;;;; This file contains the implementation-independent facilities used ;;;; for defining the compiler's interface to the VM in a given ;;;; implementation that are needed at meta-compile time. They are ;;;; separated out from vmdef.lisp so that they can be compiled and ;;;; loaded without trashing the running compiler. ;;;; ;;;; FIXME: The "trashing the running [CMU CL] compiler" motivation no ;;;; longer makes sense in SBCL, since we can cross-compile cleanly. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") ;;;; storage class and storage base definition ;;; Define a storage base having the specified NAME. KIND may be :FINITE, ;;; :UNBOUNDED or :NON-PACKED. The following keywords are legal: ;;; :SIZE specifies the number of locations in a :FINITE SB or ;;; the initial size of an :UNBOUNDED SB. ;;; ;;; We enter the basic structure at meta-compile time, and then fill ;;; in the missing slots at load time. (defmacro define-storage-base (name kind &key size) (declare (type symbol name)) (declare (type (member :finite :unbounded :non-packed) kind)) ;; SIZE is either mandatory or forbidden. (ecase kind (:non-packed (when size (error "A size specification is meaningless in a ~S SB." kind))) ((:finite :unbounded) (unless size (error "Size is not specified in a ~S SB." kind)) (aver (typep size 'unsigned-byte)))) (let ((res (if (eq kind :non-packed) (make-sb :name name :kind kind) (make-finite-sb :name name :kind kind :size size)))) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (/show0 "about to SETF GETHASH META-SB-NAMES in DEFINE-STORAGE-BASE") (setf (gethash ',name *backend-meta-sb-names*) ',res)) (/show0 "about to SETF GETHASH SB-NAMES in DEFINE-STORAGE-BASE") ,(if (eq kind :non-packed) `(setf (gethash ',name *backend-sb-names*) (copy-sb ',res)) `(let ((res (copy-finite-sb ',res))) (/show0 "not :NON-PACKED, i.e. hairy case") (setf (finite-sb-always-live res) (make-array ',size :initial-element #-(or sb-xc sb-xc-host) #* ;; The cross-compiler isn't very good ;; at dumping specialized arrays; we ;; work around that by postponing ;; generation of the specialized ;; array 'til runtime. #+(or sb-xc sb-xc-host) (make-array 0 :element-type 'bit))) (/show0 "doing second SETF") (setf (finite-sb-conflicts res) (make-array ',size :initial-element '#())) (/show0 "doing third SETF") (setf (finite-sb-live-tns res) (make-array ',size :initial-element nil)) (/show0 "doing fourth SETF") (setf (finite-sb-always-live-count res) (make-array ',size :initial-element 0)) (/show0 "doing fifth and final SETF") (setf (gethash ',name *backend-sb-names*) res))) (/show0 "about to put SB onto/into SB-LIST") (setf *backend-sb-list* (cons (sb-or-lose ',name) (remove ',name *backend-sb-list* :key #'sb-name))) (/show0 "finished with DEFINE-STORAGE-BASE expansion") ',name))) ;;; Define a storage class NAME that uses the named Storage-Base. ;;; NUMBER is a small, non-negative integer that is used as an alias. ;;; The following keywords are defined: ;;; ;;; :ELEMENT-SIZE Size ;;; The size of objects in this SC in whatever units the SB uses. ;;; This defaults to 1. ;;; ;;; :ALIGNMENT Size ;;; The alignment restrictions for this SC. TNs will only be ;;; allocated at offsets that are an even multiple of this number. ;;; This defaults to 1. ;;; ;;; :LOCATIONS (Location*) ;;; If the SB is :FINITE, then this is a list of the offsets within ;;; the SB that are in this SC. ;;; ;;; :RESERVE-LOCATIONS (Location*) ;;; A subset of the Locations that the register allocator should try to ;;; reserve for operand loading (instead of to hold variable values.) ;;; ;;; :SAVE-P {T | NIL} ;;; If T, then values stored in this SC must be saved in one of the ;;; non-save-p :ALTERNATE-SCs across calls. ;;; ;;; :ALTERNATE-SCS (SC*) ;;; Indicates other SCs that can be used to hold values from this SC across ;;; calls or when storage in this SC is exhausted. The SCs should be ;;; specified in order of decreasing \"goodness\". There must be at least ;;; one SC in an unbounded SB, unless this SC is only used for restricted or ;;; wired TNs. ;;; ;;; :CONSTANT-SCS (SC*) ;;; A list of the names of all the constant SCs that can be loaded into this ;;; SC by a move function. (defmacro define-storage-class (name number sb-name &key (element-size '1) (alignment '1) locations reserve-locations save-p alternate-scs constant-scs) (declare (type symbol name)) (declare (type sc-number number)) (declare (type symbol sb-name)) (declare (type list locations reserve-locations alternate-scs constant-scs)) (declare (type boolean save-p)) (unless (= (logcount alignment) 1) (error "alignment not a power of two: ~W" alignment)) (let ((sb (meta-sb-or-lose sb-name))) (if (eq (sb-kind sb) :finite) (let ((size (sb-size sb)) (element-size (eval element-size))) (declare (type unsigned-byte element-size)) (dolist (el locations) (declare (type unsigned-byte el)) (unless (<= 1 (+ el element-size) size) (error "SC element ~W out of bounds for ~S" el sb)))) (when locations (error ":LOCATIONS is meaningless in a ~S SB." (sb-kind sb)))) (unless (subsetp reserve-locations locations) (error "RESERVE-LOCATIONS not a subset of LOCATIONS.")) (when (and (or alternate-scs constant-scs) (eq (sb-kind sb) :non-packed)) (error "It's meaningless to specify alternate or constant SCs in a ~S SB." (sb-kind sb)))) (let ((nstack-p (if (or (eq sb-name 'non-descriptor-stack) (find 'non-descriptor-stack (mapcar #'meta-sc-or-lose alternate-scs) :key (lambda (x) (sb-name (sc-sb x))))) t nil))) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (let ((res (make-sc :name ',name :number ',number :sb (meta-sb-or-lose ',sb-name) :element-size ,element-size :alignment ,alignment :locations ',locations :reserve-locations ',reserve-locations :save-p ',save-p :number-stack-p ,nstack-p :alternate-scs (mapcar #'meta-sc-or-lose ',alternate-scs) :constant-scs (mapcar #'meta-sc-or-lose ',constant-scs)))) (setf (gethash ',name *backend-meta-sc-names*) res) (setf (svref *backend-meta-sc-numbers* ',number) res) (setf (svref (sc-load-costs res) ',number) 0))) (let ((old (svref *backend-sc-numbers* ',number))) (when (and old (not (eq (sc-name old) ',name))) (warn "redefining SC number ~W from ~S to ~S" ',number (sc-name old) ',name))) (setf (svref *backend-sc-numbers* ',number) (meta-sc-or-lose ',name)) (setf (gethash ',name *backend-sc-names*) (meta-sc-or-lose ',name)) (setf (sc-sb (sc-or-lose ',name)) (sb-or-lose ',sb-name)) ',name))) ;;;; move/coerce definition ;;; Given a list of pairs of lists of SCs (as given to DEFINE-MOVE-VOP, ;;; etc.), bind TO-SC and FROM-SC to all the combinations. (defmacro do-sc-pairs ((from-sc-var to-sc-var scs) &body body) `(do ((froms ,scs (cddr froms)) (tos (cdr ,scs) (cddr tos))) ((null froms)) (dolist (from (car froms)) (let ((,from-sc-var (meta-sc-or-lose from))) (dolist (to (car tos)) (let ((,to-sc-var (meta-sc-or-lose to))) ,@body)))))) ;;; Define the function NAME and note it as the function used for ;;; moving operands from the From-SCs to the To-SCs. Cost is the cost ;;; of this move operation. The function is called with three ;;; arguments: the VOP (for context), and the source and destination ;;; TNs. An ASSEMBLE form is wrapped around the body. All uses of ;;; DEFINE-MOVE-FUN should be compiled before any uses of ;;; DEFINE-VOP. (defmacro define-move-fun ((name cost) lambda-list scs &body body) (declare (type index cost)) (when (or (oddp (length scs)) (null scs)) (error "malformed SCs spec: ~S" scs)) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (do-sc-pairs (from-sc to-sc ',scs) (unless (eq from-sc to-sc) (let ((num (sc-number from-sc))) (setf (svref (sc-move-funs to-sc) num) ',name) (setf (svref (sc-load-costs to-sc) num) ',cost))))) (defun ,name ,lambda-list (sb!assem:assemble (*code-segment* ,(first lambda-list)) ,@body)))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *sc-vop-slots* '((:move . sc-move-vops) (:move-arg . sc-move-arg-vops)))) ;;; Make NAME be the VOP used to move values in the specified FROM-SCs ;;; to the representation of the TO-SCs of each SC pair in SCS. ;;; ;;; If KIND is :MOVE-ARG, then the VOP takes an extra argument, ;;; which is the frame pointer of the frame to move into. ;;; ;;; We record the VOP and costs for all SCs that we can move between ;;; (including implicit loading). (defmacro define-move-vop (name kind &rest scs) (when (or (oddp (length scs)) (null scs)) (error "malformed SCs spec: ~S" scs)) (let ((accessor (or (cdr (assoc kind *sc-vop-slots*)) (error "unknown kind ~S" kind)))) `(progn ,@(when (eq kind :move) `((eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (do-sc-pairs (from-sc to-sc ',scs) (compute-move-costs from-sc to-sc ,(vop-parse-cost (vop-parse-or-lose name))))))) (let ((vop (template-or-lose ',name))) (do-sc-pairs (from-sc to-sc ',scs) (dolist (dest-sc (cons to-sc (sc-alternate-scs to-sc))) (let ((vec (,accessor dest-sc))) (let ((scn (sc-number from-sc))) (setf (svref vec scn) (adjoin-template vop (svref vec scn)))) (dolist (sc (append (sc-alternate-scs from-sc) (sc-constant-scs from-sc))) (let ((scn (sc-number sc))) (setf (svref vec scn) (adjoin-template vop (svref vec scn)))))))))))) ;;;; primitive type definition (defun meta-primitive-type-or-lose (name) (the primitive-type (or (gethash name *backend-meta-primitive-type-names*) (error "~S is not a defined primitive type." name)))) ;;; Define a primitive type NAME. Each SCS entry specifies a storage ;;; class that values of this type may be allocated in. TYPE is the ;;; type descriptor for the Lisp type that is equivalent to this type. (defmacro !def-primitive-type (name scs &key (type name)) (declare (type symbol name) (type list scs)) (let ((scns (mapcar #'meta-sc-number-or-lose scs))) `(progn (/show0 "doing !DEF-PRIMITIVE-TYPE, NAME=..") (/primitive-print ,(symbol-name name)) (eval-when (#-sb-xc :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (setf (gethash ',name *backend-meta-primitive-type-names*) (make-primitive-type :name ',name :scs ',scns :specifier ',type))) ,(once-only ((n-old `(gethash ',name *backend-primitive-type-names*))) `(progn ;; If the PRIMITIVE-TYPE structure already exists, we ;; destructively modify it so that existing references in ;; templates won't be invalidated. FIXME: This should no ;; longer be an issue in SBCL, since we don't try to do ;; serious surgery on ourselves. Probably this should ;; just become an assertion that N-OLD is NIL, so that we ;; don't have to try to maintain the correctness of the ;; never-ordinarily-used clause. (/show0 "in !DEF-PRIMITIVE-TYPE, about to COND") (cond (,n-old (/show0 "in ,N-OLD clause of COND") (setf (primitive-type-scs ,n-old) ',scns) (setf (primitive-type-specifier ,n-old) ',type)) (t (/show0 "in T clause of COND") (setf (gethash ',name *backend-primitive-type-names*) (make-primitive-type :name ',name :scs ',scns :specifier ',type)))) (/show0 "done with !DEF-PRIMITIVE-TYPE") ',name))))) ;;; Define NAME to be an alias for RESULT in VOP operand type restrictions. (defmacro !def-primitive-type-alias (name result) ;; Just record the translation. `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (setf (gethash ',name *backend-primitive-type-aliases*) ',result) ',name)) (defparameter *primitive-type-slot-alist* '((:check . primitive-type-check))) ;;; Primitive-Type-VOP Vop (Kind*) Type* ;;; ;;; Annotate all the specified primitive Types with the named VOP ;;; under each of the specified kinds: ;;; ;;; :CHECK ;;; A one-argument one-result VOP that moves the argument to the ;;; result, checking that the value is of this type in the process. (defmacro primitive-type-vop (vop kinds &rest types) (let ((n-vop (gensym)) (n-type (gensym))) `(let ((,n-vop (template-or-lose ',vop))) ,@(mapcar (lambda (type) `(let ((,n-type (primitive-type-or-lose ',type))) ,@(mapcar (lambda (kind) (let ((slot (or (cdr (assoc kind *primitive-type-slot-alist*)) (error "unknown kind: ~S" kind)))) `(setf (,slot ,n-type) ,n-vop))) kinds))) types) nil))) ;;; Return true if SC is either one of PTYPE's SC's, or one of those ;;; SC's alternate or constant SCs. (defun meta-sc-allowed-by-primitive-type (sc ptype) (declare (type sc sc) (type primitive-type ptype)) (let ((scn (sc-number sc))) (dolist (allowed (primitive-type-scs ptype) nil) (when (eql allowed scn) (return t)) (let ((allowed-sc (svref *backend-meta-sc-numbers* allowed))) (when (or (member sc (sc-alternate-scs allowed-sc)) (member sc (sc-constant-scs allowed-sc))) (return t)))))) ;;;; VOP definition structures ;;;; ;;;; DEFINE-VOP uses some fairly complex data structures at ;;;; meta-compile time, both to hold the results of parsing the ;;;; elaborate syntax and to retain the information so that it can be ;;;; inherited by other VOPs. ;;; A VOP-PARSE object holds everything we need to know about a VOP at ;;; meta-compile time. (def!struct (vop-parse (:make-load-form-fun just-dump-it-normally) #-sb-xc-host (:pure t)) ;; the name of this VOP (name nil :type symbol) ;; If true, then the name of the VOP we inherit from. (inherits nil :type (or symbol null)) ;; lists of OPERAND-PARSE structures describing the arguments, ;; results and temporaries of the VOP (args nil :type list) (results nil :type list) (temps nil :type list) ;; OPERAND-PARSE structures containing information about more args ;; and results. If null, then there there are no more operands of ;; that kind (more-args nil :type (or operand-parse null)) (more-results nil :type (or operand-parse null)) ;; a list of all the above together (operands nil :type list) ;; names of variables that should be declared IGNORE (ignores () :type list) ;; true if this is a :CONDITIONAL VOP. T if a branchful VOP, ;; a list of condition descriptor otherwise. See $ARCH/pred.lisp ;; for more information. (conditional-p nil) ;; argument and result primitive types. These are pulled out of the ;; operands, since we often want to change them without respecifying ;; the operands. (arg-types :unspecified :type (or (member :unspecified) list)) (result-types :unspecified :type (or (member :unspecified) list)) ;; the guard expression specified, or NIL if none (guard nil) ;; the cost of and body code for the generator (cost 0 :type unsigned-byte) (body :unspecified :type (or (member :unspecified) list)) ;; info for VOP variants. The list of forms to be evaluated to get ;; the variant args for this VOP, and the list of variables to be ;; bound to the variant args. (variant () :type list) (variant-vars () :type list) ;; variables bound to the VOP and Vop-Node when in the generator body (vop-var '.vop. :type symbol) (node-var nil :type (or symbol null)) ;; a list of the names of the codegen-info arguments to this VOP (info-args () :type list) ;; an efficiency note associated with this VOP (note nil :type (or string null)) ;; a list of the names of the Effects and Affected attributes for ;; this VOP (effects '#1=(any) :type list) (affected '#1# :type list) ;; a list of the names of functions this VOP is a translation of and ;; the policy that allows this translation to be done. :FAST is a ;; safe default, since it isn't a safe policy. (translate () :type list) (ltn-policy :fast :type ltn-policy) ;; stuff used by life analysis (save-p nil :type (member t nil :compute-only :force-to-stack)) ;; info about how to emit MOVE-ARG VOPs for the &MORE operand in ;; call/return VOPs (move-args nil :type (member nil :local-call :full-call :known-return))) (defprinter (vop-parse) name (inherits :test inherits) args results temps (more-args :test more-args) (more-results :test more-results) (conditional-p :test conditional-p) ignores arg-types result-types cost body (variant :test variant) (variant-vars :test variant-vars) (info-args :test info-args) (note :test note) effects affected translate ltn-policy (save-p :test save-p) (move-args :test move-args)) ;;; An OPERAND-PARSE object contains stuff we need to know about an ;;; operand or temporary at meta-compile time. Besides the obvious ;;; stuff, we also store the names of per-operand temporaries here. (def!struct (operand-parse (:make-load-form-fun just-dump-it-normally) #-sb-xc-host (:pure t)) ;; name of the operand (which we bind to the TN) (name nil :type symbol) ;; the way this operand is used: (kind (missing-arg) :type (member :argument :result :temporary :more-argument :more-result)) ;; If true, the name of an operand that this operand is targeted to. ;; This is only meaningful in :ARGUMENT and :TEMPORARY operands. (target nil :type (or symbol null)) ;; TEMP is a temporary that holds the TN-REF for this operand. (temp (make-operand-parse-temp) :type symbol) ;; the time that this operand is first live and the time at which it ;; becomes dead again. These are TIME-SPECs, as returned by ;; PARSE-TIME-SPEC. born dies ;; a list of the names of the SCs that this operand is allowed into. ;; If false, there is no restriction. (scs nil :type list) ;; Variable that is bound to the load TN allocated for this operand, or to ;; NIL if no load-TN was allocated. (load-tn (make-operand-parse-load-tn) :type symbol) ;; an expression that tests whether to do automatic operand loading (load t) ;; In a wired or restricted temporary this is the SC the TN is to be ;; packed in. Null otherwise. (sc nil :type (or symbol null)) ;; If non-null, we are a temp wired to this offset in SC. (offset nil :type (or unsigned-byte null))) (defprinter (operand-parse) name kind (target :test target) born dies (scs :test scs) (load :test load) (sc :test sc) (offset :test offset)) ;;;; miscellaneous utilities ;;; Find the operand or temporary with the specifed Name in the VOP ;;; Parse. If there is no such operand, signal an error. Also error if ;;; the operand kind isn't one of the specified Kinds. If Error-P is ;;; NIL, just return NIL if there is no such operand. (defun find-operand (name parse &optional (kinds '(:argument :result :temporary)) (error-p t)) (declare (symbol name) (type vop-parse parse) (list kinds)) (let ((found (find name (vop-parse-operands parse) :key #'operand-parse-name))) (if found (unless (member (operand-parse-kind found) kinds) (error "Operand ~S isn't one of these kinds: ~S." name kinds)) (when error-p (error "~S is not an operand to ~S." name (vop-parse-name parse)))) found)) ;;; Get the VOP-PARSE structure for NAME or die trying. For all ;;; meta-compile time uses, the VOP-PARSE should be used instead of ;;; the VOP-INFO. (defun vop-parse-or-lose (name) (the vop-parse (or (gethash name *backend-parsed-vops*) (error "~S is not the name of a defined VOP." name)))) ;;; Return a list of LET-forms to parse a TN-REF list into the temps ;;; specified by the operand-parse structures. MORE-OPERAND is the ;;; OPERAND-PARSE describing any more operand, or NIL if none. REFS is ;;; an expression that evaluates into the first TN-REF. (defun access-operands (operands more-operand refs) (declare (list operands)) (collect ((res)) (let ((prev refs)) (dolist (op operands) (let ((n-ref (operand-parse-temp op))) (res `(,n-ref ,prev)) (setq prev `(tn-ref-across ,n-ref)))) (when more-operand (res `(,(operand-parse-name more-operand) ,prev)))) (res))) ;;; This is used with ACCESS-OPERANDS to prevent warnings for TN-REF ;;; temps not used by some particular function. It returns the name of ;;; the last operand, or NIL if OPERANDS is NIL. (defun ignore-unreferenced-temps (operands) (when operands (operand-parse-temp (car (last operands))))) ;;; Grab an arg out of a VOP spec, checking the type and syntax and stuff. (defun vop-spec-arg (spec type &optional (n 1) (last t)) (let ((len (length spec))) (when (<= len n) (error "~:R argument missing: ~S" n spec)) (when (and last (> len (1+ n))) (error "extra junk at end of ~S" spec)) (let ((thing (elt spec n))) (unless (typep thing type) (error "~:R argument is not a ~S: ~S" n type spec)) thing))) ;;;; time specs ;;; Return a time spec describing a time during the evaluation of a ;;; VOP, used to delimit operand and temporary lifetimes. The ;;; representation is a cons whose CAR is the number of the evaluation ;;; phase and the CDR is the sub-phase. The sub-phase is 0 in the ;;; :LOAD and :SAVE phases. (defun parse-time-spec (spec) (let ((dspec (if (atom spec) (list spec 0) spec))) (unless (and (= (length dspec) 2) (typep (second dspec) 'unsigned-byte)) (error "malformed time specifier: ~S" spec)) (cons (case (first dspec) (:load 0) (:argument 1) (:eval 2) (:result 3) (:save 4) (t (error "unknown phase in time specifier: ~S" spec))) (second dspec)))) ;;; Return true if the time spec X is the same or later time than Y. (defun time-spec-order (x y) (or (> (car x) (car y)) (and (= (car x) (car y)) (>= (cdr x) (cdr y))))) ;;;; generation of emit functions (defun compute-temporaries-description (parse) (let ((temps (vop-parse-temps parse)) (element-type '(unsigned-byte 16))) (when temps (let ((results (make-specializable-array (length temps) :element-type element-type)) (index 0)) (dolist (temp temps) (declare (type operand-parse temp)) (let ((sc (operand-parse-sc temp)) (offset (operand-parse-offset temp))) (aver sc) (setf (aref results index) (if offset (+ (ash offset (1+ sc-bits)) (ash (meta-sc-number-or-lose sc) 1) 1) (ash (meta-sc-number-or-lose sc) 1)))) (incf index)) ;; KLUDGE: The load-time MAKE-ARRAY here is an artifact of our ;; cross-compilation strategy, and the conservative ;; assumptions we are forced to make on which specialized ;; arrays exist on the host lisp that the cross-compiler is ;; running on. (We used to use COERCE here, but that caused ;; SUBTYPEP calls too early in cold-init for comfort). -- ;; CSR, 2009-10-30 `(make-array ,(length results) :element-type '(specializable ,element-type) :initial-contents ',results))))) (defun compute-ref-ordering (parse) (let* ((num-args (+ (length (vop-parse-args parse)) (if (vop-parse-more-args parse) 1 0))) (num-results (+ (length (vop-parse-results parse)) (if (vop-parse-more-results parse) 1 0))) (index 0)) (collect ((refs) (targets)) (dolist (op (vop-parse-operands parse)) (when (operand-parse-target op) (unless (member (operand-parse-kind op) '(:argument :temporary)) (error "cannot target a ~S operand: ~S" (operand-parse-kind op) (operand-parse-name op))) (let ((target (find-operand (operand-parse-target op) parse '(:temporary :result)))) ;; KLUDGE: These formulas must be consistent with those in ;; EMIT-VOP, and this is currently maintained by ;; hand. -- WHN 2002-01-30, paraphrasing APD (targets (+ (* index max-vop-tn-refs) (ecase (operand-parse-kind target) (:result (+ (position-or-lose target (vop-parse-results parse)) num-args)) (:temporary (+ (* (position-or-lose target (vop-parse-temps parse)) 2) 1 num-args num-results))))))) (let ((born (operand-parse-born op)) (dies (operand-parse-dies op))) (ecase (operand-parse-kind op) (:argument (refs (cons (cons dies nil) index))) (:more-argument (refs (cons (cons dies nil) index))) (:result (refs (cons (cons born t) index))) (:more-result (refs (cons (cons born t) index))) (:temporary (refs (cons (cons dies nil) index)) (incf index) (refs (cons (cons born t) index)))) (incf index))) (let* ((sorted (stable-sort (refs) (lambda (x y) (let ((x-time (car x)) (y-time (car y))) (if (time-spec-order x-time y-time) (if (time-spec-order y-time x-time) (and (not (cdr x)) (cdr y)) nil) t))) :key #'car)) ;; :REF-ORDERING element type ;; ;; KLUDGE: was (MOD #.MAX-VOP-TN-REFS), which is still right (oe-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) ;; :TARGETS element-type ;; ;; KLUDGE: was (MOD #.(* MAX-VOP-TN-REFS 2)), which does ;; not correspond to the definition in ;; src/compiler/vop.lisp. (te-type '(unsigned-byte 16)) (ordering (make-specializable-array (length sorted) :element-type oe-type))) (let ((index 0)) (dolist (ref sorted) (setf (aref ordering index) (cdr ref)) (incf index))) `(:num-args ,num-args :num-results ,num-results ;; KLUDGE: see the comment regarding MAKE-ARRAY in ;; COMPUTE-TEMPORARIES-DESCRIPTION. -- CSR, 2009-10-30 :ref-ordering (make-array ,(length ordering) :initial-contents ',ordering :element-type '(specializable ,oe-type)) ,@(when (targets) `(:targets (make-array ,(length (targets)) :initial-contents ',(targets) :element-type '(specializable ,te-type))))))))) (defun make-emit-function-and-friends (parse) `(:temps ,(compute-temporaries-description parse) ,@(compute-ref-ordering parse))) ;;;; generator functions ;;; Return an alist that translates from lists of SCs we can load OP ;;; from to the move function used for loading those SCs. We quietly ;;; ignore restrictions to :non-packed (constant) and :unbounded SCs, ;;; since we don't load into those SCs. (defun find-move-funs (op load-p) (collect ((funs)) (dolist (sc-name (operand-parse-scs op)) (let* ((sc (meta-sc-or-lose sc-name)) (scn (sc-number sc)) (load-scs (append (when load-p (sc-constant-scs sc)) (sc-alternate-scs sc)))) (cond (load-scs (dolist (alt load-scs) (unless (member (sc-name alt) (operand-parse-scs op) :test #'eq) (let* ((altn (sc-number alt)) (name (if load-p (svref (sc-move-funs sc) altn) (svref (sc-move-funs alt) scn))) (found (or (assoc alt (funs) :test #'member) (rassoc name (funs))))) (unless name (error "no move function defined to ~:[save~;load~] SC ~S ~ ~:[to~;from~] from SC ~S" load-p sc-name load-p (sc-name alt))) (cond (found (unless (eq (cdr found) name) (error "can't tell whether to ~:[save~;load~]~@ with ~S or ~S when operand is in SC ~S" load-p name (cdr found) (sc-name alt))) (pushnew alt (car found))) (t (funs (cons (list alt) name)))))))) ((member (sb-kind (sc-sb sc)) '(:non-packed :unbounded))) (t (error "SC ~S has no alternate~:[~; or constant~] SCs, yet it is~@ mentioned in the restriction for operand ~S" sc-name load-p (operand-parse-name op)))))) (funs))) ;;; Return a form to load/save the specified operand when it has a ;;; load TN. For any given SC that we can load from, there must be a ;;; unique load function. If all SCs we can load from have the same ;;; move function, then we just call that when there is a load TN. If ;;; there are multiple possible move functions, then we dispatch off ;;; of the operand TN's type to see which move function to use. (defun call-move-fun (parse op load-p) (let ((funs (find-move-funs op load-p)) (load-tn (operand-parse-load-tn op))) (if funs (let* ((tn `(tn-ref-tn ,(operand-parse-temp op))) (n-vop (or (vop-parse-vop-var parse) (setf (vop-parse-vop-var parse) '.vop.))) (form (if (rest funs) `(sc-case ,tn ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(,(mapcar #'sc-name (car x)) ,(if load-p `(,(cdr x) ,n-vop ,tn ,load-tn) `(,(cdr x) ,n-vop ,load-tn ,tn)))) funs)) (if load-p `(,(cdr (first funs)) ,n-vop ,tn ,load-tn) `(,(cdr (first funs)) ,n-vop ,load-tn ,tn))))) (if (eq (operand-parse-load op) t) `(when ,load-tn ,form) `(when (eq ,load-tn ,(operand-parse-name op)) ,form))) `(when ,load-tn (error "load TN allocated, but no move function?~@ VM definition is inconsistent, recompile and try again."))))) ;;; Return the TN that we should bind to the operand's var in the ;;; generator body. In general, this involves evaluating the :LOAD-IF ;;; test expression. (defun decide-to-load (parse op) (let ((load (operand-parse-load op)) (load-tn (operand-parse-load-tn op)) (temp (operand-parse-temp op))) (if (eq load t) `(or ,load-tn (tn-ref-tn ,temp)) (collect ((binds) (ignores)) (dolist (x (vop-parse-operands parse)) (when (member (operand-parse-kind x) '(:argument :result)) (let ((name (operand-parse-name x))) (binds `(,name (tn-ref-tn ,(operand-parse-temp x)))) (ignores name)))) `(if (and ,load-tn (let ,(binds) (declare (ignorable ,@(ignores))) ,load)) ,load-tn (tn-ref-tn ,temp)))))) ;;; Make a lambda that parses the VOP TN-REFS, does automatic operand ;;; loading, and runs the appropriate code generator. (defun make-generator-function (parse) (declare (type vop-parse parse)) (let ((n-vop (vop-parse-vop-var parse)) (operands (vop-parse-operands parse)) (n-info (gensym)) (n-variant (gensym))) (collect ((binds) (loads) (saves)) (dolist (op operands) (ecase (operand-parse-kind op) ((:argument :result) (let ((temp (operand-parse-temp op)) (name (operand-parse-name op))) (cond ((and (operand-parse-load op) (operand-parse-scs op)) (binds `(,(operand-parse-load-tn op) (tn-ref-load-tn ,temp))) (binds `(,name ,(decide-to-load parse op))) (if (eq (operand-parse-kind op) :argument) (loads (call-move-fun parse op t)) (saves (call-move-fun parse op nil)))) (t (binds `(,name (tn-ref-tn ,temp))))))) (:temporary (binds `(,(operand-parse-name op) (tn-ref-tn ,(operand-parse-temp op))))) ((:more-argument :more-result)))) `(lambda (,n-vop) (let* (,@(access-operands (vop-parse-args parse) (vop-parse-more-args parse) `(vop-args ,n-vop)) ,@(access-operands (vop-parse-results parse) (vop-parse-more-results parse) `(vop-results ,n-vop)) ,@(access-operands (vop-parse-temps parse) nil `(vop-temps ,n-vop)) ,@(when (vop-parse-info-args parse) `((,n-info (vop-codegen-info ,n-vop)) ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(,x (pop ,n-info))) (vop-parse-info-args parse)))) ,@(when (vop-parse-variant-vars parse) `((,n-variant (vop-info-variant (vop-info ,n-vop))) ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(,x (pop ,n-variant))) (vop-parse-variant-vars parse)))) ,@(when (vop-parse-node-var parse) `((,(vop-parse-node-var parse) (vop-node ,n-vop)))) ,@(binds)) (declare (ignore ,@(vop-parse-ignores parse))) ,@(loads) (sb!assem:assemble (*code-segment* ,n-vop) ,@(vop-parse-body parse)) ,@(saves)))))) (defvar *parse-vop-operand-count*) (defun make-operand-parse-temp () (without-package-locks (intern (format nil "OPERAND-PARSE-TEMP-~D" *parse-vop-operand-count*) (symbol-package '*parse-vop-operand-count*)))) (defun make-operand-parse-load-tn () (without-package-locks (intern (format nil "OPERAND-PARSE-LOAD-TN-~D" *parse-vop-operand-count*) (symbol-package '*parse-vop-operand-count*)))) ;;; Given a list of operand specifications as given to DEFINE-VOP, ;;; return a list of OPERAND-PARSE structures describing the fixed ;;; operands, and a single OPERAND-PARSE describing any more operand. ;;; If we are inheriting a VOP, we default attributes to the inherited ;;; operand of the same name. (defun !parse-vop-operands (parse specs kind) (declare (list specs) (type (member :argument :result) kind)) (let ((num -1) (more nil)) (collect ((operands)) (dolist (spec specs) (unless (and (consp spec) (symbolp (first spec)) (oddp (length spec))) (error "malformed operand specifier: ~S" spec)) (when more (error "The MORE operand isn't the last operand: ~S" specs)) (incf *parse-vop-operand-count*) (let* ((name (first spec)) (old (if (vop-parse-inherits parse) (find-operand name (vop-parse-or-lose (vop-parse-inherits parse)) (list kind) nil) nil)) (res (if old (make-operand-parse :name name :kind kind :target (operand-parse-target old) :born (operand-parse-born old) :dies (operand-parse-dies old) :scs (operand-parse-scs old) :load-tn (operand-parse-load-tn old) :load (operand-parse-load old)) (ecase kind (:argument (make-operand-parse :name (first spec) :kind :argument :born (parse-time-spec :load) :dies (parse-time-spec `(:argument ,(incf num))))) (:result (make-operand-parse :name (first spec) :kind :result :born (parse-time-spec `(:result ,(incf num))) :dies (parse-time-spec :save))))))) (do ((key (rest spec) (cddr key))) ((null key)) (let ((value (second key))) (case (first key) (:scs (aver (typep value 'list)) (setf (operand-parse-scs res) (remove-duplicates value))) (:load-tn (aver (typep value 'symbol)) (setf (operand-parse-load-tn res) value)) (:load-if (setf (operand-parse-load res) value)) (:more (aver (typep value 'boolean)) (setf (operand-parse-kind res) (if (eq kind :argument) :more-argument :more-result)) (setf (operand-parse-load res) nil) (setq more res)) (:target (aver (typep value 'symbol)) (setf (operand-parse-target res) value)) (:from (unless (eq kind :result) (error "can only specify :FROM in a result: ~S" spec)) (setf (operand-parse-born res) (parse-time-spec value))) (:to (unless (eq kind :argument) (error "can only specify :TO in an argument: ~S" spec)) (setf (operand-parse-dies res) (parse-time-spec value))) (t (error "unknown keyword in operand specifier: ~S" spec))))) (cond ((not more) (operands res)) ((operand-parse-target more) (error "cannot specify :TARGET in a :MORE operand")) ((operand-parse-load more) (error "cannot specify :LOAD-IF in a :MORE operand"))))) (values (the list (operands)) more)))) ;;; Parse a temporary specification, putting the OPERAND-PARSE ;;; structures in the PARSE structure. (defun parse-temporary (spec parse) (declare (list spec) (type vop-parse parse)) (let ((len (length spec))) (unless (>= len 2) (error "malformed temporary spec: ~S" spec)) (unless (listp (second spec)) (error "malformed options list: ~S" (second spec))) (unless (evenp (length (second spec))) (error "odd number of arguments in keyword options: ~S" spec)) (unless (consp (cddr spec)) (warn "temporary spec allocates no temps:~% ~S" spec)) (dolist (name (cddr spec)) (unless (symbolp name) (error "bad temporary name: ~S" name)) (incf *parse-vop-operand-count*) (let ((res (make-operand-parse :name name :kind :temporary :born (parse-time-spec :load) :dies (parse-time-spec :save)))) (do ((opt (second spec) (cddr opt))) ((null opt)) (case (first opt) (:target (setf (operand-parse-target res) (vop-spec-arg opt 'symbol 1 nil))) (:sc (setf (operand-parse-sc res) (vop-spec-arg opt 'symbol 1 nil))) (:offset (let ((offset (eval (second opt)))) (aver (typep offset 'unsigned-byte)) (setf (operand-parse-offset res) offset))) (:from (setf (operand-parse-born res) (parse-time-spec (second opt)))) (:to (setf (operand-parse-dies res) (parse-time-spec (second opt)))) ;; backward compatibility... (:scs (let ((scs (vop-spec-arg opt 'list 1 nil))) (unless (= (length scs) 1) (error "must specify exactly one SC for a temporary")) (setf (operand-parse-sc res) (first scs)))) (:type) (t (error "unknown temporary option: ~S" opt)))) (unless (and (time-spec-order (operand-parse-dies res) (operand-parse-born res)) (not (time-spec-order (operand-parse-born res) (operand-parse-dies res)))) (error "Temporary lifetime doesn't begin before it ends: ~S" spec)) (unless (operand-parse-sc res) (error "must specify :SC for all temporaries: ~S" spec)) (setf (vop-parse-temps parse) (cons res (remove name (vop-parse-temps parse) :key #'operand-parse-name)))))) (values)) (defun compute-parse-vop-operand-count (parse) (declare (type vop-parse parse)) (labels ((compute-count-aux (parse) (declare (type vop-parse parse)) (if (null (vop-parse-inherits parse)) (length (vop-parse-operands parse)) (+ (length (vop-parse-operands parse)) (compute-count-aux (vop-parse-or-lose (vop-parse-inherits parse))))))) (if (null (vop-parse-inherits parse)) 0 (compute-count-aux (vop-parse-or-lose (vop-parse-inherits parse)))))) ;;; the top level parse function: clobber PARSE to represent the ;;; specified options. (defun parse-define-vop (parse specs) (declare (type vop-parse parse) (list specs)) (let ((*parse-vop-operand-count* (compute-parse-vop-operand-count parse))) (dolist (spec specs) (unless (consp spec) (error "malformed option specification: ~S" spec)) (case (first spec) (:args (multiple-value-bind (fixed more) (!parse-vop-operands parse (rest spec) :argument) (setf (vop-parse-args parse) fixed) (setf (vop-parse-more-args parse) more))) (:results (multiple-value-bind (fixed more) (!parse-vop-operands parse (rest spec) :result) (setf (vop-parse-results parse) fixed) (setf (vop-parse-more-results parse) more)) (setf (vop-parse-conditional-p parse) nil)) (:conditional (setf (vop-parse-result-types parse) ()) (setf (vop-parse-results parse) ()) (setf (vop-parse-more-results parse) nil) (setf (vop-parse-conditional-p parse) (or (rest spec) t))) (:temporary (parse-temporary spec parse)) (:generator (setf (vop-parse-cost parse) (vop-spec-arg spec 'unsigned-byte 1 nil)) (setf (vop-parse-body parse) (cddr spec))) (:effects (setf (vop-parse-effects parse) (rest spec))) (:affected (setf (vop-parse-affected parse) (rest spec))) (:info (setf (vop-parse-info-args parse) (rest spec))) (:ignore (setf (vop-parse-ignores parse) (rest spec))) (:variant (setf (vop-parse-variant parse) (rest spec))) (:variant-vars (let ((vars (rest spec))) (setf (vop-parse-variant-vars parse) vars) (setf (vop-parse-variant parse) (make-list (length vars) :initial-element nil)))) (:variant-cost (setf (vop-parse-cost parse) (vop-spec-arg spec 'unsigned-byte))) (:vop-var (setf (vop-parse-vop-var parse) (vop-spec-arg spec 'symbol))) (:move-args (setf (vop-parse-move-args parse) (vop-spec-arg spec '(member nil :local-call :full-call :known-return)))) (:node-var (setf (vop-parse-node-var parse) (vop-spec-arg spec 'symbol))) (:note (setf (vop-parse-note parse) (vop-spec-arg spec '(or string null)))) (:arg-types (setf (vop-parse-arg-types parse) (!parse-vop-operand-types (rest spec) t))) (:result-types (setf (vop-parse-result-types parse) (!parse-vop-operand-types (rest spec) nil))) (:translate (setf (vop-parse-translate parse) (rest spec))) (:guard (setf (vop-parse-guard parse) (vop-spec-arg spec t))) ;; FIXME: :LTN-POLICY would be a better name for this. It ;; would probably be good to leave it unchanged for a while, ;; though, at least until the first port to some other ;; architecture, since the renaming would be a change to the ;; interface between (:policy (setf (vop-parse-ltn-policy parse) (vop-spec-arg spec 'ltn-policy))) (:save-p (setf (vop-parse-save-p parse) (vop-spec-arg spec '(member t nil :compute-only :force-to-stack)))) (t (error "unknown option specifier: ~S" (first spec))))) (values))) ;;;; making costs and restrictions ;;; Given an operand, returns two values: ;;; 1. A SC-vector of the cost for the operand being in that SC, ;;; including both the costs for move functions and coercion VOPs. ;;; 2. A SC-vector holding the SC that we load into, for any SC ;;; that we can directly load from. ;;; ;;; In both vectors, unused entries are NIL. LOAD-P specifies the ;;; direction: if true, we are loading, if false we are saving. (defun compute-loading-costs (op load-p) (declare (type operand-parse op)) (let ((scs (operand-parse-scs op)) (costs (make-array sc-number-limit :initial-element nil)) (load-scs (make-array sc-number-limit :initial-element nil))) (dolist (sc-name scs) (let* ((load-sc (meta-sc-or-lose sc-name)) (load-scn (sc-number load-sc))) (setf (svref costs load-scn) 0) (setf (svref load-scs load-scn) t) (dolist (op-sc (append (when load-p (sc-constant-scs load-sc)) (sc-alternate-scs load-sc))) (let* ((op-scn (sc-number op-sc)) (load (if load-p (aref (sc-load-costs load-sc) op-scn) (aref (sc-load-costs op-sc) load-scn)))) (unless load (error "no move function defined to move ~:[from~;to~] SC ~ ~S~%~:[to~;from~] alternate or constant SC ~S" load-p sc-name load-p (sc-name op-sc))) (let ((op-cost (svref costs op-scn))) (when (or (not op-cost) (< load op-cost)) (setf (svref costs op-scn) load))) (let ((op-load (svref load-scs op-scn))) (unless (eq op-load t) (pushnew load-scn (svref load-scs op-scn)))))) (dotimes (i sc-number-limit) (unless (svref costs i) (let ((op-sc (svref *backend-meta-sc-numbers* i))) (when op-sc (let ((cost (if load-p (svref (sc-move-costs load-sc) i) (svref (sc-move-costs op-sc) load-scn)))) (when cost (setf (svref costs i) cost))))))))) (values costs load-scs))) (defparameter *no-costs* (make-array sc-number-limit :initial-element 0)) (defparameter *no-loads* (make-array sc-number-limit :initial-element t)) ;;; Pick off the case of operands with no restrictions. (defun compute-loading-costs-if-any (op load-p) (declare (type operand-parse op)) (if (operand-parse-scs op) (compute-loading-costs op load-p) (values *no-costs* *no-loads*))) (defun compute-costs-and-restrictions-list (ops load-p) (declare (list ops)) (collect ((costs) (scs)) (dolist (op ops) (multiple-value-bind (costs scs) (compute-loading-costs-if-any op load-p) (costs costs) (scs scs))) (values (costs) (scs)))) (defun make-costs-and-restrictions (parse) (multiple-value-bind (arg-costs arg-scs) (compute-costs-and-restrictions-list (vop-parse-args parse) t) (multiple-value-bind (result-costs result-scs) (compute-costs-and-restrictions-list (vop-parse-results parse) nil) `( :cost ,(vop-parse-cost parse) :arg-costs ',arg-costs :arg-load-scs ',arg-scs :result-costs ',result-costs :result-load-scs ',result-scs :more-arg-costs ',(if (vop-parse-more-args parse) (compute-loading-costs-if-any (vop-parse-more-args parse) t) nil) :more-result-costs ',(if (vop-parse-more-results parse) (compute-loading-costs-if-any (vop-parse-more-results parse) nil) nil))))) ;;;; operand checking and stuff ;;; Given a list of arg/result restrictions, check for valid syntax ;;; and convert to canonical form. (defun !parse-vop-operand-types (specs args-p) (declare (list specs)) (labels ((parse-operand-type (spec) (cond ((eq spec '*) spec) ((symbolp spec) (let ((alias (gethash spec *backend-primitive-type-aliases*))) (if alias (parse-operand-type alias) `(:or ,spec)))) ((atom spec) (error "bad thing to be a operand type: ~S" spec)) (t (case (first spec) (:or (collect ((results)) (results :or) (dolist (item (cdr spec)) (unless (symbolp item) (error "bad PRIMITIVE-TYPE name in ~S: ~S" spec item)) (let ((alias (gethash item *backend-primitive-type-aliases*))) (if alias (let ((alias (parse-operand-type alias))) (unless (eq (car alias) :or) (error "can't include primitive-type ~ alias ~S in an :OR restriction: ~S" item spec)) (dolist (x (cdr alias)) (results x))) (results item)))) (remove-duplicates (results) :test #'eq :start 1))) (:constant (unless args-p (error "can't :CONSTANT for a result")) (unless (= (length spec) 2) (error "bad :CONSTANT argument type spec: ~S" spec)) spec) (t (error "bad thing to be a operand type: ~S" spec))))))) (mapcar #'parse-operand-type specs))) ;;; Check the consistency of OP's SC restrictions with the specified ;;; primitive-type restriction. :CONSTANT operands have already been ;;; filtered out, so only :OR and * restrictions are left. ;;; ;;; We check that every representation allowed by the type can be ;;; directly loaded into some SC in the restriction, and that the type ;;; allows every SC in the restriction. With *, we require that T ;;; satisfy the first test, and omit the second. (defun check-operand-type-scs (parse op type load-p) (declare (type vop-parse parse) (type operand-parse op)) (let ((ptypes (if (eq type '*) (list t) (rest type))) (scs (operand-parse-scs op))) (when scs (multiple-value-bind (costs load-scs) (compute-loading-costs op load-p) (declare (ignore costs)) (dolist (ptype ptypes) (unless (dolist (rep (primitive-type-scs (meta-primitive-type-or-lose ptype)) nil) (when (svref load-scs rep) (return t))) (error "In the ~A ~:[result~;argument~] to VOP ~S,~@ none of the SCs allowed by the operand type ~S can ~ directly be loaded~@ into any of the restriction's SCs:~% ~S~:[~;~@ [* type operand must allow T's SCs.]~]" (operand-parse-name op) load-p (vop-parse-name parse) ptype scs (eq type '*))))) (dolist (sc scs) (unless (or (eq type '*) (dolist (ptype ptypes nil) (when (meta-sc-allowed-by-primitive-type (meta-sc-or-lose sc) (meta-primitive-type-or-lose ptype)) (return t)))) (warn "~:[Result~;Argument~] ~A to VOP ~S~@ has SC restriction ~S which is ~ not allowed by the operand type:~% ~S" load-p (operand-parse-name op) (vop-parse-name parse) sc type))))) (values)) ;;; If the operand types are specified, then check the number specified ;;; against the number of defined operands. (defun check-operand-types (parse ops more-op types load-p) (declare (type vop-parse parse) (list ops) (type (or list (member :unspecified)) types) (type (or operand-parse null) more-op)) (unless (eq types :unspecified) (let ((num (+ (length ops) (if more-op 1 0)))) (unless (= (count-if-not (lambda (x) (and (consp x) (eq (car x) :constant))) types) num) (error "expected ~W ~:[result~;argument~] type~P: ~S" num load-p types num))) (when more-op (let ((mtype (car (last types)))) (when (and (consp mtype) (eq (first mtype) :constant)) (error "can't use :CONSTANT on VOP more args"))))) (when (vop-parse-translate parse) (let ((types (specify-operand-types types ops more-op))) (mapc (lambda (x y) (check-operand-type-scs parse x y load-p)) (if more-op (butlast ops) ops) (remove-if (lambda (x) (and (consp x) (eq (car x) ':constant))) (if more-op (butlast types) types))))) (values)) ;;; Compute stuff that can only be computed after we are done parsing ;;; everying. We set the VOP-PARSE-OPERANDS, and do various error checks. (defun !grovel-vop-operands (parse) (declare (type vop-parse parse)) (setf (vop-parse-operands parse) (append (vop-parse-args parse) (if (vop-parse-more-args parse) (list (vop-parse-more-args parse))) (vop-parse-results parse) (if (vop-parse-more-results parse) (list (vop-parse-more-results parse))) (vop-parse-temps parse))) (check-operand-types parse (vop-parse-args parse) (vop-parse-more-args parse) (vop-parse-arg-types parse) t) (check-operand-types parse (vop-parse-results parse) (vop-parse-more-results parse) (vop-parse-result-types parse) nil) (values)) ;;;; function translation stuff ;;; Return forms to establish this VOP as a IR2 translation template ;;; for the :TRANSLATE functions specified in the VOP-PARSE. We also ;;; set the PREDICATE attribute for each translated function when the ;;; VOP is conditional, causing IR1 conversion to ensure that a call ;;; to the translated is always used in a predicate position. (defun !set-up-fun-translation (parse n-template) (declare (type vop-parse parse)) (mapcar (lambda (name) `(let ((info (fun-info-or-lose ',name))) (setf (fun-info-templates info) (adjoin-template ,n-template (fun-info-templates info))) ,@(when (vop-parse-conditional-p parse) '((setf (fun-info-attributes info) (attributes-union (ir1-attributes predicate) (fun-info-attributes info))))))) (vop-parse-translate parse))) ;;; Return a form that can be evaluated to get the TEMPLATE operand type ;;; restriction from the given specification. (defun make-operand-type (type) (cond ((eq type '*) ''*) ((symbolp type) ``(:or ,(primitive-type-or-lose ',type))) (t (ecase (first type) (:or ``(:or ,,@(mapcar (lambda (type) `(primitive-type-or-lose ',type)) (rest type)))) (:constant ``(:constant ,#'(lambda (x) (sb!xc:typep x ',(second type))) ,',(second type))))))) (defun specify-operand-types (types ops more-ops) (if (eq types :unspecified) (make-list (+ (length ops) (if more-ops 1 0)) :initial-element '*) types)) ;;; Return a list of forms to use as &KEY args to MAKE-VOP-INFO for ;;; setting up the template argument and result types. Here we make an ;;; initial dummy TEMPLATE-TYPE, since it is awkward to compute the ;;; type until the template has been made. (defun make-vop-info-types (parse) (let* ((more-args (vop-parse-more-args parse)) (all-args (specify-operand-types (vop-parse-arg-types parse) (vop-parse-args parse) more-args)) (args (if more-args (butlast all-args) all-args)) (more-arg (when more-args (car (last all-args)))) (more-results (vop-parse-more-results parse)) (all-results (specify-operand-types (vop-parse-result-types parse) (vop-parse-results parse) more-results)) (results (if more-results (butlast all-results) all-results)) (more-result (when more-results (car (last all-results)))) (conditional (vop-parse-conditional-p parse))) `(:type (specifier-type '(function () nil)) :arg-types (list ,@(mapcar #'make-operand-type args)) :more-args-type ,(when more-args (make-operand-type more-arg)) :result-types ,(cond ((eq conditional t) :conditional) (conditional `'(:conditional . ,conditional)) (t `(list ,@(mapcar #'make-operand-type results)))) :more-results-type ,(when more-results (make-operand-type more-result))))) ;;;; setting up VOP-INFO (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *slot-inherit-alist* '((:generator-function . vop-info-generator-function)))) ;;; This is something to help with inheriting VOP-INFO slots. We ;;; return a keyword/value pair that can be passed to the constructor. ;;; SLOT is the keyword name of the slot, Parse is a form that ;;; evaluates to the VOP-PARSE structure for the VOP inherited. If ;;; PARSE is NIL, then we do nothing. If the TEST form evaluates to ;;; true, then we return a form that selects the named slot from the ;;; VOP-INFO structure corresponding to PARSE. Otherwise, we return ;;; the FORM so that the slot is recomputed. (defmacro inherit-vop-info (slot parse test form) `(if (and ,parse ,test) (list ,slot `(,',(or (cdr (assoc slot *slot-inherit-alist*)) (error "unknown slot ~S" slot)) (template-or-lose ',(vop-parse-name ,parse)))) (list ,slot ,form))) ;;; Return a form that creates a VOP-INFO structure which describes VOP. (defun set-up-vop-info (iparse parse) (declare (type vop-parse parse) (type (or vop-parse null) iparse)) (let ((same-operands (and iparse (equal (vop-parse-operands parse) (vop-parse-operands iparse)) (equal (vop-parse-info-args iparse) (vop-parse-info-args parse)))) (variant (vop-parse-variant parse))) (let ((nvars (length (vop-parse-variant-vars parse)))) (unless (= (length variant) nvars) (error "expected ~W variant values: ~S" nvars variant))) `(make-vop-info :name ',(vop-parse-name parse) ,@(make-vop-info-types parse) :guard ,(when (vop-parse-guard parse) `(lambda () ,(vop-parse-guard parse))) :note ',(vop-parse-note parse) :info-arg-count ,(length (vop-parse-info-args parse)) :ltn-policy ',(vop-parse-ltn-policy parse) :save-p ',(vop-parse-save-p parse) :move-args ',(vop-parse-move-args parse) :effects (vop-attributes ,@(vop-parse-effects parse)) :affected (vop-attributes ,@(vop-parse-affected parse)) ,@(make-costs-and-restrictions parse) ,@(make-emit-function-and-friends parse) ,@(inherit-vop-info :generator-function iparse (and same-operands (equal (vop-parse-body parse) (vop-parse-body iparse))) (unless (eq (vop-parse-body parse) :unspecified) (make-generator-function parse))) :variant (list ,@variant)))) ;;; Define the symbol NAME to be a Virtual OPeration in the compiler. ;;; If specified, INHERITS is the name of a VOP that we default ;;; unspecified information from. Each SPEC is a list beginning with a ;;; keyword indicating the interpretation of the other forms in the ;;; SPEC: ;;; ;;; :ARGS {(Name {Key Value}*)}* ;;; :RESULTS {(Name {Key Value}*)}* ;;; The Args and Results are specifications of the operand TNs passed ;;; to the VOP. If there is an inherited VOP, any unspecified options ;;; are defaulted from the inherited argument (or result) of the same ;;; name. The following operand options are defined: ;;; ;;; :SCs (SC*) ;;; :SCs specifies good SCs for this operand. Other SCs will ;;; be penalized according to move costs. A load TN will be ;;; allocated if necessary, guaranteeing that the operand is ;;; always one of the specified SCs. ;;; ;;; :LOAD-TN Load-Name ;;; Load-Name is bound to the load TN allocated for this ;;; operand, or to NIL if no load TN was allocated. ;;; ;;; :LOAD-IF EXPRESSION ;;; Controls whether automatic operand loading is done. ;;; EXPRESSION is evaluated with the fixed operand TNs bound. ;;; If EXPRESSION is true, then loading is done and the variable ;;; is bound to the load TN in the generator body. Otherwise, ;;; loading is not done, and the variable is bound to the actual ;;; operand. ;;; ;;; :MORE T-or-NIL ;;; If specified, NAME is bound to the TN-REF for the first ;;; argument or result following the fixed arguments or results. ;;; A :MORE operand must appear last, and cannot be targeted or ;;; restricted. ;;; ;;; :TARGET Operand ;;; This operand is targeted to the named operand, indicating a ;;; desire to pack in the same location. Not legal for results. ;;; ;;; :FROM Time-Spec ;;; :TO Time-Spec ;;; Specify the beginning or end of the operand's lifetime. ;;; :FROM can only be used with results, and :TO only with ;;; arguments. The default for the N'th argument/result is ;;; (:ARGUMENT N)/(:RESULT N). These options are necessary ;;; primarily when operands are read or written out of order. ;;; ;;; :CONDITIONAL [Condition-descriptor+] ;;; This is used in place of :RESULTS with conditional branch VOPs. ;;; There are no result values: the result is a transfer of control. ;;; The target label is passed as the first :INFO arg. The second ;;; :INFO arg is true if the sense of the test should be negated. ;;; A side effect is to set the PREDICATE attribute for functions ;;; in the :TRANSLATE option. ;;; ;;; If some condition descriptors are provided, this is a flag-setting ;;; VOP. Descriptors are interpreted in an architecture-dependent ;;; manner. See the BRANCH-IF VOP in $ARCH/pred.lisp. ;;; ;;; :TEMPORARY ({Key Value}*) Name* ;;; Allocate a temporary TN for each Name, binding that variable to ;;; the TN within the body of the generators. In addition to :TARGET ;;; (which is is the same as for operands), the following options are ;;; defined: ;;; ;;; :SC SC-Name ;;; :OFFSET SB-Offset ;;; Force the temporary to be allocated in the specified SC ;;; with the specified offset. Offset is evaluated at ;;; macroexpand time. If Offset is omitted, the register ;;; allocator chooses a free location in SC. If both SC and ;;; Offset are omitted, then the temporary is packed according ;;; to its primitive type. ;;; ;;; :FROM Time-Spec ;;; :TO Time-Spec ;;; Similar to the argument/result option, this specifies the ;;; start and end of the temporaries' lives. The defaults are ;;; :LOAD and :SAVE, i.e. the duration of the VOP. The other ;;; intervening phases are :ARGUMENT, :EVAL and :RESULT. ;;; Non-zero sub-phases can be specified by a list, e.g. by ;;; default the second argument's life ends at (:ARGUMENT 1). ;;; ;;; :GENERATOR Cost Form* ;;; Specifies the translation into assembly code. Cost is the ;;; estimated cost of the code emitted by this generator. The body ;;; is arbitrary Lisp code that emits the assembly language ;;; translation of the VOP. An ASSEMBLE form is wrapped around ;;; the body, so code may be emitted by using the local INST macro. ;;; During the evaluation of the body, the names of the operands ;;; and temporaries are bound to the actual TNs. ;;; ;;; :EFFECTS Effect* ;;; :AFFECTED Effect* ;;; Specifies the side effects that this VOP has and the side ;;; effects that effect its execution. If unspecified, these ;;; default to the worst case. ;;; ;;; :INFO Name* ;;; Define some magic arguments that are passed directly to the code ;;; generator. The corresponding trailing arguments to VOP or ;;; %PRIMITIVE are stored in the VOP structure. Within the body ;;; of the generators, the named variables are bound to these ;;; values. Except in the case of :CONDITIONAL VOPs, :INFO arguments ;;; cannot be specified for VOPS that are the direct translation ;;; for a function (specified by :TRANSLATE). ;;; ;;; :IGNORE Name* ;;; Causes the named variables to be declared IGNORE in the ;;; generator body. ;;; ;;; :VARIANT Thing* ;;; :VARIANT-VARS Name* ;;; These options provide a way to parameterize families of VOPs ;;; that differ only trivially. :VARIANT makes the specified ;;; evaluated Things be the "variant" associated with this VOP. ;;; :VARIANT-VARS causes the named variables to be bound to the ;;; corresponding Things within the body of the generator. ;;; ;;; :VARIANT-COST Cost ;;; Specifies the cost of this VOP, overriding the cost of any ;;; inherited generator. ;;; ;;; :NOTE {String | NIL} ;;; A short noun-like phrase describing what this VOP "does", i.e. ;;; the implementation strategy. If supplied, efficiency notes will ;;; be generated when type uncertainty prevents :TRANSLATE from ;;; working. NIL inhibits any efficiency note. ;;; ;;; :ARG-TYPES {* | PType | (:OR PType*) | (:CONSTANT Type)}* ;;; :RESULT-TYPES {* | PType | (:OR PType*)}* ;;; Specify the template type restrictions used for automatic ;;; translation. If there is a :MORE operand, the last type is the ;;; more type. :CONSTANT specifies that the argument must be a ;;; compile-time constant of the specified Lisp type. The constant ;;; values of :CONSTANT arguments are passed as additional :INFO ;;; arguments rather than as :ARGS. ;;; ;;; :TRANSLATE Name* ;;; This option causes the VOP template to be entered as an IR2 ;;; translation for the named functions. ;;; ;;; :POLICY {:SMALL | :FAST | :SAFE | :FAST-SAFE} ;;; Specifies the policy under which this VOP is the best translation. ;;; ;;; :GUARD Form ;;; Specifies a Form that is evaluated in the global environment. ;;; If form returns NIL, then emission of this VOP is prohibited ;;; even when all other restrictions are met. ;;; ;;; :VOP-VAR Name ;;; :NODE-VAR Name ;;; In the generator, bind the specified variable to the VOP or ;;; the Node that generated this VOP. ;;; ;;; :SAVE-P {NIL | T | :COMPUTE-ONLY | :FORCE-TO-STACK} ;;; Indicates how a VOP wants live registers saved. ;;; ;;; :MOVE-ARGS {NIL | :FULL-CALL | :LOCAL-CALL | :KNOWN-RETURN} ;;; Indicates if and how the more args should be moved into a ;;; different frame. (def!macro define-vop ((name &optional inherits) &body specs) (declare (type symbol name)) ;; Parse the syntax into a VOP-PARSE structure, and then expand into ;; code that creates the appropriate VOP-INFO structure at load time. ;; We implement inheritance by copying the VOP-PARSE structure for ;; the inherited structure. (let* ((inherited-parse (when inherits (vop-parse-or-lose inherits))) (parse (if inherits (copy-vop-parse inherited-parse) (make-vop-parse))) (n-res (gensym))) (setf (vop-parse-name parse) name) (setf (vop-parse-inherits parse) inherits) (parse-define-vop parse specs) (!grovel-vop-operands parse) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (setf (gethash ',name *backend-parsed-vops*) ',parse)) (let ((,n-res ,(set-up-vop-info inherited-parse parse))) (setf (gethash ',name *backend-template-names*) ,n-res) (setf (template-type ,n-res) (specifier-type (template-type-specifier ,n-res))) ,@(!set-up-fun-translation parse n-res)) ',name))) ;;;; emission macros ;;; Return code to make a list of VOP arguments or results, linked by ;;; TN-REF-ACROSS. The first value is code, the second value is LET* ;;; forms, and the third value is a variable that evaluates to the ;;; head of the list, or NIL if there are no operands. Fixed is a list ;;; of forms that evaluate to TNs for the fixed operands. TN-REFS will ;;; be made for these operands according using the specified value of ;;; WRITE-P. More is an expression that evaluates to a list of TN-REFS ;;; that will be made the tail of the list. If it is constant NIL, ;;; then we don't bother to set the tail. (defun make-operand-list (fixed more write-p) (collect ((forms) (binds)) (let ((n-head nil) (n-prev nil)) (dolist (op fixed) (let ((n-ref (gensym))) (binds `(,n-ref (reference-tn ,op ,write-p))) (if n-prev (forms `(setf (tn-ref-across ,n-prev) ,n-ref)) (setq n-head n-ref)) (setq n-prev n-ref))) (when more (let ((n-more (gensym))) (binds `(,n-more ,more)) (if n-prev (forms `(setf (tn-ref-across ,n-prev) ,n-more)) (setq n-head n-more)))) (values (forms) (binds) n-head)))) ;;; Emit-Template Node Block Template Args Results [Info] ;;; ;;; Call the emit function for TEMPLATE, linking the result in at the ;;; end of BLOCK. (defmacro emit-template (node block template args results &optional info) (with-unique-names (first last) (once-only ((n-node node) (n-block block) (n-template template)) `(multiple-value-bind (,first ,last) (emit-vop ,n-node ,n-block ,n-template ,args ,results ,@(when info `(,info))) (insert-vop-sequence ,first ,last ,n-block nil))))) ;;; VOP Name Node Block Arg* Info* Result* ;;; ;;; Emit the VOP (or other template) NAME at the end of the IR2-BLOCK ;;; BLOCK, using NODE for the source context. The interpretation of ;;; the remaining arguments depends on the number of operands of ;;; various kinds that are declared in the template definition. VOP ;;; cannot be used for templates that have more-args or more-results, ;;; since the number of arguments and results is indeterminate for ;;; these templates. Use VOP* instead. ;;; ;;; ARGS and RESULTS are the TNs that are to be referenced by the ;;; template as arguments and results. If the template has ;;; codegen-info arguments, then the appropriate number of INFO forms ;;; following the arguments are used for codegen info. (defmacro vop (name node block &rest operands) (let* ((parse (vop-parse-or-lose name)) (arg-count (length (vop-parse-args parse))) (result-count (length (vop-parse-results parse))) (info-count (length (vop-parse-info-args parse))) (noperands (+ arg-count result-count info-count)) (n-node (gensym)) (n-block (gensym)) (n-template (gensym))) (when (or (vop-parse-more-args parse) (vop-parse-more-results parse)) (error "cannot use VOP with variable operand count templates")) (unless (= noperands (length operands)) (error "called with ~W operands, but was expecting ~W" (length operands) noperands)) (multiple-value-bind (acode abinds n-args) (make-operand-list (subseq operands 0 arg-count) nil nil) (multiple-value-bind (rcode rbinds n-results) (make-operand-list (subseq operands (+ arg-count info-count)) nil t) (collect ((ibinds) (ivars)) (dolist (info (subseq operands arg-count (+ arg-count info-count))) (let ((temp (gensym))) (ibinds `(,temp ,info)) (ivars temp))) `(let* ((,n-node ,node) (,n-block ,block) (,n-template (template-or-lose ',name)) ,@abinds ,@(ibinds) ,@rbinds) ,@acode ,@rcode (emit-template ,n-node ,n-block ,n-template ,n-args ,n-results ,@(when (ivars) `((list ,@(ivars))))) (values))))))) ;;; VOP* Name Node Block (Arg* More-Args) (Result* More-Results) Info* ;;; ;;; This is like VOP, but allows for emission of templates with ;;; arbitrary numbers of arguments, and for emission of templates ;;; using already-created TN-REF lists. ;;; ;;; The ARGS and RESULTS are TNs to be referenced as the first ;;; arguments and results to the template. More-Args and More-Results ;;; are heads of TN-REF lists that are added onto the end of the ;;; TN-REFS for the explicitly supplied operand TNs. The TN-REFS for ;;; the more operands must have the TN and WRITE-P slots correctly ;;; initialized. ;;; ;;; As with VOP, the INFO forms are evaluated and passed as codegen ;;; info arguments. (defmacro vop* (name node block args results &rest info) (declare (type cons args results)) (let* ((parse (vop-parse-or-lose name)) (arg-count (length (vop-parse-args parse))) (result-count (length (vop-parse-results parse))) (info-count (length (vop-parse-info-args parse))) (fixed-args (butlast args)) (fixed-results (butlast results)) (n-node (gensym)) (n-block (gensym)) (n-template (gensym))) (unless (or (vop-parse-more-args parse) (<= (length fixed-args) arg-count)) (error "too many fixed arguments")) (unless (or (vop-parse-more-results parse) (<= (length fixed-results) result-count)) (error "too many fixed results")) (unless (= (length info) info-count) (error "expected ~W info args" info-count)) (multiple-value-bind (acode abinds n-args) (make-operand-list fixed-args (car (last args)) nil) (multiple-value-bind (rcode rbinds n-results) (make-operand-list fixed-results (car (last results)) t) `(let* ((,n-node ,node) (,n-block ,block) (,n-template (template-or-lose ',name)) ,@abinds ,@rbinds) ,@acode ,@rcode (emit-template ,n-node ,n-block ,n-template ,n-args ,n-results ,@(when info `((list ,@info)))) (values)))))) ;;;; miscellaneous macros ;;; SC-Case TN {({(SC-Name*) | SC-Name | T} Form*)}* ;;; ;;; Case off of TN's SC. The first clause containing TN's SC is ;;; evaluated, returning the values of the last form. A clause ;;; beginning with T specifies a default. If it appears, it must be ;;; last. If no default is specified, and no clause matches, then an ;;; error is signalled. (def!macro sc-case (tn &body forms) (let ((n-sc (gensym)) (n-tn (gensym))) (collect ((clauses)) (do ((cases forms (rest cases))) ((null cases) (clauses `(t (error "unknown SC to SC-CASE for ~S:~% ~S" ,n-tn (sc-name (tn-sc ,n-tn)))))) (let ((case (first cases))) (when (atom case) (error "illegal SC-CASE clause: ~S" case)) (let ((head (first case))) (when (eq head t) (when (rest cases) (error "T case is not last in SC-CASE.")) (clauses `(t nil ,@(rest case))) (return)) (clauses `((or ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(eql ,(meta-sc-number-or-lose x) ,n-sc)) (if (atom head) (list head) head))) nil ,@(rest case)))))) `(let* ((,n-tn ,tn) (,n-sc (sc-number (tn-sc ,n-tn)))) (cond ,@(clauses)))))) ;;; Return true if TNs SC is any of the named SCs, false otherwise. (defmacro sc-is (tn &rest scs) (once-only ((n-sc `(sc-number (tn-sc ,tn)))) `(or ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(eql ,n-sc ,(meta-sc-number-or-lose x))) scs)))) ;;; Iterate over the IR2 blocks in component, in emission order. (defmacro do-ir2-blocks ((block-var component &optional result) &body forms) `(do ((,block-var (block-info (component-head ,component)) (ir2-block-next ,block-var))) ((null ,block-var) ,result) ,@forms)) ;;; Iterate over all the TNs live at some point, with the live set ;;; represented by a local conflicts bit-vector and the IR2-BLOCK ;;; containing the location. (defmacro do-live-tns ((tn-var live block &optional result) &body body) (with-unique-names (conf bod i ltns) (once-only ((n-live live) (n-block block)) `(block nil (flet ((,bod (,tn-var) ,@body)) ;; Do component-live TNs. (dolist (,tn-var (ir2-component-component-tns (component-info (block-component (ir2-block-block ,n-block))))) (,bod ,tn-var)) (let ((,ltns (ir2-block-local-tns ,n-block))) ;; Do TNs always-live in this block and live :MORE TNs. (do ((,conf (ir2-block-global-tns ,n-block) (global-conflicts-next-blockwise ,conf))) ((null ,conf)) (when (or (eq (global-conflicts-kind ,conf) :live) (let ((,i (global-conflicts-number ,conf))) (and (eq (svref ,ltns ,i) :more) (not (zerop (sbit ,n-live ,i)))))) (,bod (global-conflicts-tn ,conf)))) ;; Do TNs locally live in the designated live set. (dotimes (,i (ir2-block-local-tn-count ,n-block) ,result) (unless (zerop (sbit ,n-live ,i)) (let ((,tn-var (svref ,ltns ,i))) (when (and ,tn-var (not (eq ,tn-var :more))) (,bod ,tn-var))))))))))) ;;; Iterate over all the IR2 blocks in PHYSENV, in emit order. (defmacro do-physenv-ir2-blocks ((block-var physenv &optional result) &body body) (once-only ((n-physenv physenv)) (once-only ((n-first `(lambda-block (physenv-lambda ,n-physenv)))) (once-only ((n-tail `(block-info (component-tail (block-component ,n-first))))) `(do ((,block-var (block-info ,n-first) (ir2-block-next ,block-var))) ((or (eq ,block-var ,n-tail) (not (eq (ir2-block-physenv ,block-var) ,n-physenv))) ,result) ,@body)))))