;;;; floating point support for the x86 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") (macrolet ((ea-for-xf-desc (tn slot) `(make-ea :qword :base ,tn :disp (- (* ,slot n-word-bytes) other-pointer-lowtag)))) (defun ea-for-df-desc (tn) (ea-for-xf-desc tn double-float-value-slot)) ;; complex floats (defun ea-for-csf-data-desc (tn) (ea-for-xf-desc tn complex-single-float-data-slot)) (defun ea-for-csf-real-desc (tn) (ea-for-xf-desc tn complex-single-float-data-slot)) (defun ea-for-csf-imag-desc (tn) (ea-for-xf-desc tn (+ complex-single-float-data-slot 1/2))) (defun ea-for-cdf-data-desc (tn) (ea-for-xf-desc tn complex-double-float-real-slot)) (defun ea-for-cdf-real-desc (tn) (ea-for-xf-desc tn complex-double-float-real-slot)) (defun ea-for-cdf-imag-desc (tn) (ea-for-xf-desc tn complex-double-float-imag-slot))) (macrolet ((ea-for-xf-stack (tn kind) (declare (ignore kind)) `(make-ea :qword :base rbp-tn :disp (frame-byte-offset (tn-offset ,tn))))) (defun ea-for-sf-stack (tn) (ea-for-xf-stack tn :single)) (defun ea-for-df-stack (tn) (ea-for-xf-stack tn :double))) ;;; complex float stack EAs (macrolet ((ea-for-cxf-stack (tn kind slot &optional base) `(make-ea :qword :base ,base :disp (frame-byte-offset (+ (tn-offset ,tn) (cond ((= (tn-offset ,base) rsp-offset) sp->fp-offset) ((= (tn-offset ,base) rbp-offset) 0) (t (error "Unexpected offset."))) (ecase ,kind (:single (ecase ,slot (:real 0) (:imag -1/2))) (:double (ecase ,slot (:real 1) (:imag 0))))))))) (defun ea-for-csf-data-stack (tn &optional (base rbp-tn)) (ea-for-cxf-stack tn :single :real base)) (defun ea-for-csf-real-stack (tn &optional (base rbp-tn)) (ea-for-cxf-stack tn :single :real base)) (defun ea-for-csf-imag-stack (tn &optional (base rbp-tn)) (ea-for-cxf-stack tn :single :imag base)) (defun ea-for-cdf-data-stack (tn &optional (base rbp-tn)) (ea-for-cxf-stack tn :double :real base)) (defun ea-for-cdf-real-stack (tn &optional (base rbp-tn)) (ea-for-cxf-stack tn :double :real base)) (defun ea-for-cdf-imag-stack (tn &optional (base rbp-tn)) (ea-for-cxf-stack tn :double :imag base))) ;;;; move functions ;;; X is source, Y is destination. (define-move-fun (load-fp-zero 1) (vop x y) ((fp-single-zero) (single-reg) (fp-double-zero) (double-reg) (fp-complex-single-zero) (complex-single-reg) (fp-complex-double-zero) (complex-double-reg)) (identity x) (sc-case y ((single-reg complex-single-reg) (inst xorps y y)) ((double-reg complex-double-reg) (inst xorpd y y)))) (define-move-fun (load-fp-immediate 1) (vop x y) ((fp-single-immediate) (single-reg) (fp-double-immediate) (double-reg) (fp-complex-single-immediate) (complex-single-reg) (fp-complex-double-immediate) (complex-double-reg)) (let ((x (register-inline-constant (tn-value x)))) (sc-case y (single-reg (inst movss y x)) (double-reg (inst movsd y x)) (complex-single-reg (inst movq y x)) (complex-double-reg (inst movapd y x))))) (define-move-fun (load-single 2) (vop x y) ((single-stack) (single-reg)) (inst movss y (ea-for-sf-stack x))) (define-move-fun (store-single 2) (vop x y) ((single-reg) (single-stack)) (inst movss (ea-for-sf-stack y) x)) (define-move-fun (load-double 2) (vop x y) ((double-stack) (double-reg)) (inst movsd y (ea-for-df-stack x))) (define-move-fun (store-double 2) (vop x y) ((double-reg) (double-stack)) (inst movsd (ea-for-df-stack y) x)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (setf *read-default-float-format* 'single-float)) ;;;; complex float move functions ;;; X is source, Y is destination. (define-move-fun (load-complex-single 2) (vop x y) ((complex-single-stack) (complex-single-reg)) (inst movq y (ea-for-csf-data-stack x))) (define-move-fun (store-complex-single 2) (vop x y) ((complex-single-reg) (complex-single-stack)) (inst movq (ea-for-csf-data-stack y) x)) (define-move-fun (load-complex-double 2) (vop x y) ((complex-double-stack) (complex-double-reg)) (inst movupd y (ea-for-cdf-data-stack x))) (define-move-fun (store-complex-double 2) (vop x y) ((complex-double-reg) (complex-double-stack)) (inst movupd (ea-for-cdf-data-stack y) x)) ;;;; move VOPs ;;; float register to register moves (macrolet ((frob (vop sc) `(progn (define-vop (,vop) (:args (x :scs (,sc) :target y :load-if (not (location= x y)))) (:results (y :scs (,sc) :load-if (not (location= x y)))) (:note "float move") (:generator 0 (move y x))) (define-move-vop ,vop :move (,sc) (,sc))))) (frob single-move single-reg) (frob double-move double-reg) (frob complex-single-move complex-single-reg) (frob complex-double-move complex-double-reg)) ;;; Move from float to a descriptor reg. allocating a new float ;;; object in the process. (define-vop (move-from-single) (:args (x :scs (single-reg) :to :save)) (:results (y :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:note "float to pointer coercion") (:generator 4 (inst movd y x) (inst shl y 32) (inst or y single-float-widetag))) (define-move-vop move-from-single :move (single-reg) (descriptor-reg)) (define-vop (move-from-double) (:args (x :scs (double-reg) :to :save)) (:results (y :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:node-var node) (:note "float to pointer coercion") (:generator 13 (with-fixed-allocation (y double-float-widetag double-float-size node) (inst movsd (ea-for-df-desc y) x)))) (define-move-vop move-from-double :move (double-reg) (descriptor-reg)) ;;; Move from a descriptor to a float register. (define-vop (move-to-single) (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg) :target tmp)) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) tmp) (:results (y :scs (single-reg))) (:note "pointer to float coercion") (:generator 2 (move tmp x) (inst shr tmp 32) (inst movd y tmp))) (define-move-vop move-to-single :move (descriptor-reg) (single-reg)) (define-vop (move-to-double) (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (y :scs (double-reg))) (:note "pointer to float coercion") (:generator 2 (inst movsd y (ea-for-df-desc x)))) (define-move-vop move-to-double :move (descriptor-reg) (double-reg)) ;;; Move from complex float to a descriptor reg. allocating a new ;;; complex float object in the process. (define-vop (move-from-complex-single) (:args (x :scs (complex-single-reg) :to :save)) (:results (y :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:node-var node) (:note "complex float to pointer coercion") (:generator 13 (with-fixed-allocation (y complex-single-float-widetag complex-single-float-size node) (inst movq (ea-for-csf-data-desc y) x)))) (define-move-vop move-from-complex-single :move (complex-single-reg) (descriptor-reg)) (define-vop (move-from-complex-double) (:args (x :scs (complex-double-reg) :to :save)) (:results (y :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:node-var node) (:note "complex float to pointer coercion") (:generator 13 (with-fixed-allocation (y complex-double-float-widetag complex-double-float-size node) (inst movapd (ea-for-cdf-data-desc y) x)))) (define-move-vop move-from-complex-double :move (complex-double-reg) (descriptor-reg)) ;;; Move from a descriptor to a complex float register. (macrolet ((frob (name sc format) `(progn (define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (y :scs (,sc))) (:note "pointer to complex float coercion") (:generator 2 ,(ecase format (:single '(inst movq y (ea-for-csf-data-desc x))) (:double '(inst movapd y (ea-for-cdf-data-desc x)))))) (define-move-vop ,name :move (descriptor-reg) (,sc))))) (frob move-to-complex-single complex-single-reg :single) (frob move-to-complex-double complex-double-reg :double)) ;;;; the move argument vops ;;;; ;;;; Note these are also used to stuff fp numbers onto the c-call ;;;; stack so the order is different than the lisp-stack. ;;; the general MOVE-ARG VOP (macrolet ((frob (name sc stack-sc format) `(progn (define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs (,sc) :target y) (fp :scs (any-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is y ,sc)))) (:results (y)) (:note "float argument move") (:generator ,(case format (:single 2) (:double 3) ) (sc-case y (,sc (move y x)) (,stack-sc (if (= (tn-offset fp) esp-offset) (let* ((offset (* (tn-offset y) n-word-bytes)) (ea (make-ea :dword :base fp :disp offset))) ,@(ecase format (:single '((inst movss ea x))) (:double '((inst movsd ea x))))) (let ((ea (make-ea :dword :base fp :disp (frame-byte-offset (tn-offset y))))) ,@(ecase format (:single '((inst movss ea x))) (:double '((inst movsd ea x)))))))))) (define-move-vop ,name :move-arg (,sc descriptor-reg) (,sc))))) (frob move-single-float-arg single-reg single-stack :single) (frob move-double-float-arg double-reg double-stack :double)) ;;;; complex float MOVE-ARG VOP (macrolet ((frob (name sc stack-sc format) `(progn (define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs (,sc) :target y) (fp :scs (any-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is y ,sc)))) (:results (y)) (:note "complex float argument move") (:generator ,(ecase format (:single 2) (:double 3)) (sc-case y (,sc (move y x)) (,stack-sc ,(ecase format (:single '(inst movq (ea-for-csf-data-stack y fp) x)) (:double '(inst movupd (ea-for-cdf-data-stack y fp) x))))))) (define-move-vop ,name :move-arg (,sc descriptor-reg) (,sc))))) (frob move-complex-single-float-arg complex-single-reg complex-single-stack :single) (frob move-complex-double-float-arg complex-double-reg complex-double-stack :double)) (define-move-vop move-arg :move-arg (single-reg double-reg complex-single-reg complex-double-reg) (descriptor-reg)) ;;;; arithmetic VOPs (define-vop (float-op) (:args (x) (y)) (:results (r)) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline float arithmetic") (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only)) (macrolet ((frob (name comm-name sc constant-sc ptype) `(progn (define-vop (,name float-op) (:args (x :scs (,sc ,constant-sc) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is x ,constant-sc))) (y :scs (,sc ,constant-sc) :load-if (not (sc-is y ,constant-sc)))) (:results (r :scs (,sc))) (:arg-types ,ptype ,ptype) (:result-types ,ptype)) (define-vop (,comm-name float-op) (:args (x :scs (,sc ,constant-sc) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is x ,constant-sc))) (y :scs (,sc ,constant-sc) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is y ,constant-sc)))) (:results (r :scs (,sc))) (:arg-types ,ptype ,ptype) (:result-types ,ptype))))) (frob single-float-op single-float-comm-op single-reg fp-single-immediate single-float) (frob double-float-op double-float-comm-op double-reg fp-double-immediate double-float) (frob complex-single-float-op complex-single-float-comm-op complex-single-reg fp-complex-single-immediate complex-single-float) (frob complex-double-float-op complex-double-float-comm-op complex-double-reg fp-complex-double-immediate complex-double-float)) (macrolet ((generate (opinst commutative constant-sc load-inst) `(flet ((get-constant (tn) (register-inline-constant ,@(and (eq constant-sc 'fp-single-immediate) '(:aligned)) (tn-value tn)))) (declare (ignorable #'get-constant)) (cond ((location= x r) (when (sc-is y ,constant-sc) (setf y (get-constant y))) (inst ,opinst x y)) ((and ,commutative (location= y r)) (when (sc-is x ,constant-sc) (setf x (get-constant x))) (inst ,opinst y x)) ((not (location= r y)) (if (sc-is x ,constant-sc) (inst ,load-inst r (get-constant x)) (move r x)) (when (sc-is y ,constant-sc) (setf y (get-constant y))) (inst ,opinst r y)) (t (if (sc-is x ,constant-sc) (inst ,load-inst tmp (get-constant x)) (move tmp x)) (inst ,opinst tmp y) (move r tmp))))) (frob (op sinst sname scost dinst dname dcost commutative &optional csinst csname cscost cdinst cdname cdcost) `(progn (define-vop (,sname ,(if commutative 'single-float-comm-op 'single-float-op)) (:translate ,op) (:temporary (:sc single-reg) tmp) (:generator ,scost (generate ,sinst ,commutative fp-single-immediate movss))) (define-vop (,dname ,(if commutative 'double-float-comm-op 'double-float-op)) (:translate ,op) (:temporary (:sc double-reg) tmp) (:generator ,dcost (generate ,dinst ,commutative fp-double-immediate movsd))) ,(when csinst `(define-vop (,csname ,(if commutative 'complex-single-float-comm-op 'complex-single-float-op)) (:translate ,op) (:temporary (:sc complex-single-reg) tmp) (:generator ,cscost (generate ,csinst ,commutative fp-complex-single-immediate movq)))) ,(when cdinst `(define-vop (,cdname ,(if commutative 'complex-double-float-comm-op 'complex-double-float-op)) (:translate ,op) (:temporary (:sc complex-double-reg) tmp) (:generator ,cdcost (generate ,cdinst ,commutative fp-complex-double-immediate movapd))))))) (frob + addss +/single-float 2 addsd +/double-float 2 t addps +/complex-single-float 3 addpd +/complex-double-float 3) (frob - subss -/single-float 2 subsd -/double-float 2 nil subps -/complex-single-float 3 subpd -/complex-double-float 3) (frob * mulss */single-float 4 mulsd */double-float 5 t) (frob / divss //single-float 12 divsd //double-float 19 nil)) (macrolet ((frob (op cost commutativep duplicate-inst op-inst real-move-inst complex-move-inst real-sc real-constant-sc real-type complex-sc complex-constant-sc complex-type real-complex-name complex-real-name) (cond ((not duplicate-inst) ; simple case `(flet ((load-into (r x) (sc-case x (,real-constant-sc (inst ,real-move-inst r (register-inline-constant (tn-value x)))) (,complex-constant-sc (inst ,complex-move-inst r (register-inline-constant (tn-value x)))) (t (move r x))))) ,(when real-complex-name `(define-vop (,real-complex-name float-op) (:translate ,op) (:args (x :scs (,real-sc ,real-constant-sc) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is x ,real-constant-sc))) (y :scs (,complex-sc ,complex-constant-sc) ,@(when commutativep '(:target r)) :load-if (not (sc-is y ,complex-constant-sc)))) (:arg-types ,real-type ,complex-type) (:results (r :scs (,complex-sc) ,@(unless commutativep '(:from (:argument 0))))) (:result-types ,complex-type) (:generator ,cost ,(when commutativep `(when (location= y r) (rotatef x y))) (load-into r x) (when (sc-is y ,real-constant-sc ,complex-constant-sc) (setf y (register-inline-constant :aligned (tn-value y)))) (inst ,op-inst r y)))) ,(when complex-real-name `(define-vop (,complex-real-name float-op) (:translate ,op) (:args (x :scs (,complex-sc ,complex-constant-sc) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is x ,complex-constant-sc))) (y :scs (,real-sc ,real-constant-sc) ,@(when commutativep '(:target r)) :load-if (not (sc-is y ,real-constant-sc)))) (:arg-types ,complex-type ,real-type) (:results (r :scs (,complex-sc) ,@(unless commutativep '(:from (:argument 0))))) (:result-types ,complex-type) (:generator ,cost ,(when commutativep `(when (location= y r) (rotatef x y))) (load-into r x) (when (sc-is y ,real-constant-sc ,complex-constant-sc) (setf y (register-inline-constant :aligned (tn-value y)))) (inst ,op-inst r y)))))) (commutativep ; must duplicate, but commutative `(progn ,(when real-complex-name `(define-vop (,real-complex-name float-op) (:translate ,op) (:args (x :scs (,real-sc ,real-constant-sc) :target dup :load-if (not (sc-is x ,real-constant-sc))) (y :scs (,complex-sc ,complex-constant-sc) :target r :to :result :load-if (not (sc-is y ,complex-constant-sc)))) (:arg-types ,real-type ,complex-type) (:temporary (:sc ,complex-sc :target r :from (:argument 0) :to :result) dup) (:results (r :scs (,complex-sc))) (:result-types ,complex-type) (:generator ,cost (if (sc-is x ,real-constant-sc) (inst ,complex-move-inst dup (register-inline-constant (complex (tn-value x) (tn-value x)))) (let ((real x)) ,duplicate-inst)) ;; safe: dup /= y (when (location= dup r) (rotatef dup y)) (if (sc-is y ,complex-constant-sc) (inst ,complex-move-inst r (register-inline-constant (tn-value y))) (move r y)) (when (sc-is dup ,complex-constant-sc) (setf dup (register-inline-constant :aligned (tn-value dup)))) (inst ,op-inst r dup)))) ,(when complex-real-name `(define-vop (,complex-real-name float-op) (:translate ,op) (:args (x :scs (,complex-sc ,complex-constant-sc) :target r :to :result :load-if (not (sc-is x ,complex-constant-sc))) (y :scs (,real-sc ,real-constant-sc) :target dup :load-if (not (sc-is y ,real-constant-sc)))) (:arg-types ,complex-type ,real-type) (:temporary (:sc ,complex-sc :target r :from (:argument 1) :to :result) dup) (:results (r :scs (,complex-sc))) (:result-types ,complex-type) (:generator ,cost (if (sc-is y ,real-constant-sc) (inst ,complex-move-inst dup (register-inline-constant (complex (tn-value y) (tn-value y)))) (let ((real y)) ,duplicate-inst)) (when (location= dup r) (rotatef x dup)) (if (sc-is x ,complex-constant-sc) (inst ,complex-move-inst r (register-inline-constant (tn-value x))) (move r x)) (when (sc-is dup ,complex-constant-sc) (setf dup (register-inline-constant :aligned (tn-value dup)))) (inst ,op-inst r dup)))))) (t ; duplicate, not commutative `(progn ,(when real-complex-name `(define-vop (,real-complex-name float-op) (:translate ,op) (:args (x :scs (,real-sc ,real-constant-sc) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is x ,real-constant-sc))) (y :scs (,complex-sc ,complex-constant-sc) :to :result :load-if (not (sc-is y ,complex-constant-sc)))) (:arg-types ,real-type ,complex-type) (:results (r :scs (,complex-sc) :from (:argument 0))) (:result-types ,complex-type) (:generator ,cost (if (sc-is x ,real-constant-sc) (inst ,complex-move-inst dup (register-inline-constant (complex (tn-value x) (tn-value x)))) (let ((real x) (dup r)) ,duplicate-inst)) (when (sc-is y ,complex-constant-sc) (setf y (register-inline-constant :aligned (tn-value y)))) (inst ,op-inst r y)))) ,(when complex-real-name `(define-vop (,complex-real-name float-op) (:translate ,op) (:args (x :scs (,complex-sc) :target r :to :eval) (y :scs (,real-sc ,real-constant-sc) :target dup :load-if (not (sc-is y ,complex-constant-sc)))) (:arg-types ,complex-type ,real-type) (:temporary (:sc ,complex-sc :from (:argument 1)) dup) (:results (r :scs (,complex-sc) :from :eval)) (:result-types ,complex-type) (:generator ,cost (if (sc-is y ,real-constant-sc) (setf dup (register-inline-constant :aligned (complex (tn-value y) (tn-value y)))) (let ((real y)) ,duplicate-inst)) (move r x) (inst ,op-inst r dup)))))))) (def-real-complex-op (op commutativep duplicatep single-inst single-real-complex-name single-complex-real-name single-cost double-inst double-real-complex-name double-complex-real-name double-cost) `(progn (frob ,op ,single-cost ,commutativep ,(and duplicatep `(progn (move dup real) (inst unpcklps dup dup))) ,single-inst movss movq single-reg fp-single-immediate single-float complex-single-reg fp-complex-single-immediate complex-single-float ,single-real-complex-name ,single-complex-real-name) (frob ,op ,double-cost ,commutativep ,(and duplicatep `(progn (move dup real) (inst unpcklpd dup dup))) ,double-inst movsd movapd double-reg fp-double-immediate double-float complex-double-reg fp-complex-double-immediate complex-double-float ,double-real-complex-name ,double-complex-real-name)))) (def-real-complex-op + t nil addps +/real-complex-single-float +/complex-real-single-float 3 addpd +/real-complex-double-float +/complex-real-double-float 4) (def-real-complex-op - nil nil subps -/real-complex-single-float -/complex-real-single-float 3 subpd -/real-complex-double-float -/complex-real-double-float 4) (def-real-complex-op * t t mulps */real-complex-single-float */complex-real-single-float 4 mulpd */real-complex-double-float */complex-real-double-float 5) (def-real-complex-op / nil t nil nil nil nil divpd nil //complex-real-double-float 19)) (define-vop (//complex-real-single-float float-op) (:translate /) (:args (x :scs (complex-single-reg fp-complex-single-immediate fp-complex-single-zero) :to (:result 0) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is x fp-complex-single-immediate fp-complex-single-zero))) (y :scs (single-reg fp-single-immediate fp-single-zero) :target dup :load-if (not (sc-is y fp-single-immediate fp-single-zero)))) (:arg-types complex-single-float single-float) (:temporary (:sc complex-single-reg :from (:argument 1)) dup) (:results (r :scs (complex-single-reg))) (:result-types complex-single-float) (:generator 12 (flet ((duplicate (x) (let ((word (ldb (byte 64 0) (logior (ash (single-float-bits (imagpart x)) 32) (ldb (byte 32 0) (single-float-bits (realpart x))))))) (register-inline-constant :oword (logior (ash word 64) word))))) (sc-case y (fp-single-immediate (setf dup (duplicate (complex (tn-value y) (tn-value y))))) (fp-single-zero (inst xorps dup dup)) (t (move dup y) (inst shufps dup dup #b00000000))) (sc-case x (fp-complex-single-immediate (inst movaps r (duplicate (tn-value x)))) (fp-complex-single-zero (inst xorps r r)) (t (move r x) (inst unpcklpd r r))) (inst divps r dup) (inst movq r r)))) ;; Complex multiplication ;; r := rx * ry - ix * iy ;; i := rx * iy + ix * ry ;; ;; Transpose for SIMDness ;; rx*ry rx*iy ;; -ix*iy +ix*ry ;; ;; [rx rx] * [ry iy] ;;+ [ix ix] * [-iy ry] ;; [r i] (macrolet ((define-complex-* (name cost type sc tmp-p &body body) `(define-vop (,name float-op) (:translate *) (:args (x :scs (,sc) :target r) (y :scs (,sc) :target copy-y)) (:arg-types ,type ,type) (:temporary (:sc ,sc) imag) (:temporary (:sc ,sc :from :eval) copy-y) ,@(when tmp-p `((:temporary (:sc ,sc) xmm))) (:results (r :scs (,sc) :from :eval)) (:result-types ,type) (:generator ,cost (when (or (location= x copy-y) (location= y r)) (rotatef x y)) ,@body)))) (define-complex-* */complex-single-float 20 complex-single-float complex-single-reg t (inst xorps xmm xmm) (move r x) (inst unpcklps r r) (move imag r) (inst unpckhpd imag xmm) (inst unpcklpd r xmm) (move copy-y y) ; y == r only if y == x == r (setf y copy-y) (inst mulps r y) (inst shufps y y #b11110001) (inst xorps y (register-inline-constant :oword (ash 1 31))) (inst mulps imag y) (inst addps r imag)) (define-complex-* */complex-double-float 25 complex-double-float complex-double-reg nil (move imag x) (move r x) (move copy-y y) (setf y copy-y) (inst unpcklpd r r) (inst unpckhpd imag imag) (inst mulpd r y) (inst shufpd y y #b01) (inst xorpd y (register-inline-constant :oword (ash 1 63))) (inst mulpd imag y) (inst addpd r imag))) (define-vop (fsqrt) (:args (x :scs (double-reg))) (:results (y :scs (double-reg))) (:translate %sqrt) (:policy :fast-safe) (:arg-types double-float) (:result-types double-float) (:note "inline float arithmetic") (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 1 (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (inst sqrtsd y x))) (macrolet ((frob ((name translate sc type) &body body) `(define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs (,sc) :target y)) (:results (y :scs (,sc))) (:translate ,translate) (:policy :fast-safe) (:arg-types ,type) (:result-types ,type) (:note "inline float arithmetic") (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 1 (note-this-location vop :internal-error) ;; we should be able to do this better. what we ;; really would like to do is use the target as the ;; temp whenever it's not also the source (move y x) ,@body)))) (frob (%negate/double-float %negate double-reg double-float) (inst xorpd y (register-inline-constant :oword (ash 1 63)))) (frob (%negate/complex-double-float %negate complex-double-reg complex-double-float) (inst xorpd y (register-inline-constant :oword (logior (ash 1 127) (ash 1 63))))) (frob (conjugate/complex-double-float conjugate complex-double-reg complex-double-float) (inst xorpd y (register-inline-constant :oword (ash 1 127)))) (frob (%negate/single-float %negate single-reg single-float) (inst xorps y (register-inline-constant :oword (ash 1 31)))) (frob (%negate/complex-single-float %negate complex-single-reg complex-single-float) (inst xorps y (register-inline-constant :oword (logior (ash 1 31) (ash 1 63))))) (frob (conjugate/complex-single-float conjugate complex-single-reg complex-single-float) (inst xorpd y (register-inline-constant :oword (ash 1 63)))) (frob (abs/double-float abs double-reg double-float) (inst andpd y (register-inline-constant :oword (ldb (byte 63 0) -1)))) (frob (abs/single-float abs single-reg single-float) (inst andps y (register-inline-constant :oword (ldb (byte 31 0) -1))))) ;;;; comparison (define-vop (float-compare) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:note "inline float comparison")) ;;; EQL (macrolet ((define-float-eql (name cost sc constant-sc type) `(define-vop (,name float-compare) (:translate eql) (:args (x :scs (,sc ,constant-sc) :target mask :load-if (not (sc-is x ,constant-sc))) (y :scs (,sc ,constant-sc) :target mask :load-if (not (sc-is y ,constant-sc)))) (:arg-types ,type ,type) (:temporary (:sc ,sc :from :eval) mask) (:temporary (:sc any-reg) bits) (:conditional :e) (:generator ,cost (when (or (location= y mask) (not (xmm-register-p x))) (rotatef x y)) (aver (xmm-register-p x)) (move mask x) (when (sc-is y ,constant-sc) (setf y (register-inline-constant :aligned (tn-value y)))) (inst pcmpeqd mask y) (inst movmskps bits mask) (inst cmp bits #b1111))))) (define-float-eql eql/single-float 4 single-reg fp-single-immediate single-float) (define-float-eql eql/double-float 4 double-reg fp-double-immediate double-float) (define-float-eql eql/complex-single-float 5 complex-single-reg fp-complex-single-immediate complex-single-float) (define-float-eql eql/complex-double-float 5 complex-double-reg fp-complex-double-immediate complex-double-float)) ;;; comiss and comisd can cope with one or other arg in memory: we ;;; could (should, indeed) extend these to cope with descriptor args ;;; and stack args (define-vop (single-float-compare float-compare) (:args (x :scs (single-reg)) (y :scs (single-reg single-stack fp-single-immediate) :load-if (not (sc-is y single-stack fp-single-immediate)))) (:arg-types single-float single-float)) (define-vop (double-float-compare float-compare) (:args (x :scs (double-reg)) (y :scs (double-reg double-stack descriptor-reg fp-double-immediate) :load-if (not (sc-is y double-stack descriptor-reg fp-double-immediate)))) (:arg-types double-float double-float)) (define-vop (=/single-float single-float-compare) (:translate =) (:args (x :scs (single-reg single-stack fp-single-immediate) :target xmm :load-if (not (sc-is x single-stack fp-single-immediate))) (y :scs (single-reg single-stack fp-single-immediate) :target xmm :load-if (not (sc-is y single-stack fp-single-immediate)))) (:temporary (:sc single-reg :from :eval) xmm) (:info) (:conditional not :p :ne) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 3 (when (or (location= y xmm) (and (not (xmm-register-p x)) (xmm-register-p y))) (rotatef x y)) (sc-case x (single-reg (setf xmm x)) (single-stack (inst movss xmm (ea-for-sf-stack x))) (fp-single-immediate (inst movss xmm (register-inline-constant (tn-value x))))) (sc-case y (single-stack (setf y (ea-for-sf-stack y))) (fp-single-immediate (setf y (register-inline-constant (tn-value y)))) (t)) (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (inst comiss xmm y) ;; if PF&CF, there was a NaN involved => not equal ;; otherwise, ZF => equal )) (define-vop (=/double-float double-float-compare) (:translate =) (:args (x :scs (double-reg double-stack fp-double-immediate descriptor-reg) :target xmm :load-if (not (sc-is x double-stack fp-double-immediate descriptor-reg))) (y :scs (double-reg double-stack fp-double-immediate descriptor-reg) :target xmm :load-if (not (sc-is y double-stack fp-double-immediate descriptor-reg)))) (:temporary (:sc double-reg :from :eval) xmm) (:info) (:conditional not :p :ne) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 3 (when (or (location= y xmm) (and (not (xmm-register-p x)) (xmm-register-p y))) (rotatef x y)) (sc-case x (double-reg (setf xmm x)) (double-stack (inst movsd xmm (ea-for-df-stack x))) (fp-double-immediate (inst movsd xmm (register-inline-constant (tn-value x)))) (descriptor-reg (inst movsd xmm (ea-for-df-desc x)))) (sc-case y (double-stack (setf y (ea-for-df-stack y))) (fp-double-immediate (setf y (register-inline-constant (tn-value y)))) (descriptor-reg (setf y (ea-for-df-desc y))) (t)) (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (inst comisd xmm y))) (macrolet ((define-complex-float-= (complex-complex-name complex-real-name real-complex-name real-sc real-constant-sc real-type complex-sc complex-constant-sc complex-type real-move-inst complex-move-inst cmp-inst mask-inst mask) `(progn (define-vop (,complex-complex-name float-compare) (:translate =) (:args (x :scs (,complex-sc ,complex-constant-sc) :target cmp :load-if (not (sc-is x ,complex-constant-sc))) (y :scs (,complex-sc ,complex-constant-sc) :target cmp :load-if (not (sc-is y ,complex-constant-sc)))) (:arg-types ,complex-type ,complex-type) (:temporary (:sc ,complex-sc :from :eval) cmp) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) bits) (:info) (:conditional :e) (:generator 3 (when (location= y cmp) (rotatef x y)) (sc-case x (,real-constant-sc (inst ,real-move-inst cmp (register-inline-constant (tn-value x)))) (,complex-constant-sc (inst ,complex-move-inst cmp (register-inline-constant (tn-value x)))) (t (move cmp x))) (when (sc-is y ,real-constant-sc ,complex-constant-sc) (setf y (register-inline-constant :aligned (tn-value y)))) (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (inst ,cmp-inst :eq cmp y) (inst ,mask-inst bits cmp) (inst cmp bits ,mask))) (define-vop (,complex-real-name ,complex-complex-name) (:args (x :scs (,complex-sc ,complex-constant-sc) :target cmp :load-if (not (sc-is x ,complex-constant-sc))) (y :scs (,real-sc ,real-constant-sc) :target cmp :load-if (not (sc-is y ,real-constant-sc)))) (:arg-types ,complex-type ,real-type)) (define-vop (,real-complex-name ,complex-complex-name) (:args (x :scs (,real-sc ,real-constant-sc) :target cmp :load-if (not (sc-is x ,real-constant-sc))) (y :scs (,complex-sc ,complex-constant-sc) :target cmp :load-if (not (sc-is y ,complex-constant-sc)))) (:arg-types ,real-type ,complex-type))))) (define-complex-float-= =/complex-single-float =/complex-real-single-float =/real-complex-single-float single-reg fp-single-immediate single-float complex-single-reg fp-complex-single-immediate complex-single-float movss movq cmpps movmskps #b1111) (define-complex-float-= =/complex-double-float =/complex-real-double-float =/real-complex-double-float double-reg fp-double-immediate double-float complex-double-reg fp-complex-double-immediate complex-double-float movsd movapd cmppd movmskpd #b11)) (macrolet ((define- (op single-name double-name &rest flags) `(progn (define-vop (,double-name double-float-compare) (:translate ,op) (:info) (:conditional ,@flags) (:generator 3 (sc-case y (double-stack (setf y (ea-for-df-stack y))) (descriptor-reg (setf y (ea-for-df-desc y))) (fp-double-immediate (setf y (register-inline-constant (tn-value y)))) (t)) (inst comisd x y))) (define-vop (,single-name single-float-compare) (:translate ,op) (:info) (:conditional ,@flags) (:generator 3 (sc-case y (single-stack (setf y (ea-for-sf-stack y))) (fp-single-immediate (setf y (register-inline-constant (tn-value y)))) (t)) (inst comiss x y)))))) (define- < > >single-float >double-float not :p :na)) ;;;; conversion (macrolet ((frob (name translate inst to-sc to-type) `(define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs (signed-stack signed-reg))) (:results (y :scs (,to-sc))) (:arg-types signed-num) (:result-types ,to-type) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline float coercion") (:translate ,translate) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 5 (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (inst ,inst y x))))) (frob %single-float/signed %single-float cvtsi2ss single-reg single-float) (frob %double-float/signed %double-float cvtsi2sd double-reg double-float)) (macrolet ((frob (name translate inst from-scs from-type ea-func to-sc to-type) `(define-vop (,name) (:args (x :scs ,from-scs :target y)) (:results (y :scs (,to-sc))) (:arg-types ,from-type) (:result-types ,to-type) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline float coercion") (:translate ,translate) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 2 (note-this-location vop :internal-error) (inst ,inst y (sc-case x (,(first from-scs) x) (,(second from-scs) (,ea-func x)))))))) (frob %single-float/double-float %single-float cvtsd2ss (double-reg double-stack) double-float ea-for-df-stack single-reg single-float) (frob %double-float/single-float %double-float cvtss2sd (single-reg single-stack) single-float ea-for-sf-stack double-reg double-float)) (macrolet ((frob (trans inst from-scs from-type ea-func) `(define-vop (,(symbolicate trans "/" from-type)) (:args (x :scs ,from-scs)) (:results (y :scs (signed-reg))) (:arg-types ,from-type) (:result-types signed-num) (:translate ,trans) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline float truncate") (:vop-var vop) (:save-p :compute-only) (:generator 5 (inst ,inst y (sc-case x (,(first from-scs) x) (,(second from-scs) (,ea-func x)))))))) (frob %unary-truncate/single-float cvttss2si (single-reg single-stack) single-float ea-for-sf-stack) (frob %unary-truncate/double-float cvttsd2si (double-reg double-stack) double-float ea-for-df-stack) (frob %unary-round cvtss2si (single-reg single-stack) single-float ea-for-sf-stack) (frob %unary-round cvtsd2si (double-reg double-stack) double-float ea-for-df-stack)) (define-vop (make-single-float) (:args (bits :scs (signed-reg) :target res :load-if (not (or (and (sc-is bits signed-stack) (sc-is res single-reg)) (and (sc-is bits signed-stack) (sc-is res single-stack) (location= bits res)))))) (:results (res :scs (single-reg single-stack))) (:arg-types signed-num) (:result-types single-float) (:translate make-single-float) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 4 (sc-case res (single-stack (sc-case bits (signed-reg (inst mov res bits)) (signed-stack (aver (location= bits res))))) (single-reg (sc-case bits (signed-reg (inst movd res bits)) (signed-stack (inst movd res bits))))))) (define-vop (make-double-float) (:args (hi-bits :scs (signed-reg)) (lo-bits :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:results (res :scs (double-reg))) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) temp) (:arg-types signed-num unsigned-num) (:result-types double-float) (:translate make-double-float) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 2 (move temp hi-bits) (inst shl temp 32) (inst or temp lo-bits) (inst movd res temp))) (define-vop (single-float-bits) (:args (float :scs (single-reg descriptor-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is float single-stack)))) (:results (bits :scs (signed-reg))) (:temporary (:sc signed-stack :from :argument :to :result) stack-temp) (:arg-types single-float) (:result-types signed-num) (:translate single-float-bits) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 4 (sc-case bits (signed-reg (sc-case float (single-reg (inst movss stack-temp float) (move bits stack-temp)) (single-stack (move bits float)) (descriptor-reg (move bits float) (inst shr bits 32)))) (signed-stack (sc-case float (single-reg (inst movss bits float))))) ;; Sign-extend (inst shl bits 32) (inst sar bits 32))) (define-vop (double-float-high-bits) (:args (float :scs (double-reg descriptor-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is float double-stack)))) (:results (hi-bits :scs (signed-reg))) (:temporary (:sc signed-stack :from :argument :to :result) temp) (:arg-types double-float) (:result-types signed-num) (:translate double-float-high-bits) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 5 (sc-case float (double-reg (inst movsd temp float) (move hi-bits temp)) (double-stack (loadw hi-bits ebp-tn (frame-word-offset (tn-offset float)))) (descriptor-reg (loadw hi-bits float double-float-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag))) (inst sar hi-bits 32))) (define-vop (double-float-low-bits) (:args (float :scs (double-reg descriptor-reg) :load-if (not (sc-is float double-stack)))) (:results (lo-bits :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:temporary (:sc signed-stack :from :argument :to :result) temp) (:arg-types double-float) (:result-types unsigned-num) (:translate double-float-low-bits) (:policy :fast-safe) (:vop-var vop) (:generator 5 (sc-case float (double-reg (inst movsd temp float) (move lo-bits temp)) (double-stack (loadw lo-bits ebp-tn (frame-word-offset (tn-offset float)))) (descriptor-reg (loadw lo-bits float double-float-value-slot other-pointer-lowtag))) (inst shl lo-bits 32) (inst shr lo-bits 32))) ;;;; complex float VOPs (define-vop (make-complex-single-float) (:translate complex) (:args (real :scs (single-reg fp-single-zero) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is real fp-single-zero))) (imag :scs (single-reg fp-single-zero) :load-if (not (sc-is imag fp-single-zero)))) (:arg-types single-float single-float) (:results (r :scs (complex-single-reg) :from (:argument 0))) (:result-types complex-single-float) (:note "inline complex single-float creation") (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 5 (cond ((sc-is real fp-single-zero) (inst xorps r r) (unless (sc-is imag fp-single-zero) (inst unpcklps r imag))) ((location= real imag) (move r real) (inst unpcklps r r)) (t (move r real) (unless (sc-is imag fp-single-zero) (inst unpcklps r imag)))))) (define-vop (make-complex-double-float) (:translate complex) (:args (real :scs (double-reg fp-double-zero) :target r :load-if (not (sc-is real fp-double-zero))) (imag :scs (double-reg fp-double-zero) :load-if (not (sc-is imag fp-double-zero)))) (:arg-types double-float double-float) (:results (r :scs (complex-double-reg) :from (:argument 0))) (:result-types complex-double-float) (:note "inline complex double-float creation") (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 5 (cond ((sc-is real fp-double-zero) (inst xorpd r r) (unless (sc-is imag fp-double-zero) (inst unpcklpd r imag))) ((location= real imag) (move r real) (inst unpcklpd r r)) (t (move r real) (unless (sc-is imag fp-double-zero) (inst unpcklpd r imag)))))) (define-vop (complex-float-value) (:args (x :target r)) (:temporary (:sc complex-double-reg) zero) (:results (r)) (:variant-vars offset) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 3 (cond ((sc-is x complex-double-reg) (move r x) (inst xorpd zero zero) (ecase offset (0 (inst unpcklpd r zero)) (1 (inst unpckhpd r zero)))) ((sc-is x complex-single-reg) (move r x) (ecase offset (0 (inst shufps r r #b11111100)) (1 (inst shufps r r #b11111101)))) ((sc-is r single-reg) (let ((ea (sc-case x (complex-single-stack (ecase offset (0 (ea-for-csf-real-stack x)) (1 (ea-for-csf-imag-stack x)))) (descriptor-reg (ecase offset (0 (ea-for-csf-real-desc x)) (1 (ea-for-csf-imag-desc x))))))) (inst movss r ea))) ((sc-is r double-reg) (let ((ea (sc-case x (complex-double-stack (ecase offset (0 (ea-for-cdf-real-stack x)) (1 (ea-for-cdf-imag-stack x)))) (descriptor-reg (ecase offset (0 (ea-for-cdf-real-desc x)) (1 (ea-for-cdf-imag-desc x))))))) (inst movsd r ea))) (t (error "COMPLEX-FLOAT-VALUE VOP failure"))))) (define-vop (realpart/complex-single-float complex-float-value) (:translate realpart) (:args (x :scs (complex-single-reg complex-single-stack descriptor-reg) :target r)) (:arg-types complex-single-float) (:results (r :scs (single-reg))) (:result-types single-float) (:note "complex float realpart") (:variant 0)) (define-vop (realpart/complex-double-float complex-float-value) (:translate realpart) (:args (x :scs (complex-double-reg complex-double-stack descriptor-reg) :target r)) (:arg-types complex-double-float) (:results (r :scs (double-reg))) (:result-types double-float) (:note "complex float realpart") (:variant 0)) (define-vop (imagpart/complex-single-float complex-float-value) (:translate imagpart) (:args (x :scs (complex-single-reg complex-single-stack descriptor-reg) :target r)) (:arg-types complex-single-float) (:results (r :scs (single-reg))) (:result-types single-float) (:note "complex float imagpart") (:variant 1)) (define-vop (imagpart/complex-double-float complex-float-value) (:translate imagpart) (:args (x :scs (complex-double-reg complex-double-stack descriptor-reg) :target r)) (:arg-types complex-double-float) (:results (r :scs (double-reg))) (:result-types double-float) (:note "complex float imagpart") (:variant 1)) ;;; hack dummy VOPs to bias the representation selection of their ;;; arguments towards a FP register, which can help avoid consing at ;;; inappropriate locations (defknown double-float-reg-bias (double-float) (values)) (define-vop (double-float-reg-bias) (:translate double-float-reg-bias) (:args (x :scs (double-reg double-stack) :load-if nil)) (:arg-types double-float) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline dummy FP register bias") (:ignore x) (:generator 0)) (defknown single-float-reg-bias (single-float) (values)) (define-vop (single-float-reg-bias) (:translate single-float-reg-bias) (:args (x :scs (single-reg single-stack) :load-if nil)) (:arg-types single-float) (:policy :fast-safe) (:note "inline dummy FP register bias") (:ignore x) (:generator 0)) (defknown swap-complex ((complex float)) (complex float) (foldable flushable movable always-translatable)) (defoptimizer (swap-complex derive-type) ((x)) (sb!c::lvar-type x)) (defun swap-complex (x) (complex (imagpart x) (realpart x))) (define-vop (swap-complex-single-float) (:translate swap-complex) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (x :scs (complex-single-reg) :target r)) (:arg-types complex-single-float) (:results (r :scs (complex-single-reg))) (:result-types complex-single-float) (:generator 2 (move r x) (inst shufps r r #b11110001))) (define-vop (swap-complex-double-float) (:translate swap-complex) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (x :scs (complex-double-reg) :target r)) (:arg-types complex-double-float) (:results (r :scs (complex-double-reg))) (:result-types complex-double-float) (:generator 2 (move r x) (inst shufpd r r #b01)))