;;;; SAP operations for the x86 VM ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;;;; moves and coercions ;;; Move a tagged SAP to an untagged representation. (define-vop (move-to-sap) (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (y :scs (sap-reg))) (:note "pointer to SAP coercion") (:generator 1 (loadw y x sap-pointer-slot other-pointer-lowtag))) (define-move-vop move-to-sap :move (descriptor-reg) (sap-reg)) ;;; Move an untagged SAP to a tagged representation. (define-vop (move-from-sap) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg) :to :result)) (:results (res :scs (descriptor-reg) :from :argument)) (:note "SAP to pointer coercion") (:node-var node) (:generator 20 (with-fixed-allocation (res sap-widetag sap-size node) (storew sap res sap-pointer-slot other-pointer-lowtag)))) (define-move-vop move-from-sap :move (sap-reg) (descriptor-reg)) ;;; Move untagged sap values. (define-vop (sap-move) (:args (x :target y :scs (sap-reg) :load-if (not (location= x y)))) (:results (y :scs (sap-reg) :load-if (not (location= x y)))) (:note "SAP move") (:effects) (:affected) (:generator 0 (move y x))) (define-move-vop sap-move :move (sap-reg) (sap-reg)) ;;; Move untagged sap arguments/return-values. (define-vop (move-sap-arg) (:args (x :target y :scs (sap-reg)) (fp :scs (any-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is y sap-reg)))) (:results (y)) (:note "SAP argument move") (:generator 0 (sc-case y (sap-reg (move y x)) (sap-stack (if (= (tn-offset fp) esp-offset) (storew x fp (tn-offset y)) ; c-call (storew x fp (- (1+ (tn-offset y))))))))) (define-move-vop move-sap-arg :move-arg (descriptor-reg sap-reg) (sap-reg)) ;;; Use standard MOVE-ARG + coercion to move an untagged sap to a ;;; descriptor passing location. (define-move-vop move-arg :move-arg (sap-reg) (descriptor-reg)) ;;;; SAP-INT and INT-SAP ;;; The function SAP-INT is used to generate an integer corresponding ;;; to the system area pointer, suitable for passing to the kernel ;;; interfaces (which want all addresses specified as integers). The ;;; function INT-SAP is used to do the opposite conversion. The ;;; integer representation of a SAP is the byte offset of the SAP from ;;; the start of the address space. (define-vop (sap-int) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg) :target int)) (:arg-types system-area-pointer) (:results (int :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:translate sap-int) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 1 (move int sap))) (define-vop (int-sap) (:args (int :scs (unsigned-reg) :target sap)) (:arg-types unsigned-num) (:results (sap :scs (sap-reg))) (:result-types system-area-pointer) (:translate int-sap) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 1 (move sap int))) ;;;; POINTER+ and POINTER- (define-vop (pointer+) (:translate sap+) (:args (ptr :scs (sap-reg) :target res :load-if (not (location= ptr res))) (offset :scs (signed-reg immediate))) (:arg-types system-area-pointer signed-num) (:results (res :scs (sap-reg) :from (:argument 0) :load-if (not (location= ptr res)))) (:result-types system-area-pointer) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 1 (cond ((and (sc-is ptr sap-reg) (sc-is res sap-reg) (not (location= ptr res))) (sc-case offset (signed-reg (inst lea res (make-ea :dword :base ptr :index offset :scale 1))) (immediate (inst lea res (make-ea :dword :base ptr :disp (tn-value offset)))))) (t (move res ptr) (sc-case offset (signed-reg (inst add res offset)) (immediate (inst add res (tn-value offset)))))))) (define-vop (pointer-) (:translate sap-) (:args (ptr1 :scs (sap-reg) :target res) (ptr2 :scs (sap-reg))) (:arg-types system-area-pointer system-area-pointer) (:policy :fast-safe) (:results (res :scs (signed-reg) :from (:argument 0))) (:result-types signed-num) (:generator 1 (move res ptr1) (inst sub res ptr2))) ;;;; mumble-SYSTEM-REF and mumble-SYSTEM-SET (macrolet ((def-system-ref-and-set (ref-name set-name sc type size &optional signed) (let ((temp-sc (symbolicate size "-REG")) (element-size (ecase size (:byte 1) (:word 2) (:dword 4)))) `(progn (define-vop (,ref-name) (:translate ,ref-name) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg)) (offset :scs (signed-reg immediate))) (:info disp) (:arg-types system-area-pointer signed-num (:constant (constant-displacement 0 ; lowtag ,element-size 0))) (:results (result :scs (,sc))) (:result-types ,type) (:generator 5 ,(let ((mov-inst (cond ((eq size :dword) 'mov) (signed 'movsx) (t 'movzx)))) `(sc-case offset (immediate (inst ,mov-inst result (make-ea ,size :base sap :disp (+ (tn-value offset) (* ,element-size disp))))) (t (inst ,mov-inst result (make-ea ,size :base sap :index offset :disp (* ,element-size disp)))))))) (define-vop (,set-name) (:translate ,set-name) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg) :to (:eval 0)) (offset :scs (signed-reg immediate) :to (:eval 0)) (value :scs (,sc) :target ,(if (eq size :dword) 'result 'temp))) (:info disp) (:arg-types system-area-pointer signed-num (:constant (constant-displacement 0 ; lowtag ,element-size 0)) ,type) ,@(unless (eq size :dword) `((:temporary (:sc ,temp-sc :offset eax-offset :from (:argument 2) :to (:result 0) :target result) temp))) (:results (result :scs (,sc))) (:result-types ,type) (:generator 5 ,@(unless (eq size :dword) `((move eax-tn value))) (inst mov (sc-case offset (immediate (make-ea ,size :base sap :disp (+ (tn-value offset) (* ,element-size disp)))) (t (make-ea ,size :base sap :index offset :disp (* ,element-size disp)))) ,(if (eq size :dword) 'value 'temp)) (move result ,(if (eq size :dword) 'value 'eax-tn)))))))) (def-system-ref-and-set sb!c::sap-ref-8-with-offset sb!c::%set-sap-ref-8-with-offset unsigned-reg positive-fixnum :byte nil) (def-system-ref-and-set sb!c::signed-sap-ref-8-with-offset sb!c::%set-signed-sap-ref-8-with-offset signed-reg tagged-num :byte t) (def-system-ref-and-set sb!c::sap-ref-16-with-offset sb!c::%set-sap-ref-16-with-offset unsigned-reg positive-fixnum :word nil) (def-system-ref-and-set sb!c::signed-sap-ref-16-with-offset sb!c::%set-signed-sap-ref-16-with-offset signed-reg tagged-num :word t) (def-system-ref-and-set sb!c::sap-ref-32-with-offset sb!c::%set-sap-ref-32-with-offset unsigned-reg unsigned-num :dword nil) (def-system-ref-and-set sb!c::signed-sap-ref-32-with-offset sb!c::%set-signed-sap-ref-32-with-offset signed-reg signed-num :dword t) (def-system-ref-and-set sb!c::sap-ref-sap-with-offset sb!c::%set-sap-ref-sap-with-offset sap-reg system-area-pointer :dword)) ;;;; SAP-REF-DOUBLE (define-vop (sap-ref-double-with-offset) (:translate sb!c::sap-ref-double-with-offset) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg)) (offset :scs (signed-reg immediate))) (:info disp) (:arg-types system-area-pointer signed-num (:constant (constant-displacement 0 ; lowtag 8 ; double-float size 0))) (:results (result :scs (double-reg))) (:result-types double-float) (:generator 5 (sc-case offset (immediate (aver (zerop disp)) (with-empty-tn@fp-top(result) (inst fldd (make-ea :dword :base sap :disp (tn-value offset))))) (t (with-empty-tn@fp-top(result) (inst fldd (make-ea :dword :base sap :index offset :disp (* 4 disp)))))))) (define-vop (%set-sap-ref-double-with-offset) (:translate sb!c::%set-sap-ref-double-with-offset) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg) :to (:eval 0)) (offset :scs (signed-reg) :to (:eval 0)) (value :scs (double-reg))) (:info disp) (:arg-types system-area-pointer signed-num (:constant (constant-displacement 0 ; lowtag 8 ; double-float size 0)) double-float) (:results (result :scs (double-reg))) (:result-types double-float) (:generator 5 (cond ((zerop (tn-offset value)) ;; Value is in ST0. (inst fstd (make-ea :dword :base sap :index offset :disp (* 8 disp))) (unless (zerop (tn-offset result)) ;; Value is in ST0 but not result. (inst fstd result))) (t ;; Value is not in ST0. (inst fxch value) (inst fstd (make-ea :dword :base sap :index offset :disp (* 8 disp))) (cond ((zerop (tn-offset result)) ;; The result is in ST0. (inst fstd value)) (t ;; Neither value or result are in ST0. (unless (location= value result) (inst fstd result)) (inst fxch value))))))) (define-vop (%set-sap-ref-double-with-offset-c) (:translate sb!c::%set-sap-ref-double-with-offset) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg) :to (:eval 0)) (value :scs (double-reg))) (:arg-types system-area-pointer (:constant (signed-byte 32)) (:constant (constant-displacement 0 ; lowtag 8 ; double-float size 0)) double-float) (:info offset disp) (:results (result :scs (double-reg))) (:result-types double-float) (:generator 4 (aver (zerop disp)) (cond ((zerop (tn-offset value)) ;; Value is in ST0. (inst fstd (make-ea :dword :base sap :disp offset)) (unless (zerop (tn-offset result)) ;; Value is in ST0 but not result. (inst fstd result))) (t ;; Value is not in ST0. (inst fxch value) (inst fstd (make-ea :dword :base sap :disp offset)) (cond ((zerop (tn-offset result)) ;; The result is in ST0. (inst fstd value)) (t ;; Neither value or result are in ST0. (unless (location= value result) (inst fstd result)) (inst fxch value))))))) ;;;; SAP-REF-SINGLE (define-vop (sap-ref-single-with-offset) (:translate sb!c::sap-ref-single-with-offset) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg)) (offset :scs (signed-reg immediate))) (:info disp) (:arg-types system-area-pointer signed-num (:constant (constant-displacement 0 ; lowtag 4 ; single-float size 0))) (:results (result :scs (single-reg))) (:result-types single-float) (:generator 5 (sc-case offset (immediate (aver (zerop disp)) (with-empty-tn@fp-top(result) (inst fld (make-ea :dword :base sap :disp (tn-value offset))))) (t (with-empty-tn@fp-top(result) (inst fld (make-ea :dword :base sap :index offset :disp (* 4 disp)))))))) (define-vop (%set-sap-ref-single-with-offset) (:translate sb!c::%set-sap-ref-single-with-offset) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg) :to (:eval 0)) (offset :scs (signed-reg) :to (:eval 0)) (value :scs (single-reg))) (:info disp) (:arg-types system-area-pointer signed-num (:constant (constant-displacement 0 ; lowtag 4 ; single-float size 0)) single-float) (:results (result :scs (single-reg))) (:result-types single-float) (:generator 5 (cond ((zerop (tn-offset value)) ;; Value is in ST0 (inst fst (make-ea :dword :base sap :index offset :disp (* 4 disp))) (unless (zerop (tn-offset result)) ;; Value is in ST0 but not result. (inst fst result))) (t ;; Value is not in ST0. (inst fxch value) (inst fst (make-ea :dword :base sap :index offset :disp (* 4 disp))) (cond ((zerop (tn-offset result)) ;; The result is in ST0. (inst fst value)) (t ;; Neither value or result are in ST0 (unless (location= value result) (inst fst result)) (inst fxch value))))))) (define-vop (%set-sap-ref-single-with-offset-c) (:translate sb!c::%set-sap-ref-single-with-offset) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg) :to (:eval 0)) (value :scs (single-reg))) (:arg-types system-area-pointer (:constant (signed-byte 32)) (:constant (constant-displacement 0 ; lowtag 4 ; single-float size 0)) single-float) (:info offset disp) (:results (result :scs (single-reg))) (:result-types single-float) (:generator 4 (aver (zerop disp)) (cond ((zerop (tn-offset value)) ;; Value is in ST0 (inst fst (make-ea :dword :base sap :disp offset)) (unless (zerop (tn-offset result)) ;; Value is in ST0 but not result. (inst fst result))) (t ;; Value is not in ST0. (inst fxch value) (inst fst (make-ea :dword :base sap :disp offset)) (cond ((zerop (tn-offset result)) ;; The result is in ST0. (inst fst value)) (t ;; Neither value or result are in ST0 (unless (location= value result) (inst fst result)) (inst fxch value))))))) ;;;; SAP-REF-LONG (define-vop (sap-ref-long) (:translate sap-ref-long) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg)) (offset :scs (signed-reg))) (:arg-types system-area-pointer signed-num) (:results (result :scs (#!+long-float long-reg #!-long-float double-reg))) (:result-types #!+long-float long-float #!-long-float double-float) (:generator 5 (with-empty-tn@fp-top(result) (inst fldl (make-ea :dword :base sap :index offset))))) (define-vop (sap-ref-long-c) (:translate sap-ref-long) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg))) (:arg-types system-area-pointer (:constant (signed-byte 32))) (:info offset) (:results (result :scs (#!+long-float long-reg #!-long-float double-reg))) (:result-types #!+long-float long-float #!-long-float double-float) (:generator 4 (with-empty-tn@fp-top(result) (inst fldl (make-ea :dword :base sap :disp offset))))) #!+long-float (define-vop (%set-sap-ref-long) (:translate %set-sap-ref-long) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (sap :scs (sap-reg) :to (:eval 0)) (offset :scs (signed-reg) :to (:eval 0)) (value :scs (long-reg))) (:arg-types system-area-pointer signed-num long-float) (:results (result :scs (long-reg))) (:result-types long-float) (:generator 5 (cond ((zerop (tn-offset value)) ;; Value is in ST0 (store-long-float (make-ea :dword :base sap :index offset)) (unless (zerop (tn-offset result)) ;; Value is in ST0 but not result. (inst fstd result))) (t ;; Value is not in ST0. (inst fxch value) (store-long-float (make-ea :dword :base sap :index offset)) (cond ((zerop (tn-offset result)) ;; The result is in ST0. (inst fstd value)) (t ;; Neither value or result are in ST0 (unless (location= value result) (inst fstd result)) (inst fxch value))))))) ;;; noise to convert normal lisp data objects into SAPs (define-vop (vector-sap) (:translate vector-sap) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (vector :scs (descriptor-reg) :target sap)) (:results (sap :scs (sap-reg))) (:result-types system-area-pointer) (:generator 2 (move sap vector) (inst add sap (- (* vector-data-offset n-word-bytes) other-pointer-lowtag)))) ;;; Transforms for 64-bit SAP accessors. (deftransform sap-ref-64 ((sap offset) (* *)) '(logior (sap-ref-32 sap offset) (ash (sap-ref-32 sap (+ offset 4)) 32))) (deftransform signed-sap-ref-64 ((sap offset) (* *)) '(logior (sap-ref-32 sap offset) (ash (signed-sap-ref-32 sap (+ offset 4)) 32))) (deftransform %set-sap-ref-64 ((sap offset value) (* * *)) '(progn (%set-sap-ref-32 sap offset (logand value #xffffffff)) (%set-sap-ref-32 sap (+ offset 4) (ash value -32)))) (deftransform %set-signed-sap-ref-64 ((sap offset value) (* * *)) '(progn (%set-sap-ref-32 sap offset (logand value #xffffffff)) (%set-signed-sap-ref-32 sap (+ offset 4) (ash value -32))))