;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; This software is derived from software originally released by Xerox ;;;; Corporation. Copyright and release statements follow. Later modifications ;;;; to the software are in the public domain and are provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more ;;;; information. ;;;; copyright information from original PCL sources: ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Xerox Corporation. ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based ;;;; upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or ;;;; derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export ;;;; control laws. ;;;; ;;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no ;;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;;; specification. (in-package "SB-PCL") #| This implementation of method lookup was redone in early August of 89. It has the following properties: - Its modularity makes it easy to modify the actual caching algorithm. The caching algorithm is almost completely separated into the files cache.lisp and dlap.lisp. This file just contains the various uses of it. There will be more tuning as we get more results from Luis' measurements of caching behavior. - The metacircularity issues have been dealt with properly. All of PCL now grounds out properly. Moreover, it is now possible to have metaobject classes which are themselves not instances of standard metaobject classes. ** Modularity of the code ** The actual caching algorithm is isolated in a modest number of functions. The code which generates cache lookup code is all found in cache.lisp and dlap.lisp. Certain non-wrapper-caching special cases are in this file. ** Handling the metacircularity ** In CLOS, method lookup is the potential source of infinite metacircular regress. The metaobject protocol specification gives us wide flexibility in how to address this problem. PCL uses a technique which handles the problem not only for the metacircular language described in Chapter 3, but also for the PCL protocol which includes additional generic functions which control more aspects of the CLOS implementation. The source of the metacircular regress can be seen in a number of ways. One is that the specified method lookup protocol must, as part of doing the method lookup (or at least the cache miss case), itself call generic functions. It is easy to see that if the method lookup for a generic function ends up calling that same generic function there can be trouble. Fortunately, there is an easy solution at hand. The solution is based on the restriction that portable code cannot change the class of a specified metaobject. This restriction implies that for specified generic functions, the method lookup protocol they follow is fixed. More precisely, for such specified generic functions, most generic functions that are called during their own method lookup will not run portable methods. This allows the implementation to usurp the actual generic function call in this case. In short, method lookup of a standard generic function, in the case where the only applicable methods are themselves standard doesn't have to do any method lookup to implement itself. And so, we are saved. Except see also BREAK-VICIOUS-METACIRCLE. -- CSR, 2003-05-28 |# ;;; an alist in which each entry is of the form ;;; ( . ( ...)). ;;; Each subentry is of the form ;;; ( ). (defvar *dfun-constructors* ()) ;;; If this is NIL, then the whole mechanism for caching dfun constructors is ;;; turned off. The only time that makes sense is when debugging LAP code. (defvar *enable-dfun-constructor-caching* t) (defun show-dfun-constructors () (format t "~&DFUN constructor caching is ~A." (if *enable-dfun-constructor-caching* "enabled" "disabled")) (dolist (generator-entry *dfun-constructors*) (dolist (args-entry (cdr generator-entry)) (format t "~&~S ~S" (cons (car generator-entry) (caar args-entry)) (caddr args-entry))))) (defvar *raise-metatypes-to-class-p* t) (defun get-dfun-constructor (generator &rest args) (when (and *raise-metatypes-to-class-p* (member generator '(emit-checking emit-caching emit-in-checking-cache-p emit-constant-value))) (setq args (cons (mapcar (lambda (mt) (if (eq mt t) mt 'class)) (car args)) (cdr args)))) (let* ((generator-entry (assq generator *dfun-constructors*)) (args-entry (assoc args (cdr generator-entry) :test #'equal))) (if (null *enable-dfun-constructor-caching*) (apply (fdefinition generator) args) (or (cadr args-entry) (multiple-value-bind (new not-best-p) (apply (symbol-function generator) args) (let ((entry (list (copy-list args) new (unless not-best-p 'pcl) not-best-p))) (if generator-entry (push entry (cdr generator-entry)) (push (list generator entry) *dfun-constructors*))) (values new not-best-p)))))) (defun load-precompiled-dfun-constructor (generator args system constructor) (let* ((generator-entry (assq generator *dfun-constructors*)) (args-entry (assoc args (cdr generator-entry) :test #'equal))) (if args-entry (when (fourth args-entry) (let* ((dfun-type (case generator (emit-checking 'checking) (emit-caching 'caching) (emit-constant-value 'constant-value) (emit-default-only 'default-method-only))) (metatypes (car args)) (gfs (when dfun-type (gfs-of-type dfun-type)))) (dolist (gf gfs) (when (and (equal metatypes (arg-info-metatypes (gf-arg-info gf))) (let ((gf-name (generic-function-name gf))) (and (not (eq gf-name 'slot-value-using-class)) (not (equal gf-name '(setf slot-value-using-class))) (not (eq gf-name 'slot-boundp-using-class))))) (update-dfun gf))) (setf (second args-entry) constructor) (setf (third args-entry) system) (setf (fourth args-entry) nil))) (let ((entry (list args constructor system nil))) (if generator-entry (push entry (cdr generator-entry)) (push (list generator entry) *dfun-constructors*)))))) (defmacro precompile-dfun-constructors (&optional system) (let ((*precompiling-lap* t)) `(progn ,@(let (collect) (dolist (generator-entry *dfun-constructors*) (dolist (args-entry (cdr generator-entry)) (when (or (null (caddr args-entry)) (eq (caddr args-entry) system)) (when system (setf (caddr args-entry) system)) (push `(load-precompiled-dfun-constructor ',(car generator-entry) ',(car args-entry) ',system ,(apply (fdefinition (car generator-entry)) (car args-entry))) collect)))) (nreverse collect))))) ;;; Standardized class slot access: when trying to break vicious ;;; metacircles, we need a way to get at the values of slots of some ;;; standard classes without going through the whole meta machinery, ;;; because that would likely enter the vicious circle again. The ;;; following are helper functions that short-circuit the generic ;;; lookup machinery. (defvar *standard-classes* '(standard-method standard-generic-function standard-class standard-effective-slot-definition)) (defvar *standard-slot-locations* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (defun compute-standard-slot-locations () (clrhash *standard-slot-locations*) (dolist (class-name *standard-classes*) (let ((class (find-class class-name))) (dolist (slot (class-slots class)) (setf (gethash (cons class (slot-definition-name slot)) *standard-slot-locations*) (slot-definition-location slot)))))) ;;; FIXME: harmonize the names between COMPUTE-STANDARD-SLOT-LOCATIONS ;;; and MAYBE-UPDATE-STANDARD-CLASS-LOCATIONS. (defun maybe-update-standard-class-locations (class) (when (and (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (memq (class-name class) *standard-classes*)) (compute-standard-slot-locations))) (defun standard-slot-value (object slot-name class) (let ((location (gethash (cons class slot-name) *standard-slot-locations*))) (if location (let ((value (if (funcallable-instance-p object) (funcallable-standard-instance-access object location) (standard-instance-access object location)))) (when (eq +slot-unbound+ value) (error "~@" slot-name class object)) value) (error "~@" slot-name class object)))) (defun standard-slot-value/gf (gf slot-name) (standard-slot-value gf slot-name *the-class-standard-generic-function*)) (defun standard-slot-value/method (method slot-name) (standard-slot-value method slot-name *the-class-standard-method*)) (defun standard-slot-value/eslotd (slotd slot-name) (standard-slot-value slotd slot-name *the-class-standard-effective-slot-definition*)) (defun standard-slot-value/class (class slot-name) (standard-slot-value class slot-name *the-class-standard-class*)) ;;; When all the methods of a generic function are automatically ;;; generated reader or writer methods a number of special ;;; optimizations are possible. These are important because of the ;;; large number of generic functions of this type. ;;; ;;; There are a number of cases: ;;; ;;; ONE-CLASS-ACCESSOR ;;; In this case, the accessor generic function has only been ;;; called with one class of argument. There is no cache vector, ;;; the wrapper of the one class, and the slot index are stored ;;; directly as closure variables of the discriminating function. ;;; This case can convert to either of the next kind. ;;; ;;; TWO-CLASS-ACCESSOR ;;; Like above, but two classes. This is common enough to do ;;; specially. There is no cache vector. The two classes are ;;; stored a separate closure variables. ;;; ;;; ONE-INDEX-ACCESSOR ;;; In this case, the accessor generic function has seen more than ;;; one class of argument, but the index of the slot is the same ;;; for all the classes that have been seen. A cache vector is ;;; used to store the wrappers that have been seen, the slot index ;;; is stored directly as a closure variable of the discriminating ;;; function. This case can convert to the next kind. ;;; ;;; N-N-ACCESSOR ;;; This is the most general case. In this case, the accessor ;;; generic function has seen more than one class of argument and ;;; more than one slot index. A cache vector stores the wrappers ;;; and corresponding slot indexes. Because each cache line is ;;; more than one element long, a cache lock count is used. (defstruct (dfun-info (:constructor nil) (:copier nil)) (cache nil)) (defstruct (no-methods (:constructor no-methods-dfun-info ()) (:include dfun-info) (:copier nil))) (defstruct (initial (:constructor initial-dfun-info ()) (:include dfun-info) (:copier nil))) (defstruct (initial-dispatch (:constructor initial-dispatch-dfun-info ()) (:include dfun-info) (:copier nil))) (defstruct (dispatch (:constructor dispatch-dfun-info ()) (:include dfun-info) (:copier nil))) (defstruct (default-method-only (:constructor default-method-only-dfun-info ()) (:include dfun-info) (:copier nil))) ;without caching: ; dispatch one-class two-class default-method-only ;with caching: ; one-index n-n checking caching ;accessor: ; one-class two-class one-index n-n (defstruct (accessor-dfun-info (:constructor nil) (:include dfun-info) (:copier nil)) accessor-type) ; (member reader writer) (defmacro dfun-info-accessor-type (di) `(accessor-dfun-info-accessor-type ,di)) (defstruct (one-index-dfun-info (:constructor nil) (:include accessor-dfun-info) (:copier nil)) index) (defmacro dfun-info-index (di) `(one-index-dfun-info-index ,di)) (defstruct (n-n (:constructor n-n-dfun-info (accessor-type cache)) (:include accessor-dfun-info) (:copier nil))) (defstruct (one-class (:constructor one-class-dfun-info (accessor-type index wrapper0)) (:include one-index-dfun-info) (:copier nil)) wrapper0) (defmacro dfun-info-wrapper0 (di) `(one-class-wrapper0 ,di)) (defstruct (two-class (:constructor two-class-dfun-info (accessor-type index wrapper0 wrapper1)) (:include one-class) (:copier nil)) wrapper1) (defmacro dfun-info-wrapper1 (di) `(two-class-wrapper1 ,di)) (defstruct (one-index (:constructor one-index-dfun-info (accessor-type index cache)) (:include one-index-dfun-info) (:copier nil))) (defstruct (checking (:constructor checking-dfun-info (function cache)) (:include dfun-info) (:copier nil)) function) (defmacro dfun-info-function (di) `(checking-function ,di)) (defstruct (caching (:constructor caching-dfun-info (cache)) (:include dfun-info) (:copier nil))) (defstruct (constant-value (:constructor constant-value-dfun-info (cache)) (:include dfun-info) (:copier nil))) (defmacro dfun-update (generic-function function &rest args) `(multiple-value-bind (dfun cache info) (funcall ,function ,generic-function ,@args) (update-dfun ,generic-function dfun cache info))) (defun accessor-miss-function (gf dfun-info) (ecase (dfun-info-accessor-type dfun-info) ((reader boundp) (lambda (arg) (accessor-miss gf nil arg dfun-info))) (writer (lambda (new arg) (accessor-miss gf new arg dfun-info))))) #-sb-fluid (declaim (sb-ext:freeze-type dfun-info)) (defun make-one-class-accessor-dfun (gf type wrapper index) (let ((emit (ecase type (reader 'emit-one-class-reader) (boundp 'emit-one-class-boundp) (writer 'emit-one-class-writer))) (dfun-info (one-class-dfun-info type index wrapper))) (values (funcall (get-dfun-constructor emit (consp index)) wrapper index (accessor-miss-function gf dfun-info)) nil dfun-info))) (defun make-two-class-accessor-dfun (gf type w0 w1 index) (let ((emit (ecase type (reader 'emit-two-class-reader) (boundp 'emit-two-class-boundp) (writer 'emit-two-class-writer))) (dfun-info (two-class-dfun-info type index w0 w1))) (values (funcall (get-dfun-constructor emit (consp index)) w0 w1 index (accessor-miss-function gf dfun-info)) nil dfun-info))) ;;; std accessors same index dfun (defun make-one-index-accessor-dfun (gf type index &optional cache) (let* ((emit (ecase type (reader 'emit-one-index-readers) (boundp 'emit-one-index-boundps) (writer 'emit-one-index-writers))) (cache (or cache (make-cache :key-count 1 :value nil :size 4))) (dfun-info (one-index-dfun-info type index cache))) (declare (type cache cache)) (values (funcall (get-dfun-constructor emit (consp index)) cache index (accessor-miss-function gf dfun-info)) cache dfun-info))) (defun make-n-n-accessor-dfun (gf type &optional cache) (let* ((emit (ecase type (reader 'emit-n-n-readers) (boundp 'emit-n-n-boundps) (writer 'emit-n-n-writers))) (cache (or cache (make-cache :key-count 1 :value t :size 2))) (dfun-info (n-n-dfun-info type cache))) (declare (type cache cache)) (values (funcall (get-dfun-constructor emit) cache (accessor-miss-function gf dfun-info)) cache dfun-info))) (defun make-checking-dfun (generic-function function &optional cache) (unless cache (when (use-caching-dfun-p generic-function) (return-from make-checking-dfun (make-caching-dfun generic-function))) (when (use-dispatch-dfun-p generic-function) (return-from make-checking-dfun (make-dispatch-dfun generic-function)))) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys) (get-generic-fun-info generic-function) (declare (ignore nreq)) (if (every (lambda (mt) (eq mt t)) metatypes) (let ((dfun-info (default-method-only-dfun-info))) (values (funcall (get-dfun-constructor 'emit-default-only metatypes applyp) function) nil dfun-info)) (let* ((cache (or cache (make-cache :key-count nkeys :value nil :size 2))) (dfun-info (checking-dfun-info function cache))) (values (funcall (get-dfun-constructor 'emit-checking metatypes applyp) cache function (lambda (&rest args) (checking-miss generic-function args dfun-info))) cache dfun-info))))) (defun make-final-checking-dfun (generic-function function classes-list new-class) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys) (get-generic-fun-info generic-function) (declare (ignore nreq applyp nkeys)) (if (every (lambda (mt) (eq mt t)) metatypes) (values (lambda (&rest args) (invoke-emf function args)) nil (default-method-only-dfun-info)) (let ((cache (make-final-ordinary-dfun-cache generic-function nil classes-list new-class))) (make-checking-dfun generic-function function cache))))) (defun use-default-method-only-dfun-p (generic-function) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys) (get-generic-fun-info generic-function) (declare (ignore nreq applyp nkeys)) (every (lambda (mt) (eq mt t)) metatypes))) (defun use-caching-dfun-p (generic-function) (some (lambda (method) (method-plist-value method :slot-name-lists)) ;; KLUDGE: As of sbcl-0.6.4, it's very important for ;; efficiency to know the type of the sequence argument to ;; quantifiers (SOME/NOTANY/etc.) at compile time, but ;; the compiler isn't smart enough to understand the :TYPE ;; slot option for DEFCLASS, so we just tell ;; it the type by hand here. (the list (if (early-gf-p generic-function) (early-gf-methods generic-function) (generic-function-methods generic-function))))) (defun make-caching-dfun (generic-function &optional cache) (unless cache (when (use-constant-value-dfun-p generic-function) (return-from make-caching-dfun (make-constant-value-dfun generic-function))) (when (use-dispatch-dfun-p generic-function) (return-from make-caching-dfun (make-dispatch-dfun generic-function)))) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys) (get-generic-fun-info generic-function) (declare (ignore nreq)) (let* ((cache (or cache (make-cache :key-count nkeys :value t :size 2))) (dfun-info (caching-dfun-info cache))) (values (funcall (get-dfun-constructor 'emit-caching metatypes applyp) cache (lambda (&rest args) (caching-miss generic-function args dfun-info))) cache dfun-info)))) (defun make-final-caching-dfun (generic-function classes-list new-class) (let ((cache (make-final-ordinary-dfun-cache generic-function t classes-list new-class))) (make-caching-dfun generic-function cache))) (defun insure-caching-dfun (gf) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys) (get-generic-fun-info gf) (declare (ignore nreq nkeys)) (when (and metatypes (not (null (car metatypes))) (dolist (mt metatypes nil) (unless (eq mt t) (return t)))) (get-dfun-constructor 'emit-caching metatypes applyp)))) (defun use-constant-value-dfun-p (gf &optional boolean-values-p) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys) (get-generic-fun-info gf) (declare (ignore nreq metatypes nkeys)) (let* ((early-p (early-gf-p gf)) (methods (if early-p (early-gf-methods gf) (generic-function-methods gf))) (default '(unknown))) (and (null applyp) (or (not (eq *boot-state* 'complete)) ;; If COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS is specialized, we ;; can't use this, of course, because we can't tell ;; which methods will be considered applicable. ;; ;; Also, don't use this dfun method if the generic ;; function has a non-standard method combination, ;; because if it has, it's not sure that method ;; functions are used directly as effective methods, ;; which CONSTANT-VALUE-MISS depends on. The ;; pre-defined method combinations like LIST are ;; examples of that. (and (compute-applicable-methods-emf-std-p gf) (eq (generic-function-method-combination gf) *standard-method-combination*))) ;; Check that no method is eql-specialized, and that all ;; methods return a constant value. If BOOLEAN-VALUES-P, ;; check that all return T or NIL. Also, check that no ;; method has qualifiers, to make sure that emfs are really ;; method functions; see above. (dolist (method methods t) (when (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (when (or (some #'eql-specializer-p (safe-method-specializers method)) (safe-method-qualifiers method)) (return nil))) (let ((value (method-plist-value method :constant-value default))) (when (or (eq value default) (and boolean-values-p (not (member value '(t nil))))) (return nil)))))))) (defun make-constant-value-dfun (generic-function &optional cache) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys) (get-generic-fun-info generic-function) (declare (ignore nreq applyp)) (let* ((cache (or cache (make-cache :key-count nkeys :value t :size 2))) (dfun-info (constant-value-dfun-info cache))) (declare (type cache cache)) (values (funcall (get-dfun-constructor 'emit-constant-value metatypes) cache (lambda (&rest args) (constant-value-miss generic-function args dfun-info))) cache dfun-info)))) (defun make-final-constant-value-dfun (generic-function classes-list new-class) (let ((cache (make-final-ordinary-dfun-cache generic-function :constant-value classes-list new-class))) (make-constant-value-dfun generic-function cache))) (defun gf-has-method-with-nonstandard-specializer-p (gf) (let ((methods (generic-function-methods gf))) (dolist (method methods nil) (unless (every (lambda (s) (standard-specializer-p s)) (method-specializers method)) (return t))))) (defun use-dispatch-dfun-p (gf &optional (caching-p (use-caching-dfun-p gf))) (when (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (unless (or caching-p (gf-requires-emf-keyword-checks gf) ;; DISPATCH-DFUN-COST will error if it encounters a ;; method with a non-standard specializer. (gf-has-method-with-nonstandard-specializer-p gf)) ;; This should return T when almost all dispatching is by ;; eql specializers or built-in classes. In other words, ;; return NIL if we might ever need to do more than ;; one (non built-in) typep. ;; Otherwise, it is probably at least as fast to use ;; a caching dfun first, possibly followed by secondary dispatching. #||;;; Original found in cmu 17f -- S L O W (< (dispatch-dfun-cost gf) (caching-dfun-cost gf)) ||# ;; This uses improved dispatch-dfun-cost below (let ((cdc (caching-dfun-cost gf))) ; fast (> cdc (dispatch-dfun-cost gf cdc)))))) (defparameter *non-built-in-typep-cost* 100) (defparameter *structure-typep-cost* 15) (defparameter *built-in-typep-cost* 5) ;;; According to comments in the original CMU CL version of PCL, ;;; the cost LIMIT is important to cut off exponential growth for ;;; large numbers of gf methods and argument lists. (defun dispatch-dfun-cost (gf &optional limit) (generate-discrimination-net-internal gf (generic-function-methods gf) nil (lambda (methods known-types) (declare (ignore methods known-types)) 0) (lambda (position type true-value false-value) (declare (ignore position)) (let* ((type-test-cost (if (eq 'class (car type)) (let* ((metaclass (class-of (cadr type))) (mcpl (class-precedence-list metaclass))) (cond ((memq *the-class-built-in-class* mcpl) *built-in-typep-cost*) ((memq *the-class-structure-class* mcpl) *structure-typep-cost*) (t *non-built-in-typep-cost*))) 0)) (max-cost-so-far (+ (max true-value false-value) type-test-cost))) (when (and limit (<= limit max-cost-so-far)) (return-from dispatch-dfun-cost max-cost-so-far)) max-cost-so-far)) #'identity)) (defparameter *cache-lookup-cost* 30) (defparameter *wrapper-of-cost* 15) (defparameter *secondary-dfun-call-cost* 30) (defun caching-dfun-cost (gf) (let ((nreq (get-generic-fun-info gf))) (+ *cache-lookup-cost* (* *wrapper-of-cost* nreq) (if (methods-contain-eql-specializer-p (generic-function-methods gf)) *secondary-dfun-call-cost* 0)))) (declaim (inline make-callable)) (defun make-callable (gf methods generator method-alist wrappers) (let* ((*applicable-methods* methods) (callable (function-funcall generator method-alist wrappers))) callable)) (defun make-dispatch-dfun (gf) (values (get-dispatch-function gf) nil (dispatch-dfun-info))) (defun get-dispatch-function (gf) (let* ((methods (generic-function-methods gf)) (generator (get-secondary-dispatch-function1 gf methods nil nil nil nil nil t))) (make-callable gf methods generator nil nil))) (defun make-final-dispatch-dfun (gf) (make-dispatch-dfun gf)) (defun update-dispatch-dfuns () (dolist (gf (gfs-of-type '(dispatch initial-dispatch))) (dfun-update gf #'make-dispatch-dfun))) (defun make-final-ordinary-dfun-cache (generic-function valuep classes-list new-class) (let* ((arg-info (gf-arg-info generic-function)) (nkeys (arg-info-nkeys arg-info)) (new-class (and new-class (equal (type-of (gf-dfun-info generic-function)) (cond ((eq valuep t) 'caching) ((eq valuep :constant-value) 'constant-value) ((null valuep) 'checking))) new-class)) (cache (if new-class (copy-cache (gf-dfun-cache generic-function)) (make-cache :key-count nkeys :value (not (null valuep)) :size 4)))) (make-emf-cache generic-function valuep cache classes-list new-class))) (defvar *dfun-miss-gfs-on-stack* ()) (defmacro dfun-miss ((gf args wrappers invalidp nemf &optional type index caching-p applicable) &body body) (unless applicable (setq applicable (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,nemf ,applicable ,wrappers ,invalidp ,@(when type `(,type ,index))) (cache-miss-values ,gf ,args ',(cond (caching-p 'caching) (type 'accessor) (t 'checking))) (when (and ,applicable (not (memq ,gf *dfun-miss-gfs-on-stack*))) (let ((*dfun-miss-gfs-on-stack* (cons ,gf *dfun-miss-gfs-on-stack*))) ,@body)) ;; Create a FAST-INSTANCE-BOUNDP structure instance for a cached ;; SLOT-BOUNDP so that INVOKE-EMF does the right thing, that is, ;; does not signal a SLOT-UNBOUND error for a boundp test. ,@(if type ;; FIXME: could the NEMF not be a CONS (for :CLASS-allocated ;; slots?) `((if (and (eq ,type 'boundp) (integerp ,nemf)) (invoke-emf (make-fast-instance-boundp :index ,nemf) ,args) (invoke-emf ,nemf ,args))) `((invoke-emf ,nemf ,args))))) ;;; The dynamically adaptive method lookup algorithm is implemented is ;;; implemented as a kind of state machine. The kinds of ;;; discriminating function is the state, the various kinds of reasons ;;; for a cache miss are the state transitions. ;;; ;;; The code which implements the transitions is all in the miss ;;; handlers for each kind of dfun. Those appear here. ;;; ;;; Note that within the states that cache, there are dfun updates ;;; which simply select a new cache or cache field. Those are not ;;; considered as state transitions. (defvar *lazy-dfun-compute-p* t) (defvar *early-p* nil) ;;; This variable is used for controlling the load-time effective ;;; method precomputation: precomputation will only be done for emfs ;;; with fewer than methods than this value. This value has ;;; traditionally been NIL on SBCL (meaning that precomputation will ;;; always be done) but that makes method loading O(n^2). Use a small ;;; value for now, to flush out any possible problems that doing a ;;; limited amount of precomputation might cause. If none appear, we ;;; might change it to a larger value later. -- JES, 2006-12-01 (declaim (type (or null unsigned-byte) *max-emf-precomputation-methods*)) (defvar *max-emf-precomputation-methods* 1) (defun finalize-specializers (gf) (let ((methods (generic-function-methods gf))) (when (or (null *max-emf-precomputation-methods*) (<= (length methods) *max-emf-precomputation-methods*)) (let ((all-finalized t)) (dolist (method methods all-finalized) (dolist (specializer (method-specializers method)) (when (and (classp specializer) (not (class-finalized-p specializer))) (if (class-has-a-forward-referenced-superclass-p specializer) (setq all-finalized nil) (finalize-inheritance specializer))))))))) (defun make-initial-dfun (gf) (let ((initial-dfun #'(lambda (&rest args) (initial-dfun gf args)))) (multiple-value-bind (dfun cache info) (cond ((and (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (not (finalize-specializers gf))) (values initial-dfun nil (initial-dfun-info))) ((and (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (compute-applicable-methods-emf-std-p gf)) (let* ((caching-p (use-caching-dfun-p gf)) ;; KLUDGE: the only effect of this (when ;; *LAZY-DFUN-COMPUTE-P* is true, as it usually is) ;; is to signal an error when we try to add methods ;; with the wrong qualifiers to a generic function. (classes-list (precompute-effective-methods gf caching-p (not *lazy-dfun-compute-p*)))) (if *lazy-dfun-compute-p* (cond ((use-dispatch-dfun-p gf caching-p) (values initial-dfun nil (initial-dispatch-dfun-info))) (caching-p (insure-caching-dfun gf) (values initial-dfun nil (initial-dfun-info))) (t (values initial-dfun nil (initial-dfun-info)))) (make-final-dfun-internal gf classes-list)))) (t (let ((arg-info (if (early-gf-p gf) (early-gf-arg-info gf) (gf-arg-info gf))) (type nil)) (if (and (gf-precompute-dfun-and-emf-p arg-info) (setq type (final-accessor-dfun-type gf))) (if *early-p* (values (make-early-accessor gf type) nil nil) (make-final-accessor-dfun gf type)) (values initial-dfun nil (initial-dfun-info)))))) (set-dfun gf dfun cache info)))) (defun make-early-accessor (gf type) (let* ((methods (early-gf-methods gf)) (slot-name (early-method-standard-accessor-slot-name (car methods)))) (ecase type (reader #'(lambda (instance) (let* ((class (class-of instance)) (class-name (!bootstrap-get-slot 'class class 'name))) (!bootstrap-get-slot class-name instance slot-name)))) (boundp #'(lambda (instance) (let* ((class (class-of instance)) (class-name (!bootstrap-get-slot 'class class 'name))) (not (eq +slot-unbound+ (!bootstrap-get-slot class-name instance slot-name)))))) (writer #'(lambda (new-value instance) (let* ((class (class-of instance)) (class-name (!bootstrap-get-slot 'class class 'name))) (!bootstrap-set-slot class-name instance slot-name new-value))))))) (defun initial-dfun (gf args) (dfun-miss (gf args wrappers invalidp nemf ntype nindex) (cond (invalidp) ((and ntype nindex) (dfun-update gf #'make-one-class-accessor-dfun ntype wrappers nindex)) ((use-caching-dfun-p gf) (dfun-update gf #'make-caching-dfun)) (t (dfun-update gf #'make-checking-dfun ;; nemf is suitable only for caching, have to do this: (cache-miss-values gf args 'checking)))))) (defun make-final-dfun (gf &optional classes-list) (multiple-value-bind (dfun cache info) (make-final-dfun-internal gf classes-list) (set-dfun gf dfun cache info))) ;;; FIXME: What is this? (defvar *new-class* nil) (defun final-accessor-dfun-type (gf) (let ((methods (if (early-gf-p gf) (early-gf-methods gf) (generic-function-methods gf)))) (cond ((every (lambda (method) (if (consp method) (let ((class (early-method-class method))) (or (eq class *the-class-standard-reader-method*) (eq class *the-class-global-reader-method*))) (or (standard-reader-method-p method) (global-reader-method-p method)))) methods) 'reader) ((every (lambda (method) (if (consp method) (let ((class (early-method-class method))) (or (eq class *the-class-standard-boundp-method*) (eq class *the-class-global-boundp-method*))) (or (standard-boundp-method-p method) (global-boundp-method-p method)))) methods) 'boundp) ((every (lambda (method) (if (consp method) (let ((class (early-method-class method))) (or (eq class *the-class-standard-writer-method*) (eq class *the-class-global-writer-method*))) (and (or (standard-writer-method-p method) (global-writer-method-p method)) (not (safe-p (slot-definition-class (accessor-method-slot-definition method))))))) methods) 'writer)))) (defun make-final-accessor-dfun (gf type &optional classes-list new-class) (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'eq))) (multiple-value-bind (table all-index first second size no-class-slots-p) (make-accessor-table gf type table) (if table (cond ((= size 1) (let ((w (class-wrapper first))) (make-one-class-accessor-dfun gf type w all-index))) ((and (= size 2) (or (integerp all-index) (consp all-index))) (let ((w0 (class-wrapper first)) (w1 (class-wrapper second))) (make-two-class-accessor-dfun gf type w0 w1 all-index))) ((or (integerp all-index) (consp all-index)) (let ((cache (hash-table-to-cache table :value nil :key-count 1))) (make-one-index-accessor-dfun gf type all-index cache))) (no-class-slots-p (let ((cache (hash-table-to-cache table :value t :key-count 1))) (make-n-n-accessor-dfun gf type cache))) (t (make-final-caching-dfun gf classes-list new-class))) (make-final-caching-dfun gf classes-list new-class))))) (defun make-final-dfun-internal (gf &optional classes-list) (let ((methods (generic-function-methods gf)) type (new-class *new-class*) (*new-class* nil) specls all-same-p) (cond ((null methods) (values #'(lambda (&rest args) (apply #'no-applicable-method gf args)) nil (no-methods-dfun-info))) ((setq type (final-accessor-dfun-type gf)) (make-final-accessor-dfun gf type classes-list new-class)) ((and (not (and (every (lambda (specl) (eq specl *the-class-t*)) (setq specls (method-specializers (car methods)))) (setq all-same-p (every (lambda (method) (and (equal specls (method-specializers method)))) methods)))) (use-constant-value-dfun-p gf)) (make-final-constant-value-dfun gf classes-list new-class)) ((use-dispatch-dfun-p gf) (make-final-dispatch-dfun gf)) ((and all-same-p (not (use-caching-dfun-p gf))) (let ((emf (get-secondary-dispatch-function gf methods nil))) (make-final-checking-dfun gf emf classes-list new-class))) (t (make-final-caching-dfun gf classes-list new-class))))) (defvar *pcl-misc-random-state* (make-random-state)) (defun accessor-miss (gf new object dfun-info) (let* ((ostate (type-of dfun-info)) (otype (dfun-info-accessor-type dfun-info)) oindex ow0 ow1 cache (args (ecase otype ((reader boundp) (list object)) (writer (list new object))))) (dfun-miss (gf args wrappers invalidp nemf ntype nindex) ;; The following lexical functions change the state of the ;; dfun to that which is their name. They accept arguments ;; which are the parameters of the new state, and get other ;; information from the lexical variables bound above. (flet ((two-class (index w0 w1) (when (zerop (random 2 *pcl-misc-random-state*)) (psetf w0 w1 w1 w0)) (dfun-update gf #'make-two-class-accessor-dfun ntype w0 w1 index)) (one-index (index &optional cache) (dfun-update gf #'make-one-index-accessor-dfun ntype index cache)) (n-n (&optional cache) (if (consp nindex) (dfun-update gf #'make-checking-dfun nemf) (dfun-update gf #'make-n-n-accessor-dfun ntype cache))) (caching () ; because cached accessor emfs are much faster ; for accessors (dfun-update gf #'make-caching-dfun)) (do-fill (update-fn) (let ((ncache (fill-cache cache wrappers nindex))) (unless (eq ncache cache) (funcall update-fn ncache))))) (cond ((null ntype) (caching)) ((or invalidp (null nindex))) ((not (pcl-instance-p object)) (caching)) ((or (neq ntype otype) (listp wrappers)) (caching)) (t (ecase ostate (one-class (setq oindex (dfun-info-index dfun-info)) (setq ow0 (dfun-info-wrapper0 dfun-info)) (unless (eq ow0 wrappers) (if (eql nindex oindex) (two-class nindex ow0 wrappers) (n-n)))) (two-class (setq oindex (dfun-info-index dfun-info)) (setq ow0 (dfun-info-wrapper0 dfun-info)) (setq ow1 (dfun-info-wrapper1 dfun-info)) (unless (or (eq ow0 wrappers) (eq ow1 wrappers)) (if (eql nindex oindex) (one-index nindex) (n-n)))) (one-index (setq oindex (dfun-info-index dfun-info)) (setq cache (dfun-info-cache dfun-info)) (if (eql nindex oindex) (do-fill (lambda (ncache) (one-index nindex ncache))) (n-n))) (n-n (setq cache (dfun-info-cache dfun-info)) (if (consp nindex) (caching) (do-fill #'n-n)))))))))) (defun checking-miss (generic-function args dfun-info) (let ((oemf (dfun-info-function dfun-info)) (cache (dfun-info-cache dfun-info))) (dfun-miss (generic-function args wrappers invalidp nemf) (cond (invalidp) ((eq oemf nemf) ;; The cache of a checking dfun doesn't hold any values, ;; so this NIL appears to be just a dummy-value we use in ;; order to insert the wrappers into the cache. (let ((ncache (fill-cache cache wrappers nil))) (unless (eq ncache cache) (dfun-update generic-function #'make-checking-dfun nemf ncache)))) (t (dfun-update generic-function #'make-caching-dfun)))))) (defun caching-miss (generic-function args dfun-info) (let ((ocache (dfun-info-cache dfun-info))) (dfun-miss (generic-function args wrappers invalidp emf nil nil t) (cond (invalidp) (t (let ((ncache (fill-cache ocache wrappers emf))) (unless (eq ncache ocache) (dfun-update generic-function #'make-caching-dfun ncache)))))))) (defun constant-value-miss (generic-function args dfun-info) (let ((ocache (dfun-info-cache dfun-info))) (dfun-miss (generic-function args wrappers invalidp emf nil nil t) (unless invalidp (let* ((value (typecase emf (constant-fast-method-call (constant-fast-method-call-value emf)) (constant-method-call (constant-method-call-value emf)) (t (bug "~S with non-constant EMF ~S" 'constant-value-miss emf)))) (ncache (fill-cache ocache wrappers value))) (unless (eq ncache ocache) (dfun-update generic-function #'make-constant-value-dfun ncache))))))) ;;; Given a generic function and a set of arguments to that generic ;;; function, return a mess of values. ;;; ;;; The compiled effective method function for this set of ;;; arguments. ;;; ;;; Sorted list of applicable methods. ;;; ;;; Is a single wrapper if the generic function has only ;;; one key, that is arg-info-nkeys of the arg-info is 1. ;;; Otherwise a list of the wrappers of the specialized ;;; arguments to the generic function. ;;; ;;; Note that all these wrappers are valid. This function ;;; does invalid wrapper traps when it finds an invalid ;;; wrapper and then returns the new, valid wrapper. ;;; ;;; True if any of the specialized arguments had an invalid ;;; wrapper, false otherwise. ;;; ;;; READER or WRITER when the only method that would be run ;;; is a standard reader or writer method. To be specific, ;;; the value is READER when the method combination is eq to ;;; *standard-method-combination*; there are no applicable ;;; :before, :after or :around methods; and the most specific ;;; primary method is a standard reader method. ;;; ;;; If is READER or WRITER, and the slot accessed is ;;; an :instance slot, this is the index number of that slot ;;; in the object argument. (defvar *cache-miss-values-stack* ()) (defun cache-miss-values (gf args state) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys arg-info) (get-generic-fun-info gf) (declare (ignore nreq applyp nkeys)) (with-dfun-wrappers (args metatypes) (dfun-wrappers invalid-wrapper-p wrappers classes types) (error-need-at-least-n-args gf (length metatypes)) (multiple-value-bind (emf methods accessor-type index) (cache-miss-values-internal gf arg-info wrappers classes types state) (values emf methods dfun-wrappers invalid-wrapper-p accessor-type index))))) (defun cache-miss-values-internal (gf arg-info wrappers classes types state) (if (and classes (equal classes (cdr (assq gf *cache-miss-values-stack*)))) (break-vicious-metacircle gf classes arg-info) (let ((*cache-miss-values-stack* (acons gf classes *cache-miss-values-stack*)) (cam-std-p (or (null arg-info) (gf-info-c-a-m-emf-std-p arg-info)))) (multiple-value-bind (methods all-applicable-and-sorted-p) (if cam-std-p (compute-applicable-methods-using-types gf types) (compute-applicable-methods-using-classes gf classes)) (let* ((for-accessor-p (eq state 'accessor)) (for-cache-p (or (eq state 'caching) (eq state 'accessor))) (emf (if (or cam-std-p all-applicable-and-sorted-p) (let ((generator (get-secondary-dispatch-function1 gf methods types nil (and for-cache-p wrappers) all-applicable-and-sorted-p))) (make-callable gf methods generator nil (and for-cache-p wrappers))) (default-secondary-dispatch-function gf)))) (multiple-value-bind (index accessor-type) (and for-accessor-p all-applicable-and-sorted-p methods (accessor-values gf arg-info classes methods)) (values (if (integerp index) index emf) methods accessor-type index))))))) ;;; Try to break a vicious circle while computing a cache miss. ;;; GF is the generic function, CLASSES are the classes of actual ;;; arguments, and ARG-INFO is the generic functions' arg-info. ;;; ;;; A vicious circle can be entered when the computation of the cache ;;; miss values itself depends on the values being computed. For ;;; instance, adding a method which is an instance of a subclass of ;;; STANDARD-METHOD leads to cache misses for slot accessors of ;;; STANDARD-METHOD like METHOD-SPECIALIZERS, and METHOD-SPECIALIZERS ;;; is itself used while we compute cache miss values. (defun break-vicious-metacircle (gf classes arg-info) (when (typep gf 'standard-generic-function) (multiple-value-bind (class slotd accessor-type) (accesses-standard-class-slot-p gf) (when class (let ((method (find-standard-class-accessor-method gf class accessor-type)) (index (standard-slot-value/eslotd slotd 'location)) (type (gf-info-simple-accessor-type arg-info))) (when (and method (subtypep (ecase accessor-type ((reader) (car classes)) ((writer) (cadr classes))) class)) (return-from break-vicious-metacircle (values index (list method) type index))))))) (error "~@" gf classes)) ;;; Return (CLASS SLOTD ACCESSOR-TYPE) if some method of generic ;;; function GF accesses a slot of some class in *STANDARD-CLASSES*. ;;; CLASS is the class accessed, SLOTD is the effective slot definition ;;; object of the slot accessed, and ACCESSOR-TYPE is one of the symbols ;;; READER or WRITER describing the slot access. (defun accesses-standard-class-slot-p (gf) (flet ((standard-class-slot-access (gf class) (loop with gf-name = (standard-slot-value/gf gf 'name) for slotd in (standard-slot-value/class class 'slots) ;; FIXME: where does BOUNDP fit in here? Is it ;; relevant? as readers = (standard-slot-value/eslotd slotd 'readers) as writers = (standard-slot-value/eslotd slotd 'writers) if (member gf-name readers :test #'equal) return (values slotd 'reader) else if (member gf-name writers :test #'equal) return (values slotd 'writer)))) (dolist (class-name *standard-classes*) (let ((class (find-class class-name))) (multiple-value-bind (slotd accessor-type) (standard-class-slot-access gf class) (when slotd (return (values class slotd accessor-type)))))))) ;;; Find a slot reader/writer method among the methods of generic ;;; function GF which reads/writes instances of class CLASS. ;;; TYPE is one of the symbols READER or WRITER. (defun find-standard-class-accessor-method (gf class type) (let ((cpl (standard-slot-value/class class '%class-precedence-list)) (found-specializer *the-class-t*) (found-method nil)) (dolist (method (standard-slot-value/gf gf 'methods) found-method) (let ((specializers (standard-slot-value/method method 'specializers)) (qualifiers (standard-slot-value/method method 'qualifiers))) (when (and (null qualifiers) (let ((subcpl (member (ecase type (reader (car specializers)) (writer (cadr specializers))) cpl))) (and subcpl (member found-specializer subcpl)))) (setf found-specializer (ecase type (reader (car specializers)) (writer (cadr specializers)))) (setf found-method method)))))) (defun accessor-values (gf arg-info classes methods) (declare (ignore gf)) (let* ((accessor-type (gf-info-simple-accessor-type arg-info)) (accessor-class (case accessor-type ((reader boundp) (car classes)) (writer (cadr classes))))) (accessor-values-internal accessor-type accessor-class methods))) (defun accessor-values1 (gf accessor-type accessor-class) (let* ((type `(class-eq ,accessor-class)) (types (ecase accessor-type ((reader boundp) `(,type)) (writer `(t ,type)))) (methods (compute-applicable-methods-using-types gf types))) (accessor-values-internal accessor-type accessor-class methods))) (defun accessor-values-internal (accessor-type accessor-class methods) (dolist (meth methods) (when (if (consp meth) (early-method-qualifiers meth) (safe-method-qualifiers meth)) (return-from accessor-values-internal (values nil nil)))) (let* ((meth (car methods)) (early-p (not (eq *boot-state* 'complete))) (slot-name (when accessor-class (if (consp meth) (and (early-method-standard-accessor-p meth) (early-method-standard-accessor-slot-name meth)) (and (member *the-class-standard-object* (if early-p (early-class-precedence-list accessor-class) (class-precedence-list accessor-class))) (if early-p (not (eq *the-class-standard-method* (early-method-class meth))) (accessor-method-p meth)) (if early-p (early-accessor-method-slot-name meth) (accessor-method-slot-name meth)))))) (slotd (and accessor-class (if early-p (dolist (slot (early-class-slotds accessor-class) nil) (when (eql slot-name (early-slot-definition-name slot)) (return slot))) (find-slot-definition accessor-class slot-name))))) (when (and slotd (or early-p (slot-accessor-std-p slotd accessor-type)) (or early-p (not (safe-p accessor-class)))) (values (if early-p (early-slot-definition-location slotd) (slot-definition-location slotd)) accessor-type)))) (defun make-accessor-table (gf type &optional table) (unless table (setq table (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (let ((methods (if (early-gf-p gf) (early-gf-methods gf) (generic-function-methods gf))) (all-index nil) (no-class-slots-p t) (early-p (not (eq *boot-state* 'complete))) first second (size 0)) (declare (fixnum size)) ;; class -> {(specl slotd)} (dolist (method methods) (let* ((specializers (if (consp method) (early-method-specializers method t) (method-specializers method))) (specl (ecase type ((reader boundp) (car specializers)) (writer (cadr specializers)))) (specl-cpl (if early-p (early-class-precedence-list specl) (and (class-finalized-p specl) (class-precedence-list specl)))) (so-p (member *the-class-standard-object* specl-cpl)) (slot-name (if (consp method) (and (early-method-standard-accessor-p method) (early-method-standard-accessor-slot-name method)) (accessor-method-slot-name method)))) (when (or (null specl-cpl) (null so-p) (member *the-class-structure-object* specl-cpl)) (return-from make-accessor-table nil)) ;; Collect all the slot-definitions for SLOT-NAME from SPECL and ;; all of its subclasses. If either SPECL or one of the subclasses ;; is not a standard-class, bail out. (labels ((aux (class) ;; FIND-SLOT-DEFINITION might not be defined yet (let ((slotd (find-if (lambda (x) (eq (sb-pcl::slot-definition-name x) slot-name)) (sb-pcl::class-slots class)))) (when slotd (unless (or early-p (slot-accessor-std-p slotd type)) (return-from make-accessor-table nil)) (push (cons specl slotd) (gethash class table)))) (dolist (subclass (sb-pcl::class-direct-subclasses class)) (aux subclass)))) (aux specl)))) (maphash (lambda (class specl+slotd-list) (dolist (sclass (if early-p (early-class-precedence-list class) (class-precedence-list class)) (error "This can't happen.")) (let ((a (assq sclass specl+slotd-list))) (when a (let* ((slotd (cdr a)) (index (if early-p (early-slot-definition-location slotd) (slot-definition-location slotd)))) (unless index (return-from make-accessor-table nil)) (setf (gethash class table) index) (when (consp index) (setq no-class-slots-p nil)) (setq all-index (if (or (null all-index) (eql all-index index)) index t)) (incf size) (cond ((= size 1) (setq first class)) ((= size 2) (setq second class))) (return nil)))))) table) (values table all-index first second size no-class-slots-p))) (defun compute-applicable-methods-using-types (generic-function types) (let ((definite-p t) (possibly-applicable-methods nil)) (dolist (method (if (early-gf-p generic-function) (early-gf-methods generic-function) (safe-generic-function-methods generic-function))) (let ((specls (if (consp method) (early-method-specializers method t) (safe-method-specializers method))) (types types) (possibly-applicable-p t) (applicable-p t)) (dolist (specl specls) (multiple-value-bind (specl-applicable-p specl-possibly-applicable-p) (specializer-applicable-using-type-p specl (pop types)) (unless specl-applicable-p (setq applicable-p nil)) (unless specl-possibly-applicable-p (setq possibly-applicable-p nil) (return nil)))) (when possibly-applicable-p (unless applicable-p (setq definite-p nil)) (push method possibly-applicable-methods)))) (multiple-value-bind (nreq applyp metatypes nkeys arg-info) (get-generic-fun-info generic-function) (declare (ignore nreq applyp metatypes nkeys)) (let* ((precedence (arg-info-precedence arg-info))) (values (sort-applicable-methods precedence (nreverse possibly-applicable-methods) types) definite-p))))) (defun sort-applicable-methods (precedence methods types) (sort-methods methods precedence (lambda (class1 class2 index) (let* ((class (type-class (nth index types))) (cpl (if (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (class-precedence-list class) (early-class-precedence-list class)))) (if (memq class2 (memq class1 cpl)) class1 class2))))) (defun sort-methods (methods precedence compare-classes-function) (flet ((sorter (method1 method2) (dolist (index precedence) (let* ((specl1 (nth index (if (listp method1) (early-method-specializers method1 t) (method-specializers method1)))) (specl2 (nth index (if (listp method2) (early-method-specializers method2 t) (method-specializers method2)))) (order (order-specializers specl1 specl2 index compare-classes-function))) (when order (return-from sorter (eq order specl1))))))) (stable-sort methods #'sorter))) (defun order-specializers (specl1 specl2 index compare-classes-function) (let ((type1 (if (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (specializer-type specl1) (!bootstrap-get-slot 'specializer specl1 '%type))) (type2 (if (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (specializer-type specl2) (!bootstrap-get-slot 'specializer specl2 '%type)))) (cond ((eq specl1 specl2) nil) ((atom type1) specl2) ((atom type2) specl1) (t (case (car type1) (class (case (car type2) (class (funcall compare-classes-function specl1 specl2 index)) (t specl2))) (prototype (case (car type2) (class (funcall compare-classes-function specl1 specl2 index)) (t specl2))) (class-eq (case (car type2) (eql specl2) ;; FIXME: This says that all CLASS-EQ ;; specializers are equally specific, which ;; is fair enough because only one CLASS-EQ ;; specializer can ever be appliable. If ;; ORDER-SPECIALIZERS should only ever be ;; called on specializers from applicable ;; methods, we could replace this with a BUG. (class-eq nil) (class type1))) (eql (case (car type2) ;; similarly. (eql nil) (t specl1)))))))) (defun map-all-orders (methods precedence function) (let ((choices nil)) (flet ((compare-classes-function (class1 class2 index) (declare (ignore index)) (let ((choice nil)) (dolist (c choices nil) (when (or (and (eq (first c) class1) (eq (second c) class2)) (and (eq (first c) class2) (eq (second c) class1))) (return (setq choice c)))) (unless choice (setq choice (if (class-might-precede-p class1 class2) (if (class-might-precede-p class2 class1) (list class1 class2 nil t) (list class1 class2 t)) (if (class-might-precede-p class2 class1) (list class2 class1 t) (let ((name1 (class-name class1)) (name2 (class-name class2))) (if (and name1 name2 (symbolp name1) (symbolp name2) (string< (symbol-name name1) (symbol-name name2))) (list class1 class2 t) (list class2 class1 t)))))) (push choice choices)) (car choice)))) (loop (funcall function (sort-methods methods precedence #'compare-classes-function)) (unless (dolist (c choices nil) (unless (third c) (rotatef (car c) (cadr c)) (return (setf (third c) t)))) (return nil)))))) ;;; CMUCL comment: used only in map-all-orders (defun class-might-precede-p (class1 class2) (if (not *in-precompute-effective-methods-p*) (not (member class1 (cdr (class-precedence-list class2)))) (class-can-precede-p class1 class2))) (defun compute-precedence (lambda-list nreq argument-precedence-order) (if (null argument-precedence-order) (let ((list nil)) (dotimes-fixnum (i nreq list) (push (- (1- nreq) i) list))) (mapcar (lambda (x) (position x lambda-list)) argument-precedence-order))) (defun cpl-or-nil (class) (if (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (progn ;; KLUDGE: why not use (slot-boundp class ;; 'class-precedence-list)? Well, unfortunately, CPL-OR-NIL is ;; used within COMPUTE-APPLICABLE-METHODS, including for ;; SLOT-BOUNDP-USING-CLASS... and the available mechanism for ;; breaking such nasty cycles in effective method computation ;; only works for readers and writers, not boundps. It might ;; not be too hard to make it work for BOUNDP accessors, but in ;; the meantime we use an extra slot for exactly the result of ;; the SLOT-BOUNDP that we want. (We cannot use ;; CLASS-FINALIZED-P, because in the process of class ;; finalization we need to use the CPL which has been computed ;; to cache effective methods for slot accessors.) -- CSR, ;; 2004-09-19. (when (cpl-available-p class) (return-from cpl-or-nil (class-precedence-list class))) ;; if we can finalize an unfinalized class, then do so (when (and (not (class-finalized-p class)) (not (class-has-a-forward-referenced-superclass-p class))) (finalize-inheritance class) (class-precedence-list class))) (early-class-precedence-list class))) (defun saut-and (specl type) (let ((applicable nil) (possibly-applicable t)) (dolist (type (cdr type)) (multiple-value-bind (appl poss-appl) (specializer-applicable-using-type-p specl type) (when appl (return (setq applicable t))) (unless poss-appl (return (setq possibly-applicable nil))))) (values applicable possibly-applicable))) (defun saut-not (specl type) (let ((ntype (cadr type))) (values nil (case (car ntype) (class (saut-not-class specl ntype)) (class-eq (saut-not-class-eq specl ntype)) (prototype (saut-not-prototype specl ntype)) (eql (saut-not-eql specl ntype)) (t (error "~S cannot handle the second argument ~S" 'specializer-applicable-using-type-p type)))))) (defun saut-not-class (specl ntype) (let* ((class (type-class specl)) (cpl (cpl-or-nil class))) (not (memq (cadr ntype) cpl)))) (defun saut-not-prototype (specl ntype) (let* ((class (case (car specl) (eql (class-of (cadr specl))) (class-eq (cadr specl)) (prototype (cadr specl)) (class (cadr specl)))) (cpl (cpl-or-nil class))) (not (memq (cadr ntype) cpl)))) (defun saut-not-class-eq (specl ntype) (let ((class (case (car specl) (eql (class-of (cadr specl))) (class-eq (cadr specl))))) (not (eq class (cadr ntype))))) (defun saut-not-eql (specl ntype) (case (car specl) (eql (not (eql (cadr specl) (cadr ntype)))) (t t))) (defun class-applicable-using-class-p (specl type) (let ((pred (memq specl (cpl-or-nil type)))) (values pred (or pred (if (not *in-precompute-effective-methods-p*) ;; classes might get common subclass (superclasses-compatible-p specl type) ;; worry only about existing classes (classes-have-common-subclass-p specl type)))))) (defun classes-have-common-subclass-p (class1 class2) (or (eq class1 class2) (let ((class1-subs (class-direct-subclasses class1))) (or (memq class2 class1-subs) (dolist (class1-sub class1-subs nil) (when (classes-have-common-subclass-p class1-sub class2) (return t))))))) (defun saut-class (specl type) (case (car specl) (class (class-applicable-using-class-p (cadr specl) (cadr type))) (t (values nil (let ((class (type-class specl))) (memq (cadr type) (cpl-or-nil class))))))) (defun saut-class-eq (specl type) (if (eq (car specl) 'eql) (values nil (eq (class-of (cadr specl)) (cadr type))) (let ((pred (case (car specl) (class-eq (eq (cadr specl) (cadr type))) (class (or (eq (cadr specl) (cadr type)) (memq (cadr specl) (cpl-or-nil (cadr type)))))))) (values pred pred)))) (defun saut-prototype (specl type) (declare (ignore specl type)) (values nil nil)) ; XXX original PCL comment: fix this someday (defun saut-eql (specl type) (let ((pred (case (car specl) (eql (eql (cadr specl) (cadr type))) (class-eq (eq (cadr specl) (class-of (cadr type)))) (class (memq (cadr specl) (let ((class (class-of (cadr type)))) (cpl-or-nil class))))))) (values pred pred))) (defun specializer-applicable-using-type-p (specl type) (setq specl (type-from-specializer specl)) (when (eq specl t) (return-from specializer-applicable-using-type-p (values t t))) ;; This is used by C-A-M-U-T and GENERATE-DISCRIMINATION-NET-INTERNAL, ;; and has only what they need. (if (or (atom type) (eq (car type) t)) (values nil t) (case (car type) (and (saut-and specl type)) (not (saut-not specl type)) (class (saut-class specl type)) (prototype (saut-prototype specl type)) (class-eq (saut-class-eq specl type)) (eql (saut-eql specl type)) (t (error "~S cannot handle the second argument ~S." 'specializer-applicable-using-type-p type))))) (defun map-all-classes (fun &optional (root t)) (let ((all-classes (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (braid-p (or (eq *boot-state* 'braid) (eq *boot-state* 'complete)))) (labels ((do-class (class) (unless (gethash class all-classes) (setf (gethash class all-classes) t) (funcall fun class) (mapc #'do-class (if braid-p (class-direct-subclasses class) (early-class-direct-subclasses class)))))) (do-class (if (symbolp root) (find-class root) root))) nil)) ;;; FIXME: Needs a lock. (defvar *effective-method-cache* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defun flush-effective-method-cache (generic-function) (dolist (method (generic-function-methods generic-function)) (remhash method *effective-method-cache*))) (defun get-secondary-dispatch-function (gf methods types &optional method-alist wrappers) (let ((generator (get-secondary-dispatch-function1 gf methods types (not (null method-alist)) (not (null wrappers)) (not (methods-contain-eql-specializer-p methods))))) (make-callable gf methods generator method-alist wrappers))) (defun get-secondary-dispatch-function1 (gf methods types method-alist-p wrappers-p &optional all-applicable-p (all-sorted-p t) function-p) (if (null methods) (if function-p (lambda (method-alist wrappers) (declare (ignore method-alist wrappers)) #'(lambda (&rest args) (apply #'no-applicable-method gf args))) (lambda (method-alist wrappers) (declare (ignore method-alist wrappers)) (lambda (&rest args) (apply #'no-applicable-method gf args)))) (let* ((key (car methods)) (ht-value (or (gethash key *effective-method-cache*) (setf (gethash key *effective-method-cache*) (cons nil nil))))) (if (and (null (cdr methods)) all-applicable-p ; the most common case (null method-alist-p) wrappers-p (not function-p)) (or (car ht-value) (setf (car ht-value) (get-secondary-dispatch-function2 gf methods types method-alist-p wrappers-p all-applicable-p all-sorted-p function-p))) (let ((akey (list methods (if all-applicable-p 'all-applicable types) method-alist-p wrappers-p function-p))) (or (cdr (assoc akey (cdr ht-value) :test #'equal)) (let ((value (get-secondary-dispatch-function2 gf methods types method-alist-p wrappers-p all-applicable-p all-sorted-p function-p))) (push (cons akey value) (cdr ht-value)) value))))))) (defun get-secondary-dispatch-function2 (gf methods types method-alist-p wrappers-p all-applicable-p all-sorted-p function-p) (if (and all-applicable-p all-sorted-p (not function-p)) (if (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (let* ((combin (generic-function-method-combination gf)) (effective (compute-effective-method gf combin methods))) (make-effective-method-function1 gf effective method-alist-p wrappers-p)) (let ((effective (standard-compute-effective-method gf nil methods))) (make-effective-method-function1 gf effective method-alist-p wrappers-p))) (let ((net (generate-discrimination-net gf methods types all-sorted-p))) (compute-secondary-dispatch-function1 gf net function-p)))) (defun get-effective-method-function (gf methods &optional method-alist wrappers) (let ((generator (get-secondary-dispatch-function1 gf methods nil (not (null method-alist)) (not (null wrappers)) t))) (make-callable gf methods generator method-alist wrappers))) (defun get-effective-method-function1 (gf methods &optional (sorted-p t)) (get-secondary-dispatch-function1 gf methods nil nil nil t sorted-p)) (defun methods-contain-eql-specializer-p (methods) (and (eq *boot-state* 'complete) (dolist (method methods nil) (when (dolist (spec (method-specializers method) nil) (when (eql-specializer-p spec) (return t))) (return t))))) (defun update-dfun (generic-function &optional dfun cache info) (let ((early-p (early-gf-p generic-function))) (flet ((update () ;; Save DFUN-STATE, so that COMPUTE-DISCRIMINATING-FUNCTION can ;; access it, and so that it's there for eg. future cache updates. (set-dfun generic-function dfun cache info) (let ((dfun (if early-p (or dfun (make-initial-dfun generic-function)) (compute-discriminating-function generic-function)))) (set-funcallable-instance-function generic-function dfun) (let ((gf-name (if early-p (!early-gf-name generic-function) (generic-function-name generic-function)))) (set-fun-name generic-function gf-name) dfun)))) ;; This needs to be atomic per generic function, consider: ;; 1. T1 sets dfun-state to S1 and computes discr. fun using S1 ;; 2. T2 sets dfun-state to S2 and computes discr. fun using S2 ;; 3. T2 sets fin ;; 4. T1 sets fin ;; Oops: now dfun-state and fin don't match! Since just calling ;; a generic can cause the dispatch function to be updated we ;; need a lock here. ;; ;; We need to accept recursion, because PCL is nasty and twisty. ;; ;; KLUDGE: We need to disable interrupts as long as ;; WITH-FOO-LOCK is interrupt unsafe. Once they are interrupt ;; safe we can allow interrupts here. (But if someone some day ;; manages to get rid of the need for a recursive lock here we ;; _will_ need without-interrupts once again.) ;; ;; FIXME: When our mutexes are smart about the need to wake up ;; sleepers we can put a mutex here instead -- but in the meantime ;; we use a spinlock to avoid a syscall for every dfun update. ;; ;; KLUDGE: No need to lock during bootstrap. (if early-p (update) (sb-sys:without-interrupts (sb-thread::with-recursive-spinlock ((gf-lock generic-function)) (update))))))) (defvar *dfun-count* nil) (defvar *dfun-list* nil) (defvar *minimum-cache-size-to-list*) ;;; These functions aren't used in SBCL, or documented anywhere that ;;; I'm aware of, but they look like they might be useful for ;;; debugging or performance tweaking or something, so I've just ;;; commented them out instead of deleting them. -- WHN 2001-03-28 #| (defun list-dfun (gf) (let* ((sym (type-of (gf-dfun-info gf))) (a (assq sym *dfun-list*))) (unless a (push (setq a (list sym)) *dfun-list*)) (push (generic-function-name gf) (cdr a)))) (defun list-all-dfuns () (setq *dfun-list* nil) (map-all-generic-functions #'list-dfun) *dfun-list*) (defun list-large-cache (gf) (let* ((sym (type-of (gf-dfun-info gf))) (cache (gf-dfun-cache gf))) (when cache (let ((size (cache-size cache))) (when (>= size *minimum-cache-size-to-list*) (let ((a (assoc size *dfun-list*))) (unless a (push (setq a (list size)) *dfun-list*)) (push (let ((name (generic-function-name gf))) (if (eq sym 'caching) name (list name sym))) (cdr a)))))))) (defun list-large-caches (&optional (*minimum-cache-size-to-list* 130)) (setq *dfun-list* nil) (map-all-generic-functions #'list-large-cache) (setq *dfun-list* (sort *dfun-list* #'< :key #'car)) (mapc #'print *dfun-list*) (values)) (defun count-dfun (gf) (let* ((sym (type-of (gf-dfun-info gf))) (cache (gf-dfun-cache gf)) (a (assq sym *dfun-count*))) (unless a (push (setq a (list sym 0 nil)) *dfun-count*)) (incf (cadr a)) (when cache (let* ((size (cache-size cache)) (b (assoc size (third a)))) (unless b (push (setq b (cons size 0)) (third a))) (incf (cdr b)))))) (defun count-all-dfuns () (setq *dfun-count* (mapcar (lambda (type) (list type 0 nil)) '(ONE-CLASS TWO-CLASS DEFAULT-METHOD-ONLY ONE-INDEX N-N CHECKING CACHING DISPATCH))) (map-all-generic-functions #'count-dfun) (mapc (lambda (type+count+sizes) (setf (third type+count+sizes) (sort (third type+count+sizes) #'< :key #'car))) *dfun-count*) (mapc (lambda (type+count+sizes) (format t "~&There are ~W dfuns of type ~S." (cadr type+count+sizes) (car type+count+sizes)) (format t "~% ~S~%" (caddr type+count+sizes))) *dfun-count*) (values)) |# (defun gfs-of-type (type) (unless (consp type) (setq type (list type))) (let ((gf-list nil)) (map-all-generic-functions (lambda (gf) (when (memq (type-of (gf-dfun-info gf)) type) (push gf gf-list)))) gf-list))