;;;; This file contains the implementation-independent code for Pack ;;;; phase in the compiler. Pack is responsible for assigning TNs to ;;;; storage allocations or "register allocation". ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") (file-comment "$Header$") ;;; for debugging: Some parameters controlling which optimizations we attempt. (defvar *pack-assign-costs* t) (defvar *pack-optimize-saves* t) ;;; FIXME: Perhaps SB-FLUID should be renamed to SB-TWEAK and these should be ;;; made conditional on SB-TWEAK. (declaim (ftype (function (component) index) ir2-block-count)) ;;;; conflict determination ;;; Return true if the element at the specified offset in SB has a conflict ;;; with TN: ;;; -- If an component-live TN (:component kind), then iterate over all the ;;; blocks. If the element at Offset is used anywhere in any of the ;;; component's blocks (always-live /= 0), then there is a conflict. ;;; -- If TN is global (Confs true), then iterate over the blocks TN is live in ;;; (using TN-Global-Conflicts). If the TN is live everywhere in the block ;;; (:Live), then there is a conflict if the element at offset is used ;;; anywhere in the block (Always-Live /= 0). Otherwise, we use the local ;;; TN number for TN in block to find whether TN has a conflict at Offset in ;;; that block. ;;; -- If TN is local, then we just check for a conflict in the block it is ;;; local to. (defun offset-conflicts-in-sb (tn sb offset) (declare (type tn tn) (type finite-sb sb) (type index offset)) (let ((confs (tn-global-conflicts tn)) (kind (tn-kind tn))) (cond ((eq kind :component) (let ((loc-live (svref (finite-sb-always-live sb) offset))) (dotimes (i (ir2-block-count *component-being-compiled*) nil) (when (/= (sbit loc-live i) 0) (return t))))) (confs (let ((loc-confs (svref (finite-sb-conflicts sb) offset)) (loc-live (svref (finite-sb-always-live sb) offset))) (do ((conf confs (global-conflicts-tn-next conf))) ((null conf) nil) (let* ((block (global-conflicts-block conf)) (num (ir2-block-number block))) (if (eq (global-conflicts-kind conf) :live) (when (/= (sbit loc-live num) 0) (return t)) (when (/= (sbit (svref loc-confs num) (global-conflicts-number conf)) 0) (return t))))))) (t (/= (sbit (svref (svref (finite-sb-conflicts sb) offset) (ir2-block-number (tn-local tn))) (tn-local-number tn)) 0))))) ;;; Return true if TN has a conflict in SC at the specified offset. (defun conflicts-in-sc (tn sc offset) (declare (type tn tn) (type sc sc) (type index offset)) (let ((sb (sc-sb sc))) (dotimes (i (sc-element-size sc) nil) (when (offset-conflicts-in-sb tn sb (+ offset i)) (return t))))) ;;; Add TN's conflicts into the conflicts for the location at Offset in SC. ;;; We iterate over each location in TN, adding to the conflicts for that ;;; location: ;;; -- If TN is a :Component TN, then iterate over all the blocks, setting ;;; all of the local conflict bits and the always-live bit. This records a ;;; conflict with any TN that has a LTN number in the block, as well as with ;;; :Always-Live and :Environment TNs. ;;; -- If TN is global, then iterate over the blocks TN is live in. In ;;; addition to setting the always-live bit to represent the conflict with ;;; TNs live throughout the block, we also set bits in the local conflicts. ;;; If TN is :Always-Live in the block, we set all the bits, otherwise we or ;;; in the local conflict bits. ;;; -- If the TN is local, then we just do the block it is local to, setting ;;; always-live and OR'ing in the local conflicts. (defun add-location-conflicts (tn sc offset) (declare (type tn tn) (type sc sc) (type index offset)) (let ((confs (tn-global-conflicts tn)) (sb (sc-sb sc)) (kind (tn-kind tn))) (dotimes (i (sc-element-size sc)) (declare (type index i)) (let* ((this-offset (+ offset i)) (loc-confs (svref (finite-sb-conflicts sb) this-offset)) (loc-live (svref (finite-sb-always-live sb) this-offset))) (cond ((eq kind :component) (dotimes (num (ir2-block-count *component-being-compiled*) nil) (declare (type index num)) (setf (sbit loc-live num) 1) (set-bit-vector (svref loc-confs num)))) (confs (do ((conf confs (global-conflicts-tn-next conf))) ((null conf)) (let* ((block (global-conflicts-block conf)) (num (ir2-block-number block)) (local-confs (svref loc-confs num))) (declare (type local-tn-bit-vector local-confs)) (setf (sbit loc-live num) 1) (if (eq (global-conflicts-kind conf) :live) (set-bit-vector local-confs) (bit-ior local-confs (global-conflicts-conflicts conf) t))))) (t (let ((num (ir2-block-number (tn-local tn)))) (setf (sbit loc-live num) 1) (bit-ior (the local-tn-bit-vector (svref loc-confs num)) (tn-local-conflicts tn) t)))))))) ;;; Return the total number of IR2 blocks in Component. (defun ir2-block-count (component) (declare (type component component)) (do ((2block (block-info (block-next (component-head component))) (ir2-block-next 2block))) ((null 2block) (error "What? No ir2 blocks have a non-nil number?")) (when (ir2-block-number 2block) (return (1+ (ir2-block-number 2block)))))) ;;; Ensure that the conflicts vectors for each :Finite SB are large enough ;;; for the number of blocks allocated. Also clear any old conflicts and reset ;;; the current size to the initial size. (defun init-sb-vectors (component) (let ((nblocks (ir2-block-count component))) (dolist (sb *backend-sb-list*) (unless (eq (sb-kind sb) :non-packed) (let* ((conflicts (finite-sb-conflicts sb)) (always-live (finite-sb-always-live sb)) (max-locs (length conflicts)) (last-count (finite-sb-last-block-count sb))) (unless (zerop max-locs) (let ((current-size (length (the simple-vector (svref conflicts 0))))) (cond ((> nblocks current-size) (let ((new-size (max nblocks (* current-size 2)))) (declare (type index new-size)) (dotimes (i max-locs) (declare (type index i)) (let ((new-vec (make-array new-size))) (let ((old (svref conflicts i))) (declare (simple-vector old)) (dotimes (j current-size) (declare (type index j)) (setf (svref new-vec j) (clear-bit-vector (svref old j))))) (do ((j current-size (1+ j))) ((= j new-size)) (declare (type index j)) (setf (svref new-vec j) (make-array local-tn-limit :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0))) (setf (svref conflicts i) new-vec)) (setf (svref always-live i) (make-array new-size :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0))))) (t (dotimes (i (finite-sb-current-size sb)) (declare (type index i)) (let ((conf (svref conflicts i))) (declare (simple-vector conf)) (dotimes (j last-count) (declare (type index j)) (clear-bit-vector (svref conf j)))) (clear-bit-vector (svref always-live i))))))) (setf (finite-sb-last-block-count sb) nblocks) (setf (finite-sb-current-size sb) (sb-size sb)) (setf (finite-sb-last-offset sb) 0)))))) ;;; Expand the :Unbounded SB backing SC by either the initial size or the SC ;;; element size, whichever is larger. If Needed-Size is larger, then use that ;;; size. (defun grow-sc (sc &optional (needed-size 0)) (declare (type sc sc) (type index needed-size)) (let* ((sb (sc-sb sc)) (size (finite-sb-current-size sb)) (align-mask (1- (sc-alignment sc))) (inc (max (sb-size sb) (+ (sc-element-size sc) (- (logandc2 (+ size align-mask) align-mask) size)) (- needed-size size))) (new-size (+ size inc)) (conflicts (finite-sb-conflicts sb)) (block-size (if (zerop (length conflicts)) (ir2-block-count *component-being-compiled*) (length (the simple-vector (svref conflicts 0)))))) (declare (type index inc new-size)) (assert (eq (sb-kind sb) :unbounded)) (when (> new-size (length conflicts)) (let ((new-conf (make-array new-size))) (replace new-conf conflicts) (do ((i size (1+ i))) ((= i new-size)) (declare (type index i)) (let ((loc-confs (make-array block-size))) (dotimes (j block-size) (setf (svref loc-confs j) (make-array local-tn-limit :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))) (setf (svref new-conf i) loc-confs))) (setf (finite-sb-conflicts sb) new-conf)) (let ((new-live (make-array new-size))) (replace new-live (finite-sb-always-live sb)) (do ((i size (1+ i))) ((= i new-size)) (setf (svref new-live i) (make-array block-size :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))) (setf (finite-sb-always-live sb) new-live)) (let ((new-tns (make-array new-size :initial-element nil))) (replace new-tns (finite-sb-live-tns sb)) (fill (finite-sb-live-tns sb) nil) (setf (finite-sb-live-tns sb) new-tns))) (setf (finite-sb-current-size sb) new-size)) (values)) ;;; This variable is true whenever we are in pack (and thus the per-SB ;;; conflicts information is in use.) (defvar *in-pack* nil) ;;; In order to prevent the conflict data structures from growing ;;; arbitrarily large, we clear them whenever a GC happens and we aren't ;;; currently in pack. We revert to the initial number of locations and 0 ;;; blocks. (defun pack-before-gc-hook () (unless *in-pack* (dolist (sb *backend-sb-list*) (unless (eq (sb-kind sb) :non-packed) (let ((size (sb-size sb))) (fill nil (finite-sb-always-live sb)) (setf (finite-sb-always-live sb) (make-array size :initial-element #-sb-xc #* ;; The cross-compiler isn't very good at dumping ;; specialized arrays, so we delay construction of ;; this SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR until runtime. #+sb-xc (make-array 0 :element-type 'bit))) (fill nil (finite-sb-conflicts sb)) (setf (finite-sb-conflicts sb) (make-array size :initial-element '#())) (fill nil (finite-sb-live-tns sb)) (setf (finite-sb-live-tns sb) (make-array size :initial-element nil)))))) (values)) (pushnew 'pack-before-gc-hook sb!ext:*before-gc-hooks*) ;;;; internal errors ;;; Give someone a hard time because there isn't any load function defined ;;; to move from Src to Dest. (defun no-load-function-error (src dest) (let* ((src-sc (tn-sc src)) (src-name (sc-name src-sc)) (dest-sc (tn-sc dest)) (dest-name (sc-name dest-sc))) (cond ((eq (sb-kind (sc-sb src-sc)) :non-packed) (unless (member src-sc (sc-constant-scs dest-sc)) (error "loading from an invalid constant SC?~@ VM definition inconsistent, try recompiling.")) (error "no load function defined to load SC ~S ~ from its constant SC ~S" dest-name src-name)) ((member src-sc (sc-alternate-scs dest-sc)) (error "no load function defined to load SC ~S from its ~ alternate SC ~S" dest-name src-name)) ((member dest-sc (sc-alternate-scs src-sc)) (error "no load function defined to save SC ~S in its ~ alternate SC ~S" src-name dest-name)) (t ;; FIXME: "VM definition is inconsistent" shouldn't be a ;; possibility in SBCL. (error "loading to/from SCs that aren't alternates?~@ VM definition is inconsistent, try recompiling."))))) ;;; Called when we failed to pack TN. If Restricted is true, then we we ;;; restricted to pack TN in its SC. (defun failed-to-pack-error (tn restricted) (declare (type tn tn)) (let* ((sc (tn-sc tn)) (scs (cons sc (sc-alternate-scs sc)))) (cond (restricted (error "Failed to pack restricted TN ~S in its SC ~S." tn (sc-name sc))) (t (assert (not (find :unbounded scs :key #'(lambda (x) (sb-kind (sc-sb x)))))) (let ((ptype (tn-primitive-type tn))) (cond (ptype (assert (member (sc-number sc) (primitive-type-scs ptype))) (error "SC ~S doesn't have any :Unbounded alternate SCs, but is~@ a SC for primitive-type ~S." (sc-name sc) (primitive-type-name ptype))) (t (error "SC ~S doesn't have any :Unbounded alternate SCs." (sc-name sc))))))))) ;;; Return a list of format arguments describing how TN is used in Op's VOP. (defun describe-tn-use (loc tn op) (let* ((vop (tn-ref-vop op)) (args (vop-args vop)) (results (vop-results vop)) (name (with-output-to-string (stream) (print-tn tn stream))) (2comp (component-info *component-being-compiled*)) temp) (cond ((setq temp (position-in #'tn-ref-across tn args :key #'tn-ref-tn)) `("~2D: ~A (~:R argument)" ,loc ,name ,(1+ temp))) ((setq temp (position-in #'tn-ref-across tn results :key #'tn-ref-tn)) `("~2D: ~A (~:R result)" ,loc ,name ,(1+ temp))) ((setq temp (position-in #'tn-ref-across tn args :key #'tn-ref-load-tn)) `("~2D: ~A (~:R argument load TN)" ,loc ,name ,(1+ temp))) ((setq temp (position-in #'tn-ref-across tn results :key #'tn-ref-load-tn)) `("~2D: ~A (~:R result load TN)" ,loc ,name ,(1+ temp))) ((setq temp (position-in #'tn-ref-across tn (vop-temps vop) :key #'tn-ref-tn)) `("~2D: ~A (temporary ~A)" ,loc ,name ,(operand-parse-name (elt (vop-parse-temps (vop-parse-or-lose (vop-info-name (vop-info vop)))) temp)))) ((eq (tn-kind tn) :component) `("~2D: ~A (component live)" ,loc ,name)) ((position-in #'tn-next tn (ir2-component-wired-tns 2comp)) `("~2D: ~A (wired)" ,loc ,name)) ((position-in #'tn-next tn (ir2-component-restricted-tns 2comp)) `("~2D: ~A (restricted)" ,loc ,name)) (t `("~2D: not referenced?" ,loc))))) ;;; If load TN packing fails, try to give a helpful error message. We find ;;; a TN in each location that conflicts, and print it. (defun failed-to-pack-load-tn-error (scs op) (declare (list scs) (type tn-ref op)) (collect ((used) (unused)) (dolist (sc scs) (let* ((sb (sc-sb sc)) (confs (finite-sb-live-tns sb))) (assert (eq (sb-kind sb) :finite)) (dolist (el (sc-locations sc)) (declare (type index el)) (let ((conf (load-tn-conflicts-in-sc op sc el t))) (if conf (used (describe-tn-use el conf op)) (do ((i el (1+ i)) (end (+ el (sc-element-size sc)))) ((= i end) (unused el)) (declare (type index i end)) (let ((victim (svref confs i))) (when victim (used (describe-tn-use el victim op)) (return t))))))))) (multiple-value-bind (arg-p n more-p costs load-scs incon) (get-operand-info op) (declare (ignore costs load-scs)) (assert (not more-p)) (error "Unable to pack a Load-TN in SC ~{~A~#[~^~;, or ~:;,~]~} ~ for the ~:R ~:[result~;argument~] to~@ the ~S VOP,~@ ~:[since all SC elements are in use:~:{~%~@?~}~%~;~ ~:*but these SC elements are not in use:~% ~S~%Bug?~*~]~ ~:[~;~@ Current cost info inconsistent with that in effect at compile ~ time. Recompile.~%Compilation order may be incorrect.~]" (mapcar #'sc-name scs) n arg-p (vop-info-name (vop-info (tn-ref-vop op))) (unused) (used) incon)))) ;;; Called when none of the SCs that we can load Op into are allowed by Op's ;;; primitive-type. (defun no-load-scs-allowed-by-primitive-type-error (ref) (declare (type tn-ref ref)) (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn ref)) (ptype (tn-primitive-type tn))) (multiple-value-bind (arg-p pos more-p costs load-scs incon) (get-operand-info ref) (declare (ignore costs)) (assert (not more-p)) (error "~S is not valid as the ~:R ~:[result~;argument~] to VOP:~ ~% ~S,~@ since the TN's primitive type ~S doesn't allow any of the SCs~@ allowed by the operand restriction:~% ~S~ ~:[~;~@ Current cost info inconsistent with that in effect at compile ~ time. Recompile.~%Compilation order may be incorrect.~]" tn pos arg-p (template-name (vop-info (tn-ref-vop ref))) (primitive-type-name ptype) (mapcar #'sc-name (listify-restrictions load-scs)) incon)))) ;;;; register saving ;;; Do stuff to note that TN is spilled at VOP for the debugger's benefit. (defun note-spilled-tn (tn vop) (when (and (tn-leaf tn) (vop-save-set vop)) (let ((2comp (component-info *component-being-compiled*))) (setf (gethash tn (ir2-component-spilled-tns 2comp)) t) (pushnew tn (gethash vop (ir2-component-spilled-vops 2comp))))) (values)) ;;; Make a save TN for TN, pack it, and return it. We copy various conflict ;;; information from the TN so that pack does the right thing. (defun pack-save-tn (tn) (declare (type tn tn)) (let ((res (make-tn 0 :save nil nil))) (dolist (alt (sc-alternate-scs (tn-sc tn)) (error "No unbounded alternate for SC ~S." (sc-name (tn-sc tn)))) (when (eq (sb-kind (sc-sb alt)) :unbounded) (setf (tn-save-tn tn) res) (setf (tn-save-tn res) tn) (setf (tn-sc res) alt) (pack-tn res t) (return res))))) ;;; Find the load function for moving from Src to Dest and emit a ;;; MOVE-OPERAND VOP with that function as its info arg. (defun emit-operand-load (node block src dest before) (declare (type node node) (type ir2-block block) (type tn src dest) (type (or vop null) before)) (emit-load-template node block (template-or-lose 'move-operand) src dest (list (or (svref (sc-move-functions (tn-sc dest)) (sc-number (tn-sc src))) (no-load-function-error src dest))) before) (values)) ;;; Find the preceding use of the VOP NAME in the emit order, starting with ;;; VOP. We must find the VOP in the same IR1 block. (defun reverse-find-vop (name vop) (do* ((block (vop-block vop) (ir2-block-prev block)) (last vop (ir2-block-last-vop block))) (nil) (assert (eq (ir2-block-block block) (ir2-block-block (vop-block vop)))) (do ((current last (vop-prev current))) ((null current)) (when (eq (vop-info-name (vop-info current)) name) (return-from reverse-find-vop current))))) ;;; For TNs that have other than one writer, we save the TN before each ;;; call. If a local call (MOVE-ARGS is :LOCAL-CALL), then we scan back for ;;; the ALLOCATE-FRAME VOP, and emit the save there. This is necessary because ;;; in a self-recursive local call, the registers holding the current arguments ;;; may get trashed by setting up the call arguments. The ALLOCATE-FRAME VOP ;;; marks a place at which the values are known to be good. (defun save-complex-writer-tn (tn vop) (let ((save (or (tn-save-tn tn) (pack-save-tn tn))) (node (vop-node vop)) (block (vop-block vop)) (next (vop-next vop))) (when (eq (tn-kind save) :specified-save) (setf (tn-kind save) :save)) (assert (eq (tn-kind save) :save)) (emit-operand-load node block tn save (if (eq (vop-info-move-args (vop-info vop)) :local-call) (reverse-find-vop 'allocate-frame vop) vop)) (emit-operand-load node block save tn next))) ;;; Return a VOP after which is an o.k. place to save the value of TN. For ;;; correctness, it is only required that this location be after any possible ;;; write and before any possible restore location. ;;; ;;; In practice, we return the unique writer VOP, but give up if the TN is ;;; ever read by a VOP with MOVE-ARGS :LOCAL-CALL. This prevents us from being ;;; confused by non-tail local calls. ;;; ;;; When looking for writes, we have to ignore uses of MOVE-OPERAND, since they ;;; will correspond to restores that we have already done. (defun find-single-writer (tn) (declare (type tn tn)) (do ((write (tn-writes tn) (tn-ref-next write)) (res nil)) ((null write) (when (and res (do ((read (tn-reads tn) (tn-ref-next read))) ((not read) t) (when (eq (vop-info-move-args (vop-info (tn-ref-vop read))) :local-call) (return nil)))) (tn-ref-vop res))) (unless (eq (vop-info-name (vop-info (tn-ref-vop write))) 'move-operand) (when res (return nil)) (setq res write)))) ;;; Try to save TN at a single location. If we succeed, return T, otherwise ;;; NIL. (defun save-single-writer-tn (tn) (declare (type tn tn)) (let* ((old-save (tn-save-tn tn)) (save (or old-save (pack-save-tn tn))) (writer (find-single-writer tn))) (when (and writer (or (not old-save) (eq (tn-kind old-save) :specified-save))) (emit-operand-load (vop-node writer) (vop-block writer) tn save (vop-next writer)) (setf (tn-kind save) :save-once) t))) ;;; Restore a TN with a :SAVE-ONCE save TN. (defun restore-single-writer-tn (tn vop) (declare (type tn) (type vop vop)) (let ((save (tn-save-tn tn))) (assert (eq (tn-kind save) :save-once)) (emit-operand-load (vop-node vop) (vop-block vop) save tn (vop-next vop))) (values)) ;;; Save a single TN that needs to be saved, choosing save-once if ;;; appropriate. This is also called by SPILL-AND-PACK-LOAD-TN. (defun basic-save-tn (tn vop) (declare (type tn tn) (type vop vop)) (let ((save (tn-save-tn tn))) (cond ((and save (eq (tn-kind save) :save-once)) (restore-single-writer-tn tn vop)) ((save-single-writer-tn tn) (restore-single-writer-tn tn vop)) (t (save-complex-writer-tn tn vop)))) (values)) ;;; Scan over the VOPs in Block, emiting saving code for TNs noted in the ;;; codegen info that are packed into saved SCs. (defun emit-saves (block) (declare (type ir2-block block)) (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop))) ((null vop)) (when (eq (vop-info-save-p (vop-info vop)) t) (do-live-tns (tn (vop-save-set vop) block) (when (and (sc-save-p (tn-sc tn)) (not (eq (tn-kind tn) :component))) (basic-save-tn tn vop))))) (values)) ;;;; optimized saving ;;; Save TN if it isn't a single-writer TN that has already been saved. If ;;; multi-write, we insert the save Before the specified VOP. Context is a VOP ;;; used to tell which node/block to use for the new VOP. (defun save-if-necessary (tn before context) (declare (type tn tn) (type (or vop null) before) (type vop context)) (let ((save (tn-save-tn tn))) (when (eq (tn-kind save) :specified-save) (setf (tn-kind save) :save)) (assert (member (tn-kind save) '(:save :save-once))) (unless (eq (tn-kind save) :save-once) (or (save-single-writer-tn tn) (emit-operand-load (vop-node context) (vop-block context) tn save before)))) (values)) ;;; Load the TN from its save location, allocating one if necessary. The ;;; load is inserted Before the specifier VOP. Context is a VOP used to tell ;;; which node/block to use for the new VOP. (defun restore-tn (tn before context) (declare (type tn tn) (type (or vop null) before) (type vop context)) (let ((save (or (tn-save-tn tn) (pack-save-tn tn)))) (emit-operand-load (vop-node context) (vop-block context) save tn before)) (values)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) ;;; Do stuff to note a read of TN, for OPTIMIZED-EMIT-SAVES-BLOCK. (defmacro save-note-read (tn) `(let* ((tn ,tn) (num (tn-number tn))) (when (and (sc-save-p (tn-sc tn)) (zerop (sbit restores num)) (not (eq (tn-kind tn) :component))) (setf (sbit restores num) 1) (push tn restores-list)))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;; Start scanning backward at the end of Block, looking which TNs are live ;;; and looking for places where we have to save. We manipulate two sets: ;;; SAVES and RESTORES. ;;; ;;; SAVES is a set of all the TNs that have to be saved because they are ;;; restored after some call. We normally delay saving until the beginning of ;;; the block, but we must save immediately if we see a write of the saved TN. ;;; We also immediately save all TNs and exit when we see a ;;; NOTE-ENVIRONMENT-START VOP, since saves can't be done before the ;;; environment is properly initialized. ;;; ;;; RESTORES is a set of all the TNs read (and not written) between here and ;;; the next call, i.e. the set of TNs that must be restored when we reach the ;;; next (earlier) call VOP. Unlike SAVES, this set is cleared when we do ;;; the restoring after a call. Any TNs that were in RESTORES are moved into ;;; SAVES to ensure that they are saved at some point. ;;; ;;; SAVES and RESTORES are represented using both a list and a bit-vector so ;;; that we can quickly iterate and test for membership. The incoming Saves ;;; and Restores args are used for computing these sets (the initial contents ;;; are ignored.) ;;; ;;; When we hit a VOP with :COMPUTE-ONLY Save-P (an internal error ;;; location), we pretend that all live TNs were read, unless (= speed 3), in ;;; which case we mark all the TNs that are live but not restored as spilled. (defun optimized-emit-saves-block (block saves restores) (declare (type ir2-block block) (type simple-bit-vector saves restores)) (let ((1block (ir2-block-block block)) (saves-list ()) (restores-list ()) (skipping nil)) (declare (list saves-list restores-list)) (clear-bit-vector saves) (clear-bit-vector restores) (do-live-tns (tn (ir2-block-live-in block) block) (when (and (sc-save-p (tn-sc tn)) (not (eq (tn-kind tn) :component))) (let ((num (tn-number tn))) (setf (sbit restores num) 1) (push tn restores-list)))) (do ((block block (ir2-block-prev block)) (prev nil block)) ((not (eq (ir2-block-block block) 1block)) (assert (not skipping)) (dolist (save saves-list) (let ((start (ir2-block-start-vop prev))) (save-if-necessary save start start))) prev) (do ((vop (ir2-block-last-vop block) (vop-prev vop))) ((null vop)) (let ((info (vop-info vop))) (case (vop-info-name info) (allocate-frame (assert skipping) (setq skipping nil)) (note-environment-start (assert (not skipping)) (dolist (save saves-list) (save-if-necessary save (vop-next vop) vop)) (return-from optimized-emit-saves-block block))) (unless skipping (do ((write (vop-results vop) (tn-ref-across write))) ((null write)) (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn write)) (num (tn-number tn))) (unless (zerop (sbit restores num)) (setf (sbit restores num) 0) (setq restores-list (delete tn restores-list :test #'eq))) (unless (zerop (sbit saves num)) (setf (sbit saves num) 0) (save-if-necessary tn (vop-next vop) vop) (setq saves-list (delete tn saves-list :test #'eq)))))) (macrolet (;; Do stuff to note a read of TN, for ;; OPTIMIZED-EMIT-SAVES-BLOCK. (save-note-read (tn) `(let* ((tn ,tn) (num (tn-number tn))) (when (and (sc-save-p (tn-sc tn)) (zerop (sbit restores num)) (not (eq (tn-kind tn) :component))) (setf (sbit restores num) 1) (push tn restores-list))))) (case (vop-info-save-p info) ((t) (dolist (tn restores-list) (restore-tn tn (vop-next vop) vop) (let ((num (tn-number tn))) (when (zerop (sbit saves num)) (push tn saves-list) (setf (sbit saves num) 1)))) (setq restores-list nil) (clear-bit-vector restores)) (:compute-only (cond ((policy (vop-node vop) (= speed 3)) (do-live-tns (tn (vop-save-set vop) block) (when (zerop (sbit restores (tn-number tn))) (note-spilled-tn tn vop)))) (t (do-live-tns (tn (vop-save-set vop) block) (save-note-read tn)))))) (if (eq (vop-info-move-args info) :local-call) (setq skipping t) (do ((read (vop-args vop) (tn-ref-across read))) ((null read)) (save-note-read (tn-ref-tn read)))))))))) ;;; Like EMIT-SAVES, only different. We avoid redundant saving within the ;;; block, and don't restore values that aren't used before the next call. ;;; This function is just the top-level loop over the blocks in the component, ;;; which locates blocks that need saving done. (defun optimized-emit-saves (component) (declare (type component component)) (let* ((gtn-count (1+ (ir2-component-global-tn-counter (component-info component)))) (saves (make-array gtn-count :element-type 'bit)) (restores (make-array gtn-count :element-type 'bit)) (block (ir2-block-prev (block-info (component-tail component)))) (head (block-info (component-head component)))) (loop (when (eq block head) (return)) (when (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop))) ((null vop) nil) (when (eq (vop-info-save-p (vop-info vop)) t) (return t))) (setq block (optimized-emit-saves-block block saves restores))) (setq block (ir2-block-prev block))))) ;;; Iterate over the normal TNs, finding the cost of packing on the stack in ;;; units of the number of references. We count all references as +1, and ;;; subtract out REGISTER-SAVE-PENALTY for each place where we would have to ;;; save a register. (defun assign-tn-costs (component) (do-ir2-blocks (block component) (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop))) ((null vop)) (when (eq (vop-info-save-p (vop-info vop)) t) (do-live-tns (tn (vop-save-set vop) block) (decf (tn-cost tn) *backend-register-save-penalty*))))) (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns (component-info component)) (tn-next tn))) ((null tn)) (let ((cost (tn-cost tn))) (declare (fixnum cost)) (do ((ref (tn-reads tn) (tn-ref-next ref))) ((null ref)) (incf cost)) (do ((ref (tn-writes tn) (tn-ref-next ref))) ((null ref)) (incf cost)) (setf (tn-cost tn) cost)))) ;;;; load TN packing ;;; These variables indicate the last location at which we computed the ;;; Live-TNs. They hold the Block and VOP values that were passed to ;;; Compute-Live-TNs. (defvar *live-block*) (defvar *live-vop*) ;;; If we unpack some TNs, then we mark all affected blocks by sticking them in ;;; this hash-table. This is initially null. We create the hashtable if we do ;;; any unpacking. (defvar *repack-blocks*) (declaim (type (or hash-table null) *repack-blocks*)) ;;; Set the Live-TNs vectors in all :Finite SBs to represent the TNs live at ;;; the end of Block. (defun init-live-tns (block) (dolist (sb *backend-sb-list*) (when (eq (sb-kind sb) :finite) (fill (finite-sb-live-tns sb) nil))) (do-live-tns (tn (ir2-block-live-in block) block) (let* ((sc (tn-sc tn)) (sb (sc-sb sc))) (when (eq (sb-kind sb) :finite) (do ((offset (tn-offset tn) (1+ offset)) (end (+ (tn-offset tn) (sc-element-size sc)))) ((= offset end)) (declare (type index offset end)) (setf (svref (finite-sb-live-tns sb) offset) tn))))) (setq *live-block* block) (setq *live-vop* (ir2-block-last-vop block)) (values)) ;;; Set the Live-TNs in :Finite SBs to represent the TNs live immediately ;;; after the evaluation of VOP in Block, excluding results of the VOP. If VOP ;;; is null, then compute the live TNs at the beginning of the block. ;;; Sequential calls on the same block must be in reverse VOP order. (defun compute-live-tns (block vop) (declare (type ir2-block block) (type vop vop)) (unless (eq block *live-block*) (init-live-tns block)) (do ((current *live-vop* (vop-prev current))) ((eq current vop) (do ((res (vop-results vop) (tn-ref-across res))) ((null res)) (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn res)) (sc (tn-sc tn)) (sb (sc-sb sc))) (when (eq (sb-kind sb) :finite) (do ((offset (tn-offset tn) (1+ offset)) (end (+ (tn-offset tn) (sc-element-size sc)))) ((= offset end)) (declare (type index offset end)) (setf (svref (finite-sb-live-tns sb) offset) nil)))))) (do ((ref (vop-refs current) (tn-ref-next-ref ref))) ((null ref)) (let ((ltn (tn-ref-load-tn ref))) (when ltn (let* ((sc (tn-sc ltn)) (sb (sc-sb sc))) (when (eq (sb-kind sb) :finite) (let ((tns (finite-sb-live-tns sb))) (do ((offset (tn-offset ltn) (1+ offset)) (end (+ (tn-offset ltn) (sc-element-size sc)))) ((= offset end)) (declare (type index offset end)) (assert (null (svref tns offset))))))))) (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn ref)) (sc (tn-sc tn)) (sb (sc-sb sc))) (when (eq (sb-kind sb) :finite) (let ((tns (finite-sb-live-tns sb))) (do ((offset (tn-offset tn) (1+ offset)) (end (+ (tn-offset tn) (sc-element-size sc)))) ((= offset end)) (declare (type index offset end)) (if (tn-ref-write-p ref) (setf (svref tns offset) nil) (let ((old (svref tns offset))) (assert (or (null old) (eq old tn)) (old tn)) (setf (svref tns offset) tn))))))))) (setq *live-vop* vop) (values)) ;;; Kind of like Offset-Conflicts-In-SB, except that it uses the VOP refs to ;;; determine whether a Load-TN for OP could be packed in the specified ;;; location, disregarding conflicts with TNs not referenced by this VOP. ;;; There is a conflict if either: ;;; 1. The reference is a result, and the same location is either: ;;; -- Used by some other result. ;;; -- Used in any way after the reference (exclusive). ;;; 2. The reference is an argument, and the same location is either: ;;; -- Used by some other argument. ;;; -- Used in any way before the reference (exclusive). ;;; ;;; In 1 (and 2) above, the first bullet corresponds to result-result ;;; (and argument-argument) conflicts. We need this case because there aren't ;;; any TN-REFs to represent the implicit reading of results or writing of ;;; arguments. ;;; ;;; The second bullet corresponds conflicts with temporaries or between ;;; arguments and results. ;;; ;;; We consider both the TN-REF-TN and the TN-REF-LOAD-TN (if any) to be ;;; referenced simultaneously and in the same way. This causes load-TNs to ;;; appear live to the beginning (or end) of the VOP, as appropriate. ;;; ;;; We return a conflicting TN if there is a conflict. (defun load-tn-offset-conflicts-in-sb (op sb offset) (declare (type tn-ref op) (type finite-sb sb) (type index offset)) (assert (eq (sb-kind sb) :finite)) (let ((vop (tn-ref-vop op))) (labels ((tn-overlaps (tn) (let ((sc (tn-sc tn)) (tn-offset (tn-offset tn))) (when (and (eq (sc-sb sc) sb) (<= tn-offset offset) (< offset (the index (+ tn-offset (sc-element-size sc))))) tn))) (same (ref) (let ((tn (tn-ref-tn ref)) (ltn (tn-ref-load-tn ref))) (or (tn-overlaps tn) (and ltn (tn-overlaps ltn))))) (is-op (ops) (do ((ops ops (tn-ref-across ops))) ((null ops) nil) (let ((found (same ops))) (when (and found (not (eq ops op))) (return found))))) (is-ref (refs end) (do ((refs refs (tn-ref-next-ref refs))) ((eq refs end) nil) (let ((found (same refs))) (when found (return found)))))) (declare (inline is-op is-ref tn-overlaps)) (if (tn-ref-write-p op) (or (is-op (vop-results vop)) (is-ref (vop-refs vop) op)) (or (is-op (vop-args vop)) (is-ref (tn-ref-next-ref op) nil)))))) ;;; Iterate over all the elements in the SB that would be allocated by ;;; allocating a TN in SC at Offset, checking for conflict with load-TNs or ;;; other TNs (live in the LIVE-TNS, which must be set up.) We also return ;;; true if there aren't enough locations after Offset to hold a TN in SC. ;;; If Ignore-Live is true, then we ignore the live-TNs, considering only ;;; references within Op's VOP. ;;; ;;; We return a conflicting TN, or :OVERFLOW if the TN won't fit. (defun load-tn-conflicts-in-sc (op sc offset ignore-live) (let* ((sb (sc-sb sc)) (size (finite-sb-current-size sb))) (do ((i offset (1+ i)) (end (+ offset (sc-element-size sc)))) ((= i end) nil) (declare (type index i end)) (let ((res (or (when (>= i size) :overflow) (and (not ignore-live) (svref (finite-sb-live-tns sb) i)) (load-tn-offset-conflicts-in-sb op sb i)))) (when res (return res)))))) ;;; If a load-TN for Op is targeted to a legal location in SC, then return ;;; the offset, otherwise return NIL. We see whether the target of the ;;; operand is packed, and try that location. There isn't any need to chain ;;; down the target path, since everything is packed now. ;;; ;;; We require the target to be in SC (and not merely to overlap with SC). ;;; This prevents SC information from being lost in load TNs (we won't pack a ;;; load TN in ANY-REG when it is targeted to a DESCRIPTOR-REG.) This ;;; shouldn't hurt the code as long as all relevant overlapping SCs are allowed ;;; in the operand SC restriction. (defun find-load-tn-target (op sc) (declare (inline member)) (let ((target (tn-ref-target op))) (when target (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn target)) (loc (tn-offset tn))) (if (and (eq (tn-sc tn) sc) (member (the index loc) (sc-locations sc)) (not (load-tn-conflicts-in-sc op sc loc nil))) loc nil))))) ;;; Select a legal location for a load TN for Op in SC. We just iterate ;;; over the SC's locations. If we can't find a legal location, return NIL. (defun select-load-tn-location (op sc) (declare (type tn-ref op) (type sc sc)) ;; Check any target location first. (let ((target (tn-ref-target op))) (when target (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn target)) (loc (tn-offset tn))) (when (and (eq (sc-sb sc) (sc-sb (tn-sc tn))) (member (the index loc) (sc-locations sc)) (not (load-tn-conflicts-in-sc op sc loc nil))) (return-from select-load-tn-location loc))))) (dolist (loc (sc-locations sc) nil) (unless (load-tn-conflicts-in-sc op sc loc nil) (return loc)))) (defevent unpack-tn "Unpacked a TN to satisfy operand SC restriction.") ;;; Make TN's location the same as for its save TN (allocating a save TN if ;;; necessary.) Delete any save/restore code that has been emitted thus far. ;;; Mark all blocks containing references as needing to be repacked. (defun unpack-tn (tn) (event unpack-tn) (let ((stn (or (tn-save-tn tn) (pack-save-tn tn)))) (setf (tn-sc tn) (tn-sc stn)) (setf (tn-offset tn) (tn-offset stn)) (flet ((zot (refs) (do ((ref refs (tn-ref-next ref))) ((null ref)) (let ((vop (tn-ref-vop ref))) (if (eq (vop-info-name (vop-info vop)) 'move-operand) (delete-vop vop) (setf (gethash (vop-block vop) *repack-blocks*) t)))))) (zot (tn-reads tn)) (zot (tn-writes tn)))) (values)) (defevent unpack-fallback "Unpacked some operand TN.") ;;; Called by Pack-Load-TN where there isn't any location free that we can ;;; pack into. What we do is move some live TN in one of the specified SCs to ;;; memory, then mark this block all blocks that reference the TN as needing ;;; repacking. If we succeed, we throw to UNPACKED-TN. If we fail, we return ;;; NIL. ;;; ;;; We can unpack any live TN that appears in the NORMAL-TNs list (isn't wired ;;; or restricted.) We prefer to unpack TNs that are not used by the VOP. If ;;; we can't find any such TN, then we unpack some argument or result ;;; TN. The only way we can fail is if all locations in SC are used by ;;; load-TNs or temporaries in VOP. (defun unpack-for-load-tn (sc op) (declare (type sc sc) (type tn-ref op)) (let ((sb (sc-sb sc)) (normal-tns (ir2-component-normal-tns (component-info *component-being-compiled*))) (node (vop-node (tn-ref-vop op))) (fallback nil)) (flet ((unpack-em (victims) (unless *repack-blocks* (setq *repack-blocks* (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (setf (gethash (vop-block (tn-ref-vop op)) *repack-blocks*) t) (dolist (victim victims) (event unpack-tn node) (unpack-tn victim)) (throw 'unpacked-tn nil))) (dolist (loc (sc-locations sc)) (declare (type index loc)) (block SKIP (collect ((victims nil adjoin)) (do ((i loc (1+ i)) (end (+ loc (sc-element-size sc)))) ((= i end)) (declare (type index i end)) (let ((victim (svref (finite-sb-live-tns sb) i))) (when victim (unless (find-in #'tn-next victim normal-tns) (return-from SKIP)) (victims victim)))) (let ((conf (load-tn-conflicts-in-sc op sc loc t))) (cond ((not conf) (unpack-em (victims))) ((eq conf :overflow)) ((not fallback) (cond ((find conf (victims)) (setq fallback (victims))) ((find-in #'tn-next conf normal-tns) (setq fallback (list conf)))))))))) (when fallback (event unpack-fallback node) (unpack-em fallback)))) nil) ;;; Try to pack a load TN in the SCs indicated by Load-SCs. If we run out ;;; of SCs, then we unpack some TN and try again. We return the packed load ;;; TN. ;;; ;;; Note: we allow a Load-TN to be packed in the target location even if that ;;; location is in a SC not allowed by the primitive type. (The SC must still ;;; be allowed by the operand restriction.) This makes move VOPs more ;;; efficient, since we won't do a move from the stack into a non-descriptor ;;; any-reg though a descriptor argument load-TN. This does give targeting ;;; some real semantics, making it not a pure advisory to pack. It allows pack ;;; to do some packing it wouldn't have done before. (defun pack-load-tn (load-scs op) (declare (type sc-vector load-scs) (type tn-ref op)) (let ((vop (tn-ref-vop op))) (compute-live-tns (vop-block vop) vop)) (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn op)) (ptype (tn-primitive-type tn)) (scs (svref load-scs (sc-number (tn-sc tn))))) (let ((current-scs scs) (allowed ())) (loop (cond ((null current-scs) (unless allowed (no-load-scs-allowed-by-primitive-type-error op)) (dolist (sc allowed) (unpack-for-load-tn sc op)) (failed-to-pack-load-tn-error allowed op)) (t (let* ((sc (svref *backend-sc-numbers* (pop current-scs))) (target (find-load-tn-target op sc))) (when (or target (sc-allowed-by-primitive-type sc ptype)) (let ((loc (or target (select-load-tn-location op sc)))) (when loc (let ((res (make-tn 0 :load nil sc))) (setf (tn-offset res) loc) (return res)))) (push sc allowed))))))))) ;;; Scan a list of load-SCs vectors and a list of TN-Refs threaded by ;;; TN-Ref-Across. When we find a reference whose TN doesn't satisfy the ;;; restriction, we pack a Load-TN and load the operand into it. If a load-tn ;;; has already been allocated, we can assume that the restriction is ;;; satisfied. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline check-operand-restrictions)) (defun check-operand-restrictions (scs ops) (declare (list scs) (type (or tn-ref null) ops)) ;; Check the targeted operands first. (do ((scs scs (cdr scs)) (op ops (tn-ref-across op))) ((null scs)) (let ((target (tn-ref-target op))) (when target (let* ((load-tn (tn-ref-load-tn op)) (load-scs (svref (car scs) (sc-number (tn-sc (or load-tn (tn-ref-tn op))))))) (if load-tn (assert (eq load-scs t)) (unless (eq load-scs t) (setf (tn-ref-load-tn op) (pack-load-tn (car scs) op)))))))) (do ((scs scs (cdr scs)) (op ops (tn-ref-across op))) ((null scs)) (let ((target (tn-ref-target op))) (unless target (let* ((load-tn (tn-ref-load-tn op)) (load-scs (svref (car scs) (sc-number (tn-sc (or load-tn (tn-ref-tn op))))))) (if load-tn (assert (eq load-scs t)) (unless (eq load-scs t) (setf (tn-ref-load-tn op) (pack-load-tn (car scs) op)))))))) (values)) ;;; Scan the VOPs in Block, looking for operands whose SC restrictions ;;; aren't satisfied. We do the results first, since they are evaluated ;;; later, and our conflict analysis is a backward scan. (defun pack-load-tns (block) (catch 'unpacked-tn (let ((*live-block* nil) (*live-vop* nil)) (do ((vop (ir2-block-last-vop block) (vop-prev vop))) ((null vop)) (let ((info (vop-info vop))) (check-operand-restrictions (vop-info-result-load-scs info) (vop-results vop)) (check-operand-restrictions (vop-info-arg-load-scs info) (vop-args vop)))))) (values)) ;;;; location-selection, targeting & pack interface ;;;; targeting ;;; Link the TN-Refs Read and Write together using the TN-Ref-Target when ;;; this seems like a good idea. Currently we always do, as this increases the ;;; success of load-TN targeting. (defun target-if-desirable (read write) (declare (type tn-ref read write)) (setf (tn-ref-target read) write) (setf (tn-ref-target write) read)) ;;; If TN can be packed into SC so as to honor a preference to Target, then ;;; return the offset to pack at, otherwise return NIL. Target must be already ;;; packed. We can honor a preference if: ;;; -- Target's location is in SC's locations. ;;; -- The element sizes of the two SCs are the same. ;;; -- TN doesn't conflict with target's location. (defun check-ok-target (target tn sc) (declare (type tn target tn) (type sc sc) (inline member)) (let* ((loc (tn-offset target)) (target-sc (tn-sc target)) (target-sb (sc-sb target-sc))) (declare (type index loc)) (if (and (eq target-sb (sc-sb sc)) (or (eq (sb-kind target-sb) :unbounded) (member loc (sc-locations sc))) (= (sc-element-size target-sc) (sc-element-size sc)) (not (conflicts-in-sc tn sc loc)) (zerop (mod loc (sc-alignment sc)))) loc nil))) ;;; Scan along the target path from TN, looking at readers or writers. When ;;; we find a packed TN, return Check-OK-Target of that TN. If there is no ;;; target, or if the TN has multiple readers (writers), then we return NIL. ;;; We also always return NIL after 10 iterations to get around potential ;;; circularity problems. (macrolet ((frob (slot) `(let ((count 10) (current tn)) (declare (type index count)) (loop (let ((refs (,slot current))) (unless (and (plusp count) refs (not (tn-ref-next refs))) (return nil)) (let ((target (tn-ref-target refs))) (unless target (return nil)) (setq current (tn-ref-tn target)) (when (tn-offset current) (return (check-ok-target current tn sc))) (decf count))))))) (defun find-ok-target-offset (tn sc) (declare (type tn tn) (type sc sc)) (or (frob tn-reads) (frob tn-writes)))) ;;;; location selection ;;; Select some location for TN in SC, returning the offset if we succeed, ;;; and NIL if we fail. We start scanning at the Last-Offset in an attempt ;;; to distribute the TNs across all storage. ;;; ;;; We call Offset-Conflicts-In-SB directly, rather than using Conflicts-In-SC. ;;; This allows us to more efficient in packing multi-location TNs: we don't ;;; have to multiply the number of tests by the TN size. This falls out ;;; natually, since we have to be aware of TN size anyway so that we don't call ;;; Conflicts-In-SC on a bogus offset. ;;; ;;; We give up on finding a location after our current pointer has wrapped ;;; twice. This will result in testing some locations twice in the case that ;;; we fail, but is simpler than trying to figure out the soonest failure ;;; point. ;;; ;;; We also give up without bothering to wrap if the current size isn't large ;;; enough to hold a single element of element-size without bothering to wrap. ;;; If it doesn't fit this iteration, it won't fit next. ;;; ;;; ### Note that we actually try to pack as many consecutive TNs as possible ;;; in the same location, since we start scanning at the same offset that the ;;; last TN was successfully packed in. This is a weakening of the scattering ;;; hueristic that was put in to prevent restricted VOP temps from hogging all ;;; of the registers. This way, all of these temps probably end up in one ;;; register. (defun select-location (tn sc &optional use-reserved-locs) (declare (type tn tn) (type sc sc) (inline member)) (let* ((sb (sc-sb sc)) (element-size (sc-element-size sc)) (alignment (sc-alignment sc)) (align-mask (1- alignment)) (size (finite-sb-current-size sb)) (start-offset (finite-sb-last-offset sb))) (let ((current-start (logandc2 (the index (+ start-offset align-mask)) align-mask)) (wrap-p nil)) (declare (type index current-start)) (loop (when (> (+ current-start element-size) size) (cond ((or wrap-p (> element-size size)) (return nil)) (t (setq current-start 0) (setq wrap-p t)))) (if (or (eq (sb-kind sb) :unbounded) (and (member current-start (sc-locations sc)) (or use-reserved-locs (not (member current-start (sc-reserve-locations sc)))))) (dotimes (i element-size (return-from select-location current-start)) (declare (type index i)) (let ((offset (+ current-start i))) (when (offset-conflicts-in-sb tn sb offset) (setq current-start (logandc2 (the index (+ (the index (1+ offset)) align-mask)) align-mask)) (return)))) (incf current-start alignment)))))) ;;; If a save TN, return the saved TN, otherwise return TN. Useful for ;;; getting the conflicts of a TN that might be a save TN. (defun original-tn (tn) (declare (type tn tn)) (if (member (tn-kind tn) '(:save :save-once :specified-save)) (tn-save-tn tn) tn)) ;;;; pack interface ;;; Attempt to pack TN in all possible SCs, first in the SC chosen by ;;; representation selection, then in the alternate SCs in the order ;;; they were specified in the SC definition. If the TN-COST is ;;; negative, then we don't attempt to pack in SCs that must be saved. ;;; If Restricted, then we can only pack in TN-SC, not in any ;;; Alternate-SCs. ;;; ;;; If we are attempting to pack in the SC of the save TN for a TN ;;; with a :SPECIFIED-SAVE TN, then we pack in that location, instead ;;; of allocating a new stack location. (defun pack-tn (tn restricted) (declare (type tn tn)) (let* ((original (original-tn tn)) (fsc (tn-sc tn)) (alternates (unless restricted (sc-alternate-scs fsc))) (save (tn-save-tn tn)) (specified-save-sc (when (and save (eq (tn-kind save) :specified-save)) (tn-sc save)))) (do ((sc fsc (pop alternates))) ((null sc) (failed-to-pack-error tn restricted)) (when (eq sc specified-save-sc) (unless (tn-offset save) (pack-tn save nil)) (setf (tn-offset tn) (tn-offset save)) (setf (tn-sc tn) (tn-sc save)) (return)) (when (or restricted (not (and (minusp (tn-cost tn)) (sc-save-p sc)))) (let ((loc (or (find-ok-target-offset original sc) (select-location original sc) (and restricted (select-location original sc t)) (when (eq (sb-kind (sc-sb sc)) :unbounded) (grow-sc sc) (or (select-location original sc) (error "Failed to pack after growing SC?")))))) (when loc (add-location-conflicts original sc loc) (setf (tn-sc tn) sc) (setf (tn-offset tn) loc) (return)))))) (values)) ;;; Pack a wired TN, checking that the offset is in bounds for the SB, and ;;; that the TN doesn't conflict with some other TN already packed in that ;;; location. If the TN is wired to a location beyond the end of a :Unbounded ;;; SB, then grow the SB enough to hold the TN. ;;; ;;; ### Checking for conflicts is disabled for :SPECIFIED-SAVE TNs. This is ;;; kind of a hack to make specifying wired stack save locations for local call ;;; arguments (such as OLD-FP) work, since the caller and callee OLD-FP save ;;; locations may conflict when the save locations don't really (due to being ;;; in different frames.) (defun pack-wired-tn (tn) (declare (type tn tn)) (let* ((sc (tn-sc tn)) (sb (sc-sb sc)) (offset (tn-offset tn)) (end (+ offset (sc-element-size sc))) (original (original-tn tn))) (when (> end (finite-sb-current-size sb)) (unless (eq (sb-kind sb) :unbounded) (error "~S is wired to a location that is out of bounds." tn)) (grow-sc sc end)) ;; For non-x86 ports the presence of a save-tn associated with a tn is used ;; to identify the old-fp and return-pc tns. It depends on the old-fp and ;; return-pc being passed in registers. #!-x86 (when (and (not (eq (tn-kind tn) :specified-save)) (conflicts-in-sc original sc offset)) (error "~S is wired to a location that it conflicts with." tn)) ;; Use the above check, but only print a verbose warning. This can be ;; helpful for debugging the x86 port. #+nil (when (and (not (eq (tn-kind tn) :specified-save)) (conflicts-in-sc original sc offset)) (format t "~&* Pack-wired-tn possible conflict:~% ~ tn: ~S; tn-kind: ~S~% ~ sc: ~S~% ~ sb: ~S; sb-name: ~S; sb-kind: ~S~% ~ offset: ~S; end: ~S~% ~ original ~S~% ~ tn-save-tn: ~S; tn-kind of tn-save-tn: ~S~%" tn (tn-kind tn) sc sb (sb-name sb) (sb-kind sb) offset end original (tn-save-tn tn) (tn-kind (tn-save-tn tn)))) ;; On the x86 ports the old-fp and return-pc are often passed on the stack ;; so the above hack for the other ports does not always work. Here the ;; old-fp and return-pc tns are identified by being on the stack in their ;; standard save locations. #!+x86 (when (and (not (eq (tn-kind tn) :specified-save)) (not (and (string= (sb-name sb) "STACK") (or (= offset 0) (= offset 1)))) (conflicts-in-sc original sc offset)) (error "~S is wired to a location that it conflicts with." tn)) (add-location-conflicts original sc offset))) (defevent repack-block "Repacked a block due to TN unpacking.") (defun pack (component) (assert (not *in-pack*)) (let ((*in-pack* t) (optimize (policy nil (or (>= speed cspeed) (>= space cspeed)))) (2comp (component-info component))) (init-sb-vectors component) ;; Call the target functions. (do-ir2-blocks (block component) (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop))) ((null vop)) (let ((target-fun (vop-info-target-function (vop-info vop)))) (when target-fun (funcall target-fun vop))))) ;; Pack wired TNs first. (do ((tn (ir2-component-wired-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn))) ((null tn)) (pack-wired-tn tn)) ;; Pack restricted component TNs. (do ((tn (ir2-component-restricted-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn))) ((null tn)) (when (eq (tn-kind tn) :component) (pack-tn tn t))) ;; Pack other restricted TNs. (do ((tn (ir2-component-restricted-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn))) ((null tn)) (unless (tn-offset tn) (pack-tn tn t))) ;; Assign costs to normal TNs so we know which ones should always be ;; packed on the stack. (when (and optimize *pack-assign-costs*) (assign-tn-costs component)) ;; Pack normal TNs in the order that they appear in the code. This ;; should have some tendency to pack important TNs first, since control ;; analysis favors the drop-through. This should also help targeting, ;; since we will pack the target TN soon after we determine the location ;; of the targeting TN. (do-ir2-blocks (block component) (let ((ltns (ir2-block-local-tns block))) (do ((i (1- (ir2-block-local-tn-count block)) (1- i))) ((minusp i)) (declare (fixnum i)) (let ((tn (svref ltns i))) (unless (or (null tn) (eq tn :more) (tn-offset tn)) (pack-tn tn nil)))))) ;; Pack any leftover normal TNs. This is to deal with :MORE TNs, which ;; could possibly not appear in any local TN map. (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn))) ((null tn)) (unless (tn-offset tn) (pack-tn tn nil))) ;; Do load TN packing and emit saves. (let ((*repack-blocks* nil)) (cond ((and optimize *pack-optimize-saves*) (optimized-emit-saves component) (do-ir2-blocks (block component) (pack-load-tns block))) (t (do-ir2-blocks (block component) (emit-saves block) (pack-load-tns block)))) (when *repack-blocks* (loop (when (zerop (hash-table-count *repack-blocks*)) (return)) (maphash #'(lambda (block v) (declare (ignore v)) (remhash block *repack-blocks*) (event repack-block) (pack-load-tns block)) *repack-blocks*))))) (values))