;;; lambda-list.lisp --- Lambda list parsing and destructuring ;; JSCL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; JSCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with JSCL. If not, see . (defvar !lambda-list-keywords '(&optional &rest &key &aux &allow-other-keys &body &optional)) ;;;; Lambda list parsing (def!struct optvar variable initform supplied-p-parameter) (def!struct keyvar variable keyword-name initform supplied-p-parameter) (def!struct auxvar variable initform) (def!struct d-lambda-list wholevar reqvars optvars restvar allow-other-keys keyvars auxvars) (defun var-or-pattern (x) (etypecase x (symbol x) (cons (parse-destructuring-lambda-list x)))) (defun parse-optvar (desc) (etypecase desc (symbol (make-optvar :variable desc)) (cons (let ((variable (first desc)) (initform (second desc)) (supplied-p-parameter (third desc))) (unless (null (cdddr desc)) (error "Bad optional parameter specification `~S'" desc)) (unless (symbolp supplied-p-parameter) (error "`~S' is not a valid supplied optional parameter." supplied-p-parameter)) (make-optvar :variable (var-or-pattern variable) :initform initform :supplied-p-parameter supplied-p-parameter))))) (defun parse-keyvar (desc) (etypecase desc (symbol (make-keyvar :variable desc :keyword-name (intern (string desc) "KEYWORD"))) (cons (let (variable keyword-name (initform (second desc)) (supplied-p-parameter (third desc))) (unless (null (cdddr desc)) (error "Bad keyword parameter specification `~S'" desc)) (unless (symbolp supplied-p-parameter) (error "`~S' is not a valid supplied optional parameter." supplied-p-parameter)) (let ((name (first desc))) (etypecase name (symbol (setq keyword-name (intern (string name) "KEYWORD")) (setq variable name)) (cons (unless (null (cddr name)) (error "Bad keyword argument name description `~S'" name)) (setq keyword-name (first name)) (setq variable (second name))))) (unless (symbolp keyword-name) (error "~S is not a valid keyword-name." keyword-name)) (make-keyvar :variable (var-or-pattern variable) :keyword-name keyword-name :initform initform :supplied-p-parameter supplied-p-parameter))))) (defun parse-auxvar (desc) (etypecase desc (symbol (make-auxvar :variable desc)) (cons (let ((variable (first desc)) (initform (second desc))) (unless (null (cdddr desc)) (error "Bad aux variable specification `~S'" desc)) (make-auxvar :variable (var-or-pattern variable) :initform initform))))) (defun parse-destructuring-lambda-list (lambda-list) (let (;; Destructured lambda list structure where we accumulate the ;; results of the parsing. (d-ll (make-d-lambda-list)) ;; List of lambda list keywords which we have already seen. (lambda-keywords nil)) (flet ( ;; Check if we are in the beginning of the section NAME in ;; the lambda list. It checks also if the section is in the ;; proper place and it is new. (lambda-section (name) (let ((section (first lambda-list))) (when (find section lambda-keywords) (error "Bad placed ~a in the lambda-list ~S." section lambda-list)) (when (eq name section) (push name lambda-keywords) (pop lambda-list) t))) ;; Check if we are in the middle of a lambda list section, ;; looking for a lambda list keyword in the current ;; position of the lambda list. (in-section-p () (and (consp lambda-list) (not (find (first lambda-list) !lambda-list-keywords))))) ;; &whole var (when (lambda-section '&whole) (let ((wholevar (pop lambda-list))) (setf (d-lambda-list-wholevar d-ll) (var-or-pattern wholevar)))) ;; required vars (while (in-section-p) (let ((var (pop lambda-list))) (push (var-or-pattern var) (d-lambda-list-reqvars d-ll)))) (setf (d-lambda-list-reqvars d-ll) (reverse (d-lambda-list-reqvars d-ll))) ;; optional vars (when (lambda-section '&optional) (while (in-section-p) (push (parse-optvar (pop lambda-list)) (d-lambda-list-optvars d-ll))) (setf (d-lambda-list-optvars d-ll) (reverse (d-lambda-list-optvars d-ll)))) ;; Dotted lambda-list and &rest/&body vars. If the lambda-list ;; is dotted. Convert it the tail to a &rest and finish. (when (and lambda-list (atom lambda-list)) (push lambda-list (d-lambda-list-restvar d-ll)) (setq lambda-list nil)) (when (find (car lambda-list) '(&body &rest)) (pop lambda-list) (setf (d-lambda-list-restvar d-ll) (var-or-pattern (pop lambda-list)))) ;; Keyword arguments (when (lambda-section '&key) (while (in-section-p) (push (parse-keyvar (pop lambda-list)) (d-lambda-list-keyvars d-ll))) (setf (d-lambda-list-keyvars d-ll) (reverse (d-lambda-list-keyvars d-ll)))) (when (lambda-section '&allow-other-keys) (setf (d-lambda-list-allow-other-keys d-ll) t)) ;; Aux variables (when (lambda-section '&aux) (while (in-section-p) (push (parse-auxvar (pop lambda-list)) (d-lambda-list-auxvars d-ll))) (setf (d-lambda-list-auxvars d-ll) (reverse (d-lambda-list-auxvars d-ll)))) d-ll))) ;;;; Destructuring (defmacro do-keywords (var value list &body body) (let ((g!list (gensym))) `(let ((,g!list ,list)) (while ,g!list (let ((,var (car ,g!list)) (,value (cadr ,g!list))) ,@body) (setq ,g!list (cddr ,g!list)))))) ;;; Return T if KEYWORD is supplied in the list of arguments LIST. (defun keyword-supplied-p (keyword list) (do-keywords key value list (declare (ignore value)) (when (eq key keyword) (return t)) (setq list (cddr list)))) ;;; Return the value of KEYWORD in the list of arguments LIST or NIL ;;; if it is not supplied. (defun keyword-lookup (keyword list) (do-keywords key value list (when (eq key keyword) (return value)) (setq list (cddr list)))) (defun validate-reqvars (list n) (unless (listp list) (error "`~S' is not a list." list)) (unless (<= n (length list)) (error "Invalid number of elements in `~S'" list)) list) (defun validate-max-args (list) (unless (null list) (error "Too many elements `~S' in the lambda-list" list)) list) ;;; Validate a list of keyword arguments. (defun validate-keyvars (list keyword-list &optional allow-other-keys) (let (;; If it is non-NIL, we have to check for unknown keyword ;; arguments in the list to signal an error in that case. (allow-other-keys (or allow-other-keys (keyword-lookup :allow-other-keys list)))) (unless allow-other-keys (do-keywords key value list (declare (ignore value)) (unless (find key keyword-list) (error "Unknown keyword argument `~S'." key)))) (do* ((tail list (cddr tail)) (key (car tail) (car tail))) ((null tail) list) (unless (symbolp key) (error "Keyword argument `~S' is not a symbol." key)) (unless (consp (cdr tail)) (error "Odd number of keyword arguments."))))) (defun !expand-destructuring-bind (lambda-list expression &rest body) (multiple-value-bind (d-ll) (parse-destructuring-lambda-list lambda-list) (let ((bindings '())) (labels ( ;; Return a chain of the form (CAR (CDR (CDR ... (CDR X))), ;; such that there are N calls to CDR. (nth-chain (x n &optional tail) (if tail (if (zerop n) x `(cdr ,(nth-chain x (1- n) t))) `(car ,(nth-chain x n t)))) ;; Compute the bindings for a pattern against FORM. If ;; PATTERN is a lambda-list the pattern is bound to an ;; auxiliary variable, otherwise PATTERN must be a ;; symbol it will be bound to the form. The variable ;; where the form is bound is returned. (compute-pbindings (pattern form) (cond ((null pattern)) ((symbolp pattern) (push `(,pattern ,form) bindings) pattern) ((d-lambda-list-p pattern) (compute-bindings pattern form)))) ;; Compute the bindings for the full D-LAMBDA-LIST d-ll ;; against FORM. (compute-bindings (d-ll form) (let ((reqvar-count (length (d-lambda-list-reqvars d-ll))) (optvar-count (length (d-lambda-list-optvars d-ll))) (whole (or (d-lambda-list-wholevar d-ll) (gensym)))) ;; Create a binding for the whole expression ;; FORM. It will match to D-LL, so we validate the ;; number of elements on the result of FORM. (compute-pbindings whole `(validate-reqvars ,form ,reqvar-count)) (let ((count 0)) ;; Required vars (dolist (reqvar (d-lambda-list-reqvars d-ll)) (compute-pbindings reqvar (nth-chain whole count)) (incf count)) ;; Optional vars (dolist (optvar (d-lambda-list-optvars d-ll)) (when (optvar-supplied-p-parameter optvar) (compute-pbindings (optvar-supplied-p-parameter optvar) `(not (null ,(nth-chain whole count t))))) (compute-pbindings (optvar-variable optvar) `(if (null ,(nth-chain whole count t)) ,(optvar-initform optvar) ,(nth-chain whole count))) (incf count)) ;; Rest-variable and keywords ;; If there is a rest or keyword variable, we ;; will add a binding for the rest or an ;; auxiliary variable. The computations in of the ;; keyword start in this variable, so we avoid ;; the long tail of nested CAR/CDR operations ;; each time. We also include validation of ;; keywords if there is any. (let* ((chain (nth-chain whole (+ reqvar-count optvar-count) t)) (restvar (d-lambda-list-restvar d-ll)) (pattern (or restvar (gensym))) (keywords (mapcar #'keyvar-keyword-name (d-lambda-list-keyvars d-ll))) (rest ;; Create a binding for the rest of the ;; arguments. If there is keywords, then ;; validate this list. If there is no ;; keywords and no &rest variable, then ;; validate that the rest is empty, it is ;; to say, there is no more arguments ;; that we expect. (cond (keywords (compute-pbindings pattern `(validate-keyvars ,chain ',keywords ,(d-lambda-list-allow-other-keys d-ll)))) (restvar (compute-pbindings pattern chain)) (t (compute-pbindings pattern `(validate-max-args ,chain)))))) (when (d-lambda-list-keyvars d-ll) ;; Keywords (dolist (keyvar (d-lambda-list-keyvars d-ll)) (let ((variable (keyvar-variable keyvar)) (keyword (keyvar-keyword-name keyvar)) (supplied (or (keyvar-supplied-p-parameter keyvar) (gensym)))) (when supplied (compute-pbindings supplied `(keyword-supplied-p ,keyword ,rest))) (compute-pbindings variable `(if ,supplied (keyword-lookup ,keyword ,rest) ,(keyvar-initform keyvar))))))) ;; Aux variables (dolist (auxvar (d-lambda-list-auxvars d-ll)) (compute-pbindings (auxvar-variable auxvar) (auxvar-initform auxvar)))) whole))) ;; Macroexpansion. Compute bindings and generate code for them ;; and some necessary checking. (compute-bindings d-ll expression) `(let* ,(reverse bindings) ,@body))))) ;;; Because DEFMACRO uses destructuring-bind to parse the arguments of ;;; the macro-function, we can't define DESTRUCTURING-BIND with ;;; defmacro to avoid a circularity. So just define the macro function ;;; explicitly. #+common-lisp (defmacro !destructuring-bind (lambda-list expression &body body) (apply #'!expand-destructuring-bind lambda-list expression body)) #+jscl (eval-when-compile (let ((macroexpander '#'(lambda (form &optional environment) (declare (ignore environment)) (apply #'!expand-destructuring-bind form)))) (%compile-defmacro '!destructuring-bind macroexpander) (%compile-defmacro 'destructuring-bind macroexpander)))