;;;; This file contains some parameterizations of various VM ;;;; attributes for the PPC. This file is separate from other stuff so ;;;; that it can be compiled and loaded earlier. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;;; number of bits per word where a word holds one lisp descriptor (def!constant n-word-bits 32) ;;; the natural width of a machine word (as seen in e.g. register width, ;;; address space) (def!constant n-machine-word-bits 32) ;;; number of bits per byte where a byte is the smallest addressable ;;; object (def!constant n-byte-bits 8) (def!constant float-sign-shift 31) (def!constant single-float-bias 126) (defconstant-eqx single-float-exponent-byte (byte 8 23) #'equalp) (defconstant-eqx single-float-significand-byte (byte 23 0) #'equalp) (def!constant single-float-normal-exponent-min 1) (def!constant single-float-normal-exponent-max 254) (def!constant single-float-hidden-bit (ash 1 23)) (def!constant single-float-trapping-nan-bit (ash 1 22)) (def!constant double-float-bias 1022) (defconstant-eqx double-float-exponent-byte (byte 11 20) #'equalp) (defconstant-eqx double-float-significand-byte (byte 20 0) #'equalp) (def!constant double-float-normal-exponent-min 1) (def!constant double-float-normal-exponent-max #x7FE) (def!constant double-float-hidden-bit (ash 1 20)) (def!constant double-float-trapping-nan-bit (ash 1 19)) (def!constant single-float-digits (+ (byte-size single-float-significand-byte) 1)) (def!constant double-float-digits (+ (byte-size double-float-significand-byte) n-word-bits 1)) (def!constant float-inexact-trap-bit (ash 1 0)) (def!constant float-divide-by-zero-trap-bit (ash 1 1)) (def!constant float-underflow-trap-bit (ash 1 2)) (def!constant float-overflow-trap-bit (ash 1 3)) (def!constant float-invalid-trap-bit (ash 1 4)) (def!constant float-round-to-nearest 0) (def!constant float-round-to-zero 1) (def!constant float-round-to-positive 2) (def!constant float-round-to-negative 3) (defconstant-eqx float-rounding-mode (byte 2 0) #'equalp) ; RD ;;; FIXME I: Beware, all ye who trespass here. Despite its name, ;;; FLOAT-STICKY-BITS is not the byte specifier for sticky bits in the ;;; floating point control word. It is more like "accrued exceptions" ;;; where FLOAT-EXCEPTIONS-BYTE is "current exceptions". Consequently, ;;; on architectures where there is no "current exceptions" ;;; FLOAT-EXCEPTIONS-BYTE and FLOAT-STICKY-BITS had better be the ;;; same. ;;; ;;; FIXME II: So, I've now documented this in comments in the PowerPC ;;; tree. This may not make it easy to find for when new architectures ;;; get backends written... ;;; ;;; CSR, 2002-06-11 (defconstant-eqx float-sticky-bits (byte 5 25) #'equalp) (defconstant-eqx float-traps-byte (byte 5 3) #'equalp) (defconstant-eqx float-exceptions-byte (byte 5 25) #'equalp) ; cexc (def!constant float-fast-bit 2) ; Non-IEEE mode ;;; Where to put the different spaces. (def!constant read-only-space-start #x01000000) (def!constant read-only-space-end #x04ff8000) (def!constant static-space-start #x08000000) (def!constant static-space-end #x097fff00) ;;; FIXME: this is a gross violation of OAOO, done purely to support ;;; the #define of DYNAMIC_SPACE_SIZE in validate.c -- CSR, 2002-02-25 ;;; (these numbers should match dynamic-0-*) (def!constant dynamic-space-start #x40000000) (def!constant dynamic-space-end #x47fff000) ;;; nothing _seems_ to be using these addresses (def!constant dynamic-0-space-start #x40000000) (def!constant dynamic-0-space-end #x47fff000) (def!constant dynamic-1-space-start #x48000000) (def!constant dynamic-1-space-end #x4ffff000) #+darwin (progn (def!constant linkage-table-space-start #x50000000) (def!constant linkage-table-space-end #x51000000) (def!constant linkage-table-entry-size 16)) ;;;; Other random constants. (defenum (:suffix -trap :start 8) halt pending-interrupt error cerror breakpoint fun-end-breakpoint after-breakpoint fixnum-additive-overflow) (defenum (:prefix object-not- :suffix -trap :start 16) list instance) (defenum (:prefix trace-table-) normal call-site fun-prologue fun-epilogue) ;;;; Static symbols. ;;; These symbols are loaded into static space directly after NIL so ;;; that the system can compute their address by adding a constant ;;; amount to NIL. ;;; ;;; The fdefn objects for the static functions are loaded into static ;;; space directly after the static symbols. That way, the raw-addr ;;; can be loaded directly out of them by indirecting relative to NIL. ;;; (defparameter *static-symbols* '(t ;; The C startup code must fill these in. *posix-argv* ;; functions that the C code needs to call sb!impl::sub-gc sb!kernel::internal-error sb!kernel::control-stack-exhausted-error sb!kernel::undefined-alien-variable-error sb!kernel::undefined-alien-function-error sb!di::handle-breakpoint sb!impl::fdefinition-object ;; free pointers *read-only-space-free-pointer* *static-space-free-pointer* *initial-dynamic-space-free-pointer* ;; things needed for non-local exit *current-catch-block* *current-unwind-protect-block* *binding-stack-start* *control-stack-start* *control-stack-end* ;; interrupt handling *free-interrupt-context-index* sb!unix::*interrupts-enabled* sb!unix::*interrupt-pending* )) (defparameter *static-funs* '(length sb!kernel:two-arg-+ sb!kernel:two-arg-- sb!kernel:two-arg-* sb!kernel:two-arg-/ sb!kernel:two-arg-< sb!kernel:two-arg-> sb!kernel:two-arg-= sb!kernel:two-arg-<= sb!kernel:two-arg->= sb!kernel:two-arg-/= eql sb!kernel:%negate sb!kernel:two-arg-and sb!kernel:two-arg-ior sb!kernel:two-arg-xor sb!kernel:two-arg-eqv sb!kernel:two-arg-gcd sb!kernel:two-arg-lcm)) ;;;; Assembler parameters: ;;; The number of bits per element in the assemblers code vector. ;;; (defparameter *assembly-unit-length* 8)