;;;; floating point support for the PPC ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;;;; Move functions: (define-move-fun (load-single 1) (vop x y) ((single-stack) (single-reg)) (inst lfs y (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset x) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (define-move-fun (store-single 1) (vop x y) ((single-reg) (single-stack)) (inst stfs x (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset y) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (define-move-fun (load-double 2) (vop x y) ((double-stack) (double-reg)) (let ((nfp (current-nfp-tn vop)) (offset (* (tn-offset x) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (inst lfd y nfp offset))) (define-move-fun (store-double 2) (vop x y) ((double-reg) (double-stack)) (let ((nfp (current-nfp-tn vop)) (offset (* (tn-offset y) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (inst stfd x nfp offset))) ;;;; Move VOPs: (macrolet ((frob (vop sc) `(progn (define-vop (,vop) (:args (x :scs (,sc) :target y :load-if (not (location= x y)))) (:results (y :scs (,sc) :load-if (not (location= x y)))) (:note "float move") (:generator 0 (unless (location= y x) (inst fmr y x)))) (define-move-vop ,vop :move (,sc) (,sc))))) (frob single-move single-reg) (frob double-move double-reg)) (define-vop (move-from-float) (:args (x :to :save)) (:results (y)) (:note "float to pointer coercion") (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) ndescr) (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg :offset nl3-offset) pa-flag) (:variant-vars double-p size type data) (:generator 13 (with-fixed-allocation (y pa-flag ndescr type size)) (if double-p (inst stfd x y (- (* data sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)) (inst stfs x y (- (* data sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag))))) (macrolet ((frob (name sc &rest args) `(progn (define-vop (,name move-from-float) (:args (x :scs (,sc) :to :save)) (:results (y :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:variant ,@args)) (define-move-vop ,name :move (,sc) (descriptor-reg))))) (frob move-from-single single-reg nil sb!vm:single-float-size sb!vm:single-float-widetag sb!vm:single-float-value-slot) (frob move-from-double double-reg t sb!vm:double-float-size sb!vm:double-float-widetag sb!vm:double-float-value-slot)) (macrolet ((frob (name sc double-p value) `(progn (define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (y :scs (,sc))) (:note "pointer to float coercion") (:generator 2 (inst ,(if double-p 'lfd 'lfs) y x (- (* ,value sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)))) (define-move-vop ,name :move (descriptor-reg) (,sc))))) (frob move-to-single single-reg nil sb!vm:single-float-value-slot) (frob move-to-double double-reg t sb!vm:double-float-value-slot)) (macrolet ((frob (name sc stack-sc double-p) `(progn (define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs (,sc) :target y) (nfp :scs (any-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is y ,sc)))) (:results (y)) (:note "float arg move") (:generator ,(if double-p 2 1) (sc-case y (,sc (unless (location= x y) (inst fmr y x))) (,stack-sc (let ((offset (* (tn-offset y) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (inst ,(if double-p 'stfd 'stfs) x nfp offset)))))) (define-move-vop ,name :move-arg (,sc descriptor-reg) (,sc))))) (frob move-single-float-arg single-reg single-stack nil) (frob move-double-float-arg double-reg double-stack t)) ;;;; Complex float move functions (defun complex-single-reg-real-tn (x) (make-random-tn :kind :normal :sc (sc-or-lose 'single-reg) :offset (tn-offset x))) (defun complex-single-reg-imag-tn (x) (make-random-tn :kind :normal :sc (sc-or-lose 'single-reg) :offset (1+ (tn-offset x)))) (defun complex-double-reg-real-tn (x) (make-random-tn :kind :normal :sc (sc-or-lose 'double-reg) :offset (tn-offset x))) (defun complex-double-reg-imag-tn (x) (make-random-tn :kind :normal :sc (sc-or-lose 'double-reg) :offset (1+ (tn-offset x)))) (define-move-fun (load-complex-single 2) (vop x y) ((complex-single-stack) (complex-single-reg)) (let ((nfp (current-nfp-tn vop)) (offset (* (tn-offset x) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (let ((real-tn (complex-single-reg-real-tn y))) (inst lfs real-tn nfp offset)) (let ((imag-tn (complex-single-reg-imag-tn y))) (inst lfs imag-tn nfp (+ offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) (define-move-fun (store-complex-single 2) (vop x y) ((complex-single-reg) (complex-single-stack)) (let ((nfp (current-nfp-tn vop)) (offset (* (tn-offset y) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (let ((real-tn (complex-single-reg-real-tn x))) (inst stfs real-tn nfp offset)) (let ((imag-tn (complex-single-reg-imag-tn x))) (inst stfs imag-tn nfp (+ offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) (define-move-fun (load-complex-double 4) (vop x y) ((complex-double-stack) (complex-double-reg)) (let ((nfp (current-nfp-tn vop)) (offset (* (tn-offset x) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (let ((real-tn (complex-double-reg-real-tn y))) (inst lfd real-tn nfp offset)) (let ((imag-tn (complex-double-reg-imag-tn y))) (inst lfd imag-tn nfp (+ offset (* 2 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))) (define-move-fun (store-complex-double 4) (vop x y) ((complex-double-reg) (complex-double-stack)) (let ((nfp (current-nfp-tn vop)) (offset (* (tn-offset y) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (let ((real-tn (complex-double-reg-real-tn x))) (inst stfd real-tn nfp offset)) (let ((imag-tn (complex-double-reg-imag-tn x))) (inst stfd imag-tn nfp (+ offset (* 2 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))) ;;; ;;; Complex float register to register moves. ;;; (define-vop (complex-single-move) (:args (x :scs (complex-single-reg) :target y :load-if (not (location= x y)))) (:results (y :scs (complex-single-reg) :load-if (not (location= x y)))) (:note "complex single float move") (:generator 0 (unless (location= x y) ;; Note the complex-float-regs are aligned to every second ;; float register so there is not need to worry about overlap. (let ((x-real (complex-single-reg-real-tn x)) (y-real (complex-single-reg-real-tn y))) (inst fmr y-real x-real)) (let ((x-imag (complex-single-reg-imag-tn x)) (y-imag (complex-single-reg-imag-tn y))) (inst fmr y-imag x-imag))))) ;;; (define-move-vop complex-single-move :move (complex-single-reg) (complex-single-reg)) (define-vop (complex-double-move) (:args (x :scs (complex-double-reg) :target y :load-if (not (location= x y)))) (:results (y :scs (complex-double-reg) :load-if (not (location= x y)))) (:note "complex double float move") (:generator 0 (unless (location= x y) ;; Note the complex-float-regs are aligned to every second ;; float register so there is not need to worry about overlap. (let ((x-real (complex-double-reg-real-tn x)) (y-real (complex-double-reg-real-tn y))) (inst fmr y-real x-real)) (let ((x-imag (complex-double-reg-imag-tn x)) (y-imag (complex-double-reg-imag-tn y))) (inst fmr y-imag x-imag))))) ;;; (define-move-vop complex-double-move :move (complex-double-reg) (complex-double-reg)) ;;; ;;; Move from a complex float to a descriptor register allocating a ;;; new complex float object in the process. ;;; (define-vop (move-from-complex-single) (:args (x :scs (complex-single-reg) :to :save)) (:results (y :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) ndescr) (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg :offset nl3-offset) pa-flag) (:note "complex single float to pointer coercion") (:generator 13 (with-fixed-allocation (y pa-flag ndescr sb!vm:complex-single-float-widetag sb!vm:complex-single-float-size)) (let ((real-tn (complex-single-reg-real-tn x))) (inst stfs real-tn y (- (* sb!vm:complex-single-float-real-slot sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag))) (let ((imag-tn (complex-single-reg-imag-tn x))) (inst stfs imag-tn y (- (* sb!vm:complex-single-float-imag-slot sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag))))) ;;; (define-move-vop move-from-complex-single :move (complex-single-reg) (descriptor-reg)) (define-vop (move-from-complex-double) (:args (x :scs (complex-double-reg) :to :save)) (:results (y :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) ndescr) (:temporary (:sc non-descriptor-reg :offset nl3-offset) pa-flag) (:note "complex double float to pointer coercion") (:generator 13 (with-fixed-allocation (y pa-flag ndescr sb!vm:complex-double-float-widetag sb!vm:complex-double-float-size)) (let ((real-tn (complex-double-reg-real-tn x))) (inst stfd real-tn y (- (* sb!vm:complex-double-float-real-slot sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag))) (let ((imag-tn (complex-double-reg-imag-tn x))) (inst stfd imag-tn y (- (* sb!vm:complex-double-float-imag-slot sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag))))) ;;; (define-move-vop move-from-complex-double :move (complex-double-reg) (descriptor-reg)) ;;; ;;; Move from a descriptor to a complex float register ;;; (define-vop (move-to-complex-single) (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (y :scs (complex-single-reg))) (:note "pointer to complex float coercion") (:generator 2 (let ((real-tn (complex-single-reg-real-tn y))) (inst lfs real-tn x (- (* complex-single-float-real-slot n-word-bytes) other-pointer-lowtag))) (let ((imag-tn (complex-single-reg-imag-tn y))) (inst lfs imag-tn x (- (* complex-single-float-imag-slot n-word-bytes) other-pointer-lowtag))))) (define-move-vop move-to-complex-single :move (descriptor-reg) (complex-single-reg)) (define-vop (move-to-complex-double) (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (y :scs (complex-double-reg))) (:note "pointer to complex float coercion") (:generator 2 (let ((real-tn (complex-double-reg-real-tn y))) (inst lfd real-tn x (- (* complex-double-float-real-slot n-word-bytes) other-pointer-lowtag))) (let ((imag-tn (complex-double-reg-imag-tn y))) (inst lfd imag-tn x (- (* complex-double-float-imag-slot n-word-bytes) other-pointer-lowtag))))) (define-move-vop move-to-complex-double :move (descriptor-reg) (complex-double-reg)) ;;; ;;; Complex float move-arg vop ;;; (define-vop (move-complex-single-float-arg) (:args (x :scs (complex-single-reg) :target y) (nfp :scs (any-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is y complex-single-reg)))) (:results (y)) (:note "complex single-float arg move") (:generator 1 (sc-case y (complex-single-reg (unless (location= x y) (let ((x-real (complex-single-reg-real-tn x)) (y-real (complex-single-reg-real-tn y))) (inst fmr y-real x-real)) (let ((x-imag (complex-single-reg-imag-tn x)) (y-imag (complex-single-reg-imag-tn y))) (inst fmr y-imag x-imag)))) (complex-single-stack (let ((offset (* (tn-offset y) n-word-bytes))) (let ((real-tn (complex-single-reg-real-tn x))) (inst stfs real-tn nfp offset)) (let ((imag-tn (complex-single-reg-imag-tn x))) (inst stfs imag-tn nfp (+ offset n-word-bytes)))))))) (define-move-vop move-complex-single-float-arg :move-arg (complex-single-reg descriptor-reg) (complex-single-reg)) (define-vop (move-complex-double-float-arg) (:args (x :scs (complex-double-reg) :target y) (nfp :scs (any-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is y complex-double-reg)))) (:results (y)) (:note "complex double-float arg move") (:generator 2 (sc-case y (complex-double-reg (unless (location= x y) (let ((x-real (complex-double-reg-real-tn x)) (y-real (complex-double-reg-real-tn y))) (inst fmr y-real x-real)) (let ((x-imag (complex-double-reg-imag-tn x)) (y-imag (complex-double-reg-imag-tn y))) (inst fmr y-imag x-imag)))) (complex-double-stack (let ((offset (* (tn-offset y) n-word-bytes))) (let ((real-tn (complex-double-reg-real-tn x))) (inst stfd real-tn nfp offset)) (let ((imag-tn (complex-double-reg-imag-tn x))) (inst stfd imag-tn nfp (+ offset (* 2 n-word-bytes))))))))) (define-move-vop move-complex-double-float-arg :move-arg (complex-double-reg descriptor-reg) (complex-double-reg)) (define-move-vop move-arg :move-arg (single-reg double-reg complex-single-reg complex-double-reg) (descriptor-reg)) ;;;; Arithmetic VOPs: (define-vop (float-op) (:args (x) (y)) (:results (r)) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline float arithmetic") (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only)) (macrolet ((frob (name sc ptype) `(define-vop (,name float-op) (:args (x :scs (,sc)) (y :scs (,sc))) (:results (r :scs (,sc))) (:arg-types ,ptype ,ptype) (:result-types ,ptype)))) (frob single-float-op single-reg single-float) (frob double-float-op double-reg double-float)) (macrolet ((frob (op sinst sname scost dinst dname dcost) `(progn (define-vop (,sname single-float-op) (:translate ,op) (:generator ,scost (inst ,sinst r x y))) (define-vop (,dname double-float-op) (:translate ,op) (:generator ,dcost (inst ,dinst r x y)))))) (frob + fadds +/single-float 2 fadd +/double-float 2) (frob - fsubs -/single-float 2 fsub -/double-float 2) (frob * fmuls */single-float 4 fmul */double-float 5) (frob / fdivs //single-float 12 fdiv //double-float 19)) (macrolet ((frob (name inst translate sc type) `(define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs (,sc))) (:results (y :scs (,sc))) (:translate ,translate) (:policy :fast-safe) (:arg-types ,type) (:result-types ,type) (:note "inline float arithmetic") (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 1 (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (inst ,inst y x))))) (frob abs/single-float fabs abs single-reg single-float) (frob abs/double-float fabs abs double-reg double-float) (frob %negate/single-float fneg %negate single-reg single-float) (frob %negate/double-float fneg %negate double-reg double-float)) ;;;; Comparison: (define-vop (float-compare) (:args (x) (y)) (:conditional) (:info target not-p) (:variant-vars format yep nope) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline float comparison") (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 3 (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (ecase format ((:single :double) (inst fcmpo :cr1 x y))) (inst b? :cr1 (if not-p nope yep) target))) (macrolet ((frob (name sc ptype) `(define-vop (,name float-compare) (:args (x :scs (,sc)) (y :scs (,sc))) (:arg-types ,ptype ,ptype)))) (frob single-float-compare single-reg single-float) (frob double-float-compare double-reg double-float)) (macrolet ((frob (translate yep nope sname dname) `(progn (define-vop (,sname single-float-compare) (:translate ,translate) (:variant :single ,yep ,nope)) (define-vop (,dname double-float-compare) (:translate ,translate) (:variant :double ,yep ,nope))))) (frob < :lt :ge :gt :le >/single-float >/double-float) (frob = :eq :ne eql/single-float eql/double-float)) ;;;; Conversion: (macrolet ((frob (name translate inst to-sc to-type) `(define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs (signed-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (double-stack)) temp) (:temporary (:scs (double-reg)) fmagic) (:temporary (:scs (signed-reg)) rtemp) (:results (y :scs (,to-sc))) (:arg-types signed-num) (:result-types ,to-type) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline float coercion") (:translate ,translate) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 5 (let* ((stack-offset (* (tn-offset temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (nfp-tn (current-nfp-tn vop)) (temp-offset-high (* stack-offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (temp-offset-low (* (1+ stack-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (inst lis rtemp #x4330) ; High word of magic constant (inst stw rtemp nfp-tn temp-offset-high) (inst lis rtemp #x8000) (inst stw rtemp nfp-tn temp-offset-low) (inst lfd fmagic nfp-tn temp-offset-high) (inst xor rtemp rtemp x) ; invert sign bit of x : rtemp had #x80000000 (inst stw rtemp nfp-tn temp-offset-low) (inst lfd y nfp-tn temp-offset-high) (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (inst ,inst y y fmagic)))))) (frob %single-float/signed %single-float fsubs single-reg single-float) (frob %double-float/signed %double-float fsub double-reg double-float)) (macrolet ((frob (name translate inst from-sc from-type to-sc to-type) `(define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs (,from-sc))) (:results (y :scs (,to-sc))) (:arg-types ,from-type) (:result-types ,to-type) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline float coercion") (:translate ,translate) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 2 (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (inst ,inst y x))))) (frob %single-float/double-float %single-float frsp double-reg double-float single-reg single-float) (frob %double-float/single-float %double-float fmr single-reg single-float double-reg double-float)) (macrolet ((frob (trans from-sc from-type inst) `(define-vop (,(symbolicate trans "/" from-type)) (:args (x :scs (,from-sc) :target temp)) (:temporary (:from (:argument 0) :sc single-reg) temp) (:temporary (:scs (double-stack)) stack-temp) (:results (y :scs (signed-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is y signed-stack)))) (:arg-types ,from-type) (:result-types signed-num) (:translate ,trans) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline float truncate") (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 5 (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (inst ,inst temp x) (sc-case y (signed-stack (inst stfd temp (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset y) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (signed-reg (inst stfd temp (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset stack-temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (inst lwz y (current-nfp-tn vop) (+ 4 (* (tn-offset stack-temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))))))) (frob %unary-truncate single-reg single-float fctiwz) (frob %unary-truncate double-reg double-float fctiwz) (frob %unary-round single-reg single-float fctiw) (frob %unary-round double-reg double-float fctiw)) (define-vop (make-single-float) (:args (bits :scs (signed-reg) :target res :load-if (not (sc-is bits signed-stack)))) (:results (res :scs (single-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is res single-stack)))) (:temporary (:scs (signed-reg) :from (:argument 0) :to (:result 0)) temp) (:temporary (:scs (signed-stack)) stack-temp) (:arg-types signed-num) (:result-types single-float) (:translate make-single-float) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 4 (sc-case bits (signed-reg (sc-case res (single-reg (inst stw bits (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset stack-temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (inst lfs res (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset stack-temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (single-stack (inst stw bits (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset res) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) (signed-stack (sc-case res (single-reg (inst lfs res (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset bits) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (single-stack (unless (location= bits res) (inst lwz temp (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset bits) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (inst stw temp (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset res) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))))))) (define-vop (make-double-float) (:args (hi-bits :scs (signed-reg)) (lo-bits :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:results (res :scs (double-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is res double-stack)))) (:temporary (:scs (double-stack)) temp) (:arg-types signed-num unsigned-num) (:result-types double-float) (:translate make-double-float) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 2 (let ((stack-tn (sc-case res (double-stack res) (double-reg temp)))) (inst stw hi-bits (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset stack-tn) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (inst stw lo-bits (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (1+ (tn-offset stack-tn)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (when (sc-is res double-reg) (inst lfd res (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) (define-vop (single-float-bits) (:args (float :scs (single-reg descriptor-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is float single-stack)))) (:results (bits :scs (signed-reg) :load-if (or (sc-is float descriptor-reg single-stack) (not (sc-is bits signed-stack))))) (:temporary (:scs (signed-stack)) stack-temp) (:arg-types single-float) (:result-types signed-num) (:translate single-float-bits) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 4 (sc-case bits (signed-reg (sc-case float (single-reg (inst stfs float (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset stack-temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (inst lwz bits (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset stack-temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (single-stack (inst lwz bits (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset float) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (descriptor-reg (loadw bits float sb!vm:single-float-value-slot sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)))) (signed-stack (sc-case float (single-reg (inst stfs float (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset bits) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))))) (define-vop (double-float-high-bits) (:args (float :scs (double-reg descriptor-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is float double-stack)))) (:results (hi-bits :scs (signed-reg) :load-if (or (sc-is float descriptor-reg double-stack) (not (sc-is hi-bits signed-stack))))) (:temporary (:scs (signed-stack)) stack-temp) (:arg-types double-float) (:result-types signed-num) (:translate double-float-high-bits) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 5 (sc-case hi-bits (signed-reg (sc-case float (double-reg (inst stfd float (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset stack-temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (inst lwz hi-bits (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset stack-temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (double-stack (inst lwz hi-bits (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset float) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (descriptor-reg (loadw hi-bits float sb!vm:double-float-value-slot sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)))) (signed-stack (sc-case float (double-reg (inst stfd float (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset hi-bits) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))))) (define-vop (double-float-low-bits) (:args (float :scs (double-reg descriptor-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is float double-stack)))) (:results (lo-bits :scs (unsigned-reg) :load-if (or (sc-is float descriptor-reg double-stack) (not (sc-is lo-bits unsigned-stack))))) (:temporary (:scs (unsigned-stack)) stack-temp) (:arg-types double-float) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:translate double-float-low-bits) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 5 (sc-case lo-bits (unsigned-reg (sc-case float (double-reg (inst stfd float (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset stack-temp) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (inst lwz lo-bits (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (1+ (tn-offset stack-temp)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (double-stack (inst lwz lo-bits (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (1+ (tn-offset float)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (descriptor-reg (loadw lo-bits float (1+ sb!vm:double-float-value-slot) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)))) (unsigned-stack (sc-case float (double-reg (inst stfd float (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (tn-offset lo-bits) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))))) ;;;; Float mode hackery: (sb!xc:deftype float-modes () '(unsigned-byte 32)) (defknown floating-point-modes () float-modes (flushable)) (defknown ((setf floating-point-modes)) (float-modes) float-modes) (define-vop (floating-point-modes) (:results (res :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:translate floating-point-modes) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:temporary (:sc double-stack) temp) (:temporary (:sc single-reg) fp-temp) (:generator 3 (let ((nfp (current-nfp-tn vop))) (inst mffs fp-temp) (inst stfd fp-temp nfp (* n-word-bytes (tn-offset temp))) (loadw res nfp (1+ (tn-offset temp)))))) (define-vop (set-floating-point-modes) (:args (new :scs (unsigned-reg) :target res)) (:results (res :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:arg-types unsigned-num) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:translate (setf floating-point-modes)) (:policy :fast-safe) (:temporary (:sc double-stack) temp) (:temporary (:sc single-reg) fp-temp) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 3 (let ((nfp (current-nfp-tn vop))) (storew new nfp (1+ (tn-offset temp))) (inst lfd fp-temp nfp (* n-word-bytes (tn-offset temp))) (inst mtfsf 255 fp-temp) (move res new)))) ;;;; Complex float VOPs (define-vop (make-complex-single-float) (:translate complex) (:args (real :scs (single-reg) :target r :load-if (not (location= real r))) (imag :scs (single-reg) :to :save)) (:arg-types single-float single-float) (:results (r :scs (complex-single-reg) :from (:argument 0) :load-if (not (sc-is r complex-single-stack)))) (:result-types complex-single-float) (:note "inline complex single-float creation") (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 5 (sc-case r (complex-single-reg (let ((r-real (complex-single-reg-real-tn r))) (unless (location= real r-real) (inst fmr r-real real))) (let ((r-imag (complex-single-reg-imag-tn r))) (unless (location= imag r-imag) (inst fmr r-imag imag)))) (complex-single-stack (let ((nfp (current-nfp-tn vop)) (offset (* (tn-offset r) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (unless (location= real r) (inst stfs real nfp offset)) (inst stfs imag nfp (+ offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))))) (define-vop (make-complex-double-float) (:translate complex) (:args (real :scs (double-reg) :target r :load-if (not (location= real r))) (imag :scs (double-reg) :to :save)) (:arg-types double-float double-float) (:results (r :scs (complex-double-reg) :from (:argument 0) :load-if (not (sc-is r complex-double-stack)))) (:result-types complex-double-float) (:note "inline complex double-float creation") (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 5 (sc-case r (complex-double-reg (let ((r-real (complex-double-reg-real-tn r))) (unless (location= real r-real) (inst fmr r-real real))) (let ((r-imag (complex-double-reg-imag-tn r))) (unless (location= imag r-imag) (inst fmr r-imag imag)))) (complex-double-stack (let ((nfp (current-nfp-tn vop)) (offset (* (tn-offset r) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (unless (location= real r) (inst stfd real nfp offset)) (inst stfd imag nfp (+ offset (* 2 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))))) (define-vop (complex-single-float-value) (:args (x :scs (complex-single-reg) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is x complex-single-stack)))) (:arg-types complex-single-float) (:results (r :scs (single-reg))) (:result-types single-float) (:variant-vars slot) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 3 (sc-case x (complex-single-reg (let ((value-tn (ecase slot (:real (complex-single-reg-real-tn x)) (:imag (complex-single-reg-imag-tn x))))) (unless (location= value-tn r) (inst fmr r value-tn)))) (complex-single-stack (inst lfs r (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (+ (ecase slot (:real 0) (:imag 1)) (tn-offset x)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))) (define-vop (realpart/complex-single-float complex-single-float-value) (:translate realpart) (:note "complex single float realpart") (:variant :real)) (define-vop (imagpart/complex-single-float complex-single-float-value) (:translate imagpart) (:note "complex single float imagpart") (:variant :imag)) (define-vop (complex-double-float-value) (:args (x :scs (complex-double-reg) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is x complex-double-stack)))) (:arg-types complex-double-float) (:results (r :scs (double-reg))) (:result-types double-float) (:variant-vars slot) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 3 (sc-case x (complex-double-reg (let ((value-tn (ecase slot (:real (complex-double-reg-real-tn x)) (:imag (complex-double-reg-imag-tn x))))) (unless (location= value-tn r) (inst fmr r value-tn)))) (complex-double-stack (inst lfd r (current-nfp-tn vop) (* (+ (ecase slot (:real 0) (:imag 2)) (tn-offset x)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))) (define-vop (realpart/complex-double-float complex-double-float-value) (:translate realpart) (:note "complex double float realpart") (:variant :real)) (define-vop (imagpart/complex-double-float complex-double-float-value) (:translate imagpart) (:note "complex double float imagpart") (:variant :imag))