;;;; function call for the x86 VM ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") (file-comment "$Header$") ;;;; interfaces to IR2 conversion ;;; Return a wired TN describing the N'th full call argument passing ;;; location. (def-vm-support-routine standard-argument-location (n) (declare (type unsigned-byte n)) (if (< n register-arg-count) (make-wired-tn *backend-t-primitive-type* descriptor-reg-sc-number (nth n register-arg-offsets)) (make-wired-tn *backend-t-primitive-type* control-stack-sc-number n))) ;;; Make a passing location TN for a local call return PC. ;;; ;;; Always wire the return PC location to the stack in its standard ;;; location. ;;; ;;; No problems. ;#+nil (def-vm-support-routine make-return-pc-passing-location (standard) (declare (ignore standard)) (make-wired-tn (primitive-type-or-lose 'system-area-pointer) sap-stack-sc-number return-pc-save-offset)) ;;; If standard is true, then use the standard (full call) location, ;;; otherwise use any legal location. ;;; ;;; No problems. #+nil (def-vm-support-routine make-return-pc-passing-location (standard) (let ((ptype (primitive-type-or-lose 'system-area-pointer))) (if standard (make-wired-tn ptype sap-stack-sc-number return-pc-save-offset) (make-normal-tn ptype)))) ;;; Similar to Make-Return-PC-Passing-Location, but makes a location to pass ;;; Old-FP in. ;;; ;;; This is wired in both the standard and the local-call ;;; conventions, because we want to be able to assume it's always there. ;;; Besides, the x86 doesn't have enough registers to really make it ;;; profitable to pass it in a register. ;;; ;;; No problems ;#+nil (def-vm-support-routine make-old-fp-passing-location (standard) (declare (ignore standard)) (make-wired-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* control-stack-sc-number ocfp-save-offset)) ;;; If standard is true, then use the standard (full call) location, ;;; otherwise use any legal location. ;;; ;;; No problems. #+nil (def-vm-support-routine make-old-fp-passing-location (standard) (if standard (make-wired-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* control-stack-sc-number ocfp-save-offset) (make-normal-tn *fixnum-primitive-type*))) ;;; Make the TNs used to hold Old-FP and Return-PC within the current ;;; function. We treat these specially so that the debugger can find them at a ;;; known location. ;;; ;;; Without using a save-tn - which does not make much sense if it is ;;; wire to the stack? No problems. (def-vm-support-routine make-old-fp-save-location (env) (environment-debug-live-tn (make-wired-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* control-stack-sc-number ocfp-save-offset) env)) ;;; Using a save-tn. No problems. #+nil (def-vm-support-routine make-old-fp-save-location (env) (specify-save-tn (environment-debug-live-tn (make-normal-tn *fixnum-primitive-type*) env) (make-wired-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* control-stack-sc-number ocfp-save-offset))) ;;; Without using a save-tn - which does not make much sense if it is ;;; wire to the stack? No problems. (def-vm-support-routine make-return-pc-save-location (env) (environment-debug-live-tn (make-wired-tn (primitive-type-or-lose 'system-area-pointer) sap-stack-sc-number return-pc-save-offset) env)) ;;; Using a save-tn. No problems. #+nil (def-vm-support-routine make-return-pc-save-location (env) (let ((ptype (primitive-type-or-lose 'system-area-pointer))) (specify-save-tn (environment-debug-live-tn (make-normal-tn ptype) env) (make-wired-tn ptype sap-stack-sc-number return-pc-save-offset)))) ;;; Make a TN for the standard argument count passing location. We only ;;; need to make the standard location, since a count is never passed when we ;;; are using non-standard conventions. (def-vm-support-routine make-argument-count-location () (make-wired-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* any-reg-sc-number ecx-offset)) ;;; Make a TN to hold the number-stack frame pointer. This is allocated ;;; once per component, and is component-live. (def-vm-support-routine make-nfp-tn () (make-restricted-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* ignore-me-sc-number)) (def-vm-support-routine make-stack-pointer-tn () (make-normal-tn *fixnum-primitive-type*)) (def-vm-support-routine make-number-stack-pointer-tn () (make-restricted-tn *fixnum-primitive-type* ignore-me-sc-number)) ;;; Return a list of TNs that can be used to represent an unknown-values ;;; continuation within a function. (def-vm-support-routine make-unknown-values-locations () (list (make-stack-pointer-tn) (make-normal-tn *fixnum-primitive-type*))) ;;; This function is called by the Entry-Analyze phase, allowing ;;; VM-dependent initialization of the IR2-Component structure. We push ;;; placeholder entries in the Constants to leave room for additional ;;; noise in the code object header. ;;; ;;; For the x86 the first constant is a pointer to a list of fixups, ;;; or nil if the code object has none. (def-vm-support-routine select-component-format (component) (declare (type component component)) (dotimes (i (1+ code-constants-offset)) (vector-push-extend nil (ir2-component-constants (component-info component)))) (values)) ;;;; frame hackery ;;; Used for setting up the Old-FP in local call. (define-vop (current-fp) (:results (val :scs (any-reg control-stack))) (:generator 1 (move val ebp-tn))) ;;; We don't have a separate NFP, so we don't need to do anything here. (define-vop (compute-old-nfp) (:results (val)) (:ignore val) (:generator 1 nil)) (define-vop (xep-allocate-frame) (:info start-lab copy-more-arg-follows) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 1 ;; Make sure the function is aligned, and drop a label pointing to this ;; function header. (align lowtag-bits) (trace-table-entry trace-table-function-prologue) (emit-label start-lab) ;; Skip space for the function header. (inst function-header-word) (dotimes (i (1- sb!vm:function-code-offset)) (inst dword 0)) ;; The start of the actual code. ;; Save the return-pc. (popw ebp-tn (- (1+ return-pc-save-offset))) ;; If copy-more-arg follows it will allocate the correct stack ;; size. The stack is not allocated first here as this may expose ;; args on the stack if they take up more space than the frame! (unless copy-more-arg-follows ;; The args fit within the frame so just allocate the frame. (inst lea esp-tn (make-ea :dword :base ebp-tn :disp (- (* sb!vm:word-bytes (max 3 (sb-allocated-size 'stack))))))) (trace-table-entry trace-table-normal))) ;;; This is emitted directly before either a known-call-local, call-local, ;;; or a multiple-call-local. All it does is allocate stack space for the ;;; callee (who has the same size stack as us). (define-vop (allocate-frame) (:results (res :scs (any-reg control-stack)) (nfp)) (:info callee) (:ignore nfp callee) (:generator 2 (move res esp-tn) (inst sub esp-tn (* sb!vm:word-bytes (sb-allocated-size 'stack))))) ;;; Allocate a partial frame for passing stack arguments in a full call. Nargs ;;; is the number of arguments passed. We allocate at least 3 slots, because ;;; the XEP noise is going to want to use them before it can extend the stack. (define-vop (allocate-full-call-frame) (:info nargs) (:results (res :scs (any-reg control-stack))) (:generator 2 (move res esp-tn) (inst sub esp-tn (* (max nargs 3) sb!vm:word-bytes)))) ;;; Emit code needed at the return-point from an unknown-values call for a ;;; fixed number of values. Values is the head of the TN-Ref list for the ;;; locations that the values are to be received into. Nvals is the number of ;;; values that are to be received (should equal the length of Values). ;;; ;;; Move-Temp is a Descriptor-Reg TN used as a temporary. ;;; ;;; This code exploits the fact that in the unknown-values convention, a ;;; single value return returns at the return PC + 2, whereas a return of other ;;; than one value returns directly at the return PC. ;;; ;;; If 0 or 1 values are expected, then we just emit an instruction to reset ;;; the SP (which will only be executed when other than 1 value is returned.) ;;; ;;; In the general case we have to do three things: ;;; -- Default unsupplied register values. This need only be done when a ;;; single value is returned, since register values are defaulted by the ;;; called in the non-single case. ;;; -- Default unsupplied stack values. This needs to be done whenever there ;;; are stack values. ;;; -- Reset SP. This must be done whenever other than 1 value is returned, ;;; regardless of the number of values desired. (defun default-unknown-values (vop values nvals) (declare (type (or tn-ref null) values) (type unsigned-byte nvals)) (cond ((<= nvals 1) (note-this-location vop :single-value-return) (inst mov esp-tn ebx-tn)) ((<= nvals register-arg-count) (let ((regs-defaulted (gen-label))) (note-this-location vop :unknown-return) (inst jmp-short regs-defaulted) ;; Default the unsuppled registers. (let* ((2nd-tn-ref (tn-ref-across values)) (2nd-tn (tn-ref-tn 2nd-tn-ref))) (inst mov 2nd-tn nil-value) (when (> nvals 2) (loop for tn-ref = (tn-ref-across 2nd-tn-ref) then (tn-ref-across tn-ref) for count from 2 below register-arg-count do count (inst mov (tn-ref-tn tn-ref) 2nd-tn)))) (inst mov ebx-tn esp-tn) (emit-label regs-defaulted) (inst mov esp-tn ebx-tn))) ((<= nvals 7) ;; Number of bytes depends on the relative jump instructions. Best ;; case is 31+(n-3)*14, worst case is 35+(n-3)*18. For nvals=6 ;; that is 73/89 bytes, and for nvals=7 that is 87/107 bytes which ;; is likely better than using the blt below. (let ((regs-defaulted (gen-label)) (defaulting-done (gen-label)) (default-stack-slots (gen-label))) (note-this-location vop :unknown-return) ;; Branch off to the MV case. (inst jmp-short regs-defaulted) ;; Do the single value case. ;; Default the register args (inst mov eax-tn nil-value) (do ((i 1 (1+ i)) (val (tn-ref-across values) (tn-ref-across val))) ((= i (min nvals register-arg-count))) (inst mov (tn-ref-tn val) eax-tn)) ;; Fake other registers so it looks like we returned with all the ;; registers filled in. (move ebx-tn esp-tn) (inst push edx-tn) (inst jmp default-stack-slots) (emit-label regs-defaulted) (inst mov eax-tn nil-value) (storew edx-tn ebx-tn -1) (collect ((defaults)) (do ((i register-arg-count (1+ i)) (val (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (val values (tn-ref-across val))) ((= i register-arg-count) val)) (tn-ref-across val))) ((null val)) (let ((default-lab (gen-label)) (tn (tn-ref-tn val))) (defaults (cons default-lab tn)) (inst cmp ecx-tn (fixnumize i)) (inst jmp :be default-lab) (loadw edx-tn ebx-tn (- (1+ i))) (inst mov tn edx-tn))) (emit-label defaulting-done) (loadw edx-tn ebx-tn -1) (move esp-tn ebx-tn) (let ((defaults (defaults))) (when defaults (assemble (*elsewhere*) (trace-table-entry trace-table-function-prologue) (emit-label default-stack-slots) (dolist (default defaults) (emit-label (car default)) (inst mov (cdr default) eax-tn)) (inst jmp defaulting-done) (trace-table-entry trace-table-normal))))))) (t ;; 91 bytes for this branch. (let ((regs-defaulted (gen-label)) (restore-edi (gen-label)) (no-stack-args (gen-label)) (default-stack-vals (gen-label)) (count-okay (gen-label))) (note-this-location vop :unknown-return) ;; Branch off to the MV case. (inst jmp-short regs-defaulted) ;; Default the register args, and set up the stack as if we entered ;; the MV return point. (inst mov ebx-tn esp-tn) (inst push edx-tn) (inst mov edi-tn nil-value) (inst push edi-tn) (inst mov esi-tn edi-tn) ;; Compute a pointer to where to put the [defaulted] stack values. (emit-label no-stack-args) (inst lea edi-tn (make-ea :dword :base ebp-tn :disp (* (- (1+ register-arg-count)) word-bytes))) ;; Load EAX with NIL so we can quickly store it, and set up stuff ;; for the loop. (inst mov eax-tn nil-value) (inst std) (inst mov ecx-tn (- nvals register-arg-count)) ;; Jump into the default loop. (inst jmp default-stack-vals) ;; The regs are defaulted. We need to copy any stack arguments, ;; and then default the remaining stack arguments. (emit-label regs-defaulted) ;; Save EDI. (storew edi-tn ebx-tn (- (1+ 1))) ;; Compute the number of stack arguments, and if it's zero or less, ;; don't copy any stack arguments. (inst sub ecx-tn (fixnumize register-arg-count)) (inst jmp :le no-stack-args) ;; Throw away any unwanted args. (inst cmp ecx-tn (fixnumize (- nvals register-arg-count))) (inst jmp :be count-okay) (inst mov ecx-tn (fixnumize (- nvals register-arg-count))) (emit-label count-okay) ;; Save the number of stack values. (inst mov eax-tn ecx-tn) ;; Compute a pointer to where the stack args go. (inst lea edi-tn (make-ea :dword :base ebp-tn :disp (* (- (1+ register-arg-count)) word-bytes))) ;; Save ESI, and compute a pointer to where the args come from. (storew esi-tn ebx-tn (- (1+ 2))) (inst lea esi-tn (make-ea :dword :base ebx-tn :disp (* (- (1+ register-arg-count)) word-bytes))) ;; Do the copy. (inst shr ecx-tn word-shift) ; make word count (inst std) (inst rep) (inst movs :dword) ;; Restore ESI. (loadw esi-tn ebx-tn (- (1+ 2))) ;; Now we have to default the remaining args. Find out how many. (inst sub eax-tn (fixnumize (- nvals register-arg-count))) (inst neg eax-tn) ;; If none, then just blow out of here. (inst jmp :le restore-edi) (inst mov ecx-tn eax-tn) (inst shr ecx-tn word-shift) ; word count ;; Load EAX with NIL for fast storing. (inst mov eax-tn nil-value) ;; Do the store. (emit-label default-stack-vals) (inst rep) (inst stos eax-tn) ;; Restore EDI, and reset the stack. (emit-label restore-edi) (loadw edi-tn ebx-tn (- (1+ 1))) (inst mov esp-tn ebx-tn)))) (values)) ;;;; unknown values receiving ;;; Emit code needed at the return point for an unknown-values call for an ;;; arbitrary number of values. ;;; ;;; We do the single and non-single cases with no shared code: there doesn't ;;; seem to be any potential overlap, and receiving a single value is more ;;; important efficiency-wise. ;;; ;;; When there is a single value, we just push it on the stack, returning ;;; the old SP and 1. ;;; ;;; When there is a variable number of values, we move all of the argument ;;; registers onto the stack, and return Args and Nargs. ;;; ;;; Args and Nargs are TNs wired to the named locations. We must ;;; explicitly allocate these TNs, since their lifetimes overlap with the ;;; results Start and Count (also, it's nice to be able to target them). (defun receive-unknown-values (args nargs start count) (declare (type tn args nargs start count)) (let ((variable-values (gen-label)) (done (gen-label))) (inst jmp-short variable-values) (inst mov start esp-tn) (inst push (first *register-arg-tns*)) (inst mov count (fixnumize 1)) (inst jmp done) (emit-label variable-values) ;; dtc: this writes the registers onto the stack even if they are ;; not needed, only the number specified in ecx are used and have ;; stack allocated to them. No harm is done. (loop for arg in *register-arg-tns* for i downfrom -1 do (storew arg args i)) (move start args) (move count nargs) (emit-label done)) (values)) ;;; VOP that can be inherited by unknown values receivers. The main thing this ;;; handles is allocation of the result temporaries. (define-vop (unknown-values-receiver) (:temporary (:sc descriptor-reg :offset ebx-offset :from :eval :to (:result 0)) values-start) (:temporary (:sc any-reg :offset ecx-offset :from :eval :to (:result 1)) nvals) (:results (start :scs (any-reg control-stack)) (count :scs (any-reg control-stack)))) ;;;; local call with unknown values convention return ;;; Non-TR local call for a fixed number of values passed according to the ;;; unknown values convention. ;;; ;;; FP is the frame pointer in install before doing the call. ;;; ;;; NFP would be the number-stack frame pointer if we had a separate number ;;; stack. ;;; ;;; Args are the argument passing locations, which are specified only to ;;; terminate their lifetimes in the caller. ;;; ;;; Values are the return value locations (wired to the standard passing ;;; locations). ;;; Nvals is the number of values received. ;;; ;;; Save is the save info, which we can ignore since saving has been done. ;;; ;;; Target is a continuation pointing to the start of the called function. (define-vop (call-local) (:args (fp) (nfp) (args :more t)) (:results (values :more t)) (:save-p t) (:move-args :local-call) (:info arg-locs callee target nvals) (:vop-var vop) (:ignore nfp arg-locs args #+nil callee) (:generator 5 (trace-table-entry trace-table-call-site) (move ebp-tn fp) (let ((ret-tn (callee-return-pc-tn callee))) #+nil (format t "*call-local ~S; tn-kind ~S; tn-save-tn ~S; its tn-kind ~S~%" ret-tn (sb!c::tn-kind ret-tn) (sb!c::tn-save-tn ret-tn) (sb!c::tn-kind (sb!c::tn-save-tn ret-tn))) ;; Is the return-pc on the stack or in a register? (sc-case ret-tn ((sap-stack) #+nil (format t "*call-local: ret-tn on stack; offset=~S~%" (tn-offset ret-tn)) (storew (make-fixup nil :code-object return) ebp-tn (- (1+ (tn-offset ret-tn))))) ((sap-reg) (inst lea ret-tn (make-fixup nil :code-object return))))) (note-this-location vop :call-site) (inst jmp target) RETURN (default-unknown-values vop values nvals) (trace-table-entry trace-table-normal))) ;;; Non-TR local call for a variable number of return values passed according ;;; to the unknown values convention. The results are the start of the values ;;; glob and the number of values received. (define-vop (multiple-call-local unknown-values-receiver) (:args (fp) (nfp) (args :more t)) (:save-p t) (:move-args :local-call) (:info save callee target) (:ignore args save nfp #+nil callee) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 20 (trace-table-entry trace-table-call-site) (move ebp-tn fp) (let ((ret-tn (callee-return-pc-tn callee))) #+nil (format t "*multiple-call-local ~S; tn-kind ~S; tn-save-tn ~S; its tn-kind ~S~%" ret-tn (sb!c::tn-kind ret-tn) (sb!c::tn-save-tn ret-tn) (sb!c::tn-kind (sb!c::tn-save-tn ret-tn))) ;; Is the return-pc on the stack or in a register? (sc-case ret-tn ((sap-stack) #+nil (format t "*multiple-call-local: ret-tn on stack; offset=~S~%" (tn-offset ret-tn)) ;; Stack (storew (make-fixup nil :code-object return) ebp-tn (- (1+ (tn-offset ret-tn))))) ((sap-reg) ;; Register (inst lea ret-tn (make-fixup nil :code-object return))))) (note-this-location vop :call-site) (inst jmp target) RETURN (note-this-location vop :unknown-return) (receive-unknown-values values-start nvals start count) (trace-table-entry trace-table-normal))) ;;;; local call with known values return ;;; Non-TR local call with known return locations. Known-value return works ;;; just like argument passing in local call. ;;; ;;; Note: we can't use normal load-tn allocation for the fixed args, since all ;;; registers may be tied up by the more operand. Instead, we use ;;; MAYBE-LOAD-STACK-TN. (define-vop (known-call-local) (:args (fp) (nfp) (args :more t)) (:results (res :more t)) (:move-args :local-call) (:save-p t) (:info save callee target) (:ignore args res save nfp #+nil callee) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 5 (trace-table-entry trace-table-call-site) (move ebp-tn fp) (let ((ret-tn (callee-return-pc-tn callee))) #+nil (format t "*known-call-local ~S; tn-kind ~S; tn-save-tn ~S; its tn-kind ~S~%" ret-tn (sb!c::tn-kind ret-tn) (sb!c::tn-save-tn ret-tn) (sb!c::tn-kind (sb!c::tn-save-tn ret-tn))) ;; Is the return-pc on the stack or in a register? (sc-case ret-tn ((sap-stack) #+nil (format t "*known-call-local: ret-tn on stack; offset=~S~%" (tn-offset ret-tn)) ;; Stack (storew (make-fixup nil :code-object return) ebp-tn (- (1+ (tn-offset ret-tn))))) ((sap-reg) ;; Register (inst lea ret-tn (make-fixup nil :code-object return))))) (note-this-location vop :call-site) (inst jmp target) RETURN (note-this-location vop :known-return) (trace-table-entry trace-table-normal))) ;;; Return from known values call. We receive the return locations as ;;; arguments to terminate their lifetimes in the returning function. We ;;; restore FP and CSP and jump to the Return-PC. ;;; ;;; We can assume we know exactly where old-fp and return-pc are because ;;; make-old-fp-save-location and make-return-pc-save-location always ;;; return the same place. #+nil (define-vop (known-return) (:args (old-fp) (return-pc :scs (any-reg immediate-stack) :target rpc) (vals :more t)) (:move-args :known-return) (:info val-locs) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :from (:argument 1)) rpc) (:ignore val-locs vals) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 6 (trace-table-entry trace-table-function-epilogue) ;; Save the return-pc in a register 'cause the frame-pointer is going away. ;; Note this not in the usual stack location so we can't use RET (move rpc return-pc) ;; Restore the stack. (move esp-tn ebp-tn) ;; Restore the old fp. We know OLD-FP is going to be in its stack ;; save slot, which is a different frame that than this one, ;; so we don't have to worry about having just cleared ;; most of the stack. (move ebp-tn old-fp) (inst jmp rpc) (trace-table-entry trace-table-normal))) ;;; From Douglas Crosher ;;; Return from known values call. We receive the return locations as ;;; arguments to terminate their lifetimes in the returning function. We ;;; restore FP and CSP and jump to the Return-PC. ;;; ;;; The old-fp may be either in a register or on the stack in its ;;; standard save locations - slot 0. ;;; ;;; The return-pc may be in a register or on the stack in any slot. (define-vop (known-return) (:args (old-fp) (return-pc) (vals :more t)) (:move-args :known-return) (:info val-locs) (:ignore val-locs vals) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 6 (trace-table-entry trace-table-function-epilogue) #+nil (format t "*known-return: old-fp ~S, tn-kind ~S; ~S ~S~%" old-fp (sb!c::tn-kind old-fp) (sb!c::tn-save-tn old-fp) (sb!c::tn-kind (sb!c::tn-save-tn old-fp))) #+nil (format t "*known-return: return-pc ~S, tn-kind ~S; ~S ~S~%" return-pc (sb!c::tn-kind return-pc) (sb!c::tn-save-tn return-pc) (sb!c::tn-kind (sb!c::tn-save-tn return-pc))) ;; return-pc may be either in a register or on the stack. (sc-case return-pc ((sap-reg) (sc-case old-fp ((control-stack) #+nil (format t "*known-return: old-fp ~S on stack; offset=~S~%" old-fp (tn-offset old-fp)) (cond ((zerop (tn-offset old-fp)) ;; Zot all of the stack except for the old-fp. (inst lea esp-tn (make-ea :dword :base ebp-tn :disp (- (* (1+ ocfp-save-offset) word-bytes)))) ;; Restore the old fp from its save location on the stack, ;; and zot the stack. (inst pop ebp-tn)) (t (cerror "Continue any-way" "VOP return-local doesn't work if old-fp (in slot %s) is not in slot 0" (tn-offset old-fp))))) ((any-reg descriptor-reg) ;; Zot all the stack. (move esp-tn ebp-tn) ;; Restore the old-fp. (move ebp-tn old-fp))) ;; Return; return-pc is in a register. (inst jmp return-pc)) ((sap-stack) #+nil (format t "*known-return: return-pc ~S on stack; offset=~S~%" return-pc (tn-offset return-pc)) ;; Zot all of the stack except for the old-fp and return-pc. (inst lea esp-tn (make-ea :dword :base ebp-tn :disp (- (* (1+ (tn-offset return-pc)) word-bytes)))) ;; Restore the old fp. old-fp may be either on the stack in its ;; save location or in a register, in either case this restores it. (move ebp-tn old-fp) ;; The return pops the return address (4 bytes), then we need ;; to pop all the slots before the return-pc which includes the ;; 4 bytes for the old-fp. (inst ret (* (tn-offset return-pc) word-bytes)))) (trace-table-entry trace-table-normal))) ;;;; full call ;;; ;;; There is something of a cross-product effect with full calls. Different ;;; versions are used depending on whether we know the number of arguments or ;;; the name of the called function, and whether we want fixed values, unknown ;;; values, or a tail call. ;;; ;;; In full call, the arguments are passed creating a partial frame on the ;;; stack top and storing stack arguments into that frame. On entry to the ;;; callee, this partial frame is pointed to by FP. ;;; This macro helps in the definition of full call VOPs by avoiding code ;;; replication in defining the cross-product VOPs. ;;; ;;; Name is the name of the VOP to define. ;;; ;;; Named is true if the first argument is an fdefinition object whose ;;; definition is to be called. ;;; ;;; Return is either :Fixed, :Unknown or :Tail: ;;; -- If :Fixed, then the call is for a fixed number of values, returned in ;;; the standard passing locations (passed as result operands). ;;; -- If :Unknown, then the result values are pushed on the stack, and the ;;; result values are specified by the Start and Count as in the ;;; unknown-values continuation representation. ;;; -- If :Tail, then do a tail-recursive call. No values are returned. ;;; The Old-Fp and Return-PC are passed as the second and third arguments. ;;; ;;; In non-tail calls, the pointer to the stack arguments is passed as the last ;;; fixed argument. If Variable is false, then the passing locations are ;;; passed as a more arg. Variable is true if there are a variable number of ;;; arguments passed on the stack. Variable cannot be specified with :Tail ;;; return. TR variable argument call is implemented separately. ;;; ;;; In tail call with fixed arguments, the passing locations are passed as a ;;; more arg, but there is no new-FP, since the arguments have been set up in ;;; the current frame. (macrolet ((define-full-call (name named return variable) (assert (not (and variable (eq return :tail)))) `(define-vop (,name ,@(when (eq return :unknown) '(unknown-values-receiver))) (:args ,@(unless (eq return :tail) '((new-fp :scs (any-reg) :to (:argument 1)))) (fun :scs (descriptor-reg control-stack) :target eax :to (:argument 0)) ,@(when (eq return :tail) '((old-fp) (return-pc))) ,@(unless variable '((args :more t :scs (descriptor-reg))))) ,@(when (eq return :fixed) '((:results (values :more t)))) (:save-p ,(if (eq return :tail) :compute-only t)) ,@(unless (or (eq return :tail) variable) '((:move-args :full-call))) (:vop-var vop) (:info ,@(unless (or variable (eq return :tail)) '(arg-locs)) ,@(unless variable '(nargs)) ,@(when (eq return :fixed) '(nvals))) (:ignore ,@(unless (or variable (eq return :tail)) '(arg-locs)) ,@(unless variable '(args))) ;; We pass either the fdefn object (for named call) or the actual ;; function object (for unnamed call) in EAX. With named call, ;; closure-tramp will replace it with the real function and invoke ;; the real function for closures. Non-closures do not need this ;; value, so don't care what shows up in it. (:temporary (:sc descriptor-reg :offset eax-offset :from (:argument 0) :to :eval) eax) ;; We pass the number of arguments in ECX. (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset ecx-offset :to :eval) ecx) ;; With variable call, we have to load the register-args out ;; of the (new) stack frame before doing the call. Therefore, ;; we have to tell the lifetime stuff that we need to use them. ,@(when variable (mapcar #'(lambda (name offset) `(:temporary (:sc descriptor-reg :offset ,offset :from (:argument 0) :to :eval) ,name)) register-arg-names register-arg-offsets)) ,@(when (eq return :tail) '((:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :from (:argument 1) :to (:argument 2)) old-fp-tmp))) (:generator ,(+ (if named 5 0) (if variable 19 1) (if (eq return :tail) 0 10) 15 (if (eq return :unknown) 25 0)) (trace-table-entry trace-table-call-site) ;; This has to be done before the frame pointer is changed! ;; eax stores the 'lexical environment' needed for closures (move eax fun) ,@(if variable ;; For variable call, compute the number of arguments and ;; move some of the arguments to registers. (collect ((noise)) ;; Compute the number of arguments. (noise '(inst mov ecx new-fp)) (noise '(inst sub ecx esp-tn)) ;; Move the necessary args to registers, this ;; moves them all even if they are not all needed. (loop for name in register-arg-names for index downfrom -1 do (noise `(loadw ,name new-fp ,index))) (noise)) '((if (zerop nargs) (inst xor ecx ecx) (inst mov ecx (fixnumize nargs))))) ,@(cond ((eq return :tail) '(;; Python has figured out what frame we should return ;; to so might as well use that clue. This seems ;; really important to the implementation of things ;; like (without-interrupts ...) ;; dtc; Could be doing a tail call from a ;; known-local-call etc in which the old-fp or ret-pc ;; are in regs or in non-standard places. If the ;; passing location were wired to the stack in ;; standard locations then these moves will be ;; un-necessary; this is probably best for the x86. (sc-case old-fp ((control-stack) (unless (= ocfp-save-offset (tn-offset old-fp)) ;; FIXME: FORMAT T for stale diagnostic ;; output (several of them around here), ;; ick (format t "** tail-call old-fp not S0~%") (move old-fp-tmp old-fp) (storew old-fp-tmp ebp-tn (- (1+ ocfp-save-offset))))) ((any-reg descriptor-reg) (format t "** tail-call old-fp in reg not S0~%") (storew old-fp ebp-tn (- (1+ ocfp-save-offset))))) ;; For tail call, we have to push the return-pc so ;; that it looks like we CALLed despite the fact that ;; we are going to JMP. (inst push return-pc) )) (t ;; For non-tail call, we have to save our frame pointer ;; and install the new frame pointer. We can't load ;; stack tns after this point. `(;; Python doesn't seem to allocate a frame here which ;; doesn't leave room for the ofp/ret stuff. ;; The variable args are on the stack and become the ;; frame, but there may be <3 args and 3 stack slots ;; are assumed allocate on the call. So need to ;; ensure there are at least 3 slots. This hack just ;; adds 3 more. ,(if variable '(inst sub esp-tn (fixnumize 3))) ;; Save the fp (storew ebp-tn new-fp (- (1+ ocfp-save-offset))) (move ebp-tn new-fp) ; NB - now on new stack frame. ))) (note-this-location vop :call-site) (inst ,(if (eq return :tail) 'jmp 'call) (make-ea :dword :base eax :disp ,(if named '(- (* fdefn-raw-addr-slot word-bytes) other-pointer-type) '(- (* closure-function-slot word-bytes) function-pointer-type)))) ,@(ecase return (:fixed '((default-unknown-values vop values nvals))) (:unknown '((note-this-location vop :unknown-return) (receive-unknown-values values-start nvals start count))) (:tail)) (trace-table-entry trace-table-normal))))) (define-full-call call nil :fixed nil) (define-full-call call-named t :fixed nil) (define-full-call multiple-call nil :unknown nil) (define-full-call multiple-call-named t :unknown nil) (define-full-call tail-call nil :tail nil) (define-full-call tail-call-named t :tail nil) (define-full-call call-variable nil :fixed t) (define-full-call multiple-call-variable nil :unknown t)) ;;; This is defined separately, since it needs special code that BLT's the ;;; arguments down. All the real work is done in the assembly routine. We just ;;; set things up so that it can find what it needs. (define-vop (tail-call-variable) (:args (args :scs (any-reg control-stack) :target esi) (function :scs (descriptor-reg control-stack) :target eax) (old-fp) (ret-addr)) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset esi-offset :from (:argument 0)) esi) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset eax-offset :from (:argument 1)) eax) ; (:ignore ret-addr old-fp) (:generator 75 ;; Move these into the passing locations if they are not already there. (move esi args) (move eax function) ;; The following assumes that the return-pc and old-fp are on the ;; stack in their standard save locations - Check this. (unless (and (sc-is old-fp control-stack) (= (tn-offset old-fp) ocfp-save-offset)) (error "tail-call-variable: ocfp not on stack in standard save location?")) (unless (and (sc-is ret-addr sap-stack) (= (tn-offset ret-addr) return-pc-save-offset)) (error "tail-call-variable: ret-addr not on stack in standard save location?")) ;; And jump to the assembly routine. (inst jmp (make-fixup 'tail-call-variable :assembly-routine)))) ;;;; unknown values return ;;; Return a single-value using the Unknown-Values convention. Specifically, ;;; we jump to clear the stack and jump to return-pc+2. ;;; ;;; We require old-fp to be in a register, because we want to reset ESP before ;;; restoring EBP. If old-fp were still on the stack, it could get clobbered ;;; by a signal. ;;; ;;; pfw--get wired-tn conflicts sometimes if register sc specd for args ;;; having problems targeting args to regs -- using temps instead. (define-vop (return-single) (:args (old-fp) (return-pc) (value)) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) ofp) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) ret) (:ignore value) (:generator 6 (trace-table-entry trace-table-function-epilogue) (move ret return-pc) ;; Clear the control stack (move ofp old-fp) ;; Adjust the return address for the single value return. (inst add ret 2) ;; Restore the frame pointer. (move esp-tn ebp-tn) (move ebp-tn ofp) ;; Out of here. (inst jmp ret))) ;;; Do unknown-values return of a fixed (other than 1) number of values. The ;;; Values are required to be set up in the standard passing locations. Nvals ;;; is the number of values returned. ;;; ;;; Basically, we just load ECX with the number of values returned and EBX ;;; with a pointer to the values, set ESP to point to the end of the values, ;;; and jump directly to return-pc. (define-vop (return) (:args (old-fp) (return-pc :to (:eval 1)) (values :more t)) (:ignore values) (:info nvals) ;; In the case of other than one value, we need these registers to tell ;; the caller where they are and how many there are. (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset ebx-offset) ebx) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset ecx-offset) ecx) ;; We need to stretch the lifetime of return-pc past the argument ;; registers so that we can default the argument registers without ;; trashing return-pc. (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset (first register-arg-offsets) :from :eval) a0) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset (second register-arg-offsets) :from :eval) a1) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset (third register-arg-offsets) :from :eval) a2) (:generator 6 (trace-table-entry trace-table-function-epilogue) ;; Establish the values pointer and values count. (move ebx ebp-tn) (if (zerop nvals) (inst xor ecx ecx) ; smaller (inst mov ecx (fixnumize nvals))) ;; restore the frame pointer. (move ebp-tn old-fp) ;; clear as much of the stack as possible, but not past the return ;; address. (inst lea esp-tn (make-ea :dword :base ebx :disp (- (* (max nvals 2) word-bytes)))) ;; pre-default any argument register that need it. (when (< nvals register-arg-count) (let* ((arg-tns (nthcdr nvals (list a0 a1 a2))) (first (first arg-tns))) (inst mov first nil-value) (dolist (tn (cdr arg-tns)) (inst mov tn first)))) ;; And away we go. Except that return-pc is still on the ;; stack and we've changed the stack pointer. So we have to ;; tell it to index off of EBX instead of EBP. (cond ((zerop nvals) ;; Return popping the return address and the OCFP. (inst ret word-bytes)) ((= nvals 1) ;; Return popping the return, leaving 1 slot. Can this ;; happen, or is a single value return handled elsewhere? (inst ret)) (t (inst jmp (make-ea :dword :base ebx :disp (- (* (1+ (tn-offset return-pc)) word-bytes)))))) (trace-table-entry trace-table-normal))) ;;; Do unknown-values return of an arbitrary number of values (passed on the ;;; stack.) We check for the common case of a single return value, and do that ;;; inline using the normal single value return convention. Otherwise, we ;;; branch off to code that calls an assembly-routine. ;;; ;;; The assembly routine takes the following args: ;;; EAX -- the return-pc to finally jump to. ;;; EBX -- pointer to where to put the values. ;;; ECX -- number of values to find there. ;;; ESI -- pointer to where to find the values. (define-vop (return-multiple) (:args (old-fp :to (:eval 1) :target old-fp-temp) (return-pc :target eax) (vals :scs (any-reg) :target esi) (nvals :scs (any-reg) :target ecx)) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset eax-offset :from (:argument 1)) eax) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset esi-offset :from (:argument 2)) esi) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset ecx-offset :from (:argument 3)) ecx) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset ebx-offset :from (:eval 0)) ebx) (:temporary (:sc descriptor-reg :offset (first register-arg-offsets) :from (:eval 0)) a0) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :from (:eval 1)) old-fp-temp) (:node-var node) (:generator 13 (trace-table-entry trace-table-function-epilogue) ;; Load the return-pc. (move eax return-pc) (unless (policy node (> space speed)) ;; Check for the single case. (let ((not-single (gen-label))) (inst cmp nvals (fixnumize 1)) (inst jmp :ne not-single) ;; Return with one value. (loadw a0 vals -1) ;; Clear the stack. We load old-fp into a register before clearing ;; the stack. (move old-fp-temp old-fp) (move esp-tn ebp-tn) (move ebp-tn old-fp-temp) ;; Fix the return-pc to point at the single-value entry point. (inst add eax 2) ;; Out of here. (inst jmp eax) ;; Nope, not the single case. Jump to the assembly routine. (emit-label not-single))) (move esi vals) (move ecx nvals) (move ebx ebp-tn) (move ebp-tn old-fp) (inst jmp (make-fixup 'return-multiple :assembly-routine)) (trace-table-entry trace-table-normal))) ;;;; XEP hackery ;;; We don't need to do anything special for regular functions. (define-vop (setup-environment) (:info label) (:ignore label) (:generator 0 ;; Don't bother doing anything. nil)) ;;; Get the lexical environment from its passing location. (define-vop (setup-closure-environment) (:results (closure :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:info label) (:ignore label) (:generator 6 ;; Get result. (move closure eax-tn))) ;;; Copy a more arg from the argument area to the end of the current frame. ;;; Fixed is the number of non-more arguments. ;;; ;;; The tricky part is doing this without trashing any of the calling ;;; convention registers that are still needed. This vop is emitted directly ;;; after the xep-allocate frame. That means the registers are in use as ;;; follows: ;;; ;;; EAX -- The lexenv. ;;; EBX -- Available. ;;; ECX -- The total number of arguments. ;;; EDX -- The first arg. ;;; EDI -- The second arg. ;;; ESI -- The third arg. ;;; ;;; So basically, we have one register available for our use: EBX. ;;; ;;; What we can do is push the other regs onto the stack, and then restore ;;; their values by looking directly below where we put the more-args. (define-vop (copy-more-arg) (:info fixed) (:generator 20 ;; Avoid the copy if there are no more args. (cond ((zerop fixed) (inst jecxz just-alloc-frame)) (t (inst cmp ecx-tn (fixnumize fixed)) (inst jmp :be just-alloc-frame))) ;; Allocate the space on the stack. ;; stack = ebp - (max 3 frame-size) - (nargs - fixed) (inst lea ebx-tn (make-ea :dword :base ebp-tn :disp (- (fixnumize fixed) (* sb!vm:word-bytes (max 3 (sb-allocated-size 'stack)))))) (inst sub ebx-tn ecx-tn) ; Got the new stack in ebx (inst mov esp-tn ebx-tn) ;; Now: nargs>=1 && nargs>fixed ;; Save the original count of args. (inst mov ebx-tn ecx-tn) (cond ((< fixed register-arg-count) ;; We must stop when we run out of stack args, not when we ;; run out of more args. ;; Number to copy = nargs-3 (inst sub ecx-tn (fixnumize register-arg-count)) ;; Everything of interest in registers. (inst jmp :be do-regs)) (t ;; Number to copy = nargs-fixed (inst sub ecx-tn (fixnumize fixed)))) ;; Save edi and esi register args. (inst push edi-tn) (inst push esi-tn) ;; Okay, we have pushed the register args. We can trash them ;; now. ;; Initialize dst to be end of stack; skiping the values pushed ;; above. (inst lea edi-tn (make-ea :dword :base esp-tn :disp 8)) ;; Initialize src to be end of args. (inst mov esi-tn ebp-tn) (inst sub esi-tn ebx-tn) (inst shr ecx-tn word-shift) ; make word count ;; And copy the args. (inst cld) ; auto-inc ESI and EDI. (inst rep) (inst movs :dword) ;; So now we need to restore EDI and ESI. (inst pop esi-tn) (inst pop edi-tn) DO-REGS ;; Restore ECX (inst mov ecx-tn ebx-tn) ;; Here: nargs>=1 && nargs>fixed (when (< fixed register-arg-count) ;; Now we have to deposit any more args that showed up in ;; registers. (do ((i fixed)) ( nil ) ;; Store it relative to ebp (inst mov (make-ea :dword :base ebp-tn :disp (- (* 4 (+ 1 (- i fixed) (max 3 (sb-allocated-size 'stack)))))) (nth i *register-arg-tns*)) (incf i) (when (>= i register-arg-count) (return)) ;; Don't deposit any more than there are. (if (zerop i) (inst test ecx-tn ecx-tn) (inst cmp ecx-tn (fixnumize i))) (inst jmp :eq done))) (inst jmp done) JUST-ALLOC-FRAME (inst lea esp-tn (make-ea :dword :base ebp-tn :disp (- (* sb!vm:word-bytes (max 3 (sb-allocated-size 'stack)))))) DONE)) ;;; More args are stored contiguously on the stack, starting immediately at the ;;; context pointer. The context pointer is not typed, so the lowtag is 0. (define-vop (more-arg) (:translate %more-arg) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg) :to :result) (index :scs (any-reg) :target temp)) (:arg-types * tagged-num) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :from (:argument 1) :to :result) temp) (:results (value :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:result-types *) (:generator 5 (move temp index) (inst neg temp) (inst mov value (make-ea :dword :base object :index temp)))) (define-vop (more-arg-c) (:translate %more-arg) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:info index) (:arg-types * (:constant (signed-byte 30))) (:results (value :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:result-types *) (:generator 4 (inst mov value (make-ea :dword :base object :disp (- (* index word-bytes)))))) ;;; Turn more arg (context, count) into a list. (define-vop (listify-rest-args) (:translate %listify-rest-args) (:policy :safe) (:args (context :scs (descriptor-reg) :target src) (count :scs (any-reg) :target ecx)) (:arg-types * tagged-num) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset esi-offset :from (:argument 0)) src) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset ecx-offset :from (:argument 1)) ecx) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset eax-offset) eax) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) dst) (:results (result :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:node-var node) (:generator 20 (let ((enter (gen-label)) (loop (gen-label)) (done (gen-label))) (move src context) (move ecx count) ;; Check to see whether there are no args, and just return NIL if so. (inst mov result nil-value) (inst jecxz done) (inst lea dst (make-ea :dword :index ecx :scale 2)) (pseudo-atomic (allocation dst dst node) (inst lea dst (make-ea :byte :base dst :disp list-pointer-type)) ;; Convert the count into a raw value, so that we can use the LOOP inst. (inst shr ecx 2) ;; Set decrement mode (successive args at lower addresses) (inst std) ;; Set up the result. (move result dst) ;; Jump into the middle of the loop, 'cause that's were we want ;; to start. (inst jmp enter) (emit-label loop) ;; Compute a pointer to the next cons. (inst add dst (* cons-size word-bytes)) ;; Store a pointer to this cons in the CDR of the previous cons. (storew dst dst -1 list-pointer-type) (emit-label enter) ;; Grab one value and stash it in the car of this cons. (inst lods eax) (storew eax dst 0 list-pointer-type) ;; Go back for more. (inst loop loop) ;; NIL out the last cons. (storew nil-value dst 1 sb!vm:list-pointer-type)) (emit-label done)))) ;;; Return the location and size of the more arg glob created by Copy-More-Arg. ;;; Supplied is the total number of arguments supplied (originally passed in ;;; ECX.) Fixed is the number of non-rest arguments. ;;; ;;; We must duplicate some of the work done by Copy-More-Arg, since at that ;;; time the environment is in a pretty brain-damaged state, preventing this ;;; info from being returned as values. What we do is compute ;;; supplied - fixed, and return a pointer that many words below the current ;;; stack top. (define-vop (more-arg-context) (:policy :fast-safe) (:translate sb!c::%more-arg-context) (:args (supplied :scs (any-reg) :target count)) (:arg-types positive-fixnum (:constant fixnum)) (:info fixed) (:results (context :scs (descriptor-reg)) (count :scs (any-reg))) (:result-types t tagged-num) (:note "more-arg-context") (:generator 5 (move count supplied) ;; SP at this point points at the last arg pushed. ;; Point to the first more-arg, not above it. (inst lea context (make-ea :dword :base esp-tn :index count :scale 1 :disp (- (+ (fixnumize fixed) 4)))) (unless (zerop fixed) (inst sub count (fixnumize fixed))))) ;;; Signal wrong argument count error if Nargs isn't = to Count. (define-vop (verify-argument-count) (:policy :fast-safe) (:translate sb!c::%verify-argument-count) (:args (nargs :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types positive-fixnum (:constant t)) (:info count) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 3 (let ((err-lab (generate-error-code vop invalid-argument-count-error nargs))) (if (zerop count) (inst test nargs nargs) ; smaller instruction (inst cmp nargs (fixnumize count))) (inst jmp :ne err-lab)))) ;;; Various other error signallers. (macrolet ((frob (name error translate &rest args) `(define-vop (,name) ,@(when translate `((:policy :fast-safe) (:translate ,translate))) (:args ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (arg) `(,arg :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) args)) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 1000 (error-call vop ,error ,@args))))) (frob argument-count-error invalid-argument-count-error sb!c::%argument-count-error nargs) (frob type-check-error object-not-type-error sb!c::%type-check-error object type) (frob layout-invalid-error layout-invalid-error sb!c::%layout-invalid-error object layout) (frob odd-keyword-arguments-error odd-keyword-arguments-error sb!c::%odd-keyword-arguments-error) (frob unknown-keyword-argument-error unknown-keyword-argument-error sb!c::%unknown-keyword-argument-error key) (frob nil-function-returned-error nil-function-returned-error nil fun))