;;;; the VM definition arithmetic VOPs for MIPS ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;;;; Unary operations. (define-vop (fixnum-unop) (:args (x :scs (any-reg))) (:results (res :scs (any-reg))) (:note "inline fixnum arithmetic") (:arg-types tagged-num) (:result-types tagged-num) (:policy :fast-safe)) (define-vop (signed-unop) (:args (x :scs (signed-reg))) (:results (res :scs (signed-reg))) (:note "inline (signed-byte 32) arithmetic") (:arg-types signed-num) (:result-types signed-num) (:policy :fast-safe)) (define-vop (fast-negate/fixnum fixnum-unop) (:translate %negate) (:generator 1 (inst subu res zero-tn x))) (define-vop (fast-negate/signed signed-unop) (:translate %negate) (:generator 2 (inst subu res zero-tn x))) (define-vop (fast-lognot/fixnum fixnum-unop) (:temporary (:scs (any-reg) :type fixnum :to (:result 0)) temp) (:translate lognot) (:generator 2 (inst li temp (fixnumize -1)) (inst xor res x temp))) (define-vop (fast-lognot/signed signed-unop) (:translate lognot) (:generator 1 (inst nor res x zero-tn))) ;;;; Binary fixnum operations. ;;; Assume that any constant operand is the second arg... (define-vop (fast-fixnum-binop) (:args (x :target r :scs (any-reg)) (y :target r :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types tagged-num tagged-num) (:results (r :scs (any-reg))) (:result-types tagged-num) (:note "inline fixnum arithmetic") (:effects) (:affected) (:policy :fast-safe)) (define-vop (fast-unsigned-binop) (:args (x :target r :scs (unsigned-reg)) (y :target r :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:results (r :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:note "inline (unsigned-byte 32) arithmetic") (:effects) (:affected) (:policy :fast-safe)) (define-vop (fast-signed-binop) (:args (x :target r :scs (signed-reg)) (y :target r :scs (signed-reg))) (:arg-types signed-num signed-num) (:results (r :scs (signed-reg))) (:result-types signed-num) (:note "inline (signed-byte 32) arithmetic") (:effects) (:affected) (:policy :fast-safe)) (define-vop (fast-fixnum-c-binop fast-fixnum-binop) (:args (x :target r :scs (any-reg))) (:info y) (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant integer))) (define-vop (fast-signed-c-binop fast-signed-binop) (:args (x :target r :scs (signed-reg))) (:info y) (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant integer))) (define-vop (fast-unsigned-c-binop fast-unsigned-binop) (:args (x :target r :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:info y) (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant integer))) (defmacro define-binop (translate cost untagged-cost op tagged-type untagged-type) `(progn (define-vop (,(symbolicate "FAST-" translate "/FIXNUM=>FIXNUM") fast-fixnum-binop) (:args (x :target r :scs (any-reg)) (y :target r :scs (any-reg))) (:translate ,translate) (:generator ,(1+ cost) (inst ,op r x y))) (define-vop (,(symbolicate "FAST-" translate "/SIGNED=>SIGNED") fast-signed-binop) (:args (x :target r :scs (signed-reg)) (y :target r :scs (signed-reg))) (:translate ,translate) (:generator ,(1+ untagged-cost) (inst ,op r x y))) (define-vop (,(symbolicate "FAST-" translate "/UNSIGNED=>UNSIGNED") fast-unsigned-binop) (:args (x :target r :scs (unsigned-reg)) (y :target r :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:translate ,translate) (:generator ,(1+ untagged-cost) (inst ,op r x y))) ,@(when tagged-type `((define-vop (,(symbolicate "FAST-" translate "-C/FIXNUM=>FIXNUM") fast-fixnum-c-binop) (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant ,tagged-type)) (:translate ,translate) (:generator ,cost (inst ,op r x (fixnumize y)))))) ,@(when untagged-type `((define-vop (,(symbolicate "FAST-" translate "-C/SIGNED=>SIGNED") fast-signed-c-binop) (:arg-types signed-num (:constant ,untagged-type)) (:translate ,translate) (:generator ,untagged-cost (inst ,op r x y))) (define-vop (,(symbolicate "FAST-" translate "-C/UNSIGNED=>UNSIGNED") fast-unsigned-c-binop) (:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant ,untagged-type)) (:translate ,translate) (:generator ,untagged-cost (inst ,op r x y))))))) (define-binop + 1 5 addu (signed-byte 14) (signed-byte 16)) (define-binop - 1 5 subu (integer #.(- (1- (ash 1 14))) #.(ash 1 14)) (integer #.(- (1- (ash 1 16))) #.(ash 1 16))) (define-binop logior 1 3 or (unsigned-byte 14) (unsigned-byte 16)) (define-binop logand 1 3 and (unsigned-byte 14) (unsigned-byte 16)) (define-binop logxor 1 3 xor (unsigned-byte 14) (unsigned-byte 16)) ;;; No -C/ VOPs for LOGNOR because the NOR instruction doesn't take ;;; immediate args. -- CSR, 2003-09-11 (define-vop (fast-lognor/fixnum=>fixnum fast-fixnum-binop) (:translate lognor) (:args (x :target r :scs (any-reg)) (y :target r :scs (any-reg))) (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg) temp) (:generator 4 (inst nor temp x y) (inst addu r temp (- fixnum-tag-mask)))) (define-vop (fast-lognor/signed=>signed fast-signed-binop) (:translate lognor) (:args (x :target r :scs (signed-reg)) (y :target r :scs (signed-reg))) (:generator 4 (inst nor r x y))) (define-vop (fast-lognor/unsigned=>unsigned fast-unsigned-binop) (:translate lognor) (:args (x :target r :scs (unsigned-reg)) (y :target r :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:generator 4 (inst nor r x y))) ;;; Special case fixnum + and - that trap on overflow. Useful when we don't ;;; know that the result is going to be a fixnum. #+nil (progn (define-vop (fast-+/fixnum fast-+/fixnum=>fixnum) (:results (r :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:result-types (:or signed-num unsigned-num)) (:note nil) (:generator 4 (inst add r x y))) (define-vop (fast-+-c/fixnum fast-+-c/fixnum=>fixnum) (:results (r :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:result-types (:or signed-num unsigned-num)) (:note nil) (:generator 3 (inst add r x (fixnumize y)))) (define-vop (fast--/fixnum fast--/fixnum=>fixnum) (:results (r :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:result-types (:or signed-num unsigned-num)) (:note nil) (:generator 4 (inst sub r x y))) (define-vop (fast---c/fixnum fast---c/fixnum=>fixnum) (:results (r :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:result-types (:or signed-num unsigned-num)) (:note nil) (:generator 3 (inst sub r x (fixnumize y)))) ) ; bogus trap-to-c-land +/- ;;; Shifting (define-vop (fast-ash/unsigned=>unsigned) (:note "inline ASH") (:args (number :scs (unsigned-reg) :to :save) (amount :scs (signed-reg) :to :save)) (:arg-types unsigned-num signed-num) (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:translate ash) (:policy :fast-safe) (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg) ndesc) (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg :to :eval) temp) (:generator 3 (inst bgez amount positive) (inst subu ndesc zero-tn amount) (inst slt temp ndesc 32) (inst bne temp zero-tn done) (inst srl result number ndesc) (inst b done) (inst move result zero-tn) POSITIVE ;; The result-type assures us that this shift will not overflow. (inst sll result number amount) DONE)) (define-vop (fast-ash/signed=>signed) (:note "inline ASH") (:args (number :scs (signed-reg) :to :save) (amount :scs (signed-reg))) (:arg-types signed-num signed-num) (:results (result :scs (signed-reg))) (:result-types signed-num) (:translate ash) (:policy :fast-safe) (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg) ndesc) (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg :to :eval) temp) (:generator 3 (inst bgez amount positive) (inst subu ndesc zero-tn amount) (inst slt temp ndesc 31) (inst bne temp zero-tn done) (inst sra result number ndesc) (inst b done) (inst sra result number 31) POSITIVE ;; The result-type assures us that this shift will not overflow. (inst sll result number amount) DONE)) (define-vop (fast-ash-c/unsigned=>unsigned) (:policy :fast-safe) (:translate ash) (:note "inline ASH") (:args (number :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:info count) (:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant integer)) (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:generator 1 (cond ((< count -31) (move result zero-tn)) ((< count 0) (inst srl result number (min (- count) 31))) ((> count 0) (inst sll result number (min count 31))) (t (bug "identity ASH not transformed away"))))) (define-vop (fast-ash-c/signed=>signed) (:policy :fast-safe) (:translate ash) (:note "inline ASH") (:args (number :scs (signed-reg))) (:info count) (:arg-types signed-num (:constant integer)) (:results (result :scs (signed-reg))) (:result-types signed-num) (:generator 1 (cond ((< count 0) (inst sra result number (min (- count) 31))) ((> count 0) (inst sll result number (min count 31))) (t (bug "identity ASH not transformed away"))))) (macrolet ((def (name sc-type type result-type cost) `(define-vop (,name) (:note "inline ASH") (:translate ash) (:args (number :scs (,sc-type)) (amount :scs (signed-reg unsigned-reg immediate))) (:arg-types ,type positive-fixnum) (:results (result :scs (,result-type))) (:result-types ,type) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator ,cost (sc-case amount ((signed-reg unsigned-reg) (inst sll result number amount)) (immediate (let ((amount (tn-value amount))) (aver (> amount 0)) (inst sll result number amount)))))))) (def fast-ash-left/fixnum=>fixnum any-reg tagged-num any-reg 2) (def fast-ash-left/signed=>signed signed-reg signed-num signed-reg 3) (def fast-ash-left/unsigned=>unsigned unsigned-reg unsigned-num unsigned-reg 3)) (define-vop (signed-byte-32-len) (:translate integer-length) (:note "inline (signed-byte 32) integer-length") (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (arg :scs (signed-reg) :target shift)) (:arg-types signed-num) (:results (res :scs (any-reg))) (:result-types positive-fixnum) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg) :from (:argument 0)) shift) (:generator 30 (let ((loop (gen-label)) (test (gen-label))) (move shift arg) (inst bgez shift test) (move res zero-tn) (inst b test) (inst nor shift shift) (emit-label loop) (inst add res (fixnumize 1)) (emit-label test) (inst bne shift loop) (inst srl shift 1)))) (define-vop (unsigned-byte-32-count) (:translate logcount) (:note "inline (unsigned-byte 32) logcount") (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (arg :scs (unsigned-reg) :target num)) (:arg-types unsigned-num) (:results (res :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types positive-fixnum) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg) :from (:argument 0) :to (:result 0) :target res) num) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) mask temp) (:generator 30 (inst li mask #x55555555) (inst srl temp arg 1) (inst and num arg mask) (inst and temp mask) (inst addu num temp) (inst li mask #x33333333) (inst srl temp num 2) (inst and num mask) (inst and temp mask) (inst addu num temp) (inst li mask #x0f0f0f0f) (inst srl temp num 4) (inst and num mask) (inst and temp mask) (inst addu num temp) (inst li mask #x00ff00ff) (inst srl temp num 8) (inst and num mask) (inst and temp mask) (inst addu num temp) (inst li mask #x0000ffff) (inst srl temp num 16) (inst and num mask) (inst and temp mask) (inst addu res num temp))) ;;; Multiply and Divide. (define-vop (fast-*/fixnum=>fixnum fast-fixnum-binop) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:translate *) (:generator 4 (inst sra temp y 2) (inst mult x temp) (inst mflo r))) (define-vop (fast-*/signed=>signed fast-signed-binop) (:translate *) (:generator 3 (inst mult x y) (inst mflo r))) (define-vop (fast-*/unsigned=>unsigned fast-unsigned-binop) (:translate *) (:generator 3 (inst multu x y) (inst mflo r))) (define-vop (fast-truncate/fixnum fast-fixnum-binop) (:translate truncate) (:results (q :scs (any-reg)) (r :scs (any-reg))) (:result-types tagged-num tagged-num) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg) :to :eval) temp) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 11 (let ((zero (generate-error-code vop division-by-zero-error x y))) (inst beq y zero-tn zero)) (inst nop) (inst div x y) (inst mflo temp) (inst sll q temp 2) (inst mfhi r))) (define-vop (fast-truncate/unsigned fast-unsigned-binop) (:translate truncate) (:results (q :scs (unsigned-reg)) (r :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 12 (let ((zero (generate-error-code vop division-by-zero-error x y))) (inst beq y zero-tn zero)) (inst nop) (inst divu x y) (inst mflo q) (inst mfhi r))) (define-vop (fast-truncate/signed fast-signed-binop) (:translate truncate) (:results (q :scs (signed-reg)) (r :scs (signed-reg))) (:result-types signed-num signed-num) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 12 (let ((zero (generate-error-code vop division-by-zero-error x y))) (inst beq y zero-tn zero)) (inst nop) (inst div x y) (inst mflo q) (inst mfhi r))) ;;;; Binary conditional VOPs: (define-vop (fast-conditional) (:conditional) (:info target not-p) (:effects) (:affected) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:policy :fast-safe)) (define-vop (fast-conditional/fixnum fast-conditional) (:args (x :scs (any-reg)) (y :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types tagged-num tagged-num) (:note "inline fixnum comparison")) (define-vop (fast-conditional-c/fixnum fast-conditional/fixnum) (:args (x :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (signed-byte-with-a-bite-out 14 4))) (:info target not-p y)) (define-vop (fast-conditional/signed fast-conditional) (:args (x :scs (signed-reg)) (y :scs (signed-reg))) (:arg-types signed-num signed-num) (:note "inline (signed-byte 32) comparison")) (define-vop (fast-conditional-c/signed fast-conditional/signed) (:args (x :scs (signed-reg))) (:arg-types signed-num (:constant (signed-byte-with-a-bite-out 16 1))) (:info target not-p y)) (define-vop (fast-conditional/unsigned fast-conditional) (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg)) (y :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:note "inline (unsigned-byte 32) comparison")) (define-vop (fast-conditional-c/unsigned fast-conditional/unsigned) (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant (and (signed-byte-with-a-bite-out 16 1) unsigned-byte))) (:info target not-p y)) (defmacro define-conditional-vop (translate &rest generator) `(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (suffix cost signed) (unless (and (member suffix '(/fixnum -c/fixnum)) (eq translate 'eql)) `(define-vop (,(intern (format nil "~:@(FAST-IF-~A~A~)" translate suffix)) ,(intern (format nil "~:@(FAST-CONDITIONAL~A~)" suffix))) (:translate ,translate) (:generator ,cost (let* ((signed ,signed) (-c/fixnum ,(eq suffix '-c/fixnum)) (y (if -c/fixnum (fixnumize y) y))) (declare (ignorable signed -c/fixnum y)) ,@generator))))) '(/fixnum -c/fixnum /signed -c/signed /unsigned -c/unsigned) '(3 2 5 4 5 4) '(t t t t nil nil)))) (define-conditional-vop < (cond ((and signed (eql y 0)) (if not-p (inst bgez x target) (inst bltz x target))) (t (if signed (inst slt temp x y) (inst sltu temp x y)) (if not-p (inst beq temp zero-tn target) (inst bne temp zero-tn target)))) (inst nop)) (define-conditional-vop > (cond ((and signed (eql y 0)) (if not-p (inst blez x target) (inst bgtz x target))) ((integerp y) (let ((y (+ y (if -c/fixnum (fixnumize 1) 1)))) (if signed (inst slt temp x y) (inst sltu temp x y)) (if not-p (inst bne temp zero-tn target) (inst beq temp zero-tn target)))) (t (if signed (inst slt temp y x) (inst sltu temp y x)) (if not-p (inst beq temp zero-tn target) (inst bne temp zero-tn target)))) (inst nop)) ;;; EQL/FIXNUM is funny because the first arg can be of any type, not just a ;;; known fixnum. (define-conditional-vop eql (declare (ignore signed)) (when (integerp y) (inst li temp y) (setf y temp)) (if not-p (inst bne x y target) (inst beq x y target)) (inst nop)) ;;; These versions specify a fixnum restriction on their first arg. We have ;;; also generic-eql/fixnum VOPs which are the same, but have no restriction on ;;; the first arg and a higher cost. The reason for doing this is to prevent ;;; fixnum specific operations from being used on word integers, spuriously ;;; consing the argument. ;;; (define-vop (fast-eql/fixnum fast-conditional) (:args (x :scs (any-reg)) (y :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types tagged-num tagged-num) (:note "inline fixnum comparison") (:translate eql) (:ignore temp) (:generator 3 (if not-p (inst bne x y target) (inst beq x y target)) (inst nop))) ;;; (define-vop (generic-eql/fixnum fast-eql/fixnum) (:args (x :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg)) (y :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types * tagged-num) (:variant-cost 7)) (define-vop (fast-eql-c/fixnum fast-conditional/fixnum) (:args (x :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (signed-byte 14))) (:info target not-p y) (:translate eql) (:generator 2 (let ((y (cond ((eql y 0) zero-tn) (t (inst li temp (fixnumize y)) temp)))) (if not-p (inst bne x y target) (inst beq x y target)) (inst nop)))) ;;; (define-vop (generic-eql-c/fixnum fast-eql-c/fixnum) (:args (x :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:arg-types * (:constant (signed-byte 14))) (:variant-cost 6)) ;;;; 32-bit logical operations (define-vop (merge-bits) (:translate merge-bits) (:args (shift :scs (signed-reg unsigned-reg)) (prev :scs (unsigned-reg)) (next :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:arg-types tagged-num unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:temporary (:scs (unsigned-reg) :to (:result 0)) temp) (:temporary (:scs (unsigned-reg) :to (:result 0) :target result) res) (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 4 (let ((done (gen-label))) (inst beq shift done) (inst srl res next shift) (inst subu temp zero-tn shift) (inst sll temp prev temp) (inst or res res temp) (emit-label done) (move result res)))) (define-vop (shift-towards-someplace) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (num :scs (unsigned-reg)) (amount :scs (signed-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num tagged-num) (:results (r :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num)) (define-vop (shift-towards-start shift-towards-someplace) (:translate shift-towards-start) (:note "SHIFT-TOWARDS-START") (:generator 1 (ecase *backend-byte-order* (:big-endian (inst sll r num amount)) (:little-endian (inst srl r num amount))))) (define-vop (shift-towards-end shift-towards-someplace) (:translate shift-towards-end) (:note "SHIFT-TOWARDS-END") (:generator 1 (ecase *backend-byte-order* (:big-endian (inst srl r num amount)) (:little-endian (inst sll r num amount))))) ;;;; Modular arithmetic (define-modular-fun +-mod32 (x y) + :unsigned 32) (define-vop (fast-+-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned fast-+/unsigned=>unsigned) (:translate +-mod32)) (define-vop (fast-+-mod32-c/unsigned=>unsigned fast-+-c/unsigned=>unsigned) (:translate +-mod32)) (define-modular-fun --mod32 (x y) - :unsigned 32) (define-vop (fast---mod32/unsigned=>unsigned fast--/unsigned=>unsigned) (:translate --mod32)) (define-vop (fast---mod32-c/unsigned=>unsigned fast---c/unsigned=>unsigned) (:translate --mod32)) (define-vop (fast-ash-left-mod32-c/unsigned=>unsigned fast-ash-c/unsigned=>unsigned) (:translate ash-left-mod32)) (define-vop (fast-ash-left-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned fast-ash-left/unsigned=>unsigned)) (deftransform ash-left-mod32 ((integer count) ((unsigned-byte 32) (unsigned-byte 5))) (when (sb!c::constant-lvar-p count) (sb!c::give-up-ir1-transform)) '(%primitive fast-ash-left-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned integer count)) ;;; logical operations (define-modular-fun lognot-mod32 (x) lognot :unsigned 32) (define-vop (lognot-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned) (:translate lognot-mod32) (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num) (:results (r :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 1 (inst nor r x zero-tn))) (define-modular-fun logxor-mod32 (x y) logxor :unsigned 32) (define-vop (fast-logxor-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned fast-logxor/unsigned=>unsigned) (:translate logxor-mod32)) (define-vop (fast-logxor-mod32-c/unsigned=>unsigned fast-logxor-c/unsigned=>unsigned) (:translate logxor-mod32)) (define-modular-fun lognor-mod32 (x y) lognor :unsigned 32) (define-vop (fast-lognor-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned fast-lognor/unsigned=>unsigned) (:translate lognor-mod32)) (define-source-transform logeqv (&rest args) (if (oddp (length args)) `(logxor ,@args) `(lognot (logxor ,@args)))) (define-source-transform logandc1 (x y) `(logand (lognot ,x) ,y)) (define-source-transform logandc2 (x y) `(logand ,x (lognot ,y))) (define-source-transform logorc1 (x y) `(logior (lognot ,x) ,y)) (define-source-transform logorc2 (x y) `(logior ,x (lognot ,y))) (define-source-transform lognand (x y) `(lognot (logand ,x ,y))) ;;;; Bignum stuff. (define-vop (bignum-length get-header-data) (:translate sb!bignum:%bignum-length) (:policy :fast-safe)) (define-vop (bignum-set-length set-header-data) (:translate sb!bignum:%bignum-set-length) (:policy :fast-safe)) (define-full-reffer bignum-ref * bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag (unsigned-reg) unsigned-num sb!bignum:%bignum-ref) (define-full-setter bignum-set * bignum-digits-offset other-pointer-lowtag (unsigned-reg) unsigned-num sb!bignum:%bignum-set) (define-vop (digit-0-or-plus) (:translate sb!bignum:%digit-0-or-plusp) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (digit :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num) (:conditional) (:info target not-p) (:generator 2 (if not-p (inst bltz digit target) (inst bgez digit target)) (inst nop))) (define-vop (add-w/carry) (:translate sb!bignum:%add-with-carry) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (a :scs (unsigned-reg)) (b :scs (unsigned-reg)) (c :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num positive-fixnum) (:temporary (:scs (unsigned-reg) :to (:result 0) :target result) res) (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg)) (carry :scs (unsigned-reg) :from :eval)) (:result-types unsigned-num positive-fixnum) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:generator 5 (let ((carry-in (gen-label)) (done (gen-label))) (inst bne c carry-in) (inst addu res a b) (inst b done) (inst sltu carry res b) (emit-label carry-in) (inst addu res 1) (inst nor temp a zero-tn) (inst sltu carry b temp) (inst xor carry 1) (emit-label done) (move result res)))) (define-vop (sub-w/borrow) (:translate sb!bignum:%subtract-with-borrow) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (a :scs (unsigned-reg)) (b :scs (unsigned-reg)) (c :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num positive-fixnum) (:temporary (:scs (unsigned-reg) :to (:result 0) :target result) res) (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg)) (borrow :scs (unsigned-reg) :from :eval)) (:result-types unsigned-num positive-fixnum) (:generator 4 (let ((no-borrow-in (gen-label)) (done (gen-label))) (inst bne c no-borrow-in) (inst subu res a b) (inst subu res 1) (inst b done) (inst sltu borrow b a) (emit-label no-borrow-in) (inst sltu borrow a b) (inst xor borrow 1) (emit-label done) (move result res)))) (define-vop (bignum-mult-and-add-3-arg) (:translate sb!bignum:%multiply-and-add) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg)) (y :scs (unsigned-reg)) (carry-in :scs (unsigned-reg) :to :save)) (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:temporary (:scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:argument 1)) temp) (:results (hi :scs (unsigned-reg)) (lo :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:generator 6 (inst multu x y) (inst mflo temp) (inst addu lo temp carry-in) (inst sltu temp lo carry-in) (inst mfhi hi) (inst addu hi temp))) (define-vop (bignum-mult-and-add-4-arg) (:translate sb!bignum:%multiply-and-add) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg)) (y :scs (unsigned-reg)) (prev :scs (unsigned-reg)) (carry-in :scs (unsigned-reg) :to :save)) (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:temporary (:scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:argument 2)) temp) (:results (hi :scs (unsigned-reg)) (lo :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:generator 9 (inst multu x y) (inst addu lo prev carry-in) (inst sltu temp lo carry-in) (inst mfhi hi) (inst addu hi temp) (inst mflo temp) (inst addu lo temp) (inst sltu temp lo temp) (inst addu hi temp))) (define-vop (bignum-mult) (:translate sb!bignum:%multiply) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg)) (y :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:results (hi :scs (unsigned-reg)) (lo :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:generator 3 (inst multu x y) (inst mflo lo) (inst mfhi hi))) (define-vop (bignum-lognot lognot-mod32/unsigned=>unsigned) (:translate sb!bignum:%lognot)) (define-vop (fixnum-to-digit) (:translate sb!bignum:%fixnum-to-digit) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (fixnum :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types tagged-num) (:results (digit :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:generator 1 (inst sra digit fixnum 2))) (define-vop (bignum-floor) (:translate sb!bignum:%floor) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (num-high :scs (unsigned-reg) :target rem) (num-low :scs (unsigned-reg) :target rem-low) (denom :scs (unsigned-reg) :to (:eval 1))) (:arg-types unsigned-num unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:temporary (:scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:argument 1)) rem-low) (:temporary (:scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:eval 0)) temp) (:results (quo :scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:eval 0)) (rem :scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:argument 0))) (:result-types unsigned-num unsigned-num) (:generator 325 ; number of inst assuming targeting works. (move rem num-high) (move rem-low num-low) (flet ((maybe-subtract (&optional (guess temp)) (inst subu temp guess 1) (inst and temp denom) (inst subu rem temp))) (inst sltu quo rem denom) (maybe-subtract quo) (dotimes (i 32) (inst sll rem 1) (inst srl temp rem-low 31) (inst or rem temp) (inst sll rem-low 1) (inst sltu temp rem denom) (inst sll quo 1) (inst or quo temp) (maybe-subtract))) (inst nor quo zero-tn))) (define-vop (signify-digit) (:translate sb!bignum:%fixnum-digit-with-correct-sign) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (digit :scs (unsigned-reg) :target res)) (:arg-types unsigned-num) (:results (res :scs (any-reg signed-reg))) (:result-types signed-num) (:generator 1 (sc-case res (any-reg (inst sll res digit 2)) (signed-reg (move res digit))))) (define-vop (digit-ashr) (:translate sb!bignum:%ashr) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (digit :scs (unsigned-reg)) (count :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num positive-fixnum) (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:generator 1 (inst sra result digit count))) (define-vop (digit-lshr digit-ashr) (:translate sb!bignum:%digit-logical-shift-right) (:generator 1 (inst srl result digit count))) (define-vop (digit-ashl digit-ashr) (:translate sb!bignum:%ashl) (:generator 1 (inst sll result digit count))) ;;;; Static functions. (define-static-fun two-arg-gcd (x y) :translate gcd) (define-static-fun two-arg-lcm (x y) :translate lcm) (define-static-fun two-arg-+ (x y) :translate +) (define-static-fun two-arg-- (x y) :translate -) (define-static-fun two-arg-* (x y) :translate *) (define-static-fun two-arg-/ (x y) :translate /) (define-static-fun two-arg-< (x y) :translate <) (define-static-fun two-arg-<= (x y) :translate <=) (define-static-fun two-arg-> (x y) :translate >) (define-static-fun two-arg->= (x y) :translate >=) (define-static-fun two-arg-= (x y) :translate =) (define-static-fun two-arg-/= (x y) :translate /=) (define-static-fun %negate (x) :translate %negate) (define-static-fun two-arg-and (x y) :translate logand) (define-static-fun two-arg-ior (x y) :translate logior) (define-static-fun two-arg-xor (x y) :translate logxor)