;;;; the basics of the PCL wrapper cache mechanism ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") ;;; Ye olde CMUCL comment follows, but it seems likely that the paper ;;; that would be inserted would resemble Kiczales and Rodruigez, ;;; Efficient Method Dispatch in PCL, ACM 1990. Some of the details ;;; changed between that paper and "May Day PCL" of 1992; some other ;;; details have changed since, but reading that paper gives the broad ;;; idea. ;;; ;;; The caching algorithm implemented: ;;; ;;; << put a paper here >> ;;; ;;; For now, understand that as far as most of this code goes, a cache ;;; has two important properties. The first is the number of wrappers ;;; used as keys in each cache line. Throughout this code, this value ;;; is always called NKEYS. The second is whether or not the cache ;;; lines of a cache store a value. Throughout this code, this always ;;; called VALUEP. ;;; ;;; Depending on these values, there are three kinds of caches. ;;; ;;; NKEYS = 1, VALUEP = NIL ;;; ;;; In this kind of cache, each line is 1 word long. No cache locking ;;; is needed since all read's in the cache are a single value. ;;; Nevertheless line 0 (location 0) is reserved, to ensure that ;;; invalid wrappers will not get a first probe hit. ;;; ;;; To keep the code simpler, a cache lock count does appear in ;;; location 0 of these caches, that count is incremented whenever ;;; data is written to the cache. But, the actual lookup code (see ;;; make-dlap) doesn't need to do locking when reading the cache. ;;; ;;; NKEYS = 1, VALUEP = T ;;; ;;; In this kind of cache, each line is 2 words long. Cache locking ;;; must be done to ensure the synchronization of cache reads. Line 0 ;;; of the cache (location 0) is reserved for the cache lock count. ;;; Location 1 of the cache is unused (in effect wasted). ;;; ;;; NKEYS > 1 ;;; ;;; In this kind of cache, the 0 word of the cache holds the lock ;;; count. The 1 word of the cache is line 0. Line 0 of these caches ;;; is not reserved. ;;; ;;; This is done because in this sort of cache, the overhead of doing ;;; the cache probe is high enough that the 1+ required to offset the ;;; location is not a significant cost. In addition, because of the ;;; larger line sizes, the space that would be wasted by reserving ;;; line 0 to hold the lock count is more significant. ;;; caches ;;; ;;; A cache is essentially just a vector. The use of the individual ;;; `words' in the vector depends on particular properties of the ;;; cache as described above. ;;; ;;; This defines an abstraction for caches in terms of their most ;;; obvious implementation as simple vectors. But, please notice that ;;; part of the implementation of this abstraction, is the function ;;; lap-out-cache-ref. This means that most port-specific ;;; modifications to the implementation of caches will require ;;; corresponding port-specific modifications to the lap code ;;; assembler. (defmacro cache-vector-ref (cache-vector location) `(svref (the simple-vector ,cache-vector) (sb-ext:truly-the fixnum ,location))) (defmacro cache-vector-size (cache-vector) `(array-dimension (the simple-vector ,cache-vector) 0)) (defun allocate-cache-vector (size) (make-array size :adjustable nil)) (defmacro cache-vector-lock-count (cache-vector) `(cache-vector-ref ,cache-vector 0)) (defun flush-cache-vector-internal (cache-vector) (with-pcl-lock (fill (the simple-vector cache-vector) nil) (setf (cache-vector-lock-count cache-vector) 0)) cache-vector) (defmacro modify-cache (cache-vector &body body) `(with-pcl-lock (multiple-value-prog1 (progn ,@body) (let ((old-count (cache-vector-lock-count ,cache-vector))) (declare (fixnum old-count)) (setf (cache-vector-lock-count ,cache-vector) (if (= old-count most-positive-fixnum) 1 (the fixnum (1+ old-count)))))))) (deftype field-type () '(mod #.layout-clos-hash-length)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun power-of-two-ceiling (x) (declare (fixnum x)) ;;(expt 2 (ceiling (log x 2))) (the fixnum (ash 1 (integer-length (1- x))))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN (defconstant +nkeys-limit+ 256) (defstruct (cache (:constructor make-cache ()) (:copier copy-cache-internal)) (owner nil) (nkeys 1 :type (integer 1 #.+nkeys-limit+)) (valuep nil :type (member nil t)) (nlines 0 :type fixnum) (field 0 :type field-type) (limit-fn #'default-limit-fn :type function) (mask 0 :type fixnum) (size 0 :type fixnum) (line-size 1 :type (integer 1 #.(power-of-two-ceiling (1+ +nkeys-limit+)))) (max-location 0 :type fixnum) (vector #() :type simple-vector) (overflow nil :type list)) #-sb-fluid (declaim (sb-ext:freeze-type cache)) (defmacro cache-lock-count (cache) `(cache-vector-lock-count (cache-vector ,cache))) ;;; Return a cache that has had FLUSH-CACHE-VECTOR-INTERNAL called on ;;; it. This returns a cache of exactly the size requested, it won't ;;; ever return a larger cache. (defun get-cache-vector (size) (flush-cache-vector-internal (make-array size))) ;;;; wrapper cache numbers ;;; The constant WRAPPER-CACHE-NUMBER-ADDS-OK controls the number of ;;; non-zero bits wrapper cache numbers will have. ;;; ;;; The value of this constant is the number of wrapper cache numbers ;;; which can be added and still be certain the result will be a ;;; fixnum. This is used by all the code that computes primary cache ;;; locations from multiple wrappers. ;;; ;;; The value of this constant is used to derive the next two which ;;; are the forms of this constant which it is more convenient for the ;;; runtime code to use. (defconstant wrapper-cache-number-length (integer-length layout-clos-hash-max)) (defconstant wrapper-cache-number-mask layout-clos-hash-max) (defconstant wrapper-cache-number-adds-ok (truncate most-positive-fixnum layout-clos-hash-max)) ;;;; wrappers themselves ;;; This caching algorithm requires that wrappers have more than one ;;; wrapper cache number. You should think of these multiple numbers ;;; as being in columns. That is, for a given cache, the same column ;;; of wrapper cache numbers will be used. ;;; ;;; If at some point the cache distribution of a cache gets bad, the ;;; cache can be rehashed by switching to a different column. ;;; ;;; The columns are referred to by field number which is that number ;;; which, when used as a second argument to wrapper-ref, will return ;;; that column of wrapper cache number. ;;; ;;; This code is written to allow flexibility as to how many wrapper ;;; cache numbers will be in each wrapper, and where they will be ;;; located. It is also set up to allow port specific modifications to ;;; `pack' the wrapper cache numbers on machines where the addressing ;;; modes make that a good idea. ;;; In SBCL, as in CMU CL, we want to do type checking as early as ;;; possible; structures help this. The structures are hard-wired to ;;; have a fixed number of cache hash values, and that number must ;;; correspond to the number of cache lines we use. (defconstant wrapper-cache-number-vector-length layout-clos-hash-length) (unless (boundp '*the-class-t*) (setq *the-class-t* nil)) (defmacro wrapper-class (wrapper) `(classoid-pcl-class (layout-classoid ,wrapper))) (defmacro wrapper-no-of-instance-slots (wrapper) `(layout-length ,wrapper)) ;;; FIXME: Why are these macros? (defmacro wrapper-instance-slots-layout (wrapper) `(%wrapper-instance-slots-layout ,wrapper)) (defmacro wrapper-class-slots (wrapper) `(%wrapper-class-slots ,wrapper)) (defmacro wrapper-cache-number-vector (x) x) ;;; This is called in BRAID when we are making wrappers for classes ;;; whose slots are not initialized yet, and which may be built-in ;;; classes. We pass in the class name in addition to the class. (defun boot-make-wrapper (length name &optional class) (let ((found (find-classoid name nil))) (cond (found (unless (classoid-pcl-class found) (setf (classoid-pcl-class found) class)) (aver (eq (classoid-pcl-class found) class)) (let ((layout (classoid-layout found))) (aver layout) layout)) (t (make-wrapper-internal :length length :classoid (make-standard-classoid :name name :pcl-class class)))))) ;;; The following variable may be set to a STANDARD-CLASS that has ;;; already been created by the lisp code and which is to be redefined ;;; by PCL. This allows STANDARD-CLASSes to be defined and used for ;;; type testing and dispatch before PCL is loaded. (defvar *pcl-class-boot* nil) ;;; In SBCL, as in CMU CL, the layouts (a.k.a wrappers) for built-in ;;; and structure classes already exist when PCL is initialized, so we ;;; don't necessarily always make a wrapper. Also, we help maintain ;;; the mapping between CL:CLASS and SB-KERNEL:CLASSOID objects. (defun make-wrapper (length class) (cond ((or (typep class 'std-class) (typep class 'forward-referenced-class)) (make-wrapper-internal :length length :classoid (let ((owrap (class-wrapper class))) (cond (owrap (layout-classoid owrap)) ((or (*subtypep (class-of class) *the-class-standard-class*) (typep class 'forward-referenced-class)) (cond ((and *pcl-class-boot* (eq (slot-value class 'name) *pcl-class-boot*)) (let ((found (find-classoid (slot-value class 'name)))) (unless (classoid-pcl-class found) (setf (classoid-pcl-class found) class)) (aver (eq (classoid-pcl-class found) class)) found)) (t (make-standard-classoid :pcl-class class)))) (t (make-random-pcl-classoid :pcl-class class)))))) (t (let* ((found (find-classoid (slot-value class 'name))) (layout (classoid-layout found))) (unless (classoid-pcl-class found) (setf (classoid-pcl-class found) class)) (aver (eq (classoid-pcl-class found) class)) (aver layout) layout)))) (defconstant +first-wrapper-cache-number-index+ 0) (declaim (inline next-wrapper-cache-number-index)) (defun next-wrapper-cache-number-index (field-number) (and (< field-number #.(1- wrapper-cache-number-vector-length)) (1+ field-number))) ;;; FIXME: Why are there two layers here, with one operator trivially ;;; defined in terms of the other? It'd be nice either to have a ;;; comment explaining why the separation is valuable, or to collapse ;;; it into a single layer. ;;; ;;; FIXME (?): These are logically inline functions, but they need to ;;; be SETFable, and for now it seems not worth the trouble to DEFUN ;;; both inline FOO and inline (SETF FOO) for each one instead of a ;;; single macro. Perhaps the best thing would be to make them ;;; immutable (since it seems sort of surprising and gross to be able ;;; to modify hash values) so that they can become inline functions ;;; with no muss or fuss. I (WHN) didn't do this only because I didn't ;;; know whether any code anywhere depends on the values being ;;; modified. (defmacro cache-number-vector-ref (cnv n) `(wrapper-cache-number-vector-ref ,cnv ,n)) (defmacro wrapper-cache-number-vector-ref (wrapper n) `(layout-clos-hash ,wrapper ,n)) (declaim (inline wrapper-class*)) (defun wrapper-class* (wrapper) (or (wrapper-class wrapper) (ensure-non-standard-class (classoid-name (layout-classoid wrapper))))) ;;; The wrapper cache machinery provides general mechanism for ;;; trapping on the next access to any instance of a given class. This ;;; mechanism is used to implement the updating of instances when the ;;; class is redefined (MAKE-INSTANCES-OBSOLETE). The same mechanism ;;; is also used to update generic function caches when there is a ;;; change to the superclasses of a class. ;;; ;;; Basically, a given wrapper can be valid or invalid. If it is ;;; invalid, it means that any attempt to do a wrapper cache lookup ;;; using the wrapper should trap. Also, methods on ;;; SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS check the wrapper validity as well. This is ;;; done by calling CHECK-WRAPPER-VALIDITY. (declaim (inline invalid-wrapper-p)) (defun invalid-wrapper-p (wrapper) (not (null (layout-invalid wrapper)))) (defvar *previous-nwrappers* (make-hash-table)) (defun invalidate-wrapper (owrapper state nwrapper) (aver (member state '(:flush :obsolete) :test #'eq)) (let ((new-previous ())) ;; First off, a previous call to INVALIDATE-WRAPPER may have ;; recorded OWRAPPER as an NWRAPPER to update to. Since OWRAPPER ;; is about to be invalid, it no longer makes sense to update to ;; it. ;; ;; We go back and change the previously invalidated wrappers so ;; that they will now update directly to NWRAPPER. This ;; corresponds to a kind of transitivity of wrapper updates. (dolist (previous (gethash owrapper *previous-nwrappers*)) (when (eq state :obsolete) (setf (car previous) :obsolete)) (setf (cadr previous) nwrapper) (push previous new-previous)) (let ((ocnv (wrapper-cache-number-vector owrapper))) (dotimes (i layout-clos-hash-length) (setf (cache-number-vector-ref ocnv i) 0))) (push (setf (layout-invalid owrapper) (list state nwrapper)) new-previous) (setf (gethash owrapper *previous-nwrappers*) () (gethash nwrapper *previous-nwrappers*) new-previous))) (defun check-wrapper-validity (instance) (let* ((owrapper (wrapper-of instance)) (state (layout-invalid owrapper))) (aver (not (eq state :uninitialized))) (etypecase state (null owrapper) ;; FIXME: I can't help thinking that, while this does cure the ;; symptoms observed from some class redefinitions, this isn't ;; the place to be doing this flushing. Nevertheless... -- ;; CSR, 2003-05-31 ;; ;; CMUCL comment: ;; We assume in this case, that the :INVALID is from a ;; previous call to REGISTER-LAYOUT for a superclass of ;; INSTANCE's class. See also the comment above ;; FORCE-CACHE-FLUSHES. Paul Dietz has test cases for this. ((member t) (force-cache-flushes (class-of instance)) (check-wrapper-validity instance)) (cons (ecase (car state) (:flush (flush-cache-trap owrapper (cadr state) instance)) (:obsolete (obsolete-instance-trap owrapper (cadr state) instance))))))) (declaim (inline check-obsolete-instance)) (defun check-obsolete-instance (instance) (when (invalid-wrapper-p (layout-of instance)) (check-wrapper-validity instance))) (defun get-cache (nkeys valuep limit-fn nlines) (let ((cache (make-cache))) (declare (type cache cache)) (multiple-value-bind (cache-mask actual-size line-size nlines) (compute-cache-parameters nkeys valuep nlines) (setf (cache-nkeys cache) nkeys (cache-valuep cache) valuep (cache-nlines cache) nlines (cache-field cache) +first-wrapper-cache-number-index+ (cache-limit-fn cache) limit-fn (cache-mask cache) cache-mask (cache-size cache) actual-size (cache-line-size cache) line-size (cache-max-location cache) (let ((line (1- nlines))) (if (= nkeys 1) (* line line-size) (1+ (* line line-size)))) (cache-vector cache) (get-cache-vector actual-size) (cache-overflow cache) nil) cache))) (defun get-cache-from-cache (old-cache new-nlines &optional (new-field +first-wrapper-cache-number-index+)) (let ((nkeys (cache-nkeys old-cache)) (valuep (cache-valuep old-cache)) (cache (make-cache))) (declare (type cache cache)) (multiple-value-bind (cache-mask actual-size line-size nlines) (if (= new-nlines (cache-nlines old-cache)) (values (cache-mask old-cache) (cache-size old-cache) (cache-line-size old-cache) (cache-nlines old-cache)) (compute-cache-parameters nkeys valuep new-nlines)) (setf (cache-owner cache) (cache-owner old-cache) (cache-nkeys cache) nkeys (cache-valuep cache) valuep (cache-nlines cache) nlines (cache-field cache) new-field (cache-limit-fn cache) (cache-limit-fn old-cache) (cache-mask cache) cache-mask (cache-size cache) actual-size (cache-line-size cache) line-size (cache-max-location cache) (let ((line (1- nlines))) (if (= nkeys 1) (* line line-size) (1+ (* line line-size)))) (cache-vector cache) (get-cache-vector actual-size) (cache-overflow cache) nil) cache))) (defun copy-cache (old-cache) (let* ((new-cache (copy-cache-internal old-cache)) (size (cache-size old-cache)) (old-vector (cache-vector old-cache)) (new-vector (get-cache-vector size))) (declare (simple-vector old-vector new-vector)) (dotimes-fixnum (i size) (setf (svref new-vector i) (svref old-vector i))) (setf (cache-vector new-cache) new-vector) new-cache)) (defun compute-line-size (x) (power-of-two-ceiling x)) (defun compute-cache-parameters (nkeys valuep nlines-or-cache-vector) ;;(declare (values cache-mask actual-size line-size nlines)) (declare (fixnum nkeys)) (if (= nkeys 1) (let* ((line-size (if valuep 2 1)) (cache-size (if (typep nlines-or-cache-vector 'fixnum) (the fixnum (* line-size (the fixnum (power-of-two-ceiling nlines-or-cache-vector)))) (cache-vector-size nlines-or-cache-vector)))) (declare (fixnum line-size cache-size)) (values (logxor (the fixnum (1- cache-size)) (the fixnum (1- line-size))) cache-size line-size (the (values fixnum t) (floor cache-size line-size)))) (let* ((line-size (power-of-two-ceiling (if valuep (1+ nkeys) nkeys))) (cache-size (if (typep nlines-or-cache-vector 'fixnum) (the fixnum (* line-size (the fixnum (power-of-two-ceiling nlines-or-cache-vector)))) (1- (cache-vector-size nlines-or-cache-vector))))) (declare (fixnum line-size cache-size)) (values (logxor (the fixnum (1- cache-size)) (the fixnum (1- line-size))) (the fixnum (1+ cache-size)) line-size (the (values fixnum t) (floor cache-size line-size)))))) ;;; the various implementations of computing a primary cache location from ;;; wrappers. Because some implementations of this must run fast there are ;;; several implementations of the same algorithm. ;;; ;;; The algorithm is: ;;; ;;; SUM over the wrapper cache numbers, ;;; ENSURING that the result is a fixnum ;;; MASK the result against the mask argument. ;;; The basic functional version. This is used by the cache miss code to ;;; compute the primary location of an entry. (defun compute-primary-cache-location (field mask wrappers) (declare (type field-type field) (fixnum mask)) (if (not (listp wrappers)) (logand mask (the fixnum (wrapper-cache-number-vector-ref wrappers field))) (let ((location 0) (i 0)) (declare (fixnum location i)) (dolist (wrapper wrappers) ;; First add the cache number of this wrapper to location. (let ((wrapper-cache-number (wrapper-cache-number-vector-ref wrapper field))) (declare (fixnum wrapper-cache-number)) (if (zerop wrapper-cache-number) (return-from compute-primary-cache-location 0) (setq location (the fixnum (+ location wrapper-cache-number))))) ;; Then, if we are working with lots of wrappers, deal with ;; the wrapper-cache-number-mask stuff. (when (and (not (zerop i)) (zerop (mod i wrapper-cache-number-adds-ok))) (setq location (logand location wrapper-cache-number-mask))) (incf i)) (the fixnum (1+ (logand mask location)))))) ;;; This version is called on a cache line. It fetches the wrappers ;;; from the cache line and determines the primary location. Various ;;; parts of the cache filling code call this to determine whether it ;;; is appropriate to displace a given cache entry. ;;; ;;; If this comes across a wrapper whose CACHE-NO is 0, it returns the ;;; symbol invalid to suggest to its caller that it would be provident ;;; to blow away the cache line in question. (defun compute-primary-cache-location-from-location (to-cache from-location &optional (from-cache to-cache)) (declare (type cache to-cache from-cache) (fixnum from-location)) (let ((result 0) (cache-vector (cache-vector from-cache)) (field (cache-field to-cache)) (mask (cache-mask to-cache)) (nkeys (cache-nkeys to-cache))) (declare (type field-type field) (fixnum result mask nkeys) (simple-vector cache-vector)) (dotimes-fixnum (i nkeys) (let* ((wrapper (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ i from-location))) (wcn (wrapper-cache-number-vector-ref wrapper field))) (declare (fixnum wcn)) (setq result (+ result wcn))) (when (and (not (zerop i)) (zerop (mod i wrapper-cache-number-adds-ok))) (setq result (logand result wrapper-cache-number-mask)))) (if (= nkeys 1) (logand mask result) (the fixnum (1+ (logand mask result)))))) ;;; NIL means nothing so far, no actual arg info has NILs ;;; in the metatype ;;; CLASS seen all sorts of metaclasses ;;; (specifically, more than one of the next 4 values) ;;; T means everything so far is the class T ;;; STANDARD-CLASS seen only standard classes ;;; BUILT-IN-CLASS seen only built in classes ;;; STRUCTURE-CLASS seen only structure classes (defun raise-metatype (metatype new-specializer) (let ((slot (find-class 'slot-class)) (standard (find-class 'standard-class)) (fsc (find-class 'funcallable-standard-class)) (condition (find-class 'condition-class)) (structure (find-class 'structure-class)) (built-in (find-class 'built-in-class))) (flet ((specializer->metatype (x) (let ((meta-specializer (if (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (class-of (specializer-class x)) (class-of x)))) (cond ((eq x *the-class-t*) t) ((*subtypep meta-specializer standard) 'standard-instance) ((*subtypep meta-specializer fsc) 'standard-instance) ((*subtypep meta-specializer condition) 'condition-instance) ((*subtypep meta-specializer structure) 'structure-instance) ((*subtypep meta-specializer built-in) 'built-in-instance) ((*subtypep meta-specializer slot) 'slot-instance) (t (error "~@" new-specializer meta-specializer)))))) ;; We implement the following table. The notation is ;; that X and Y are distinct meta specializer names. ;; ;; NIL ===> ;; X X ===> X ;; X Y ===> CLASS (let ((new-metatype (specializer->metatype new-specializer))) (cond ((eq new-metatype 'slot-instance) 'class) ((null metatype) new-metatype) ((eq metatype new-metatype) new-metatype) (t 'class)))))) (defmacro with-dfun-wrappers ((args metatypes) (dfun-wrappers invalid-wrapper-p &optional wrappers classes types) invalid-arguments-form &body body) `(let* ((args-tail ,args) (,invalid-wrapper-p nil) (invalid-arguments-p nil) (,dfun-wrappers nil) (dfun-wrappers-tail nil) ,@(when wrappers `((wrappers-rev nil) (types-rev nil) (classes-rev nil)))) (dolist (mt ,metatypes) (unless args-tail (setq invalid-arguments-p t) (return nil)) (let* ((arg (pop args-tail)) (wrapper nil) ,@(when wrappers `((class *the-class-t*) (type t)))) (unless (eq mt t) (setq wrapper (wrapper-of arg)) (when (invalid-wrapper-p wrapper) (setq ,invalid-wrapper-p t) (setq wrapper (check-wrapper-validity arg))) (cond ((null ,dfun-wrappers) (setq ,dfun-wrappers wrapper)) ((not (consp ,dfun-wrappers)) (setq dfun-wrappers-tail (list wrapper)) (setq ,dfun-wrappers (cons ,dfun-wrappers dfun-wrappers-tail))) (t (let ((new-dfun-wrappers-tail (list wrapper))) (setf (cdr dfun-wrappers-tail) new-dfun-wrappers-tail) (setf dfun-wrappers-tail new-dfun-wrappers-tail)))) ,@(when wrappers `((setq class (wrapper-class* wrapper)) (setq type `(class-eq ,class))))) ,@(when wrappers `((push wrapper wrappers-rev) (push class classes-rev) (push type types-rev))))) (if invalid-arguments-p ,invalid-arguments-form (let* (,@(when wrappers `((,wrappers (nreverse wrappers-rev)) (,classes (nreverse classes-rev)) (,types (mapcar (lambda (class) `(class-eq ,class)) ,classes))))) ,@body)))) ;;;; some support stuff for getting a hold of symbols that we need when ;;;; building the discriminator codes. It's OK for these to be interned ;;;; symbols because we don't capture any user code in the scope in which ;;;; these symbols are bound. (defvar *dfun-arg-symbols* '(.ARG0. .ARG1. .ARG2. .ARG3.)) (defun dfun-arg-symbol (arg-number) (or (nth arg-number (the list *dfun-arg-symbols*)) (format-symbol *pcl-package* ".ARG~A." arg-number))) (defvar *slot-vector-symbols* '(.SLOTS0. .SLOTS1. .SLOTS2. .SLOTS3.)) (defun slot-vector-symbol (arg-number) (or (nth arg-number (the list *slot-vector-symbols*)) (format-symbol *pcl-package* ".SLOTS~A." arg-number))) ;; FIXME: There ought to be a good way to factor out the idiom: ;; ;; (dotimes (i (length metatypes)) ;; (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) lambda-list)) ;; ;; used in the following four functions into common code that we can ;; declare inline or something. --njf 2001-12-20 (defun make-dfun-lambda-list (metatypes applyp) (let ((lambda-list nil)) (dotimes (i (length metatypes)) (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) lambda-list)) (when applyp (push '&rest lambda-list) (push '.dfun-rest-arg. lambda-list)) (nreverse lambda-list))) (defun make-dlap-lambda-list (metatypes applyp) (let ((lambda-list nil)) (dotimes (i (length metatypes)) (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) lambda-list)) ;; FIXME: This is translated directly from the old PCL code. ;; It didn't have a (PUSH '.DFUN-REST-ARG. LAMBDA-LIST) or ;; something similar, so we don't either. It's hard to see how ;; this could be correct, since &REST wants an argument after ;; it. This function works correctly because the caller ;; magically tacks on something after &REST. The calling functions ;; (in dlisp.lisp) should be fixed and this function rewritten. ;; --njf 2001-12-20 (when applyp (push '&rest lambda-list)) (nreverse lambda-list))) ;; FIXME: The next two functions suffer from having a `.DFUN-REST-ARG.' ;; in their lambda lists, but no corresponding `&REST' symbol. We assume ;; this should be the case by analogy with the previous two functions. ;; It works, and I don't know why. Check the calling functions and ;; fix these too. --njf 2001-12-20 (defun make-emf-call (metatypes applyp fn-variable &optional emf-type) (let ((required (let ((required nil)) (dotimes (i (length metatypes)) (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) required)) (nreverse required)))) `(,(if (eq emf-type 'fast-method-call) 'invoke-effective-method-function-fast 'invoke-effective-method-function) ,fn-variable ,applyp ,@required ,@(when applyp `(.dfun-rest-arg.))))) (defun make-fast-method-call-lambda-list (metatypes applyp) (let ((reversed-lambda-list nil)) (push '.pv-cell. reversed-lambda-list) (push '.next-method-call. reversed-lambda-list) (dotimes (i (length metatypes)) (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) reversed-lambda-list)) (when applyp (push '.dfun-rest-arg. reversed-lambda-list)) (nreverse reversed-lambda-list))) (defmacro with-local-cache-functions ((cache) &body body) `(let ((.cache. ,cache)) (declare (type cache .cache.)) (labels ((cache () .cache.) (nkeys () (cache-nkeys .cache.)) (line-size () (cache-line-size .cache.)) (vector () (cache-vector .cache.)) (valuep () (cache-valuep .cache.)) (nlines () (cache-nlines .cache.)) (max-location () (cache-max-location .cache.)) (limit-fn () (cache-limit-fn .cache.)) (size () (cache-size .cache.)) (mask () (cache-mask .cache.)) (field () (cache-field .cache.)) (overflow () (cache-overflow .cache.)) ;; ;; Return T IFF this cache location is reserved. The ;; only time this is true is for line number 0 of an ;; nkeys=1 cache. ;; (line-reserved-p (line) (declare (fixnum line)) (and (= (nkeys) 1) (= line 0))) ;; (location-reserved-p (location) (declare (fixnum location)) (and (= (nkeys) 1) (= location 0))) ;; ;; Given a line number, return the cache location. ;; This is the value that is the second argument to ;; cache-vector-ref. Basically, this deals with the ;; offset of nkeys>1 caches and multiplies by line ;; size. ;; (line-location (line) (declare (fixnum line)) (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "line is reserved")) (if (= (nkeys) 1) (the fixnum (* line (line-size))) (the fixnum (1+ (the fixnum (* line (line-size))))))) ;; ;; Given a cache location, return the line. This is ;; the inverse of LINE-LOCATION. ;; (location-line (location) (declare (fixnum location)) (if (= (nkeys) 1) (floor location (line-size)) (floor (the fixnum (1- location)) (line-size)))) ;; ;; Given a line number, return the wrappers stored at ;; that line. As usual, if nkeys=1, this returns a ;; single value. Only when nkeys>1 does it return a ;; list. An error is signalled if the line is ;; reserved. ;; (line-wrappers (line) (declare (fixnum line)) (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved.")) (location-wrappers (line-location line))) ;; (location-wrappers (location) ; avoid multiplies caused by line-location (declare (fixnum location)) (if (= (nkeys) 1) (cache-vector-ref (vector) location) (let ((list (make-list (nkeys))) (vector (vector))) (declare (simple-vector vector)) (dotimes (i (nkeys) list) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf (nth i list) (cache-vector-ref vector (+ location i))))))) ;; ;; Given a line number, return true IFF the line's ;; wrappers are the same as wrappers. ;; (line-matches-wrappers-p (line wrappers) (declare (fixnum line)) (and (not (line-reserved-p line)) (location-matches-wrappers-p (line-location line) wrappers))) ;; (location-matches-wrappers-p (loc wrappers) ; must not be reserved (declare (fixnum loc)) (let ((cache-vector (vector))) (declare (simple-vector cache-vector)) (if (= (nkeys) 1) (eq wrappers (cache-vector-ref cache-vector loc)) (dotimes (i (nkeys) t) (declare (fixnum i)) (unless (eq (pop wrappers) (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ loc i))) (return nil)))))) ;; ;; Given a line number, return the value stored at that line. ;; If valuep is NIL, this returns NIL. As with line-wrappers, ;; an error is signalled if the line is reserved. ;; (line-value (line) (declare (fixnum line)) (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved.")) (location-value (line-location line))) ;; (location-value (loc) (declare (fixnum loc)) (and (valuep) (cache-vector-ref (vector) (+ loc (nkeys))))) ;; ;; Given a line number, return true IFF that line has data in ;; it. The state of the wrappers stored in the line is not ;; checked. An error is signalled if line is reserved. (line-full-p (line) (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved.")) (not (null (cache-vector-ref (vector) (line-location line))))) ;; ;; Given a line number, return true IFF the line is full and ;; there are no invalid wrappers in the line, and the line's ;; wrappers are different from wrappers. ;; An error is signalled if the line is reserved. ;; (line-valid-p (line wrappers) (declare (fixnum line)) (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved.")) (location-valid-p (line-location line) wrappers)) ;; (location-valid-p (loc wrappers) (declare (fixnum loc)) (let ((cache-vector (vector)) (wrappers-mismatch-p (null wrappers))) (declare (simple-vector cache-vector)) (dotimes (i (nkeys) wrappers-mismatch-p) (declare (fixnum i)) (let ((wrapper (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ loc i)))) (when (or (null wrapper) (invalid-wrapper-p wrapper)) (return nil)) (unless (and wrappers (eq wrapper (if (consp wrappers) (pop wrappers) wrappers))) (setq wrappers-mismatch-p t)))))) ;; ;; How many unreserved lines separate line-1 and line-2. ;; (line-separation (line-1 line-2) (declare (fixnum line-1 line-2)) (let ((diff (the fixnum (- line-2 line-1)))) (declare (fixnum diff)) (when (minusp diff) (setq diff (+ diff (nlines))) (when (line-reserved-p 0) (setq diff (1- diff)))) diff)) ;; ;; Given a cache line, get the next cache line. This will not ;; return a reserved line. ;; (next-line (line) (declare (fixnum line)) (if (= line (the fixnum (1- (nlines)))) (if (line-reserved-p 0) 1 0) (the fixnum (1+ line)))) ;; (next-location (loc) (declare (fixnum loc)) (if (= loc (max-location)) (if (= (nkeys) 1) (line-size) 1) (the fixnum (+ loc (line-size))))) ;; ;; Given a line which has a valid entry in it, this ;; will return the primary cache line of the wrappers ;; in that line. We just call ;; COMPUTE-PRIMARY-CACHE-LOCATION-FROM-LOCATION, this ;; is an easier packaging up of the call to it. ;; (line-primary (line) (declare (fixnum line)) (location-line (line-primary-location line))) ;; (line-primary-location (line) (declare (fixnum line)) (compute-primary-cache-location-from-location (cache) (line-location line)))) (declare (ignorable #'cache #'nkeys #'line-size #'vector #'valuep #'nlines #'max-location #'limit-fn #'size #'mask #'field #'overflow #'line-reserved-p #'location-reserved-p #'line-location #'location-line #'line-wrappers #'location-wrappers #'line-matches-wrappers-p #'location-matches-wrappers-p #'line-value #'location-value #'line-full-p #'line-valid-p #'location-valid-p #'line-separation #'next-line #'next-location #'line-primary #'line-primary-location)) ,@body))) ;;; Here is where we actually fill, recache and expand caches. ;;; ;;; The functions FILL-CACHE and PROBE-CACHE are the ONLY external ;;; entrypoints into this code. ;;; ;;; FILL-CACHE returns 1 value: a new cache ;;; ;;; a wrapper field number ;;; a cache ;;; a mask ;;; an absolute cache size (the size of the actual vector) ;;; It tries to re-adjust the cache every time it makes a new fill. ;;; The intuition here is that we want uniformity in the number of ;;; probes needed to find an entry. Furthermore, adjusting has the ;;; nice property of throwing out any entries that are invalid. (defvar *cache-expand-threshold* 1.25) (defun fill-cache (cache wrappers value) ;; FILL-CACHE won't return if WRAPPERS is nil, might as well check.. (aver wrappers) (or (fill-cache-p nil cache wrappers value) (and (< (ceiling (* (cache-count cache) *cache-expand-threshold*)) (if (= (cache-nkeys cache) 1) (1- (cache-nlines cache)) (cache-nlines cache))) (adjust-cache cache wrappers value)) (expand-cache cache wrappers value))) (defvar *check-cache-p* nil) (defmacro maybe-check-cache (cache) `(progn (when *check-cache-p* (check-cache ,cache)) ,cache)) (defun check-cache (cache) (with-local-cache-functions (cache) (let ((location (if (= (nkeys) 1) 0 1)) (limit (funcall (limit-fn) (nlines)))) (dotimes-fixnum (i (nlines) cache) (when (and (not (location-reserved-p location)) (line-full-p i)) (let* ((home-loc (compute-primary-cache-location-from-location cache location)) (home (location-line (if (location-reserved-p home-loc) (next-location home-loc) home-loc))) (sep (when home (line-separation home i)))) (when (and sep (> sep limit)) (error "bad cache ~S ~@ value at location ~W: ~W lines from its home. The limit is ~W." cache location sep limit)))) (setq location (next-location location)))))) (defun probe-cache (cache wrappers &optional default limit-fn) ;;(declare (values value)) (aver wrappers) (with-local-cache-functions (cache) (let* ((location (compute-primary-cache-location (field) (mask) wrappers)) (limit (funcall (or limit-fn (limit-fn)) (nlines)))) (declare (fixnum location limit)) (when (location-reserved-p location) (setq location (next-location location))) (dotimes-fixnum (i (1+ limit)) (when (location-matches-wrappers-p location wrappers) (return-from probe-cache (or (not (valuep)) (location-value location)))) (setq location (next-location location))) (dolist (entry (overflow)) (when (equal (car entry) wrappers) (return-from probe-cache (or (not (valuep)) (cdr entry))))) default))) (defun map-cache (function cache &optional set-p) (with-local-cache-functions (cache) (let ((set-p (and set-p (valuep)))) (dotimes-fixnum (i (nlines) cache) (unless (or (line-reserved-p i) (not (line-valid-p i nil))) (let ((value (funcall function (line-wrappers i) (line-value i)))) (when set-p (setf (cache-vector-ref (vector) (+ (line-location i) (nkeys))) value))))) (dolist (entry (overflow)) (let ((value (funcall function (car entry) (cdr entry)))) (when set-p (setf (cdr entry) value)))))) cache) (defun cache-count (cache) (with-local-cache-functions (cache) (let ((count 0)) (declare (fixnum count)) (dotimes-fixnum (i (nlines) count) (unless (line-reserved-p i) (when (line-full-p i) (incf count))))))) (defun entry-in-cache-p (cache wrappers value) (declare (ignore value)) (with-local-cache-functions (cache) (dotimes-fixnum (i (nlines)) (unless (line-reserved-p i) (when (equal (line-wrappers i) wrappers) (return t)))))) ;;; returns T or NIL (defun fill-cache-p (forcep cache wrappers value) (with-local-cache-functions (cache) (let* ((location (compute-primary-cache-location (field) (mask) wrappers)) (primary (location-line location))) (declare (fixnum location primary)) ;; FIXME: I tried (aver (> location 0)) and (aver (not ;; (location-reserved-p location))) here, on the basis that ;; particularly passing a LOCATION of 0 for a cache with more ;; than one key would cause PRIMARY to be -1. However, the ;; AVERs triggered during the bootstrap, and removing them ;; didn't cause anything to break, so I've left them removed. ;; I'm still confused as to what is right. -- CSR, 2006-04-20 (multiple-value-bind (free emptyp) (find-free-cache-line primary cache wrappers) (when (or forcep emptyp) (when (not emptyp) (push (cons (line-wrappers free) (line-value free)) (cache-overflow cache))) ;;(fill-line free wrappers value) (let ((line free)) (declare (fixnum line)) (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "attempt to fill a reserved line")) (let ((loc (line-location line)) (cache-vector (vector))) (declare (fixnum loc) (simple-vector cache-vector)) (cond ((= (nkeys) 1) (setf (cache-vector-ref cache-vector loc) wrappers) (when (valuep) (setf (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (1+ loc)) value))) (t (let ((i 0)) (declare (fixnum i)) (dolist (w wrappers) (setf (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ loc i)) w) (setq i (the fixnum (1+ i))))) (when (valuep) (setf (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ loc (nkeys))) value)))) (maybe-check-cache cache)))))))) (defun fill-cache-from-cache-p (forcep cache from-cache from-line) (declare (fixnum from-line)) (with-local-cache-functions (cache) (let ((primary (location-line (compute-primary-cache-location-from-location cache (line-location from-line) from-cache)))) (declare (fixnum primary)) (multiple-value-bind (free emptyp) (find-free-cache-line primary cache) (when (or forcep emptyp) (when (not emptyp) (push (cons (line-wrappers free) (line-value free)) (cache-overflow cache))) ;;(transfer-line from-cache-vector from-line cache-vector free) (let ((from-cache-vector (cache-vector from-cache)) (to-cache-vector (vector)) (to-line free)) (declare (fixnum to-line)) (if (line-reserved-p to-line) (error "transferring something into a reserved cache line") (let ((from-loc (line-location from-line)) (to-loc (line-location to-line))) (declare (fixnum from-loc to-loc)) (modify-cache to-cache-vector (dotimes-fixnum (i (line-size)) (setf (cache-vector-ref to-cache-vector (+ to-loc i)) (cache-vector-ref from-cache-vector (+ from-loc i))))))) (maybe-check-cache cache))))))) ;;; Returns NIL or (values ) ;;; ;;; This is only called when it isn't possible to put the entry in the ;;; cache the easy way. That is, this function assumes that ;;; FILL-CACHE-P has been called as returned NIL. ;;; ;;; If this returns NIL, it means that it wasn't possible to find a ;;; wrapper field for which all of the entries could be put in the ;;; cache (within the limit). (defun adjust-cache (cache wrappers value) (with-local-cache-functions (cache) (let ((ncache (get-cache-from-cache cache (nlines) (field)))) (do ((nfield (cache-field ncache) (next-wrapper-cache-number-index nfield))) ((null nfield) nil) (setf (cache-field ncache) nfield) (labels ((try-one-fill-from-line (line) (fill-cache-from-cache-p nil ncache cache line)) (try-one-fill (wrappers value) (fill-cache-p nil ncache wrappers value))) (if (and (dotimes-fixnum (i (nlines) t) (when (and (null (line-reserved-p i)) (line-valid-p i wrappers)) (unless (try-one-fill-from-line i) (return nil)))) (dolist (wrappers+value (cache-overflow cache) t) (unless (try-one-fill (car wrappers+value) (cdr wrappers+value)) (return nil))) (try-one-fill wrappers value)) (return (maybe-check-cache ncache)) (flush-cache-vector-internal (cache-vector ncache)))))))) ;;; returns: (values ) (defun expand-cache (cache wrappers value) ;;(declare (values cache)) (with-local-cache-functions (cache) (let ((ncache (get-cache-from-cache cache (* (nlines) 2)))) (labels ((do-one-fill-from-line (line) (unless (fill-cache-from-cache-p nil ncache cache line) (do-one-fill (line-wrappers line) (line-value line)))) (do-one-fill (wrappers value) (setq ncache (or (adjust-cache ncache wrappers value) (fill-cache-p t ncache wrappers value)))) (try-one-fill (wrappers value) (fill-cache-p nil ncache wrappers value))) (dotimes-fixnum (i (nlines)) (when (and (null (line-reserved-p i)) (line-valid-p i wrappers)) (do-one-fill-from-line i))) (dolist (wrappers+value (cache-overflow cache)) (unless (try-one-fill (car wrappers+value) (cdr wrappers+value)) (do-one-fill (car wrappers+value) (cdr wrappers+value)))) (unless (try-one-fill wrappers value) (do-one-fill wrappers value)) (maybe-check-cache ncache))))) (defvar *pcl-misc-random-state* (make-random-state)) ;;; This is the heart of the cache filling mechanism. It implements ;;; the decisions about where entries are placed. ;;; ;;; Find a line in the cache at which a new entry can be inserted. ;;; ;;; ;;; is in fact empty? (defun find-free-cache-line (primary cache &optional wrappers) ;;(declare (values line empty?)) (declare (fixnum primary)) (with-local-cache-functions (cache) (when (line-reserved-p primary) (setq primary (next-line primary))) (let ((limit (funcall (limit-fn) (nlines))) (wrappedp nil) (lines nil) (p primary) (s primary)) (declare (fixnum p s limit)) (block find-free (loop ;; Try to find a free line starting at .

is the ;; primary line of the entry we are finding a free ;; line for, it is used to compute the separations. (do* ((line s (next-line line)) (nsep (line-separation p s) (1+ nsep))) (()) (declare (fixnum line nsep)) (when (null (line-valid-p line wrappers)) ;If this line is empty or (push line lines) ;invalid, just use it. (return-from find-free)) (when (and wrappedp (>= line primary)) ;; have gone all the way around the cache, time to quit (return-from find-free-cache-line (values primary nil))) (let ((osep (line-separation (line-primary line) line))) (when (>= osep limit) (return-from find-free-cache-line (values primary nil))) (when (cond ((= nsep limit) t) ((= nsep osep) (zerop (random 2 *pcl-misc-random-state*))) ((> nsep osep) t) (t nil)) ;; See whether we can displace what is in this line so that we ;; can use the line. (when (= line (the fixnum (1- (nlines)))) (setq wrappedp t)) (setq p (line-primary line)) (setq s (next-line line)) (push line lines) (return nil))) (when (= line (the fixnum (1- (nlines)))) (setq wrappedp t))))) ;; Do all the displacing. (loop (when (null (cdr lines)) (return nil)) (let ((dline (pop lines)) (line (car lines))) (declare (fixnum dline line)) ;;Copy from line to dline (dline is known to be free). (let ((from-loc (line-location line)) (to-loc (line-location dline)) (cache-vector (vector))) (declare (fixnum from-loc to-loc) (simple-vector cache-vector)) (modify-cache cache-vector (dotimes-fixnum (i (line-size)) (setf (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ to-loc i)) (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ from-loc i))) (setf (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ from-loc i)) nil)))))) (values (car lines) t)))) (defun default-limit-fn (nlines) (case nlines ((1 2 4) 1) ((8 16) 4) (otherwise 6))) (defvar *empty-cache* (make-cache)) ; for defstruct slot initial value forms