;;;; This file implements the environment analysis phase for the ;;;; compiler. This phase annotates IR1 with a hierarchy environment ;;;; structures, determining the physical environment that each LAMBDA ;;;; allocates its variables and finding what values are closed over ;;;; by each physical environment. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") ;;; Do environment analysis on the code in COMPONENT. This involves ;;; various things: ;;; 1. Make a PHYSENV structure for each non-LET LAMBDA, assigning ;;; the LAMBDA-PHYSENV for all LAMBDAs. ;;; 2. Find all values that need to be closed over by each ;;; physical environment. ;;; 3. Scan the blocks in the component closing over non-local-exit ;;; continuations. ;;; 4. Delete all non-top-level functions with no references. This ;;; should only get functions with non-NULL kinds, since normal ;;; functions are deleted when their references go to zero. (defun physenv-analyze (component) (declare (type component component)) (aver (every (lambda (x) (eq (functional-kind x) :deleted)) (component-new-funs component))) (setf (component-new-funs component) ()) (dolist (fun (component-lambdas component)) (reinit-lambda-physenv fun)) (mapc #'compute-closure (component-lambdas component)) (find-non-local-exits component) (find-cleanup-points component) (tail-annotate component) (dolist (fun (component-lambdas component)) (when (null (leaf-refs fun)) (let ((kind (functional-kind fun))) (unless (or (eq kind :toplevel) (functional-has-external-references-p fun)) (aver (member kind '(:optional :cleanup :escape))) (setf (functional-kind fun) nil) (delete-functional fun))))) (values)) ;;; This is to be called on a COMPONENT with top level LAMBDAs before ;;; the compilation of the associated non-top-level code to detect ;;; closed over top level variables. We just do COMPUTE-CLOSURE on all ;;; the lambdas. This will pre-allocate environments for all the ;;; functions with closed-over top level variables. The post-pass will ;;; use the existing structure, rather than allocating a new one. We ;;; return true if we discover any possible closure vars. (defun pre-physenv-analyze-toplevel (component) (declare (type component component)) (let ((found-it nil)) (dolist (lambda (component-lambdas component)) (when (compute-closure lambda) (setq found-it t))) found-it)) ;;; This is like old CMU CL PRE-ENVIRONMENT-ANALYZE-TOPLEVEL, except ;;; (1) It's been brought into the post-0.7.0 world where the property ;;; HAS-EXTERNAL-REFERENCES-P is orthogonal to the property of ;;; being specialized/optimized for locall at top level. ;;; (2) There's no return value, since we don't care whether we ;;; find any possible closure variables. ;;; ;;; I wish I could find an explanation of why ;;; PRE-ENVIRONMENT-ANALYZE-TOPLEVEL is important. The old CMU CL ;;; comments said ;;; Called on component with top level lambdas before the ;;; compilation of the associated non-top-level code to detect ;;; closed over top level variables. We just do COMPUTE-CLOSURE on ;;; all the lambdas. This will pre-allocate environments for all ;;; the functions with closed-over top level variables. The ;;; post-pass will use the existing structure, rather than ;;; allocating a new one. We return true if we discover any ;;; possible closure vars. ;;; But that doesn't seem to explain either why it's important to do ;;; this for top level lambdas, or why it's important to do it only ;;; for top level lambdas instead of just doing it indiscriminately ;;; for all lambdas. I do observe that when it's not done, compiler ;;; assertions occasionally fail. My tentative hypothesis for why it's ;;; important to do it is that other environment analysis expects to ;;; bottom out on the outermost enclosing thing, and (insert ;;; mysterious reason here) it's important to set up bottomed-out-here ;;; environments before anything else. I haven't been able to guess ;;; why it's important to do it selectively instead of ;;; indiscriminately. -- WHN 2001-11-10 (defun preallocate-physenvs-for-toplevelish-lambdas (component) (dolist (clambda (component-lambdas component)) (when (lambda-toplevelish-p clambda) (compute-closure clambda))) (values)) ;;; If CLAMBDA has a PHYSENV, return it, otherwise assign an empty one ;;; and return that. (defun get-lambda-physenv (clambda) (declare (type clambda clambda)) (let ((homefun (lambda-home clambda))) (or (lambda-physenv homefun) (let ((res (make-physenv :lambda homefun))) (setf (lambda-physenv homefun) res) ;; All the LETLAMBDAs belong to HOMEFUN, and share the same ;; PHYSENV. Thus, (1) since HOMEFUN's PHYSENV was NIL, ;; theirs should be NIL too, and (2) since we're modifying ;; HOMEFUN's PHYSENV, we should modify theirs, too. (dolist (letlambda (lambda-lets homefun)) (aver (eql (lambda-home letlambda) homefun)) (aver (null (lambda-physenv letlambda))) (setf (lambda-physenv letlambda) res)) res)))) ;;; If FUN has no physical environment, assign one, otherwise clean up ;;; the old physical environment, removing/flagging variables that ;;; have no sets or refs. If a var has no references, we remove it ;;; from the closure. If it has no sets, we clear the INDIRECT flag. ;;; This is necessary because pre-analysis is done before ;;; optimization. (defun reinit-lambda-physenv (fun) (let ((old (lambda-physenv (lambda-home fun)))) (cond (old (setf (physenv-closure old) (delete-if (lambda (x) (and (lambda-var-p x) (null (leaf-refs x)))) (physenv-closure old))) (flet ((clear (fun) (dolist (var (lambda-vars fun)) (unless (lambda-var-sets var) (setf (lambda-var-indirect var) nil))))) (clear fun) (map nil #'clear (lambda-lets fun)))) (t (get-lambda-physenv fun)))) (values)) ;;; Get NODE's environment, assigning one if necessary. (defun get-node-physenv (node) (declare (type node node)) (get-lambda-physenv (node-home-lambda node))) ;;; Find any variables in CLAMBDA -- either directly in LAMBDA-VARS or ;;; in the LAMBDA-VARS of elements of LAMBDA-LETS -- with references ;;; outside of the home environment and close over them. If a ;;; closed-over variable is set, then we set the INDIRECT flag so that ;;; we will know the closed over value is really a pointer to the ;;; value cell. We also warn about unreferenced variables here, just ;;; because it's a convenient place to do it. We return true if we ;;; close over anything. (defun compute-closure (clambda) (declare (type clambda clambda)) (flet (;; This is the old CMU CL COMPUTE-CLOSURE, which only works ;; on LAMBDA-VARS directly, not on the LAMBDA-VARS of ;; LAMBDA-LETS. It seems never to be valid to use this ;; operation alone, so in SBCL, it's private, and the public ;; interface always runs over all the variables, both the ;; LAMBDA-VARS of CLAMBDA itself and the LAMBDA-VARS of ;; CLAMBDA's LAMBDA-LETS. ;; ;; Note that we don't need to make a distinction between the ;; outer CLAMBDA argument and the inner one, or refer to the ;; outer CLAMBDA argument at all, because the LET-conversion ;; process carefully modifies all the necessary CLAMBDA slots ;; (e.g. LAMBDA-PHYSENV) of a LET-converted CLAMBDA to refer ;; to the new home. (%compute-closure (clambda) (let ((physenv (get-lambda-physenv clambda)) (did-something nil)) (note-unreferenced-vars clambda) (dolist (var (lambda-vars clambda)) (dolist (ref (leaf-refs var)) (let ((ref-physenv (get-node-physenv ref))) (unless (eq ref-physenv physenv) (when (lambda-var-sets var) (setf (lambda-var-indirect var) t)) (setq did-something t) (close-over var ref-physenv physenv)))) (dolist (set (basic-var-sets var)) (let ((set-physenv (get-node-physenv set))) (unless (eq set-physenv physenv) (setq did-something t) (setf (lambda-var-indirect var) t) (close-over var set-physenv physenv))))) did-something))) (let ((did-something nil)) (when (%compute-closure clambda) (setf did-something t)) (dolist (lambda-let (lambda-lets clambda)) ;; There's no need to recurse through full COMPUTE-CLOSURE ;; here, since LETS only go one layer deep. (aver (null (lambda-lets lambda-let))) (when (%compute-closure lambda-let) (setf did-something t))) did-something))) ;;; Make sure that THING is closed over in REF-PHYSENV and in all ;;; PHYSENVs for the functions that reference REF-PHYSENV's function ;;; (not just calls). HOME-PHYSENV is THING's home environment. When we ;;; reach the home environment, we stop propagating the closure. (defun close-over (thing ref-physenv home-physenv) (declare (type physenv ref-physenv home-physenv)) (cond ((eq ref-physenv home-physenv)) ((member thing (physenv-closure ref-physenv))) (t (push thing (physenv-closure ref-physenv)) (dolist (call (leaf-refs (physenv-lambda ref-physenv))) (close-over thing (get-node-physenv call) home-physenv)))) (values)) ;;;; non-local exit ;;; Insert the entry stub before the original exit target, and add a ;;; new entry to the PHYSENV-NLX-INFO. The %NLX-ENTRY call in the ;;; stub is passed the NLX-INFO as an argument so that the back end ;;; knows what entry is being done. ;;; ;;; The link from the EXIT block to the entry stub is changed to be a ;;; link to the component head. Similarly, the EXIT block is linked to ;;; the component tail. This leaves the entry stub reachable, but ;;; makes the flow graph less confusing to flow analysis. ;;; ;;; If a CATCH or an UNWIND-protect, then we set the LEXENV for the ;;; last node in the cleanup code to be the enclosing environment, to ;;; represent the fact that the binding was undone as a side-effect of ;;; the exit. This will cause a lexical exit to be broken up if we are ;;; actually exiting the scope (i.e. a BLOCK), and will also do any ;;; other cleanups that may have to be done on the way. (defun insert-nlx-entry-stub (exit env) (declare (type physenv env) (type exit exit)) (let* ((exit-block (node-block exit)) (next-block (first (block-succ exit-block))) (cleanup (entry-cleanup (exit-entry exit))) (info (make-nlx-info :cleanup cleanup :continuation (node-cont exit))) (entry (exit-entry exit)) (new-block (insert-cleanup-code exit-block next-block entry `(%nlx-entry ',info) (entry-cleanup entry))) (component (block-component new-block))) (unlink-blocks exit-block new-block) (link-blocks exit-block (component-tail component)) (link-blocks (component-head component) new-block) (setf (nlx-info-target info) new-block) (push info (physenv-nlx-info env)) (push info (cleanup-nlx-info cleanup)) (when (member (cleanup-kind cleanup) '(:catch :unwind-protect)) (setf (node-lexenv (block-last new-block)) (node-lexenv entry)))) (values)) ;;; Do stuff necessary to represent a non-local exit from the node ;;; EXIT into ENV. This is called for each non-local exit node, of ;;; which there may be several per exit continuation. This is what we ;;; do: ;;; -- If there isn't any NLX-Info entry in the environment, make ;;; an entry stub, otherwise just move the exit block link to ;;; the component tail. ;;; -- Close over the NLX-Info in the exit environment. ;;; -- If the exit is from an :Escape function, then substitute a ;;; constant reference to NLX-Info structure for the escape ;;; function reference. This will cause the escape function to ;;; be deleted (although not removed from the DFO.) The escape ;;; function is no longer needed, and we don't want to emit code ;;; for it. We then also change the %NLX-ENTRY call to use the ;;; NLX continuation so that there will be a use to represent ;;; the NLX use. (defun note-non-local-exit (env exit) (declare (type physenv env) (type exit exit)) (let ((entry (exit-entry exit)) (cont (node-cont exit)) (exit-fun (node-home-lambda exit))) (if (find-nlx-info entry cont) (let ((block (node-block exit))) (aver (= (length (block-succ block)) 1)) (unlink-blocks block (first (block-succ block))) (link-blocks block (component-tail (block-component block)))) (insert-nlx-entry-stub exit env)) (let ((info (find-nlx-info entry cont))) (aver info) (close-over info (node-physenv exit) env) (when (eq (functional-kind exit-fun) :escape) (mapc #'(lambda (x) (setf (node-derived-type x) *wild-type*)) (leaf-refs exit-fun)) (substitute-leaf (find-constant info) exit-fun) (let ((node (block-last (nlx-info-target info)))) (delete-continuation-use node) (add-continuation-use node (nlx-info-continuation info)))))) (values)) ;;; Iterate over the EXITs in COMPONENT, calling NOTE-NON-LOCAL-EXIT ;;; when we find a block that ends in a non-local EXIT node. We also ;;; ensure that all EXIT nodes are either non-local or degenerate by ;;; calling IR1-OPTIMIZE-EXIT on local exits. This makes life simpler ;;; for later phases. (defun find-non-local-exits (component) (declare (type component component)) (dolist (lambda (component-lambdas component)) (dolist (entry (lambda-entries lambda)) (dolist (exit (entry-exits entry)) (let ((target-env (node-physenv entry))) (if (eq (node-physenv exit) target-env) (maybe-delete-exit exit) (note-non-local-exit target-env exit)))))) (values)) ;;;; cleanup emission ;;; Zoom up the cleanup nesting until we hit CLEANUP1, accumulating ;;; cleanup code as we go. When we are done, convert the cleanup code ;;; in an implicit MV-PROG1. We have to force local call analysis of ;;; new references to UNWIND-PROTECT cleanup functions. If we don't ;;; actually have to do anything, then we don't insert any cleanup ;;; code. ;;; ;;; If we do insert cleanup code, we check that BLOCK1 doesn't end in ;;; a "tail" local call. ;;; ;;; We don't need to adjust the ending cleanup of the cleanup block, ;;; since the cleanup blocks are inserted at the start of the DFO, and ;;; are thus never scanned. (defun emit-cleanups (block1 block2) (declare (type cblock block1 block2)) (collect ((code) (reanalyze-funs)) (let ((cleanup2 (block-start-cleanup block2))) (do ((cleanup (block-end-cleanup block1) (node-enclosing-cleanup (cleanup-mess-up cleanup)))) ((eq cleanup cleanup2)) (let* ((node (cleanup-mess-up cleanup)) (args (when (basic-combination-p node) (basic-combination-args node)))) (ecase (cleanup-kind cleanup) (:special-bind (code `(%special-unbind ',(continuation-value (first args))))) (:catch (code `(%catch-breakup))) (:unwind-protect (code `(%unwind-protect-breakup)) (let ((fun (ref-leaf (continuation-use (second args))))) (reanalyze-funs fun) (code `(%funcall ,fun)))) ((:block :tagbody) (dolist (nlx (cleanup-nlx-info cleanup)) (code `(%lexical-exit-breakup ',nlx))))))) (when (code) (aver (not (node-tail-p (block-last block1)))) (insert-cleanup-code block1 block2 (block-last block1) `(progn ,@(code))) (dolist (fun (reanalyze-funs)) (locall-analyze-fun-1 fun))))) (values)) ;;; Loop over the blocks in COMPONENT, calling EMIT-CLEANUPS when we ;;; see a successor in the same environment with a different cleanup. ;;; We ignore the cleanup transition if it is to a cleanup enclosed by ;;; the current cleanup, since in that case we are just messing up the ;;; environment, hence this is not the place to clean it. (defun find-cleanup-points (component) (declare (type component component)) (do-blocks (block1 component) (let ((env1 (block-physenv block1)) (cleanup1 (block-end-cleanup block1))) (dolist (block2 (block-succ block1)) (when (block-start block2) (let ((env2 (block-physenv block2)) (cleanup2 (block-start-cleanup block2))) (unless (or (not (eq env2 env1)) (eq cleanup1 cleanup2) (and cleanup2 (eq (node-enclosing-cleanup (cleanup-mess-up cleanup2)) cleanup1))) (emit-cleanups block1 block2))))))) (values)) ;;; Mark all tail-recursive uses of function result continuations with ;;; the corresponding TAIL-SET. Nodes whose type is NIL (i.e. don't ;;; return) such as calls to ERROR are never annotated as tail in ;;; order to preserve debugging information. (defun tail-annotate (component) (declare (type component component)) (dolist (fun (component-lambdas component)) (let ((ret (lambda-return fun))) (when ret (let ((result (return-result ret))) (do-uses (use result) (when (and (immediately-used-p result use) (or (not (eq (node-derived-type use) *empty-type*)) (not (basic-combination-p use)) (eq (basic-combination-kind use) :local))) (setf (node-tail-p use) t))))))) (values))