;;;; compiler optimization policy stuff ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!C") ;;; a value for an optimization declaration (def!type policy-quality () '(rational 0 3)) ;;; CMU CL used a special STRUCTURE-OBJECT type POLICY to represent ;;; the state of optimization policy at any point in compilation. This ;;; was a natural choice, but in SBCL it became a little troublesome ;;; because of stupid technicalities involving the cold initialization ;;; of structure LAYOUTs and structure accessors, so now we just use ;;; alists instead. (def!type policy () 'list) ;;; names of recognized optimization policy qualities (defvar *policy-qualities*) ; (initialized at cold init) ;;; Is X the name of an optimization policy quality? (defun policy-quality-name-p (x) (memq x *policy-qualities*)) ;;; *POLICY* holds the current global compiler policy information, as ;;; an alist mapping from optimization quality name to quality value. ;;; Inside the scope of declarations, new entries are added at the ;;; head of the alist. (declaim (type policy *policy*)) (defvar *policy*) ; initialized in cold init ;;; This is to be called early in cold init to set things up, and may ;;; also be called again later in cold init in order to reset default ;;; optimization policy back to default values after toplevel PROCLAIM ;;; OPTIMIZE forms have messed with it. (defun !policy-cold-init-or-resanify () (setf *policy-qualities* '(;; ANSI standard qualities compilation-speed debug safety space speed ;; SBCL extensions ;; ;; FIXME: INHIBIT-WARNINGS is a misleading name for this. ;; Perhaps BREVITY would be better. But the ideal name would ;; have connotations of suppressing not warnings but only ;; optimization-related notes, which is already mostly the ;; behavior, and should probably become the exact behavior. ;; Perhaps INHIBIT-NOTES? inhibit-warnings)) (setf *policy* (mapcar (lambda (name) ;; CMU CL didn't use 1 as the default for everything, ;; but since ANSI says 1 is the ordinary value, we do. (cons name 1)) *policy-qualities*))) ;;; On the cross-compilation host, we initialize immediately (not ;;; waiting for "cold init", since cold init doesn't exist on ;;; cross-compilation host). #+sb-xc-host (!policy-cold-init-or-resanify) ;;; Look up a named optimization quality in POLICY. This is only ;;; called by compiler code for known-valid QUALITY-NAMEs, e.g. SPEED; ;;; it's an error if it's called for a quality which isn't defined. ;;; ;;; FIXME: After this is debugged, it should get a DEFKNOWN. #+nil (declaim (ftype (function (policy symbol) policy-quality))) (defun policy-quality (policy quality-name) (let ((acons (assoc quality-name policy))) (unless acons (error "Argh! no such optimization quality ~S in~% ~S" quality-name policy)) (let ((result (cdr acons))) (unless (typep result '(rational 0 3)) (error "Argh! bogus optimization quality ~S" acons)) result))) ;;; Return a list of symbols naming the optimization qualities which ;;; appear in EXPR. ;;; ;;; FIXME: Doing this is slightly flaky (since we can't do it right ;;; without all the headaches of true code walking), and it shouldn't ;;; be necessary with modern Python anyway, as long as POLICY-QUALITY ;;; is properly DEFKNOWNed to have no side-effects so that it can be ;;; optimized away if unused. So this should probably go away. (defun policy-qualities-used-by (expr) (let ((result nil)) (labels ((recurse (x) (if (listp x) (map nil #'recurse x) (when (policy-quality-name-p x) (pushnew x result))))) (recurse expr) result))) ;;; syntactic sugar for querying optimization policy qualities ;;; ;;; Evaluate EXPR in terms of the optimization policy associated with ;;; THING. EXPR is a form which accesses optimization qualities by ;;; referring to them by name, e.g. (> SPEED SPACE). (defmacro policy (thing expr) (let* ((n-policy (gensym "N-POLICY-")) (used-qualities (policy-qualities-used-by expr)) (binds (mapcar (lambda (name) `(,name (policy-quality ,n-policy ',name))) used-qualities))) `(let* ((,n-policy (%coerce-to-policy ,thing)) ,@binds) ,expr)))