;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") (defun make-progn (&rest forms) (let ((progn-form nil)) (labels ((collect-forms (forms) (unless (null forms) (collect-forms (cdr forms)) (if (and (listp (car forms)) (eq (caar forms) 'progn)) (collect-forms (cdar forms)) (push (car forms) progn-form))))) (collect-forms forms) (cons 'progn progn-form)))) ;;; Like the DEFMETHOD macro, the expansion of the DEFCLASS macro is ;;; fixed. DEFCLASS always expands into a call to LOAD-DEFCLASS. Until ;;; the meta-braid is set up, LOAD-DEFCLASS has a special definition ;;; which simply collects all class definitions up, when the metabraid ;;; is initialized it is done from those class definitions. ;;; ;;; After the metabraid has been setup, and the protocol for defining ;;; classes has been defined, the real definition of LOAD-DEFCLASS is ;;; installed by the file std-class.lisp (defmacro defclass (name %direct-superclasses %direct-slots &rest %options) (let ((supers (copy-tree %direct-superclasses)) (slots (copy-tree %direct-slots)) (options (copy-tree %options))) (let ((metaclass 'standard-class)) (dolist (option options) (if (not (listp option)) (error "~S is not a legal defclass option." option) (when (eq (car option) :metaclass) (unless (legal-class-name-p (cadr option)) (error "The value of the :metaclass option (~S) is not a~%~ legal class name." (cadr option))) (setq metaclass (case (cadr option) (cl:standard-class 'standard-class) (cl:structure-class 'structure-class) (t (cadr option)))) (setf options (remove option options)) (return t)))) (let ((*initfunctions* ()) (*readers* ()) ;Truly a crock, but we got (*writers* ())) ;to have it to live nicely. (declare (special *initfunctions* *readers* *writers*)) (let ((canonical-slots (mapcar (lambda (spec) (canonicalize-slot-specification name spec)) slots)) (other-initargs (mapcar (lambda (option) (canonicalize-defclass-option name option)) options)) ;; DEFSTRUCT-P should be true, if the class is defined with a ;; metaclass STRUCTURE-CLASS, such that a DEFSTRUCT is compiled ;; for the class. (defstruct-p (and (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (let ((mclass (find-class metaclass nil))) (and mclass (*subtypep mclass *the-class-structure-class*)))))) (let ((defclass-form `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) ,x))) *readers*) ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(declaim (ftype (function (t t) t) ,x))) *writers*) (let ,(mapcar #'cdr *initfunctions*) (load-defclass ',name ',metaclass ',supers (list ,@canonical-slots) (list ,@(apply #'append (when defstruct-p '(:from-defclass-p t)) other-initargs))))))) (if defstruct-p (let* ((include (or (and supers (fix-super (car supers))) (and (not (eq name 'structure-object)) *the-class-structure-object*))) (defstruct-form (make-structure-class-defstruct-form name slots include))) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ,defstruct-form) ; really compile the defstruct-form (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ,defclass-form))) `(progn ;; By telling the type system at compile time about ;; the existence of a class named NAME, we can avoid ;; various bogus warnings about "type isn't defined yet" ;; for code elsewhere in the same file which uses ;; the name of the type. ,(when (and ;; But it's not so important to get rid of ;; "not defined yet" warnings during ;; bootstrapping, and machinery like ;; INFORM-TYPE-SYSTEM-ABOUT-STD-CLASS ;; mightn't be defined yet. So punt then. (eq *boot-state* 'complete) ;; And although we know enough about ;; STANDARD-CLASS, and ANSI imposes enough ;; restrictions on the user overloading its ;; methods, that (1) we can shortcut the ;; method dispatch and do an ordinary ;; function call, and (2) be sure we're getting ;; it right even when we do it at compile ;; time; we don't in general know how to do ;; that for other classes. So punt then too. (eq metaclass 'standard-class)) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel) ;; we only need :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL here, because this ;; should happen in the compile-time environment ;; only. ;; Later, INFORM-TYPE-SYSTEM-ABOUT-STD-CLASS is ;; called by way of LOAD-DEFCLASS (calling ;; ENSURE-CLASS-USING-CLASS) to establish the 'real' ;; type predicate. (inform-type-system-about-std-class ',name))) ,defclass-form)))))))) (defun make-initfunction (initform) (declare (special *initfunctions*)) (cond ((or (eq initform t) (equal initform ''t)) '(function constantly-t)) ((or (eq initform nil) (equal initform ''nil)) '(function constantly-nil)) ((or (eql initform 0) (equal initform ''0)) '(function constantly-0)) (t (let ((entry (assoc initform *initfunctions* :test #'equal))) (unless entry (setq entry (list initform (gensym) `(function (lambda () ,initform)))) (push entry *initfunctions*)) (cadr entry))))) (defun canonicalize-slot-specification (class-name spec) (declare (special *readers* *writers*)) (cond ((and (symbolp spec) (not (keywordp spec)) (not (memq spec '(t nil)))) `'(:name ,spec)) ((not (consp spec)) (error "~S is not a legal slot specification." spec)) ((null (cdr spec)) `'(:name ,(car spec))) ((null (cddr spec)) (error "In DEFCLASS ~S, the slot specification ~S is obsolete.~%~ Convert it to ~S" class-name spec (list (car spec) :initform (cadr spec)))) (t (let* ((name (pop spec)) (readers ()) (writers ()) (initargs ()) (unsupplied (list nil)) (initform (getf spec :initform unsupplied))) (doplist (key val) spec (case key (:accessor (push val readers) (push `(setf ,val) writers)) (:reader (push val readers)) (:writer (push val writers)) (:initarg (push val initargs)))) (loop (unless (remf spec :accessor) (return))) (loop (unless (remf spec :reader) (return))) (loop (unless (remf spec :writer) (return))) (loop (unless (remf spec :initarg) (return))) (setq *writers* (append writers *writers*)) (setq *readers* (append readers *readers*)) (setq spec `(:name ',name :readers ',readers :writers ',writers :initargs ',initargs ',spec)) (if (eq initform unsupplied) `(list* ,@spec) `(list* :initfunction ,(make-initfunction initform) ,@spec)))))) (defun canonicalize-defclass-option (class-name option) (declare (ignore class-name)) (case (car option) (:default-initargs (let ((canonical ())) (let (key val (tail (cdr option))) (loop (when (null tail) (return nil)) (setq key (pop tail) val (pop tail)) (push ``(,',key ,,(make-initfunction val) ,',val) canonical)) `(:direct-default-initargs (list ,@(nreverse canonical)))))) (:documentation `(',(car option) ',(cadr option))) (otherwise `(',(car option) ',(cdr option))))) ;;; This is the early definition of load-defclass. It just collects up ;;; all the class definitions in a list. Later, in the file ;;; braid1.lisp, these are actually defined. ;;; Each entry in *EARLY-CLASS-DEFINITIONS* is an EARLY-CLASS-DEFINITION. (defparameter *early-class-definitions* ()) (defun early-class-definition (class-name) (or (find class-name *early-class-definitions* :key #'ecd-class-name) (error "~S is not a class in *early-class-definitions*." class-name))) (defun make-early-class-definition (name source metaclass superclass-names canonical-slots other-initargs) (list 'early-class-definition name source metaclass superclass-names canonical-slots other-initargs)) (defun ecd-class-name (ecd) (nth 1 ecd)) (defun ecd-source (ecd) (nth 2 ecd)) (defun ecd-metaclass (ecd) (nth 3 ecd)) (defun ecd-superclass-names (ecd) (nth 4 ecd)) (defun ecd-canonical-slots (ecd) (nth 5 ecd)) (defun ecd-other-initargs (ecd) (nth 6 ecd)) (defvar *early-class-slots* nil) (defun canonical-slot-name (canonical-slot) (getf canonical-slot :name)) (defun early-class-slots (class-name) (cdr (or (assoc class-name *early-class-slots*) (let ((a (cons class-name (mapcar #'canonical-slot-name (early-collect-inheritance class-name))))) (push a *early-class-slots*) a)))) (defun early-class-size (class-name) (length (early-class-slots class-name))) (defun early-collect-inheritance (class-name) ;;(declare (values slots cpl default-initargs direct-subclasses)) (let ((cpl (early-collect-cpl class-name))) (values (early-collect-slots cpl) cpl (early-collect-default-initargs cpl) (let (collect) (dolist (definition *early-class-definitions*) (when (memq class-name (ecd-superclass-names definition)) (push (ecd-class-name definition) collect))) (nreverse collect))))) (defun early-collect-slots (cpl) (let* ((definitions (mapcar #'early-class-definition cpl)) (super-slots (mapcar #'ecd-canonical-slots definitions)) (slots (apply #'append (reverse super-slots)))) (dolist (s1 slots) (let ((name1 (canonical-slot-name s1))) (dolist (s2 (cdr (memq s1 slots))) (when (eq name1 (canonical-slot-name s2)) (error "More than one early class defines a slot with the~%~ name ~S. This can't work because the bootstrap~%~ object system doesn't know how to compute effective~%~ slots." name1))))) slots)) (defun early-collect-cpl (class-name) (labels ((walk (c) (let* ((definition (early-class-definition c)) (supers (ecd-superclass-names definition))) (cons c (apply #'append (mapcar #'early-collect-cpl supers)))))) (remove-duplicates (walk class-name) :from-end nil :test #'eq))) (defun early-collect-default-initargs (cpl) (let ((default-initargs ())) (dolist (class-name cpl) (let* ((definition (early-class-definition class-name)) (others (ecd-other-initargs definition))) (loop (when (null others) (return nil)) (let ((initarg (pop others))) (unless (eq initarg :direct-default-initargs) (error "~@" initarg))) (setq default-initargs (nconc default-initargs (reverse (pop others))))))) (reverse default-initargs))) (defun !bootstrap-slot-index (class-name slot-name) (or (position slot-name (early-class-slots class-name)) (error "~S not found" slot-name))) ;;; !BOOTSTRAP-GET-SLOT and !BOOTSTRAP-SET-SLOT are used to access and ;;; change the values of slots during bootstrapping. During ;;; bootstrapping, there are only two kinds of objects whose slots we ;;; need to access, CLASSes and SLOT-DEFINITIONs. The first argument ;;; to these functions tells whether the object is a CLASS or a ;;; SLOT-DEFINITION. ;;; ;;; Note that the way this works it stores the slot in the same place ;;; in memory that the full object system will expect to find it ;;; later. This is critical to the bootstrapping process, the whole ;;; changeover to the full object system is predicated on this. ;;; ;;; One important point is that the layout of standard classes and ;;; standard slots must be computed the same way in this file as it is ;;; by the full object system later. (defmacro !bootstrap-get-slot (type object slot-name) `(clos-slots-ref (get-slots ,object) (!bootstrap-slot-index ,type ,slot-name))) (defun !bootstrap-set-slot (type object slot-name new-value) (setf (!bootstrap-get-slot type object slot-name) new-value)) (defun early-class-name (class) (!bootstrap-get-slot 'class class 'name)) (defun early-class-precedence-list (class) (!bootstrap-get-slot 'pcl-class class 'class-precedence-list)) (defun early-class-name-of (instance) (early-class-name (class-of instance))) (defun early-class-slotds (class) (!bootstrap-get-slot 'slot-class class 'slots)) (defun early-slot-definition-name (slotd) (!bootstrap-get-slot 'standard-effective-slot-definition slotd 'name)) (defun early-slot-definition-location (slotd) (!bootstrap-get-slot 'standard-effective-slot-definition slotd 'location)) (defun early-accessor-method-slot-name (method) (!bootstrap-get-slot 'standard-accessor-method method 'slot-name)) (unless (fboundp 'class-name-of) (setf (symbol-function 'class-name-of) (symbol-function 'early-class-name-of))) (unintern 'early-class-name-of) (defun early-class-direct-subclasses (class) (!bootstrap-get-slot 'class class 'direct-subclasses)) (declaim (notinline load-defclass)) (defun load-defclass (name metaclass supers canonical-slots canonical-options) (setq supers (copy-tree supers) canonical-slots (copy-tree canonical-slots) canonical-options (copy-tree canonical-options)) (when (eq metaclass 'standard-class) (inform-type-system-about-std-class name)) (let ((ecd (make-early-class-definition name *load-truename* metaclass supers canonical-slots canonical-options)) (existing (find name *early-class-definitions* :key #'ecd-class-name))) (setq *early-class-definitions* (cons ecd (remove existing *early-class-definitions*))) ecd))