;;;; miscellaneous VM definition noise for MIPS ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;;;; Registers (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar *register-names* (make-array 32 :initial-element nil))) (macrolet ((defreg (name offset) (let ((offset-sym (symbolicate name "-OFFSET"))) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (def!constant ,offset-sym ,offset) (setf (svref *register-names* ,offset-sym) ,(symbol-name name))))) (defregset (name &rest regs) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter ,name (list ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (name) (symbolicate name "-OFFSET")) regs)))))) ;; Wired zero register. (defreg zero 0) ; NULL ;; Reserved for assembler use. (defreg nl3 1) ; untagged temporary 3 ;; C return registers. (defreg cfunc 2) ; FF function address, wastes a register (defreg nl4 3) ; PA flag ;; C argument registers. (defreg nl0 4) ; untagged temporary 0 (defreg nl1 5) ; untagged temporary 1 (defreg nl2 6) ; untagged temporary 2 (defreg nargs 7) ; number of function arguments ;; C unsaved temporaries. (defreg a0 8) ; function arg 0 (defreg a1 9) ; function arg 1 (defreg a2 10) ; function arg 2 (defreg a3 11) ; function arg 3 (defreg a4 12) ; function arg 4 (defreg a5 13) ; function arg 5 (defreg fdefn 14) ; ? (defreg lexenv 15) ; wastes a register ;; C saved registers. (defreg nfp 16) ; non-lisp frame pointer (defreg ocfp 17) ; caller's control frame pointer (defreg lra 18) ; tagged Lisp return address (defreg l0 19) ; tagged temporary 0 (defreg null 20) ; NIL (defreg bsp 21) ; binding stack pointer (defreg cfp 22) ; control frame pointer (defreg csp 23) ; control stack pointer ;; More C unsaved temporaries. (defreg l1 24) ; tagged temporary 1 (defreg alloc 25) ; ALLOC pointer ;; 26 and 27 are used by the system kernel. ;; 28 is the global pointer of our C runtime, and used for ;; jump/branch relaxation in Lisp. (defreg nsp 29) ; number (native) stack pointer ;; C frame pointer, or additional saved register. (defreg code 30) ; current function object ;; Return link register. (defreg lip 31) ; Lisp interior pointer (defregset non-descriptor-regs nl0 nl1 nl2 nl3 nl4 cfunc nargs) (defregset descriptor-regs a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 fdefn lexenv nfp ocfp lra l0 l1) (defregset *register-arg-offsets* a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) (defregset reserve-descriptor-regs fdefn lexenv) (defregset reserve-non-descriptor-regs nl4 cfunc)) ;;;; SB and SC definition: (define-storage-base registers :finite :size 32) (define-storage-base float-registers :finite :size 32) (define-storage-base control-stack :unbounded :size 8) (define-storage-base non-descriptor-stack :unbounded :size 0) (define-storage-base constant :non-packed) (define-storage-base immediate-constant :non-packed) ;;; ;;; Handy macro so we don't have to keep changing all the numbers whenever ;;; we insert a new storage class. ;;; (defmacro !define-storage-classes (&rest classes) (do ((forms (list 'progn) (let* ((class (car classes)) (sc-name (car class)) (constant-name (intern (concatenate 'simple-string (string sc-name) "-SC-NUMBER")))) (list* `(define-storage-class ,sc-name ,index ,@(cdr class)) `(def!constant ,constant-name ,index) `(export ',constant-name) forms))) (index 0 (1+ index)) (classes classes (cdr classes))) ((null classes) (nreverse forms)))) (def!constant kludge-nondeterministic-catch-block-size 7) (!define-storage-classes ;; Non-immediate constants in the constant pool (constant constant) ;; Immediate constant. (null immediate-constant) (zero immediate-constant) (immediate immediate-constant) ;; **** The stacks. ;; The control stack. (Scanned by GC) (control-stack control-stack) ;; We put ANY-REG and DESCRIPTOR-REG early so that their SC-NUMBER ;; is small and therefore the error trap information is smaller. ;; Moving them up here from their previous place down below saves ;; ~250K in core file size. --njf, 2006-01-27 ;; Immediate descriptor objects. Don't have to be seen by GC, but nothing ;; bad will happen if they are. (fixnums, characters, header values, etc). (any-reg registers :locations #.(append non-descriptor-regs descriptor-regs) :reserve-locations #.(append reserve-non-descriptor-regs reserve-descriptor-regs) :constant-scs (constant zero immediate) :save-p t :alternate-scs (control-stack)) ;; Pointer descriptor objects. Must be seen by GC. (descriptor-reg registers :locations #.descriptor-regs :reserve-locations #.reserve-descriptor-regs :constant-scs (constant null immediate) :save-p t :alternate-scs (control-stack)) ;; The non-descriptor stacks. (signed-stack non-descriptor-stack) ; (signed-byte 32) (unsigned-stack non-descriptor-stack) ; (unsigned-byte 32) (character-stack non-descriptor-stack) ; non-descriptor characters. (sap-stack non-descriptor-stack) ; System area pointers. (single-stack non-descriptor-stack) ; single-floats (double-stack non-descriptor-stack :element-size 2) ; double floats. ;; complex-single-floats (complex-single-stack non-descriptor-stack :element-size 2) ;; complex-double-floats. (complex-double-stack non-descriptor-stack :element-size 4 :alignment 2) ;; **** Things that can go in the integer registers. ;; Non-Descriptor characters (character-reg registers :locations #.non-descriptor-regs :reserve-locations #.reserve-non-descriptor-regs :constant-scs (immediate) :save-p t :alternate-scs (character-stack)) ;; Non-Descriptor SAP's (arbitrary pointers into address space) (sap-reg registers :locations #.non-descriptor-regs :reserve-locations #.reserve-non-descriptor-regs :constant-scs (immediate) :save-p t :alternate-scs (sap-stack)) ;; Non-Descriptor (signed or unsigned) numbers. (signed-reg registers :locations #.non-descriptor-regs :reserve-locations #.reserve-non-descriptor-regs :constant-scs (zero immediate) :save-p t :alternate-scs (signed-stack)) (unsigned-reg registers :locations #.non-descriptor-regs :reserve-locations #.reserve-non-descriptor-regs :constant-scs (zero immediate) :save-p t :alternate-scs (unsigned-stack)) ;; Random objects that must not be seen by GC. Used only as temporaries. (non-descriptor-reg registers :locations #.non-descriptor-regs) ;; Pointers to the interior of objects. Used only as an temporary. (interior-reg registers :locations (#.lip-offset)) ;; **** Things that can go in the floating point registers. ;; Non-Descriptor single-floats. (single-reg float-registers :locations (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30) :reserve-locations (26 28 30) :constant-scs () :save-p t :alternate-scs (single-stack)) ;; Non-Descriptor double-floats. (double-reg float-registers :locations (0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30) :reserve-locations (26 28 30) ;; Note: we don't bother with the element size, 'cause nothing can be ;; allocated in the odd fp regs anyway. :constant-scs () :save-p t :alternate-scs (double-stack)) (complex-single-reg float-registers :locations (0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28) :element-size 4 :reserve-locations (24 28) :constant-scs () :save-p t :alternate-scs (complex-single-stack)) (complex-double-reg float-registers :locations (0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28) :element-size 4 :reserve-locations (24 28) :constant-scs () :save-p t :alternate-scs (complex-double-stack)) ;; A catch or unwind block. (catch-block control-stack :element-size kludge-nondeterministic-catch-block-size) ;; floating point numbers temporarily stuck in integer registers for c-call (single-int-carg-reg registers :locations (4 5 6 7) :alternate-scs () :constant-scs ()) (double-int-carg-reg registers :locations (4 6) :constant-scs () :alternate-scs () :alignment 2 ;is this needed? :element-size 2)) ;;;; Random TNs for interesting registers (macrolet ((defregtn (name sc) (let ((offset-sym (symbolicate name "-OFFSET")) (tn-sym (symbolicate name "-TN"))) `(defparameter ,tn-sym (make-random-tn :kind :normal :sc (sc-or-lose ',sc) :offset ,offset-sym))))) (defregtn zero any-reg) (defregtn nargs any-reg) (defregtn fdefn descriptor-reg) (defregtn lexenv descriptor-reg) (defregtn nfp any-reg) (defregtn ocfp any-reg) (defregtn null descriptor-reg) (defregtn bsp any-reg) (defregtn cfp any-reg) (defregtn csp any-reg) (defregtn alloc any-reg) (defregtn nsp any-reg) (defregtn code descriptor-reg) (defregtn lip interior-reg)) ;;; If VALUE can be represented as an immediate constant, then return the ;;; appropriate SC number, otherwise return NIL. (!def-vm-support-routine immediate-constant-sc (value) (typecase value ((integer 0 0) (sc-number-or-lose 'zero)) (null (sc-number-or-lose 'null)) (symbol (if (static-symbol-p value) (sc-number-or-lose 'immediate) nil)) ((or (integer #.sb!xc:most-negative-fixnum #.sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum) character) (sc-number-or-lose 'immediate)) (system-area-pointer (sc-number-or-lose 'immediate)) (character (sc-number-or-lose 'immediate)))) ;;;; Function Call Parameters ;;; The SC numbers for register and stack arguments/return values. ;;; (def!constant register-arg-scn (meta-sc-number-or-lose 'descriptor-reg)) (def!constant immediate-arg-scn (meta-sc-number-or-lose 'any-reg)) (def!constant control-stack-arg-scn (meta-sc-number-or-lose 'control-stack)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;;; Offsets of special stack frame locations (def!constant ocfp-save-offset 0) (def!constant lra-save-offset 1) (def!constant nfp-save-offset 2) ;;; The number of arguments/return values passed in registers. ;;; (def!constant register-arg-count 6) ;;; The offsets within the register-arg SC that we pass values in, first ;;; value first. ;;; ;;; Names to use for the argument registers. ;;; (defconstant-eqx register-arg-names '(a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) #'equal) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;; A list of TN's describing the register arguments. ;;; (defparameter *register-arg-tns* (mapcar #'(lambda (n) (make-random-tn :kind :normal :sc (sc-or-lose 'descriptor-reg) :offset n)) *register-arg-offsets*)) ;;; This is used by the debugger. (def!constant single-value-return-byte-offset 8) ;;; This function is called by debug output routines that want a pretty name ;;; for a TN's location. It returns a thing that can be printed with PRINC. (!def-vm-support-routine location-print-name (tn) (declare (type tn tn)) (let ((sb (sb-name (sc-sb (tn-sc tn)))) (offset (tn-offset tn))) (ecase sb (registers (or (svref *register-names* offset) (format nil "R~D" offset))) (float-registers (format nil "F~D" offset)) (control-stack (format nil "CS~D" offset)) (non-descriptor-stack (format nil "NS~D" offset)) (constant (format nil "Const~D" offset)) (immediate-constant "Immed")))) (!def-vm-support-routine combination-implementation-style (node) (declare (type sb!c::combination node) (ignore node)) (values :default nil))