function (symbol) fixnum) event-count)) (defun event-count (name) (event-info-count (event-info-or-lose name))) ;;; Return the function that is called when Event happens. If this is ;;; null, there is no action. The function is passed the node to which ;;; the event happened, or NIL if there is no relevant node. This may ;;; be set with SETF. (declaim (ftype (function (symbol) (or function null)) event-action)) (defun event-action (name) (event-info-action (event-info-or-lose name))) (declaim (ftype (function (symbol (or function null)) (or function null)) %set-event-action)) (defun %set-event-action (name new-value) (setf (event-info-action (event-info-or-lose name)) new-value)) (defsetf event-action %set-event-action) ;;; Return the non-negative integer which represents the level of ;;; significance of the event Name. This is used to determine whether ;;; to print a message when the event happens. This may be set with ;;; SETF. (declaim (ftype (function (symbol) unsigned-byte) event-level)) (defun event-level (name) (event-info-level (event-info-or-lose name))) (declaim (ftype (function (symbol unsigned-byte) unsigned-byte) %set-event-level)) (defun %set-event-level (name new-value) (setf (event-info-level (event-info-or-lose name)) new-value)) (defsetf event-level %set-event-level) ;;; Define a new kind of event. NAME is a symbol which names the event ;;; and DESCRIPTION is a string which describes the event. Level ;;; (default 0) is the level of significance associated with this ;;; event; it is used to determine whether to print a Note when the ;;; event happens. (defmacro defevent (name description &optional (level 0)) (let ((var-name (symbolicate "*" name "-EVENT-INFO*"))) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar ,var-name (make-event-info :name ',name :description ',description :var ',var-name :level ,level)) (setf (gethash ',name *event-info*) ,var-name) ',name))) ;;; the lowest level of event that will print a note when it occurs (declaim (type unsigned-byte *event-note-threshold*)) (defvar *event-note-threshold* 1) ;;; Note that the event with the specified NAME has happened. NODE is ;;; evaluated to determine the node to which the event happened. (defmacro event (name &optional node) ;; Increment the counter and do any action. Mumble about the event if ;; policy indicates. `(%event ,(event-info-var (event-info-or-lose name)) ,node)) ;;; Print a listing of events and their counts, sorted by the count. ;;; Events that happened fewer than Min-Count times will not be ;;; printed. Stream is the stream to write to. (declaim (ftype (function (&optional unsigned-byte stream) (values)) event-statistics)) (defun event-statistics (&optional (min-count 1) (stream *standard-output*)) (collect ((info)) (maphash (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (when (>= (event-info-count v) min-count) (info v))) *event-info*) (dolist (event (sort (info) #'> :key #'event-info-count)) (format stream "~6D: ~A~%" (event-info-count event) (event-info-description event))) (values)) (values)) (declaim (ftype (function nil (values)) clear-event-statistics)) (defun clear-event-statistics () (maphash (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (setf (event-info-count v) 0)) *event-info*) (values)) ;;;; functions on directly-linked lists (linked through specialized ;;;; NEXT operations) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline find-in position-in)) ;;; Find ELEMENT in a null-terminated LIST linked by the accessor ;;; function NEXT. KEY, TEST and TEST-NOT are the same as for generic ;;; sequence functions. (defun find-in (next element list &key (key #'identity) (test #'eql test-p) (test-not #'eql not-p)) (declare (type function next key test test-not)) (when (and test-p not-p) (error "It's silly to supply both :TEST and :TEST-NOT arguments.")) (if not-p (do ((current list (funcall next current))) ((null current) nil) (unless (funcall test-not (funcall key current) element) (return current))) (do ((current list (funcall next current))) ((null current) nil) (when (funcall test (funcall key current) element) (return current))))) ;;; Return the position of ELEMENT (or NIL if absent) in a ;;; null-terminated LIST linked by the accessor function NEXT. KEY, ;;; TEST and TEST-NOT are the same as for generic sequence functions. (defun position-in (next element list &key (key #'identity) (test #'eql test-p) (test-not #'eql not-p)) (declare (type function next key test test-not)) (when (and test-p not-p) (error "It's silly to supply both :TEST and :TEST-NOT arguments.")) (if not-p (do ((current list (funcall next current)) (i 0 (1+ i))) ((null current) nil) (unless (funcall test-not (funcall key current) element) (return i))) (do ((current list (funcall next current)) (i 0 (1+ i))) ((null current) nil) (when (funcall test (funcall key current) element) (return i))))) ;;; KLUDGE: This is expanded out twice, by cut-and-paste, in a ;;; (DEF!MACRO FOO (..) .. CL:GET-SETF-EXPANSION ..) ;;; #+SB-XC-HOST ;;; (SB!XC:DEFMACRO FOO (..) .. SB!XC:GET-SETF-EXPANSION ..) ;;; arrangement, in order to get it to work in cross-compilation. This ;;; duplication should be removed, perhaps by rewriting the macro in a more ;;; cross-compiler-friendly way, or perhaps just by using some (MACROLET ((FROB ;;; ..)) .. FROB .. FROB) form, or perhaps by completely eliminating this macro ;;; and its partner PUSH-IN, but I don't want to do it now, because the system ;;; isn't running yet, so it'd be too hard to check that my changes were ;;; correct -- WHN 19990806 (def!macro deletef-in (next place item &environment env) (multiple-value-bind (temps vals stores store access) (get-setf-expansion place env) (when (cdr stores) (error "multiple store variables for ~S" place)) (let ((n-item (gensym)) (n-place (gensym)) (n-current (gensym)) (n-prev (gensym))) `(let* (,@(mapcar #'list temps vals) (,n-place ,access) (,n-item ,item)) (if (eq ,n-place ,n-item) (let ((,(first stores) (,next ,n-place))) ,store) (do ((,n-prev ,n-place ,n-current) (,n-current (,next ,n-place) (,next ,n-current))) ((eq ,n-current ,n-item) (setf (,next ,n-prev) (,next ,n-current))))) (values))))) ;;; #+SB-XC-HOST SB!XC:DEFMACRO version is in late-macros.lisp. -- WHN 19990806 ;;; Push ITEM onto a list linked by the accessor function NEXT that is ;;; stored in PLACE. ;;; ;;; KLUDGE: This is expanded out twice, by cut-and-paste, in a ;;; (DEF!MACRO FOO (..) .. CL:GET-SETF-EXPANSION ..) ;;; #+SB-XC-HOST ;;; (SB!XC:DEFMACRO FOO (..) .. SB!XC:GET-SETF-EXPANSION ..) ;;; arrangement, in order to get it to work in cross-compilation. This ;;; duplication should be removed, perhaps by rewriting the macro in a more ;;; cross-compiler-friendly way, or perhaps just by using some (MACROLET ((FROB ;;; ..)) .. FROB .. FROB) form, or perhaps by completely eliminating this macro ;;; and its partner DELETEF-IN, but I don't want to do it now, because the ;;; system isn't running yet, so it'd be too hard to check that my changes were ;;; correct -- WHN 19990806 (def!macro push-in (next item place &environment env) (multiple-value-bind (temps vals stores store access) (get-setf-expansion place env) (when (cdr stores) (error "multiple store variables for ~S" place)) `(let (,@(mapcar #'list temps vals) (,(first stores) ,item)) (setf (,next ,(first stores)) ,access) ,store (values)))) ;;; #+SB-XC-HOST SB!XC:DEFMACRO version is in late-macros.lisp. -- WHN 19990806 (defmacro position-or-lose (&rest args) `(or (position ,@args) (error "shouldn't happen?")))