;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") (defun get-method-function (method &optional method-alist wrappers) (let ((fn (cadr (assoc method method-alist)))) (if fn (values fn nil nil nil) (multiple-value-bind (mf fmf) (if (listp method) (early-method-function method) (values nil (method-fast-function method))) (let* ((pv-table (and fmf (method-function-pv-table fmf)))) (if (and fmf (or (null pv-table) wrappers)) (let* ((pv-wrappers (when pv-table (pv-wrappers-from-all-wrappers pv-table wrappers))) (pv-cell (when (and pv-table pv-wrappers) (pv-table-lookup pv-table pv-wrappers)))) (values mf t fmf pv-cell)) (values (or mf (if (listp method) (setf (cadr method) (method-function-from-fast-function fmf)) (method-function method))) t nil nil))))))) (defun make-effective-method-function (generic-function form &optional method-alist wrappers) (funcall (make-effective-method-function1 generic-function form (not (null method-alist)) (not (null wrappers))) method-alist wrappers)) (defun make-effective-method-function1 (generic-function form method-alist-p wrappers-p) (if (and (listp form) (eq (car form) 'call-method)) (make-effective-method-function-simple generic-function form) ;; We have some sort of `real' effective method. Go off and get a ;; compiled function for it. Most of the real hair here is done by ;; the GET-FUN mechanism. (make-effective-method-function-internal generic-function form method-alist-p wrappers-p))) (defun make-effective-method-fun-type (generic-function form method-alist-p wrappers-p) (if (and (listp form) (eq (car form) 'call-method)) (let* ((cm-args (cdr form)) (method (car cm-args))) (when method (if (if (listp method) (eq (car method) :early-method) (method-p method)) (if method-alist-p t (multiple-value-bind (mf fmf) (if (listp method) (early-method-function method) (values nil (method-fast-function method))) (declare (ignore mf)) (let* ((pv-table (and fmf (method-function-pv-table fmf)))) (if (and fmf (or (null pv-table) wrappers-p)) 'fast-method-call 'method-call)))) (if (and (consp method) (eq (car method) 'make-method)) (make-effective-method-fun-type generic-function (cadr method) method-alist-p wrappers-p) (type-of method))))) 'fast-method-call)) (defun make-effective-method-function-simple (generic-function form &optional no-fmf-p) ;; The effective method is just a call to CALL-METHOD. This opens up ;; the possibility of just using the method function of the method as ;; the effective method function. ;; ;; But we have to be careful. If that method function will ask for ;; the next methods we have to provide them. We do not look to see ;; if there are next methods, we look at whether the method function ;; asks about them. If it does, we must tell it whether there are ;; or aren't to prevent the leaky next methods bug. (let* ((cm-args (cdr form)) (fmf-p (and (null no-fmf-p) (or (not (eq *boot-state* 'complete)) (gf-fast-method-function-p generic-function)) (null (cddr cm-args)))) (method (car cm-args)) (cm-args1 (cdr cm-args))) (lambda (method-alist wrappers) (make-effective-method-function-simple1 generic-function method cm-args1 fmf-p method-alist wrappers)))) (defun make-emf-from-method (method cm-args &optional gf fmf-p method-alist wrappers) (multiple-value-bind (mf real-mf-p fmf pv-cell) (get-method-function method method-alist wrappers) (if fmf (let* ((next-methods (car cm-args)) (next (make-effective-method-function-simple1 gf (car next-methods) (list* (cdr next-methods) (cdr cm-args)) fmf-p method-alist wrappers)) (arg-info (method-function-get fmf :arg-info))) (make-fast-method-call :function fmf :pv-cell pv-cell :next-method-call next :arg-info arg-info)) (if real-mf-p (make-method-call :function mf :call-method-args cm-args) mf)))) (defun make-effective-method-function-simple1 (gf method cm-args fmf-p &optional method-alist wrappers) (when method (if (if (listp method) (eq (car method) :early-method) (method-p method)) (make-emf-from-method method cm-args gf fmf-p method-alist wrappers) (if (and (consp method) (eq (car method) 'make-method)) (make-effective-method-function gf (cadr method) method-alist wrappers) method)))) (defvar *global-effective-method-gensyms* ()) (defvar *rebound-effective-method-gensyms*) (defun get-effective-method-gensym () (or (pop *rebound-effective-method-gensyms*) (let ((new (intern (format nil "EFFECTIVE-METHOD-GENSYM-~D" (length *global-effective-method-gensyms*)) *pcl-package*))) (setq *global-effective-method-gensyms* (append *global-effective-method-gensyms* (list new))) new))) (let ((*rebound-effective-method-gensyms* ())) (dotimes-fixnum (i 10) (get-effective-method-gensym))) (defun expand-effective-method-function (gf effective-method &optional env) (declare (ignore env)) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys arg-info) (get-generic-fun-info gf) (declare (ignore nreq nkeys arg-info)) (let ((ll (make-fast-method-call-lambda-list metatypes applyp)) (error-p (or (eq (first effective-method) '%no-primary-method) (eq (first effective-method) '%invalid-qualifiers))) (mc-args-p (when (eq *boot-state* 'complete) ;; Otherwise the METHOD-COMBINATION slot is not bound. (let ((combin (generic-function-method-combination gf))) (and (long-method-combination-p combin) (long-method-combination-args-lambda-list combin)))))) (cond (error-p `(lambda (.pv-cell. .next-method-call. &rest .args.) (declare (ignore .pv-cell. .next-method-call.)) (declare (ignorable .args.)) (flet ((%no-primary-method (gf args) (apply #'no-primary-method gf args)) (%invalid-qualifiers (gf combin method) (invalid-qualifiers gf combin method))) (declare (ignorable #'%no-primary-method #'%invalid-qualifiers)) ,effective-method))) (mc-args-p (let* ((required ;; FIXME: Ick. Shared idiom, too, with stuff in cache.lisp (let (req) (dotimes (i (length metatypes) (nreverse req)) (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) req)))) (gf-args (if applyp `(list* ,@required .dfun-rest-arg.) `(list ,@required)))) `(lambda ,ll (declare (ignore .pv-cell. .next-method-call.)) (let ((.gf-args. ,gf-args)) (declare (ignorable .gf-args.)) ,effective-method)))) (t `(lambda ,ll (declare (ignore ,@(if error-p ll '(.pv-cell. .next-method-call.)))) ,effective-method)))))) (defun expand-emf-call-method (gf form metatypes applyp env) (declare (ignore gf metatypes applyp env)) `(call-method ,(cdr form))) (defmacro call-method (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) `(error "~S outside of a effective method form" 'call-method)) (defun memf-test-converter (form generic-function method-alist-p wrappers-p) (cond ((and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'call-method)) (case (make-effective-method-fun-type generic-function form method-alist-p wrappers-p) (fast-method-call '.fast-call-method.) (t '.call-method.))) ((and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'call-method-list)) (case (if (every (lambda (form) (eq 'fast-method-call (make-effective-method-fun-type generic-function form method-alist-p wrappers-p))) (cdr form)) 'fast-method-call t) (fast-method-call '.fast-call-method-list.) (t '.call-method-list.))) (t (default-test-converter form)))) (defun memf-code-converter (form generic-function metatypes applyp method-alist-p wrappers-p) (cond ((and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'call-method)) (let ((gensym (get-effective-method-gensym))) (values (make-emf-call metatypes applyp gensym (make-effective-method-fun-type generic-function form method-alist-p wrappers-p)) (list gensym)))) ((and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'call-method-list)) (let ((gensym (get-effective-method-gensym)) (type (if (every (lambda (form) (eq 'fast-method-call (make-effective-method-fun-type generic-function form method-alist-p wrappers-p))) (cdr form)) 'fast-method-call t))) (values `(dolist (emf ,gensym nil) ,(make-emf-call metatypes applyp 'emf type)) (list gensym)))) (t (default-code-converter form)))) (defun memf-constant-converter (form generic-function) (cond ((and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'call-method)) (list (cons '.meth. (make-effective-method-function-simple generic-function form)))) ((and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'call-method-list)) (list (cons '.meth-list. (mapcar (lambda (form) (make-effective-method-function-simple generic-function form)) (cdr form))))) (t (default-constant-converter form)))) (defun make-effective-method-function-internal (generic-function effective-method method-alist-p wrappers-p) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys arg-info) (get-generic-fun-info generic-function) (declare (ignore nkeys arg-info)) (let* ((*rebound-effective-method-gensyms* *global-effective-method-gensyms*) (name (if (early-gf-p generic-function) (!early-gf-name generic-function) (generic-function-name generic-function))) (arg-info (cons nreq applyp)) (effective-method-lambda (expand-effective-method-function generic-function effective-method))) (multiple-value-bind (cfunction constants) (get-fun1 effective-method-lambda (lambda (form) (memf-test-converter form generic-function method-alist-p wrappers-p)) (lambda (form) (memf-code-converter form generic-function metatypes applyp method-alist-p wrappers-p)) (lambda (form) (memf-constant-converter form generic-function))) (lambda (method-alist wrappers) (let* ((constants (mapcar (lambda (constant) (if (consp constant) (case (car constant) (.meth. (funcall (cdr constant) method-alist wrappers)) (.meth-list. (mapcar (lambda (fn) (funcall fn method-alist wrappers)) (cdr constant))) (t constant)) constant)) constants)) (function (set-fun-name (apply cfunction constants) `(combined-method ,name)))) (make-fast-method-call :function function :arg-info arg-info))))))) (defmacro call-method-list (&rest calls) `(progn ,@calls)) (defun make-call-methods (methods) `(call-method-list ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method ())) methods))) (defun standard-compute-effective-method (generic-function combin applicable-methods) (collect ((before) (primary) (after) (around)) (flet ((invalid (gf combin m) (if *in-precompute-effective-methods-p* (return-from standard-compute-effective-method `(%invalid-qualifiers ',gf ',combin ',m)) (invalid-qualifiers gf combin m)))) (dolist (m applicable-methods) (let ((qualifiers (if (listp m) (early-method-qualifiers m) (method-qualifiers m)))) (cond ((null qualifiers) (primary m)) ((cdr qualifiers) (invalid generic-function combin m)) ((eq (car qualifiers) :around) (around m)) ((eq (car qualifiers) :before) (before m)) ((eq (car qualifiers) :after) (after m)) (t (invalid generic-function combin m)))))) (cond ((null (primary)) `(%no-primary-method ',generic-function .args.)) ((and (null (before)) (null (after)) (null (around))) ;; By returning a single call-method `form' here we enable ;; an important implementation-specific optimization. `(call-method ,(first (primary)) ,(rest (primary)))) (t (let ((main-effective-method (if (or (before) (after)) `(multiple-value-prog1 (progn ,(make-call-methods (before)) (call-method ,(first (primary)) ,(rest (primary)))) ,(make-call-methods (reverse (after)))) `(call-method ,(first (primary)) ,(rest (primary)))))) (if (around) `(call-method ,(first (around)) (,@(rest (around)) (make-method ,main-effective-method))) main-effective-method)))))) ;;;; the STANDARD method combination type. This is coded by hand ;;;; (rather than with DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION) for bootstrapping ;;;; and efficiency reasons. Note that the definition of the ;;;; FIND-METHOD-COMBINATION-METHOD appears in the file ;;;; defcombin.lisp. This is because EQL methods can't appear in the ;;;; bootstrap. ;;;; ;;;; The DEFCLASS for the METHOD-COMBINATION and ;;;; STANDARD-METHOD-COMBINATION classes has to appear here for this ;;;; reason. This code must conform to the code in the file ;;;; defcombin.lisp, look there for more details. (defun compute-effective-method (generic-function combin applicable-methods) (standard-compute-effective-method generic-function combin applicable-methods)) (defun invalid-method-error (method format-control &rest format-arguments) (let ((sb-debug:*stack-top-hint* (nth-value 1 (find-caller-name-and-frame)))) (error "~@" method format-control format-arguments))) (defun method-combination-error (format-control &rest format-arguments) (let ((sb-debug:*stack-top-hint* (nth-value 1 (find-caller-name-and-frame)))) (error "~@" format-control format-arguments)))